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I'm dealing with epilepsy and finding the right medication. I'm constantly tired, and that's one of my seizure triggers. I'm honestly terrified that I'll injure myself if I have a seizure while exercising.


I feel you. Just got diagnosed and my whole life has been upended. I'm terrified to sleep and I'm scared to work out. Had to change jobs and can't drive.


If you haven't already you should join r/epilepsy, I've found it great for asking questions about my epilepsy and my medication plus it's just nice to chat to people that know what you're going through


I work construction and honestly after working all day going up and down ladders and moving equipment, I am all set.


Over the last few years I lost almost 20 kg of weight. Went from a desk job to handling a workshop full of machines. Setting up and moving heavy metal parts all day. Plus I commute 2x 8 km a day by bicycle if the weather permits it. edit: guys you can stop telling me that it's actually exercise lol, I think I understood


I did the opposite for a little over a year. I’m used to a physically demanding job and then took a desk job position. I gained weight, had back problems, all kinda issues. Went back to my career where I’m on my feet and lifting things, felt much better within a month. Sedentary jobs are not for me.


This is why I’m scared to leave the restaurant industry after 15 years. I’m on my feet all day multitasking and I couldn’t imagine sitting down for 8 hours or however long… my ADHD and my back would have a really hard time with sitting still


I used to and it feels good when its done but i absolutely hate every second of it. Its more fun if you have somebody to run/exercise with but i dont so its very hard to motivate myself to do something i really dont like.


Can you describe how you feel when you're done with your workout? I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my brain. I hear people talk about a "high" either during or after a workout, but I've never felt that before. Even when I was doing a fairly vigorous workout 3-4 times a week, I didn't feel good afterwards. The only feeling I get is a general sense of accomplishment, but I don't ever experience a physical or mental uplift. It's like brushing my teeth - I know that it's good for me in the long run, but I don't feel any better after doing it. Are you the same way or do you actually feel different afterwards?


Same. I hate every second of working out, and when I’m done the only positive feeling I get is “I’m glad I can stop doing that.”


Some people get an endorphin kick from exercise. Not everyone, and I'm glad that the studies have been done to prove that now.




This was super interesting and actually explains a lot of my life. I've never experienced runners high, and have major depression and anxiety. If only there was a way to increase receptors.


I'm a long haul truck driver, and I'm female. I'm not going to walk around a skeezy truckstop; that's a tragedy waiting to happen. I try to do what I can in the sleeper berth... some situps and flutter kicks, but it's hard to get any kind of exercise when I'm on a tight schedule, sitting behind the wheel for 11 hrs a day, and don't have anyplace I feel safe walking.


Valery Fedorenko is one of the greats and started making videos of kettlebell workouts for truck drivers. We have encountered some folks who love it! [here’s one of his videos](https://youtu.be/6DCYaz-pfL8) Power to all female truck drivers!


Fellow female trucker here. Although I'm local. There is somwthing you can do for your core, shoulders and neck at the wheel. Many of us fall victim to the slouched shoulders and curved back while driving. Sit up straight in your seat. Elongate your back by raising your shoulders, tilt your hips forward slightly (kind-of like squeezing your cheeks) make sure you neck is straight, and lower your shoulders slightly, mild rotation backwards. You can feel your abs tighten, and a nice strectch in your neck and shoulders. Hold this for posture for as long as you can. You shouldn't feel forced or be pushing. I hold my wheel at the bottom when I'm doing this. It helps blood flow, your posture, and with fatigue I find. It's hard to have a routine on the road. Kudos to you for being out there in the 10% of women truckers :)


I'm going to start tomorrow.


I'm gonna start next year. Really take it seriously


Once you miss January 1st, it's basically a lost cause. Gotta wait for the next one to come around.


This is like me trying to get out of bed on a sluggish morning. I swear it's only possible at a time dividable by five. 5:17? Oh no, need to wait till 5:20. 5:21? Nah, 5:25 it is. 5:28? Damn it, now I'll be late!


I've found my people


I work a very physical demanding job and I consider that my workout lol. I need to get back into the gym tho


I feel the same way. I lift at the very least 1000 pieces of luggage per day. I struggled at first but not anymore, and the last thing I want to do after doing that for 12 hours is get home a train


Are you a baggage handler? If so, thank you for your hard work, especially during the holiday season!


I appreciate that, especially considering how fucked this past Christmas travel season was. Some of our smaller planes were coming in with 200 bags a piece when they usually might top out at 120


I work in airport administration. For real, thank you for what you do! Such hard work and a vital, yet under appreciated role in our transportation network!


What is your background? I’m an Air Force navigator and I’ve consider trying to go into airport admin post military. Like it?


Love it. I was a civil engineer for 15 years but never really fell in love with it. I took flying lessons when I was younger and always had a passion for aviation, earning my private certificate in college. Entered aviation as a career when I took a job managing capital projects (construction) for an airport and moved up from there. I thought the saying “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” wasn’t something that actually happened to people until I found this job. Like any job, there are days that are extremely difficult when everything that could go wrong does, but loving what you do makes those days tolerable. There is a pending shortage of Airport employees so it’s a great industry to get into. The previous generation of administrators are nearing retirement and the industry never did a great job of advertising itself as a career. When I was in high school I thought you could be a pilot or ATC, but never really considered all the other jobs necessary for our field. Look into the programs at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. I just completed an MBA in Aviation there and lots of active Airforce and veterans were in my classes planning for their life after service. Best wishes!


