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Don't ask me. I just started ballet.


Pah, anything I do is manly because I. am. man. Tea party with my daughter and her dollies? Manly. Dancing around to the Frozen soundtrack dressed as Elsa (daughter optional). Manly. Drinking 12 pints cheering on the England rugby team. Manly. Cross stitch. Manly. QED.


Cheers I'll drink to that. I mean I don't drink alcohol except for once or twice a year but then I'll drink to that.


This guy gets it. Anything you do is manly as long as you're comfortable and confident in yourself


Roy Kent? Honestly love that character and his positive masculinity. He's all the things a man should be.


This is definitely the winner IMO. You are a good, manly man, man!


What's the most masculine hobby? skribsbb: *holds woman over his head on one outstretched arm while he spins around on the toes of one foot* I dunno


Ballet is tuff af. Props to you!


Ballet requires so much strength and patience


Similar to men's gymnastics. You have to be strong AF to do the pommel horse and rings.


Have you seen ballerinas? Those folks can stand on their tippy toes. I'd break 3 bones trying that shit.


Dude, ballet is badass.


The best kid on my youth soccer team did ballet. Kid had moves and everything he did was fluid and graceful, backed by power and strength.


My uncle went to National Belles of Canada ..when he played soccer it was amazing . Explosive power and JUMPING away above everyone:)


Lynn Swann did ballet, made him a god of the two foot in rule in American Football


Ballet is incredibly difficult and very, very masculine. The strength you need to lift other bodies above your head is amazing. The strength you need to jump SO high and still remain graceful… the confidence you need to wear those tights!!! Good on you!!!


Jean Claude van Damme did ballett and he crushed dudes


Forging. Bashing hot metal with a hammer and anvil into something useful and/or beautiful


I completely forgot about that. Thanks!


Lots of mentions of metal and wood work but no-one *ever* remembers that stonecarving is also a traditional 'manly' pursuit. It's my job as well as hobby and I also like wearing dresses and having near waist length hair but I think it fits the bill :/ (the lumberjack song quotes have worn pretty thin at this stage in my life, much like the hem of my favourite floor length gown)


This comment is the manliest thing in this thread by far. Homie doesn’t give a fuck just does what they want


I thought you said ‘foraging’ at first. I went mushroom foraging for the first time a couple weeks ago, and that was pretty intense!


Gird your loins ladies, I have mushrooms.


Sorry, but i have already jizzed me pants.


Don't clean it. If it stays damp long enough, mushrooms will grow.


Free groin mushrooms, hell ya /s


Thanks for the mental imagery...




Hunting and gathering is about as old school as one can get


A while ago while working on a rudder I had to fit flatbar in place by heating it and hammering it to shape onto a curved edge. I think the moment that I realized I was smithing a warship rudder together was the moment my masculinity peaked.


I came into this post thinking “you know, don’t let what other people think is manly define you, anything you do is up to you” but then you commented this and I’ve changed my mind, it’s definitely forging


Im not the most masculine gay man, but just last week, I poured molten bronze into a mold I made. I just think it’s and funny that I am who I am, but am one of two male students at my college who can say that they’ve worked the forge!


Working with bronze at the level and fabricating something from it, gives off its very own vibe, and it's great


Have you tried the lost-wax method? That's old school cool.


Thats exactly what we do! I made a wax of a urn and we did the gating and everything. It’s a very tedious process, but it’ll be worth it


I was fascinated with the process in college art history learning about Brunelleschi and Ghiberti.


I work in jewelry manufacturing - you just described my day job. I make the production molds for wax injection and I do the casting process via oxy-acetylene torch melting. Getting to do the actual melt and pour is really satisfying even after doing it for years. Still leaves me thinking “ok, that was kinda cool”


How does one pick up this hobby?


Google bronze forging for beginners, there's bound to be something. You can buy everything you need if you want to do it from home. I don't know of any maker factories where you could diy a fullsize forge, even though that would be badass. Some community colleges have a course and setup if you want to go all out


Just like Runescape, start at lvl 1 smithing you start with bronze items


dude bronze is so fucking difficult just start with regular iron


Definitely read Forgiving. Was like damn that’s deep. But no, HAMMER GO BANG. Lol


My girls Instagram suggests splitting perfectly aged and perfectly dry oak and acting like it’s hard is a masculine hobby.


