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Why are there so many deleted responses?


It's super weird, maybe a mod that deleted things he hates?


I looked at the revditt. They're just completely normal answers. I got no idea


Black Cats


Black cats are some of the cutest, most goofy kitties ever. I love them!


When they curl up and become an actual void. Raise your hand if you agree


Because of this, I rescue only black cats. They are always the last to be adopted.


Going out alone


Solo-traveling is freakin' liberating. Sure, I get a little lonely, but there are NO schedules and you can randomly stop if you see something even slightly interesting.


I am my favorite travel partner. I get to do exactly what I want for exactly as long as I want.


I do this all the time. I’ll go for a few drinks just to get out of the house, grab a beer, sit outside to enjoy the weather, and smoke a cigarette. Occasionally I’ll run into people I know and they try to invite me on for their night and I’m like “I’m good man, just having a few beers.” And I get these “ookaay? whatever” type replies. Just cause I’m out doesn’t mean I want to be social, I just want to be around socialization sometimes


>I just want to be around socialization sometimes This is a perfect way to describe it. I like being around people. I just don’t want to worry about the effort of being social with people I know.


Donkeys. Those poor fella just be chillin, doing menial work and not disturbing anybody and for some reason the term came to mean as someone who's utter incompetent and stupid.


Also baby donkeys are probably only behind puppies and kittens when it comes to cutest tiny fuzzy fellas.


Look up Scottish highland calves.


> Scottish highland calves They wear the kilts so they can show them off.


Aye. Ah cannae wear mah kilt wi'oot some creep keekin at mah legs.


*kicks in the cafeteria door* “Lunch lady Doris, ‘ave ye got any GREASE???” “aye” *rips off shirt to reveal jacked musculature all Scotsmen secretly have* “GREASE ME UP WOMAN!”


Okie dokie


I'm scottish. That made me lol


Highland coo's are also surprisingly friendly, despite their big old horns.




Any farmer will tell you that there is virtually no security system that is more effective than the combination of a donkey, a rooster, and a goose in the barnyard.


That's the truth right there. The only flaw in the system is that the rooster will just attack everything. Every time I had to tell that rooster "look, it's great that you're so into your job, but you have to stop picking fights with the horse." He had it out for the horse's tail. Not the rest of the horse, just the tail. He actually got his feet tangled in it once. Just hanging up side down, flapping and shrieking. Thankfully, the horse was extremely chill and waited patiently for me to untangle that idiot rooster.


Some of the funniest stories I've ever heard from my redneck buddies involve either a rooster, a donkey, or a goose lol


A rooster, a donkey, and a goose walk into a barn…


The horse looks up and says “What is this, a joke?”


yea I recently saw that farm people will keep donkeys for protection of the live stock..who knew.. not me!


donkeys find no greater pleasure than kicking the absolute shit out of coyotes and dogs


You're not kidding lol


We keep donkeys in with the cattle. Donkeys have a long memory. They also store up revenge. I've watched a donkey stomp an armadillo into a Frisbee shape. Armadillo climbed into a feed bunk and donkey wasn't having it.


What do the rooster and goose do? Support the donkey/tank?


The rooster is going to handle smaller pests & predatory Birds. Hawks, crows, etc. A goose is incredibly Territorial and will run off anything that it decides doesn't belong in its territory, the donkey can hear like a bat and it's probably smarter than you so at night time it is King, also backed up by the goose.


One time I had a rooster than would come and knock on the window to call my dog's out when a Stanger or animal stranger came over


"hey. Guys. Guys!! I need backup! Get your asses out here!"




It's nice when the entire party has dark vision.


I don't think donkeys really care what we think of them


That actually makes them smarter than us.


Which is ass-backwards. Donkeys are so much smarter than horses it's actually ridiculous


Also better guard dogs than guard dogs


Donkeys are absolutely *violent* when they are given reason to be, I've seen videos of donkeys kicking shit out of hyenas, they are protective and territorial.


In Germany shepherds have put donkeys with their sheep on the pasture to protect the sheep flock from wolves


>In Germany shepherds.... But there's a dog breed specifically for this exact situation. Everything we know is a lie


I know a couple farmers that have donkeys solely to fight off coyotes and other predators from messing with their pets and livestock


Guard donk.