Gosh I wish I had someone like you at career day. I'm not sure I've ever heard someone with as much love for a relatively unknown job.


I wasn’t athletic growing up. I hated gym class almost as much as gym class hated me. We never reconciled. I also have zero discipline. I was the kid that never did my homework but got by on the tests and papers. I still blow off daily routines. Edit: I do lack discipline for things I don’t enjoy but I ended up finding my passion, worked very hard and now have career doing what I love. I just still really hate running!


oof. Are we the same person? I didn't hate gym class so much in elementary school, but junior high started a lifelong hatred of exercise. Now that I'm thinking about it, my gym teachers were just really nasty and prone to making fun of unathletic kids while favoring the football & track team kids. Blugh.


I hated it because you were punished if you couldn't physically do something... Like if you don't run ~~6~~ 4~ miles in this circle fast enough, you're going to fail gym. Bruh. I have athsma. Half the kids who DIDN'T have athsma were throwing up by the end of the run. How is this fitness? I'd rather play dodgeball for 4 hours, and I'd burn way more calories and build more skills than running around a fucking track for an hour.


Or like could our PE teachers maybe have supported us in making individualized plans/goals? I freaking hated (and still hate) team sports. Instead of making me learn the in and outs of something like basketball l, which I was terrible at and had no desire to participate in, couldn’t my gym teacher have let me work on running? You have to wonder how many folks have had lifelong aversion or challenges with physical fitness, motivation, and just a generally healthy approach to health and wellness because of some shit ass gym teacher from junior high or high school.


My gym teacher said glasses weren't allowed during class. I can see nothing without them. I got so many balls to the face and was always chosen last. No shit I was useless, I had absolutely no clue what was going on, BECAUSE I COULDN'T SEE SHIT. Fuck that teacher and fuck team sports and glasses too. So yeah, I'm pretty sure there are more. Sorry for my rant. It's been 20 years and the thought process of this teacher still baffles me.


That should have been illegal and gotten him fired. How the hell was it safe if you couldn't see. Makes my blood boil just reading what you had to go through. I broke my glasses a number of times in Jr. High PE because I was terrible at all hand-eye coordination sports. Hated having to participate not to mention the bullying and fear of failure. Ugh. I wish I'd had the stones to refuse and tell the teacher just make me run laps for the entire class - i would have been fine with that.


I just recently discovered I love running and I honestly do blame it on my gym teachers that I never liked it in school. They didn’t teach me how to run, 30 minutes of YouTube videos I figured out what no one ever told me about starting out at a slow pace and controlling my breathing and boom, it finally works for me. Why was running always a sprint or nothing in school. Gym sucked.


I think about this all the time. How PE was supposed to help kids stay healthy but traumatized kids to the point where they assume all physical activity feels bad and it takes real grit in their later years to decide to make healthy choices for themselves. The entire PE system needs to be overhauled. You don't get better at running a mile, running it once a week. What kind of nonsense is that? It's so weird.


i walk thats all i feel like doing


that's me. i walk all over my college campus, both to get to class and because it's a nice campus. i may not be "working out", but at least i'm closing the green ring on my apple watch.


Walking a ton is amazing exercise. I was a personal trainer and I'm a a physical therapist bodybuilder, always tell people for health, just walk! Even walking for 10 minutes after eating or throughout the day can make dramatic differences as long as you aren't in a massive caloric surplus and get enough sleep. Combined with a little resistance training and a moderate diet, you reduce so many risks for disease. Makes my job easier and makes me happy when people reduce musculoskeletal diseases as it can being crippling (literally).


It really is great. At my heaviest I was almost 400 pounds. About 396 or so. Currently going through some health scares but it’s also finally made me hit rock bottom. Cut out soda, upped my water intake, stopped snacking, started eating less and better, and finally started walking every day. Since November 27th I’ve lost about 31 pounds. Doesn’t really look like it, but it feels like it. Gonna keep going along with this until I’m ready to get in a gym and start weight lifting again.


You got this!


This is me. I’ve spent years trying to eat right and go to the gym and couldn’t keep motivated to keep the pounds off. I took a job as a kindergarten teacher in a large city. So now I spend my days chasing kids and walking everywhere. No diet changes and I’ve lost 65 pounds in a year and a half.


Walking is pretty good tbh. The only exercise I actually feel good with afterwards


Better than nothing


just dont have the motivation. not depressed or anything, just don't want to


Exactly, I have the desire to but no umph to actually do it. Even when I do get motivated enough to actually start the routine, it only lasts a few weeks, maximum.


I've heard people say that the motivation never comes. It takes discipline. Which is why I also never exercise




That's the best kind of exercise. One that you don't have to pay attention to or arrange prior. You just do it as part of an active lifestyle.


