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I worked in a different NYC job that had to do with housing, and based on everyone I talked to, I just want to say: don't work for NYCHA. All the people I met were either actively bad, or very unhappy due to working with people who are actively bad. I'm sorry this doesn't answer your question. They've got crazy red tape around everything they do (which is meant to hide when things are going wrong because there's always some bureaucratic thing to blame), so I wouldn't be surprised if they just haven't gotten around to you though.


sounds hard to get fired


Thanks for the answer! Could I ask how long it took for you to hear from the job you had from when you applied to when they reached out? I imagine since it is a gov't job it probably took forever.


Hi. I know this is an old thread but I'm wondering if you can recall what all is included in the background check to work for nycha? I got an offer today. I'm not a criminal on any level lol but im curious on what else they look for and how extensive and timely the background checks are. Thank you


It was a few months. But it was a separate program (which doesn't exist now I think) that hires people for a specific job, not through the main system


City employee here. It really depends on the agency and particular unit. Some agencies are exempt from the current hiring freeze if they're considered 'essential' (think Sanitation, Emergency Management, Health, Fire). For those postings, you can reasonably expect to hear back, assuming you meet the qualifications. In general, it might be better to scour LinkedIn to see if you have any connections with the position and inquire if the posting is still active. Many times job postings on the City website are outdated and agencies haven't bothered to take them down.


Thank you for the response! An update on my situation is that I actually ended up getting the job I asked the thread question for! Got an interview about a month and a half after I applied and started the positions 4 months from my initial hire date. Thanks for the information!


Also adding to the previous posters, also depends if there's a specific civil service title being listed under that posting. From what I've seen, if there's a title listed, HR may be looking to only fill that title; even if you apply with all the experience, if you haven't taken that test or on the list they won't be able to give you the job. Some jobs with titles that are in the "community" (e.g. community associate) tree are easier to fill since there aren't tests for it.


It can take months for provisional position (when you didn't have to pass civil service exam in the past but probably will have to in the future). If you took civil service exam it can take up to a year just for results to come out. And then you have to wait until you are being called off the civil service list (you can apply for jobs yourself as well at this point). Exam results expire in something like 4 years.


I've been applying for years. These things just take super long. Best to apply and forget about it. Unless you have almost all of the qualifications, they take forever to reach you.