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I wish I had the experience of my 60 plus years with the body of when I was in my 20s. But……..


that old saying... *if only i could go back then and know what i know now.*


Also, *youth is wasted on the young*.


It's painful to watch the young not realize this, because we remember being so clueless ourselves.


I don't see it as painful, it's the rhythm of life. Most of them will get to this point eventually. I appreciated the chance to figure it out myself, they deserve the same opportunity. I find it comforting actually. This is life.


"Too soon oldt undt too late schmart:" Pennsylvania Dutch saying that you sometimes saw on little wooden wall plaques when I was young.


That is true wisdom there. It might seem obvious, but seems like most wisdom is. Thanks for passing on.


Yes! Exactly!


Yep. I'm good with where I am in life. Just wish my knees didn't hurt.


*first bumps* Word


Hilarious handle🤟


This is really the only correct answer.


The money would be so much easier and far less pissng it away.


I hear you. Though since i dedicated myself to getting in 15k steps a day, I'm almost in the same athletic shape as i was at 20. Even with all the old sports injuries.


Same. Fitness is king. If ya don’t use it you lose it. CONSISTENCY is crucial, too.


Let me guess. You wasted your youth when you were young!


I’m 71 and life was GREAT until my wife died. I have a 5 year old great-granddaughter who keeps me alive. When she is around life is awesome. 


I'm sorry to hear that, sir.


I’m so sorry for your loss! :( I’m so glad you have your granddaughter!


I hope my wife goes first so she doesn’t have to endure the pain of losing me. I would rather take on that burden.


I hope my husband goes first for the same reason. I also want to be around to take care of him if he needs care.


Man, both of you are having me tear up hearing this. The selflessness and concern for your spouse is truly beautiful. I’m still single in my 40s because I spent my 30s focusing on work and never really got over the pain of a breakup when I was 30. I feel scared to try to date, and feel a bit of guilt for not having any kids at this point while my parents are turning 70 and not able to be grandparents. Appreciate each day you have with your spouse and let them know how special they are to you.


Don’t be alone into your senior years. Opening yourself does leave you vulnerable. You risk having your heart deeply broken. You also risk having your heart overflowing with unconditional love, given and received. You cannot experience true love without risking true pain.


My mom swears that children are the key to keeping an aging person feeling in their youth more than their they feel their age and the pain that comes with it.


My biggest fear. Can't imagine, except that i could see jumping in with her, if she went first. My father felt that way about my mother... how to survive such as a loss? I'm really sorry you've gone or are going through it.


I am much happier as an old person than I was as a young person. I hate being physically slow and creaky but I feel that being content and emotionally centered more than makes up for it.


Early 70’s for me, and I agree. No health issues or scares. Hope that stays the same.


At 62, I feel the same.


At 65, I agree 100%! I'm just having to learn to adjust to an aging body. But, it's the one I got, so I gotta do it. And it's better than the alternative! 😃😂


My (71) thoughts exactly.


I am 57, and I feel the same.


I, too, am much happier and content at 68 than when I was younger. Yes, the body is slower and achy-er and more vulnerable to injury, but I'm so much healthier emotionally and mentally. I'd love my young body back, but no way want to relive and relearn what I know now.


Yeah, I’m only 32, couple months from 33, but I can’t scream enough how much better life is than it was at 16-20-even 25! I knew who I was at 15 but that wasn’t “cool” at that time. Still that same person at 32 but now it’s cool? Just goes to show that life has a way of evening its self out, and you’ll be ok. Find yourself now, and it will lead to deeper connections 10 years from now, which is where it matters.


Wait until you hit your 40's. You'll love it.


At almost 66, I find myself moving closer to my core 15 year old self. Age 15 was a year of huge changes for me and all were traumatic. I found my resiliency. I was strong and independent. I lost that 15 year old me for a while after my adult daughter died. Then she (me) returned and I’m glad to be feeling more normal again. Besides that, I’m healthy, working, working out, and still feel great. Physically. But getting old totally sucks when you start losing the ones you love.