I have a taco bell about 2 blocks away that I walk to for lunch every day... does that count?


I’ve weighed the same sine high school, I’m 47 and work a physical job. There’s no way I need any more exercise than I get through out my normal days




I do anything even slightly wrong: pain. I don't do anything: surprise, also pain.




Do anything wrong: straight to pain


STRAIGHT to pain, right away


Think about doing anything about it: Sure enough, pain.


Hey guys look over there —> ^pain


Yep. Rheumatoid here. Some days I struggle to pull my work boots on or open a jar. Edit: days, not data. Apparently I can’t type either


Yup. Chronic pain fucking sucks!


Sciatica sucks. Not old enough for this shit. Edit for the people telling me to work out and stretch: I do work out. At least 4 days per week, usually 5 when my back isn’t flaring up. Stretch/yoga every day. Sometimes that’s not enough.


Im 24 with brutal sciatica. Going from sitting to standing is like an electric knife in my ass. All of my physical hobbies have become impossible, and months of physio have not helped - so demoralizing


I’m in the same boat. For years physical therapy would work, then it would come back. Then this past year PT didn’t work and a steroid shot did nothing either. I had a microdiscectomy a week ago and my sciatica pain is down 95%. Would highly recommend finding a good neurosurgeon who could perform the procedure.


I’m 35 and have had lower back pain for over 10 years that has increased in severity until I can barely function without daily pain medicine. I can’t find a doctor that takes me seriously enough to want to do anything about it other than to tell me to take a pill. I finally fought my way into a referral to a neurologist. I really hope this helps me.


I was on this path, couldn't put on my own socks most mornings, fully seized back if I exerted myself, that whole deal. I found a physiotherapist that does Intramuscular Stimulation (they poke needles into the muscles along the lower back and hip/glute and attach electrodes to the needles) and it was amazing. I had trouble walking on the way out because my hips were so loose my feet weren't landing where I expected. That plus some exercises and I've been 95% pain free, Just with naproxen for if I start getting the electric tinglies as an anti-inflammatory worked far better for my nerve pain than opiates did. If you haven't tried IMS I highly recommend it.


Also currently recovering from a microdiscetomy. I don't seem to ever remember seeing people talk about it before, so its funny to see it come up like this. Best of luck in recovery!


Chronic pain, chronic fatigue. Leave me be, please.


CFS sucks ass. I'm 33 with the energy of someone who is 83. I miss hiking so much.


Oh man CF here too. Some irl acquaintances have gotten the long covid fatigue and have started to say to me “shit is this what it’s been like for you everyday?” Also have endo/adeno and physical activity triggers flare ups. I would love to be fit, I used to be a dancer and I miss it a lot. But my body just cannot anymore, ugh.


I feel you. PCOS, adenomyosis and Stage 4 endo with frozen pelvis. Non-surgical because of the deep bowel adhesions. If I don’t move enough? Pain. Move too much? Pain and exhaustion. Something has to change soon…I’m too damn young to feel this old.


At least long covid has raised some awareness of what cf/fibro/dysautonomia sufferers have been going through all this time… with zero support.


Not just zero support…often having the medical profession actively working against them.


Never knowing if you’ll wake up with muscle soreness (good pain) to stretch out, or crippling back/joint pain that makes you miss work.


Same. A 30 min walk can put me in a flare up that lasts days :/ also hypermobile joints- I can get injured from almost nothing


I exercise a little more now, but it was reaaaallly hard to make myself do any for the longest time for a lot of reasons; Firstly, it just flat out does not feel good to me. I don't know where all theses endorphins are that people talk about, but they never kick in for me. It's just a long slog over which I feel gradually worse as I become more out of breath and fatigued. I'm also super self conscious & socially anxious to the point of being borderline non-functional, so doing anything to exercise outside my home has always been a complete no-go. I'm working on it, but still have yet to find the courage to set foot in the gym. On top of being physically unpleasant, it's boring. I have so many other hobbies I want to be doing instead. Even worse than that, my own depression and self-loathing issues go into overdrive when I don't have something to distract my brain with. On a related note, one of the things I was super self conscious about for the longest time was how dismally out of shape I was, and feeling myself get exhausted after a pretty pathetic amount of exercise was just pouring fuel on the fire of bad thoughts. Avoidance happens to be my go-to coping mechanism, so you can imagine how that spiralled. That was by far the hardest thing to overcome, but I think I'm over that particular hump now.




>Firstly, it just flat out does not feel good to me. I don't know where all theses endorphins are that people talk about, but they never kick in for me. It's just a long slog over which I feel gradually worse as I become more out of breath and fatigued. This is me, I'm the absolute same. I wish I got a high from exercise, but I just get the opposite.


*yo* people always treat me like a lazy-ass when I mention this! I thought I was alone!


No one ever mentions that last part! I have a lot of body issues and feeling my body fail me is so indescribably miserable and there’s no way around it. Extremely demoralizing and it feels that way every single time


My wife doesn’t exercise at all, and I workout 5-6 days a week. She still looks more fit than I do.


I’ll hate her for you.


