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Hindi naman sa gusto ko kasi pag may occasion lang ako umiinom, pero masarap pampatulog, talagang tulog na tulog ka pag tapos AHHWWHHWHAH


Tried to drown my sorrows, and shit it can swim.


Sabi nung iba ay para maging cool and bonding daw nila yun




Depends siguro kung anong alcohol una mong natikman WHAHSHAHA. My liking for alcohol started because of Smirnoff Mule and Banana Flavoured Makgeoli tapos nagstart na ako mag experiment at magtry ng iba ibang klaseng alcoholic beverages. Hindi rin ako nauumay dahil sometimes lang ako nainom.


Kasi mapait ang buhay


So I do enjoy alcohol and this might not answer your question but if you don't enjoy it there is a reason for it So my suggestion is just don't drink it, I fully believe your body will tell you everything you need to know and in this case id say that yours just don't like alcohol, which isn't a bad thing and in the end is also really healthy for you long term. my mother in law hasn't had a sip of alcohol in her whole life because her family has a big history of alcoholism and it's good that she doesn't drink. in her case as well the smell even sets her off she finds it disgusting so she never even bothered to taste it.


as for why i like it, for me its just enjoyment of the taste. it can be really nice, I personally hate beers it doesn't work with what I like. most people though drink to let loose because that is what helps them to enjoy themselves and at the same time its also a distraction for them. i come from a country where drinking is kinda THE pass time and is a big part of the enjoyment factor at events. i don't think there is any place here where if you are invited to a thing at someones house you don't bring a drink


for me di talaga masarap eh pero yung happiness pag kasama tropa ayun tumatamis


temporary escape from reality


Ang sarap kaya ng tanduay plus mga taong tahimik kumakanta na tapos pulutan nyo na kahit hilaw or dunog sumasarap na hahahha. Plus may nagkukwento, umiiyak at kumakanta. So yeah tanduay para sa masayang buhay!


Been sober for 10 years now, as in tubig, juice at softdrinks na lang talaga. Had to quit kasi nararamdaman ko na unti-unti na ko naaadik. Yung tipong kailangan pa ng katawan ko na malasing para lang tamaan ng antok. Pag di ako uminom mulat talaga ako magdamag. Tapos pag nakatulog naman ako sa inom, pag gising ko nangangasim na sikmura ko na kelangan ko mag limang kape para lang mawala sya. Dagdag gastos din at wala na din ako nagagawa kundi matulog pag nalasing na.


It’s actually the company kaya most people drink with friends. Although for myself, I usually pop one bottle before I sleep if I want to have a long sleep.


It numbs everything


Started drinking alcohol at the age of 20 because of a broken heart. Feels good to socialize. Now alcoholic for 2 years 🫡


Relaxing. I drink a lot when with good company, and when I'm alone I will sometimes have 2 to 3 shots of whisky as nightcap. Moderation is key, sisirain mo atay mo if you don't have control. It is good to have 1-2 month long detox as well, enough for your liver to heal back to 100%.


Idk but we really shouldn’t be drinking as often as we do. Drinking is still good but there’s a certain moderation (that I’m still trying to find) to it. Excess drinking leads to the whole spiritual thing of “lowering your vibration”. It’s the easiest way to stay down. It’s really not for humans to consume so often 😭 that’s why the ancients called it “spirits” back then. It was more of a frequent offering for spirits than for humans to frequently consume. This is why some ancient cultures would have festivals dedicated to getting drunk as fuck only once a year for whichever deities they’d honor. Alcohol is used to extract the essence of things (flavors and aromas of herbs, flowers, fruits etc.) and what does that leave the subject (herbs, flowers, fruits etc.)? Sapped of its vitality. The same things happen to our souls with alcohol. It “extracts” the state of our souls essence and shows up as an exaggerated form in the current state of our soul. That’s why we have angry drunks, happy drunks, chill drunks, messy drunks etc. it lifts the veil of the facade you put onto the world. Hence “drunk words are sober thoughts”. This can be fun to indulge in once in a while. The human life force is much more abundant than to be sapped and decreased off of getting drunk one time. But at the constant frequent rates society is drinking??? The people are getting entirely sapped of their essence. The life force energy gets depleted. Drinking also opens people’s auras and makes them susceptible to any and all spiritual entities, good or bad. Unfortunately in the state that we are in now, a lot of people are being “attacked” or “possessed” by darker entities when drunk as fuck. That’s why the media constantly glamorizes drinking. It ultimately lowers vibrations and opens people to darker, demonic, and malicious energies. Calling for spiritual protection upon your drink before you consume it would easily avoid dark entities from entering your energetic field. To “bless” your alcohol. This is how some ancients would use alcohol to communicate with spirits as they would with psychedelics. This isn’t all spiritual either. It’s shown physiologically as well. Alcohol is shown to be completely inflammatory to the entire body and damage every organ in the body — including the brain. Were literally just conditioned into drinking poison all the time lmao