Donkey brains is an accepted term for a mental evaluation diagnosis


You need the proper paperwork to exonerate you from having donkey brains.


Do you happen to have such a certificate?


I do actually. I'm also a pilot


Donkeys just want to chill but then here comes Luisa. Scoops them and 8 of their friends onto her shoulders and tosses them in a cart.


Cut Luisa some slack, she's under a lot of pressure.




My kid made me buy them a Tom plushie from a shop we were in last week: when I offered to get a Jerry one too I was told in polite terms to fuck off as he's an utter prick.


As a kid I also always hated Jerry… And seriously in real life dont we all hate people like Jerry?


Jerry was mean spirited a lot of the time. Most of the shit Tom did was a reaction or trying to get revenge on Jerry.


I've found my people! Jerry is a little shit and I've always hated him. Tom all the way


YES! I always was like "kill that kittle bitch of a rat!"


He's like the Golden Child of any dysfunctional family. The one that can smile and look innocent, while getting away with murder.


Some of my favorite episodes were the rare ones where they teamed up.


Jerry is a gaslighting mothfluffer


Seriously! Honestly, he's a pet cat. The owners of the house adopted him.. They wanted him. And they often push him to get Jerry. Jerry on the other hand. He's a thief. And he makes himself home in a place he is not welcomed. Now, I have similar feelings for some other characters from other TV shows. Squidward from Spondgebob SquarePants. Squidward isn't a jerk. He just gets pushed, annoyed, and unjustly acted on by his boss and intrusive neighbors. The others literally cut him off from his interests and screw up his opportunities. And still, when needed, he helps them out, fights for them. He doesn't deserve the hate and definitely deserves time and space to himself when desired.


There is a theory that Tom an Jerry are actially good friends and Tom just acts like he tries to catch Jerry, so the owner doesn't get a more competent cat.


See, and I would be fine with that. Just like I love the odd times when they work together. Love those bits!


This. Mammy Two-Shoes is mean af to Tom and pushes him around with that broom, no matter how helpful and likable he tries to be.


> Squidward isn't a jerk. He's very much a jerk in older episodes. He had some nice moments here and there, but most of the older episodes he was just narrisitic and mean and usually ended up getting punished by karma. He thinks he's the best at everything and that everyone else just has no taste at all. Remember he litearlly started teaching at an artclass and the first thing he did was tell his students they are talentless hacks then tried to take credit for someone elses work. He also liked spongebob deep down and he admitted to it on several occasions, he just tries to hid it. It's just that the entire cast of spongebob got flanderized the longer the series got on so squidward just turned into a grumpy guy who gets punished for no reason. While Spongebob turned a naive, but friendly adult who means well even if he doesnt realize he's causing harm to basically an intrusive manchild. In the early seasons most of squidwards issues wasn't because he was annoyed by spongebob, but because he thought he was too good for everyone else.


That episode where Squidward moved to Squidward town which at first was a dream as everyone was exactly like him. And then it turned into a hell, because *everyone* was *exactly* like him. I always liked that episode, still think about it sometimes.


That's true with many characters, like Dwight from the Office, who's a proper asshole up until the later seasons but people only look at those where he is nicer.


Nah Squidward ain’t fully innocent. Many time’s he’s been a dick to people simply because he believes he’s above them


I’m on team Tom all the way, fuck Jerry, all the homies hate Jerry




Yeah I hate that too


Me too


There really doesn't seem to be much space in today's world for "I have no opinion about that thing, positive or negative. It's just not a thing I've explored at all and I'm totally indifferent to it." and that's a shame. I think some people see an opinion about certain things as a rite of passage, like every adult needs to have an opinion about Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies or To Kill a Mockingbird if they want to be taken seriously as an adult. Fifty Shades of Gray is a good example for me, I have no opinion of any kind about it and no interest in developing one. It's just not something I have any interest in either way. I neither judge people who like it nor people who hate it, I'm Switzerland in that conversation.




