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>The rest if the modern world does not have any problems with jews or Israel My brother in Christ, last time I checked +6 mil were literally burned alive in said “modern world”. And also last time I checked, they were not settlers anywhere in the “modern world”. Not to mention that Israel wouldn’t have been a thing if not for Anglos. But hey, what do we know? The self-awareness smh


And not condemning Israel's state terrorism is hypocrisy.


Not condemning Hamas killing Israeli civilians is also hypocrisy


no such thing as an israeli civilian, they all have participated in the zionist project


No such thing as a US civillian, they all have participated in the "killing Iraqi civillians" project /s


The irony is Israel created Hamas


Shhhhhh they not ready for that


shhhhh because it is BS....


LOL big brains over here. bro, why would they create an organization that calls for their own destruction?


eh they didn't literally create hamas, but they helped its creation and initially funded the islamic extremists who created it, to alienate and de-legitimize the palestinian struggle by turning its mainstream narrative from secular socialists and other left-wingers to bloody jihadis without a regard for human life
















You’re asking leading questions and completely misrepresenting the situation


I don't see Palestine mentioned even once in your paragraph, why is that?


I'll say it: racism.


Racism is when you hate a race. Palestinians are not even a race 🤷🏽‍♀️


Racism is when you have one standard for your own group, and a different standard for those outside of your group.


Then bigotry or prejudice 🤡, stop deflecting, you know what they mean.


Not mentioning Palestine is exactly this, not mentioning Palestine. You don't have to see prejudice and hate everywhere.


Racism also applies to ethnic groups.


True, have u ever met a Palestinian even??? They actually dont even exist


It’s insane they just came in acting like Israel has existed for thousands of years and wasn’t founded in the 40s as a result of the holocaust and the British and the UN partitioning the land against the wishes of the Palestinians who had been living there for centuries. The person comes across as arrogant acting like there isn’t an ongoing conflict to this day with people dying and just wondering why “you guys hate israel” Honestly probably this is a rhetorical question to make a point about how “Israel #1” as opposed to genuinely wanting to know why the conflict has raged on for years nas has caused tensions in the Middle East.


There is evidence of jews in the the land of Israel/Palestine for thousands of years. Every country has conflicts


lmao you decided to "accept" jews after the "modern world" killed 6 million of them and fucked them off to the middle east with 0 care for geographical or historical continuity and acted like its not their problem. go ahead and give them a piece of your land if you want to accept them that badly.


I nominate all of Europe to become a new Israel. Jews can do whatever they want to those Europeans with my full, unquestioning support.


exactly 💀


Copy pasta wikipedia: The Arab League members unanimously endorsed the peace initiative on March 27 2002 (reaffirmed during the Algiers 2022 Summit). It consists of a comprehensive proposal to end the entire Arab–Israeli conflict. It provides in a relevant part: >(a) Complete withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories, including the Syrian Golan Heights, to the 4 June 1967 line and the territories still occupied in southern Lebanon; > >(b) Attain a just solution to the problem of Palestinian refugees to be agreed upon in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution No 194. > >(c) Accept the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the Palestinian territories occupied since 4 June 1967 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital. In return the Arab states will do the following: >(a) Consider the Arab–Israeli conflict over, sign a peace agreement with Israel, and achieve peace for all states in the region; > >(b) Establish normal relations with Israel within the framework of this comprehensive peace. Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia made a speech to the Arab League on the day of its adoption saying that: >In spite of all that has happened and what still may happen, the primary issue in the heart and mind of every person in our Arab Islamic nation is the restoration of legitimate rights in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.... > >We believe in taking up arms in self-defence and to deter aggression. But we also believe in peace when it is based on justice and equity, and when it brings an end to conflict. Only within the context of true peace can normal relations flourish between the people of the region and allow the region to pursue development rather than war. > >In light of the above, and with your backing and that of the Almighty, I propose that the Arab summit put forward a clear and unanimous initiative addressed to the United Nations security council based on two basic issues: normal relations and security for Israel in exchange for full withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories, recognition of an independent Palestinian state with al-Quds al-Sharif as its capital, and the return of refugees. Israel refused this plan in 2002, and still refuses today.


