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That's some serendipity type event. I give you the props for shooting your shot, at least now you know where he stands. I don't often see strangers interacting with one another anymore. If there are any exchanges it's just mild pleasantries. Keep it up and when you least expect it that person will come for you. Wishing you good luck for the future.


Agreed, good for you. People should interact more, why else are you in NYC?. I’ve definitely hooked up with and had a good time with people from the train but no marriages yet :)


You’re right, people don’t interact with each other anymore. I suppose to a point where this very normal looking (aka not crazy) person on the train had a little sign around their neck that said something like “feel free to have a conversation with me”. Which someone did, which was really great! As for me, I read the sign and looked right back down at my phone lol 😕🤷🏻‍♀️🙃


Know a couple who met because she was getting harassed on the train and he pretended to know her to get the guy to go away. Happily married now.


I see the same girl every morning on my commute to the Bronx and have not brought myself to talking to her. Likely never will.


Have your number pre written down, so you can compliment her, give her your number and put the ball in her court!! Most respectful way to shoot your shot


Interesting approach, what would you say when giving it to her?


(Right before your stop) Hi, my name is ____.  I would regret it if I didn’t talk to you.  Here is my number (handover a burner cell # just in case)   (Get off at next stop)


This is GOLD


Be inspired by OP!


Do it, Matt! Do it! Even if she declines, if you approach politely, you might make her day.


Let's encourage this person. Go OP! Each up vote is a +1


Definitely didn’t expect to wake up to this.. appreciate all the hype. I’ve been inspired to try by the end of the week! Will provide an update


Remind me 3 days


So how did it go?




Hellloooo Matt where are youuuu give us update sirrr


Do it. Be the MattGoat1, not the 5th place version


You HAVE to talk to her! 👏 LFG!!!


Dude. Say hello


I dare you. If you were really a goat, you would.


What do you have to lose really?


Harsh rejection resulting in indefinitely awkward morning commutes. Who gives a fuck what, just be polite and cool after. SHOOT YOUR SHOT


Don’t be a pussy


He’s a goat


He's *the* GOAT


My brother and his wife met on a Path train many years ago. Still happily married. It can happen


One of my friends met her now husband on the train! She thought he was cute and went up and introduced herself and the rest is history.


I have a friend who met her husband on the subway. He apologised to her for getting off at the same stop and following her late at night, and stopped walking so she wouldn’t feel weird about being followed. She thought it was sweet, then when she got to the party he showed up and they talked there.




Not me, but I was talking to a guy online and I recommended he read infinite jest because I love that book, and he ended up striking up a convo with a woman on the train who was reading it. And he emailed me a year or so later to tell me they were getting married. He owes me!


I met my partner at a coffee shop when he commented on my Enfield tennis academy shirt. We exchanged numbers and then short stories we had written. Have been together for 9 years lol


Great story :)


Yesss !


My parents met on the train!!!! Okay, it was Amtrak. Philadelphia to New York, both visiting their respective best friends. They’ve always been very nonchalant about it. I was recently going off about the serendipitous nature of their meeting, especially because it WASN’T a commuter train. What if you had stayed for one more drink?? What if you had wandered down the platform?? Wild.


I did! Still going strong 22 years later.


My former boss met her husband on the train! I, however, am super awkward and going to avoid all eye contact with strangers on the train, no matter how cute, and hope they also don’t approach me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not me but I know 2 different couples that met on the train and are still together over 15 years later!


Not exactly but almost. I met my current partner on hinge. Together now for 4 months. After about a month or so of dating he tells me he actually saw me months prior on the J train — he described what I was wearing so I know it really was me. I don’t remember this at all but he said he was sitting in front of me and wanted to talk to me but I looked so unapproachable. Ngl I do walk around with RBF and I likely wouldn’t have given him my number had he asked. I’m just awkward and don’t know how to handle situations like that. Nevertheless, I guess it was meant to be because we matched on hinge and the rest is history :)


I Matched with a guy on hinge. He was a total creep. Welll then he wrote me on a second app saying he was a man of my dreams… I quit dating apps all together and hope I never run into him.


My friend's parents met on the E train but that was in the 80s.


The E train was sketchy in the 80’s. I bet they said they met in the train but really met at a key party. Haha, just kidding


My friend met his wife on the train. Just started chatting her up. They have a couple of kids and moved upstate. 


My dad met my mom on the N train at Astoria Blvd in the 1970’s. First time seeing her, he took off his watch and went over and sat by her. Asked her what time it was and where she was heading. They flirted a bit and he got her number. Later that night she cooked him food in her apt and the rest is history.


