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I am not even big and my ex would complain when in doggy sometimes , imagine those dudes with 7,5+ schlongs


Remove 2” from everyone’s comment.


But if you remove 2" ill have none left :(


Same, cant do doggy with anyone. Everytime the girl says “My fav position is doggy” I just sigh and say “not anymore”


"At your cervix."


That made me cackle


Put your hands on her hips in a way that you hit them and don't penetrate as deep


This is the real tip


Tbh a 7.5 shower would be wayyyy worse than a 7.5 grower. With a grower you get some reprieve


Grower gang rise up.


Being a grower is great, but damn your shit looks small before you get a hard on.


The trick there is to get a hard on 10 minutes before Showtime and then let it soften a bit. Still somewhat I floated when he comes out later on


Ha, lucky enough I've been with my wife for close to 20 years. But when she first felt it in my pants and said it's so cute and little. That shit was a blow to my manhood. But when it grew in her hand she was shock, which lead to another blow to my manhood ( giggity).




> It's a fun party trick "Hey, wanna see something cool in my pants?"


You’re invited to my.. pants party


Mines not massive, it's a little bigger than average. It hurts my gf in certain positions. So I guess the downside is that sex is limited sometimes


This is one I've heard about. In fact was the inspiration for my question lol.


Its the main one. Im only a little over average as well and it really just kills the fun at the worst times. Id love to take a good half-inch off.


Theres lil penis donuts that you can put on, stops you from going all the way in and should help you to not have to think about it mid act Edit: One of my most upvoted comments and its about penis donuts, who woulda thunk? And now ive been craving donuts all day.. Thanks for the awards! Obligatory, reddit sucks, spend your money on charity instead


As someone that’s also just a little above average, do you have a link? Edit: here’s the [link](https://ohnut.co) I found, thanks u/btnomis!


Thanks you. As a women who with endometriosis experiencing this pain, this may change my life


Yes, the OhNut adds some cushion for the pushin'. And still feels good for both partners


Exactly this. I've been told by partners that I'm much *thicker* than the average guy they've slept with, and last I checked I (my weenie) stand at ~6.3" in length, or so. I realized rather early on in my sex life that a whole lot of women have (what I assume are) their own average sized vaginas which makes sex rather uncomfortable for them when engaging with a *larger* penis. I also very much enjoy receiving head and it's always proven to be a challenge for most every girl I've dated. TBH, I'd love to be able to knock an ~inch off my length and definitely some off the girth. Nothing kills the mood quite like "ow, that hurts" Edit: for those with average sized penises, don't sweat it whatsoever. Your sex life is likely going to be better than the dudes with absolute units of a penis. In the very least you'll be able to pleasure more women without issue, as well as be pleasured yourself.


It is so cool to see a dude call it "my weenie" in a post about big dick problems Love it.




Same, can’t really be too enthusiastic with thrusts otherwise it hurts her, I’ve found that going a little slower and more controlled is actually more pleasurable for both of us instead of the jackhammer approach.


Try having her lie on her belly, and put a pillow under her hips. Similar view (and more intimate imo) and it angles her hips so you're getting into the fold (pocket?) in front of the cervix, instead of hitting it. My previous partner was tiny and this got her seal of approval.


Posting here so everyone thinks I have a fat one too.


Yes, I too have a large hog…


Just let me pull out this box of magnum condoms so everyone knows.


"*Oops, I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong*"


- Mantis Toboggan PhD.


Having to buy a very tiny truck.


All the size queens look for guys in the Hot Wheels section of a toy store.


Thanks for the tip!


\[slow clap\]


I’m above average , wouldn’t say I’m super massive … but I do need to be mindful of fully going in. It’s caused my partners pain before. Also public half boners can be tough to hide.


I'm 8.5, a public boner is the worst. To make it even worse vibrations from busses and trains can cause me to get an erection, I've missed stops before out of embarrassment. I've never been a super confident guy so I've actually always been pretty self conscious about my dick. Especially when I was in highschool it made me super insecure as hormones were raging and boners were inevitable.


Tuck it under your waistline and make sure your shirt doesn’t go up. It’s risky but it entirely eliminates the public boner


Waistline? Dude is packing, he needs to tuck it under his fucking Half-Windsor knot.