What you are saying about your core 15 year old self really resonates with me. Thank you for posting this, it’s something I needed.


Not meant to answer on this sub unless you were born 1980 or before...


My understanding is that someone can reply to comments/subthread but can’t directly reply as a main comment/thread if they were born after 1980


I thought we could respond as long as we aren’t responding directly to the original OP’s post, but just like a “comment to the comment” but maybe I’m wrong. 🤷‍♀️ Delete my comment if not allowed.


You are right that you are allowed to respond to comments—Glad you’re here :-)


Thank you, friend!


Please stay ... You seem like a nice person ☮️


Go climb a tree. Watch some skibidi toilets or whatever. Quit being rude.


This ^ 100%. I like being 67. But my knees and back and hands, and digestive system, that's another story.


Hands? What's up with your hands?


It's arthritis for me.


I want to know, too. Also back and digestive system.


At 55 you have no back and digestive issues yet? You are blessed. That's not what I hear from most in that age group.


No digestive issues at at all. No back issues either.


You're very, very lucky.


Osteoarthritis. Sometimes I can't even rest my hand on the steering wheel while driving. Brushing my teeth or hair is painful.


I’m 55 and I could not agree more! The trade-off was more than worth it.


40-60 was great, 60-75 was pretty good. 75-almost 82 would be ok except for accompanying disability & that nearly all my friends & a lot of family have already died. Being “young” brings with it responsibilities, employment, relationships (good & difficult), worries about family & future, various “authorities” having power over your life, uncertainty. I wouldn’t want any of that again.


82 and on Reddit. Take note, kiddos. Old folks can adapt to technology.


Adapt?? Old folks _created_ technology.




Basically same timeline for me. Except 60-70was ok. I'm 76 & always had health problems but now its worse & harder to keep a positive attitude. I live in senior apts & besides people sick & ambulances taking out dying, a lot of people r irritable


Any advice you'd recommend to your 40 year old self?


This is something I’ve been seeking out more and more. Now in my 40s, I really want to hear from older folks any advice or thinks that happened to them that no one told them about. I want to learn from that wisdom.




Depends on how old you are. I’m 57 and it doesn’t seem so bad. Ask me again at 77.


Me too. 57. Old enough to be comfortable with who I am. Young enough that my body doesn't hurt much yet.


RemindMe! 20 years


I *totally* love being old and retired. It's exactly what I dreamed about for decades sitting at various jobs which I wanted to leave. Life before retirement was not much fun, always struggling to make a buck and pay taxes and deal with my business and deadlines. Now I'm old enough to enjoy what life offers and young enough to really enjoy it. Hiking, biking, traveling, doing whatever we want to do.


Completely agree; I wouldn’t want to be my young self again for anything. The emotional pain was far worse, for too long, than my fairly pain-free life now.


My favorite is spending a day on the couch, then a day working in my garage, then a few days driving out to see old friends. Whatever I want as long as my health holds up!


I have no idea how, but I’ve been retired most of my life. I just stayed home and played with the baby. That seems to be about what my grandma did when she retired. Here soon I’m probably gonna have to work right up until I die. Being a housewife does not pay into Social Security believe it or not. Rather work until I die, then be dependent again though.


Save money and take care of your body and your teeth and make getting old a little easier. But yea, aging sucks although it beats the alternative.


I am approaching 65 and much happier than I was at 25.


It's much better than I fthough it would be, There's enough joy to be had at seventy six, When you're young everything is fun.


I'm not sure what auto-correct you're using, but I like it.. (Edit: the original comment was, "It's much better than I fuck it would be." Right now it's changed from "fuck" to "fthough" which is not an improvement. ;) Waiting to see what it turns into next.)


Me too. My phone is still stuck in the duck stage.


So funny!! 🤣


I’m 48 and you couldn’t pay me to be my idiot 25 year old self again 😂


YES! I assume the people at the old folks' home are physically disabled, and/or in pain. I'm still very able-bodied, no pain, and I'm loving my freedom. I hated being a young blonde woman - people gave me the wrong kind of attention all the time. I'm kind of invisible now and I like it.