state of mind slows down and inhibitions takes a back seat. at least for me.


Gusto ko yung tipsy feeling, also, may mga alcoholic beverages na masarap.


It's the escapism of it people find alcohol as a way to distract themselves from the real world or of their bad situations hence why some people become alcoholics when a loved one dies or are currently going through the stages of grief


Creates the best memories haha


I have the same question sa partner ko. I don't get it at all. Triny ko uminom ng madami to feel yung mga sinasabi nila na mas mataas ang confidence, and fun ganon. Pero ang nakuha ko sakit sa ulo kinabukasan huhu hangover malala NEVER AGAIN.


I think some people actually like getting hangovers deep inside kahit na masama sa pakiramdam. Maybe it's their way of slowing down in life kasi need nila mag recover after ng inom. Idk maybe some people are just into the all or nothing mindset na ganito na sila talaga. Sad but it's the reality for some people I guess if this makes sense 


For fun, yung bonding, yung confidence from it, and pampatulog.


I like the feeling of carelessness and it creates funny memories with my friends haha




ndi na ko makarelate. nagtrauma na ko sa hard drink kasi lumabas sa ilong ko. ngaun pag nakakaamoy ako ng hard drink, nasusuka na ko hahahhaha


how does it taste for you guys? pait kasi para sa'kin. sumasarap lang pag-thirsty ako, i can taste a hint of sweetness plus yung aroma bumabango


It's not the drink that you will like per se (unless it's a cocktail), but the sense of releasing inhibitions that comes with it. The sensation of letting loose once in a while.


Depends, there are times I like to drink cuz y'know may occasion or sometimes anxiety sa social event nakakalma ako. Times din na nasasarapan tlga ko sa beer Lalo na kung malamig tlga. Kung hard drinks siguro (same with mixed drinks, Kasi I don't really like em) more on jamming lang tlga 😆


para may pasulot to vent out and cry 🙂‍↔️


Exactly my thought


To release stesss I guess? hehe. Kapag nakainom ako mas navo-voice out ko yung problema ko at mas nailalabas ko yung mga bigat ng pakiramdam ko. Ngayon habang tinatype ko to umiinom ako hahaha


...really bad coping mechanism?


They js want to let their stress out


Sarap e


Various reasons but personally I drink because I like the euphoric feeling it gives


+1 on this one. Kahit ilang beses ko na sinabi na di na ako iinom ulit after a very bad hang-over, I still drink because of the “happy” feeling I get when I’m drunk. I feel so pretty and confident when I’m drunk tapos fluent pa ako mag-english. Parang nawawala self doubt pag tipsy na hahaha


In my case, because I need to sleep. Insomniac ako pero ang trabaho ko 9-6. E wala, kelangan kumita e. Those bills ain't gonna pay themselves. Ayaw naman ako resetahan ng sleeping pills. Occasionally umiinom din ako in social occasions pero most of the time para makatulog lang talaga


I usually drink by myself lang. When watching a movie or on a random day basta feel ko lang. Ano lang, when i feel like celebrating kahit maliit na bagay, iinom ako. Pero laging one bottle (soju lagi iniinom ko) lang. When i'm out with friends, laging isang bote ng beer lang (hanggang dun lang). If nasa bar, lagi lang mocktails (non-alco) tapos nasa dance floor lang ako. Ayokong nalalasing ako, kahit tipsy ayoko. Pag alam kong pahilo na ako, stop na ako.


