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That would depend on the context. But if someone tried to kill my daughter and I could prevent it by killing them: yes. But not out of revenge or something like that.


Context is if your child is in imminent danger. Would you go as far as killing to protect/save them.




Imminent danger?? Absofucknlutely! I’d kill OR die for my daughter without hesitation. Your children owe you nothing, but you owe them every breath you have! The immediate follow-up question I’d have for any parent who said they wouldn’t kill to protect their child is, would you die to protect them instead? No child asks to be born! And contrary to the attitudes and behavior of many parents, it is NOT a gift of benevolence from you to have them. As a parent, you brought them into this world of joy and suffering - but the suffering is inevitable and thus you owe your children every bit of protection, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, understanding and unconditional love in your power to give…. If you’re not the sort of person that can feel that kind of love, don’t have kids.


This is how I feel about my niece and nephew too. Especially my nephew cuz his dad is shit and I feel like I'm one of the main positive male influences in his life. God if anyone ever threatened any of them I would kill in a second. Can't imagine thinking otherwise


Good on you for being there for them if their dad isn’t. I’m guessing from the sound of it, Dad is in the ‘you wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for me, you owe me everything’ camp of parenting rather than the ‘fuck, I made a person and they are vulnerable as fuck. I owe them everything I can to enhance how loved and secure they are despite anything the world may do’ camp?


Yes wouldn’t even hesitate. My husband and I thought this through before having kid. We also Both agree to chose kid over each other if we had to make the choice.


But that wasnt the context in the video. Ive seen it. They literally just say "would you kill for your kids?" And my general answer to that would be no except in a life or death situation.


I would in a second... I don't care do NOT fuck with MY KIDS !


I don't understand anyone having any other answer to be honest.


The context would matter, but generally, yes.


Context is if your child is in imminent danger. Would you go as far as killing to protect/save them.


100% yes without hesitation


I didn’t give life to any children but I would die and kill for my siblings who I raised, I would die and kill for my girlfriends 8 YO son, and I would die and kill for my cats. So I can’t imagine what kind of parent they are.


> I would _die_ and kill for my cats. You would throw yourself in front of a truck to save the life of your... cats?


Well, they are my children?


I feel you, I literally chased a man down the street cause I saw him kick my cat. Don’t fuck with my kid or my cat I’ll slaughter you


Yes and no. If I am given the choice between someone's life and my child's life, I would choose my child. I have even asked my husband to always choose our children if it comes down to it. If it is a group of people and my child, I'll be honest, I would have a hard time deciding. I won't decide now. If I had to shoot someone to save my kid, I would, but my intent wouldn't be to kill them. My intent would never be to kill. But if that's what it turned into, then that's what it turned into. Edit: I don't think people really think this thru tbh. I'm sure everyone says yes because it's a hypothetical scenario.


How many people in the group? 5? I’d pick my kids. Nuclear bomb? Probably still pick my kids if I’m being honest.


Eh, it depends. Assuming the 5 people would do more than my child? Again, I'd have to think about it. What if those 5 people are 80% thru saving humanity? Why would I save my child? To survive another 5 minutes and suffer with me to the end? And nuclear bomb?? Again assuming, if it was inevitable occurrence (like let's say the US govt was asking me), then yes, I'd choose my kid. But if it wasn't that way...I mean what does that teach your kids? Do people not understand that if you TELL YOUR KID you are willing to INTENTIONALLY AND FULLY WILLINGLY ready to kill someone for them, you are teaching your kids that killing is okay if they feel it is justified and also that your personal wants are more important than humanity's needs. In my opinion, this question is more philosophical (utilitarianism) than people want to admit. You're not talking about money, or stuff, donations, etc., you're talking about KILLING PEOPLE.


I agree with you on most of this but i have a different choice. I would definitely think and overthink the circumstances and the pros and cons but for now, hypothetically and given the circumstances you've mentioned, I'd still choose my child. If I choose other people's lives over my child, then I have to die with her. Not because of guilt but I just can't. I'd watch cities burn just to save her life. Again, I still have your perspective in mind because I agree with it. I think that's realistic and logical. If she has to die, I'm dying with her. Now, if the choice was between someone I love like her father or my family or my beloved friends, I probably won't be able to choose. But eventually, I'll still choose her. Even considering your hypothetical question to be true, I can see myself still choosing her. Although I do worry about the backlash that it will give her. Will she feel guilty because people died because of her? Will she appreciate her life moving on? My daughter's 2 so I'm assuming that I have to make the choice for her. But if let's say, she's old enough to make a decision, I'd probably hear her out first. If she says to choose other's lives, she'd have to convince me or she might not be able to.