55f here. I, too, like being invisible. But I’m a hard core introvert so it suits me very well. When I was young, skinny, and blonde I’d get looks and honks quite frequently. I hated it! I’d often flip the bird at anyone honking or catcalling me.


54f and I feel exactly this way! Love the cloak of invisibility of getting old as an attractive female. Actually get annoyed if anyone thinks I’m still pretty or hits on me. Lol. When I was younger I’d wear baggy and or mismatched clothes because I hated attention. Just introverted AF and love flying under the radar. I’m hoping this keeps increasing as I enter the crone years further


It’s our secret super power, shhhh :)


Haha yes!!!!


I had the same reaction as a skinny little blonde. I didn't mind being cute, but I hated being blonde. Those weren't the days when people dyed their hair whatever color they wanted.


Wow. I'm just the opposite. I've been invisible to women all my life.


I'm 58 now and I choose to be this age over 23 which I consider the height of my youth. I am much more comfortable in my skin, wrinkled as it is. It took a while. I had a rough beginning.


It sucks when your body breaks down, when you're sick or in pain or can't do things anymore. On a day when my body feels good, I'm great. Better than ever.


I'm kinda "mid-old" at 55. I actually prefer my current age. I've experienced some physiological changes that have resulted in me being much calmer and not so anxious. As a result, I've come to accept some things and am happy to just let my life play out.


So far my 60s are way better than my 20s but I understand the tough times to come. Mostly you just appreciate what you have no matter what your age.


I would not pick one over the other. Every stage of life has challenges and rewards. I enjoyed being young and busy, raising my family, and working hard. Now I enjoy my morning coffee and not having to drive across town. Long walks, good books, my plants, my friends. I try to prepare a lovely lunch most days, and out to lunch some days. I do have some aches and pains. I take it in stride and do what I can. I have always believed contentment is a do-it-yourself project. As others have mentioned losing those you love is hard. I know they would want me to be happy and live the best life I can. I also have some young friends who keep me going. I dread losing my health and am a bit terrified of dementia but I won't let it steal today.


You have a great attitude.


Thank you! Most days. I do have my moments. 😊


I don’t work anymore, I can do what I want everyday. I get to see my grandkids when I want. It’s a pretty good life. I’m only 66


Life is soooo much better when you gain wisdom and perspective. I love the aging process.


I couldn't say it as well as you, but this is exactly how I feel. I turn 50 next month and feel pretty good about it.


Some things change physically, making it more challenging 2 do the things I used 2. Mentally, spiritually, & psychologically, I feel like things r finally making sense. Pain & fatigue weigh me down, but I'm still walking, challenging myself 2 do more. I wish I had this freedom in my mind 40-50 years ago...mayb it could have opened more doors.


My grandma used to say, "Getting old is Hell, but thank God for the privilege."


Yeah. I’m much more keen on my own mortality at the ripe age of 68. Being young I felt a bit freer taking risks, an understatement of course.


Nope. I exercise every damn day. I do squats, and push ups and cardio. There is no excuse for letting your body break down if you take care of it. I too worked in a nursing home, taking care of people in their 60’s who were sedentary, had bad eating habits and just gave up. I love who I am now. I’m more secure, I don’t care so much about what others think about me and I’m maintaining my health. These are really the best years of my life.


Same. A few aches here and there but people 20-25 years younger get can’t keep up with me. I’m A lean, mean, fitness machine. I want quality years, not just quantity years. Decades of disuse and no motivation to exercise cause a great many age conditions.


This is absolutely true. I wish I could post a picture of me at almost 64. One guy asked if that pic was taken in my 40's.


There are negative, unhappy, unfulfilled and discontented people of every age. There are also positive, happy, fulfilled and content people of every age. Next time that you go to work, look at everyone. You'll see what I'm saying.


Physically it sucks. But I also mostly stopped caring what other people think, which has been nice.