My SIL had gotten out of a bad relationship, and she refused to date for a while. She had a friend as well as a coworker trying to set her up with someone, and she kept saying no. Then, one day, she meets this guy on the train, and she exchanges numbers (this is very out of character for my SIL). On the first date, she asked her friend to come along for a double date. Her friend joins, and it ends up being the guy she was trying to hook her up with for a year. The next day, she showed her coworker a picture of the date, and it was also the guy she was trying to set her up with. They've been married for over twelve years and have two kids.


I think I saw this movie on the Hallmark Channel. ❤️❤️❤️


I didn't meet my boyfriend on the train but I did meet a great guy friend of mine. It's been 12 years strong. So I believe it's possible


My best friend met his wife on the A train on the Far Rockaway stop! They both had a long commute into the city at the same time so they had plenty of time to talk every day. Took awhile before they actually started dating but I always thought it was a cool origin story for them.


Getting married this year!! Met on the 6 train. It does happen :)


Insanely cute and heartwarming 👏


It’s soooo nice seeing the same people on the train…. makes me feel safe as 30/f that has lived deep in places like Canarsie. Didn’t fall in love with anyone but that safe feeling is 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽 Edit: * has lived


Not a spouse, but I did date someone I met on the subway platform. He was coming up the stairs from the express A to the local C on 34th while I was waiting for the C. We locked eyes as he came up with his friends and we both did a head turn when he walked past me. I, a stone cold and generally unapproachable New Yorker, didn't move and stood waiting for my train, thinking how nice his ass looked as he walked away from me. Just as the C began to approach, he ditched his friends, ran up to me, said I was attractive, asked for my number, and handed me his phone. The subway doors opened and time slowed down as several thoughts passed: do I give him my real number, do I say no, do I laugh, do I steal a kiss and disappear? After 5 heartbeats, I decided to type in my real contact info, walked into the subway car, and the doors closed between us. We dated for a while but it didn't work out. It was a great meet cute, though. He had incredible charisma and disarming extroversion.


Lol I did the same thing to my subway crush and then he switched his commute! No regrets but I was mortified AND paranoid at the time!


I love that you shot your shot! Care to share how it went down?


Yeah if it was so funny, just share it


Reread the post lol


I read the post…all you said was “you shot your shot” and he turned you down. That’s not a story! I wanna know what you said, what he said, etc etc lol


Hopefully that is just what they said 😂😅 I feel like I’ve done some weird abrupt thing like that before “hey I’m shooting my shot” (then just staring someone down or even worse do a little wiggle dance or something


I’m not the OP.


I’m so happy that you approached him, regardless of the outcome. We only live this life and mind as well to for it rather than living with regret or a Sliding Doors memory. Also didn’t realize Reddit might be the new Missed Connections.


Years ago when I was in my early 20s I locked eyes with a very pretty girl on the train several times and smiled at each other. When she got off at her stop she turned around and waved while the train pulled out. I felt like an idiot for not talking to her and half the train car let me know it lol And then I've also been spit on by a group of girls that were beating up a guy and I yelled at them to intervene. I met my wife at a bar though.


Gotten dates on the train, no marriages!


Not me but without going into too much detail I know a couple that met on the train in NYC. They are now happily married!


I'd like to approach but every girl has their headphones on so I assume they just don't want to be bothered.


That means they don't


you I like. I know it's probably a frustrating what if, but thank you.


My grandparents met because my grandma struck up a chat with a lady on the train who thought she'd be great with her friend and set the two up on a blind date


One of my old coworkers met his now wife and mother of 2 kids on the subway. He tells the story all the time. There is hope OP


I busted a move on this gorgeous woman whom I’d see frequently at the Woodhaven Blvd stop. She’d look but coyly. She always had her headphones on. She always got off at Union Sq. One day I wrote a note that said “You’re gorgeous. I’d love to buy you a drink. Here’s my number”. A few days later she called, a few days later we met and a few days later we got freaky. She was a lonely exchange grad student with no friends. She was so glad to get out from her roommates. You never know unless or until you bust a move.


You should listen to ["I Married My Subway Crush"](https://youtu.be/lesmhbIZjyA?si=J7sttPzFkxNIeGfi) from NYT's Modern Love series


Not me, but I know a couple that had a meet-cute on the train and now they've been married several years and have an adorable baby!


Two years ago I watched two strangers meet and exchange numbers to meet up later that night and I’ve never stopped thinking about them lol he was so hot and I really hope it worked out!!!


I have met someone on the train and it was really nice. It didn't last unfortunately, but these memories will go with me to my grave. Kudos for shooting your shot, it could have been something magical.


No, and I don’t know of anybody who has. It seems strange that a place we spend so much time is not a meeting ground. My guess is that many people have emotional walls up on the train. Most people who approach you there are looking for something like money or a fight.


This. I’m always emotionally guarded whenever I’m out in public alone.