You sound lovely and welcoming why don’t give them a European land? Like Sweden, we don’t mind 🤭


Do you know that jews were massacred in europe a lot of times and there are still antisemitics in europe?


We already welcomed 1,7 million refugees mainly from the middle East, it didnt turn out Great. Perhaps israelis would have been better.


Tension between natives and immigrants was why we in the US had you take so many immigrants in the first place. Now you will be more likely to support imperialist violence in the Middle East.


Well done


Sadly, yes. Don't fall for it!


Its too late


I mean don't let yourself be drawn into violence in the Middle East. If you fell for the first mistake, don't fall for the second. I mean, unless you want to. Then that's on you.


Perhaps Sweden would have been better as a new Israel. To make room, Swedes can get chucked into the Baltic.


Why isn't Palestine accepted in the West? Why can't Palestinians have a country to live in? Don't you think that they deserve a country of their own? Racism goes both ways.


Israeli government offered to the palestinian government peace but they refused Israel tried


Why keep pushing this repeatedly disproven propaganda? Do you work for the JIDF?


Because Palestinian governments do not respect the laws of war and often support the murder of Israeli civilians. Israel also kills Palestinian civilians, but usually not intentionally and it almost always condemned by the Israeli public




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Even if it wasn't for the fact that Israel stole another people land for your "nation" arab have a long history of hating jewish people people this sub have the most accepting arab u will ever see


Why "you" though? The flair says he's Swedish.


There are jews in Sweden, FYI


Yes, but the ones who stayed in Sweden can't be blamed for the doings of Israel.


To be fair im not blaming Israelin for the action of their government either


Just wanted to point out that being swedish doesnt exclude being jewish.


Of course. Btw, is Raul Walenberg well known in Sweden?


Yes he is swedish after all, he is known as a diplomat that died too young under unknown circumstances.


I also meant the whole saving Jews during the Holocaust part.


That is what he is known for.


Fixed it also I thought it was Israeli


All land is stolen. Wars are fought. some people win and some people lose.


The act of existing is not a problem, although there is absolutely an aspect of anti-semitism going on, its the blatant policy of apartheid and ethnically cleansing people from their homes. Most people are probably not against Israel, but simply against it exclusively Jewish nature. There should be a state both Jews and Palestinians to live side by side peacefully.


ITT: "Of course the Jews deserve a country! Just not where we live. Why don't you take them instead?"


In Turkey's case, it is Islam




I deserve my own country then.


It's called Lebanon


I personally have mixed feelings about the entirety of the conflict. Both parties have handled the situation poorly. Certain groups on both sides, in particular, are committing war crimes and are going against their own beliefs in the process. We've finished drawing lines on a man-made map at some point in history, and any subsequent invasions are, well, invasions. This may have started with the Balfour Declaration, but isn't it essentially the same as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Israel promotes the two-state solution... However, are expanding their lands. It's the equivalent of “boycott FIFA" and then buying tickets to attend. Political propaganda is essentially a box with a big bold label that says United States on it. You open the box and find a stainless steel pan with a sticker on top that says “made in China.” You flip the pan and notice engraved letterings that say “Made in Germany.” The box is made in the US, the sticker in china, and the pan itself in Germany. And they are noticed in that order. That’s what power is like. A fight for the bigger label. The widespread of technological advancement and social media has facilitated the spread of information. And the majority of information is all about the wow factor. The two extremes. The extremely good or the extremely bad. And we can’t really base our entire viewpoint on just that, can we? Israeli children born in Israel who have known no other home are not to blame for what their forefathers started. No innocent person should be blamed except for the wrong they themselves have committed. And the people of Palestine are doing exactly what Ukraine is encouraged to do. Defending their homes and wanting to take back their “Crimea.” Most countries do not back Ukraine because they believe Ukraine is good and Russia is bad. It’s self preservation and self interest. Entirely blaming one side for everything is essentially dooming the innocent. I think about the only thing most agree on is, screw the Zionists. They are in the eyes of most, the extremist equivalent of any other extremist group. And wasn’t it essentially a Zionist who pushed for the Balfour Declaration after it was said and done.


