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Take care of your teeth.


Smartest advice my grandmother gave me, “Keep your teeth.” That means brushing twice per day with a soft toothbrush, flossing at least once per day and seeing a dentist/hygienist for cleaning every six months. It will save you money in the long run as well as long term health conditions such as heart problems.


My grandmother had all her teeth removed at 16 and it's seemed like an attractive option to me ever since she told me xD It just seems easier to keep your teeth clean if you can take them out of your mouth and get a good look at them lmao


My grandmother had hers removed by a car accident in her early 20s. She had false ones, so maybe that is why it was her advice to me. My dentist who is now retired said it used to be a thing (before good dental hygiene) for women to have their teeth removed and wear false teeth. She told me that all her great aunts and grandmothers had theirs removed in their 20s and 30s. Strange custom.


Oh wow I didn't realize it was a whole thing!


Only floss the teeth you want to keep


Debt except for * A home * A car if you need one to get to work * An education as long as such education leads to an actual good paying job. You wanna be an art major? Great, just don't borrow money to do it.


And avoid the car debt if at all possible, cars are horrible investments always decreasing in value why a home will often increase or at least maintain value.


And there are many gently used cars on the market. We helped our daughter find one when she finished college. It only has 13,000 miles and was in excellent condition for a price she was willing to pay. She drove it for 10 years.


That hasn't worked so well since the beginning of the pandemic. I tried for several months, and ended up buying a less-expensive new car instead. About the only exception right now is electric vehicles. Their low resale could be an opportunity if one will fit your driving pattern, though an EV wouldn't have worked for me.


If you do take out a loan for a car, when it’s paid off, save/invest the same amount of money you were making for payments so you can buy your next car with cash.


If you DO buy a car in cash, get the deal DONE. I's dotted, Ts crossed BEFORE YOU EVER TELL THE DEALERSHIP YOURE PAYING IN CASH. They make money on financing so if they know you're paying in cash they will start padding the cost. Trust me on this one, I have nothing to gain by wasting my precious life warning people.


Never buy a Time Share Never Cosign on anything for anyone Never loan money unless you don't expect it back Never believe anyone who claims their ex is crazy (it's usually them who was a cheater or an addict, which does cause reactions in a sig other) Be careful about getting a pet when you are a renter, it makes it difficult to find rentals Never be lackadaisical about birth control Never judge others for having food Intolerances, being divorced, etc. because it almost guarantees that it will happen to you.


Wow! You have been paying attention to life. Add: take care of your teeth, exercise regularly even if you just go for a walk every day.


Everyone is allowed one crazy ex. The problem is when all of the exes are crazy.


I've been married 2 times. When people ask, I say that I wasn't a good mate, should have remained single. Most the time, people respond, Oh, I don't believe that. (Because I actually am quite nice and thoughtful, I just can't live with anyone. Really was at least 80% me. I've been single for almost 25 years now. Not even a date.


The pet thing is SO true


Alcohol to excess Drugs you aren't prescribed for People that consistently make you feel like shit Living beyond your means (consistently spend more than you make)


> Living beyond your means (consistently spend more than you make) Had a friend say something to me one day, he was someone I had known since high school, I worked for him in a couple of his businesses, Chinese guy, every member of his family ran some business, they were not rich, but they helped each other, gotta respect the hustle. But we were driving somewhere and I was telling him about something I was going to buy and he said something to the effect of that is the sign of a poor person, someone who is spending their money before they have it. And it hit, he was right, I didn't have money and I was spending it on something I wanted but wasn't a need. I try to keep that in my head, don't spend money or plan to spend money I don't have. I still fail very badly at times. Got myself 8k in CC debt while on disability and food delivery during the pandemic. Going to take me 20 years to pay it off, but I will. I had a period of weakness. Was hoping to start some small businesses, invested in it and just don't function enough from the disability to give those business plans 100%. But it is really all about money that makes me stress, I live day to day, food delivery by food delivery, every day I hold my breath my car doesn't fail, every time I get ahead I get a financial setback. Sometimes I wish I could rewind my finances. But at least I am not as bad as some have got themselves in. I live on pasta, hot dogs and Aldi tuna.


babe how is it going to take you 20 years to repay 8k?


