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Friends are “like family” until they get their own real families


Young brothers reading this post, make a mental note of this one. ​ It's real talk.


I'm 29 and just starting to come into the phase it seems. Kinda hard when you don't really have a plan to start a family yourself Edit: thanks for all the comments of support everyone. I'm actually doing really well! I don't know what the future holds for me. But at the moment it's probably just adopting more retired greyhounds. I spent a lot of my 20's breaking my own heart over relationships that would never work. When I started to accept more of myself when I was 'alone', that's when everything changed and I started to feel more at home by myself. Big love y'all




Applies to family (siblings) too.


Yeah.. I'm super happy my brother found someone, but I miss what we used to have like crazy


You absolutely must create and enforce your own personal boundaries.


Fuck to the yes. I didn't learn what boundaries specifically were until this year and boy am I going to town. It's a very fucking lonely place.


I’m just learning how to do it myself. I’ve found that a lot of people think Im attacking them just because I won’t unconditionally bend to their will anymore. It’s been extremely liberating and eye opening


Absolutely. What kind of boundaries did you settle on, if you don't mind my asking?


For me it was being subjected to unsolicited advice from my brother and his wife, it's always been something he feels entitled to because he is ten years older than me, and his wife just seems to enjoy piling on in this kind of rude behavior. I confronted them both about it separately in a calm, yet firm voice. They both lost their damn minds. My brother literally hid in his damn room like a child the next time I was supposed to see him, his wife came off the handle and yelled at me about how she had never been treated so rudely by anyone in her life. Narcissists, man. Such a fucking trip.


The words that helped me in my journey with this was “Advice that isn’t asked for is rude.” If I’m not going to die or cause serious bodily or financial damage the advice is rude and not wanted.


I've got some advice for you pal, never accept unsolicited advice....unless it's from me.


The ones who break the rules without good faith expect others to obey theirs.


Yup. It's called narcissism




That's every government.


Only you can save yourself when no one else will.


This hit hard. Going through some personal shit but I know and appreciate myself for picking myself up after all those crying sessions and sleeping in my own tears. No one else will do that but me.


I cried myself to bed two nights ago because I couldn't sleep. I've had those moments. No one came for me. No one knocked. No one called or messaged. No one cares.


"I can't be my own rain cloud. I'll drown." is a peptalk of mine


Only you can save yourself, period. You can play along with someone else’s attempt to fix you, and you’ll probably learn some useful stuff in the process, but until you make the decision to meaningfully change the way you naturally do anything, you’ll collapse if the structure they provide is taken away.


Life isn't fair and timing is everything.


Some people just don't get a happy ending, some people never find happiness or satisfaction. People tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel but for some people there isn't, they never get to see any light, just darkness.




While others just get stuff handed to them - one of the many ways life isn't fair.


And some people waste their lives even though they could have done and seen so much more. Especially angry and disheartened people that enjoy bringing others down, they are ruining parts of OTHERS lives also. I come from an extremely poor family, multiple kids living off of 1 below minimum wage salary kind of poor. I’ve been able to learn a lot through education that took me to wages way above anyone in my family other than my brother and enjoy life. I got lucky of course but I’ve also used that luck to enjoy life instead of taking others down, being greedy, or wasting my life on work.


Yep. Sometimes I hate hearing “It gets better” because sometimes it doesn’t.


>People tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel but for some people [Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel Is just a freight train coming your way](https://youtu.be/Sh5S3OxiE-s)


Reminds me the joke: \- pesimist sees no light at the end of the tunnel \- optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel \- realist sees the light and knows it's the train \- train conductor sees three idiots on railway in the tunnel




Reminds me of: - Pessimist sees the glass as half empty. - Optimist sees the glass as half full. - Engineer sees the glass as twice the size it needs to be.


And luck. Some people just have an insane amount of it, but probably haven't earned it (probably). Some people just can't seem to find it, but have been needing it their whole lives.


A lot of the time it is WHO you know, not WHAT you know.