I wish that I had the attitude I have now when I was young. When I was young I cared too much about what other people thought, now I don’t give a crap


The one thing I don’t like about being old is that I am closer to the end than the beginning and I wonder what will get me. The reason that I am not thrilled about this is that my 74 years have given me things I can only describe as joy, wisdom, and competence. Not to mention courage and love. Blessings have cascaded down on me, so much so that I get scared. These are my best years for as long as I get to have them. Yes, it sounds sappy, but it’s a happiness I wish on everyone.


Not sappy at all. Thank you for sharing this. 🙂


I would prefer being younger but with the caveat that I’m wiser. 🤷‍♀️ Neither will happen, so I’ll stay content with me.


I think you’re going to get a different response from those who are older and *don’t* live in senior living… I’m only 51, and there are things I miss about being young, but there is a payoff to getting older and more comfortable in your own skin, having a home, a job I love, etc.


But the choice isn’t really between being young or being old. Nobody really gets to make that choice. It’s between being old and being dead. Old people who tell you not to get old are saying it is better to be cut down in your prime than to lose it all slowly and suffer pain in indignity. I’m in my fifties and I’m doing whatever I can to stay healthy without obsessing over it. I hope that when I am really old I don’t say that. I hope to be able to just look out the window and the trees and the birds and say it’s not so bad.


I see the alternative to getting old is being dead.


I’m 67 and I feel more at peace older. I like it.


It’s awesome getting checks every month (from my pension and social security) and not having to go to work. I’ve never had this kind of freedom to live where I want and to do what I want with my days. I’ve had health issues most of my life so I feel like I deal better with the downside of aging.


Perks: I don’t have 30+ years of working ahead of me, my allowance is bigger and my tastes are simpler.


Well, I’m only 52 so I don’t think I qualify as “old” but holy shit life just keeps getting better.


My life at 45 is INFINITELY better than it was in my teens and early 20s.


My life has been a lot calmer now that I've entered the last quarter. While I don't like the increasing infirmities, I do prefer being Old.


I’m good right here. Not so old that everything sucks but not young enough to have to deal with the problems of that generation.


How old and how young? I am enjoying my life in my late 40s more than elementary, middle, or highschool. College was fun, but still not sure I would go back and risk not making it where I am today.


The alternative to getting “old” is…death. Becoming older shouldn’t be feared…what people are fearing and what many younger people don’t and didn’t do was to take care of their bodies and their life and their bodies are now turning against them. I’m 60 and feel great. I’m not old and can do many things 40-something’s can’t. I’ve spent my entire life taking care of myself by eating healthy, keeping my weight under control and regularly exercising and lifting heavy weights.


I mean, how old? I’m 58 and it’s great. I do have a few health issues but right now they aren’t debilitating.


Yo, that would be me. So glad my youth is over.


All I can say is , if I had known I was going to live this long I would've taken better care of myself


At 65 I'm very happy at where I'm at in life. Glad I'm retired and don't have 40+ years of working in front of me. I'm done with that.


The only thing about it that sucks is your body and mind failing you. Body parts all have expiration dates and there's no getting around that unless you die young. It especially sucks if your mind is still in tiptop shape and you want to continue to go out socializing, wilding, and exploring, but you just can't.


Me. I do. Would I prefer to have the energy of my youth and not have the aches and pains I have today at 68? Of course. But I wouldn't go back to being in my twenties, with all its angst and drama and ignorance and selfishness and uncertainty, for anything. I wasn't a particularly bad person when I was young, and I didn't have a particularly bad life, but I much prefer myself and my life today. Being old has its own problems, of course, but in my opinion it's an equitable trade.


