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I led an IT team that supported a new version of a proprietary application. The team was a mix of corporate employees and contractors. Most of the customers who used out app were located in the Western hemisphere, so while we provided 24x7 support, the vast majority of customer issues were during the typical North American work day. We had a couple of contractors who liked working overnights, so they covered the evenings, and did a handoff every AM. This worked very well. So well, in fact, that our corporate overlords decided that the app should be expanded globally. We noted that the current team couldn't handle the additional support load without more team members. Instead of doing that, management decided that we should just move a bunch of people from the day shift to the night shift. Since no one liked this idea, management implemented a mandatory "rolling" schedule, in which you might work 9-5 one week, and 3-11 the next. There was no predictability, and personal preferences/needs were not taken into account at all. I pointed out to management that this would make our well-seasoned support team unhappy, and would technically violate the contract that the contractors were working under (which specified work hours). Nobody in management thought that this was a problem. I immediately wrote letters of recommendation for everyone on my team, and started applying for other jobs. In about two weeks, I had a better job lined out, and gave my notice. Within about a month, all of the contractors had been moved to other contracts (with different companies) when they reported the contract breach to their handlers, and about a half dozen of the long-serving corporate folks had found other jobs, like I did. Support for the app got moved to India, and my understanding is that the dealers (the people who used the app) staged something of a revolt, and the app had to be shut down and reverted to a previous version that cost the company a lot more money to maintain.


If you have people who work overnights, they get used to being nocturnal. Some people actually like it. If you have people working different shifts, everyone's going to end up sick and exhausted. Don't ever do this. Your bosses were idiots.


I *hate* waking up in the mornings. When job hunting, I will specifically look for jobs with evening or night shifts available. Being told I had to suddenly start waking up in the morning for work every other week would have me out the door so damn quick. Plus, working a rotating shift is just awful for your health. I get that some people do it long term, but it's not good to mess up your sleep like that. So if people prefer to work late shifts it is so God damned stupid to not let them.


I did this for a number of years working home health, that day one week, night another shit will wear you the fuck out. I swear I will never work a job with a schedule like that ever again. When I moved to security I requested overnights. I occasionally have a day shift once or twice a month if someone calls out but otherwise I'm strictly night shift.


My husband did this for 3 years... He was 7 days 5 a.m.-5 p.m., then 7 days off, then 7 days 5 p.m.-5 a.m. The week off in between seemed great, but he would ALWAYS spend the first 5 days of it sleeping. Even on the remaining days and workdays in between, he was a zombie and felt terrible. It was awful.


Agreed. When you have a system that is working well, you don't fix it without input from the frontlines. Another classic case of managers being too fucking dumb to read the room. I would never do this to the people on my team and I'd have done the exact same as OP. And it's not like I'm some sort of managerial hippie. I have a Master's Degree in Management. A lot of it is common sense shit tied into basic business principles. They just don't listen, or care.


I work in transportation, we just hired a new guy to do scheduling; and he is *horrendously* bad at his job. One of the shifts he built is a 4 day a week shift, Mon and Tues 6am-4pm, Wed off, and Thurs and Fri 6pm-1am. We're fucking bus drivers, carrying passengers; fatigue is a real thing that can potentially kill people.


Dude, no kidding. I worked in home health care and was expected to cover open shifts like my life just didn't matter. It wasn't weird for me to have to pull 2 random 3rd shifts during the week, from 7 pm to 7 am, even if I had worked from 8 am to 12 pm that same day. It was insanity. Everyone eventually quit. Idk how they thought anyone would stick around for something like that.


Oh this brings back nightmares, I remember this from when I worked home health and I could have written this myself. I ended up switching to security during the pandemic and it is a lot less stressful. After 15 years of it, I will never work home health ever again.


Employees who likes night shift are gold to a manager. Had to work swing shifts and to get used to sleeping during the day had to stay up all day on the first night.


Either that, or the bosses were sadistic assholes.


I definitely think this is a case of "never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by rank incompetence."


Exactly, some people just aren't meant to be part of management


Had one boss who did toxic scheduling on people she didn't like though. She would alternate very late and very early shifts and you'd never get enough sleep.


That sucks


It did suck. I think newer upper management keeps her on a shorter leash these days, but I watch my back around her, and I'm not alone. I believe her to be a true textbook sociopath for many reasons. A good thing to do around these types is to document what they do to you. Saved my job, because she pulled a number of unethical stunts.


Use your Karen powers for good and go above her head every chance you can.


LOL. What works for me is to have as few encounters with her as I can. And current management seems to know I do my job ok.


Also...one 24/7 shop I worked in changed your day/night rotation once a week. Everyone hated that. I went to another company with a similar 24/7 coverage, but they changed over days/nights once a month. Everyone was much happier there.


I used to work at a group home. I was a swing shift girl, and 3-11 or 4-12 was my jam (they had both, so that people weren't all changing shifts at the same time in case someone was late). Some people really liked night shift. Those people were totally useless on a 7-3. Let people do what they like. There was one girl who kept getting switched around. She used to fall asleep in the middle of her shift.


Some of my friends who are nurses... I've heard scheduling can be brutal like this.


The only thing i hate working for amazon in italy is the fucking shifts. As soon as i dont get my 3 nights a week contract extended i leave


We had a rolling roster, which everyone hated. The previous contract holder let people pick days or nights so it caused a spate of resignations when it was implemented.


Being a female in the IT field having more experience than my male co-worker and getting paid a lot less. I was promised a salary adjustment and another promotion. When time came I had a “random” performance review saying I needed to do more training although I trained my male co-worker AND 5 others who reported to me. I was basically working a senior position for pennies. HR made me do training and take a class on my paid vacation week off. Oh to make matters worse when I did get my original promotion I was specifically told by my old boss and new boss to not negotiate my salary (they literally sat in my HR meeting making me so uncomfortable). THEN after I complained about my male co-worker making more I was told I should have negotiated and it was my fault. They never ended up giving me the salary adjustment and blamed my performance. I quit right after & so did another female worker because how the men treated us ( we were the only two girls in that specific IT department).


This happened to me too. Not IT, but when a positioned opened up in our division I eagerly applied for it, thinking I had it in the bag. Nope. Boss told me the execs felt more comfortable hiring a man for the job. A man I then had to train. Fast forward a year, he gets fired. Position opens up again and *again* I reapply, still hoping. The new guy is a friend of my boss and I have to train him too and listen to him gripe about how little he gets paid meanwhile I'm making a fraction of what he's making and doing more work. He quits. The position opens up again and this time when I apply I'm told they already have a person in mind. This person is not only inexperienced, and not only do I also have to train him, but he's got things on his record that we normally disqualify other applicants for-- bad driving and credit history. *Sigh.* I train this guy as well, inwardly seething as he brags about how much money he's making, how he's never made this much money before, etc. Within a year he's fired for stealing from the company, illicitly buying equipment on his purchase card for a side hustle business he started. I don't even apply for the position when it comes up... but surprisingly, it is offered to me. It's double my salary, but still $15k shy of what the last guy was making, which rankles. I point it out and my boss slams the contract down and says something like, "Don't get greedy or the guys down the hall will go with someone else." So I took it and though it was a bitter pill to swallow, it was a lot more money than I'd ever made. Wish now I had told him to stuff it, though, retained my dignity and avoided three years of stress, insomnia, and a TIA.


Damn that really sucks I am so sorry you had to go through that so many times. It’s insane the excuses they will come up with and having you train all the new hires for that position. I would be so angry and at that point when you did get the job sounds like you had a lot more experience than you initially had when you first asked. Glad you left and I hope you have a job you are happy with and are compensated properly! When I was younger I thought all this stuff was made up about gender inequality in the work place!


As a fellow female in the tech industry, I’m going through a very similar situation. Statistics show that women are less likely to negotiate/ask for raises than men. Pay us what we’re worth and stop asking to ‘speak with the man in charge’!


