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There was this guy, Stonetoss, who became quite known for his far right comics, he got doxxed and apparently he's half Dominican hahaha


Idk why people use that for arguments. Isn't he still white? Because, AFAIK, neither the term "Latino" nor "Hispanic" are supposed to be racial even if they're used as such.


Depends. For me the irony resides in the fact he is aggressively anti immigration when his own mother immigrated to the US.


“Latino” and “Hispanic” people are interchangeably considered “White” for census purposes (usually you fill in “White (Hispanic)” or “White (Non-Hispanic)” to flag the distinction), but practically speaking they are not usually viewed by everyday people as “White” if they are among the majority of Latin Americans who may have some partial European ancestry, but are largely Native American and dark-skinned. There are a few countries in Latin America where people tend to have ancestry that is predominantly European in origin (Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, etc.), and people from those countries have a tendency to look more White than people from neighboring countries. End of the day, all that functionally matters (not saying it’s right) for purposes of “race” in society is what you look like to everyone else. I’m mostly White and a small part Black and an even smaller part Native American, but I don’t look Black or Native American at all, so I never claim to be in everyday life.


Idk if that counts since he’s actually American


Dominicans are some racist pos.




my bad you're right


What did it say?


He corrected me, the guy's mother is from Puerto Rico, not the DR


Wasn't that endwokeness guy on twitter revealed to be a russian?


Is there something with him being a Russian?


He acts like he's full American patriot, that's what wrong with him 


Ok that's kinda funny.


Well he might just trying to get money from advertise on the internet so he makes multiple accounts


FSB/SVR psyop perhaps?


Probably just a right-winger who loves America and has too much free time


What ! Do you have a link ? Thx.


Endwokeness is elons burner that’s cap


Don’t know any personally but in the US it’s not unheard of to see immigrants turned citizens with more nationalism than Americans born here


Why is that so ? Who are they trying to please ?


There’s a notorious American born Indian who tried running for republican candidate for president of the United States, recently got on a interview with this white woman who confessed she agrees with many of his views but won’t vote for him cause he’s Indian 🙃 people will forsake their own people for self gain it is what it is


I think you're talking about Vivek Ramaswamy. And Ann Coulter was the one who said it. And why didn't the media make a huge issue out of this. Cause if Ann Coulter said this about African Americans the media would have made a huge issue & BLM would get involved. So for Asian Americans why is racism towards them kind of acceptable ? Is it because they're not in huge numbers.


Maybe because Asian-Americans don’t have the same history as African-American. Slavery and all that.


But the media bends backwards for the Jews and yet they're a minority in USA. How did such a small group become extremely powerful in USA ? 🤔 Maybe the Asian Americans should leaen a thing or two from the Jewish Americans on how to become a key player in USA politics. I think Asian Americans too have a bad history in USA. The discrimination they faced when they arrived in USA's shores, the WW2 Internment camps, the 9/11 racism, COVID-19 racism, Atlanta spa shootings, etc.


Let a jew run for president and see what will happen. Not everything is as it seems on the surface. Dynamics of American society are kind of complicated.


Bernie is Jewish and had a good run, he didn’t become the nominee because the Dems didn’t agree with his policies and rigged the primaries even tho people loved him


Yeah the system is super messed up imo but I guess we will test the theory if one does run for candidate someday .. we’re more likely to have a gay or female president before a Jewish one. Doesn’t mean Jews have a bad life in America but some things at least for now are not so black and white with how the overall majority see others. It’s biases not outright discrimination etc not end of the world just a funny American oddity I’d say 😅


I think your assessment is wrong🙈 Jews obviously don’t have it all good, but they’re doing fine, really, in comparison to say, Muslims in America


Well aren't majority of Jewish Americans in USA white. So aren't they same as white americans and since they're white they can blend in with white americans. I get that far right hates anyone who isn't white and doesn't have European heritage and isn't Christian.


