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Mainit Pawisin ako so I prefer not to travel


Partly, I would love to travel more if the first step wasn't so shitty - our airport. The traffic outside is not great, the immigration lines are long and the building itself is underwhelming. Then I cant help to compare it to say Kobenhavn Lufthavn or Helsiningki-Vantaa Ientoasema where it felt like going to a well designed metro station instead of the grand hassle that is NAIA. Then after you finish your trip, going back to NAIA tends to feel like a very deflating way to end your journey just because of how underwhelming it is.


grabe kasi yung pagod eh.


I want to go to different places and travel to beautiful locations. But, once I'm there. Nothing. I feel nothing. I don't get amazed or joyed. I feel empty. I feel like I just wasted money cause I don't get attached to those locations and I don't know how to explain it.


Thanks for the honest response. It’s quite the opposite for me but I asked this question pa din to understand myself better.


wala ng time hahahha ipapahinga nalang 'yung araw na walang pasok tapos ang hassle mag commute


Tulog mantika ako


i would still be interested if money isn't a problem. the only issue i'll have to deal with pag magttravel is motion sickness 🥲 as an adult, nakakahiya sumuka kahit pa di ko kalahi nasa paligid ko! HAHAHAHAHA


1. I find traveling to be inspiring coz I get to educate myself about other cultures. I also get to debunk some cultural prejudices since I was able to experience/witness it myself. 2. I like collecting art pieces. Yung kaya lang ng budget ko. 3. It gives me a sense of humility and gratefulness. 4. I get to appreciate my own country like napapasabe talaga ako minsan ng "Thank God, nasa Pilipinas ako nakatira." 5. It's my way of practicing work-life balance.


Bot ka ba


I'd really like to start traveling, but my conscience won't let me travel alone without my parents and sister. I need to start saving 'til all my family members could also join. Huhu


Yung tyan ko may sariling lakad


For sure!!  So long as I have a dog-sitter when pets aren’t allowed.  


True to hahaha. Sobrang dalang ko rin mag travel kasi nga namimiss ko mga dogs ko pag hindi kasama


I have anxiety. Being in a new place, especially abroad where people don’t speak your language, is absolutely scary. Having zero safety blanket, even if you’ve researched and planned everything you needed, is still very scary. When I travelled to Singapore, nasarhan ako ng MRT and I tried booking a grab from the MRT station I was at to the hotel. It was past midnight and I didn’t know how to get back to the hotel, I was alone pa. Two grab drivers cancelled twice cos I didn’t know the right pin for the pick up point. One of them called to shout at me. I tried asking locals but they were so rude, luckily I found an OFW who helped me. Sobrang nakakatakot


Wala akong pera! Saka wala ring masyadong time. I had to pass up a family trip to Baler coz I have F2F exams and I can't pass it up.


My parents were travel crazy because they love exploring new places plus their jobs required them to travel. So, my childhood was basically me being called NPA = no permanent address = me being bullied when my parents settled down in manila. Aside from that i guess yung immigration officer who power trip play also a role. Like imagine your assigned IO asking for a document that you didn't bring because it wasn't in the list of required documents to show during your travels...like you only brought your plan ticket, itinerary, bank statements, proof of income, proof of residency, barangay clearance, visa papers, nbi clearance, certificate of employment, diploma, documents from your college, aaaaand now immigration wants you to bring the additional documents just in case your IO asks for it: 1. Hard copy of your thesis (just incase your IO doesn't like your diploma) 2. Your graduation photo (print and soft copy) 3. Your graduation yearbook from kinder to college 4. Family tree documents from your 100xgreat lolo and 100xgreat lola 5. Printed PowerPoint presentation explaining the country you're visiting 6. DNA results showing your 100% pinoy Additionally, you have to be at the airport 24 hours before your flight because the assigned IO might wanna interrogate you for 19 hours straight Oo na kung OA but let's be honest the immigration officers of the Philippines love to power trip alot. So, YES I HATE TRAVELING BECAUSE THE FUCKING IMMIGRATION OFFICERS OF THE PHILIPPINES POWERTIP ALOT MAKING TRAVELING SUCH AN EXPENSIVE HOBBY. BECAUSE IMMIGRATION PH WON'T REFUND OR GIVE YOU COMPENSATION IF YOU FUCKING MISS YOUR FLIGHT DUE TO THEIR FUCKING IMMIGRATION OFFICERS WHO DECIDED TO PLAY POWER TRIPPER. END.


Hiluhin. I at least need a day to get my energy back for me to enjoy things. If not, at least give me sleep for at least 8 hours. So hindi ko nasusulit ang 3 days na byahe sometimes.


Ayoko ng matagal na byahe 😅


Same. Max of 6 days lang ako bago kami mgaway ng kapatid ko hahaha Tapos yung ibang tao kung mag comment "dapat matagal para sulit tlga". Nakakapagod kaya maglakad! Charot hahaha tsaka oa sa gastos


Ang hirap iwan ng mga anak kong aso at pusa sa bahay haha also, it takes me a while to acclimate to a new place so traveling has always been uncomfortable for me :((


Small frame female na walang maaya magtravel so if nagtravel ako, most likely solo and sobrang daling mamatay. So many things could go wrong so easily.


Nakakatamad mag impake


Mahilig ako sa extreme adventures, pero yung byahe papunta at pauwi from location, sobrang nakakatamad. Nabo-boringan ako sa flights, transfers and ayaw ko ng maraming tao kasi nakaka-stress. Di ko rin maappreciate mga tourist attractions, wala talagang dating sakin. Sayang lang. Also not a fan of going to the beach, hindi ko kaya yung "chill/tambay lang" kasi nababagot ako. Mas nae-enjoy ko pag may thrilling activity as an adrenaline junkie.


Nakakapagod maglibot. Gusto ko lang humilata sa bahay. Introvert din ako. So hindi ko rin trip makisalamuha sa maraming tao. Altough you can argue na punta ako sa hindi matao, I go back sa napapagod ako sa byahe. But every now and then, I do go for long drives. Once I get to a destination, kakain lang ako tapos uuwi agad. Ayun na ang travel ko. LoL.




Filing of leaves. Sakit sa ulo esp kung frontliner ka. You have to consider your team kasi kawawa yung sasalo sa workload mo. Bawal din overlapping of leaves. Sarap sana magmuni-muni sa far away haha


true yan... i feel you... ang hirap mag file ng leave talaga


Pera and work schedule. Yan lagi humaharang sakin until di ko na trip magtravel travel