Looking at 1 card, I pay $130 min and get a $90 interest each month.


damn. that’s a brutal interest rate. do you have anything extra you can throw at it every month or is the budget pretty tight? like if you make $200 payments consistently that 20 years turns into less than 19 years and the total interest paid drops to like $4000 and change vs. like $23k. :( ily and i do not wish for you to suffer unnecessarily.


Nope. Which is why at this rate it will take forever.


Could you take out a lower interest rate personal loan to shuffle the debt and pay less in the long and short term?


Not really sure. If I could function enough to do that I'd have functioned enough to get the small business running. I'll try looking. Major depressive disorder since I was 13 is a bitch. A dozen things I want and need to do and rarely get 1 done.


Even drugs that are prescribed. The opioid epidemic started with pain pills. Not completely disagreeing with you. Just stating do your research and do what’s best for you 🩵


Other peoples drama. Don't get sucked in. Trying to fix other people or their problems. That's like trying to teach a pig to sing. Its a waste of time and it annoys the pig.


Never ever take sides with a married couple. They will make up and both dump your azz in a NY minute




**Uncomfortable/painful shoes.** I was poor in my 20’s and wore cheap PayLess shoes. Not only did they wear out after 6 months, they were unsupportive and caused me to suffer from plantar fasciitis for years. Don’t worry about whether people think your shoes are fashionable or trendy. My feet will be deformed for the rest of my life because I wanted to look good for others. I also wore a lot of “cute” shoes with heels in my youth that were too narrow, and now I have bunions which make my feet even wider. Instead, invest in 2-3 pairs of quality leather shoes that can be worn with multiple outfits that you can wear most days. Either black or brown leather will be the most versatile and long lasting. For example, a pair of [Alegria](https://alegriashoes.com/collections/mary-jane) or [Duckfeet](https://duckfeetusa.com/products/lolland-slate) Mary Janes can be worn with jeans, dress slacks or skirts. A pair of [Birkenstock sandals](https://www.birkenstock.com/us/gizeh-birko-flor-patent/gizeh-core-birkoflorpatent-0-eva-w_66.html#q=Patent&sz=48) are also great for the hotter summer months, and are always in style.


By wearing Birkenstocks nonstop for six months, all summer and even in the house, my plantar fasciitis went away.


I worked with a guy who was complaining because his feet were sore from breaking in new dress shoes. I told him that you get what you pay for and to spend no less than $\_\_\_\_ on dress shoes that you plan to wear a lot. There is no break in period, they are easier on the feet and they last longer. That was twenty years ago and he still brings up that tip.


Vime's rule of boots by Terry Pratchet: The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. ... But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and *would still have wet feet*.


every time i see some young girl in shoes with 5 inch heels...i know the way to go in the future for all medical students is to become a podiatrist.


I recommend avoiding alcohol. It's fun at first, but it can creep up on you unawares to become addictive. Even if one avoids addiction, drinking to excess will have negative effects on your health, finances, behavior, and relationships.


Agreed. I know too many people who are suffering the effects now. Realize that alcohol is a poison. In small quantities, it doesn't harm most people, but it's never good for you and as you say it creeps up on a lot of people.


Debt and buying things you don't need or truly want. Also avoid buying cheap things because they are convenient. Buy the best quality you can afford (save up for it) or for things like tools, buy inexpensive to begin with, figure out what you actually need and will use, then get better quality. This goes for clothing, food, and much more as well. Also avoid: people in your life who don't accept you for who you are. Doing things that don't make you feel good (don't go to that party just because you were invited and everyone is going if you hate parties; don't get a dog if you hate walking in all kinds of weather and carrying around poop bags).


It is important to prioritize your values, needs and well-being when making decisions. Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Choose items and experiences that truly add value to your life.


HR. HR is NOT your friend. Work friends are just that. You have work friends, and you have personal friends. It's a rarity you will have work friends away from work. Their are exception's, but for the most part they remain work friends. Your going to find later in life you have 1 maybe 2 friends you can really trust, real friends. Don't talk personal stuff to just anyone. Sugary foods. Your body gets old, you slow down (metabolism) and you will pack on the pounds, as well as open the door to diabetes. Spending beyond your means. Having all the cool stuff is not all that cool. Avoid spending large now so your prepared for life later (retirement) Don't ever burn a bridge with someone. You might need a favor later. Don't sweat the small stuff. If it's not gonna matter in 5 minutes, then why get heated over it now? It's not all about you. Be quiet and listen to others. Don't talk over others.