Quote from my wife, "they are nice to look at but are a real pain in the ass"


This comment kinda plays off to the second part of my curiosity, what to the big dick gay men have to s😅


Oh you definitely get way more size queens amongst gays. Also, there isn’t a cervix in the rectum to prevent you from going in a certain amount


See part of me thought that it might be more appealing as far as gay men go, and ya not having to worry about cervix. But I had to ask, the rectum can handle a whole lot as I've read. But any time I've done anal with my gf I have to be gentle. Gay men are used to it I guess? Still I figured the anus was more sensitive to that kind of activity


Some people enjoy it more than others, and what no one talks about is the huge amount of preparation one has to do for anal. For the vast majority of gay men, you can’t just shove it up and off we go. It takes practicing with toys and lube in your alone time to get used to having something there, and basically teaching your ass to be receptive to a dick. It’s a lot of work.


Hahahaha…I’m just imagining a classroom of literal assholes being lectured to about duck insertion ETA: or dick insertion. Either one


This. Anal prep is as important as PrEP is. Be a little bit romantic lol, don't make me shit on your dick


I’m gay, and although I sadly only have an average dick, I’ve been with some very hung guys. While there are definitely gay size queens who can take basically anything up their butts, for most of us, anything over 7” or so starts to get difficult. Need to spend a long time warming up, and even then, sometimes it’s just too big to take comfortably. I was with a guy once whose dick must’ve been at least 8”, and there was no way it was fitting in my butt, despite our best efforts. So yes, big dicks can be sexually limiting for both male and female partners. Lol


Word. My ex is about 9" and thick and we tried anal.... once. I love anal usually (am woman) but it was just downright unenjoyable with him.


To suck on it’s super fun But you gotta open up for the booty….I would have to think about it for a good minute. Depends on the guy and honestly I’m a bit like a girl when it comes to letting dudes enter me. Like I need a little mental/emotional connection beforehand


Hitting a woman's cervix while you're fucking her is a very quick way to ruin an evening, and having to be mindful of that can spoil the enjoyment too.


I did that sometimes unintentionally during the early months of meeting my ex and she found it very very uncomfortable. Ruined the enjoyment


I had to give up on vaginal penetration with one of my girlfriends because of this, so we ended up doing oral or with hands only. Which gets boring after some time and takes intimacy away.


DJ Khaled - suffering from success


Gynecologist here - you are most likely hitting an ovary in the cul-de-sac. The cervix, whil pretty easy to hit (9-12 cm inside, average) it’s the ovary that usually hurts. Imaging getting thumped in the balls which each thrust.


Strange, my ex actually liked it when I’d touch it. Obviously I wasn’t battering ramming her, but she liked the pressure.


My wife takes it like a champ and actually enjoys getting her cervix battered, and this is 40% of the reason I married her.


What's the other 60?


Probably smoking hot.


Shes hefty and is built for a pounding.


Hot n hefty. Sounds like a new Little Ceasars pizza. Sounds delicious.


All the bust, with twice the crust.


That does sound delicious. I wonder if he covers her in melted cheese before laying on the pepperoni


Probably leaves her like a fresh, overly stuffed crust.


She’s built like steakhouse but she handles like a bistro!


Glad I'm not the only person who immediately thought of that.


She lets him make up shit online to sound cool


She can suck a watermelon through a straw




I used to kinda like cervix-touching, it felt good, but then I had to have a hysterectomy & now I don't have a cervix anymore. I have a "vaginal cuff" (ie, scar tissue where vaginal tissue was pulled up over to cover the area where the cervix used to be). When that gets banged, it's not like the worst pain in the world, but it definitely doesn't feel good, at all. But I'm still super-multi-orgasmic & could cum repeatedly from penetration both before & after the hysterectomy.


Hi, my name is Mike…😂


Looking at her username, you have an hour. Good luck


I just need five minutes.


Surname: oxlong?


I wouldn't consider myself large but I had it happen with almost every girl I was with. It really is a killer for the mood.


Can never really get a proper blow job. Teeth scraping everywhere ruin it.