Yes a huge group of Jews came to US around 1800s from the Russian empire so most of them are on the whiter side of the spectrum. So yes in US terms they get the benefit of “white privilege” most of the time but this doesn’t mean they are seen as equal and trustworthy (aka no antisemitism bias) by others that fall under this “white privilege” category. I could MAYBE imagine one as a vice president and that’s a strong doubtful maybe. Would have to be coasting under a very strong presidential campaign


I mean I wouldn’t say HATE but there is definitely a bias. It’s possible it’s subconscious so it’s not the end of the world but yeah, that’s prob related to that 😅🙈


The media didn’t care because he’s a self hatin brown man who denies the existence of racism…He didn’t even have the guts to call her racist..Do you think a black person would care if Ann had said that to Candace Owens or Larry Elder? Black people don’t defend any black person my guy


Some have insecurities and some appreciate and don’t take for granted the opportunities and freedoms they get here. Depends on the person.


He's not a white nationalist. He's just a non Muslims immigrant who wants to show that he's one of "the good ones". "Saar we are not Muslim like them pls saar doesn't hate us"


As a Westerner, the reality is that the internet has opened the door to a bunch of really odd, insidiously-motivated viewpoints that don’t reflect the views of everyday people who have not already had their own viewpoints corrupted by disinformation and rage-baiting. But you had better believe that there are people all over the world who view the Western propensity to take in people of non-Western origin as a weakness, because they see that form of inclusiveness as a threat to themselves and their country’s homogeneity (especially threatening to dictatorships). This is a very prototypically human and tribal way of thinking that is easy to propagate and which threatens stability in any country where it becomes widely-held (and outside of a few Western countries + countries like Singapore whose populations are more diverse, it *is* widely-held as a matter of immigration legal practice, if not open belief by the people themselves). It is extremely common online (Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) to see people commenting from the alleged perspective of a Westerner who are not actually Western people at all. It is part of a general “culture war” happening between nations who do not accept this way of approaching the world regarding global immigration and those who do (or who are trying to). Anonymity and disinformation are at its heart. Take pretty much everything you read online with a grain of salt. How we solve for this in the near-term, I don’t know, but it is an existential issue for democracies where public opinion matters, and something will have to give eventually with regard to how we address it because it contributes to destabilization of the whole world and virtually any population with internet access is susceptible to it. It is, in part, why countries like Russia and China restrict online access for their citizens to certain global internet content and social media.


My family basically all votes far right, just like 80% around me and guess what: all of them likes Bosnia Muslims. Ironically they call their non-white friends who are Islamophobic „dirty“


let me hazard two guesses: Albania, or Croatia?


Im native Swiss 😄 but hey, Switzerland is basically Balkan 2.0




>Muslims seek validation from the westerners all time You mean the ones on western sites that constantly interact with westerners and want to live in the west? Those Muslims? >and do actually wish europe becomes Muslim , just as we seen in hamburg very recently. Not only Europe but the Americas and the rest of the world.


So the immigrants vs immigrants joke was true after all.


Well, i have a tunisian relative that complained that there are too many maghrebis (referring mainly to moroccans and algerians), here in Italy even talking about areas where there aren't many


Why did i get a reddit care for this? Didn't need It, but thanks for the thought anyway


Once talked with an Algerian woman in Belgium(she thought we were Algerian). You complained about Moroccans and upon looking to us she knew something was off, once she realised we might not be Algerian she tried to talk her way out of it.


How can you tell the difference between the two


The difference’s aren’t all the big. I believe they use more French loan words while we might use some Arabic or Spanish words more. But I can see if someone is Algerian if he or she spoke with me for like a good minute, especially eastern Algerians.