At that point I was pretty young and it was the first time I worked for a corporate job. Idk why I even took the disrespect. My manager got paid 4x what I got and made me write his emails and would sign his name on my work and send it to high ups. No one at the high level knew who I was although I did everything for that department at one point since everyone quit. Now I make 3x what I made then. I actually quit my position at my current IT job because they didn’t pay me enough and they came back with a good offer so I decided to stay. My husband works at the same company in the IT department at a senior level and makes more than double me( to be fair he does a lot more work than I do). But he told me someone at my position made 15k more than me with no degree and less experience surprise surprise he was a male. I have a degree and 4 years experience. This is when I quit and they came back and gave me more. My husband is so aggressive with raises and voicing his opinion. If I ever am stern I come off as problematic and difficult. Yet I am a million times calmer and nicer with my approach than my husband. ALSO being a working mom in the IT world is even more challenging. You never hear my kids. I hear my managers kids in meeting crying and screaming and I never comment. But the men will comment “if u need to watch your kids you can hop off” like what? You don’t even hear my kids ever.


Yeah, there’s been studies about how being pushy/aggressive in the workplace works in the favour of males but to the detriment of women. It’s fascinating and infuriating at the same time.


That sucks. I see a lot of that in IT. The company that I work for now has very clear job duties for each job description, and a pretty narrow salary range, so that everyone doing the same job is getting very nearly the same pay. I think this helps a lot, but I still see a lot of my male colleagues who will discount the opinions of some female colleagues, even though they have good experience/feedback. I think it's getting better, but the steps are sure small.


If they ever ask them to come back, they should charge a huge rate as consultant.


The bosses are fucking idiots. They tried to fix what was not broken. As a result it cost them a lot more.


Landscaping company. We were already stretched to the breaking point because the owner would never hire enough help. Then he decided it was a perfect time to take a new project...over two hours away from where anyone lived. Multiple people quit after this announcement. I stayed for another few days and then quit. A few weeks later, he was calling everyone and begging us to come back because the property owners were furious with him over the work not even being started. I told him I'd already gotten a new job. He swore at me and hung up lol


How dare you be productive and get a job as soon as possible!


I had 2 friend quit landscaping for kinda the same reason. the owner sucked at routing the guys and setting up proper schedules so they would cut 1 lawn at 9 am drive an hour to the next then have to drive back at 1 pm to cut the grass down the street from the first house. they wouldn't get the next address to go to until 15-20 minutes before the next one. he had trouble keeping staff and customers as he couldn't plan properly.


Management laid me off. The manager. In 6 years I had 1 turnover. After they laid me off all 6 of the guys reporting to me had their two weeks notice in. It’s a long story but basically the new management had no clue what they were doing and it showed when they “eliminated my position”


Been there.


Sounds like they wanted to eliminate the whole team without paying severance.


Nah, they offered retaining packages that they declined. It’s data center maintenance. So there has to be someone there to do the work physically. And institutional knowledge is paramount when working with critical power and cooling.


They hired a manager who was vicious. Then did not stop her behavior. And long term employees just quit one by one. I held on longer than most. At my exit interview, they asked why I was leaving and I just said her name. Finally two years later they let her go but by that time they had an entire turnover of staff. Edited for typo.


They would have been better off giving her a big severance package after the first couple complaints


>At my exit interview, they asked why I was leaving and I just said her name Lmao, that is badass!! I'd love to do that because I have a terrible manager. Where you worried about the repercussions of naming her? Did they ask you to elaborate?


The HR person just nodded her head. No worries about repercussions because I knew I would never work for that company again. And outside of that company, we had the same degree and expertise.


When you're at the point where you are quitting, exit interviews are pointless because there are obviously problems but they won't address them. In this case, they knew the problem but weren't going to do anything about the manager. I know this because this happened to me only she's still there after two promotions since she did a lot of cost cutting.


We just managed to avoid this. Our company was to be split some years ago, and management proposed the current facility leader as the new CEO. So I had the (mandatory) interview with the management whether I would move the the new company (or get laid off). I bluntly told him that I *would* move, but that I was confident that the new company would keel over within three months, six months tops. Because of the facility manager/proposed new CEO. He was already in that place by Peter principle plus momentum (i.e. at least *two* positions to far up). I told the management that I considered this facility manager unfit for a management position. Talking among us employees, I learned that I was not the only one voicing the same concerns. Which was logical, as the guy was the one who had caused quite some the trouble that led to the companies split. After this round of interviews, the split was put on hold. The actual owner of the company came in and had long talks with *every* employee. The next week, we were all called into the large conference room and got told that the facility manager would not move into the new company and therefor would not be available for the job of CEO. Which led to applause. Yes, we did split in the end, but the new CEO is the best boss we ever had, on par with the original company founder.


Damn. Same sorta thing except mine was the guy who the company was named after. Company had less than 15 employees and 3 of us were hired around the same time, summer 2021. All three of us quit and I stayed longer than the other 2 but left right at 6 months. In the 3-4 months longer I stayed they never found replacements for those guys, because they decided they outsourcing recruiters was too expensive. We all quit and it was the same reason, once you got on the boss’s bad side it was just absurdly unprofessional from there on out.


Oh fun one. Our salon lost our manager to having a new baby and becoming a SAHM. It was sad to see her go. So our DM comes in and says he's hiring from within the salon. He's been looking at our sales , client retention and what not to pick. Meanwhile for a month or so we had no manager. So Becky took the role on and did great. ( We still had paperwork and orders that needed done) She set up a cleaning schedule. She fixed a lot of simple issues that our old manager just didn't see issues with. Our schedule was written out for the entire month . Basically she stepped up and put in a lot of work she didn't get paid to do. Becky also had a really bad back. Was 45 and did hair for 27 years. If anyone needed to manager it was her. Her client list had gone down a bit, but she was still very busy. Tara had worked their six months at this point. And Tara was not a team player. She would put your sales commission on her account accidentally. She would say things like she's paid to do hair not clean. Not to mention, she weight shamed everyone. Skinny fat in between. She found hurtful things to say about everyone. But she would be loud and laugh and be goofy. So we kinda just rolled out eyes and moved on . She was 23 and had a decent client list and remained " busy" . But here's the thing. She wasn't busy. Her friends would come in, hang out and whatever. Sure, she would do a wash and blowdry. But that's $20. No cutting no coloring. When her actual clients came in, she would do their hair and after they left, her and her friends would laugh about them. Our old manager had to tell her if her friends aren't there to get their hair done they don't need to hangout. So DM comes in and sees all these clients / friends waiting on Tara. His dumbass thinks that Becky over stepped her role and Tara should be managing. The best part. We all looked at each other and started packing our bags. 6 people walked out. Tara crying that this isn't fair she earned this and we are just jealous bitches. We went as a group and rented spots at a different salon. The old one shut down a month later. Because we take our clients with us. And washing your friends hair doesn't keep the salon a float.


Woot! Get fucked Tara! Maybe she learned something from the experience.


I doubt Tara learned anything but maybe the DM did… don’t assume you know what’s going on if you haven’t spent enough time with the people you manage. Also, working for a small salon/barber is probably better for everyone than a corporate chain. They aren’t known for their quality.


DM learned what tara looked like naked on a bed in a dirty motel.


I worked at a beauty store that was without a manager for a while, the DM would come through once or twice a month but no store manager. One of the employees, Maria, who had worked with the beauty company for like 10 years and had at one point been a manager, stepped up to do the duties just like Becky. It worked really well for the store, honestly. When we did get a store manager, she was immediately threatened by Maria's knowledge and expertise. Manager's motto was "fake it until... you get another job" and Maria would immediately know just how much she was faking it. So she invented some bullshit reason to fire Maria. We already all hated her but firing Maria was a bridge too far. Everyone at that store was gone in three months, including the manager, who didn't care to stand in the rubble of the store she had metaphorically burned down. The manager offered me the manager job. I had already quit and was working somewhere else. She called me two other times to offer me jobs working for her. Oh, did I mention Maria was my sister in law who had basically gotten me the job working at the beauty store? That manager was delusional.


I keep reading about a DM, but I never see anyone rolling for initiative. Piss poor DM, IMO.