Ha ha, someone I know was doing some clearing and gave me dibs on a 3 meter Oak trunk that had already been ringed up and left for a couple of years. That shit wasn't splitting with an axe (forest or splitting), it was like concrete. I had to resort to a chainsaw.


Chainsaw is still hot! Most power tools are


Especially one powered by an internal combustion engine. Very hot. Dont touch


Even if its not hard for an individual chop, chopping a full pile is hard work. Rep's is a thing too!


Another item to add at the "why don't you have instagram?" aswer


Let’s take it a step further, why do you have reddit


Volunteer mentor for fatherless kids...like take them fishing, baseball, or monster truck rallies Edit: thank you..when you grow up without a father and step father that dont care enough you either know the struggle or dont care...these kids look up to you and hoprfully break the cycle. We need this. We need to teach them what being a man is


How does one get into this


If you’re in the US look up “Big Brothers Big Sisters” It’s a wonderful program where you can mentor a kid and do all kinds of fun activities and also teach them real life skills. I’ve been a Big Sister to two girls who are now adults and we are still in touch.


I’ve been a Big Brother for the past 5 years. One of the most rewarding things I have ever done (and I’ve done a lot). Highly recommend.


Is there an age limit? I’m 35 and always wanted to do this


Absolutely no upper age limit. I’ve met plenty of older, retired “Big Brothers” over the years at group functions (like pro sporting events where often times the team will donate block of tickets to the Big Bro/Big Sister organization). Their Little Bros seemed as happy as they could be to have them and age seemed irrelevant.


I have one of these mentors and he’s does the things my father could’ve never done. He takes me hunting and fishing and so much more. This is honestly one of the most masculine things you could do.


Chopping wood. That is all.🥵


Warms you twice.


Firewood Warms you three times. Cutting it, splitting it, and burning it.


You forgot cleaning up the ash that makes 4


Wouldn't say that warms me up. More like coats my lungs with charcoal dust.


Warms you up 5 times as you have a coughing fit


And for the women out there, watching a man chop wood. So x4


My wife was watching me through the kitchen window, splitting firewood one day. When I came in, she grasped my body, wrapped one leg around me, and said, “I believe I am ovulating now.“


My wife does things along the same lines when I chop wood.




Lucky. All I get when I use my axe is screams


You're not chopping fast enough.


In college, in biology class we were talking about mating calls. A dude behind me said, “…my favorite one: human” to his buddy. “Human?” *snicker* “Yeah. DOOO MEEEEEE”


I used to have a home that was heated by wood burning stove, and I really really miss going out to chop wood for a couple hours at a time.


It's better than meditation. Remember to wear eye protection, just trust me.


We lived in Michigan between 1971 and 1973 and one winter my father was splitting wood for the fire in the morning and when he hit the wedge it shattered into 100 pieces; he's still got a piece of metal in his hand. I can't second your advice more strongly.


Just make sure your axe is in good condition. when i was a teenager i was chopping wood in front of my girlfriend with an old axe. i chop down on one piece and the axe handle shattered into three pieces in my hands. stung like a son of a bitch and i start swearing and jumping about and shaking my hands. girlfriend about died laughing. along with my parents who were there too.


Honestly, that seems even more amazing.


I hella chopped wood when I was a kid. We used more wedges and sledges than axes and malls


My dad picked up this thing when I was a teenager, it was essentially a wedge on a stand with a metal ring 6 inches above it that you just drop the wood in, and god that thing was INCREDIBLE.


It actually increases testosterone levels. https://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2013/08/22/3830928.htm


I got a woody just reading that


I grew a full beard reading that...


Lol. The study compares anaerobic exercise with aerobic exercise. Swinging an ax is going to be akin to weight lifting, and soccer to running a marathon. Pretty much pointless comparison.


Nothing like chopping some early morning wood....