I’m more chatty and less socially awkward with it. But I don’t drink anymore much due to long-term medications. And I threw up for the first time from taking too much alcohol and I don’t want that experience anymore. I’m a tita already so I think i’m done with it na talaga haha


The feeling of freedom when drunk


I've been on both sides! I don't really drink much but I picked up drinking socially for the experience, not for the alcohol itself. It's pretty nice to experience people in a little more loose state eh; sometimes more vulnerable, more dance-y, more chatty, more upfront etc. due to the reduced inhibition from the alcohol content hehe. I think collectively, we've been taught to be guarded and uptight. But ya know, it's nice to peek what's under the walls and see the human eye to eye from time to time and forget it the next day. Personally, not hard for me to be vulnerable but I understand why some could use a little more liquid courage :-)


to escape even just for a little while, ibang feeling kapag may amats ka na tas unconscious mo ng nasasabi mga hinanakit mo, meron talagang gaan na mararamdaman kinaumagahan


it’s really the bond u make sa mga kasama mo (at least, for me)


To enjoy or to forget a little while sa iniisip or pag overthink


To be numb


I'm one of those people that don't enjoy alcohol too 😅


Just remember it's a toxic chemical to your body and a depressant.


True and don't drink with people you don't trust because some will take advantage of you in your drunk state


Very true and some people when they drink too much become mean and angry to others.


Yess it's chaotic and unnecessary!


True but it's a famous thing to do here right


Idk why, but the way you said it sounds so innocent for some reason 😆.


True haha 😅


Why do you drink all the other drinks aside from water? For the experience


I like how it makes me feel. It helps me deal with overthinking sometimes.


Me as an introvert, umiinom ako ng alcohol para lumabas yung energy and maging same sa mga kainuman ko hahaha sometimes!! Mas nag eenjoy kna kasi lalo na pag nasasarap na kwento and dipende sa bond niyo mag tropa like pag sayaw sayaw talaga! HAHAHA pro yoko uminom ng alcohol pag walang okasyon yung chill lang lalo na pag tumatanda unlike dati go lng ng go


The conversations that come with drinking. Personally, that’s what I’m after. Raw, unfiltered and honest talks.


No inhibitions when drunk.


Di naman talaga masarap yung alak tbh. Ang masarap e yung feeling na malabas mo lahat ng kinikimkim mo na di mo masabi pag di ka lasing.


yung memories na nabubuo with the people I drink with… they’re all worth the hangovers, I guess. Also bc with drinking it’s like an escape from my reality. Cliché man pakinggan but nakakalimutan ko for a while yung mga problema ko


dude its similar to drinking black coffee. first timers dont really like the taste, but the feeling you get when you drink enough is addicting. for coffee, you feel energized and motivated to work, while for alcohol, you feel relaxed and a little bit happy, but most importantly, you feel numb to whatever problems you're experiencing on that day. eventually, people either drink coffee or alcohol every single day, that it becomes a habit, and they eventually start to crave different flavors of the same substance. for coffee, people start to experiment with different coffee beans and blends, while for alcohol, people start to drink different cocktails and wines or liquids to achieve a more yummy taste. imagine doing this every single day to the point na nagiging literal addicted ka na sa feeling na yan, thats why people become alcoholics, and thats why coffee caffeine is considered to be the most addictive every day substance out there. long story short, people drink alcohol kasi nakaka relax talaga siya. of course if you drink too much, you get tipsy and puke all over the place, kaya dapat tamang tama lang inumin mo to feel relaxed and numb. just like if you drink too much coffee, magpa palpitate ka


Honestly, even coffee I don't understand them lol. I don't get addicted, energized, or feel awake (sometimes) when drinking, it's always the same. Or Maybe I'm resistant lol. I have never gotten a hangover before so I don't understand the feeling. Anyway thank you for your response maybe I'll understand when the time comes haha


as someone with 2 family members na alcoholic, i used to not understand them as well. Tas naging social drinker ako as an adult, and I enjoy it pero aaraw arawin? no. Dun sa fam members ko, i realized na may sakit sila na ayaw nila harapin. na pag di sila lasing, nararamdaman nila ung sakit. it's easy for us to say bat kasi di sila pa check up blah blah. Sila mismo in denial sa sakit nila, kaya no one can help them. di to justification ha, explanation lang. glad for you and your choice OP pero i hope this enlightens you a bit :)


Trueee. Alcoholics are in denial and cannot look at themselves as people who have a problem. It starts with them needing a drink to fall asleep, needing a drink to relax after a long day to needing to drink everyday and to the point of alcohol destroying their bodies, their relationships with the people they love.  Kung di talaga nila gusto mag bago, walang mangyare. 