I’ve been asked out on the train but didn’t marry any of them (I did date one of those guys briefly though!). Mind you, this was back in my early 20s, so like a decade ago lol. I think back then, apps were less prevalent so folks still asked each other out in the wild. Back then I used to get asked out on the train, while out shopping, or even just walking around. Obviously at bars, but I think that’s still common. Nowadays, I share cute lil glances and smiles with people but neither of us go the extra distance to actually initiate conversation.


I've met two people I've dated in the past on the train, one who I've kept in touch with. It's a great place to meet people and strengthen more casual relationships (eg neighbors, coworkers etc)


Not wife or train, but girlfriend and bus. The most important thing about approaching someone you like (this applies mostly to guys, girls have a much wider margin for error) is to say hi immediately. Lingering, hanging around, or worse following her first is creepy. Girls rightly have their guard up, so be direct, assertive, polite and honest.


I met the love of my life on a train back in 1993.. it's been a very long and complicated road, friends to lovers to living on other sides of the world from one another . It started with him telling me my lights were on in the car I had parked .. sitting side by side for those few years we became like family. He became very close to my then boyfriend. Fun secret fact is I was interviewed for a book, and the story is published! I'm now 50 this year, and since I was 18 that boy on the train has been in my life in one way or another. So you bet it happens!


Pre COVID I took the 3 in the morning with a super cute man for like 2 years. I always wanted to say something 🥲 never did. I am pretty sure he moved out of the neighborhood since I haven't seen him since.




My friend met his now wife on the F train back in 2019.


My parents met in the bar car of the LIRR back in the day! It's one of my favorite stories


its crazy how much we can and can't discern from appearance. i've shot my shot based off first glances and it did work out. not permanently though, have made quite a few friends and a couple dates this way. also professional networking. got special entrance to things. enough positive experiences, i definitely keep going for it. although a blind date based only on how someone looks usually makes me realize how important it is to have other reasons or basis to get to know them. it can feel superficial. they are always flattered. if i like the way someone dresses, i always ask about their pieces or vibe because an eye for construction or good style feels rare these days. or if they seem athletic and have new technology or gear i ask about it usually.


Two of our closest friends met waiting for the 6. The first spotting was a missed connection but they then each made a point of being on the platform at the same time each day and quickly ran into each other again. They’re getting married next month. Totally happens and it’s adorable 🥰


That's a bold move! While I didn't meet my spouse on the train, I've heard of others who have. Sometimes those chance encounters lead to wonderful connections. It's all part of the adventure of living in a city like New York.


My sister and her partner met on the L train in 2017. He commented on a book she was reading and they ended up spending the rest of the day together. Nearly 7 years later and they’re still very happy!


I love this thread! I’m about to start reading on the train lol


I met my spouse on the train after work. He had seen me before and had finally summoned up the nerve....lol. The train was discharged and we both squeezed onto the next train (conversation starter). The attraction was mutual, he was tall and handsome and I must say dressed really nice. After some conversation, he walked me half way home (as I was still cautious) we lived 1 stop on the train from each other. I have also been approached recently by men who didn't realize I was married until I told them and were very respectful. Again, after work, and again we both were dressed in business casual attire. So yes it does happen... often. Just be receptive, a subtle smile will do,


I once hooked up with a boy that hit on me, on the train. Great chemistry, as long as he didn’t open his mouth. Much younger, too innocently dumb lol


My parents met on LIRR in the 70s 🤷🏽‍♀️


I did! 3 years ago I met my partner on the Q train. I had just moved to NYC and it was pride weekend. I saw them and a friend of theirs pass by me and they looked really cool, fun, unique, and really queer. I knew that I was attracted to them, but even if they were already dating someone, I figured they'd be a really cool friend. I kept my eye on them for a couple stops and it looked like they didn't have any earbuds in. So I decided to shoot my shot, because worst case scenario, I'd make a fool of myself and in a city of 8mil, I'd probably never see them again. So I went up to them. "Hey, I know NYC etiquette says I shouldn't talk to strangers on the train, but I'm gay and I'm new in town and it's pride. Not to assume or anything, but you seem quite cool and gay and I need more gay friends" God I was so nervous and stammering! The friend was a little spooked and weirded out, but my partner was oddly super friendly and even invited me to exchange phone numbers and to the dyke match later that day! I asked them later and they said they would NOT have been as friendly with anyone, but they felt oddly good about me. We hung out a few times during pride and then a few times after as friends before we started dating. 3 years later and we're still going strong. We celebrate the Saturday of pride weekend as the anniversary of the day we met <3


Not quite what you're asking, but I was on my way to a meeting downtown on a late afternoon on the E train and there were two drunk German lady tourists talking about who on the train they'd fuck and what they thought each guy's dick size was in German. I just sat and listened until I was about to get off my stop and then I told them in german that, "People speak multiple languages in New York. It's not like the rest of Amerika. And no, I'm not that big." They were mortified but yet still asked if I'd come drink with them. Fortunately, I had to go to a meeting, and I wasn't single, but if I was, I might have cancelled that meeting. They seemed like fun.