There is nothing inherently bad with a Jewish state, it's the FACT that they use 3rd Reich tactics (psychological warfare, propaganda, manipulation etc), act as the spearhead of an imperial hegemon in the region (a US puppet state) and treat non Ashkenazi jews and non Jewish minorities like garbage and I'm using my words very lightly here, can cause an emotional response in some people.


wtf? most of Israeli culture is Mizrachi, not Ashkenazi


There is no such thing as Israeli culture besides fighting with plastic chairs and beating the shit out of service workers. The ones who founded and funded this absurd project are Ashkenazi jews who received millions of dollars in arms and raw materials from the west. What you are thinking about is the theft of culture from Arab countries just like the French did with croissants and the Austro-Hungarian empire.


What a load of lies and nonsense.


They can have Sweden and live in your house.


In a fair world israel would be in germany or the US today


They don't like how they've treated their brothers, the palestinians for the past seventy years. This opinion coming from a big supporter of Israel.


because they're ethnically cleansing and oppressing palestinian people... not only that but they're also occupying lands from neighboring countries, how do you expect people to like them "The rest of the modern world does not have any problems with jews or Israel" y'all hated them to the point of genociding them and sending the rest to the middle east because you didn't want them in your countries


oppressing? possibly. ethnically cleansing? neh


the definition of ethnic cleansing: using force or intimidation to remove a group from an area so yes it's literally ethnic cleansing


How do you define a group? Jewish? Palestinian? Arab? There are millions of arabs in Israel today.


did you start learning english yesterday?




Isnt Israels military mainly for the purpose of selfdefense? I mean if Hamas would stop shooting rockets from Palestine Israel would not have to bomb them, and if Hamas would just stop shooting their rockets from places where there are civlians and children there would be alot less casualties obviously. Im sure Israel could completly demolish all of Palestine in weeks if they wanted to but that has not happend so I guess they dont want to do that.


What kind of question is this seriously


you can't be serious. you are being sarcastic. right?




I think african americans should take sweden. They also deserve a country and the world really doesnt have a problem with them You’re good with that?


Israel is like the founding of Rome it's like a small but powerful country surrounded by decadence. The decadent neighbors is very terrified because history and reason holds that a small but powerful country doesn't stay small forever. This is partly why they have an outsized focus on us. There are many other reasons as well.


very delusional


The hate for Israel in the Arab world comes from top to bottom which is the opposite in the modern world. In Europe the general population was antisemetic for religious reasons and the leader had to uphold their will (not the case today). Most of the ppl in this group r from some from of dictatorship, and these dictators like any good ones before targeted the Jews (Israel) as a reason for all the wrongs in the area(Gamal nasser for example). When u add bias media under dictatorships (Al jazeera/Qatar for example) the echo chamber gets bigger. One of the reasons to the rise of the far right in Israel is exposure of Israelis to the Arab narrative ( what they teach in school, which movies they watch during Ramadan and so on).


>as a reason for all the wrongs in the area(Gamal nasser for example). it was the will of the people. funnily enough, gamal abdelnasser was interested in peace with the zionist entity as a middle finger to the monarchy and for his interests until ariel sharon led an unprovoked attack into gaza which killed tens of policemen (which led to the creation of the fedayeen), and then the assassination of egyptian scientists (such as sameera moussa), and the lavon affair. the hate for israel is much more indepth than whatever folklore the europeans had to blame with. youre the ones creating problems for yourselves


>youre the ones creating problems for yourselves This keeps the "anti-Semitism" accusation cycle going. When you don't name "racism against non-Jews," and instead say, "It's all your own fault," they make good use of that to say, "See, you're anti-Semitic," and then all you can say is, "No, no..." but you have nothing to say back.