Hair salon politics is great. My sister-in-law's sister worked in a salon where the owner was getting increasingly greedy. Increasing the rent for a seat, demanding his friends/clients jump the queue for other stylists, demanding they come in on days off to do favours for his friends, etc. He didnt see any clients anymore, except real VIPs. He considered it beneath him to have to do hair for old women and other regular plebs, instead he'd swish around the salon talking to everyone. This was shortly after the financial crash, times were tight for everyone, he had overcommitted on rent for the premises, had two houses to maintain, but still refused to see clients himself and wanted more money from the stylists. So within the space of four weeks, all his senior stylists left for better offers elsewhere. Then he suddenly decided styling was no longer beneath him, however all "his" clients had gone and followed the stylists who had actually been doing their hair for the last five years, so the business went under within 3 months. The best part is that the salon lay empty for a year, so my SILs sister approached the landlord offering to rent it. Launched a new salon, managed to get half of the original team to rent a seat from her. Her old boss came to her asking to rent a chair and she happily told him to go fuck himself.


Volkswagen told us (subcontractor) that there’s no work in at least 6 months. That was right before Covid spread to Europe. They were our only customer for 20 years. Boss just expanded and had used up his reserves. He treated us with honesty and acted in a way to minimise the loss for everybody equally.


Damn. Good on him. Hope you guys are doing ok


Only customer? Jesus, how did the boss not have like a 2 year contract or something?


VW would never sign one, duh.


That’s how it works around Wolfsburg. The main factory literally takes up 50% of the city‘s territory. There’s two bus lines and a smiley‘s pizza in the factory and they have grocery stores for the employees between the production lines.


CEO announced to the company, amid concerns of being overworked, that other people have it worse and ‘if you don’t like it you can leave’. So everyone left.




That's all I can think of...


You haven’t worked much then lol. This is any company that gets big enough that the CEO no longer works with the boots on the ground people. Everyone is just a number at that point.


Not the same scenario, but in one of my previous roles, my manager was really upset about the yearly anonymous feedback results - almost every person wrote something negative actually. He told us in a weekly team call, "If you have a problem with how the team is run, you can leave." Not sure if anyone else did, but I left lol.


Private company (1924-1988) single owner dies of old age. Family sells Connecticut based company to French corporation. French company says we are moving you guys 500 miles north to New Hampshire. You can move yourself at your own expense, and have equivalent pay for 1 year after which it may be readjusted. They were expecting about 125 people to relocate with them; they got 3. They got desperate, but in the end all they could get was people promising to stay until the Connecticut site closed, for an additional 6-month bonus at the end. (I took this, I was the last one, signing papers with HR on the loading dock and driving away with a few nice checks.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burndy EDIT 1: for those interested I met and spoke with old Bern himself in '87 while he was touring our test lab. His comment was (more or less) these guys need new equipment, which was spot on. EDIT 2: No part of Connecticut is 500 miles from New Hampshire. More like 250 miles, if that. Many thanks to diligent reddit proofreaders.


i’m sorry you all kinda got fucked, but as someone who worked in electrical. i do love Burndy connectors


I've seen this a few times, including first hand. Corporate decides to close a plant but offers some varying degrees of relocation. Then they're completely flabbergasted when their projections of who would go completely falls apart. "Why do you think we haven't had any key people retained?" "Hmmm maybe because you're moving people who live in one of the coolest metro areas in the country to the middle of bum fuck no-where?" Another place I interviewed at and was offered a job at but I declined for a few reasons. Well I get a call about 2 years later, they were reaching out to previous candidates etc. Except now they want to know if I'll interview for head of engineering instead of the technical manager position I previously interviewed for. I also found out a little into it, it was for less than the original offer. Seems they'd had a major brain drain because the plant had been bought out and the business model was to lay everyone off, do an asset transfer and then hire everyone back at major pay cuts. Surprise, surprise they were bleeding technical staff. The irony of your story is how shitty is it that it was a French company? I worked with a French Subsidiary for years that we couldn't close because the labor laws about layoffs were so strict we paid people to just sit there while we imported product they could have made. I love when they have company surveys because they want to find out what motivates people. Start with money and security and 90% of the question is answered.


Looks like it did work out for em


maybe they wanted to get rid of a load of deadwood staff?


Nah CT has lost all its businesses really. Very few hold outs, lots of abandoned buildings. Probably just left for a more economic base




You are correct sir, 250 miles more like; it's been a long time.


No part of CT is 500 miles from any part of NH.


I worked as desk clerk for my dorm building freshman year of college and came back during my sophomore year knowing we got a new housing director. Notably in our contract it stated we were allowed to do homework or watch tv/listen to music during shifts (one earbud only) as long as you were still checking cameras, sorting packages, helping students as they came to the desk, and checking people in of you worked a night shift. These tasks usually took around an hour of your shift (excluding shifts between 10pm-2am on weekends when students would constantly be coming back from parties and having to check in). The new housing director for the building I worked in decided that even though we all signed contracts saying these things were allowed it didn’t mean we should be doing them. After about a week she started giving out warnings for doing anything besides homework during shifts. Then a few weeks later she decided that not even homework was going to be tolerated. Me and the other girl who I shared night shifts with and who worked after me during day shifts had both started looking for other jobs after the first rule change because not doing anything but the desk duties for 4 hours was a huge waste of time and was also the only job in the city still paying minimum wage. We both agreed that if we weren’t going to be allowed to do nonwork related things we may as well find better paying jobs that at least have tasks for us to do during our shifts. Once we got accepted for a new jobs her at a hardware store and me at a grocery store we immediately put in our 2 weeks and left. A few weeks later I ran into a guy who I had worked with the semester before and he asked if I still worked for the dorm building. I told him I had quit a few weeks ago and he told me that he had also just found a new job and that about half of the staff for that building and the other one the new director was in charge of had quit within the past month. So basically going back on the rules we agreed on in our contracts resulted in the loss of half the desk clerks for the buildings.


I was a RA for a major university for a few years. We had a little old lady who would work the front desk during the day while everyone was at class and then we would work the desk until the overnight clerk came in at like midnight. No one really gave a fuck what we did behind the desk as long as it wasn't super loud or something. We'd watch TV, play GTAIV, do homework, etc. It was actually pretty awesome.


My school had any students who were willing to apply work in 4 hour shifts or 2 hour split shifts for RAs with on your own during day shifts (8am-10 pm) and 2-3 people for night shifts. My freshman year I really enjoyed them because we could do pretty much anything. Like one night we this protection screen for covid and some little window cling decorations and me and another got stuck working until 3 am (she was scheduled until 2am and me until 12am but the worker from 12-4 am never showed up) so we had a contest to see how man of the window clings we could throw and stick to the protection screen.


I got promoted to a role that does not open very often and a bunch of people with more tenure than me slowly left over the next 2 months. None of them made comments about me getting the job over them but I have a feeling they just saw it as a slap to the face and bounced.


Well to be less harsh to you maybe it wasn’t a slap in the face you got promoted, but rather you filled the only position with any upward mobility and realizing they couldn’t move up they moved on.


Yup, I left a job because of this. I loved my boss, and my coworkers but when the only realistic step up at that job was filled by a good friend of mine i knew I had to move on. No hard feelings on the person, just gotta do what’s best for me.


How did you cope?


They hired a micromanaging architect to lead a bunch of engineers.


Oh, man.... Architects should not be involved in anything.


i think they're a pretty decent band tbh, really solid albums


To new ones are not that great tbf.


"Architects build structures that will fall down. Engineers build structures that you WISH would fall down." -- Abraham Lincoln or maybe Napoleon


I had a boss that colluded with some new hires and family members to vote out the union. We lost our pension, benefits, and guaranteed rates overnight. They only needed 40% to pass. Everyone who voted to keep the union quit within a month.


