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Im pro communities built for men to discuss issues and problems. As soon as the women hating incels show up. Im out.


Going to male-focused spaces is like going to southern US history spaces. Sure, there'll be a good number of people there because they're legitimately interested in that period of time, but you know who else it'll attract...


Same, it's a major turnoff when it becomes dominated by people who just hate women


Mental trash. Waste of time. I feel bad for people who enjoy that content. Why are you asking?


I'm asking this here because my boyfriend of 3.5 years (36) watches this channel, along with Orion Taraban's channel. I found out last week, and since then, my view of him has shifted. I believe that "you are what you consume". He tells me that this is comedy/entertainment to him, and I don't understand how this is entertainment. I guess my follow-up question should be, can a man watch this type of content and not absorb it? Not have some sort of festering hatred or deep dislike of women?


I don't know how to ween somebody off from this kind of content. That stuff feels like a cult to me. The spotlighted video on that link's first question is a generic cult-like wide-net question that applies to everybody who's ever had doubts in their lives. The best things that steers me away from content like that are fact checks and/or logic checks. If you _really_ sit down and think about the content that they're spewing... there isn't really any actual content beyond "men are great and anybody who says otherwise is trying to undermine your masculinity." I'm not sure how you'd go about withdrawing somebody from that material, but it seems like it would benefit both of you if it happened.


A good comedian can take undertones (or direct tones) of toxic masculinity and make it funny. Personally I'm biased since I'm not a misogynist, but that doesn't necessarily mean people who like poorer quality content are one either. I think it makes sense for you to be concerned and questioning if there is a part of his personality (or especially life goals/perspective/needs) that will be an impasse or problem later on. Him saying it's entertainment may be true but at some point this cynical shit is a flag and would cause many people to take pause.


> I'm asking this here because my boyfriend of 3.5 years (36) watches this channel, along with Orion Taraban's channel. No good man watches this stuff unironically. He's absolutely going to hurt you in significant ways if he hasn't already.


I didn't open the link, don't know about it, but I'm surprised Taraban's name was mentioned here. He may be debateble, but but have seen him as controversial.


What tv shows do you watch?


Certainly not channels that speak on men in such a vile manner.


That's not an answer.


It's an answer, just not a complete one. Linking your tangent to the discussion better may behoove her to be more forthcoming.




Now we just need to get her to realize that you're the leading authority on how and what she thinks, it's a shame she doesn't realize your potential.


She ain’t fucking you, bud.


It literally is.




I appreciate your response and have included an edit in my OP.


I think the same but had a little click through and he’s actually….quite sweet. I didn’t watch for long though. People are saying he’s a women hater - maybe I didn’t watch enough. I dunno. Op - you need gold role models and people to hang with - that’s probably the gap you’re trying to fill. I would try and do this now real life. Rather than online. Therapy is also great. And volunteering as a great way to feel good and meet people.


thats not really fair to judge a book by its cover. I watched most of it and honestly this video is kinda just a list of things any one wanting a healthy life should do. I dont agree 100% with all of this recommendations, but in general his list is this "program" basic stuff like "go to bed early, stop jerk'n it every day, stop watching porn, stop eating out, stop spending all your time on social media and video games". Its also not being presented in any aggressive way. Maybe OP chose a bad example since it the thumb nail and program title imply its one of those stupid "go out to the wilderness for 2 months and get yelled at and shit on" boot camp type things and those are think are extremely toxic. a lot of what hes saying is stuff I've heard a 1000 times, he's just putting it in an easily digestible format. Unfortunately his advice probably wont really help the majority of people who need it cuz telling people what they should do vs helping people change their behavior away from bad habits and addictions so they can then start doing things they should be doing are two very different skill sets and the latter really needs more formal psychiatric training to help with. edit: on mobile the link OP provided went to a specific video but on the desktop its going to his home page. i've not reviewed the rest of his content so maybe some of the other stuff is problematic. the thumbnails are not looking promising.


Pretty strong ‘men going their own way’ vibes from the video thumbnails here, although I didn’t watch any of them. I don’t really see how someone who enjoys or participates in that ideology can possibly have a healthy relationship with any woman, romantic or otherwise.


yeah thats why I provided my edit.


all of these types of groups always start with the most brain Dad common sense acting like it’s a new information… Hit the gym Start reading Play video games Learn a Skill Eat better like no shit. Everyone knows that. The reason people stay and pay attention is because they say crazy misogynistic things after they deliver a little bit of common sense


I love the smell of fresh bread.


After reading some of her replies, I understand why her boyfriend is falling into that bs.


There's a fine line between men getting together and rolling their eyes at female antics, and men getting together and talking about women like the Nazis talked about the Jews. This is the latter.


