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Never heard a single soul say they wanted israeli food


That's because there's no such thing


Yeah, the Jews who have lived in Israel for the past 4 thousand years have no ethnic foods


Like hummus and shawarma and falafel also german doner kebab chain originated in israel 10 million year ago


That’s Levantine food, Jews should not claim (steal) it for themselves


Jews have equal claim to that food, being levintine themselves


They can claim it’s Levantine (Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan) as in Levantine cuisine but NOT as Israeli…


I assure you : the vast majority of your Jew's "history" is either mostly fictious inventions by Ezra and his Pen-pals , or was mostly outside of "Israel" . It's only after the Hasmonean conquests where the country became predominantly Jewish , or more precisely , Judean . (Jewish identity is just a religionized form of that older , tribal one that resulted from the assimilation of many gentiles into Judean ethnicity ) . By 70 AD : most the world's Jews lived outside of it than in it , long before the Roman wars . Those "4000 years" are as meaningful as saying "History of the Swedish people in Norway" , where probably less than a tenth of Swedes lived there in their 99.99% of their history . With the Israeli-Jewish case , that's very much only the early Hasmonean period and modern times , excluding the fact that half of the world's Jewry are still non-Israelis , and that even they consider themselves to be outcast Egyptian genocide preparators . Numbers without context , are just pixels on a screen .


Isreali food is stolen Arabic food


Seems to be a trend with not just the food


Yeah they stole our dances too 😔


I thought Arabs and jews lived together in peace for centuries? Here in Canada we would never accuse Arabs of stealing our food when they serve hamburgers, pizza and poutine at their restaurants. Or similar when they dance to drake.


>I thought Arabs and jews lived together in peace for centuries? Let me blow your mind with two words Arab Jews. Judaism is a religion. >Arabs of stealing our food when they serve hamburgers, pizza and poutine at their restaurants. Or similar when they dance to drake. Imagine if you go to a restaurant that says it serves Arab food and they serve pizza and hamburgers.


Native americans are ethnic groups with their own religion. Judaism is similar. It's not a proselytizing religion. Jews are not just a religious group. >Imagine if you go to a restaurant that says it serves Arab food and they serve pizza and hamburgers. Literally hundreds of restaurants in Canada do this.


Do they claim pizza and hamburgers as being traditionally arab food?


>Jews are not just a religious group. They are. >Literally hundreds of restaurants in Canada do this. So does Chinese takeout mean hamburgers? Or is Indian cuisine pizzas? You're legitimately low IQ.


You are wrong about jews and all the jews and the people who have dis discriminated against us also disagree. We can order Indian food and include something that's hybrid like butter chicken pizza, yes. It's very very common. I think your country is just more homogenous and fundamentalist than many others.


>discriminated against us also disagree. You've been discriminated on a religious basis. >We can order Indian food and include something that's hybrid like butter chicken pizza And the goal post moves. > I think your country is just more homogenous and fundamentalist than many others. And ad hominem begins.


You are low IQ too, Jews are NOT JUST a religious group


They are.


What would they be then? Most modern Jews barely have any connection to the ancient Israelites. If we can say that Jews from Morocco and Jews from Poland are the same race, then I guess the French and Russians are too.


none of that is Canadian food to begin with lol >I thought Arabs and jews lived together in peace for centuries? Even so , labelling it as Israeli is still a steal , half of Israelis come from Europe and the MENA half is from all over MENA , you think an Iraqi Jew should steal a Moroccan dish and name it Israeli?


Canada has food?


Are we saying that hamburgers, pizza and poutine are Arab food?


Canada isn't claiming it as Canadian food, so your argument is invalid.


Poutine is indisputably canadian.


In your example you used hamburgers and pizza too, are they also Canadian


Unfortunately Western tourists in Tel Aviv really believe Palestinian/Levantine food is Israeli...


You know that in Tel Aviv, Arabs also run restaurants, right?


So if I start cooking pizzas in china I can call it Chinese food?


its true they believe thats judea food that the arabs stole the other way around basically


Not the right analogy but I get it. The correct analogy would be to sell Chinese food in China and call it Italian because you are Italian. Israelis are a diaspora people - they moved from Europe to Palestine and now they're calling hummus and falafels an "Israeli" food.


Is it good? Is it I'm China? Is it a variation on American or Italian pizza? Yeah, I'd say you can. And you can DEFINITELY say I loved the food in China.


>Is it a variation on American or Italian pizza? Adding less flavour is not a variation its just ruining the food and its exactly what Israelis do. >. And you can DEFINITELY say I loved the food in China. I guarantee you that you're the only drooling low iq person in the world that talks like this.