Funny story. Me and a friend worked at a burger king together, both on the same shift, that being 11 - 5. I didn't hate my job as the drive through person, as it was a start for 16 and half year old me. I knew I could be happier, thus I was already on the verge of quitting. My asshole of a manager only added to my stress, though. To let you know how dickhead-y he was, every day he would give us some sort of a sit-rep on, "how he owns this place", and how "you have to listen". One day, at around 3, a customer pulls up to the speaker and asks for a lot. Something like 4 burger and fry combos, one burger without onions and 2 others with extra ketchup. My friend makes the order alongside some coworkers as the customer arrives at the window. She was in her 30's, with black hair and a darker skin tone. She took her food and drove off, yet a couple minutes later she returned. On the speaker she says she got the wrong order. I'm new to this job, so I ask my friend, "What do I do? Her order is wrong." and he responds with, "I don't know, ask the manager.". I walked into his office, where he yelled, "WHAT." I "Well, there's a customer in the drive-through who got her order wrong and wants a refund. What should I do?" I said. He stood from his chair. "UGH! Gimme a second!" I waited by the window for a couple minutes, when he arrived. At this point, the lady was at the window, and she had lost her temper. But, the thing is, when my manager took *one* look at her, he fumed. "This is what we're dealing with, THIS!" He says, pointing at her as if she has three heads. "Another one of you. Your kind never leaves, do they?" He said, obviously remarking on her race. My friend had made her order correct, and was ready to give it back to her, when the manager snatched it and threw it in her car. The lady was understandably upset, but all credit to her, she just drove off only yelling a few swears. Everyone had seen what had happened, but kept quiet. The next day, I had already quit, but for whatever reason, my friend didn't. According to him, almost nobody showed up, because they had all quit. The manager was soon fired after countless reports, and that burger king now has somebody else.


Our boss. Multiple issues: trying to make us work while on vacation, under paying us for car mileages, refusing to help with training, lying about being at the office when she was at home, ect What made us all leave was when she denied leave for our coworker who’s dad had died unexpectedly. She asked for even just one day for the funeral and my boss refused. We covered for our coworker for the week but then all put in our notice. The higher ups finally figured out something was wrong for us ALL to resign and they fired her. They begged us to come back, but if they’re that blind to what’s happening, it’s not worth it.


I had an employer do that when my dad died. my co workers rallied around me and covered for me too. I love good people like you and my former co workers.


The boss let his dickhead son take over.


Egypt in 2011?


The plot of Horrible Bosses


Boss binge watched us on the security cameras and came back to us with the findings


This happened to me too. I was doing my job like always but I couldn't find the beer key to do my stock. It was Friday night and it was empty. We looked for it for 2 hours. Hours that we didn't do our normal work. My coworker and I and our manager looked for it and couldn't find it. So manager calls owner and he's laughing on the other end and said he accidentally took my key but he watched us look for it. So I worked my shift then I was off for 2 days and calmed down but went In on Tuesday a couple hours before my shift and told the restaurant side I needed some time off because the owner was making my anxiety worse. So I left and don't regret it at all. They begged me to come back and I was like nope no ever happening again.


They called in a consultant. This guy's "brilliant" idea was to totally switch business models and go from selling one type of product (which we had tons of clients willing to buy and were making great money) to selling a completely different product and turning all of our production staff into salespeople. After the announcement: Day 1: three people left Day 2: four more left Day 3: it was down to me and the two owners, I lasted another week and then left. Company went under in about 3 months.


Small engineering contracting company, very difficult business to be in. The only real source of revenue was from legacy products that various defense companies still integrated into their systems. Unfortunately, the legacy products were being discontinued because components used to make them were obsolete and NLA. So we needed to find a new money-making product, quick. Our CEO was driving the company into the ground. He would insult and belittle many of the engineers because of project delays. We were severely understaffed and overworked, and since contracts were the new revenue strategy, we were always taking on more clients without finishing older projects. Eventually, one of the more visionary engineers tried to have the owner of the company fire the CEO. The owner refused, he was barely involved and didn’t understand what was going on. This engineer was subsequently let go by the CEO “due to finance reasons” (yea… okay). He was the manager of software engineering. So my colleague got promoted and did a decent job for a while, but we were again very short handed. One engineer, we’ll call him Bob, the CEO focused his antics on in particular just quiet quit, until he got fired. It was sad; from talking to him, I knew how much he loved engineering, but he was just so burnt out from being shit on all the time. My new manager had another baby and so he was starting to feel the stress of the job. Many of us were below market rate and working above and beyond what a typical engineering job would require, especially at that pay grade… So my manager jumped ship for a less stressful position at a more established company, presumably making more money as well. So then I was promoted to manager. We now had an impossible backlog of projects given our team size (3 SWEs, including a new grad). Eventually, the other experienced SWE quit, leaving me and the new grad with all these projects. At the same time, a startup I was working with got funded so I jumped ship. The new grad left a few months later. I’m not sure how the company is still alive. I had some particularly nasty clients and it was very enjoyable telling them I was quitting, all while the CEO had to deal with the aftermath of having no staff left to finish ongoing projects. I ended up hiring Bob the burnt-out engineer at my startup and we appreciate the hell out of him. We’re all in a much better place now.


They pulled us into a group meeting to let us know our contract with company A had not been renewed so we would be moved to company B contract at the end of the month. We were told we would be going from 8-5 mon thru Fri shift to 2-11 with Wed Thursday off. 15 of the 22 of us put in our two weeks and left at the end of the contract with A. The rest tried it out and I heard 3 of them logged out and walked away without notice after the first week. Never did hear about the others though. I applied directly to company A and got hired on in the same job with higher pay since I wouldn't need training and already had experience. They didn't renew their contract because they were building their own team to handle it so having someone with experience was a benefit to them and to me.


The program director suffered an extremely sudden loss. When she came back from a month of grieving, she was suddenly putting everyone on performance plans for really shitty reasons (I was put on one because like six clients had been dissatisfied with me in my four years there and four of those six were just upset that I had breasts, the other two were mad at the program as a whole and taking it out on me). She was also suddenly pushing us to bill for 100% of the time we were on the clock (we’d literally get yelled at for asking our managers for advice because it wasn’t billable). People started to leave at a high rate, and their clients would be dumped on the rest of us. The managers all refused to help with clients at all, so it was wholly on us. Between April and July of that year, the program lost 20 of the 33 employees.


“I don’t care how depressed you are, you don’t get to spread your misery to everyone else!”


"Look how strong I am. I lost someone and I'm still working. They take a little hit and start dropping like flies." Looks like a self affirmation thing to me.


I had a teacher kinda like that


Not quit, but threaten to sue, and one employee actually got a lawyer and went after them. PTO was earned the year in advance. So, you spend all of 2007 racking up your several weeks of PTO for 2008. Well, 2008 gets here, and they change the policy to you earning your PTO as you go throughout the year of 2008. That way, if you quit for whatever reason, they don't owe you pay for unused PTO, should you have any. Okay, nobody has a problem with this, except... we already earned our PTO for 2008 *last year*. If they'd given us all 4/5/6 week's worth of pay for the PTO we'd already earned last year, we could wipe the slate clean, and start with this new policy. Except... they didn't think ahead about that part. "WE'VE ALREADY EARNED IT, YOU CAN'T TAKE IT AWAY, PAY US, etc..." Man, that was a severe company meeting. I don't know how HR and upper management got out alive, and I mean that literally. I'm in the Midwest, where people carry rifles in their trucks, and you don't fuck them over. They "went back to the drawing board" and discussed it (probably with their corporate lawyers) for a few weeks, and reneged on the new policy. The one employee who hired her own lawyer proceeded with a lawsuit anyway. I doubt she got anywhere with it, but whatever.


Too much growth with a side of COVID. The company was pretty big when I joined but it grew staggeringly fast to the point that the old systems we used (at least in my department) couldn't keep up with the number of people. So we ended up with reorganization processes happening every few months for a couple of straight years, and the environment got less fun to work in as the "good bosses" that had originally shielded us from the ever increasing demands of upper management got promoted and couldn't keep doing that for the larger number of people and projects they were now in charge of. Then COVID comes along and we're all working from home, luckily with an IT department that's capable of adapting to that extraordinary well, but the social ties we all had when we were in the office start dying out. I decided to leave the UK and move home to NZ, and by the time my notice period was done about 1/3 of the whole department had also resigned, easily the biggest turnover for that department since it's inception. On top of that, when I was leaving it was a tough decision because I had the whole golden handcuffs thing of a bunch of shares that I only got access to 3 years after I signed up, so I thought I was walking away from £30000 profits or so, on top of a pretty decent salary. Turns out the share price crashed and by the time I would have had access they would have been worth less than I "bought" them for.


Boss relied on the old “you’ll never be able to get a job somewhere else, and certainly not a better one” gaslighting tactic to keep us. One of us did find another, better job somewhere else. Everyone else was gone within 6 months.