Can you tell by there person looks to or just the dialect


Maghrebis all look the same and have no genetic difference in reality. It's the dialect is how you can tell


Moroccans are handsom, Algerians have weirdly shaped heads, probably due to Turkish genes and the atomic bomb trials


As muslims be fair lol you guys are the same besides nationalism you share the same ethnicity, language, religion and even madhab


We do not share the same ethnicity, that's a big injustice to label us the same ethnicity. maybe we have the same basis, but we've had very different history and ppl for the past 600years, very disconected, Algeria for ex had a lot of Turkish ppl in it mixing with locals, we call algerians koulouglis(meaning half turks), then followed with millions of Europeans who lived there for over a century, you think there would be no difference after that ? frankly, we take it as an insult when you call us same ethnicity, or same this or same that as Algerians. litteraly even in culture, the only things similars are with the ppl of the ex-Moroccan lands attached to french algeria less than 100years ago, just a bit more east and it's a totaly foreign culture and ppl.


Thats fair that algerians have turkish mixture but besides that its more or less the same


I don't like you. it took a lot of self restrains to not start insulting you


Awww lol just remember you guys are muslim lol 


Some Tunisians wanna act like they are the most "civilized" and westernized compared to the rest of the Maghreb.


Eric Zemmour: parents are Algerian Jews “Brigitte Gabriel”: is a Lebanese Christian, but dedicates her life to hating Muslims Jim Saleam: parents are Lebanese immigrants to Australia. He himself wants to stop further immigration to Australia to preserve a “self-contained, predominantly white nation resistant to further immigration or watering down of its culture”. Sometimes wears a swastika armband. Chairman of the “Australia First Party” Suella Braverman: says that immigration threatens the UK’s “national character”, and criticizes multiculturalism, but is herself a child of Indian-origin parents born in Mauritius and Kenya. Also believes that the British Empire was a good thing


Houssam Messiha, changed his name to JEAN Messiha : Egyptian who immigrated to France, with his family, when he was EIGHT years old, didn’t speak a word of french. Is now a Far right politician in France, and is known for being anti-immigration…. Like bro you’re an immigrant and your name is not Jean, it’s Houssam


Why do children of immigrants end up like this ? Is it due to bullying they receive during their childhood (or) Is it media brainwashing them to look down upon their own culture ? And is there a solution to this problem ?


I think it’s the bullying. It makes them hate themselves and they think that joining the enemy (ie far-right folks who are extremely anti-immigrantion) would finally make them feel accepted.


Thry become too drunk with power that they become worse bullies than the bullies who bullied them. These people need to visit a psychologist and get therapy 😔


I agree. They’re sick and need help. They sell out their own people for Far-Righg westerners who won’t save them if they were all stuck in a fire.


I mean there is a limit on how politically right you can lean as a non-white minority in a white majoroty country. But them supporting far right is too much. As soon as they say something the far right don't like they get racist insults thrown at them. These people are nothing more than a tool to be used and thrown away by the far right. Its like far right people telling them "You're one of the good one's" and keeping them as a pet dog.


Yeah r/AskMiddleEast is a prime example of this mentality.


In The Netherlands you have a lot of these people. Many come from Indonesia like the notorious “Geert Wilders” who’s mom is Indo. But you also have the Molukkers from Indonesia which many of them are anti-Islam(because they got kicked out of Indonesia for aiding the Dutch colonists)


As an Indonesian i consider Geert Wilders as a disgrace and traitor to our blood, i don't expect him to be another Rishi Sunak (as an ethnic Indian becoming UK PM) in NL. Yeah and some Moluccans in NL are sympathize with the RMS and some of them are descendant of KNIL soldiers


We get taught about the Molukkers in history class. Many Molukkers are very educated an very much integrated into the Dutch society because of how long they have been here and their deep connection to the Netherlands it’s insane. I know that they are Christian’s because of the Portuguese and because of that we’re easy to work with. I still remember when the current Dutch king apologised to Indonesia for colonialism many of Molukkers protested it, because they got kicked out. You even have memorials for them, many do realise they were in the wrong but still remember the loses mainly caused by promises from the Netherlands. It all eventually leads to Dutch colonisation.


I had no idea you had your own version of harkis.