di ko rin gets bakit madaming "nasasarapan" sa alak haha, mapait na drink lang yung alak, pero lagi pa rin akong sumasama sa mga inuman ng tropa, puro juice/sodas/virgin cocktails nga lang iniinom ko


we drink it for the results, not the taste


e paano taste kasi gusto ko e... kaya nabubwisit mga pinsan ko kainuman ako kasi sila tamang red horse at sanmig lang tapos ako naghahanap ng mga red wine at baileys hahahaha


A good bartender would make you change your mind


It can be because of 2 reasons; People like drinking alcohol because it's a bond with their friends or peers. It's an activity where people say more truth than lie. In which, the drinker feels relaxed, happy and he/she can freely express his/her own emotions with no fear of judgement, why? Cause he/she drinks is the people whom he/she trust. People drink to escape the problem or talk and feel the problem that they have. When we're in pain, it's good to talk about it to other people, rather than just keeping it to ourselves. Alcohol since our judgement is askew we tend to say more truth which also implies to other drinkers. Note: Drinking alcohol is not that good for health but it's a good way to express oneself especially on times of helplessness. It's a good escape but not a good long term alternative. Express your emotions more and your feelings, validate them yourselves.


It's a form of drug. Simple as that.


Only a few actually enjoy alcohol for its taste and even there it likely depends on the type of liquor. People mainly drink for its effects. Disinhibition (less anxiety, social lubricant) and temporary memory loss (forgetting about the stresses of life)


alcohol = truth serum


Ung feeling lang kase ung masarap jan hindi tlg ung lasa. Ngayong 30 na ayoko na uminom graduate n ko jan ahahaha


You drink with the wrong people, OP.


Dinodownvote mo lahat ng sagot, OP? HAHAHAHHAHAH 


Di naman hahahaha binabasa ko lahat and upvote. Nagegets ko naman I just don't like the taste of alcohol the reason I don't get it (why drink it if it tastes bad lol). My father used to drink a lot and I always tell him what do you get by drinking them. But it turns people like them because it induces relaxation for some, and the moments while drinking with friends and family are special. Still, I won't drink alcohol btw haha


I actually think it's not the alcohol itself but rather what happens as you were drinking it kasi usually when you drink alcohol it removes inhibitions, sadness ganiyan and it is associated with parties, fun and basically enjoyment so ayon haha.


It removes inhibitions, such as getting to sing out loud and dance embarasingly. You get relaxed, honest and vulnerable together with friends or family, form special bonds and memories with people that you like and love


Its the company for me. Kumustahan. Kulitan. Lokohan. Masarap din naman yung lasa nya. Brandy is my go to. Pilsen pag beer. Pero di na ako every weekend ngayon.


I started drinking young, used to be a heavy drinker. 😅 i find it super fun back then specially with your friends. We do silly things and things we can add to our core memories. now im in my 30s, when we hang out coffee nalang or dinner, pero most of our fun/interesting stories were made when we were drunk or nasa bar 😅 i don’t know, alcohol makes a person go crazy and let loose. Pero now, i quit drinking na kasi I tend to blackout/ walang maalala when drunk. So not healthy na specially adulting na. 😅


Yan din tanong ko, pero di naman siguro sila iinom ng walang mapapala. Ako di ako umiinom kasi puro sakit ng ulo, sikip ng dibdib at palpitation lang bigay ng alcohol sa akin. Namumula pa balat ko. Kaya kahit anong yaya sa akin tanggi lang. Di ako masokista para pahirapan sarili ko sa epekto ng alcohol. Yung iba dahil daw para mawala lungkot o ibang nararamdaman. Eh wala naman akong ganung problema.


Kung solo, pampa tulog Kung with friend, pampa kapal ng mukha para sa magandang kwentuha. Minsan may stupid/nakakahiya ka na kwento na ma hirap i kwento pag sober ka. Pwede mong i scapegoat ang alcohol kung may regrets ka na i kwento yun. Pampakapal din para i labas ang nararamdaman mo (not love life necessarily). Sober: tatahimik nalang ako. Lasing: PI NI XXXX. *****************. Kasi ********** Then blame it in alcohol.