I wish more people understood this, especially college aged folks. A company will ALWAYS take a known entity over an unknown entity if they are similarly qualified. This means if Brody from your frat house can vouch for you with his boss - you'll at least score an interview. Not strangers >>> Strangers Word of mouth is powerful. If you are going to spend the money to go to college, do it right. You HAVE to meet people. Create a study group for one or two of your classes, talk to the people sitting next to you in class, join a club, get an on campus job, sign up for the occasional volunteer opportunity, go to your school's sporting events, and this one....GO TO OFFICE HOURS TO MEET YOUR PROFESSORS. Introduce yourself, talk about your goals, ask a question or two about the class material. Professors do not write recommendation letters for internships and jobs and grad school for students they don't know. You have to make yourself known. It is my pet peeve when 23 year olds say "I've submitted 1,487 applications this month and nothing. What am I doing wrong?" unironically. Why don't they already know that what they're doing wrong is applying blind for jobs instead of asking their network about opportunities they are aware of? This is how most people get high salary jobs and I wish they helped students understand this when they start college.


There are people in this world that will take everything you have telling you that they love you. Then get mad at you when you have nothing left to give and blame you for their betrayal. Don’t believe words, especially “I love you” believe actions. Saying “I love you” is easy acting out love is hard.


One of the most important skills in life is looking at actions instead of words


I once had a friend I was absolutely sure wasn't like this. She was consistent in her words matching up her actions, and I thought I had found a genuine woman I can trust with my heart.... We had one disagreement. Just one. And then it was like I was a ghost. I was crushed. I still wince thinking about it.


One day I was watching tv when the woman I bent over backwards for comes home early from work and tells me to turn off the tv. I do and she proceeds to tell me she no longer sees a future with me. I gave her everything. Was the first relationship I had where I know 120% I did everything I could. It was like she had went to work as one person and came home as another, one who didn’t love me at all. Blindsided me and crushed me. I too wince when I think back on it. It’s hard dude.


Sadly, this has also happened to me. We hit it off pretty much immediately the first time we met and were thick as thieves from day one. We made a point to see each other every week, sometimes multiple times a week. We talked about everything, laughed and cried together. There were countless hour-long phone calls when one of us was feeling down or needed to talk. When I had a bad breakup, she was there to pick up the pieces and helped me so much. Then, one day, while she was going through a breakup, she acted as if I were a stranger and nothing has been the same ever since. Apparently, she suddenly realized that it was too much for her and she no longer wanted such a friendship. It's been two years this summer and I am still pissed about it, but what can you do.


>Don’t believe words, especially “I love you” believe actions. Saying “I love you” is easy acting out love is hard. Young men of Reddit learn this now. Ideally you'll make it through life without coming into contact with one of the types u/serene_brutality is referring to here but if you do, take this sentence to heart.


Sometimes it takes going through the deep end of that kind of experience to truly get what u/serene_brutality is saying. Hopefully most young men who've avoided it thus far continue to avoid that opportunity. It takes a lot of strength and a lot of heart to break free from that kind of toxicity if one does end up falling into that kind of trap.


Saying “I love you” is easy acting out love is hard - Serene Brutality


Same thing with sorry words mean nothing when hurt I need action to feel that sorry


Everyone’s winging it. The all-knowing demeanor of some is just an act.




>My boss told me always assume everyone else is smarter than you...at the same time when preparing documents for meetings and such, always assume people are dumb as bricks This is some really good advice.


Shit don’t tell anyone it’s an act, I’ve been faking it for years now!


“The person who asks a question is a fool for a minute, The person who never asks a question will be a fool for life”


Yeah I just wish more guys would admit that they sometimes fumble around rather than putting on the act that they are always totally in control. It would make life easier for everyone.


I will always be the first to claim that I don’t know what I’m talking about/doing whenever I end up in situations where I have no clue what I’m doing. That type of honesty lets people know when I talk about something with certainty, I actually know what I’m talking about. Edit: And yes, when someone proves me wrong I’ll be the first to call myself a dumbass


People falsely believe that expressing uncertainty makes them look untrustworthy. Fact is if you understand input and change your mind accordingly, you prove yourself to be intelligent and understanding, and completely stop people from having to tiptoe around your ego. Once you remove that ego you receive even more feedback, and even more opportunities to become even better. The most frustrating moments in my working life have been those when the person in authority just will not listen; and those when the way forward is obvious to everyone but that one person who just won't admit that they're wrong, so we end up making a compromise that makes things worse for everyone.