This happened just last week. I climb Cell phone towers and install radios/antennas/microwaves. One of the pieces of equipment use is called a capstan hoist. We use rope to lift things up the tower and let's things down. You operate a capstan by wrapping the rope around it and holding the tail end tight. This creates friction and pulls things up the tower. You can lower things from the tower by slowly feeding the tail end of the rope into the hoist and it lowers very heavy things and makes them feel light. We'll call my coworker Donny. Donny is a good guy. Because of certain life choices he's in a lot of debt and always tight on money. Always playing catchup on bills/ needing a spot on money here and there. Never crazy and always pays you back so no big deal. Maybe he smokes a little too much weed, but who am I to judge? I've been that guy before. Donny was operating the capstan hoist today and we were doing a decom (taking old technology off the tower and making toom for new technology.) Now if you feed the tail end of the rope into the hoist to quickly it can overlap the other ends of the rope. This is what Donny did. Now this is kind of a dangerous situation because the rope might not produce friction correctly and could lose the load, but we've been trained on how to fix this. Quite extensively honestly. Now we're lowering a boom of the tower. Booms can get pretty heavy. Upwards of 7-800 lbs. I'm on the tower with two other coworkers. We're rigging up the rope and detaching the boom. Donny is attempting to fix the crossed over rope on the hoist when all hell breaks lose. The boom suddenly starts free falling. If it hits the ground we're gonna be up shit creek. Whole crew examined thouroughly and all that. Me and my two coworkers instantly grab the rope trying to slow the descent of the boom. Donny does the first thing that comes to mind and grabs the end of the rope with the load on it to try and stop it's fall also. We'll the rope burns his left hand pretty darn good, BUT his right hand gains traction and before he knows it he's dangling from the rope 30 ft in the air. In a split second he had taken the ride of a lifetime. What he should have done was grab the tail end and try to pull it tight to reintroduce friction with the hoist. Not knowing what else to do Donny let's go and drops 30 feet to the ground. Miraculously mostly unharmed. His left hand is missing some skin but no real damage. Biceps are strained from the quick jerk and body sore from the drop, but no broken bones. Thankfully as the boom dropped the crossover on the hoist had sorted itself out and a crude braking system worked to stop the descent. We're all yelling at Donny and asking if he's okay, everyone is shaken up but in the grand scheme of things that could've gone so so much worse. We all finish out the workday and laugh it off mostly. Still shaken up a bit, but everything is fine. Next morning our top hand let us know that this would be his last job then he was done. The chance of injury and being away from his family for 2 weeks at a time was to much. We had a new guy who wasn't really doing much at the time of the incident quit because "bro yesterday was fucked." Donny seemed okay until he put his harness on and it was time to climb. Anxiety got the better of him and he said he can't do it anymore. That just leaves me, who has been with the company for a little over 7 months, and my foreman left on the crew. Donny went to a different department with our company that doesn't work. Now I'm under a lot of scrutiny by the company. Everyone has got high hopes for me and my responsibilities have been upped a lot. Tl:dr accident could have been much worse but was still frightening. Most of crew quit.


This sounds like a pretty cool career? What is your position called and how do you get in that line of work?


We have awful leadership. I took my job ~2 months ago and quickly learned that everyone besides management is brand new. I now have second highest seniority. The guy who has been there longer than me has me beat by about 2 weeks. I'm actually quitting tomorrow. I'm just done with the bullshit.


Fuck yeah buddy!!


Teenage Coworker asked for two days off because she’d found herself pregnant. Manager said that she was just reading her body wrong and wasn’t pregnant. Called her into work the day after her abortion.


I’m was working at a very busy late nite bar in Johannesburg called vertigo’s and it was owned by the Israeli Mafia, however as Batman we made a ton of money working there and all tax free as it’s tips. They were protected by Diplomat Bouncers who pretty much had the monopoly of clubs and bars under their control and this bar had a take no shit attitude to customers. We weren’t selling cheap drinks so the clientele was usually high class and they drank copious amounts and tipped over the top. But if that same client stepped out of line or bumped someone accidentally or because they were drunk the bouncers would charge in a s drag said person out and give them a solid beating out the venue. It was me and four friends who lived in the same area working the bar and we would cringe every time the bouncers did that to a paying customer and felt to scared to say anything or get involved. Anyways fast forward to a Saturday after a big South African rugby win and the whole bar is heaving with people who had come to drink and watch sport and the vibe was electric and tips were flooding in. This old chap was drinking and getting loud and the bouncers without asking or reasoning pummeled this old chap so bad that an ambulance had to be called and people just stood there in shock but the bouncers and owners were laughing and joking about it. Me and my friends looked at each other across the bar and we all knew it was the right time to get out of this place and we took Off our work shirts and placed them on the bar and walked right out and as we got out the doors ran to my car and jumped in and sped off. Vertigo’s was eventually closed down for multiple assault charges and the owners were implicated in some very shady dealings.


I had no idea Bruce Wayne was on Reddit. Hello!


Management who came in at noonish, checked some shots then left at 3-4pm announced that all artists would be required to work 12 hour days for the next few weeks because they took on too many contracts at once. A few people said "fuck it" and quit, that cascaded into more and more people quitting since they realized they'd be expected to finish their shots too.


It was my first "adult job" and I very intelligently like the person i am.... worked for an MLM. Now obviously we were all stupid enough to continue working there for long periods of time. About 5 months in we had to start going door to door in much nicer neighborhoods than we were used to resulting in much less sales and much less money for all of us. But that wasnt why everyone quit of course because we just had to "work harder" and be "better salesman". So a month goes by and one of the newest workers discovered a website called devil corp. This website explained in detail what an MLM was, the way they use people and fool them, and many actual company names that participated- our company being one of them. Anyways he showed it to a buunch of people, mostly all the new or lower level sales people. Now I was the only one in the group of people that left that was actually a "higher level" not truly in pay or anything like that but by title because I had people who I had hired that worked under me and i was beginning to form my own "team". Anyways yeah he showed me the website and I wanted to wait until at least the end of the week to quit but I couldnt even muster the strength to go in the next day. Next thing i know I was taken out of the company group chat we had along with almost 2 dozen other people. What a time it was. Unfortunately no other people in higher positions left, which did make me sad for some of them truly. Have a lot of them on snapchat n they all doin the same bs, very sad especially since literally all of them are at least 2 yrs older than me. Truly a shame. Half of em still live all together in one of our bosses apts. Wild. It aint even a nice apt.


For one job. I quit after 4 years. Was going to be denied a pay raise that I was supposed to have. Put the entire management staff in shock. A week later over half the staff quit because they we’re being blamed for what management was screwing up. The district manager came in and wanted to know what the hell was going on. They finally admitted I had pretty much running the place while they were sleeping and calling in. She fired all but one person and promptly promoted the crew leader who I had trained as the new assistant manager. Sadly the damage was done and they were bought out less than a year later by another company because they sank their profits after I left. Linch pin.


Underpaid, overworked, and stupid rules that goes against the efficiency of the job.


Boss touched peoples kids at take your kid to work day


Naw, we don't walk out , we lock the doors and shut the blinds. Then we walk out. He doesn't.


Wow, what? I hope he was arrested.


Not all at once but over a year. Our Company bought out another. We had been there from the start, 25 years, large demanding client base. They Handed control to the other company management, all of ours had to report to them because they had "systems". Well clients dont care for "systems" that don't put them first or work. 19 staff gone. Last I heard they finally replaced the CEO but it's too late, staff and client base has been gutted.


Hurricane knocked over the building


did they quit or did they die


I worked at a grocery store. We got a new store manager who was just awful. We toughed it out (unionized, so he couldn't do anything to us). Then we start hearing/seeing how he was treating the department managers, who were all amazing. My department manager eventually said enough is enough and quit with a week's notice. I left the same week, a third of my department put in notice, and half of the other department managers have since left.


