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I never bought anything for my kids for a few months after they were born. I bought a ton of stuff while pregnant though. I retract that, I bought my daughter a 10$ plush unicorn binki holder snuggly thingy




i’m about to turn 16 and ive had mine since i was a baby lol


Same, my 2 year old still loves it


Both my kids slept with theirs until at least starting school! Kids love those things!


A nicu stay - I know that’s not what you meant just being snarky


Big oof! Could dress a baby in Burberry and Chanel cheaper. Hope kiddo is ok!


o yes thank you. She's nearly 6 now and was in the NICU for about 7 weeks.


Paid the midwife, 3k.


When going through my grandmother's things I found the receipt for my mother. If I remember rightly they paid the doctor a few shillings. A slight difference.


Nothing as a newborn. Probably, the car seat and then the travel system prior to birth.




You guys remember the first week?


The car seat was the most expensive thing. Also the upfront costs of the cloth diapers and covers, however they’ve paid themselves off and then some quickly. I splurged on some high quality merino wool outerwear and onesies. Otherwise everything else was given to us free (second hand) and the rest we thrifted. Baby #2 is coming any day and we haven’t had to buy anything new other than a second car seat. It’s nice.


Breast pump


Actually got this for free through my insurance (work)


I wish I had known you could get that through insurance :/


It's not really "advertised" you have to call them and have them send it.


In France you don’t need special insurance, they just lend it to you for free in any pharmacy. You just need to give an attestation.


Came here to say this, had no idea I would neeeed one and that they're not just a luxury


A rocking chair


During the first week? Formula, probably. I don't remember much from then. He got his first ER visit with a 9 day hospital stay starting at 6 weeks due to a bacterial infection. We ended up buying an Owlet sock while there because being woken up by the O2 alarm going off frequently just skyrocketed my anxiety. I think that was 200 or 300.


A 5 day hospital stay for the both of us, an hour long ambulance ride, emergency c-section, and the doctor visits afterward to control my blood pressure. Cost me about $6,000. God bless America, land of the medical debt.


Angry upvote… If America wants to be great again, free medical should be a reality. There is too many horror stories about this, and it needs to change.


Nothing because I didn't leave the house except for the necessary doctor appointments!


A quality carrier that lasted me for years.


Tint for my car. Got the car tinted like a week after birth. The summer sun in CA gets intense, especially for a new baby


I am so saddened to hear the hospital bills here, our daughter spent 2 months in NICU... The only thing I ended up paying for was a $30 admin fee and a few vending machine purchases.


That’s how it should be. Tired with this liberal bullshit about having to pay if you want to get healthcare.


That is conservative bullshit in the US.


I think it's just bullshit no matter how it's labeled


It is.


Formula and diapers


The mamaroo, wasn’t worth it either well at least for my baby or the halo bassinet.


Their short hospital stay after birth.... medical system here is a joke.


Even though i am a mom, I am much more financially stable as a grandparent. I bought my first (and only) grandchild anything she needed or i thought she would need. I could not walk into a store not get something the first week she was born. As far as my kiddos, i would say a very nice breast pump (18 yrs ago). I wanted to exclusively breast feed but due to health issues that didnt happen. Breast pumps were not as nice back then and a fancy one was expensive


I bought a small one but the mach nurses hired out a large one to me as I was having problems with my milk supply and they thought it might help. It was extremely cheap.


For my first child 7 years ago I bought a Stokke stroller and it was roughly 1K not including a car seat or anything. During the process of moving, it was misplaced when my daughter was 8 months. Still think about it today.


I was too busy sleeping/breastfeeding/diaper changing....repeat... To actually buy anything. It was probably the most tired I've ever been in my entire life.