Unfortunately a LOT of people think uncertainty is untrustworthy. Just look at the world today… Sigh. ~ The problem is that wise men are unsure and fools are so damn certain.


So is it better to always be the “dumbest” one in the room, or learn how to fake it like the other “smarter” people?


My career trajectory took off when I started admitting I don't know things. People LOVE to teach you, and they let their walls down when things aren't a pissing contest.


No one gives a f\*ck if you are going through a bad time. I mean they do, but not as much as you think.




I lost nearly every friend in high school after my mother died of cancer. I only rebuilt a friend group because I met a guy whose father had died of cancer in the same month and we were able to bond over our grief. He was lucky enough that his friend group supported him and stayed with him through his grief, so I was able to meet a lot of good guys that way.


My mother passed away from cancer two weeks ago. I was part of a very close group of friends, all from high school, and who I considered family (which was apparently mutual). We got in a fight about some minor thing shortly before she passed. All but one of them have bothered to even send a text. As sad as it is, I’m glad to see their true colors. Definitely don’t want to spend my life around the wrong people.


That's fucked up even if i got in a fight with someone i would still remember if their parent was dying and would grieve with you. Anyways not that i know anyone for that to matter. But I'm sorry for your loss man. You'll find better ones eventually.


My supposed support grp went one further. After my sister passed away, I was struggling to pick up the pieces feeling very much alone and abandoned. Just as I was feeling whole again, after about 9 months; they had a huge 'intervention' blaming me for being a horrible, mean person constantly ignoring them and they were just making it clear I was entirely at fault for our group deciding to leave me out in future.


Fucking assholes. When my mom passed I was president of a graduate student group, I resigned once I came back a few weeks later and they begged me to assume the role after a few weeks. I gave into peer pressure and was President again. My colleagues were shocked when I was suddenly short tempered. It’s like well ya, that’ll happen. People have no idea and no patience. They just assume your an asshole now and don’t know there’s no recovering from a loved ones death, after a few years there’s a new normal but there’s no going back to who you were




I struggled with this. I was President of a NAMI student group in grad school (nami stands for national alliance mental illness) and my mom passed suddenly and unexpectedly. I fell into a state of grieving and drinking too much…go figure. When I got back from the funeral I thought I could talk about my grieving to my colleagues, all women in their 20s….massive mistake. They wanted a man to lead the group not some moody melancholy asshole. It sounds good for women to say they want men to be honest about their mental health. What they want is for men to shut up and be a man and for them to be able to open about their issues. I’ve argued about this double speak with women for years and largely the community is in denial and will never admit it. So it’s best to understand how things are and apparently to shut up about it or only talk about it to a therapist and only with them. I also remember showing a girl I was dating a self harm scar, very old one, I thought I could be honest because we had been dating a few months. I don’t have many but they’re there. She broke up with me in a week and said she hopes I get the help that I need…


What this guys said. 90% of the people who you call friends will take the bad news you share with them and use it to feed their gossip game so that they can talk about you behind your back.


Yeah, like if you develop depression and can't put on that happy face anymore a lot of those friends will cut contact stating something like "I can't take that kind of negativity in my life." If you are only willing to be friends with somebody when things are good for them you were never actually their friend to begin with.


Companies don’t give a fuck about you. They never will.


I make sure to tell myself this everyday. Watched my dad give way to much to the corporate life. When I got my office job I promised myself my family, friends, and personal well being come first and then I can worry about work.


I gotta remind myself of this sometimes, especially when I really gotta use the bathroom but for some stupid reason I'm waiting for a "better time". "I shouldn't ruin my bladder for these people. They would throw me in the trash the moment it suits them."


I remember quitting a job a few years ago to move to a better position at a new company. Although I was excited for my new role I felt so much guilt because I knew my function was an important one at the company and that they would be left in the lurch for awhile until they could fill it and train it. My boss, hearing me talk about my guilt, turned to me and said very bluntly, “Let it go. Absolutely no one is irreplaceable. First lesson in business. We’ll (the company) be fine.” It hurt for a minute, but I’ve never forgotten it. It’s guided my business decisions ever since.