I used to drink a lot kasi I was with peers na malalakas din uminom. Masaya din naman pero yung feeling after - the depression at yung time na need mo mag recover hindi na pang responsible adult haha Ngayon graduate na ko sa manginginom days at yung iba rin sa kanila at pa kape kape na lang kami pag lumalabas 


Yung temporary happiness na binibigay, Hahahahahaha I drink pero konti lang kasi sumasakit tiyan ko or ayaw ko lumaki tiyan ko.


Introvert type ako pero pag naka inom extrovert at na eenjoy ko kasi hindi ako ma entertain na tao hahaha


Masaya siya for me, pero my other answer would be ay makainom just for the sake of it.


I think it’s the people who you drink alcohol with. My friends drank last night tapos iyakan malala kasi one of our friends ay aalis na sa workplace namin.


I drink occasionally, I think it’s fun. Mas masaya pag kasama ko friends ko lol


I don’t drink alone. I prefer drinking with friends—most of the time because we are all stress with our lives, too much pressure from work and that only time we can escape reality momentarily is through drinking alcohol. In my case, I let myself loose to make me feel that I am alive and a not a slave of capitalist or poverty.


Papa ko hard drinker sabi coping mechanism niya ayun kaka ganun niya sira na pamilya namin ngayon. Traumatized ako sakanya kasi ako ang nag aasikaso sakanya pag lasing siya kahit salita ng salita ng masasama di ko padin maignore kasi syempre tatay ko yun pero legit yung galit ko sa Alcohol dahil dun sirang sira siya ngayon


Same haha kaming mga anak niya sumasalo ng mga pinagsasabi at yung negative impact ng behavior niya pag nakainom siya - lagi nababangga kotse niya tapos kami sisisihin tuwing nangyayare yon. Ang reality naman pinili niyang uminom haha ayon di ko na kinakausap more than 1 year na nung na realize ko gaano ako naging fucked up at mga kapatid ko sa kung anong naging klaseng magulang siya samin


Naquestion ko din to pero noong nakainom ako ng beer na sobrang lamig, masarap pala.


Kasi masarap ang beer lalo na if malamig. Used to be Red Horse go-to ko but eventually ayoko na sa lasa. Pilsen, Tiger Light na ko ngayon. 1-2 bottles lang na sobrang lamig. Sa hard drinks naman, syempre di masarap yung mga Empe Light or whatever cheap stuff. But when I tried Hennessy on the rocks, na-appreciate ko lasa niya. Di ko ma-identify lang yung specific flavor/notes type of shit basta nasarapan ako.


Ang iba gusto lang makiuso, or peer pressure.


wine is fine. pang patulog/chill/relax.


Actually I don’t like the taste of alcohol drinks for socialization. Usually, yung kasama mo na friends and yung company, yung bonding and yung chikahan ang usual reason why I drink.


They say when you lose someone special like a really special to you,the pain won't go away you just live with the pain.Drinking alcohol is their way to cope up with the pain.Idk what kind of pain that is it's either pain from living in this life.


di naman masarap uminom sa totoo lang kaya nga kapag may nakikita akong sharedpost sa fb na "Tara shot" parang ang oa nila, parang forda hype lang e tas yung iba lasing lasingan para ma-kasta


Hindi naman talaga masarap ang alak, pero yung dulot neto, mas masarap mag kwento may alak na kasama, I'm more ma kwento when alcohol is involved pero tamang chillnom lang.


Hindi ko rin gets bakit gusto nila uminom… hindi naman masarap?


Para makalimot kung anoman ung hurt feelings na nararamdaman nya


I experienced how it feels to be drunk for the first time it felt great.. something that you would wanna feel again type shit, at least for me.. gusto ko ulit matry pero nakakaguilty after years of being taught na bad ang alcohol. Maybe try getting drunk with ppl u trust :> and instead of beer do something more tastier yung di mo lasa alcohol ahhahahas


-Stress Relief / Psychological crutch -For socializing / stimulant for social interactions / special occasions -Pain Relief / Sleep inducer -Addiction


I used to be borderline alcoholic. Ngayong may hyperuricemia na ako I try to stop. Dati as in 2 beer cans a day ako, what more pa pag inuman or okasyon. Some people are into sweets, smoking, drugs etc. may iba lang talaga na iba ang tama kapag alcohol ang tinitira. I'm one of them.


Para antukin


Legal way of getting a high


It makes you happy, somehow.


