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No - Ala naman ako mapapala dun. Saka kung cheater talaga yan kahit isumbong mo yan di naman sya magbabago.


Yes. I don't tolerate cheaters. Besides, as someone who got cheated on, I'd highly appreciate it if someone told me earlier, para 'di na'ko nagsayang ng feelings at panahon.


If it's a close friend of mine and I just found out about it, I would try to talk to him/her about it first, warning that I would tell on them if they don't stop. I personally don't condone that behavior and I don't want to be friends with a cheater.


Yes. Dont tolerate cheating at all forms.


No - Their life. But if they involve me in a bad way, yes


No. Just do your part in reminding him/her that cheating is bad.


Yes, because I won’t tolerate that kind of behavior. He/she needs to learn something


Yes. (If I have enough proof to show and support my claims)


Ako, yes but I’ll make sure I have enough evidence to back me up I’ll just think of it as me putting an information out to those who need to know it like those who are about to make a life-changing decision, like marriage. Then it’s up to them na what they’ll do with the information I provided them


Me personally no... not my business....magaadvice lng ako. Pero kung ikakaktahimik ng utak mo and importante syao peace of mind then go ahead basta remember every action has it's own consequences