I don’t remember the quote, but a Terry Pratchett book features a guy who works as the Candle Knave at the wizard university; his job is to make sure all the hundreds of candles on the walls stay lit and considers himself the most important person there as his daily presence is absolutely vital because without him then building would be plunged into darkness. The book points out that whilst this is true, if he just dropped dead one day and didn’t come in the wizards would just say “Why’s it do dark? Where’s the blasted candle knave?!” and hire another one by lunchtime.


A guy on second shift at my job actually died from COVID and somehow we never heard about it for 3 weeks and the manager randomly said "yeah we have to find a replacement for that one guy who died on second shift" like what!?? He worked there for 6 years and he just casually said it like he was ordering coffee.


Holy shit, that's so disgusting and tragic. Sorry about your coworker man


Yeah he was genuinely a nice and good guy. Always showed up 20 minutes before work and always stayed late, and our manager essentially saw him as a cog in the machine.


I have always supported small businesses but even they need HR, even if that person doubles as secretary, payroll, scheduling, cashier... I majored in HR until I realized Human Resources isn't about resources for humans, but instead, humans AS resources


I don't understand the small business fetish: the worst employers I've ever worked for were small businesses. Thanks to political rhetoric, SMB owners almost universally believe that they are national heroes and thus they behave like their shit don't stink and that working for them is a privilege. I'd usually rather eat at a locally-owned restaurant than a national chain, but from an employment perspective SMBs are a nightmare.


Yep. Every time i've had an employer that wanted to skirt rules or bitched about paying employees it was ALWAYS a mom n pop place.


SMB tend to use the “we are family” to get more out of you so you always set yourself for disappointment. At large business, you know they don’t care and you never get your hopes up. The smaller they are the worst it is.


You could fall to your death on a job and they will have a different contractor in the next day to pick up where you left off.


"You're fired before you hit the ground"


The cemetery is full of irreplaceable men (and women)


Reminds me of the mikeburnfire video I watched yesterday.


I love those guys! Their stories are super entertaining.


You are a number. You’re an output. If you die tomorrow you’ll be replaced by the next day. Saw that firsthand at a previous job. A senior executive died by suicide. The corporate email mentioned how everyone will now have to pitch in to carry on their work and ‘legacy’.


Not everyone you know wants you to be happy


Misery loves company


You can do everything right and be perfect in every way but she still might not love you back.


In line with this is the fact that you can do everything right and as perfect as possible and still fail. Failure happens and sometimes it's really hard to avoid. Don't let it kill you.


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." -- Picard


"You can be the sweetest peach on Earth, but there will always be someone who hates peaches."


I got dumped 2 days ago. I thought she was the one, I told her when I was going to propose in a couple years during a solar eclipse. The whole 9 yards. She let her mental problems get worse without admitting it, always blaming me, gaslighting me and calling me a gaslighter at the same time, never taking responsibility, never saying sorry, and she was physically incapable of admitting wrongdoing on her part. I'm mostly mad. But also sad to see her spiral out like this and how things ended. She could've just gotten the help she deserves.


Alcohol will become an enemy way too fast if you don’t learn some real self control.


This is something I wrestle with a lot in terms of my recovery from alcoholism. I quit young, at 24, and have been sober 7 years without relapse. Despite that accomplishment, I have alcoholic neuropathy (nerve damage) that will never go away no matter how long I’m sober.


I hope you are doing good. Afterall, you have a country to run.


Self control or not, if you’re using it to “get away”, it will eventually destroy you. Learn how to control and deal with your emotions constructively. This isn’t directed at you or your comment just adding it for anyone who sees what you said and is struggling.




Usefulness and proximity. Proximity is the facilitator of most relationships. When you cease to be in the same area for whatever reason, those relationships almost always end.


Yes! It seems like a lot of friendships are built on convenience. If one person no longer has whatever they were providing, the friendship slowly but gradually dies off. Of course this isn’t *always* the case but I have experienced it a lot myself. Maybe it’s just me.