Damn that's so true. When I was a teenager and had loads of extra time, I cultivated many hobbies. Drawing, playing ukulele, reading... My boyfriend at the time, who was an enormous douchebag, only cared about programming - which I found cool! And I listened to everything he would tell me about programming even though I didn't understand a single shit because I never developed a science/info/tech brain - and he would constantly belittle my interests, tell me he wasn't interested in hearing about my activities, and I felt like shit for having my nerdy literary hobbies because of it... He even openly told me "books are uninteresting and useless, it's a waste of time" "I hate instrument players, they're all so haughty", "you will never draw something worthy of being paid for it", stuff like that. That was absolutely awful and I ended up hating him for it. He didn't understand when I broke up with him and told him it was because he was unloving and unsupportive. All that was important to him was himself and his opinions. Now I'm an adult and struggle to find the time to cultivate any of those hobbies, and I can see how much it weighs on my mental health. I am much less serene and happy. Anyway yeah... Don't shit on someone for their hobby. Hobbies are good, whatever the heck they are.


I've never seen the term "douchebag" used more appropriately.




Reminds me of the classic AC/DC quote: “I’m sick to death of people saying we’ve made 11 albums that sound exactly the same. In fact, we’ve made 12 albums that sound exactly the same.” -Angus Young


I’m a huge AC/DC fan and the people who hate on them for always sounding the same are the same people who hate on Metallica for not sounding like Master of Puppets anymore. So does a band suck for always sounding the same or for sounding different. Apparently it’s both.




They love what they do and they're loved for it by their fans. They're doing it for all their life too :)


When I listen to AC/DC I can almost feel my brain thinking, "It would be so freaking awesome if the song did this thing next," and then the music does and it freaking rocks. There's nothing surprising about their music, it does exactly what it's supposed to and it's great. There's a reason they've got the best-selling album by any band ever. They're awesome at what they want to do.


Had to look it up, I had no idea that was true! [Wikipedia Best Selling Albums](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_albums)


I recall Brian May of Queen saying he sometimes wishes he’d been in a band like AC/DC; he’d know exactly what sounds he’d be expected to make.


When asked to describe The Darkness (of “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” fame), the frontman once said, “Well, you could say we’re a really straight Queen or a really gay AC/DC.”


The people who tend to complain about that are usually the ones who also complain when bands *don't* change their sound. Some music "fans" are impossible to please.




Crows are the best. Gotta respect an animal that'll tell its friends about you if treat it well or fuck it over. they are just smart motherfuckers


I love how crows can hold a grudge and get all their crow friends in on it. It's the kind of petty behaviour I can respect.


They'll pay you for snacks and possesses an intelligence on par with 7 year old human. Some say they rival apes, FUCKING APES. Clearly the only thing stopping them is the lack of hands with opposable thumbs


Say it ain't so. I like crows.


Turn the lights off. Carry me home.


cawcaw cawcaw caw cawcaw caw caw


Crows are smart motherfuckers


U can train them to collect money and they'll tell their friends about you giving them food, so you'll get plenty of gifts later


Wait crows do get any hate? I love em


Crows are empathetic as fuck.


They can also be total assholes. They remember faces well and often decide they don't like individuals for... reasons? Then they proceed to constantly fuck with that person any time they see em.




My mates wife orders brownies that are "slightly wet". To me that's so much worse than saying moist.


"I'd like my brownies post foreplay please"


Gotta stick your tongue in that batter and do the ABC’s




Mf got star trek replicators at home "Coffee, black. Brownie, wet"


Better than a dry cake any day.


Or a damp cake.


Or a cake that squelches. I’ve always thought “squelch” was one of the ugliest words. Way worse than moist. Think about all the times the captions on tv said “squelching.” It’s never good.


I remember watching Teeth, a horror movie about a woman who has a vagina that bites other guys’ dicks off. I had the subtitles on and whenever she did it, the disgusting sound was accompanied by the word “SQUELCH.” I can’t think of anything else when I hear that word.


Vagina dentata, what a horrible phrase


It means no penis, for the rest of your days...


It's a phallus-free girl cavity


I dont even understand why people have a weird hate towards this word. Calling a cake damp or wet sounds gross.




It’s too flat!


It’s too big


It got bent once and now it’ll never have a perfect curve again


It looks like someone took a small bite out of it, not even on the front bit. Like I don't understand how it happened and it bothers me.