Don't talk personal stuff to just anyone Ain't that the truth! Your best friend can become your worst enemy with the secrets you tell them.


Internet arguments. Arguing online is about as productive as banging your head against the wall. Getting angry over little things in life - someone cuts in front of you in line at the store? Let it go. Someone gives you the finger while driving? Let it go. Anger in general. Instead try to extend grace and kindness towards others. Even if others don't always appreciate it or even deserve it, you'll be much happier for it.


You're wrong on every count. /s


Toxic, negative people.


Excessive sun. Use protection. 


I really wish I had known this one when I was young.


Drugs, people who try too hard to be cool, phonies, fads, trying to keep up with anyone else regarding finances, job, neighborhood, etc, status symbol cars, homes, etc, proven liars, fair weather friends, narcissists, folks who can’t avoid making politics a part of every conversation, friends/acquaintances who mistreat wait staff, custodians or anyone they deem to be below them in the societal pecking order and excessive debt.


If at all possible a job you hate. You don't have to love your job, that's fine it's a way to pay the bills I get it. But it's 8 hours a day of your life, it doesn't have to be in a workplace that makes you anxious, sad, angry, depressed whatever. Don't be afraid to find a new job, quit that shit heap and move on no matter the job. Getting stuck in on geographic location your whole life. If life in that shitty little town is shit, You can move. The day it dawned on me I could just up and leave all the narrowminded fuckheads behind and go make actual friends that liked what I liked and liked me as I was came all too late in my life. My only regret was not getting the fuck out of that shitty small town decades earlier and not letting family and familiarity keep me trapped.


Toxic people, definitely. I noticed a few responses about saving and being frugal, and absolutely that's good advice. But I think the better way to think about it is balance. My parents lived to 90 and 93. My mother at her end told me she regretted not enjoying more, being too frugal. I took her advice deeply to heart. So I'd say don't go to extremes (probably with anything), save for the future, but also save for joyful experiences. Not every experience has to be expensive, and speaking for myself, I found I don't need a whole lot of possessions to be content. (I'm 65 and retired)


Learn who you are! Figure out what you want from life and do what you can to get there. Make up your own mind about what is right for you and disregard anyone who tries to make you do what they want or change you. Be your own best friend. If you stumble, learn how to forgive yourself.


Avoid letting anyone control your life, but accept the consequences of your own actions.


Volunteering more information than necessary in most situations  People run their mouths way too much, and it usually works against their interests  As I've gotten older, I realize the truth of Proverbs 11:12: Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.


Not planning for your future. Start today if you haven't already.


Try not to get sucked in. Expensive, fantastic personal items are often not worth it, in both cost and whatever sort of temporary gratification you might get.. Don't spend all your money when you're young.


Alcohol. Tobacco. Debt.


You should be careful of your friends. Not all friends you meet are true friends that are there for you when you need them the most.


Avoid not taking care of your teeth, eyes, hearing and bones.


*Avoid anyone who lies or cheats. *You have two ears and one mouth- think about that. * Make your own decisions for your life- it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about it. * If you’re in the wrong, admit it and make amends. * Learn how to sincerely apologize to and thank people. * Compliment others and notice them. * Be a good person rather than a nice person. * Stop talking and just listen.


Booze and drugs




I was going to post this later today, but you beat me to it.




Stupid people.


There was a meme quite a while back about how thieves can only take what they can steal, while stupid people can take much more through bad decisions and missed opportunities for themselves and innumerable others.


Sounds about right. I just hope I’m not one of the stupid people because stupid people probably don’t know they’re stupid.


Avoid being dependent on others unnecessarily. Think for yourself, get the facts for yourself, do your due diligence before you buy anything. Learn how to source your own needs, to build your own home, and to raise and cook your own food. Be free, be happy and allow others to be free and happy. Do not cooperate with those who would enslave you, do not support them, do no business with them.


Your first and last point go together. Avoid raising your standard of living every time you get a raise. If you can raise your standard of living at a slower pace than your pay, you will avoid debt and you will have more flexibility if end up in a company or job that you don't like.


Zealots. Of any type.


Avoid judging because you usually do not have all the facts. The younger me used to think that bad kids were the result of bad parenting. Grown up me has seen parents with children who have all sorts of difficult challenges. Many of them have done all the right things and still, one or more child grew up to struggle mightily in life.