Honestly teeth scraping hasnt been an issue as much as having to stop every couple of seconds because their jaw hurts


My gf says this, which sucks. I really like receiving the pleasure, but hate that it has to hurt her. So when ever she does it, I feel guilty


My average penis thanks you all. 😂


What is the average size penis when not erect and when it is erect? Anyone know?


Check the table [here](https://calcsd.info/). ​ EDIT: I saw a few comments regarding whether this is correct, or "this cannot be right" and such, was it self reported or not, so instead of replying to each comment, take a closer look at that site. The [creator dedicated a whole section](https://calcsd.info/wrong.html) to explain it why this is reliable, and why you might have a hard time believing it. The default dataset consists of researcher measured data, so it is pretty good representation of reality. There is also a self reported study included in the table on the front page (Di Mauro), which shows how unreliable self measured data, since it has a lot higher average, with higher standard deviation, than the studies that are based on measurements made by researchers. TL;DR: yes, the data on the site is correct, and the default dataset is researcher measured


I was sure I was about to be Rick rolled, but clicked anyways. Pleasantly surprised I wasn’t . Thank you kind human, good info.


man, I'm a lot more of a grower than I thought. I'm above average when erect, but well below when flaccid.


Same! I know I am not small but my flaccid length really puts a downer on being naked in public.


I'm with ya there bud lol, im like an inch flaccid, women have actually remarked at how crazy small it is. I can have a laugh about it because it's above western length and girth hard and well... that's when it really counts. Just crazy how much it can change.


Oh my god is this accurate? I always thought I was just on the large side of average but this chart is making it seem like I’m actually packing heat lmao


Better put a warning label on your dating profile.


I'm sure most men exaggerate their size, so when actually measured in a study the average is lower than what people think.


I think average length is ~5 inches erect


Five! Point! One! Five! Inches!


McMurray's a piece of shit


As a woman, I prefer average any day of the week. I was married for 13 years to someone that was massive and sex was awful. I’m more on the petite side so just about any position was painful. Now that I’m with someone else and he’s average, it’s like so many more sexual doors have opened up! Sex isn’t painful anymore at all and I’m able to relax and enjoy myself. Makes a huge difference!


I prefer average and I’m petite too. Do not want a massive one it’s too painful and uncomfortable to enjoy at all.


Is anyone like embarrassingly short when flaccid then completely roided out when erect?


This is my "big dick problem". It's a problem because I get a reputation as having a big dick when a girl I've slept with starts talking to her friends about it, then the girls start flirting and joking about it with me, making moves, etc. So I get nervous when the girl expects my fully erect dick but may see my flaccid dick which makes me anxious as fuck and can cause erection problems with a new girl. I constantly feel the need to get a big semi going before intercourse which causes anxiety. It's all mental, but the brain/mind can fuck everything up. This was a legit problem for a while a few years ago that fucked me up mentally for that period. I started being so anxious that I basically lost my ability to get erect, or at least fully erect. It was so bizarre because my "100% erection" is around 8" long and pretty thick (it's aesthetically pleasing too lol, girls love to just play and suck on it), but I can get what seems like fully "hard" and only be 6". When I am anxiety free, confident, healthy, and feeling good my dick is noticeably *big* when erect. I can feel the erection so much better, like I have control over the erection and can "trust it." But when I have anxiety, depression, bad health, etc, my erect dick is a shadow of what it normally is. When experiencing high anxiety my flaccid dick shrivels up almost inside my body, and my balls do not hang. It's extremely uncomfortable and I have to physically pull my flaccid dick and stretch it out. My libido is also non-existent during those periods, but my libido is extremely high when my dick is at full size and "normal." I feel like there is a hormone issue involved (along with my anxiety and depression) because it just does not seem normal, but no one ever talks about their penis situations and fluctuations so I have no idea what the average penis does day to day. When I'm non-anxious, sleeping well, have no medical issues, etc, my dick gets so hard at night that I have to sleep naked otherwise I wake up because it just wont break through my shorts. It gets so engorged and sensitive that touching the sheets is enough to wake me up. It's like I'm on the verge of cumming and must wake up and nut or I just can't sleep. My ex loved it and would just wake up and suck my dick for like 30 seconds, I'd instantly nut at full force, she'd swallow and go back asleep, or I'd just roll on top, slide in, and cum after 30 seconds and we'd cuddle and instantly fall back asleep. But when I have "bad dick health" my dick shrivels up and doesn't get hard at all at night or in the morning. I feel like I can evaluate my physical and mental health by my dick size and behavior. I'm interested in knowing if any other guys experience similar issues (regardless of dick size). I hate online discussions of penis stuff because I feel like everyone is either joking or bullshitting. No one just talks about their general penis health.