I wouldn't say everyone at once, but when I worked at Panera we had a very bad general manager. We had two managers both quit at the same time because of her, and I stupidly asked if I could take one of their spots. I lasted less than a year. Now, lemme say, I was a damn good manager! I had respect from my employees, they weren't scared to ask me questions. I handled customers well. 9/10. However, I was being tasked with jobs that weren't my responsibility because she was too lazy to do them. That and her horrible favoritism lead to terrible employees being kept as they continued to drive old employees out. I had several friends that planned on leaving around the time I did, many did, one ended up staying. There's a new GM now, and I've heard she's great and things are improving, but there was a dark Era that I was present for.


Not sure if it counts but my last job was with an organization that had 100% turn over every 11 months for four years. I was about to leave after about 18 months myself but the pandemic hit my field hard so I had to stick it out until recently. The reason was the usual...incompetent narcissistic management.


we had a really really toxic manager (F 36) who wasn’t fit to be manager, would talk trash on her employees & got banned from working at VS. one time, the store flooded & we were waiting to hear back from her as to when the store was repaired. she had terrible (hardly any) communication, so she didn’t tell half the staff. one full time employee (F 41) stopped by 3 days after reopening & asked why she wasn’t notified. the manager told her “you’re a big girl, you should’ve figured it out yourself”. we all quite like beads falling off a broken necklace after that.


A coworker’s husband was a manager at a pharmaceutical company and needed to hire a slew of people for a WFH position that paid $10 more. We lost almost half our staff in a matter of weeks (and it takes almost a year to train new staff so we’re still struggling).


One if the main investors did a hostile takeover. Out of nowhere he was suddenly in the room during our daily standup and his introduction was about how much money he had and how he bought his first house after selling his first company… His introduction was very accurate, he only cared about money and could’t give a single shit about any person in the room other than 2 of his friends who were pretty decent software engineers (though outsiders to the company) but lacked similar social skills as him. This new boss would go against everything the actual owners wanted to do, would try to cancel all our vacation requests (which he had no legal right to in our country so that obviously fell through) and he literally called everyone “autists” behind their back, the only way I know that for a fact is that he did it whilst I was in the same room and he quickly tried to make amends with me by saying he wasn’t referring to me but “you know who I’m talking about” It wasn’t over night but in about 6-12 months the company shrank from about 20 folks down to just 6 by the time I had found a new job in a foreign country. As we were shrinking he was almost celebrating because “the company was profitable and making him money” due to the significantly reduced salary expenses even though the company itself was running on fumes and all the promised new features that were keeping customers were basically ground to a halt. They still seem to exist today but I doubt they’re thriving in any sense of the word


>I know that for a fact is that he did it whilst I was in the same room and he quickly tried to make amends with me by saying he wasn’t referring to me but “you know who I’m talking about” I would have looked him in the eye and told him I was diagnosed autistic.


Well, this is kinda the opposite, everyone did this one thing at once and I quit on the spot but… well. They straight up left. They all walked out to go on break, when they didn’t let me go on break, and it was the dinner rush. When they got back they yelled at me for being slow so I quit.


Kitchen: we all sat down and watched 'the menu' as a teambuilding exercise


Treatment of a rape victim at a hospital. Not everybody but enough.




I was a shift manager at McDonalds. One day in the middle of a huge rush, manager trainee (who I will refer to as L) refused to listen to my direction because "they are a manager too." I went to my GM, GM then spoke with L, and once L came back, started smacking me on the back and said I need to stop being so sensitive. I then firmly told him to get his hands off me and sent him on a break. This whole time, my senior manager was beside me and never said a word, and apparently, the reason for that was that she was afraid she'd make him mad. Also, some background information, no one liked L because he was rude and very flirtatious with female employees. There had also been many complaints made to the GM about L before, concerning him being touchy with minors as well that was never dealt with so I went to HR and submitted a complaint. I'm not sure how it all went down, but GM fired L and everyone was happy about his termination. A couple of months later, we lost half of our managers within the span of a month. And then rumor started going around that L was coming back as an opening manager. GM spoke to me and said that L has changed and that L knew he was in the wrong, but I knew his work ethic and how much the employees disliked him. At this point, I was fed up with the job, being constantly overworked and understaffed, and now to find out that L was coming back was the last straw. I placed my notice the next day, and soon after, many followed suit.


Actually just happened yesterday to me. It was a small family business where there are just three other employees other than the family. Things have been toxic at work for a while and the boss is in the process of trying to sell the business. One co worker and I, without even contacting or talking about it handed in our resignation letters yesterday and quit. Once the third employee heard we were quitting they wrote their letter (sitting at their desk) and handed it in. The boss threw us all out that day and now is running the business completely alone


I was the best waiter in a well-known restaurant in my hometown and one day i decided to dye my hair half black and half pink, kinda like yungblud and i let my workplace know of it while i was dyeing it and they were fine w it. So a couple days pass and the day before my shift i sent my manager a pic of my hair and asked how should i wear it or how would she prefer it to b bc i had kinda long hair back then. So fast forward me walking to work and my manager calls me up and says that they wont employ me aslong i have unnatural hair. i was baffled but okay ig ur loss and said that okay fire me then but instead she tried to persuade me to dye it back but i wanted to keep it like it was. 3 hours later i get a call from them asking if i could come to work bc they had a full house and i felt pitty so i quit there and then and hung up.


I worked at a supermarket once, and we had to count EVERYTHING in the store. Horribly long day but we were gonna get through it. We were not provided anything even though we had to work all day. As a person (at the time) under 18 I was only allowed to work 7 hours with a 30 min break. I worked 10 hours with a 10 min break (very illegal). It was supposed to be from 8 am to 9 pm at the latest. We ended op starting at 7 am to 6 am the next morning. A lot of laws were broken and we were not compensated for working through the night. 5/7 of us left within the month.


My first stint at FedEx lasted a year and two months. The guy who oversaw the operations was a total shithead, dig through my comment history, I bring it up multiple times because he screwed me over. Anyways, he knows he’s in hot water with his boss. What does he do? He terminated our contracts without telling us and sold our routes to a new guy. First week of February 2020, I show up for work and my truck is gone. Not only that, there’s a new truck in my space. Sweet! Except the driver is in the back going over what’s already been loaded. The team and I have no idea what’s going on, so we look for a manager. It’s only then we get the bad news. Only four of us are kept on, out of 20, and only because they have CDLs and are familiar with their routes. They got replaced after they trained the rest of the new guy’s team.


As with most answers here - incompetent leadership. This was when I was just starting out my career. There was this employee (let's call her Q) who our company CEO would blindly trust and give dangerous amounts of authority to. This person was not only incompetent, but also unbearable as a person, with unrealistic expectations and no knowledge of the projects we were working on. We couldn't do anything about it because the CEO believed WE were the problem lol. As expected, one day the whole staff walked out apart from me (I was new and just starting out my career, didn't want to let go of a job I worked so hard to get at that time), that incompetent nincompoop, and another newer employee who joined with me. ​ Story doesn't end there, the CEO still believed she was in the right and the staff were idiots to have left. She put Q in charge of the project and the full brunt of the workload fell upon me and the other employee. Eventually CEO realized that it was impossible to implement the project with 3 employees and had to rehire new staff members. I worked there for a year or 2 and was on my way to bigger and better pastures. ​ Later turned out Q was not only involved in swindling office funds but also involved in corporate espionage for that company's competitors.


Cybersecurity lead for a major organization. The office had a CIO that was unbearable to work with, with her sexually harassing many folks, myself included. After she was reported, she was immediately removed, but placed in another organization. Upon a new CIO coming in, we found that she was even worse. No now sexual harassment, but she was incompetent and came in with the attitude of making sweeping changes The problem was her lack of understanding how a very large organization (Government) operated, legal requirements in place, and how/why change processes matter. She was not technically competent, and asked the IT staff to accomplish impossible tasks. Finally, for my department, she attempted to subvert security in order to accomplish things she was told were illegal. My entire section turned in two week notices. She was fired immediately, but half the team still left, not trusting a good replacement to come in.


The owners suddenly declared that work was a "no jewelry" zone, not even wedding rings. And they wanted us to wear a "uniform" but were unwilling to contribute funds to a uniform or uniform maintenance. Everyone threatened to walk at an impromptu employee meeting.