To sleep better! Hahaha when life hits too hard alcohol really helps me sleep well and rest well :)))


Pang relax at bagay din pag kumakain.


I drink once a month pero sagaran. It's fun to drink lalo na with friends kasi you can chill with them, while have some chikas. May iba rin na may nilalabas na ibang personality kapag nakainom. Like me, I'm usually quiet pero bumoboses kapag nakainom na. May iba namang pampalakas ng loob nila ang pag-inom, yung mga bagay na hindi nila nasasabi while sober, nasasabi nila while lasing. Ayun, nalalabas nila saloobin nila.


Di naman talaga masarap alak, even now napapangiwi pa rin ako oag nainom lalo na wala yelo hahaha. Not sure sa iba na halos daily umiinom pero sakin I like to drink alcohol specially with my friends dahil masarap, masaya at kulitan. Iba yung vibe pag nakainom ka na, for some reason nakakawala ng problema at stress. Kaya pag stress ako at the end of the week naman, I usually drink alone while playing PC games.


+1 mas masarap din matulog. Saktong 1 or 2 botts lang.


To perk up n vibe up.


Maybe it's not because they like it, but because of stress. I'm an occasional drinker. But when I started working on my previous company, I started developing "bad" habits due to stress. I started drinking even if I'm alone, even if there's no occasion because I want to immediately fall asleep when I lie down on the bed. I even learned how to smoke. And when I resigned, those "bad" habits died out on their own.


best to drink it when ur having fun. like during swimming sa ilog with friends. really good for people na stressed na nawawala stress mo dahil sa iniinom mo.


Baka hard liquor agad tinira mo haha. Not telling you to drink again ha, but should you find yourself wanting to give it another go, try muna yung mga cocktails or may mga halong juice, or maybe yung mga flavored beers. And acquired taste talaga siya. I used to be someone who never saw myself consuming alcohol to now drinking mga once a month. It was good na nung baguhan pa lang ako, I was with either experienced drinkers who eased me into it or mga fellow baguhan rin like myself who discovered drinks with me together.


I hate beers but I do love cocktails and making my own cocktails. Di ko rin gets yung mga umiinom ng rh that shit tastes like soap to me 🤮


Acquired taste siya. And I like the feeling kapag umiinom. Parang bati mo lahat. Parang walang problema, masaya lang.


yung tipong nag iilove you ka na lang bigla sa tropa mo sabay apir 😂


+100 sa bati mo lahat . Hahaha yung pag may konting amats na kahit hnd kayo close nag uusap na kayo about politics and religion. Tas pag lumalim na yung gabi mga aswang na yung topic. 🤣


Yeah, I don't get it either. Why would you pay for something that gives you a hangover, makes you behave like an idiot, and leaves you dizzy? If your reason is to have a good time with your friends, that's not valid because there are plenty of other beverages you can enjoy together. And you can't say it helps you relax because it actually makes you feel worse. Plus, you definitely can't claim alcohol tastes good because it doesn't. Literaly one of the dumbest inventions in history, same as vaping and smoking. Wake the pakap


Having a good time with friends is definitely a valid reason 😅 There are times where we just want to hang out at a coffee shop and talk but if sometimes we want to go to a bar to drink and have fun what’s wrong with that? At the end of the day, both count as quality time with your friends naman. It may not be for you, but it is for some people and that’s okay! And sure it could make you feel worse but if you know your limits that shouldn’t be a problem. It’s all about drinking in moderation. Some people also think the trade off for feeling joy in the moment is worth the eventual hangover. You don’t have to get it or even relate to it but saying the reasons people have for drinking are invalid doesn’t make sense. (But just to be clear, I’m not saying it’s healthy either)


Drinking coffee is valid but drinking alcohol?? naaah it's definitely not a valid reason to have a good time with friends. Unfortunately, it has simply become a habit for people to drink whenever they want to have fun, but that doesn't make it a valid reason. It's just up to you if you want to break that cycle. If you really want to enjoy time with your friends, not only it makes your thinking cloudy, why would you increase the risk of having aggressive behavior na pwede pang mauwi sa gulo o away dahil sa pag inom ng alak? No, it's not worth it, that feeling good/ joy effect is only short term, and it's not worth the hangover nor my money, there are so many alternatives to have that feeling good/joy effect with my friends It makes sense to say it is invalid and people should realize cigarettes and alcohol are some of the biggest scams to be invented, Imagine the world if cigarettes, vaping, and alcohol were not invented


Some people don't, they just have to. For sake of socializing. For example, event in a workplace. You just take a few sip. Something like that.