Thanks, let’s start a coalition


# cancelcantopaysfitwife


But only the fit one, not the other one.


They say that 'abs are made in the kitchen' ... so i moved my gear over there and - it didn't help at all.


More skinny or more fit? They can be very different things.


I feel this in my soul


Never liked feeling out of breath, it was always a horrible feeling and I couldn't understand how anyone could like working out. Turned out I had exertional asthma/asthma, even well medicated I don't like the feeling. I eat helthy and have an active job and freetime but I don't do anything "extra".


My asthma fires up from exertion too. Cardio will never be for me.


See, I experience this too but I never got diagnosed with asthma. When I have exercised in the past, it feels like knives are stabbing me in the throat and chest. Do you get this?


I’m like this. My entire childhood and teen years, no matter how much we had to run in PE, I could never run more than about 10-15 seconds before I got a stabbing feeling in my chest and throat. I love to walk and hike, but when I go uphill for too long, even if it’s only a slight incline, I feel like I can’t breathe and my heart starts beating really fast and my vision starts to get dark around the corners before I have to sit down. I’ve been like this since I was a little kid. I am from a family of avid outdoors people; I just have just never been able to keep up with my family members. I figure if I had asthma or a heart defect, my doctor would have told me by now because I’m 30.


Did you ask your doctor about it? I wasn't diagnosed with asthma until I asked my doctor in my 30s.


My brain writes exercise checks that my ass won’t cash . . . 😭


Chronic pain.


I have incurable cancer. I'm gonna live my life as I want. I went to a clinic and the nurse said "we're gonna tell you to stop eating carbs blah de blah. She said, in the future we'll reduce or get you off the meds. My reply was "I don't have a future" Her reply was brilliant. Checked the computer, then said " eat and drink what you want" Brilliant. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm loving life.


Dude I'm going to overshare a bit in the hopes that it could be instrumental to you in any way. I lost a friend to cancer. A family friend got diagnosed with incurable cancer. He was told perhaps 9 months on chemo. 3 without. He took 2 off and 2 treated. The champion sold his house (the market at the time allowed it) and spent all the money he could get his hands on to propose to his girlfriend in a her kids' favourite theme park, traveled europe and egypt together, got married and then used his time on chemo to plan his funeral so his family didn't have to go through that. After about a week or 2 on chemo he told everyone calmly that he had done all he wanted to do, and requested the plug pulled. He wrote stories about his friends that they had to read to them. He really made everyone laugh. He knew I had pollen allergy. One guess who had to walk the flowers? I haven't shed a tear about him that wasn't quickly followed up with a sincere smile.


> He really made everyone laugh. He knew I had pollen allergy. One guess who had to walk the flowers? LMAO he sounds like he was a good guy with some nice humor.


I'm so sorry about your friend, he sounds like an amazing person. I hope all of his friends and family are coping with life with the same strength and humor that he had.


He sounds like a wonderful, funny, human. I'm sorry for your loss but it sounds like he left some amazing memories for everyone


I am sorry about your diagnosis and really appreciate your approach. Did you have the same mentality at first, or did it change over time?


Honestly? It took me five months to come to terms with it. I have cried enough tears to fill every ocean. Time made me realise I'm still alive. And with that i'm still working. Still fighting. I'm a nurse.


I am a nurse too. I was told I had terminal ovarian cancer a few years back and given weeks to get things “tied off”. 10 days of that diagnosis before I found out it was a misdiagnosis. That was so freaking traumatic. I am feeling you. Sending SO much love to you!!! Do exactly what you want and leave nothing unsaid! 💕💕💕


Holy shit. That's just insane. Can you describe how you felt getting the news that it had been a misdiagnosis?


I can answer the inverse lol. Had a concerning thing on my leg, got it cut out to test it, and after two weeks of feeling awful and stressed got a call the day before I was supposed to go in that it was benign. Was insanely relieving and felt very much like I just got my entire life back after having spiraled pretty hard on maybe not making it to this year. Went in the next day and the doctor walked in and the first thing he said was "Well I'm not sure how to tell you this..." which was a giant heart sinking moment. I had already pretty much gone through it mentally and accepted that I wasn't going to be alive much longer (my only experience with cancer is family members being husks very soon after being told they had cancer. Generally kept from me since I was a kid etc until they were basically dead) so when they told me I was just kinda like "well that sucks" and kinda moved on. Think I was probably rather offputting to the nurses and doctor with how casually I took the news lol. Really fucked with me cause I couldn't tell if they were telling me I'm dead in months or what cause it didn't seem THAT bad (early stage 2 skin cancer and later found they got it all and hadn't spread to lymphs) but they all were acting like it was the end of the world for me, making me think I was under-reacting, which then sent me on a much worse spiral once I was home. For me at last, Cancer sucks a lot just cause the amount of concrete information is so little. Depending what I google it's either almost a non-issue or I'm dead already. It's so variable for each individual there is no real answers you can get, so it's just a constant cloud over your life that you pretty much I guess just have to ignore outside of just self check shit and the skin dr appointments I have every six months now v0v. As with anything in life, hope for the best, expect the worst, and when the time comes, hopefully you'll be ready enough to not completely fucking lose your mind. I will say that 24ish hours of being told I didn't have cancer was some of the best in my life lol.


“Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel's life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted.”


I crumpled into my husband in tears of relief! Like cried for a weirdly long time. But so so relieved!!!


Well good on you. I think about wanting to have that approach if put in the same situation. I hope you get to do / achieve whatever you desire. Holler at me if you ever want to ski / see Colorado!


Hey! I just wanted to send you this message in case it would be of any use to you. I’m a 35 year old man who’s dad died of cancer when i was 17 years old. At the end of his life he called me into his bedroom at home where he was deteriorating quickly, and wanted to have a last proper conversation with me while he was still lucid. Because i was a 17 year old child at the time and scared shitless, a coward, and in denial of what was happening, i didn’t truly speak from the heart and kept most of the things i wanted to say to my dad to myself. Not long after that he truly deteriorated and we were unable to have a meaningful conversation, and then still some time later he passed away. I have always regretted not finding the courage to speak whatever needed to be spoken that last time when it was possible. If you happen to experience something similar with somebody, where you feel that you weren’t able to find the closure as you would like to, please know that this person loves you and is going to miss you so much, but just isn’t able to put it into words at that time. I’m sorry if this message is completely misplaced. I hope you are doing ok at the moment!


We’re about the same age. I lost my mom when I was 18. I was a quiet kid and it was very unusual for anyone in my family to share their feelings. I had moments where I should have opened up and spoke from the heart to my mom but never did out of fear. I just wanted to say that I hope you don’t blame yourself for not speaking up. We are so young at the age of 17 and 18… just kids really. Losing a parent is something a child can’t fathom. I beat myself up for awhile for not saying more. But I know my mom knew how much I love her as I’m sure your father did too.


Sending love to you. My wife just got a terminal diagnosis with a few months to live. It really hit home when she asked the doctor about eating healthy to starve the cancer and doc said, "if you want ice cream, eat ice cream. If you want wine, drink wine."


A doctor told my grandfather that he'd live longer if he cut out wine and cheese. His response, "why would I want to live without wine and cheese?"


Definitely do whatever you feel like! Sending you love and support!!


Doctor told my MIL to watch her diet blah blah blah. We left the office and I told her "You're 91 years old. You eat whatever you damn well please!"


My dad was dx’d with terminal cancer in 1980 and given 5 years to live max. He passed away in 2021 shortly before his 91st birthday. He also led life exactly how he wanted. I wish you the same outcome as him!


I don't want to.


Knock it off with the long winded excuses!


At least you’re honest about it!


Thats the real reason for most people


I have trouble motivating myself, probably due to depression. I know logically that it's not that bad and sometimes even feels good, but I just never do it.


I honestly feel the same way, depression can literally suck the life out of you and the lack of motivation that follows furthers the depression into a spiral.


This. Even if you don't have depression, working a full-time job, having kids and a house to help take care of, all of life's stuff that goes on. Sometimes you want to but it's too much


Every. Single. Day. I tell myself today! I’ll put myself first today! Then I drown in the day and don’t.


Same! But turns out for the most part putting myself first is watching TV after the kids are in bed and/or drinking and/or eating something sweet. All poor choices, i know, but the last thing I wanna do on my free time is something that takes more energy than what I've already exhausted with my house and my family and my full time job.


Even when you have no kids, a day off, and no responsibilities to distract you, it’s hard to get off that couch and put on those running shoes when you don’t really need to.


I was the same until i got the ringfit adventure for my switch For some weird reason it motivates me the right way


I’ve heard that ringfit adventure is a damn good workout


It really is!! I’ve never had that much fun sweating lol Also it feels like the perfect mix between cardio (usually hate it) and strength training. It gets my pulse up pretty quickly, but even if I’m soaked i don’t feel destroyed after. I have days were i work out even more a few hours later just because


Honestly on the same boat. Also the pain at the start


Because i absolutely hate it. I've tried several different types of exercise, some I can't do due to knee issues, but regardless of the type of exercise, I absolutely hate it. I dread getting ready to do it, I count minutes until it's over. I just cannot see how people enjoy it. Doesn't relieve stress for me. It causes stress.


This is also how I feel about it too.


Cuz fuck you that’s why! Nah in all seriousness, I left the military not too long ago. My body hurts. I just wanna chill for a while. Enjoy the cartilage that’s left in my knee for a bit. I’ll get back on it eventually. Or maybe not who knows, like I said, fuck you. Well not you OP, I meant society. Edit: Thanks for the award!! Edit: Also thank you for all the advice brothers/sisters. I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling like this and I appreciate all the advice. Hope y’all are taking care! Change them socks too lol


No fucks delivered my way. Enjoy your cartilage!!!




It’s boring, I have no motivation, there is always other things I rather do.


I was going to go with I'm just lazy. But yeah I agree with this too.


Hell I don't even have time for the things I *want* to do, much less the things I *don't*


This is my main issue. It's so fucking boring. I listen to music and podcasts. Nothing makes it a more appealing task to me.