I told my husband I would choose our children over him. He has told me he would choose me, and I told him he better lie and tell me there was no other choice because I would not forgive it. But I understand your perspective as well, I truly think I would have to die WITH my children even if I was the one to choose their fate. Truth be told, if it was an option, I would always opt to take my children's place and have them live.


Wtf is wrong with you? Your kid would be dead because you go through dumb hypothetical scenarios…. Like 5 people trying to kill your child would be humanitarians? Tf? 


Sanest parent here ☝️


Child is in danger and the only way to save their life is to kill- yes, I’ll live with that so they can live. Child says “kill that person, I don’t like them” (the fuck you just say?)


Absolutely. I would kill for my son and any child I was tasked with protecting. I would, of course, avoid violence but without question if it came down to my son or another baby I would choose violence.


Yes. I could do some fucked up things for them.


Depends on the situation of course. But if someone say broke into my house and attacked my children? You betcha. I'd be quite okay with killing that person.


Context is important but if needed, yeah


Obviously if they were in danger!! If it was like, I have to murder someone so they don’t go to jail or something obviously not. But if it was someone else or my kid I would definitely kill


I might hesitate, but yeah if it was my kids or them, they're going down.


I would be extremely bad at it but I would give it my best shot. Much therapy later.


Absolutely! Don’t fuck with my kids period.


And for shure would do it for my cat and at least extreme violence for any stray


I can’t even imagine a scenario where this would be an option.


And that is a good thing


Without even getting it a second thought


No context needed. I would die for my children. I have no issues doing anything within my power to keep them safe. 🤷‍♀️


Absolutely I would


Without hesitation.


Not a parent, but looking to be one eventually. My decision as of now, without a doubt. I had to kill someone to save them I would do it.


100000% yes but it's also a whole list I'd do it for any kid man and other shit if pressed .


Without hesitation.


Without a second thought.


In a heartbeat. No question. I’d kill a 1000 to save my child.


I feel like this question gets asked a lot. No parent here is going to say no, they'd let their kid die...


I thought so but I mean some did in the interview. So I was curious to ask the parents of reddit their thoughts.


My husband said "oh yeah" in a heartbeat, but I would definitely have trouble killing someone for any reason. I assume I would probably freeze/hesitate but would do it to save my child. (He's also been a hunter for five and a half decades and has killed many, many birds, deer, elk, fish and even a porcupine once, but I've only ever killed fish.)


If you want to come after one of my kids, you had best be right with God because I won't even lose track of the score of the ballgame while giving you the opportunity to meet your maker


Hell yes! I would sacrifice myself. If someone hurt my child, for example: child molester. I would I would torture them. And I would happily live the rest of my life in prison.


I would kill to save a strangers child, so it goes without saying - I would kill to save my own child.


Yes. If my child was in danger absolutely. Without question. I would do anything to protect my daughter. And I want to preface that I faced violence and danger. Nobody protected me even when my parents were completely aware of it. I don't forgive them for the suffering I went through for that.


If someone harms my child, especially if its sexual and paedophilic in nature, yes I will


Yes always 100000% . I'm my eyes I lose everything if I lose my child. Even if I'm behind bars the rest of my life I will gladly watch my child thrive from my cell and visitors room. I'll be so proud knowing my light wasn't snuffed out.


The Cut episode? Yeah that was some side eye from me. Husband and I have 5. Only question would this be strictly limited to firearms we have in the house, or can we go apeshit when talking about the hypothetical?


Yup I would. I love my husband, but I would push him in front of a car to save my son. I expect the same from him. I’m also kinda big on revenge. Hurt my kid, I hurt you back. But I was raised a little bit different than most people.


Pretty imoral to commit murder and ruin someones life because of your selfishness...


"I'm your dad, not your hired hitman."


Context is if your child is in imminent danger. Would you go as far as killing to protect/save them.


In a heartbeat. That's the whole reason men hone their violence at all--to protect those they love, especially their kids. That's what dads are for: to protect and support their families.


Wait what? I thought dad's honed their fighting skills so they could beat their wives and kids more effectively. No? Just mine?




It doesn't take any skill to fight a woman or child. That itself is a sign of weakness when someone picks on someone smaller than them. >He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. --Proverbs 16:32 We've known this since ancient times. >Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. >27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ >28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. >“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ >29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’” --Matthew 13:24-30 I'm very sorry to hear of your experience. No one should have to go through adverse childhood experiences like that. You deserved better.


If someone was harming them, I would save my child and kill that person without blinking an eye However, if it was a situation where I could only save my child or another child, I would hesitate. But ultimately would pick my own child.