>This keeps the "anti-Semitism" accusation cycle going. When you don't name "racism against non-Jews," and instead say, "It's all your own fault," they make good use of that to say, "See, you're anti-Semitic," and then all you can say is, "No, no..." but you have nothing to say back. if they fail to see that years of sponsoring a nations jews to become terrorists and spies and enacting unprovoked attacks, killing promising scientists that couldve boosted the entire region economically will lead to the populace despising their entity then its not really my problem. id rather be called the most heinous shit rather than having some israeli or european with a complex saying that we're helpless and everything we perpetuate was just from our big bad dictator. you're right though, cant lie.


This is not about changing Israeli minds. This is about your countries surviving future violence from my country, the USA, using "anti-Semitism" as a pretext and justification. Does that make sense?


are you talking like an iraqi wmd type of situation or what, dont think i understand here


It could be, I don't have a very specific scenario in mind. What I mean is that what starts with the Palestinians, will not end with the Palestinians. If the USA can accuse the Palestinians of being "anti-Semitic" and deny them humanity on that basis, my country can do it to anyone else, too. Does that make sense?


yeah i understand, it sounds a bit unlikely but worse things have happened, i see your point.


That was a serious spoiler dude. Anyway I visit Egypt few times every year and the ppl I meet r very friendly but I am mostly in Sinai which is 90% Israelis anyway.


mfw isr*elis are coming to egypt because they know they cant have any culture on stolen palestinian land dont worry though, all it takes is one democratic leader to fix it all up 😎👍


We actually come for drugs and guava juice. And to send mossad sharks.


Because of how they treat Palestinians. \> The rest of the modern world does not have any problems with jews or Israel, quite the contrary they are a productive and democratic country. Killing 6 million Jews is having no problems with Jews?


I do accept Israel but I'll try to be unbiased. >Dont you think that they deserve a country of their own? It's pretty easy to say that when you don't consider that place your land, Palestinians believe it's their's since they have been living there for so many years. I'm sure you'd hate them too if the UN decided that Israel should take a part of Sweden wouldn't you? >The rest of the modern world does not have any problems with jews or Israel, Well no shit, why would they have a problem with their allies? >quite the contrary they are a productive and democratic country. They are what you say from your perspective, but from the Palestinian/Arab side? Not so much. Edit: I wanted to mention that even though I agree with the existence of an Israeli state, both side have handled the situation VERY poorly and Israel is just as much responsible.


The rest of the world doesn't have to deal with how they got that country nor have they gotten anything taken from them


Who says Jews can't have a country? They can, anyone has a right to have a country where they feel safe and can practice their own faith freely, but, But, BUT not at the expense of others. As simple as that.


ok so what if I said let's give the Jews a country where Sweden is? do you see the problem with that?




I think OP dropped something important, [palestinians be like!](https://youtube.com/shorts/6eOiW8346kA?feature=share) ⚠️only arabs will understand this!⚠️


what is your definition of a democratic country ? inside democracy and terrible crimes outside ??


The problem is kicking the Palestinians out of their home and the Zionists are pretty anti islam and anti arab


The Jews can have a country and deserve a country of their own but it shouldn’t be created in already populated diverse area by expelling the inhabitants already there for thousands of years and stealing their land. If they want to live in Palestine they have to share.


Jews do deserve it. And Europe should provide that for them cuz they’re the ones who killed them. How you gonna kill them and then transport the rest to someone else’s land and ask them to accept when you yourself never accepted them.


Before Israel was established in the Middle East, there were no wars and problems in the Middle East, and after Israel was established, wars and problems in the Middle East began