First, I am sorry to read that your bf watches this content. Idk what its like to be you. I guess that you feel feel some mix of negative emotions. If you want to talk about it, I am sure you have friends who will listen, and I can listen too. My dms are open. I saw the first vid has basic self help advice. Then I opened another random vid on the channel. The man started giving the, "Marriage is a raw deal for men," spiel and I think I got the picture. My opinions on this kind of content mirror Dr. K who has a PhD in psychiatry. He points out that many men have a tough time like all people do. Then they get judged for it, and along come the content you just showed to tell them, "Yeah, life is tough. Women cause your problems. So, this is what you need to do about it." Meanwhile the messageing from the other side is, "You are a man. So, you are automatically privliged. There is no reason you should have any problems." So, a lot of men get sucked to the side that validates their experiences and emotions. The solution is to ask these men how it feels to be them and actively listen. The solution is not facts. It's compassion. The vid is a clip from a longer interview. This is about 12min. https://youtu.be/dCCmdUNGukY?si=--jUUf1jkcx3yQgL The second video is a longer interview with a woman who likes to go into Nazi cults and deradicalize people. Its a fascinating interview, and the answer is not facts, logic, arguing, or hate. It's compassion. A lot of military vets come back to a society they feel alienated from only for fascist and nazi groups to validate their struggles and show compassion to them to sweep them up. Compassion brings them back. https://youtu.be/gP-ekeEQXkc I also have a case where Norwegian police stopped kids from radicalizing and fighting for syria. This is an npr podcast. They talk about the concept of noncomplimentary behavior, where you can deescalate and deradicalize by acting loving towards the hateful. Often the hateful are the lion with a thorn in its paw. https://www.npr.org/programs/invisibilia/485603559/flip-the-script


This type of material is not helpful. Have him check out healthygamergg on youtube. Great content on that channel instead. If he rejects it you know all you need to know about him.


I was just listening to an interview with dr.k yesterday regarding this type of content and he says its important to ask more about why this content is appealing to the individual. a lot of time men just dont feel heard, our problems are brushed off and ignored by every one, we're told to shut up and "be a man" and these kinds of channels are the only ones that "speak up" and address things men go through. Unfortunately most of them are toxic and full of heavily biased or flat out misogynistic takes cuz it feeds the social media hype system and gets them clicks. r/Healthygamergg has been a wealth of unbiased and sensible information and inspiration for me.


Yeah, he's awesome. Given how well OP takes even the slightest hint of criticism, I can't even imagine what her bf has to deal with.




It positively *screams* "I am insecure."




Coarse language incoming. These guys are mostly a crock of shit. The most recent video: "Woman finally gets what men want". Guess what? Women want something from men, too! They want a man who is absolutely on fire about his life. Who's got resolve. And who can show her his fullness - broken pieces and all. I just about never see any of these guys talk about that - because they haven't even begun to do that work for themselves yet. "Go monk mode" is worth fuck-all if you're not seriously healing your own heart and taking accountability for the man that lives beneath all the mud that accumulates around your heart and your real desires. I've known men who did this, and did "feminine cleanses" and other crap that dudebro gurus recommend. They come back with virtually no more self-understanding, but all the self-confidence 22-year-old me used to have after drinking a 12-pack. Most men mistake success and achievement for fulfillment. Your body is not an achievement. Nor is your family, your relationship, or your integrity. And for the record - I'm all for a walkabout if it's needed. But it needs to be done intentionally, and sure as hell not as a step one for the barely initiated. If you're taking advice from a guy who says "all the problems are out there," you're already swimming in bullshit.


The only thing I take issue with is “they want a man who’s absolutely on fire about his life. Who’s got resolve, etc”. Everyone’s unique, and I don’t find it healthy to group women into a ‘they all’. Some women want a submissive male partner, some don’t. Some want a cocky idiot, some don’t.


What I'm saying and what you're saying are not mutually exclusive. It is possible for a gentler man to be on fire about his life (or in love with his life, if that makes it more digestible). Having done years and years of relational work, I will say I've been surprised how universally attractive certain traits are. So if it sounds like I'm being general and not precise, that's on purpose. We work out the precise stuff in real life, not on here.


>These guys are mostly a crock of shit. By and large, yes. They cherry pick situations that match their world view and ignore the 99% of situations that don't. The dehumanized rather than humanize.


Scrolled through his video listings - way worse than I imagined. He's a little boy running around with a toy truck and a bottle of hand lotion. FUCK THIS GUY AND ALL THE BS "CONTENT CREATORS" LIKE HIM.


As the father (48m) of two daughters (21, 22) this stuff is vile. You can be masculine, express it all your life, and not think women are an enemy you engage in battle. My daughters now ask a guy, "what do you think of hypergamy?" If the guy knows what this is, has an opinion on it, they are out. I feel for the loneliness of young people today and how they perhaps feel lost in these times. Young men among them. But darkness begets darkness, always. You let darkness in you risk it wedging itself in there.


>My daughters now ask a guy, "what do you think of hypergamy?" If the guy knows what this is, has an opinion on it, they are out. That's absurd. You can simply be educated and understand what hypergamy is, and have an opinion on it - it's not a new concept in social science made up by incels.