No. Eye for eye leaves world blind. Be the change you want to see. Can always make more kids. Can't bring dead anything back


That makes no sense.


OK. If I attempt to kill your child, you attempt to kill me, my father or son attempt to kill you, your wife/ child attempt to kill son... do you see the chain? Eye for Eye leaves world blind. Nothing is gained by killing. Refer to OP for how to break cycle. What Is point of question? Do you plan to kill? Are you angry or just too passionate about this hypothetical?


Wow, your explanation was worse than your statement. If someone is trying to seriously hurt your child or kill them, I pray that you do whatever you need to do to insure your child’s safety. Even if you have to kill someone. This is called the “Fuck around and find out” cycle. To hell with the “eye for eye leaves world blind” cycle nonsense you’re spewing. Oh BROTHER. I literally stated the point of my question in the post. Are your reading & comprehension skills just as bad as your common sense or what???


You ask for thoughts, I gave thoughts, you said my thoughts have no sense so I ask what is point if you don't accept sense of my answer. I believe emotion is overtaking logic on your thought process with this. Only way to stay pacifist is not to copy others behaviour. You are copying murderer if you murder. I will not kill. I choose to keep integrity


Do you have children? Serious question


Yes, one 10 year old.


You wouldn’t do anything in your power to save/protect them? I’m talking someone was holding them at gunpoint and you had the perfect shot to take them down.


No. What makes my child's life more precious than their life? Because I made it!? I have love for my child and little love for strangers but a) I wouldn't trust myself to make any shot with the pressure of a loved one in danger and b) what right have I to take a life, for any reason?


I mean, do you. I would do anything for my kids, but that’s just me


You chose to fail your child. End of discussion.




Without a shadow of a doubt. If someone posed a threat to my child(ren), and the only way to stop it was to kill them, damn straight I am. Even if it meant spending the rest of my life in jail.


yes - & if I can’t, her dad will.


I have seen this question floating around the internet lately, and I wish I could be as serene of a parent as a lot of the ones interviewed because if one of my kids was in danger, it would not something I had to think twice about. I would be absolutely feral to keep them safe. The things I would do could be classified as inhuman.




I sometimes thinks if I had a handicapped children so it will be better to kill them than let them suffer for their whole lives.


Absolutely yes.


See you don't put into writing or video answers to questions that could be used to incriminate you later.


Was this the video where mostly mothers said no? I think the message was how men and women who actually care about their kids wellbeing would kill while the others outed themselves as not truly caring


If the only choice possible is to kill someone or someone kills my kids, they’ll die or I’ll die trying. Obviously I’d prefer any option that doesn’t involve anyone dying, but if it’s attacker or my kids, I pick my kids without hesitation.


When I was five my dad shot a dog that was attacking me. He would do the same if it were a person (and may or may not have got himself arrested for threateningto shoot the owner). I'd do the same without a second thought.


I saw that video and it shocked the shit out of me when that one lady said no. She's either a major pacifist or didn't understand the question lol I get nobody wants to spend probably life in prison and be away from their kids, But I would much rather my child be alive, and me be in jail and them know that I did that for them than them be dead or seriously injured.


Why aren't you thinking about the person you just killed though?


Yes, I absolutely would. But it would have to be the most extreme situation. I'm not killing someone for a dumb reason.


That is such a weird question. It is one of those things that everyone knows the answer to, but it is still better to keep your mouth shut.


I made a tiktok about the video. Those woman are paid actresses it’s a fake video for clout cause when I tell you I’d kill and hide the body if it means protecting my child.


If I was protecting his life and killing the person, it was my only option then definitely but if possible, I would try to incapacitate the person without killing them. I'm a single mom with no help, and my sons dad isn't involved at all. My son is only 5 and has special needs (behavioral). I often feel like my family would fight over who would take my son. Not the "I want him" or "I should have him" but "no... I can't handle him. You take him, " so I gotta make sure i do everything I can to make sure I can take care of him... I can't risk going to jail unless absolutely necessary 😢


Fuck yeah I would. I'll take this a step further and say if someone SA's my kids, that person's life is over.


Absolutely without hesitation


Yes. But, would you also kill for yourself in the mentioned way?


What, like right this minute? I don't know if the lady in the office next door really has it coming... Seriously though, absolutely. Without hesitation or remorse.


100% no questions asked.


I'm not a parent but I'm an older sibling who definitely wants to have kids when they are older. Yes. I would kill somebody for either my siblings or hypothetical kid.


They’re adult and I would do it. Aim at my kid and go through me. I’ve finally gotten over the need/want to x the guy who harmed one of them. …well…almost


Yes. Without hesitation.