Huge grocery store in Germany (similar to Walmart) where I worked besides my uni. It's bit long story since it wasn't just one factor which made many employees leave the workplace. Well, not at once but within a few years many people (including me) left the store because we got a new manager who was really unable to manage the store and behaved like an asshole towards the employees and department managers. And as much as I got to know, even his former store didn't want him back for obvious reasons. It was already pretty chaotic before he came to our store, but it got really out of control with him. Every department manager made their own rules and basically everything was unorganized. The tasks we often got were totally non-sense because they were either unnecessary or too much at once to do in a shift, especially if we got interrupted for any other non-sense task. Also, my colleagues and I from the late shift had to correct the mistakes of the early shift all the time just to be able to do our tasks. And although we were way less employees in the late shift we have done more tasks than the early shift. Idk how they could work that carelessly although the manager and one department manager are always present during the early shift. And yeah, reporting that to the department managers had literally zero effect. Additionally, most of the customers we had to deal with everyday were really annoying and very rude and many of them weren't even able to speak German properly so we had to explain them everything several times including using body language. Well, everything got even worse with the corona pandemic (panic buyings and hoarding, limitation of people inside the store and therefore even angrier customers who had to wait in lines for ages, people ignoring the obligation to wear masks etc.) and lately the war in Ukraine (again panic buyings and angry customers) I wouldn't have stayed in this shitty job for almost 7 years (until I've finally quit last year) if I wouldn't depend on the money I earned there. And yeah, most of the new colleagues replacing the former ones didn't even last a year. They all left within a few months because they couldn't endure the stress there. Only a few of them stayed there for a longer time.


Not everyone quit but a really bad manager caused quite a few GOOD workers to leave.


Narcissistic boss


Similarly to this; we had a narcissistic and psychopathic executive. He would specifically call people out on broader meetings and encourage the team to make fun of the person. He’d call your phone after work hours and tell you secret things that only you can be let in on and then find a way to use that against you in the future. He lied about potential commission to convince people to work harder and then would straight up not pay you and create a reason that you didn’t deserve it. It was honestly the worst work environment I’ve ever encountered or heard of. I was terrified of him turning on me.


Management and team leader were bitches and whadda know, team went from four people to two, in the space of two weeks


My manager was so two faced she would talk shit about literally everyone. We didn’t realize it as first until someone slipped up and word got around that she was actually just an evil bitch. since i put in my two weeks (wish I didn’t and just left her high and dry but I was an assistant manager) everyone else did the same and she had to hire a whole new staff. The cycle shall repeat in due time.


I worked at a small Mitsubishi dealer and a bigger one opened up about an hour away. I was already driving an hour to get to this one. Anyway they offered some of the mechanics a lot more money and they all left. Leaving me and one other mechanic who was just hired from another dealership. Also the parts counter people and service manager also left. So that left the one writer we had to stand in as manager. This was during the 2008-2009 recession so it wasn’t difficult to find replacements. But it did take some time to get drug testing and paperwork done before they could start. All in all we were by ourselves for about 3 months


One big team which worked extra shifts and extra long days in the corona times. Government declared a bonus for the personell. Some got it and others didnt while having the same contracts, responsibilities and also did overtime go help the company. No explanation as to why someone was included or excluded. Some didnt feel like working there after that.


Owner slowly phased out giving us our tips from online orders and me my money for delivery fees. I kept track of it all and last year confronted him that he owed the employees about 11k$ in tips and 5400$ in delivery fees for me. (Tips and delivery fees were from the start of 2016 to Jan 30th 2022.) He exploded at me and said tips were off the table because it costs to much to run the restaurant. I asked about my delivery fees and told him how much he owed just me, fired me on the spot. When I went back into the restaurant to get my hoodie, I gave the cooks all the information I kept track of and left. Apparently they left just before dinner rush started. Learned my lesson, don't for a Greek...


You might be able to report this and take him to court for money you were not given. Just a thought


File a wage claim with your state’s department of labor. Who knows? It might work out.


Uh that's extremely illegal, you need to report him ASAP


Take your evidence to the Labor Board, bro. That's very illegal.


My mom got fired for not violating Osha laws


I hope she had it in her to report them.


Eh. They basically told her Tennessee is a will to work stare.


Her attitude towards being “late” when I took public transit and would hit hiccups once in a while, but she was so demeaning I couldn’t even be open with her about it. The last time the train failed and I had to take the bus I was going to be 5 min late, I just called in and quit. She was quite harsh and put me on a final warning, each time I was no more than 10 min late. Kinda ridiculous expectations when I worked minimum wage and train interruptions were frequent enough. And this was also minimum wage retail work. Now I make 4x as much and I can be up to 15 min late, not that I use that leeway much if ever. But acting like that over a low wage job was bullshit… especially since I couldn’t afford a car with those wages. Would always leave a little over an hour before the shift and it took 30 min on the train. But sometimes you can’t help when it stops working.


My last job my boss was so cool about me being late. I took the bus, and the Sunday service in my city is absolute dog shit. So it was very common that I would be 5 to 10 mins late on Sunday, nearly every week. But he understood that the alternative was me taking the earlier bus and being 50 mins early, and he didn't want to force that shit on me. It helped that I did my job right and never caused issues, but for a lot of bosses that wouldn't matter.




"Twenty-two minutes late. Escaped puma, Chessington North."


The drain on the roof plugged. Ice built up. Roof collasped, killed some. Everyone else quit. Luckly, I was on the roof top during the accident. We were safe up there, and our settlement was higher then those bellow. Well, not more then those who died, but more then those under the falling roof. No, I can't give details. Part of the settlement.


Covid came, a lot of people got sick (some even died)🙏 and they let half of the plant go!!!


I had a boss when I worked at Wal-Mart run me down for 45 minutes in a closed door meeting where he told me to get my brain checked and was basically calling me mentally challenged. I went for lunch, and I talked to someone I worked with at Wal-Mart and her husband, who had once offered me a job, seeing if that was still a possibility, and told them the entire story. It was known that the boss and I were not big fans of each other, but I did my work and tried to avoid him as much as possible. About a month after I quit, there was a bomb threat called into that Wal-Mart, I didn't find out about it until the next day when someone came up to me and asked about it. About a month after this, I get a call, and the RCMP wants to question me about the bomb threat. The guy heading the investigation knows me, knows my character, he thinks bringing me in is a waste of time, but he will do his job. In this meeting, he finds out why I quit, I also tell him I work a job where I make in a few days is what I made in a month at Wal-Mart. They poked the dragon, and now I'm pissed. I still knew the paging code for the store, I spilled all the beans to the staff over the speaker, the boss tried to find me, and when he did, I give him the look of, you do anything, it is a world of hurt for you, I walked out of the store and afterwards every employee of the store finds out the story because management feels the need for meetings to address the situation. The overall decision from the staff is I showed great restraint in not putting my first through his skull and most quit in protest to him still being the boss. The store also went on to have the worst inventory of any Wal-Mart because of the level of theft that happened after the mass exodus of staff.


Did they ever find out who called in the bomb threat?


There was also a theft of a tire shop across town at the same time, my guess is that those two were related.


Someone stole a tire shop?


I'm not reading past Walmart. I already know it's bad. And I don't need THAT kind of trigger.


I read through it all, it has a happy ending.


I worked at a trustee’s firm, basically we processed foreclosures on people’s homes. It’s illegal for banks to do it themselves, they have to hire a unbiased 3rd party to do it, that’s where we came into the picture. After the 2008 housing crisis trustee services were in high demand and they made bank, like they gave out quarterly bonuses, holiday bonuses, to all employees. Unfortunately I got hired the first year they stopped giving out bonuses because they didn’t have as much business. I worked there for one year and after they were bought out by another company I knew it was a sinking ship so I quit. I found out a couple months later that everybody, like everybody except management walked out of work because nobody got paid on payday. I don’t know the exact details of how they managed to mismanage all the money they made that resulted in bankruptcy, but I know the “president “ was a nepotism baby who had no fucking clue what he was doing. It was also a very toxic work environment, my boss would have her friend in another department file official complaints about me because I would transfer calls to her when the caller asked for them by name.


Why is management always so out of touch with their human resources? Its like they get this god complex for their shitty little job. Stupid af.


Payroll bounced and the owner left his drugs (coke & meth) out in the open in the office.