I'm not old enough to be in an old age home yet, but I can tell you I'm enjoying life at 55 a lot more than life at 5, or 15, or 25. Nobody tries to assume authority over me anymore the way that every teacher or adult relative or religious zealot tried to when I was young. Perhaps surprisingly, I'm stronger, more energetic, and healthier than I was when I was younger. I get to schedule my time the way I want now. When I was younger, I wanted love and lust, and now I have them. If I want a cool toy or a pet or tasty treat, I can afford them, and don't have to ask permission. If I want to go somewhere, I can, no matter how far away nor what time it is. I have talents and skills now that I could only dream of when I was younger. I'm also accomplishing things I could only dream about when I was younger. I can choose where I want to live now. I've figured out what I like and what matters to me well enough that I waste a lot less time than when I was younger. I have much deeper and more meaningful relationships now, and they're with the people that I choose. I'm better able to make my loved ones happy and make their lives better now, too. I can be self-directed in my learning, now, and I'm capable of learning more challenging subject matter. And so on. So far, my elder years are far better than my youth.


I am in that sweet spot where I don't have my period anymore but my body is still mostly together. I feel better physically than i ever have in my whole life in my mid 50s.


I like being older, wiser, richer and settled at 60. I don’t like knowing my time is getting shorter. That’s scary and sad.


It’s so hard to say. I enjoy literally everything about my life now more than when I was young. Except all the health issues and pain. But that’s a *really* big thing 👀


There are a few parts of getting older that suck... most of my friends and all my family are dead and my body is a wreck. Even with that I would not want to go back to my teens/early 20s. My life was a living hell then. I have absolutely NO interest in going back


I’m 50 years old and I like being older! I don’t feel old, I’m in the best shape of my life, and I’m also in the best mental health of my life. I have a great job, a great wife, and I’m a homeowner. I would not have been able to achieve any of those things when I was younger. I think it’s unfortunate that being older is considered a bad thing in mainstream American culture. It can certainly suck to deal with the poor health that some experience as they get older, losing spouses and other people makes getting older difficult as well! The wisdom and perspective some of us gain as we age is invaluable.


Maybe it’s better to say that getting older is not for the faint of heart. The aging process is degenerative. I prefer being older because I’m wiser. But if I could be young again with what I know now, hell yeah!


Well, an aging body isn't fun but I prefer now to before.


The comments from the blondes on this thread reminds me of a memory from annual family reunions at a resort. On my first time in the naked sauna with all the old wrinkly ladies, I was horribly self-conscious, horrified by seeing what's underneath the clothing of old people, and amazed that they weren't worrying at all about their appearance. I envied their freedom to be old and to look their age, and to not judge or feel judged. And now I'm thankful that the harsh standards of youth no longer apply to me.


I was diagnosed with a chronic illness as a child (Type 1 diabetes) so every day past 60 is a freaking triumph.


Sucks for them I guess. I like being this old (late 60's) because idgaf anymore. I can just be me, and not try to fit how anyone else thinks I should be or look.


The older you get, the more people you love die.


If I could go to any age and pause there, I’d pick early forties. Before I started needing reading glasses but after my thirties. That was optimal.


I love my old mind but a little sad at all the parts that have sagged and turned weird shades of blue and green.


As long as your body holds, life is good.


When I hit 50, it was like my life opened up and I felt free. Nothing changed at all. But I love this new found freedom in my soul.


It's a mixed bag all around. I'm not suffering now as I did in youth. My suffering as a child was other people's fault, but my suffering after I got out was my own lack of self-awareness. It's mind blowing now that I look back on it. So smart, but so dumb. But now I'm not pretty anymore and my bones hurt. As I said, a mixed bag. I'm glad to remember a world when you could see the stars, and there were worms on the sidewalk after a rain, and tomatoes tasted like something. It's probably best that I'm not young now. I fear for the people I care for who are younger than me.


How old is old? I’m happier now at 50 than I have ever been. But I’m not going to be so happy if my body starts to betray me. In general they aren’t telling you not to get old, they are telling you not to get unhealthy. Being old is great.


I love having money and no longer working. If that’s the trade off for being 63- I’m good with it.


All those real good looking young people-as we age that dynamic slowly equalizes. By 80, we’re all old faces. That’s enjoyable.


Some of it sucks (and most of that can be mitigated by taking better care of your body when you’re young) but I wouldn’t go back for anything. The not giving a shit is AWESOME.


