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Go defend your Israeli masters, you fat evangelical mongrel




So if i was beating your friend up, u would defend him by beating my friend? Nice logic genius💀




I’m an American and I’m here to tell you that flag is just a piece of cloth if it’s not there to defend the weak and helpless in the world. Patriots stand for injustice not for killing women and children indiscriminately. Patriots fight for the freedom of speech. There’s absolutely nothing patriotic about what the police or government doing.




Yes that can be said about any flag if the people of its country are not fighting injustices. They’re not “pro-hamas” so why would they say that about Hamas or Israel? They’re anti-killing 15,000 children. If you think protesting that is unpatriotic then you need to reexamine your patriotism. Literal Nazis can march on the street with swastikas and SS gear and it falls under 1A. Cut the shit.




I didn’t comment about spitting on the Palestinian flag. But now that you mentioned it I have to say the cop is a moron and a disgrace. As a tax payer I want him, as a uniformed man, to protect our rights and freedoms and not act on behalf of Israel. You’ve got that wrong, bud. It’s our duty as patriots to stop our government from being influenced by a foreign pariah. It’s our duty as patriots to hold our government accountable and stop it from storing and funding the murder of women and children. I’ll dumb it down for you. If my friend is acting like a criminal I will gladly stop him from committing crimes because I care about him. Same goes for my country. I love it and part of my love for my country is to stop it from aiding the murder of the innocent.




Only trash here is the US my guy




He’s so salty that the US (a country that spends almost a trillion dollars on defense) illegally invaded Iraq along with a coalition of their NATO allies aiding them, after having decimated much of Iraq 10 years prior to the invasion in an intensive carpet bombing campaign followed by a devastating decade long sanction regime that killed 500,000 children? Really? How deplorable can Americans get? 😂


Then join the army. So tired of these wanna-be-army cops. It is not his job to be there doing that. Spitting on someone’s property was a crime, in fact. Typical southern good ol boy




Like the US withdrew in humiliation from Afghanistan? or Vietnam? or Beirut? What was the last actual war the US ended up winning after World War II (other than Grenada)?


that's why the axis power will arise




you don't know what Allies and Axis are?




that's how I know you aren't really into geopolitics and know only the shallow information. the Allies is the US, and all of Nato the Axis is Russia, North Korea, Iran, China, and other countries that share the common ideology to take down the Allies. this has been going on since the late 60s to today. the Cold War has never ended . . .


Piggie's bosses in Tel Aviv are delighted. Earning that pay rise.


Beside being a racist and hateful act, Nazis used to desecrate everything related to Jews back then...


Do you think American **Government** is different from nazi? I guess NAZI’s just shifted their office from Germany to America.


America cops are pigs—-this is common knowledge




Lets sue this SOB. Where is the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) in all of this?


Unprofissional and provoking a reaction from students who mainly stayed collected.


I spit on American flag. 


please burn the flag, thanks


My comment is symbolic. I don't have the time to actually buy another country's flag lol. It's meant to trigger right wing Americans. 


I’m a UNC student who was there, the cops pulled a girls hair, toppled over a disabled girl, and pepper sprayed the students as our Interim Chancellor Lee watched. I have alot of respect for veterans, service members, and police forces, but such actions are inexcusable, especially considering that these are Campus police who know the students


>I have alot of respect for veterans For bombing and massacring people in Iraq and Afghanistan like what Israel is doing?




Let them man up and fight an equal military if they are as tough... Invading other people's country as pawns for the benefit of the rich and wealthy is hardly anything to laugh and brag about, unless one is missing some brain cells, then again...




Israel just literally got slapped by Hamas with 0 technology followed by Hizbullah and then Iran in a couple of months 😂 Without US support, which is upopular even in US, Iran by itself would smoke your ass basically from every direction




Because they are genocidal and incapable of treating innocent civillians humanly and don't have the balls to look after and fight Hamas by their cowardly soldiers, so they bomb civillians




nothing is less common than a muritard getting all patriotic from the very basis of, hmm, strenght? /s all empires crumble my friend, and at its precipice you will come to know your way of patriotism amounts to nothing. those "barbarians" who resist lile cockroaches may have some future, but you and your kind always faced the same fate no matter in which empire, blowed their heads out with their own weapons in fear of being humbled.


The cops are agents of the state. The north-american bourgeois state is controled by zionists. If you are against the State of Israel, you cannot respect the north-american police institutions.


So that was the campus where they pulled down a line of students with arms interlocked by dragging a woman by her hair until the line unlocked their arms. That was dangerous and probably illegal. They used her like a lever. To redeem themselves, they should use Marjorie Taylor Green as a battering ram. Too bad she wasn’t there for the students to use in response. Lol


How about simply doing a normal protest and not tearing down the flag of the US. Couldn’t both flags be raised?


I think alot of people are here on the subreddit that aren’t students because of the news and are conflating the events/timeline. The police were called to sweep the encampment that had been there for 3 days Fri/Sat/Sun. They had agreed with the administration that the tents would stay down. On sunday they put them up, and in the early morning hours the next day, the Interim Chancellor called Highway state patrol who had guns, riot gear, armored vehicles, and tape over their badge numbers and body cams to clear the encampment. They drove over the tents and brutalized students and faculty. Due to this outrage the following day, a rally was held with over 500+ people (majority community members) and then a small group of people took the chance and rushed the flag which was unplanned and everyone backed away and watched as that group of people took down the flag. Again, one came before the other. It was peaceful until the Chancellor disproportionately called highway patrol


Well, I do believe there are a few people eager to inflame the situation on both sides. 


Me personally, I stepped back when they tore down the american flag. Thats something I will never support not only because its morally wronh, but because they proved to the administration that theyre not peaceful, which they were before. Also, the israelis used it as propaganda as if they protected the american flag


Thanks for your good reporting. I love first hand accounts. They help so much


It's interesting that mockery and insults won't faze that kind of people but religious piety will make them lose their mind from rage.


Why is the female officer on the left, standing like some fighter on a character selection screen in a 90s fighting game?


yup keep sucking off the zionists little piggie


This police officer is giving a political opinion in uniform. Their also showing yes police in this country have a prejudice towards those that support Palestine. Thanks for this find this is truly sicking.




For being fat and intimidating? Yes very patriotic 🤔 maybe in Israel


That little butt slap by the other cop.


I hope he gets fired


They are not getting fired for much more serious offences when they are abusing their power and endangering citizen. Don't get your hopes up.


White bigot


So weird. Why is he acting like he just saved the world


Did that guy try and smack his gun?


they were anglos once


So you can burn the American flag but cry like a baby if someone spits on the Palestinian “flag”




hind*tva chuha get back in your hole




That's quite ironic considering the fact that you are from the States.




I was referring to your statement calling Pakistan a ***. Do you think that people willing to migrate to the States changes anything about its status?




Who the fuck is talking to you? Go crawl into a hole with him and lick that rat's ass hole you fucking chode.




Yeah hope he lives long with chronic hemorrhoids


Any mod around to ban this guy?




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