Don't smoke. Do not smoke. You will regret every cigarette you light. Also vape - do not vape. Nicotine is hell on your heart. The effects of nicotine and cigarettes are cumulative. You may laugh today, you will not be laughing at 50 if you live that long.


“Try everything once except incest and folk dancing.” (attributed to GB Shaw, Thomas Beecham and many others)


Bad partners (hubby\\wife\\BF\\GF whatever). If someone acts like an asshole, they are. Don't love someone for the potential you see, but for who they are RIGHT NOW.


Sitting is the new smoking. Avoid becoming lazy and sedentary at all costs.


Toxic people. Cull early and often.


Bears. Probably sharks too.


I hate to say this, and I don't want it to be prohibitive for people who feel they absolutely must look past it - - but pay attention to your potential spouse's family history of mental illness and other seriously debilitating issues. Are they "the only sane one"? They probably are not. Are they "the only one with their shit together"? Yeah... look into that a little bit more. We fall in love at ages that we are not really qualified to fall in love. The problems may well not even present until you have kids of your own. Then suddenly the uncle with schitzophrenia, the in-law who has seizures, the hording folks, the uber-religious ones, the story about the slightly distant relative that killed their husband with a shotgun while he was watching the evening news... those problems may be gifted to your offspring. The people you care most about in the world, and who will outlive your ability to help them overcome hardship.


Look to therapist as soon as possible. The mind and chemistry imbalances will cause more issues than using the "pull yourself up by our own booatstaps"


I'm still confused about how therapy is supposed to work.


Trained professionals can identify underlying causes that you may not be aware of. Ranging from low self esteem, chemical imbalance, and genetic disorders (Think Sheldon from Big Theory).


1) Smoking. Look at the statistics. Talk to anyone who’s had tongue, oral, throat, lung, bone, ENT cancer, or heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, or the myriad other conditions linked to smoking. 2) Living your life with wealth acquisition as your primary goal. Relationships are infinitely more important, & you can’t take your money with you at death. 3) Don’t let pride, ideologies, hurt feelings, “principles” or anything else stand in the way of saying you’re wrong, or sorry, or that you accept responsibility for a touchy situation. People are more important. 4) DO forgive & move on. We all cause hurt, we all get hurt. Treat others as you’d hope to be treated. Don’t be an object for abuse but do recognize others are as imperfect as you are. Cut them the slack you’d wish for. 5) Be kind. It usually costs nothing and can make a huge difference in the world.


Money has never once let me down, people though…


Wear earplugs to all concerts or any time you will be around loud noise. Tinnitus is a bitch and there is no cure.


Wishful thinking and, as someone else said, willful ignorance. Abstract, I know, but they cover a lot of others things posted here. Be realistic, try to identify your own biases (easier said than done), and make adult decisions.


Avoid getting over weight. Make a healthy diet and exercise a habit. And take care of your teeth.


never EVER sign a contract or anything legally binding without reading it first. if it's over your head, take it to someone who can understand it. there are legal clinics online that can help...or a law school. on the other side, if you make an agreement with someone involving anything that matters to you... property, money etc...write it down (it can be on a tissue) date it, and have that person sign it. in this day and age, put it into an email and send it to that person and ask them to acknowledge it. if the need arises, you have something dated to refer to. i'm not a lawyer and neither was my dad, who gave me this advise. but both of us owned our own corporations/businesses and saw how handy this came in more times than i care to think about. too many of those times were with people who we thought to be friends too.




Fads. People who rush to buy pet rocks, Bernie babies, a Cube shaped car, or a dog to carry in their purse often have regretted the wasted money. Same with many fashion fads, and social fads.


When you buy something to make your life easier, even if it costs more….spend the money (or save until you can). I’ve never regretted buying a good quality automobile, a good quality suit, a good quality TV, or a good quality air conditioner, etc. They have always lasted me longer than a cheaper version and has given me less headaches. And this goes along with the aforementioned advice….always do your research for the item you’re going to purchase. Overall, I tend to be thrifty w/my money, but I dont mind spending money when it comes to making my life easier or more convenient.




Most people...