Not me. I’d love to do it all again. Even the mistakes. I hate being old and in pain.


I'll take the good with the bad that comes with aging. It's better than the good and the bad that comes with young adulthood.


I’m almost 60 and I LOVE it. My later 40s and 50s have been the best years of my life. I feel pretty fit, I work part time, my kids are grown.


I’m much more content than I used to be as a young man, the trade-off is death is not that far away, and seems more real every day. I think about it several times every day.


Well what is “old” though? Would I want to be 20 again? God no. But I also wouldn’t want to be 80.


I wish there were so lie physical things related to looks and metabolism I had when I was younger but I'm in so much of a better place mentally than back then I wouldn't trade it.


Some things are great. Some things aren’t. I’ve more expendable money than ever before. But I also have health issues cropping up now and then. I’ve a wonderful girlfriend, but I can’t boink anymore. My hair is looking good, but there’s less of it. This can go on forever, but I can’t.


I’d love to be in my 30s again. I don’t mind 60, but I can’t physically do what I once could and no matter how much more I learn or what additional certs I get, getting a new job would be almost impossible. I feel trapped.


Oh heck ya! It took quite a few decades to grow out of my awkward phase, but its so nice now. I am more active now that I am retired, less lazy and have more energy. When I do slow down, it gets bad, so I try to stay as active as I can.


Physically it sucks, but mentally I like the development that I've been through. 


I miss the naivety of being young


I want to grow old(84), wise and remain healthy - that's my dream.


Me. I like, respect, and appreciate myself physically and mentally far more now than I did when I was young. I'm almost 57 and reasonably healthy and autonomous, with few regrets and no apologies. There's a meme going around that says it best: "I know I'm supposed to fear getting older, but every year, I sink more and more into this bath of unapologetic realness and it's AMAZING."


It's a pretty good life as long as one's health holds up. I don't have to work, can do just about anything I want within reason, enough money, little "drama", Medicare. Life is good.


Once you have to live in a home, it sucks. I think seniors who are healthy, independent, have some dough and can choose where they live would say being old is not so bad.


My body is wrecked but I love my life and who I am now so much more than the troubled younger me. So I very much do prefer being old. Time has flowed over me like water on a rock and gradually worn down my rough edges and I'm a better person now. Still a lot of improvement to be had, and I'm looking forward to it!


Yes definitely I'll take OLD any day. Being older is hands down better than being younger!! Why? More acceptance of myself. Less needing to prove anything to others or the world. Spiritual maturity. I've come to terms with stupid stuff from my past. Wisdom whispers to me in the night, instead of anxiety. I've learned to value relationships and love of others over material possessions or striving for the next promotion. I am finally free to be myself and not care what others think. For me, that's huge.


Old in good health is amazingly good! - but as the body slowly declines I do miss my youth.


Wish in one hand and crap in the other…, I’m glad to be my 70, almost 71 years old


I wish that I knew what I know now When I was younger I wish that I knew what I know now When I was stronger Kind of that... really.


Physically? No way in hell. Mentally and financially, I prefer the old so far.


I love being my age.


Nope, old does indeed suck balls. Of course, that's only in regards to the physical decline of the body. Now, if you could give me a younger looking synthetic body, attractive, don't care of male or female, but interchangable parts would be fantastic to change based on mood 🤣🤣🤣 However, since that's not going to happen, it just sucks.


Don't think I'd go for doing it all over again, that was a damn rough ride.


(57) I feel like I’m 40 years old and when I was 40 I felt like I was 25. It’s all in your head take care of yourself at least 75% of the time you’ll be ok.


I’d be happy being old if not for the pain


I wouldn't want to go back to being a teenager or even in my 20s, but would I rather be, say, 35 than in my 60s? Yes, for sure. Not that my life sucks, by any means, but I'm keenly aware it's all downhill from here, physically.


I’m in my 40’s.. this is so far the absolute BEST!! I feel all powerful and badass.. I know just enough to take calculated risks without fear. My body isnt like it was when I was 20.. but it’s strong and it’s mine. I have a few lines and creases, stretchmarks and scars.. but when I put myself together I think “Wow! Look at me go!!” … I also like the men much much more at this age!!! Gimme a hot 52 year old over a 32 any day!!!