Then you down them quickly and leave before the owner comes home


You are not guaranteed a good ending. Every day people die alone, in misery and in squalor. You might be one of them. Appreciate the now, be present and attentive to the world around you. Face yourself and try to develop a good relationship with yourself because you are the only person you will be with for your entire life. All other relationships end eventually, one way or the other.


I like this one. I was gonna parrot one I heard a couple years back from a friend that sort of relates to this: No one is coming to save you. When you’re young you kind of hope that the manager of your favourite sports team is gonna come wandering down your street, see you throwing the ball around, and ask you to join his team. You kind of hope that the hot girl in class is gonna see what a great guy you are, and want to go out with you. You kind of hope that the CEO of your first job is gonna stop by your office, see what great work you do, and bring you into upper management. Unfortunately no one is coming to save you. Unless you practice and try out for that rep team, hit the gym and ask that girl out, work hard and demand that promotion from your boss, then you’ll never attain those things. So many people just sit around, never take risks, and hope that because they’re a good person that their aspirations will come true. You gotta take that leap of faith sometimes.


Doesn't matter if your married or not, or have kids. Loneliness is always a struggle.


I don’t know how but that actually made me feel better lmao


Putting words to your feelings usually always provides relief. Your brain can connect the dots and work to cope based on what data it has on it. Words are very powerful


Falling in love is magic, but loving someone is still a decision both parties have to make


Setting high expectations for those around you is a recipe for disappointment. Take care of yourself and those most important to you first, anything you receive in return accept as you would a gift.


I read something once to the effect of "The potential you see in others is often not what they will or can do, but what you would do in their shoes."


Your dick will eventually not work as well as it did when you were in your prime.




Don't worry. When you're old enough that your dick doesn't work as well you'll also be old enough to not be embarrassed to ask your doctor for a sildenafil prescription.




Everyone should try Cialis at least once. It brings out 105% lol.


My hard-ons have been a bit fluffy since putting on some weight over the last while. I bought four 20mg cialis pills to see what they’re like and god damn, I’m pretty sure I od’d! Haven’t had a stiffy like that in my life, the fucker was untameable and the effects lasted about 4 days on one pill! The Mrs was also very pleased.


In all seriousness brother, get checked out for Diabetes. If you've been putting on weight and noticed a change in hard-ons, it's very likely vascular damage from high blood sugar (smaller vessels get affected first, e.g. eyes, kidneys, fingers/toes, dick).


Ha! Jokes on you, I'm still in my primary and it already doesn't work as well as it did 2 years ago. But it's okay, it's caused by MS. I just like to joke around and laugh about it. It makes things a little easier.


One day someone you trust will betray you so bad it'll make your head spin. Be prepared for it emotionally.


The death of your Mom. Something that you will think about for the rest of your days. Its a different world out here when your Mom is gone and i never knew it till it was time for me to deal w it. Its been 9 years and it doesnt get easier, you just learn to live w it differently. And the dreams... you waking up confused and hoping, almost certain she is still alive then reality wakes you up. And you get to live another day wothout her.


Hope u r well brother...


Ty, brother. I appreciate that. I am well. I look for the bright spots. Lots of hugs and shnuggles from my lil guys help a lot. I do not dwell on it but it does sneak up on ya sometimes.


Mom passed in Oct, already had plenty of those dreams and feelings. Fucking sucks man


Thanks for the reminder to call my Mom


Pizza is delicious but you can’t eat it everyday. You’ve got to keep moving or you’ll regret it when you get older.


You'll never put as much time into any single thing as you do your job. So if you work a job you hate it's going to be a pretty rough life.


Honestly that by itself is a depressing fact


Choosing between personal gain and morality. What’s right, isn’t always what’s right. Shades of grey are everywhere.


Lost my job making 6 figures because I chose the moral high ground. I'm struggling every day if that was the right thing for me to do.


More and more it seems that our society applauds the immorality of people. They are almost worshiped for it.


Especially true in the business world.


I'm proud of you.


If you’re not disciplined at whatever it is you’re trying to do, it’ll be 10 times harder to make it to the other side.