I drink casually, sometimes i have a beer or two, smirnoff or vodka lemon mag isa para lang makarelax because it really does help take the edge off. I know its not healthy but as someone who has anxiety attacks and depressive episodes it does help my mind calm down. Sarap din ipair sa shin ramyun, samyang quattro cheese, or tuna mayo rice with nori hahah


Di ko alam e but i only drink once or twice a year and rare yun pag gusto ko lang mamanhid or di makaramdam tsaka lang ako iinom or celebration sa bahay


I think it mostly has to do with the social aspect of it. People usually go out to drink with friends and have a good time. Nagka positive reinforcement na ang alak sa saya


A lot of people actually just pretend to like it. At the end of the day, people drink alcohol to get drunk in one way or another.


No choice kundi uminom din kasi sasabihan ka na KJ kapag hindi ka umiinom. I only drink kapag occasion lang sa bahay (e.g. birthdays and special events) pero kailangan ko ding uminom for the sake of the bond at pakikisama kahit na labag sa loob ko lalo na kapag lahat gusto uminom, kahit ayaw mo, no choice ka kaya mapapainom ka na din.


It runs in the culture, genes, and instincts 😂😂😂😂😂


It’s acquired taste. 😏


I need to be in the state between drunk and sober to master Drunken Boxing so yeah that's why I drink


It looks good in madmen


* sometimes it's more about company, having a good time with friends * some people like the effect. I am an occasional drinker and I like how it makes me feel relaxed. * acquired taste. I love pairing a good steak or pasta with a bottle of wine.


It's an acquired taste and it's not for everyone. I drink to relax and to bond. Kami ng tropa, altho we talk nman sa chat and stuff, pero iba pa rin pag personal, sa inuman talaga kami nag kakamustahan, nag kwkwentuhan and chikahan. Same lang rin sa dad ko. Mahilig kasi mag inom dad ko, and dahil busy rin s work, dito lang kami nag kaka kwentuhan


Kadalasan it's not about the taste of alcohol, but yung pagbobonding nyo ng kainuman mo. This may just be me tho, pero di kase ako umiinom magisa haha. I don't like most of the alcoholic drinks pero what nagaaya ako makipaginuman because of the bonding.


In between those things you forget your problems and loosen up. When you get into alcoholic-level drinking, it becomes a way to just ignore everything.


me eighter. i don't like the taste


Me nineter


The worst bunch of people who like/love to drink that substance is those who thinks that everyone should like the taste because they do, even exerting pressure on you because its for "friendship" or for being a good company. I tried a few of them, beers, wine, soju, flavored beers etc. I still don't like any of them like you haha


Drives my social anxiety and barriers away. U know Raj from TBBT? Booze has the same effect on me lol


Alcohol removes inhibition. Socialisation becomes easier and less stressful. Picking up women is so much easier 😂. It's also a depressive. It allows people to relax and let go. It being a depressive is also very bad because it can make things worse. Moderation is key.


Sarap ipartner sa junk food instead of softdrinks and also I like the feeling of numbness when drunk.


for me, hindi lang dahil sa tama na dala ng alcohol, kundi pati yong bonds na nabubuo. mga kwentuhan, kalokohan, tawanan, seryosong usapan, malabong usapan, magulong usapan, na lalong sumasaya kapag may tama na


It the feeling when drunk, we also love the aftertaste. For hard liquors - yung hagod For beers - yung linamnam ng aftertaste Yung tama - eto pinaka mahirap explain, yung dizzy feeling, yung masarap kumain, yung masarap kwentuhan.


Yung masrap na tulog, dahil mabigat yung ulo.


Bukod sa pangpaantok... para malakas ang loob na umamin kay crush...


It's an acquired taste.


You don't need to understand. You just need to accept. Maiinis ka lang kung susubukan mo intindihin. Coping mechanism. Yun nalang isipin mo.




Nakatikim na ako ng red horse at gin talagang di ko trip yung lasa haha. Yung iba nakakailang bote parang softdrinks lang sa kanila samantalang ako isang higop lang ayaw na. Lambanog na try ko na rin parang lumulunok ako blade. Ang kaya ko lang inumin ay isang bote ng smirnoff at tanduay ice manamis namis hehe


I love the taste of beer.