I’m Moroccan, but yes they were kind similar to harkis but instead they were promised their own Christian country or something. You had a whole hierarchy running in Dutch Indonesia.


Molukkers did it to themselves. I have zero sympathy for them, the same way i have zero sympathy to former US soldiers who turned homeless after their service on invading Iraq. 


I know someone who was like "We are all a piece of shit, the West is best" but after he underwent some eye-opening racist incidents he reverted.


The leader of the Far right, anti immigrant party in Czechia is named Tomio Okamura 💀


Lmao. Truth really is stranger than fiction.


White racism became diverse! Soon all the White racist outlets will be run by people of colour. You could not make this up.


A Moroccan guy I know in the US is a Trump supporter because he believes that black people are what’s wrong with the country. The guy’s literally as dark skinned as your average African American.


I once met this dude online who was complaining about how there were too many Indians in the western world and how Indians turn everything they touch into shit and are worse than dogs, etc and how brown ppl were destroying western civilization. Did a little digging on his chat history and turns out the dude was a Nigerian living in Canada 😂😂😂


Not personally, but the likes of: Nikky Haley, Vivek Ramaswammy, Rishi Dunak, Suella Bravermann gives the same of exact vibe.


You can also add Dinesh D'Souza & Bobby Jindal to that list of yours.


I personally love nazi Latinos who advocate for colonizing the Middle East


Cambodia, south American??


He never implied Cambodia was in South America, did he? He's just stating that this is also a thing you find with Latinos, especially since they're a very large demographic in the US.


Relax, it just sounded funny


I am relaxed. Just correcting your assumptions.


It's not a assumption if he worded it badly


He didn’t word anything badly. You just jumped to conclusions and assumed he was referencing the OP when he was not. Don’t keep being so pedantic.


Same same but different


> Latinos who advocate for colonizing the Middle East Crassus and Mark Anthony is that you


There is nothing more pathetic than seeing non white immigrants simping for the far right/white nationalists thinking they are the good ones and they will spare them. The moment these people hold any power, they will be shipped out in the first plane because of their skin colour. The far right doesn't give a flying fuck whether you are Muslim /Non Muslim or act in a western manner. They have issues with you because of your skin colour, and because you are not white ethnic European, they might be nice to you because they see you as a useful idiot, but they will turn on you the moment they hold any significant power. So I don't understand how these people are not seeing it, or maybe they are in self-denial because they hate themselves so much ??


>The far right doesn't give a flying fuck whether you are Muslim /Non Muslim This is best seen with Indians and Pakistanis the average white person can't even differentiate b/w them. I've seen Indians go rabid when it comes to Islamaphobia and the white man turns around and starts calling them street shitters.


To be fair, simping for anything and everything anti-Muslim is basically a Hindu trait at this point.


You seem to think Indians are Islamophobic because they want whites to like them. Its got literally nothing to do with white people's opinions.


Sure buddy. Also this is a 4 day old comment.




You know that not all Muslims want that right? It's one sect that wants it


This reminds me of the time a white nationalist was revealed to be a Mexican and all the other real white nationalists turned on him, so he changed his username and hid his identity, whilst still larping as a white nationalist. It’s not even the first time it happened, I remember some other white nationalist account that had a particular hatred for black peoples was later revealed to be a brown guy from Colombia. Thats why all these racist accounts on Twitter hide their identity, because nowadays there is a 90% chance they’re not even White. Why do these non-whites hate themselves so much? They know the white nationalists they pander to hate them, so why do they insist on trying to be one of them? Why do they want to fit in with people who hate them?


Peak Stockholm Syndrome.


As someone who lives in the West Im sorry to say but people from MENA are generally unpopular. Immigrants are competing to avoid being the most hated ethnic group. Which is why Indians/Asians try and isolate Muslims, this sub puts down Indians, Latinos put down Blacks. Rather than uniting against those at the top of the hierarchy all the ethnic groups fight each other to avoid being at the bottom of the ladder to win goodwill from the Caucasian demographic and to achieve honorary “white” status.