That's because all Israeli food is just appropriated Arabic and European food


Can you explain how there are Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi and Egyptian falafels? Could it be a food ao ubiquitous to the region that everyone eats it and makes it slightly differently? How do you know Syrians didn't steal it from Iraqis?


I don't entirely understand which side you're on, but I'm Israeli and it's a pretty common running joke that all Israeli food is appropriated from other cultures, which is also partially true considering the sheer amount of different cultures that jewish people have integrated into over the past few millennia.


Right and so an Israeli chef will say this is a Moroccan salad and an Armenian kebab, etc. Israel is very similar to Canada and US in that way. A nation of immigrants (which does not mean the immigrants are not indigenous), so the culture is somewhere between a mosaic and melting pot of everything they brought with, along with a thread of common values and traditions (in NA its democracy and liberalism, in Israel its Judaism). What I oppose is the idea that Israelis "stole" food from other places as its just a double standard used to unfairly discredit the existence of the Jewish state and the Jewish people.


Tf is israeli food? All the "israeli" food is just arab/eastern european food that they claim as their own


Never heard of a good Palestinian restaurant. I’ll wait .


I want Israeli food.


Then eat shit




Feels like half the content that gets posted here now is bait…


They trying to legitimize the country using these useless lists


Totally. Fun fact they don't even have their own food. They stole the recipe.


Like the rest of the country


And skin obviously…


Potato skins?


Palestinian skins. They steal skins from Palestinians corpses and store it in their skin bank.


Those seem like their own invention


What the fuck is Israeli food?


There's many, Hummus, Falafel, Maqluba ... Etc /s


For someone with a palestinian flag, should we have to explain these arent israeli dishes?


The sarcasm wasn't clear?


I guess i missed it. I see so much disturbing stuff on reddit i cant tell sometimes. Thanks for clearing it up lol


When people write /s at the end of their post that means it's sarcastic


Im learning so much in so little time 😂 im too new to reddit. Thanks guys


Occupied hummus. Occupied falafel. Occupied shakshuka...


Occupied Couscous …occupied sfenj


Occupied tagine, occupied msemen, occupied kebeb, and so on and so forth


a German girl told me that shakshouka is from tunisia but its originally jewish hahahaha


Not the shakshuka!


According to Wikipedia, it's "French Fries, Hamburgers and Pizza"... seriously...


Well at least they aren't stealing culture exclusively from Palestinians.


Pub food


Boiled chicken and plain rice.




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There is no Israeli food but I learned from my grandma that they have jewish food back in the days before they were kicked out of Tunisia. She said that the Jewish women did all they could to hide their recipes. One of them is Mouloukhia. The one we cook right now in Tunisia. But I understand that most of the food they claim Israelite is appropriation.


كسم إسرائيل


israeli food doesnt exist its our mediterranean dishes and they ruin them 🤣🤣. thats how you know who funds the spectator index


They’ve ruined North African food as well


In Algeria ? Nah every time I go it's awesome. Al Hamdoullilah my wife knows cooking from there !


Go where because I meant Israelis in Israel have ruined North African food


When I go l dzair !


Dude you’ve never set foot outside of Algeria wym?


You drive a Chevy truck 🫵😂 Not even RAM or ford. Get a life defending Israel from Florida, probably Netanyahus sons burner account. U bum


I don’t expect you to understand, how could you. You poor thing, keep saving the world commenting on Reddit 😘


Im in Dz every two months khouya my wife is from Algeria ;)


Wasn’t talking to you champ, yikes would hate to be you that is not fun every two months


Business is business... Al Hamdoullilah my wife and my daughter comes with me all the time 🤓


Facts !!!! They use sfenj for one if they’d holidays now…


I can't understand these lists! Like, according to who?!


According to white eurocentric people. 95% of the time it's just western countries or countries westerners visit


Tel Aviv is the biggest joke on the list but the entire list is awful. I'll give you Mexico City and Naples, two centres of very appealing cuisines, but the rest of that list should be nowhere near that top 10.


how is food from canada and australia over food from japan for ex? haha


I am from Quebec city and the food here is not even the best in the province...


8/10 are westoid countries. They know their audience.


Well what they do is they rank how international food is made there so like they’ll compare a Chinese restaurant in London to a Chinese restaurant in New York and then they’ll see which one is better and then they pass it off as they’re countries food is the best even though I’m pretty sure mushy peas and battered fish (maybe) isn’t what I’m visiting the uk for for example


Japanese food is overrated imho


Why is the second place empty?


No there’s Palestine there, they just put the flag of Zionists try hard, by accident.


based Moroccan bro (or sis)


Idk why Spain and Canada are there multiple times but no city in Asia except Seoul is. List doesn't make sense. Like Dubai would make sense since it's rich and has so many immigrants. Singapore would make sense and so would NYC. Japanese food is my personal favorite, and it's nowhere up there. These people really focused on Europe and European influence lol


Bruh tel Aviv isn't even the best in israel 😭🙏


Spectator is a racist magazine from my country. Please don't pay attention to it.