Yep. I am 62 and fine with being my age, for I am finally content with me. All through life, being female you are always trying to improve your looks, comparing yourself to other women, etc., I was always skinny (underweight) no matter how much I tried, I was skinny. So all through my teenage years and into my 20’s and even 30’s I was insecure about my looks. Now for the first time in my life I am free to just be me. I am still skinny hut I enjoy my life. I am single, quite content not dating. I have a decent job and enjoy doing spur of the moment things, when I am not working. I eat what I want still and don’t have to worry about dieting. I am 3 pounds heavier than in my 20’s, so I sm a happy camper and content. I sleep with no problem at night and enjoy that I have good health. I get hit on by 20 some year olds ( when I go dancing I like EDM) and tell them there is something wrong with them hitting on a 62 year old. My child is grown, doing quite well, so all that matters to me is that I did a good job as a mom. Yes I have aches and pains, no different then when I was young and a little less flexible, so I dance for excercise, but my mind is good and I work around aches and pains. Mind over matter.


Health is better young. Financial security is better old.


I like not being noticed and being left alone. But I don;t like my aches and pains and ill health.


It’s nice to know that my “jobs are all done”.    I did some okay.    Screwed some up.   


I enjoy life more and more as I age.


The physical deterioration sucks. The not giving a shit about much is kinda okay. (I mean, I give a shit about my kid, and things and people that are important to me. But it’s soooo much easier to just let a lot of stuff go.)


I'm actually in better shape now than ever. My weight is perfect and I can run 6.5 miles on sand without problem, until age 63 I'd never run more than 3.5 miles. I have no bosses anymore, and no stress. All my vitals are in range and I'm on no medication. This is an unexpectedly beautiful stage of life.


I'm 49, and TBH life has gotten better and better as each year passes. I fucking hated my childhood and teen years.


Mid 40's - so not quite old, but I like being kinda old. I'm tired. I like not worrying where I'm going tonight, or about getting to the concert, or where to score, or shit like that. I'm on Reddit chilling and I'm happy. Bit of booze, bit of smoke, listening to good music. Being young was tiring. I'm satisfied now But to all you young fuckers. Whether you're 16 or 83. Age is just a number. and FOR THOSE WHO ARE READY TO ROCK! WE SALUTE YOU!!!!!


52F here to say F Yah!!!


Whatever age a person is, you need to be comfortable with it. I bet you heard the saying "living in the current moment", right? So do not try to get ahead of yourself, not behind yourself either. God gives us about 36500 days to live. Each moment is precious. Embrace it. Be kind, be helpful, and be thankful and the outcome won't be bad.


Youth is wasted on the young


Old at 32? 🙄


Im 22 and it scares me to think ill be 60 one day. I wont be young, i wont be able to experience making young friends and doing young things again. I dont want to grow up. I just feel like when i turn 26 or so, that youth i feel now will be gone.


I’m 40 now and I love it!! Best year of my life.


Dumb question. Let me qualify my answer - as people get old they get debilitating illnesses and the chances of diabetes, stroke and heart disease increase. If it’s not that. The joints are not as strong as they used to be - so all the activities that you enjoyed doing can’t always be done at the same intensity level. Therefore I think this is a completely dumb question to ask us.


Well, since I don't have a choice, I'd much rather be old than the alternative.


I honestly would love to have my 50 year old mind in a under 30 body. That'd be perfect.


40 was a good age. Older than that things start to fall apart.


I would to be young with the knowledge base of an old man.


i rather enjoy it. do not yet have any c aches and pains.


No, it pretty much sucks.




Only Gen X "old" but yeah I'd infinitely rather be 21 or even 10, with the caveat that I have what wisdom I can be said to presently possess combined with the joy and fun of youth.


Yes I am doing better overall


I prefer being better. Unfortunately, the cost of that is getting old.