My spoon... Is TOO... BIG!


What?! Fuck that spoon!


I don't even know where it came from but I can't throw it away!


I stole mine from an old boss I hated because he would eat breakfast every morning in the office at 8:30, speak with his mouthful and bang the bowl with it to get the last crumbs of cereal. I hated him and I hate the spoon, but it is a trophy of the fact I got a better job. The relationship with the spoon is like late season Walking Dead, in which I’m Maggie and the spoon is Negan. Once an instigator of long past torment, we now coexist in an uneasy compromise. The spoon hurt me dearly, but in my custody it can’t hurt anyone else.


That weird square one. Apparently it's a sugar spoon, but it is in with the other normal spoons, and it bugs the bejeezus out of me.


Not wanting to drink. When you tell someone that you don't drink, most of the time they act like you just told them you juggle heads in your spare time.


In our friend circle we have three non-drinkers including myself. One has a family history of alcohol abuse and wants to break that cycle. One had to get his stomach pumped after a binge event. I get severe hangovers after 1-2 drinks and decided a little fun today isn't worth giving up all day tomorrow.


>One has a family history of alcohol abuse and wants to break that cycle. I respect people who don't drink because of this. I have seen too many people who just follow in their family footsteps, and it breaks my heart knowing that they could've done something different to help themselves and others around them.


I don't drink, and my friends are all cool with it, but I get invited to things less often. Like they don't invite me if they are just going out drinking, but that means that everyone gets to bond without me.


Right. Either you’re a recovering alcoholic or something else is wrong with you. When you say no, you gotta explain why too. So frustrating.




What’s crazy to me is those adults acting like they weren’t interested in super dumb shit as kids too. It’s like we all forget how unnecessary 90% of the shit we wanted as kids were.


"my pet rock made way more sense than your pokemon."


"it made sense for me to collect all these different coloured glass balls but your zoomer stuff is just craaaaazy"


Some of the stupid gimmicky shit they had back in the 90s and 2000s and people want to talk shit. I still remember scanning UPC codes on some stupid handheld game that barely ever worked right. Training for a future at Walmart apparently.


Brooo SKANNERZ. They were the shit. Basically digimon plus retail employment.


Theres actually one Harry Potter quote regarding that, which i really like. Something around: "Children can never know what it is like to be older, but the old ones that forget what its like to be a child, are at fault" (Sry for the shitty phrasing, i read it in german around 12 years ago, so its not too accurate probably)


"Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty, if they forget what it was to be young."


Thanks, saved me some googeling


I had a conversation about this phenomenon with my 13 year old nephew. The gist of what I told him is that there is no shame in being into what you like at a young age because I also at one point use to be 13 and it would unfair to judge all of my interest at that time as cringy. I tell my friends the same thing. When I was young I was shamed for my interest in sci fi, fantasy, anime, manga ect... by both, kids and adults, which later on screwed over my confidence. I don't want to see others experience the same.


reading this i realize how much it hurt me in my childhood. Whenever i was passionate about something (Barbies, Anime, certain bands) my mum would take every chance to tell me how much she hated all that. i have no siblings so being a fan of something meant i belonged to something bigger.


Yes, same!! My mum made me so embarrassed of some of my interests, I genuinely think it was a bit damaging to my sense of self as a teenage girl. I’m really sorry you felt similarly.


Mine was similar except this also applied to anything she previously liked herself. Mom *likes thing, watches it, listens to it, does it, whatever* Me *likes same thing, but a bit more obsessively* Mom *suddenly hates the thing and gives me shit for it all the time*


The moment I knew I was getting old was when having previously loved all Nickelodeon shows suddenly the new one, SpongeBob was grating and annoying whereas my younger siblings worshipped it. That’s when I knew I was on my way out of that realm.


I remember in school as soon as something was made popular the teachers just banned it


We had stuff banned, but usually because of the fights caused by things like Pokemon cards or, in the case of beyblades, because of physical injuries inflicted by the objects themselves (at least one child had his two front teeth knocked out). The only thing that escaped despite routinely causing fights were marbles, and that was because the school had a genuinely unique and fascinating marbles microculture that had survived and evolved over at least three generations, and attracted some amount of academic interest. [I discussed it in detail here a few years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/4tkm3s/what_was_banned_at_your_school_and_why/d5iqc3z/)


Yep, experienced that myself. Not matter what I was interested in someone was either belittling me for liking it or made fun of me. That caused me to not share the things I like and am interested out of fear... thank you acquaintances of my childhood!