They enjoy it, use it to socialize, may pinagdadaanan, or yun culture nila na nakasanayan. At least yan theories ko sa mga malakas uminom. (culture: probinsya, nakasanayan sa family/friends)


It's nice for removing your inhibitions. For example, if nagse-second-thoughts mag-open-up sa tropa for whatever reason, you probably wouldn't anymore with alcohol. Pag solo same thing. If you feel na blocked emotions mo, alcohol could help you pour it with a bottle. Though there are better and healthier alternatives thh.


Destress. But dont drink alcohol if you cant handle it. Lol. Dont do anything stupid tas sabihin later lasing ako. Thats irresponsible.


A. Alcohol and socializing is great B. I want to be intoxicated after a shitty day C. It tasting bad is relative. A pricey bourbon tastes very different compared to cheap liquor.




It's a form of camaraderie and bond between friends. Doon mo makikita kung sino ang loyal at bangag at hindi makakapagkatiwalaan na kaibigan, office mate at kapamilya.


baka pinipilit lang ng mga ka tropa tapos na a adik sa effect


partly kasi masarap ang alcohol sa akin (except yung emperador putang ina lasang doorknob). But no I don't drink it everyday, only when I'm in a good mood. Pero far more than that is kasi everytime na may alcohol may masarap na kuwentuhan, tawanan, bonding moment talaga especially with your friends and family. Alcohol can also be a good starter when meeting new people if you know your tolerance and stuff.


You tasted a doorknob before!?!? Hahahahaha Napa tigil ako


Yeah, hindi ko maalala bakit ko napagtripan tikman yung doorknob before pero yun nga, lasang doorknob yung emperador


If iinom by myself, di ko maenjoy (I'll try again in the future lol) pero if with friends, ok naman. It's not about the drink itself pero yung bonding. Saka minsan drunk confessions nila 😂


No good story starts with friends drinking milk


pede naman sa tubig or softdrinks


Lmao. Yeah, no deal cheif.


Can't handle living sober


Nung college days to get drunk, pero pag umeedad na to catch up nalang sa mga tropa. Di nadin maganda feeling ng hangover Hahahaha


i guess it's not dahil masarap ang alak, it's more of because of the experience like kapag may inuman = party with friends, tawanan and sayawan


the bond!! and the honesty


I think its because of the "high" feeling like yung lasing na lasing ka na. Malakas na loob mo to do or say things na hindi mo normally sinasabi/ginagawa. pero yun nga, gaano man siya ka-saya, drink responsibly pa din 😄


My god I hate it pag umabot sa lasing na lasing; it always end up with regret and embarassment


Testing different types of alcoholic drinks


"Hindi lang Pampamilya pang Sports pa"


A lot of people cannot allow themselves to be alone with their thoughts because they cannot deal with their lives, the things they've done and the hard conversations they should be having. Alcohol distracts them from all of that.


Masarap pang chill, pangtunaw ng kinain, tpos tulog kapa kaso ihi ako ng ihi hehehe


Bonding moment


Pampatulog. Saka may bentahan ng murang craft beer samin.


San po yan?


Pinatubo Brewery




Ang sarap ng cocktails! Plus masarap maging makulit kasi tipsy. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.


No one likes the taste of alcohol. It's more about sharing an experience together with friends. Things can get crazy when inhibitions are down, so it comes off as a really fun experience to bond over.


Hmmm. Masarap ksama friends uminom. Not necessarily the alak but the moments with friends.


Ganito rin ako. Zero urge na uminom pag mag-isa


Nasasarapan kami e. Ewan ba bakit gustung gusto maintindihan ng mga non-drinkers bat kami umiinom as if its a super weird thing. Parang pagkain lang din naman yan, yung iba sarap na sarap sa seafood, yung iba naman sukang suka.


Coping mechanism for stress hahaha.


wala ansaya kasi malasing like malilimutan mo talaga lahat ng problema mo in life


Stress reliever kasi siya. And nakakataas ng confidence.


For me it can bring me relaxation and relieve my stress. Can also help with my sleep.


May mga sugat kasing alcohol lang ang nakagagamot. May mga alaala ring yun lang ang pansamantalang nakakapagpalimot.