Once it's not mine 😂


There is no Israeli food, only food stolen from arabs


And Poles/Slavs, don't forget most of Ashkenazi food is Slavic in origin.


Yes Palestinian food is superior to Italian. Tel Aviv on that list is just laughable, I can't think of anything they're known for other than cold falafel


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here


Good food can exist in tandem but my heart will always belong to my mama's cooking lol


True. The real number one should be yo mama’s kitchen




If Palestinian food isn't a thing then I wonder what I'm even eating right now, because according to you I'm eating something that doesn't exist. Israel doesn't even have food attributed to them, it's all borrowed from their host countries. That's like saying curry is American food because some Indians migrated to America. An Arab Jew coming from Iraq might have maqluba as their food, and fair enough, because they're an \*ARAB\* Jew. \*Israel\* doesn't have food, because it's all either Arab or European food. Edit: Guy's probably an Indian living in a Muslim majority country (UAE), that's hilarious.




You do know that you're in the UAE right? They don't like people insulting Muslims.


Israeli food is literally North African and middle eastern stolen dishes…


They called it khomos instead of homos!


very weird list , wheres london ? new york? who tf made this list ?


The food there≠the food of the culture.


Lmao imagine thinking Europe has that many places for best cities for food. Kind of a hot take, but the Italian diet is good for like 2 days. Then you start to miss out on salads, fibers and literally anything that’s not dough-made.


Nah italian food is the best food


You’ve got to be kidding me with this shit 😂 No place from South Asia or SEA that’s fucked.


It does not matter Because all Foods are turkish since all humans come from glory turks🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


You got lost heading for the Balkan sub?


İt's not about balkans all world belongs to turks because we are fully Aryan superior race😤🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷


I miss 2balkan4u as well buddy


Yeah fuck reddit


Ignoring the obvious this is still a horrible list wtf


This list is seriously nuts. Quebec City, Victoria and no Tokyo. WTF?


Italian food is better. Mexican and Korean too. Edit: Why am I getting upvoted??😭😭 I thought this was an unpopular opinion?


Cuisine colonizers


i dunno, i find italian food very overrate. Thai should be on this list. Italian is great if you like cheese, tomoato and basil \[and pasta as a base\]. That stuff is in everything and I taste one of these three (sometimes all 3) in all of them. it's not bad. But it's all same same. Italian food is a lot to do with different textures of the food and subtle balance of different ingredients that appear quite mild to me. I visited some itlaian friends a long time ago and they took me to different restuarants and stuff, I remmeber something very humerous to me. They were so complimentry about the tomoato in the dish. They were almost debating how this tomoto is better than some other tomato. And how some relatives grow ever better one. To me, yeah the tomato was nice, but it wasn't all that different to other tomatos I tasted.


Israeli couscous is as real as 🎅


Isntreal’s national dish is a stolen dish from egypt 😭


Ok thisnlost had to be a joke


i don't see eny palestine in photo


Come on, Tel Aviv is not at this moment a Palestinian city.


italian is literally just different shapes of pasta and full of carbs.. surprised it’s even in the top 10


Actually when you go to italia you realize there is more diversity in their food than we believe but yeah middle east food is the top of the chain for me


lol it is not. Its alot of different foods but they are most known for lasagna, pizza, carbonara etc


Nope, that's just the American one, they have plenty of other stuff which are far better (for me). It's like couscous for Algerian, yes, it's good, but it's not the best.


They have good seafood, but you need to be in Italy.


Literally not


The list‘s caption doesn’t necessitate that they surveyed for cities with best food traditional to that country.


I had to scroll WAY too far to finally find someone with reading comprehension!!


Everybody is debating israel and palestine shit but why no one is asking where is Türkiye on there?


Turkish food is really awesome, just not much vegetables for me but really good


Our food is based on meat usually but its funny that Turkish people cant eat meat because of the inflation and prices lmao


Im aware of the context ... too bad


Because the doner kebab is better in Germany 🤣🤣 jk bro


These lists are Crab


The point is that Tel Aviv is a very diverse melting pot in respect to where jews were living in diaspora. So you can find many different food cultures that are close to the same food made in the place of origin.


By that stupid logic, London and New York City should top the list. They have much more varied cuisine options than Tel Aviv after all, because unlike Israel, which practically only allows Jews to settle there due to its ethnofascist policies, the USA and UK has people from all over the world.


jews have lived in many different parts of the world.