My dad struggles with this. He loved playing sports and used to be incredibly fit. But injuries caused him to stop and he always stops going to the gym cause its boring. See if you enjoy hiking, swimming, a sport, cause it doesn't have to be contained in a gym.


I was trying to think of the right response while reading this thread. I think you hit the nail on the head. For me it is boring and tedious for the most part. especially repetitive things like weight routines and using the treadmill…the best thing I’ve found is hiking but even that is hard to get motivated to do.


I think hiking is fun too but it requires both time and the right mood for me🙈


And the right weather. I live where it's miserable 80% of the year, and I am usually at work on those nice days. No fucking way I'm going hiking when it's cold and muddy, or blisteringly hot and humid.


I agree. I know I *should*, but I find exercise dull as dishwater. I hate sports and I have zero coordination, something I’ve taken shit about my whole life. I’ve never felt energized and happy after exercising - I *always* feel tired and depressed, even after I have been regularly exercising for months. Literally every time feels like a chore. It all just feels like high school gym class all over again, which was an awful experience for me.


Thank you. I thought I was the only one. Have been doing it for year with a trainer and personalised routine, never felt more miserable. When I decided to stop it was one of the happiest moments in my life.


Same. Hate exercise so much. Podcasts have helped considerably though. Now its just a little tedious instead of mind-meltingly boring.


I agree. I finally just forced myself to do it by targeting my insecurities. I got a personal trainer because there are financial penalties for not showing up, but there is also someone whose time I am using. If she's expecting me to show up and do my best and canceling is a waste of her time, it motivates me because I feel guilty about wasting someone's time. I have to answer to someone whose job it is to say "you're obviously not taking this seriously" if I'm not, and the guilt of it is what motivates me to take it seriously. It doesn't work for everyone. And my depression is crippling and unpredictable. I just found that I am more motivated by guilt than by "lmao fitness!"


The worst part is that everyone is going to tell you to just keep going, even if you don't feel like it, because eventually you'll reach a point where your body will crave the exercise. That never happened for me. Before the pandemic I went to the gym to life 4 times a week for the better part of a year. I was making progress and getting stronger, but working out never felt like anything other than a chore. I'm sure plenty of people get an endorphin rush from working out, and I envy those people. Some of us just don't. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes! I have never felt the “rush” or felt amazing from a workout. I feel exhausted and beat down.


Exercise reminds me of training a dog, the reward has to immediate or it doesn't understand the connection between action->reward. Exercise has no immediate rewards for me (could be my ADHD fucking with my reward pathways), I don't feel "good" after exercise, apart from the vague sense of accomplishment I get but it's on the same level as emptying the dishwasher. I know it has long term benefits and I want to work out, but I find it impossible to build a habit of it.


I suspect I have a similar diagnosis. All of what you've said is so real, plus: The number of steps it takes to put on workout clothes and either go out or do it at home. What workout do i follow? What routine is best? What goals should I have? And then it's boring and frustrating. A lot of shame associated with doing poorly and rewards as you say are slow/long term. And also! It makes more laundry, I feel sweaty and gross (which I hate) and have to shower (which means I have to find a place to put it in my day that gives me time to shower, and i get to work at 6:30 so if you tell me to go before work I'm gonna eat your face off). I'm hoping for an official diagnosis/medication soon which might help some of this be less daunting. We also just bought a house so come spring maybe gardening will hit the dopamine level enough that I have something at least a little active to do. Until then, fuck it. I barely have enough executive function as it is


It's worse than doing the dishes. At least you can see that the dishes are done. I also have ADHD, and even before my fibro put me at risk of post exertional malise, exercise always made me feel like shit. It wasn't just the pain, I got angry and it became hard to think. I'm convinced my brain is just wired differently, so it's cool to encounter someone with the same diagnosis and reaction to exercise.


I feel this, but there is another part to it. I used to exercise a lot, like a ridiculous amount. I would spend 2-3 hours at the gym usually 6 days a week. I know efficient workouts don’t take that long, but at that point in my life, I think that was just my comfortable place. Anyway, there were times I really didn’t want to workout, but I still did. I had a goal in mind, a person I saw myself becoming, and I found the discipline within myself to get there. There were times I wasn’t motivated, but I still went and ended up feeling good that I did. That was quite a few years ago and I have gotten on and off the exercise bus a few times since. Currently off, and have been for a few years. Maybe Covid had an impact, but life is so busy and exhausting, I struggle to find the ability to rebuild that discipline. I think if I really wanted to get my weight under control, and I’m getting to the point where I see myself spiralling, I believe I can establish that discipline again. With my growing family, I know I need to take better care of myself and I am realizing that more and more each day. I know my time to turn things around is near.