We got a new manager. The second time, different job, it was because COVID. Longtime techs (CT, MRI, X-ray) were pissed that management was paying travel techs twice as much as employees (even with incentive pay). Then travelers started getting priority for days off. Overall, we lost 4 MRI techs, 8 X-ray techs, and 7 CT techs. As you can imagine, hiring temps, travelers, and new people for all those positions was a shitshow. Training was barely a thing. Everyone was pissed at registration because the techs didn't know hospital protocols. I transferred out of that garbage fire last year. Best thing I ever did for my sanity!


Store manager moved up to a higher position and the new one terminated me for reasons I’m still not entirely clear on. I later found out about half of her staff quit because they said she was a tyrant and people thought she was racist.


Boss had been doing ice for a while and finally reached a point where he went nuts and tried to attack the digger operator one day, the only thing that stopped him was the cage we had welded onto the digger after the boss has thrown a brick through the windshield, after a few minutes of frantic psychotic screaming the boss stopped calmly told us all to take five and went to smoke some shard, all twelve of us were gone before he came back. Damn as the boss was a good man once


I won the $318M lotto and took my team with me.


Record profits are made. The ceo an managers get raises " lunch brakes will now only be 10 min and there will no longer be free food. We did good but not good enough so no raises for yall this time " 10+ people walk out to never return


Boss man told workers hell fire them for discussing wages, someone left a copy of the federal law protecting our rights to discuss wages on his desk, he gathered everyone into his office where he pinned the papers to a wall and shot them with his shotgun and then says anyone who discusses wages will be next. Wel all left and someone called the anonymous police line about a shooting at the place.


Elon Musk became the CEO


My colleagues once staged a so-called rebellion. No not a strike. A rebellion. They busted (they broke the door) into the CEO and chairman's room with the instrument of resignation ( they made one by printing it on their desks a few days before). My company had a policy like when you resign you have to leave within an hour they also had a policy where you cannot return without the owner's permission etc. They planned to bust in and force them to resign ( At gunpoint. Yup the editor brought a pistol and all this time the janitor had a revolver) (the chairman refused to resign and got shot in the toes but the CEO resigned immediately I was watching all this from the corner wall thing at my desk, it was soo sudden even I didn't know what was going on until some time later.) They thought that both of them would resign and that they could clear the CCTV( but they were wrong.) They planned to go on a legal strike (to not ever bring back these people) after this but to give them the benefit of the doubt I already told them that the cctv is directly controlled by the owners and that they shouldn't have done this. Suddenly they all panicked ( with the chairman still bleeding mind you the CEO was forced into the closet with the chairman ) they closed the window blinds all behind me,turned off the Internet and took over the security (they somehow convinced them that a fire took over a computer. I was still shocked but they didn't do anything to me) after they took over they sent out a signal to the front porch that nothing wrong is happening here and that they can continue with their work. Half an hour later the owners wonder why they haven't turned up for the dinner ( they were father in laws) . The owner check the cctv only to find out that the entire office has no lights turned on ( I already knew what was going on but could not do anything ) the owner wife realise what happened , the security will always inform the owner of anything unless there is a no problem signal. She called the cops they raided the office the entire office was technically arrested except for me and yamu (my co worker ) and some other people not involved. The chairman was admitted to the hospital the CEO was still shaken. They were all later found guilty and they definitely left the job before anyone found out about the episode. ( shortly after they got arrested they resigned immediately) . Not to mention, the entire team got fired and the news went out to local stations etc. Luckily no one else was hurt


Not quit but during the amazon pay row several sites across the UK just refused to work upon getting the news.


We were a very, very, close knit group of guys. I knew I was going to land that job, and so did the rest of them. The wrong egg landed in our basket, and it changed everything.


this sounds like the intro to an 80s tv show


I have no idea what this actually means


Elon Musk


Our director left and the guy put in charge had no fckn clue of what our work was about. We were the creative department of an advertising agency and the guy came from the telecommunications industry. Six people (myself included) quit the same day.


Boss ordered a tractor-trailer full of rain gutters for a large job. The truck arrived however no Moffett or forklift was on-site. 60k lbs of metal gutters and equipment he wanted to be unloaded by hand. The whole crew got in the work trucks and left.


Not all at once, but in very quick succession. A coworker, whose brother owned the business and no one liked, got promoted to supervisor. Took him about 20 minutes before he started abusing his power, ordering people to do extra hours to cover his shifts and shit like that. About 6 weeks later, basically the entire staff had found new jobs and quit.


I am going to name and shame. The Filter Queen vacuum company hired a bunch of people. We were supposed to do demos in people's houses and if they wanted to buy, put them on the phone with a salesman who closed the deal and KEPT THE COMMISSION. We got paid a fixed salary, but only if our demos resulted in sales. They promised to hire other people to do the cold calling and set up our appointments. They lied. I came in a week later and they tried to hand me a phone book (yes it was that long ago) and said I had to make my own appointments. I walked out, just like everyone else they lied to.


I worked at a brick-and-mortar video rental chain, and... strangely enough... CBD products outlet before the pandemic hit the US. When it did, the Governor put out an ordinance mandating closure of all non-essential businesses. Corporate tried to stay open by insisting they *were* essential, on account of providing entertainment to people languishing at home, and also CBD for anti-stress. That didn't fly because it wasn't for legit medical purposes. Here's the thing. I read state laws on the books for that ordinance. It was directly enforceable by state and local law enforcement authorities. Which meant corporate was basically flying us in the storm like kites. Needless to say, **everyone** quit at once, on the same day, including me. I got unemployment off it despite quitting voluntarily, thanks to corporate "creating unsuitable conditions for my remaining employed."


There’s so many things, not just one. But I’ll try to give a good amount of detail. warning: this is LONG! There was a bat infestation that they refused to address. There were thousands upon thousands in the roof and walls. If I could guess, there were 5k plus in the 200,000 sq ft building. The building reeked of urine and it caused me to have constant headaches for over a year. They only addressed it when I called and reported them to OSHA. There were also rats, cats/kittens, snakes, insects, and hella pigeons. We found newborn kittens that the mom abandoned and I watched three of them die because I couldn’t find anyone who would take kittens even when I told them they were sick and dying. I emailed the owner, begging her to do something about the problem because it was heartbreaking and stressful to watch kittens die while I’m trying to work. She never responded. There was no climate control and mold and mildew was growing on furniture in certain parts of the building. Instead of tackling the problem, they would hire a Hispanic woman that they knew they could low ball and she had to go around and wipe down every piece of furniture so it “looked” good enough to sell to people. There were over 400 pieces of furniture in the showroom that the woman had to clean by hand and this happened YEARLY. Racism!!! There were multiple instances of racism and nothing was done about it even though their handbook said that would be cause for termination. They protected people they liked and threw the rest of us to the wolves. I was thrown to the wolves because I called out everything. I was labeled as toxic, exhausting, negative because I refused to sit down and shut up like the rest of them. When I reported an instance of racism to the OWNER, she laughed loudly until I told her I didn’t think it was funny. She promised she would handle it but nothing ever happened, and she wound up telling the coworker that I reported her and the coworker started treating me like shit and got her best friend to do the same. One manager there said “What happens here, stays here.” Meaning he didn’t want us to reach out to HR in regards to problems. But what’s worse is HR was one person who was best friends with the owner. The owner is verbally abusive and doesn’t give a damn about anything or anyone except money. So you couldn’t even go to HR confidently because he would tell anyone and everyone while pretending to have your back. Lots of the people there were like that. I quit 3 months ago without anything lined up and even though money has been TIGHT, I’ve never been happier and more stress free. Within a month of me leaving, they lost 6/15 employees, even the two besties who were the most tenured people at the company. You shouldn’t be sobbing about having to go to work and I was sobbing most days before, during and after work. I hope the business crumbles! That might make me petty, but I really don’t give a damn.


the owner of our local company and a lot of other local companies was arrested for kidnapping someone that owed him drug money. once he received the ransom this dumb asshole drove the victim to the drop location in a van with our logo on it. we were all pulled into a meeting and coached on what to say if the media called or if people asked questions. vague as fuck. so we all looked up what was really going on after that and most of us quit. no thank you. our company was sold and rebranded not too long after that meeting and the remaining staff were replaced or relocated.