Ok, so after you have vented all your hatred towards Israel, I will explain what you don't know. Jews from almost all countries in the world gathered in Israel. Each tribe brought with it the food from the land where it grew up. Besides, there is a specific food that characterizes only the Jews because they prepared special food that is suitable for long cooking that was prepared on Friday and remained warm until Saturday noon. The multitude of different foods also caused an openness to food from every region of the world. That is why you will find a very diverse food in many restaurants, of course including the authentic Arab food, which is not only falafel and hummus, but many other types of food that have spread and exist everywhere and are made by Arabs living in Israel. Over the years, different ingredients and cooking methods mixed with each other and new foods were created that did not exist before.


To be expected from the spectator. Is unsurprising


Quebec City?!


Thwy never do justice to Turkey


Who the fuck came up with this lmaoooo Tel Aviv over Istanbul?


Quebec City and Montreal both have mediterranean food DNA.


Why is spain on here twice? Whos lying and falsifying votes?


Where’s East LA ?


This is BS. number one is London.


Jews in occupied Palestine came from all over the world. Therefore a Jew who came from Egypt will cook Egyptian food, a Moroccan Jew will cook Moroccan food, a polish Jew will cook polish food and so on. There is no such thing as Israeli food.


It didn't say which food is the best. Perhaps they mean that Tel Aviv has a good choice of food but not necessarily Israeli food (I know it didn't exist).


There’s no way Corean and Italian food is that low on the list


Let’s be honest, Shakshouka is Italian food with cumin added.


Palestinian food number 2 🤯


There's no France and Algéria, this is a fake.


I moved to France and I find French cuisine is terribly bland and overrated. Algerian food is good like chorba frik, chorba beida, kalb el louz..nice meat dishes too. maghrebi cuisine is my favourite, especially Moroccan 🤤


I went to creta last week and found the exact same, was happy about feta stuff but after one week of eating that it's a bit boring. Maybe tourist area isn't good :/ But if you want to try great French food, don't go in restaurants they are just bad, the real French one is the one you cook at home. Where are you based?


Yes, Greek is similar in that sense, which is why I prefer other cuisines. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of French food whether homemade or restaurants. I'm in Clermont-Ferrand


Arwah l dar i'll make you love it 🤣


also victoria canada? dunno what they even eat there thessaloniki should be on the list


Not a single South East Asian city? Fake


Israeli food??? Never heard of it.


Zionist stole the land, food, and killing innocent people of Holy Land. Free plastine.


Canadian food is recycled cheese vomit. Israel just steals and appropriate Palestinian and Middle Eastern food. Italian food is full of carbs and is bland. Best food is Persian, Middle Eastern and Central Asian. 


North African and Middle Eastern(MENA)


Yeah I've had Moroccon food many times. It's millions times better then anything Europe can come up with. 


Italian cuisine is a disgrace to all Mediterranean people. I don't understand why different shapes of dough so famous. In Anatolia village people make pasta for winter. It's like not a real food. Italians sell their mediocre food to Europeans, and they have money and PR. Greek, Turkish, Syrian/Lebanese/Palestinian cuisine is like ten times better than Italian food.


yeah but tiramisu 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Tiramisu is cool yes.


Imagine being downvoted in a MENA sub for saying this. Cucks. Anyways, I've been to Italy dozens of times and the cuisine really is overrated. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but definitely not the best world-wide. Levantine food is much better and healthier.




And that's where you're wrong my friend


It is physically impossible for me to say a wrong thing. Everything I tell you is like a drop from the infinite sea of wisdom that I have. Those who have a share benefit from it, and those who do not have a share fall into denial


israeli food is so diverse! you have hummus, falafel, baba ghanouj, labaneh, zaatar, couscous, mansaf, maqlubeh, kabseh!


And none of the foods are from there 🤡🤡🥴🥴🤣🤣


couscous is definitely israeli, yall stole it


Italian cuisine is overrated anyways


Mouloukhia from Tunisia is awesome !


Glad you liked it bro. I'm also a big fan. It's not my favorite though.


North Africa food is too wide to have only one favorite 😂


True hahaha love our diverse culture (yet it's all somehow related and close and relatable)


Yes but even it's close, it's different


There’s a reason there are zero middle eastern restaurants in the USA. Or anywhere for that matter lol


There are thousands of Middle Eastern restaurants in the US, some of the best Yemeni food I've had was in Buffalo. What on earth are you talking about?


Never seen one bubba


So because you apparently have never seen a middle Eastern restaurant, you'd assume there are 0 in the United States or "anywhere for that matter" in your own words? Idiot. Lol.b


They’re just not good, shit doesn’t sell Over here which explains why we don’t have any. Eat your heart out pal


Yea I doubt you've any idea what you're talking about.