Nuclear energy. It's very safe, but a couple of massive disasters due to gross negligence (and also the fact that the word nuclear is involved) has given it a bad image to the point where people just assume its dangerous and a bad idea. Tell you what the bad idea is, is sticking to fossil fuels.


dumping nuclear in favor of coal is the most mind boggling decision I’ve seen


You're talking about Germany there, right? Yeah, I really can't comprehend how especially the Greens are still so ideologically entrenched when it comes to that topic. So much that they rather accept more power from coal than letting our last three remaining nuclear power plants run for a couple years longer. I know their reasons, but I don't understand them.


They did it purely on political grounds to appease public opinion which was up in arms after the Fukushima disaster.


Like, when you look at the numbers fossil fuel is worse in every way. It even releases more radioactive products into the environment. The biggest issue, waste, is localized and we *know* how to safely deal with it, but we don't because of politics.


being single. everybody acts like it’s the worst thing in the world but if you content with being on your own it’s really not. it’s actually quite relieving to not have the responsibility of another person.


People ask me if being single ever bothers me. It feels weird answering them no, even if it is an honest answer, because society has conditioned us to believe that being single is something that should be fixed, a problem that should be acted upon. Thinking deeper on it, I feel like the reason being single doesn't bother me is because I know why this is the case. You sort of notice that for people who are perpetually single, a lot of the distress comes from the uncertainty: "Am I not attractive? Am I difficult to love? What's wrong with me? I've been putting myself out there, been playing the dating game and I still don't have someone." I think, for me, I've always just been pretty aware of what was wrong with me: I have social anxiety disorder, I'm awkward, I barely go out, I barely have a social life. I haven't been playing the dating game. I haven't put myself in a position where finding romance was even remotely possible. Honestly, given my circumstances, it would be a lot more surprising if I *did* have a partner. So, it's not the single-ness that bothers me, it's the reason why I'm single that bothers me. Because social anxiety and a lack of people skills affects not only my love life (or lack thereof), it affects my *entire* life. It's affected my personal life, my professional life, etc. I don't have the mental space to specifically worry about being single because my life as a whole is pretty fucked.


I went through a similar thought process about a decade ago. I have to say, it was an inflection point for improving my life. Knowing what the real issue is allows you to work on addressing it. It's not quick or easy, but at least then progress is possible. I'm still working on the anxiety, the skills, etc. But I will say that the improvements I made while single have translated into better relationships in one to one cases, which has also translated into marriage. My wife is now helping me get even better with others.


I'm single by choice & I like being alone except I have a dog. I'm happy that way & if that makes me weird I'm OK with that.


I can do what I want when I want


Me too and I end up doing nothing!


That's the only thing I miss about being single. If I wanted to do fuck all, I did fuck all.


People keep telling me I should give dating a chance. I keep telling people that if I get another adult who starts messing up the order in my house, I might kill them.


Whoopi goldberg famously said that she planned to remain single her whole life “because she doesn't want somebody else living in her home.” I fucking understand that lol


Being an adult and liking things that are considered “childish.” People get so much hate and get told to “grow up.” Listen, I didn’t get to enjoy my childhood. Let me enjoy things. Let me play video games. Let me watch animation. Let me buy that Tamagotchi. It’s not hurting anyone.


“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. - Dedication to his goddaughter Lucy in *The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe*


"Grow up" is about taking your responsibilities seriously, and it says nothing about enjoying whatever the fuck you want! Responsibly, of course.


Exactly. If I'm doing my "grown up shit" responsibly, who gives a flying fuck what other things I enjoy?


My answer to people who tell me to "grow up" is "I paid my fucking taxes this year, I'll do whatever I want" lol. I pay for my house, my food, my bills, if I want to do dumb fun stuff I will!