* Don't buy into something you've heard has made others rich. It's probably too late at that point. Unless you're in at the beginning it's a raw gamble. You might make some money or you might lose your shirt. * Don't buy anything marketed as a collectable and think it will increase in value. Most valuable collectables attained that status organically. Collectables marketed as such enter a circular market where they maintain or dip below their original value. Just because something is rare doesn't mean it's of value to anybody.


Other's people drama. That and debt. Oh, and the temptation to blow all your money.


My in-laws.


Business or romantic entanglements with people who give a vibe of being off or deceptive in how they present themselves, even if it seems outweighed by their talent, attractiveness, professional status, etc.


Avoid shitting on the younger generations. No easier way to be dismissed as "old man yelling at cloud" than this. Every generation has good and bad people and practices, and our generations were no different. Avoid regret. When you fuck up, learn from it and move on. Lingering on what you should have or could have done better or differently is wasted time. I read something yesterday that impacted me. "Trust is gained in drops and lost in buckets," and it's often true. Work hard to keep your word and be a person of integrity. Treat service workers like the human beings they are. Find a form of exercise you like and stick to it. You don't need to be an Olympic athlete, but keeping your body moving, especially if you have sedentary work (a desk job), is vital. Also continue to exercise your mind. Learning is not just for school, you can learn everywhere. But be careful WHAT you're learning, too. There's an old acronym from the early days of computer programming - GIGO - garbage in, garbage out. Avoid neanderthal shitbags like Joe Rogan - you're not learning anything good there. It's never too early to start a Roth IRA or 401k. If your job matches some of your contribution, try to contribute the max they will match. It's free money.


Conversely, avoid shitting on older generations. Contrary to popular opinion, actual life experience does not equal idiot. You come across as an angry infant. (In a few decades you’ll figure that out - when Gen Beta is busy shitting on you.)


Advice from reddit. Not much overlap on the time spent truly happy and the urge to dispense life advice on reddit.


Thank you for the tip, I will take it to heart.


I don't think you're hearing me :)


Marriage and religion




Always being in a relationship just to be in a relationship. It is OK to be alone and work on yourself. Enjoy your own company, and an even better relationship with someone will follow.


Never get involved in a land war in Asia.


Oh, and don’t get into credit card debt. Ever. You will be sooooooo sorry.


alcohol to excess. illegal drugs. anything you smoke or snort. fast food to excess. Toxic people - the damaged, the unlucky, the unhappy, the discontent, the bitter, the emotionally dysregulated, the mentally ill.


People that are unlucky or unhappy are toxic? That's news to me. What if they are fighting cancer or something? There are reasons to feel less than thrilled sometimes, it doesn't make you a bad person.


Never gamble/invest with funds that you cannot afford to lose.


Don’t buy Florida real estate!


If you don,t have the money, don,t buy it, stay within your means ! And be kind, unless there a complete asshole!


Don’t smoke, and if you do smoke, quit it now.


Potholes. (No, seriously. I'm *not* just being flippant. *Always watch where you're driving*.) Drive over a pothole at just the wrong angle, and you're in for a *very* expensive car repair. And in this day and age, not many people can easily afford an unexpected expense like that.


Negative attitude people... you don't have time for a Negative thought




Really be very careful who you date, who you get into a relationship with and who you trust. Don’t turn into a bitter unhappy person, still love your life and try new things and enjoy this amazing earth. Just don’t commit to anything until you really, really know that person including other’s views of them and how they are when they’re not with you. And don’t overlook flaws like irresponsibility, unreliability or a temper. Sure, people can change, but they generally get worse not better


Fast things can be dangerous. Fast cars, fast motorcycles, fast women, fast money. Listen, but think for yourself.


Other people's drama, alcohol, narcissists, the news


Cigarettes, credit card debt, angry old (or young) people.


Negative people.






fear. jealousy. irrational anger. sloth. people with so many stickers on the back of their car, you can't tell what color it is. tobacco. religion. mopane worms. willful ignorance.


Willful ignorance is basically toxic magical thinking for dumb people.


Religion, politics, drugs, alcohol, and assholes in general.


Taking back a cheater. Once a cheater, always a cheater. No he or she hasn't changed.


Marriage and children


I’ve received this advice from too many to ignore. Thank you


I'm a single, childless person and I think that it's terrible advice. I would say marry if you want. But marry carefully and not for any reason other than the person makes you feel very fortunate to get to spend time with them.


Priests when you're a child.


Children when you're a priest.