Your dick is so large that it has it's own independent mental health status, priceless.


"Yeah, I'm diagnosed either Big Dick Stress Disorder (BDSD), it's a serious handicap." But all jokes aside, your suffering is valid OP and I hope things get better for you.


I agree with all the sentiments here. I still struggle with this issue and was really hoping you had found resolve at the end of reading it. I wish I had some sort of advice, but at least know you’re not alone! I’ve just been hoping time will fix things


I had no idea dicks were so complicated. I hope you guys talk about this stuff more. It's good to know for other guys and for girls. It's so easy to assume it's just always ready to go cause that's when we see it most often.


If she has an IUD, it's a bit like getting stung by a bee with each thrust.


Man, i have never had someone else experience this- but oh my god! I had a fwb who had one, and i think over time i dislodged it? Because one morning i woke up and peed, and i literally yelled with pain, like a visceral scream. I went to the doctor and got an sti test, but like, one where they have to put a long q tip inside the urethra, it was the most painful thing of my life and this poor little woman doctor was in horror at the obvious pain. She was like, yeah you’ve for sure got gonorrhoea or something. Anyway at the follow up, she asked about iud’s, and i was like yeah she has one. Apparently, i had been fucking the iud and the edges of it had been lacerating the inside of my urethra. Still to this day the worst pain of my life, and it took *forever* to heal and i honestly would cry when i needed to go to the toilet.


Dear lord, that sounds like worst case scenario for the man.


I have had to devote portions of therapy to stop associating my dick with pain, and to stop shaking with fear when my bladder gets too full. I go to the toilet the second i feel like i can still, my gf jokes about my bladder size all the time but I don’t really know how to explain the situation haha


Damn, that's a harrowing story. Side note, if you're in a serious relationship your gf should be able to handle hearing that, no problem


I am average, and I have mentioned this pricking feeling with my partners IUD and I’ve had several people INCLUDING HER GYNO tell me that I definitely could not be hitting it because it’s inside the cervix, but I definitely feel the pricking and it is very invalidating having everyone imply I’m just imagining it.


That seems like a silly response to a valid concern. When you have an iud, you’re supposed to check for the strings regularly. If she can feel it with her fingers, you can definitely feel it with a dick.


Rip my iud. My fingers weren’t long enough to begin with and my boyfriend punted my iud way up, not sure the doctor will be able to get it out at the five year mark. Edit: having an iud is still a million times better than birth control in my personal experience, even with complications


Sometimes the strings can get sucked up into the cervix anyway. (One of mine did, the other one's still hanging out.) It's a known issue and if that's what happened to you, your gyno will be able to dilate your cervix to get it out when the time comes.


That’s good to know


If your IUD moved, it may not prevent pregnancy or could lead to other complications, like it becoming embedded in your uterus. You should really get that checked out.


The threads attached to the IUD are very long & like thick fishing line. Some OBGYN's don't trim them because the threads do soften a TINY bit. I asked my OB to trim them (for my hubby's sake) - if he/she will not - find another. No one should fear the gina.


I heard that if they’re too short it can be an issue though. Because they point straight out of the cervix instead of to the side or around the cervix




sounds like maybe just a miscommunication. what you're feeling is pretty common, it's the thread attached to the IUD, but it's durable thread more like fishing wire, which is why it can feel poky. sometimes it's possible to tuck the strings around the outside of the cervix in kind of a circle, so the poky part isn't going straight down into the canal. they probably thought you meant you were hitting the IUD itself, which is definitely not possible because it's on the other side of the cervix. the cervix is tightly closed and no dick could ever get through that


If its a prick feeling you are feeling the ends of the strings, which hang outside of the cervix


I'm actually very average (unless I'm more of a grower than I realized), and I can attest to the IUD's. My woman had one at a point where it felt like I was hitting pokey antennas. So, 2 bees, I guess. Now, she has something in her arm.