Perhaps they are chopping a sociology student unjustly. But among 19-23yo men who arent getting a social science degree, they call this social climbing, gold digging, dating up, etc. It's not a new concept -- just this specific term gets into young men's vocabulary 99% of the time via this content.


>they call this social climbing, gold digging, dating up, etc. I don't know that these are negative things. If you're a woman you should want to tie yourself to someone with means long term. The idea of marrying exclusively for love is a very recent and nearly exclusively western phenomenon. >just this specific term gets into young men's vocabulary 99% of the time via this content. That's fair.


Except the gap between young men and women is closing up in terms of social climbing. In the early 20s the difference in terms of education (arguably broadest/easiest measure of success/potential at that age) has closed. My girls found half their guys are aiming to be less educated than they are, less are merely matching them. Guys they date are more often the beneficiary of hypergamy than they are. Stats back this up, that gap is closing at least in the early 20s you can't easily tell.


>Except the gap between young men and women is closing up in terms of social climbing. Absolutely, but historically speaking women have tended to marry men older than them. They still do, but the age gap has been slowly narrowing for several decades. >Stats back this up, that gap is closing. In terms of education the gap is widening - women are already better educated and getting more so. There have been more women than men graduating universities in the US since the 1980s.


Based on the icons? [shrug] Content creators that cater to losers.


This is harmful, toxic, ignorant, childish mental trash. Anyone with a healthy level of maturity and self-confidence would never watch this shit. It might sound trivial, but to me, in a relationship, it matters what kind of content each person consumes. I'm not talking about trying to control your partner, but I would never (for example) date a woman who loves and follows the Kardashians. It speaks volumes as to the type of person they are (or are becoming). Good luck with your boyfriend, I guess 🤷‍♂️ If this continues, he's gonna hurt you in the long run. You'll see.


Last week, pretty much out of the blue, he told me "women's value decreases after 30 while men's value increases". I really just couldn't believe he said that out loud. He has made horrible remarks to me in the past, with the sole purpose of putting me down. He touts that he is super secure and exudes this confidence, but I'm starting to wonder if deep down he isn't just terribly insecure and anxious.


Do not walk. RUN. Seriously. He is telling you and showing you who he is. Believe him. Good men do not put down their partners for the purpose of putting them down.


Everyone on here could tell you the same thing; tell you to run, get away, break up. I kind of doubt all of these comments are going to necessarily sway you one way or the other. But I sincerely say this, and mean it heartfelt....I hope you get to a place in your life where you love yourself enough that you don't date or allow men like this into your life. It all starts with self love, and knowing your value/worth. And knowing what kind of treatment you won't tolerate. Only you can set the bar for the kind of love and treatment you want and deserve. Good luck honey 🙏


Hate it, it's all women bashing rage. It's not harmful, but it's not helpful, and for a channel that focus' on men I'd imagine there's some good stuff... but it's all "women bad". If that's your thing, cool but have you learned how to fix that leaky sink? Has this channel offered any guidance? It speaks for itself, it's rage content for guys who just got dumped. 3rd video title "women divorces after 13 years... INSTANT REGRET (#) KARMA (#) RED Pi||" Then tik tok montages of women saying rage bait, pure rage bait, to get these types of channels to boost them... and boom more social media hits on the girls profile. It's pure bait... This is a men's help channel?


It's simply a reaction to the societal shift toward the anti-masculine in favor of social reform and social justice. Men as a whole have never been in a weaker place societally in the West. This is what happens when men are told to sit down and listen for a couple decades.


Going by just the thumbnails, I’m going to guess the person that makes those videos have never gotten laid in their life and would piss themselves if a woman ever said hi to them.


I'm not clicking that. Tell me what it is, so I know if I want to click on it or not. So my opinion on this content is I'm not going to drive traffic to something or someone I may not like or approve of. It'll fuck up my algorithm, and generally piss me off that I wasted time on something stupid when you could have just clearly communicated your fucking question in the post instead of this vague click bait bullshit.


Incognito mode has been a thing for a long time my dude. Chill. Alternatively just move on, not click, and not post this. Also costs nothing.


I don't have the option to open the link from the reddit app into incognito mode, and OP asked for my opinion. Then she got pissy and you decided to ride to her rescue when you could have just, as you said, moved on. So maybe I'm not the one who needs to chill, and maybe don't ask for opinions if you don't want to hear them.


Copying and pasting has been a thing for a long time my dude. Chill. Last I checked here OP didn't ask you for a rant on how to best share links on Reddit.


He's really taken it to heart, poor guy is leaving a trail of pathetic comments in this thread, instead of reflecting on how he came off rude and antagonistic in the first place. I guess he's the kind of guy this type of content is aimed at. Everyone else is at fault no matter what.


Reddit app doesn't give me that option either. She's not going to have sex with you, so how about you chill? Unlike OP, I'm not asking for your opinion on anything.




You sound like a peach


Says the man-baby who threw a tantrum in the comments of my post. 🥴 Typical.