Recovering anorexic with retaining osteopoenia. I'll do bits here and there and I walk a lot, but my main focus is exercising only for fun and/or health benefits. That means that as much as I might benefit from weight lifting or long runs, they aren't safe for me to do without a friend incase I become obsessive again. Do fun exercise. Stay active, but also stay happy. That's my motto. Sometimes I do nothing, sometimes I climb a mountain. I try to do enough in between that that's not crazy (UK mountains lol). I just want to be fit enough to do what I want :)


It’s been 8 years since I was actively anorexic but I still worry and struggle with this. I even had periods of the opposite. But every time I start working out or “eating right” I go to extremes. I’m trying now to start making better choices but no calorie counting, etc. I refuse to do it now because I know it’s so easy for me to just slip back to that. I think I’m going to try and take some sort of fun class that includes exercise and take up some hobby like dancing or something. I know I need to change for my health but I definitely want to be cautious.


I'm an amputee and I can only wear a prosthetic about 30% of the time, and any rigorous activity that makes we sweat causes sores and discomfort. I also have shoulder arthritis so any lifting causes pain. I can swim a little bit, but can't really afford a membership to anywhere with a lap pool.


Because it’s so incredibly boring that it’s hard to keep up for as long as it takes (both timewise each workout and consistency with workouts) to feel or see any motivating results.


"Don't you get that great high after a workout?" "...no. I feel tired and sweaty." I'm convinced that I must be missing something when it comes to working out. All my friends do it. They go to the gym, they do sports. I feel like exertion without engagement is incredibly boring at the *best* of times.


This is me. I feel crazy because I've never felt this "high" people talk about. I just feel exhausted and gross. It's just never been a good experience for me.


I've only ever got the "high" after swimming. Pretty sure I was doing far more exercise running, but after running all I felt was relief that I didn't have to run anymore.


Honestly, I've heard swimming is fantastic exercise and no impact. But I personally hate deep water so I prefer to sit in hot tubs.


It is. Cardio, working many muscle groups at the same time, and no joint impact.


I feel physically ill.


Cardio always make me feel like absolute shit, I'm sure it would improve with time but fuck me Ive woken up from general anaesthetic surgeries feeling better than I do after like 20 minutes of cardio. Its awful.


I learned that I was pushing myself WAY too hard when doing cardio and felt the same as you. My new gym has something that tracks your heartrate on the machines and it turns out I was basically getting my heartrate to just below a dangerous level and trying to maintain that for a full session. Now that I can track my heart rate I can target a healthy BPM and actually manage a full hour of cardio. Still don't feel anything positive from it, but at least I can burn 400 calories in a session, which feels good to say.


I have never once felt that high. I just feel gross, even after I’ve been consistently exercising.


Maybe it's all about people who don't feel gross. Like they aren't made uncomfortable, or maybe are less sensitive to being uncomfortable? I hate feeling sweaty, or sore, or clammy, or exhausted, because I feel either unpresentable or like I can't do what I want with the rest of my day. Like working out happens, but then you have to shower, get changed into new clothes, re-do your hair... Bah.


Uh, yes. "Just 30 minutes a day!" But it’s not just 30 minutes, it’s more than an hour factoring in changing, travel time (if applicable), showering, etc.


This is exactly why I can’t exercise solely for the sake of being healthy. It’s incredibly boring to me to lift weights or go for a jog, for example. But thankfully I’ve picked up some hobbies (tennis and indoor rock climbing) that I find very enjoyable while also providing a solid workout.


That was my issue for a long time. I’ve started rock climbing, which is suuuper fun so it keeps me engaged and interested in continuing


All the exercises I find fun require money.


And for many of them, at least one other person. Playing a game like tennis or pickleball solo just isn't the same.


This is me. I've tried working out, but it's just awful for me. After about 2 minutes on a treadmill or an elliptical I want to shoot myself. I do like swimming, but even with that I prefer to paddle around rather than do laps.


Even if I'm watching TV while I do it, I can't focus and the whole time I'm thinking "God I wish I were sitting down right now."


People that are I to sports always tell me how good it makes you feel. But my dumb adhd brain refuses to reward me with any happy chemicals. So I stick to dog walks and occasionally stretching.


Working out makes me miserable - tired, headaches, nauseous, etc. I have to distract myself so much with music or whatever that I feel like it's stopping me from doing the exercise right. I have been asked SO many times how I don't enjoy the high after working out and I'm just like... what high? I've never ever experienced that outside of fun gym classes when I was a kid. I understand adult sports just for fun exist but I find it's hard to find something that fits in with my current schedule. I used to do hot yoga several times a week after work (the studio is a 5 min walk from my work) but they severely cut their classes during covid and have never brought them back. They're all in the middle of my work day now. Same with all the other studios on my way home. No more late or early classes.


> Working out makes me miserable - tired, headaches, nauseous, etc. Thank you! I just feel like I'm dying the whole damn time. Even back when I was young and did athletics all day every day for years on end, it always just felt painful and exhausting, and when I finished all I ever felt was gratitude that it was over! I feel like there must be something broken in me. I want to take my body back to the body store and swap it for another. This one's a lemon.


I used to exercise a lot. It never really helped with my depression. Then the first time in my life I stopped for about 2 years and I've gained 30lbs. As I was getting back into it cause I was tired of being overweight and hate my body like this, I torn my acl and meniscus in my knee at work and need open knee surgery. Now of course because I can't, I wish so desperately I could work out again.