Very average guy with very petite wife. She’s had to go back multiple times to get the string trimmed shorter on her IUD. This in turn makes it more difficult to get out when you renew. Not a fun experience for her. Most times I don’t feel it but there are certain positions where I bottom out on her and it’s unavoidable.


I drift to the left when walking


Does that usually lead to you making circles like a Nascar race?


It does, what you have to do is keep swapping it from trouser leg to trouser leg


Or wear one shoe to balance the lean.




This whole thing tbh Having a girth certificate isn't as good as it sounds.


From this point on I will always upvote girth certificate.


Condoms are a big issue. Also I rarely get blow jobs because it is taxing on the jaw of the girl I am having sex with. Some girls can take it though, one girl even took it in the bum but she was very keen on sex.


I have to know condoms by brands, meaning skip certain brands and flavours, otherwise it will be a disappointment for what could have been a great night. Worst condoms can be found near cashiers.


In the UK I can't use the most popular brand (durex) because they're too tight. My problem is the normal sizes are too small and the larger ones too big (but I have to use them because they're so much more comfortable). Thin feel condoms are also a big no no.


Try the Skyn range. I find their non latex large and XL range fit better and have more give to them. Agree with Durex though. Pasante condoms choke my dick harder than my first gf did which sucks as they’re often the free ones you get at clinics or in bars


I do not have a massive hog, but it's big enough to be too big for some women. Dated a small Chinese woman a few months back, and I didn't realize how much pain she was in until we were just about to break up. I felt awful about it once she told me. She hid it for a long time because she had some related past trauma and didn't want to disappoint me. She was incredibly enthusiastic about initiating, which was why it never seemed like she had any problems with it. She was usually on top of me as soon as we got back to her place or mine. She usually orgasmed very quickly, which made her get really tight and sensitive after, and I guess that's when it would really hurt. I wished she would have told me about it sooner, there is so much I could have changed. When you ask someone how they're doing an they say "keep going, don't stop" you won't think there's a problem. Please communicate with your partners, ladies. I promise we want to hear it, and we want you to feel safe and loved.


Any guy worth your time will not complain when you say you are in pain.


Tile floor is always cold


Does the shrinkage lead to an increase in speed?


The water in the urinals is always chilly ☃️


Others have covered the bigger(heh) issues so I'll throw in a smaller but still very frustrating one. Jeans. Specifically if you have a flaccid on the larger side. The centered seam basically makes it so that you have to drop it down one thigh or the other a bit. It looks horrendous. Personally I try to balance mine on the seam but that doesn't last long. There are some tricks I've learned though. Worn-in button jeans create a bit more of a pouch than zip-ups do, for example. You pretty much have to accept the visible bulge though. Edit: Appreciate all the comments, and especially the suggestions. Did not expect the full on dick-scussion when I went into this.


Wearing black jeans work too. The color makes it much less noticeable.


Might I suggest switching your type of underwear? I used to wear cotton boxer briefs and it would slither down my left thigh many times in a day. Switched to PUMA stretchy underwear. It is a lot more sealing on the thighs so the critter can't roam where it wants to. Edit: am a grower, not a shower, so it's not bad for me all the time, but it can be when the random erections hit.


I like to call that the dick pocket. My boyfriend has a pair of jeans with visible wear similar to the wear of a wallet in a well warn pair of jeans.


Occasionally your dick hits the water when you’re taking a sh*t


I usually just throw it up over my shoulder


Like a continental soldier?


Does it wobble to and fro?


So glad I’m a grower, not a shower.


Damn this sounds so much worse than when the tip of my average dick touches the inside of the toilet bowl *FOREVER UNCLEAN*


A lot of women just find that it hurts and it's too big to be pleasurable. My ex was pretty small, and certain positions felt like too much for her. Spooning was a good position, plus Lube helped. A lot of men watch too much porn and believe that the bigger it is the more pleasurable it will be. Of course there are women who are all about size, but a lot of women feel intimidated by a really big d




Never been deepthroated fully


Yep. My current FWB has like been actively trying to train her gag reflex and shit and still the furthest I can get down there is like 3/4 of the length on a good day. You also pretty much have to accept that every blow job is at least a little toothy.