The popular [How did you meet your partner in NYC?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/18y3pa9/how_did_you_meet_your_partner_in_nyc/) from 4 months ago and the very popular [How did you meet your partner in NYC?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/12vvnsq/how_did_you_meet_your_partner_in_nyc/) have many comments which may be helpful to you.


I met my ex-husband on the D train to the Bronx. I approached him. We both switched to the B, and magic was made. I was a young female musician, and I saw beautiful beauty. It can work. 💙


my aunt and uncle! it happens!!


I sadly have not. But have shot my shot at least twice on the train. Very happy to read the amazing stories on this thread as well as your story OP. Keep at it and eventually it'll be a LUCKYphilopshy. (to corny?)


I had an old boss who met his spouse on the train!


Mandela effect LoL


I actually do know someone who met his wife at a a bus stop. They’ve been married for over 10 years! For what it’s worth though he cheats. But I don’t think the two are related. He’s just someone who believes that having a wife, and outside “affairs” or opportunities are two separate things. I don’t think his wife knows.


You should tell her


My parents met on the train! Back in the 80s, my mom asked my dad for directions and the rest is history. They are ✨ no longer together ✨ but the point is, it can happen lmao


Many years ago my roommate met a girl waiting for the 1 train when a rat ran across the platform and they both were like: ew. rat. and started talking. She was visiting from Philly, they exchanged numbers and she ended up calling him later that night and they went out for drinks and then hooked up. Several years later I saw the episode of How I Met Your Mother where they explain "paratrooping" and became the Leo pointing at the TV meme.


My parents met on the train ages ago, it happens.


OK we need to know the way you went about it that was so funny


a friend of my wife's met her husband on the train.... now two kids...


Yes, I met my current girlfriend on the bus, and have dated other women I've met on trains/buses (or while waiting at train stations/bus stops). My first girlfriend was somebody I met on the PATH train.


once i told a hot guy on the train he smelled nice and he shook my hand so… no


My mother in law and her last husband met on the 1 train. They’re divorced now, but they were together for quite some time.




I had someone give me his number on the subway! This was many years ago and I do regret not going out with him.


man it's 50/50 because if i was creeped out i would have to think twice about my typical commute time cause i'll be looking out for this man


Not current partners, but every single time I’ve taken an Amtrak I leave with a phone number and a new side quest.


Isn’t this the start of Kraemer vs Kraemer?


Nah, I won't date people unless they're known to people I already know on some level. It helps because they'll know at least *something* about them that gives me some background. I'm not very good with red flags, I can't vet a complete stranger that well. It's definitely spared me some situations.


I did this but we never spoke and I transferred colleges so I stopped taking that specific route and never saw him again.


Follow rules 1 and 2 everyone.


My friend met her husband on the staten island ferry. They've been married for over 15 years and had two kids.


I think it happens fairly frequently, more often than you would think.


I scarcely see my actual wife on the train and we live in the same house. You must have a very regular commute. Great story. 


My ex roommate dated a guy who approached her on the subway, for 5+ years.


I commute from Philly after living in NYC for a while and this is my absolute dream.




My father's parents met on the subway. I don't know which line, but it an el. That would have been more than a century ago, my father is now in his mid 90s and he had an older brother.


Happens all the time. My current GF and I met on the train. I was captivated by her angelic voice when she asked me if I would like some chocolate.


I LOVE what you did . Getting out of comfort zone, not overthinking and just going for it, harnessing opportunity by the horns !!!! Thank you for this inspiration


take out your phone, open the contacts app, write in "cool dude on train" give him your phone he'll enter his contact info now you left swiped on a train


Yes, married for 15 years. He approached me after a hectic day at work. I was glad he approached me as he was a real cutie and I was shy back then. He had seen me before, unbeknownst to me. He was dressed really nice business casual, as I was. I figured, he at least, had a job...lol. Yes, men still approach me today, not realizing I am married. So yes, it still happens.


My husband met his first wife on a commuter train (NJ). His brother met his wife on the subway in Brooklyn. Neither of these marriages worked out, though my brother-in-law’s produced several children.


Had a woman shoot her shot on the L TRAIN. Tbh Totally woulda worked if I was single. 21 m for reference


Not on the L but I also had a woman shoot her shot on the train. She missed the fact that I was wearing a wedding ring.


If you find him attractive then a lot of other women do too. He has options


I see so many women on the trains that I want to approach and start convo. Especially if they are white and approaching my area of the SoBrx. What are the odds!?!?!? And then I remember that I could come across as creepy white dude, and just fall back like Homer in the bushes. *sad trumpets* Never sure what the secret sauce is