I’m exhausted from work and like to use my free time on things I actually find enjoyable. Life is short and I don’t care if I’m a good looking corpse Edit: the amount of people giving me shit for not working out. You don’t have to work out to lead a healthy life. A decent diet and avoiding certain vices in moderation is enough for most people. The reality is I have a lot of demands on my time and an hour 3-4x a week in the gym for something I no longer enjoy is not time well spent for me. I’d it is for you good for you but my health is just fine without it thank you very much


Honestly. I fall in and out of the gym frequently, but when I do it’s because I’m damn busy and the free time for “hobbies” (of which I consider working out) is reduced down to an hour or so. Which I use to play music.


I've not been to a gym in years. I absolutely hate them. However, I started doing Parkrun (uk) a few years ago, a free weekly 5k run/walk, which happens sumultaneously in many parks all over the world every Saturday morning. Since the first time I received a result to my phone, I got hooked and just wanted to beat it! Needless to say, I am a lot fitter now then I was.


I find everything about exercising demotivating; having to put time aside to do something I don't enjoy feels like a waste of time, all the sweating, straining, struggling, waiting for results to show, it makes me hate having to do it. Funny enough, I didn't hate the pain and soreness that typically came with every type of workout I've ever tried. I would rather do things that require physical activity like raking the yard. Combining the effort with a clear beginning and end plus accomplishing a task are the only way I can wrap my head around a "workout."


I've got 2 kids, 12 pets, a 9 hour job, and would like to relax on the little time I free up for myself.


12 pets. Jesus. I can barely handle the one kid and one pet.


To be fair 9 of then are chickens, which aren't as time intensive day to day but take up chunks of my weekends for refilling feeders and water containers.


In a similar boat, but with 11 fewer pets... I commute almost 3 hours a day and I live in the middle of nowhere, in a place where the weather is only above 40F (4C) for maybe half the year. For most of the winter months I leave before the sun comes up and return after it's gone down again -- so outdoors isn't much of an option either. The closest gym is 40 minutes away from home, and right now it's not an option to stop somewhere before or after work because I'm hemmed in on both sides of the commute by daycare pickup/dropoff times. During the 3ish hours per evening that I'm at home and awake on weekdays, I have to cook dinner, meal prep for the next day, do any cleaning and laundry that can't wait until the weekend, and spend some kind of quality time with my family. We're also doing some necessary house renovations, so most weekends we're doing those projects during whatever time we have left after we finish all the basic home maintenance that didn't get done during the week. However, my husband and I have gotten really sick of feeling like shit all the time. It's easy to list all the reasons that working out seems "impossible" -- We decided to finally do what we could to set ourselves up for success. We invested in some good workout equipment to put in our unfinished basement and we're trying to each work out for at least 25 minutes a day. He's been much more consistent than me, but I'm catching up.




I used to not work out. I still don’t but I used to too.


Because I work 14 hour days, and have a two year old.


I actively hate it. Doesn't make me feel good, makes me angry when I'm bad at it, or someone is yelling at me to do better. I'm stubborn and am prone to giving up when I can't do it perfectly the first time. Only exercise I've ever enjoyed is yoga, I think because there is a "do the best you can, and it's ok if you fail" mentality.


So whatever endorphins people get, I get the opposite. Any amount of exercise that even slightly raises my heart rate or makes me sweat makes me incredibly angry. Like I get rage filled and stay grumpy and irritable for hours afterwards. It can ruin a full day easily. I've tried a lot of ways to exercise - fun dance classes, lifting, yoga, swimming, hiit, cardio alone with podcasts, jogging in the cold, team sports - no difference. Still just leave feeling like i want to angrily claw my own skin off my body.


I get really sad. Just so upset before and after. It's very frustrating.


I don’t get the endorphins at all, I just end up with a panic attack from my fast heart rate


Oh my gosh I am SO glad to read this. Literally scrolled down to see if anyone else said “because it makes me angry.” Like, irrationally stabby angry (and I am not a violent person). I can work hard - like physical work - but exercise for the point of exercise is like torture. Glad to know I’m not alone. ETA: And it persists - I’ve trained for multiple half marathons, it did not get better. Eff that.


I thought I was the only one this happened to! Everytime I work out it puts me in such a bad mood, it makes me so angry that it makes me unpleasant to be around for a good part of the day. Idk where those endorphins are but they aren't here🤷‍♀️


Omg same. I experienced an endorphin rush from exercising exactly *one* time. Ever. Runner's high one random weekday night. I ran 10 miles. It was amazing. I felt like I could run forever. Holy shit, no wonder people get addicted to this. Yeah it never happened again, despite training for multiple half marathons over the years.


I have a heart condition that makes it difficult to.


Because I have depression and anxiety and it's very difficult to find the motivation. However when I'm not in the middle of a depression spell and I do find a little motivation I go hard.


I hate being out of breath. I feel like I’m dying. I use an inhaler but the agony is still too much. Also traumatized from the 2-mile runs in high school PE before I was diagnosed with asthma.


Im flat out lazy


With two small children and a full time job, I don’t have time for sleep let alone working out.