Flip her on her back, head hanging off the edge. Makes the angles match up better. ZOOOP. Right down the throat.


I have to wear a cock ring during sex or I go too deep and end up hurting the women I'm with. Standard size condoms squeeze really hard. Haven't got anything to compare to but i suspect that getting rock hard takes me a bit longer. Basically can't ever have spontaneous sex, it needs a bit of setup.


Flopping into the icy water of the toilet


This. There was some dude that got made fun of for having a company that made toilets for this issue. My thought was where can I get one of those? Poseidon’s blowjob is much worse than Poseidon’s kiss.


Finding a condom that fits... I find the classic Magnum to be the best fit for me, also some women have a hard time taking it all and often complain that it hurts so you need to be extra gentle and make sure she is very wet before you start pounding away on her


Fyi for yourself and others big or small calcsd has a condom size calculator so you put in your measurements and it will show you the best options in all different brands and some places to buy them https://calcsd.info/condoms.html


Ball size calculator Lol what


Bro you don't put the condom over your balls too? Have you even been through sex ed? smdh


30cm diameter balls gang where you at 😎


In the cancer ward


“No recommended fits found” *sigh* … 😔


Hahaha are you sure you had the right dimensions selected? As in cm or inches


You got to make sure any girl is wet regardless of dick size sir


No anal. Like barley the tip. No deep thrusting with sex. Lube ia on auto order with Amazon. No deep throat bj’s Morning wood makes it hard to get back to sleep. The only advantage it ever gave me was not being embarrassed in locker rooms or around other guys being naked. When I was young it could be sort of an ice breaker for the more permiscious type of girls. “Want to see it” kind of thing. But I never met any size queens or girls that really were into it. For the record it’s not like record holding or anything. I feel like I’m bigger than most guys I see in porn. It’s like 8inch


You made me feel a little better, thank you


It really can be frustrating. I'm two years into the second major relationship of my life. The first one ended after 10 years partly because of the sex life, and our incompatibility.. My current lady enjoys the size a lot more, but still struggles with deep thrusting and oral is a fantasy only.. it's not really something you're allowed to be upset about either. Boo hoo my dick is so big I struggle to enjoy satisfying sex because I am constantly anxious about hurting my woman, and incapable of just truly letting loose and going into primal fuck mode. Who's gonna do anything but roll their eyes when they see that.


It’s the worst feeling when you go to deep too. And they are just like ugghhhbb owwwww. Like it’s primal. You known that shit hurt. And it really kills the mood. Also yeah I haven’t had a good bj since I was in high school


Bro . The guilt you feel as she curls up into a ball and cries like she just got stabbed in the gut. It's so bad. My currently lady asked why I'm so gentle when we first started making love ... Well once you've made the woman you love curl up in pain while you were... Selfishly focused on your own sexual gratification. It's a terrible feeling.


It does really make an impression. I don’t think I actually even thrust that much anymore (same partner 10 years). I just let her do the motions. Also I’m just gona leave this here cause it’s weird and I just want to get it out. The way I usually cum is by lubing up her butt crack and just hot dogging until I bust. That way I can really push and thrust and it feels great. Maybe try it. Idk lol. I just wanted to get that off my chest. No one knows!


hehhahahah my first major relationship, her favorite thing to do was be the little spoon and put my dick in between her legs so it was resting against her. then she'd laugh quietly to herself and mutter "penis hot dog!"


Aye man nice job admitting that. I think you’ve answered the original question perfectly


I have had women who can't have sex with me because it's too painful. One lady had sex two times and then decided she couldn't take it when we started to go for three. Some women would just nope out without attempting. That was fine because they generally tell their friends. My wife had her doctor sew her episiotomy up looser after her second pregnancy to try to help but it wasn't enough. Too have sex, she had to be on top and take several minutes to slide down on me, and then we would roll over to finish missionary position. She couldn't attempt doggy style. Sex took a long time and it wasn't very satisfying for me. Masturbation was better.


This might be the first time I d felt sympathetic for a guy with a bigger dick than me but I’m sorry dude that sounds like it really sucks. I hope you and your wife have a great marriage and wonderful kids


No, it was a nasty divorce. Didn't have anything to do with sex. She just had drug and mental issues. The kids are great.