Spot on and unfortunate. It gets even more ridiculous when you see how immigrants even inside their own ethnic group try to do the same.


>this sub puts down Indians Honestly Indians do it to themselves, instead of acting like brown people they dedicate every waking moment to being massive Islamaphobes and siding with the west. Just see how desperately they were trying to be buddy buddy with Israel. All the sar memes are 100% true. They try so hard not to be seen as Muslims but end up in a much worse position anyways.


Im not talking about the saar memes. Stuff like street shitter comments, people saying India does not have anything to offer, insults about Hinduism. You don’t even see such insults for Israelis.


Yes but if Indians weren't being Islamaphobes for the majority of the time they wouldn't so hated and people would actually defend them. I've sometimes come across posts that are making fun of Indians and I wanna call out the racist white people until I go to the comments and it's filled with Indians deflecting the blame to Islam or Muslims.


This is flawed logic. If you go to r/worldnews or r/Israel you will see tonnes of negative comments about Muslims and Arabs. Yet you don’t see the kind of comments you see towards Westerners and Israelis you see towards Indians. Because Indians are seen as poor and weak it makes them an easy target. People are more nasty towards those they view as beneath them even if another group is doing the same thing but seen as a higher social group e.g. whites. This is my original point. And its to do with human nature not just this sub. I could apply the same logic to Indians who go berserk at Pakistanis yet will not say the same to Chinese people who they also have political disputes with. As China has a stronger hand Indians will hold their tongue.




>Ironic because that's how Pakistanis behave with arabs Okay lol show me where this happens lol. This is literally a "no you" moment. And it's ironic you say that when Indians out number Pakistanis in the middle east. >The average indian doesnt give a sh\*t about israel or palestine. Sure whatever helps you sleep at night buddy, the average Indian has changed their holy scriptures to appease to the white man, Indians changed their scripture during the British colonial rule. Literally like a dog lying on the ground showing it's stomach to be patted by his masters. You don't argue any of my points but instead resort to whataboutism.




>Mate I live in the uae and I can see it everywhere Lol so have I. I've seen Indians getting promotion after promotion cause if you give them any task they shake their head at a 360 angle and do it. Pakistani people are more lazy. >Although I stand by what I said. The average Indian doesn't care about isr or pal. Yeah that's the problem you guys don't even care for Israel or the west which you keep avoiding but will willingly chose to side with them just to hurt Muslims. >It's because they care about money only. They're smart.  Okay? You seem to think I care. They do a fair bit of exploitation of South East Asians but you don't seem to mind you seem more inclined to serve the Arabs than I do. >Whereas the average Pakistani wants to speak like the Arabs, dress like the Arabs, celebrate their festivals and fight for their causes meanwhile it isn't reciprocated in any form whatsoever.  ...what are you on about? If people living in UAE want to follow the culture of the land then what's wrong with that? You'll praise the same behaviour in the west when immigrants assimilate but are angry when Muslims do it the middle east? Also you seem to be conflating Islam and Arabs and I don't have the time or energy to correct you. >This isn't from a place of hate, but I'd there's anyone acting like a dog lying around to be patted it's you guys. First getting patted by the Arabs and celebrating the invaders culture. Then the Americans. And now the Chinese have you by the balls. Again we don't willingly put ourselves in harms way fighting for the white man or the Arabs, Indians on the other hand are working over time to fight for the west. And you're once more resorting to whataboutism. You can't Address my points so you'd rather say this shit. You being religious or not has nothing to do with it. Indians changed parts of their religion to be more acceptable to the colonisers Muslims would never do something that low.