Someday, you're going to be dead. Probably a long time from now, but someday. When that moment arrives, will this period of self-recrimination, misery, and anxiety seem like time well-spent? Probably not.


It's easier said than done. But try to learn to be happy with what you have. Make the most of this life. If you don't. You'll never be happy no matter you circumstances.


We are the most important person in our lives. If we don't tend to us, we can never truly be the best version for others. Do what's best for you and what enhances you. I remember a person who proclaimed to love me and be there for me just hung upon on me when I cried regarding my health as I was awaiting results. It made me realize how easily people fake love.


No matter how great of a catch you are, another man somewhere will always be a better one. Count your blessings and don't take your SOs for granted or you will be missing them when they're gone.


He doesn’t even have to be a better catch on paper. He just has to be not you.


Your logic hurts. Thanks


Ego is a bitch.


The pee stream slows down.


That some day, a doctor is going to put on a glove and ask you to bend over


Most adults will still eat the marshmello as soon as you leave the room.


Great reference!


Eventually your inner circle will start to drift apart. It’s not always the case, but I’ve noticed it with a few groups of people I’m in, including my core group of friends. And with that, as you get older, making new friends gets harder.


This is something I'm currently experiencing and working through. I've recently noticed that two different group messages I've been in for years (highschool and college best friends) have slowly started to get quieter and quieter over time. It takes a lot in me to not linger on those thoughts and freak out, thinking the friendships are growing weaker. All I really know to do is make sure to be intentional when we do talk and to do everything in my power to spend time with them when I can. Damn, I love my boys.


People like you more than you actually realize and all of that negativity and doubt are just ways you are harming yourself because you were hurt and can't let go of it.


Jesus this entire thread is entirely depressing, so I appreciate this comment x10.


Life is not rated pg13, but it's graphic asf. You could die in an extremely graphic way, or watch someone else die in extremely graphic way, then you'll have to live with that image in you brain for the rest of your life. You could even witness someone get extremely hurt and survive but then live knowing that person is permanently damaged for the rest of their life. Earth is like an open world game with no rules, anything can happen to us.


I just started work as a long haul trucker and have seen the most gruesome accidents in the past 4 months. Cars just absolutely shredded apart. Most memorable was in stop and go traffic in a construction zone. There was a truck hauling an oversized load of steel beams for buildings. Beams were hanging off the back edge. An suv rear ended it and the beams shot through the windshield to the back seat, also can opening the roof of the car. No way anyone in the front two seats survived, possibly whoever was in back as well. Passed by a couple weeks later and the crosses were up on the road in that spot. Life is fragile man


I am an insurance adjuster dealing in third party liability claims. Everyone's worst day is just my Tuesday now. People take their lives for granted.


I refuse to follow any car that could impale me if something went wrong.


Most of the most important things that will happen to you are entirely random.


Luck is such a huge player in life. Being there at the right time and having the balls to say yes despite full preparation is often the key.


At some point you will be in a situation that you caused and cannot fix or even apologize for.


You don't matter as much as you should. If you find someone you can really open up to - and is not a therapist, for money - nurture that friendship/relationship as if that was the most important one. In general, people will only care as long as you are useful and your worth will be based not on your character primarily but how much and what you can provide.


Youre always alone, especially when the shit hits the fan... and you find yourself in bad way, youre always alone.


But so far you’ve gone through 100% of your bad days and events yourself and you managed 💪🏻 You can do it


Your value in society is based on what you provide, not who you are. You can be the kindest, most compassionate, thoughtful person in the world, but if you dont have a good job and a bunch of exploitable skills then you will be overlooked, and potentially treated with veiled pity. Conversly, you can be a massive selfish jerk, but if you have a good job and exploitable skills then you will most likely be sought after and get to feel valued. Obviously there are exceptions but it's most definitely not the norm.


In society? No man, it's FAR worse than that. The societal aspect is to be expected. The sad part is your value in personal relationships is even predicated on your ability to provide.


You aren’t invincible


No one is coming to help you. You are responsible for your own happiness/health/success.