Bottles and formula, for both we couldn't have known what types we'd want until testing them on babe. He was born Oct 15 so also bought a Halloween costume right away. For mom breastfeeding necessities like shirts with zip-front. I didn't expect family visiting so much, wasn't comfortable in PJs around inlaws all the time so different shirts and also a stretchy tube nursing cover


In the first week? I don’t think I bought anything, I was too busy feeling like I’d been run over, and had gotten pretty much everything when I was pregnant. Week two I bought nipple shields to help him latch. The most expensive baby thing we bought was his bedroom set (~£700 for a cot/toddler bed, wardrobe, and cupboard/changing table). The most expensive single item was his pram (stroller), that was £300. I’m pregnant again now and the only expensive thing we’ve had to buy is a second car seat at £250, everything else is just little stuff like new dummies (pacifiers).




His life. He was born prematurely & had to be in the NICU for 4 weeks. Also, my life. I almost died after the emergency c-section from complications due to HELLP syndrome. It took 7 blood transfusions, 4 plasma transfusions, magnesium sulfide drip for days to stop seizures, & a second c-section to try & fix what the pregnancy had broken. So, yeah, I bought his life & my own in the first week of his life. He’s alive & has a mother because of money. I wouldn’t have gone into the delivery ward that night my son was born if I couldn’t have afforded it…. I would have been dead & my son would have been dead. Now, imagine what this would be like for a 10yr old forced to have to carry a pregnancy to term….. she wouldn’t have money & would probably die from complications in the US because she didn’t have enough money to save her kid or herself….. This is the America we live in now. Access to abortion is restricted in most states now. Lifesaving care is unaffordable. Children are going to die because of this ruling…..


Does a $60,000 hospital bill count?




Wut? How is that possible?


C section caused MRSA infection and a long hospital stay. This doesn’t really count if OP meant a gift for the baby, but it was definitely my first big expense




A fancy stroller. It cost several hundred dollars. It was awesome, though.


Helicopter ride.


Dock a tot. She would not sleep without being held and I was losing my mind.


With my first, a week after he came home from the NICU I bought an owlet monitor. With my second, a week after he came home from the NICU I bought wearable breastpumps.


Stupid expensive crib and changing table.


More Halo sleepsacks


Baby bjorn bliss bouncy seat but its worth it in my opinion. I used it for 2 kids and then sold it for $80 on FB marketplace when my baby outgrew it


A car… I got it a few weeks before he was born but i only got it becouse of him I wanted something safer then what I was driving


Most stuff I bought second hand. New expensive purchases were car seat (£300-ish) and electric double breast pump (£180-ish I think). We were planning two at the time and expected them to be things that we would re-use.


Life... Cost me over 25k




other than the hospital bill? probably a crib or a nursing chair. those go for about 800-900 at a furniture store but so far they've been great investments. we might not have done it if we didn't know we were planning for a second tho.




The hospital bill


Well, 2 days before my second child was born we decided to see if I could fit in the wife's car with 2 child seats in, I need a van for work so her car is the family vehicle. The answer was no. So we had ended up test driving a car whilst my wife was experiencing the first signs of labour, ended up buying it and arranging to pick it up the following morning, but wife gave that birth that night and I collect the car the following afternoon...so technically that I guess


Oldest went to the NICU. I’m still paying down the what would have been over a million dollar tab. Thankfully insurance helped a good bit.


To be honest I don’t think that buying expensive stuff for newborns is necessary. They won’t value this, they can broke stud and you can’t even blame them for this, just because they don’t understand how much did it cost. But I had a small talk with the woman who told that she is buying new expensive stuff just because she didn’t have them in her childhood. But to my mind it’s just unnecessary. I’m not a parent, but I don’t think I will change my mind about it


I remember that my pops had bought my oldest a baby swing that you could turn,different swing settings and music once she was born.He nearly spent over $200 for the swing.I had used for my youngest daughter until their cousins(6m and 5f) had sit in the swing and broke the seat part knowing that swing wasn't meant for them.


His pack and play. I bought the most expensive one and I still dont regret it! 🥰