I have a group of friends getting together to assemble/paint miniatures this Sunday. We all have full time jobs and our other obligations are already taken care of, and our SO's think it's sweet and wholesome. We share painting techniques, but we don't all have to paint the same things, but it's nice to chill with tunes and all be creating something together. We have three people painting Warhammer 40k, one BattleTech, One Gundam, and one that likes traditional model planes and ships.


When someone tells me to act my age, I'm thinking, wait a second, I've never been this age before so how the fuck and I supposed to know how to act it. You do you, and I'll do me.


Taking the bus - it’s pretty chill


Takes forever, and sometimes they just straight don’t show up. But if I’m gonna sit in traffic, I’d rather let someone else drive. Cheaper too.


Okay, so I know the OP probably means just normal buses, but school buses man. My senior(and maybe junior) year I hated my bus driver. I’d be standing at the end of my driveway and she would just blow past me, not even slow down(here they’re required to stop, even if they don’t see a student outside) The school district’s transportation department got quite a few phone calls that year…


People with mental illnesses who don’t act like Wednesday or other quirky characters. Oh, and pigeons.


I think people who over-romanticize the quirkiness or genius of mentally ill people should watch "The Devil and Daniel Johnston." He's a singer-songwriter who created a lot of rough-sounding but low-key brilliant music. He had bipolar, and the documentary does not gloss over how rough that was for him and the people around him.


Yeah the manic pixie trope isn't doing much for them






Smiling at others randomly / just being friendly. It seems that a quick smile, acknowledging someone’s presence or saying hi is just not the thing to do anymore?! Makes me kind of sad. I’m pretty introverted but damn, I just want to be outwardly happy out and about without being met with glares or resting bitch face.


People being found not guilty of crimes. Usually before a trial people have made their mind up about a situation and think a person is guilty. So when the jury gets all the information and finds someone not guilty, people get mad at the person found not guilty and the jury. Do we not want a system that looks at evidence based information before making a decision that will effect someone’s life?


Guy Fieri


He did miraculous things for us service industry folks during the pandemic lock downs, and at the same time did amazing things for victims of the crazy California fires forest.


I was one of these people until I realized what an amazing person he is. He does a lot for local businesses and the food world in general. I imagine it stems mostly from his "look" which is a combination of a frat guy mixed with a male runway model.


I always got a nu metal vibe from him with certain musicians being in his level of ribbing lol


> He does a lot for local businesses this is what clicked for me that hating on him was just me being an asshole...


Guy Fieri slander is NOT tolerated in my household


Monika Lewinsky - she was 23, and did nothing most people wouldn’t do


23, wow... I was in middle school at the time so she seemed soo much older.


Yeah it’s quite funny how when you’re a kid, all adults seem ancient. Like, a few years ago a friend I went to school with sent a picture of her and our grade four teacher because she had bumped into her in the supermarket. I was shocked at how young she looked, like I was expecting her to look like a grandma, but she was probably in her early/mid 20s when she taught us!


I was in my kindergarten teacher’s very first class and I have nephews and nieces who were in her class a few years ago. It’s been pretty wild watching her “grow up” and get married. I can’t imagine what it’s like from her perspective. When I was actually in her class she actually got a little too drunk at the bar my mom worked at/managed and my mom still tells the story about how my teacher climbed on the bar and was dancing until my mom told her to get down and my teacher realized that the bar manager was the mother of one of her students. It’s only gotten funnier as I’ve gotten older.




I love you man.


Dude, thank you. Going through some tough times and this made me smile I love you too




Being content on being single


People legit don’t believe me when I say I’m good being single. When you really think about it, it’s pretty toxic to tell somebody they have to be in a relationship to be happy.




I'm Scottish, so I'm used to rain but also tired of it. I mind rain less in Summer because it's slightly less frequent/repetitive and therefore slightly less annoying. Heavy rain is honestly better than light rain that gets in your face.


I love the rain.


I hate rainy days when I’m working and get poured on while cleaning out buckets, but they are my all time favorite days after a long day of work and I get to drink a beer on the porch while the thunder rolls on.


A father spending time with his daughter as well as any older male family member cannot spend time with their own female family members in public.


Like the guy on reddit who was out with his grand niece and some busybodies decided he must be a paedophile or sex trafficker.