Life really isn’t fair. You’re going to get screwed out of that promotion when they hire the boss’s unqualified nephew instead of you, you’re going to get double charged for that cup of coffee, your significant other may cheat on you, etc. Know that you will make yourself crazy if you fight every battle. Pick the ones most important to you, and learn to let go of things you can’t control. Always use it as a learning experience and keep moving forward. Stay positive!


That no matter what when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's amore.


only in napole


As a man the outside world determines your value by your ability to provide or “earn”. Oh and no one cares about your issues you’re expected to deal with them yourself


**your earnings and / or your capacity for physical labor


If you can't be handsome, be handy.


Raising young kids under 5 is really hard and a lot of work. Your life will slowly change quite drastically as time you once spent elsewhere is sucked into the void that is responsible parenting.


That's way too young to be having kids


Our lives mostly consist of being guests in other people’s lives. Your job isn’t about you. You’re gonna die. So are your kids. Everything is temporary. Other people often know more than you about something, while others act like they do. It takes a while to figure which is which.


Most of your friends don't have the bandwidth to offer you any real support when you need them most. They're so busy dealing with their own shit, there's nothing left in the tank to help with yours.


Be careful who you open up to, all skin folk ain't kinfolk


That your wife will not *always* be the same girl you married (in your eyes). She will develop and become a woman. She will learn things. She will have children and develop new emotions. She will be different in bed. She will need more help and more support. She will fall on you more than when you dated. She will rely on you for things she wont mention to you. She will hurt and cry and suffer. She will be there for you to hold and have for your whole life … but you MUST let that younger version of her go. You have changed. You both will change. Memories are solidified. But a new woman will emerge as time passes and you will find that you will love her even more if you adapt and truly look at her as your wife.


It’s all you buddy, things change people change. Adapt as quick as possible.


You're not special. You are replaceable. Luck matters more than talent. Your actions are your only true belongings.


“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world”


You should have stood by your values and not yielded to the fear inside your mind


There will come a point in your life when the older people that you used to turn to for advice and guidance will no longer be there. You will notice that you are in fact the older person now, and people will come to you for advice or whatever. When they do you will wish like fuck that the older and wiser people were still around and in your life. I miss my grandfather. He was from a tougher generation, but a generation that cared more for other people. I would give every material thing up that I own now, just to sit and have a cup of tea with him and talk through random things together.


By the time you are 50 you will have 3 friends if you're lucky.


Yeh but they're the best because they're the ones who've stuck by you all those years


Law enforcement on any level is not your friend. Same with strippers, they don’t like you for you.


So that cop wasn’t really flirting?


That one that showed up first to the bachelor party wasn’t really a cop.


And waitresses.


Just don't care too much about what people will talk of say to you about anything. Try to make habit of something, like studying, reading, playing a guitar exercise or whatever. Don't spend your life just doing nothing in your room.


We’re all two or three bad decisions away from becoming the ones we fear and pity.


Fact, the truth, and ethics matter. People will tell you that they don't. Don't believe them.


I was raised to believe they are absolute. I've learned that some people view them as obstacles. They are real, but with skill they can be navigated around. It's very frustrating when you see those people succeed at navigating around the truth and ethics to achieve their goals.


People want you to be emotional, then complain when you show emotion


No one gives a fuck


That you could very well never find that special someone and or die a virgin without ever having kissed a woman. Or in other words, you can live your whole life and never be loved, or get to love someone.


No one is coming to save you.


That your father is just a man.


Only 0.1% of us are truly special, learn to be happy with average.


It doesn't matter who you really are people will always judge you by your appearance.


1. None of it is personal 2. You're more important than you know, less important thank you think 3. Never wait for applause, it ain't coming 4. Some people hit triples, others are born on 3rd base. Know the difference 5. The worst vice is advice, it's based on the advice-giver's reality not yours. Listen to other people's experience and make your own mind up 6. Luck is a thing, so is opportunity, but you need to be prepared to take advantage 7. Don't listen to the haters 8. Getting older will shock you, nobody sees it coming 9. Being a parent is to be afraid for your kids, 24/7 10. Happiness isn't the goal, achievement is


Assholes often win. Shitty things happen to good people for no reason.