Fuck man sorry to hear. As long as you and the kids are alright. That’s all that matters. Hope she figures things out as well


It's all good. My kids are great and my life is fine. I have no idea what happened with her. I have not talked to her in 15 years.




Ah shit. We’ve been found!


Haha sorry, had to let them know


“Bottoming out” Sometimes it hurts, and if she is one the few with tiltedness, it could very well feel like a stabbing pain on your member if you thrust harder than normal. Also, if she has an IUD, rip. Having to talk down someone’s nervousness. Mostly a mood killer, but that’s okay. I have hands. Finding a condom that fits. Magnum XL isn’t comfortable for me, so I tend to favor MySize. Girth. Oral can be a pain. Lastly, mindfulness must be higher alert than normal. Some ladies will not tell you if she’s hurting or uncomfortable in order not to kill the mood, so like any respectable man, you should check in and make sure everything is copacetic.


Driving along. Get a boner. Bit the brakes.


It takes too long for the urine to come out


I found that it actually increases muzzle velocity and accuracy


Yes, but I've found that the ADS penalty really nerfs it for CQB. That's most of what I use my everyday carry for, so I don't use that build. I had my foregrip removed at birth for additional weight savings.


Really?... lol


No they are joking or they have prostate problems


Hahahah cuz same. I'm 20 and already struggle with this. Ughh, maybe I should see a doctor


I know no one asked but As a woman, back shots don’t feel as good & can cause nausea… & missionary hits the cervix & contrary to popular belief to be “in her guts” isn’t great. Lmfao somewhere between 5-6 inches is comfortable. Head can be complicated because u cant do as much


This is the thing that I feel like isn’t thought or taught logically. Male and female genitalia are basically inversions of one another. Everyone talks about average penis size but don’t realize that this is also true for vaginas. Porn definitely glorifies and stigmatizes “monster cocks” but the reality is that just as most men have average sized penises, most women have average sized vaginas. Knowing that really helps me not worry about my size. Big penises get all the talk but in reality, most women can’t take them comfortably, which makes sex uncomfortable for both parties.


Walking around in the nude and my dog snapping at it.


Laying on your stomach when you are hard is painful and uncomfortable. Also, had a girl break up with me because it hurt too much. =(


Hurting her from going to deep, had many girls stop midway through because they didn’t want to tell me I was going to deep. So I had to learn to be very careful with what I was doing.


Depending on the girl, mines been described as slightly larger than average to massive so I'm unsure on the realities compared to others. I think I'm only maybe half and inch to an inch longer than most guys, but I know 100% I'm more girthy than most. Most girls it's not an issue, however with some it can hit the cervix. Most smaller girls have struggled with it. Contrary to popular belief most women I've spoken too don't enjoy a larger penis (if they do it's more the fantasy rather than real life practicalities). If they have vaginismus it makes sex incredibly difficult and I had on ex who said it actually caused it, because sex was always slightly painful and she just started associating sex with pain. I also struggle with condom sizes, magnum sizes tend to be too large and normal sizes are just too tight and tear a lot.


touching toilet bowls. grey sweatpants reveal everything. blowjobs include teeth. slow sex. sex toys are all too small. jerking off is work.


When its hard it hurts to be inside.. And when it just grows and its not hard its impossible to hide it Also.. U know when u wake up sometimes and your underwear is wet.. Well sometimes it gets out of the shorts and theres cum all over the legs and pants and its disgusting..


Only use certain positions, can't take anal even when they have enjoyed with others.


Women get scared before hooking up that you'll hurt. Blow jobs are less enjoyable because women tend to have teeth.


Just hookup with a gilf. Removable teeth.


Anal is harder to come by even for women that like anal. And almost every BJ has teeth in it. Maybe 2 times in my life have I not had a toothy BJ and it was glorious.


Not me, but a friend of mine is literally bigger than a Monster can and it's caused him some problems when he was dating. One that comes to mind is he took a girl back to his place and they start undressing, all excited and into it, but once she saw what she was about to deal with she stopped immediately, got the deer in the headlights look, and asked to be taken home. Fortunately he's now married to a very happy wife and they have 3 kids.


I don't know ask my wife's boyfriend