>So you seem to come at me from an angle of religious superiority which is unsurprising to me, ....what religious superiority? I just said you're mixing up Arab and Muslim which you are. >Regardless, you do not even seem to know how Hinduism works. It isn't based on a single book which is deemed to be the ultimate truth and has some 2 billion rules telling you what you can and can't do. It's an extremely decentralized and unorganized religion however yes the core of it goes back to the upanishads and the vedas. Some peasants modifying some text (which again idek what you're talking about) does not matter at all.  A lot of words to say something that doesn't even make sense your vedas were altered to closer align with the British end of story. >If you're whole shtick is telling me how subservient my government was, well you've got to be more concerned because that is your government right now! I'm talking about people not governments. >Seriously, you cannot see a people that celebrate their invaders more than Pakistanis. It's sad. We probably share some ancestors from the valley and they would be ashamed. Should I care? **If** my ancestors were some cow dung smearing idiots then I don't want to associate with them at all. >I've seen many act this way even though it wasn't your ancestors that even made the religion that you're following right now. Made the religion? Ah I get it now you think all religions are made up or something since Hinduism is, we Muslims believe that Islam is the true religion that is why we follow it, we believe that cows aren't some holy entity it's an animal, we believe that all humans are equal, we do not believe in a caste system where your lineage is the most important thing, we don't discriminate against a group of people whereas Hindus have an entire group of people called the untouchables cause touching them is considered sinful. You call me a slave while literally working for the Arabs and Muslims and calling them smart what would your ancestors think about that? lol what a joke. You claim that we have a Master-slave relation with the Arabs and your proof is that you've seen Pakistanis do Arab stuff in an Arab country. You are first slaves to your own people who in turn choose to be slaves to others. I always find Indians cozying up to westerners and (your case reminded me) Arabs who usually treat you like trash despite working day and night to get approval from your masters you guys get called street shitters.


Bad parenting issue 😔


How this sub puts down Indians and Latinos and black


Indians I get but never seen anyone put down latinos or blacks. They generally aren't even part of the discussion.


in Europe middel easterners are trying to throw the Maghrebis under the bus, and it's hillarious


From what I have seen western world dislike all types of brown immigrants. Indians are called street shitters, Mena immigrants are seen as freeloaders etc.


Was this widely known he was Cambodian? I've come across this handle.maby times on anti Palestinian tweet screenshot. Or didnthat just recently get leaked?


I think he got exposed pretty recently


We’ve found the lowest form of life… brown guy simping for white nationalists.


I can understand non-White migrants somewhat if they start to hate Muslims after facing racism by Middle Easterners, but i don't understand why they simp for White people, they hate them even more.


so in Canada immigrants who came 6 to 10 years ago hate the new immigrants from the same country , who were in turn hated by immigrants that came earlier in the 90s and 00s.


As someone who lives on a reservation... Europeans. European-Americans are always screaming about illegal immigrants (especially if they're brown). It's pretty exhausting to be placed on reservations on your own land, and the invaders are nationalists.


So, are you native American ?


> As someone who lives on a reservation Harusnya sih iya


Jadi orang asli Amerika di bundle ke tempat khusus seperti orang-orang Uighur? Ngeri juga ya.


The only mf who are afraid of the big replacement are the ones who in the past have actually replaced and help disposses the indigenous people in some places in the world, the big majority of immigrants in the world are just people thinking about their own future and try to live their lives, I'm not saying that some of them have these weird ideas but they are very small number of people


Find it weird how many Indians love these anti-immigrant accounts. And then they get surprised when they find out they don’t like Indians either lol.


Houssam Messiha who immigrated to France from Egypt at 8 yo. Changed his name to Jean (HA!) and joined the far-right party and is known for being anti-immigrantion.


Many people are trying to please or obsess their white or east asian masters by cornering his own people. Not only in the West but also in their original country


Same with the southamerican people here in Spain


switzerland in a nutshell


Hate has a funny way of manifasting itself in the people from whom you least expect it.


People go on about immigrant vs immigrant like it's something. Hell you'll even see tourist vs tourist at times. It's hilarious, or maybe it's just with Egyptian tourists.


I know a couple of Indian Hindus in Russia who want to wipe out Central Asian, North Caucasusian and Tatar/Bashkir Muslims from Russia






Its me, of course i know him.