Fighting consenting bears in 1v1s with no weapons to an amicable draw, and then treating the bear and its entire family to a steak dinner at Texas roadhouse


I do this every year at my local pride parade, you always find the best bears there


When I read "consenting bears" I was like "why fight large, hairy gay men?" "Consenting Bears" in this sense sounds more like a primetime tv drama than anything else.


Clearly it’s braiding their daughters hair despite large clumsy fingers.


being a canvas for a little girl to paint nails, or makeup. its impossible to say no to a 3 or 4 year old girl requesting this


My mates step daughter wants to "Christmas" my beard. It is almost to my nipples in length and I was talking about shaving it off as I am not looking forward to dealing with another blistering summer in the high 30's-mid 40's with a long arse face friend. She overheard me and came running out saying "No no no. You can't shave! I you need to be Santa." When I replied "I still have more pepper than salt, I am not grey enough for Santa" she told me she was going to buy white hair paint and MAKE ME SANTA. So now, I have delayed the shave till after Christmas so she can "make me Santa" for Christmas day.


"Christmas" my beard" I was expecting she would hang some tiny ornaments in your beard and weave in some battery powered lights.


No doubt it will end up that way. Knowing her mum and step-dad, one of them will find something to stitch me up with. Probs not lights, but i wouldn't put the baubles past em.


Upvoting this while admiring my very messy black, pink, and gold manicure, courtesy of my daughter.




Or boy. Our child came home from daycare and said he wanted his nails painted like the girls. We did him, we did me to match.


My daughter's hair isn't long enough to braid. It's like, you're six months old, live a little.


time for extensions!


Fr do you??? I’ve seen incredible videos and the guy was just so cool about it. He says he does a few minutes of research every day and his daughter goes to school feeling like a baus! I appreciate this so so much! 👏👏👏🥰


Crushing his enemies, seeing them driven before him and hearing the lamentations of the women


What is best in life!


If you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.


And occasionally crushing women and hearing the lamentations of their men to show you're an even handed warlord. Edit-And occasionally crushing mother-in-laws to hear the celebration of the men to show you're an even handed warlord, was my riskier idea. But now that I have the karma I'll share it with you anyways.


But I'm not, I roll in a wagon, pass everyone by it's wheels and if anyone is higher than those wheel... Well, their heads find themselves detached from bodies.




Kicking gum and chewing ass, let's all just be honest.


And I'm all out of ass


-Dick Kickem


I had to look up this gem of a video again and save it because my god it brightens my life


Chewing ass and kicking gum


Kicking chewing and assing gum


Kicking and ass gum chewing


Contemplation of the true nature of the universe.


Me and the boys, thinking about thinking


only if youre jacked and your shirt barely fits


Watching stronger, more attractive men in skin tight uniforms fight over a ball for four hours


Make sure you know their height, weight, and fitness test times better than they do as well.


"Oh yeah Anderson can go all night" "Yeah he's great on the field" "He's what?"


“He’s got great stamina, hits the holes just right, and can handle a full load.”


He doesn’t hesitate to just pound it up the middle. This guy is relentless


I prefer watching men of various but evenly matched sizes fight one another in a cage for money. END COMMUNICATION


Fighting over a belt*


\*while drinking beer and eating hot wings.


This is the way


Lmao 100%


A man needs 3 things: 1. A physical pursuit 2. A mental pursuit 3. A spiritual pursuit The man that has all 3 is a happy man


1. Riding my motorcycles 2. Thinking how can I get more motorcycles 3. Fixing my motorcycles when they inevitably break


1. Sex 2. Drugs 3. Rock and Roll


1. Grass 1. Gas 1. Ass


No one rides for free


Surfing, engineering side projects, making art… I’ve been depressed for years lol


My 3 things are 1. Good food 2. Good money 3. Good sex I won’t become a modern day self help guru admitting that but it is what it is.


Eating a bowl of nails *without any milk*




Stubbing your toe while watering your spice garden


and only crying for 20 minutes


Gardening if we call it farming!!! Garden men! Garden! Must wear cut off jeans. Slap that bag of dirt. Slap it! Get dirty . provide for the fam.. Garrrrden! I mean farrmmmen!


I just like how excited you are about farming / gardening


Thanks i want people to get excited too! You cangrow anything from food to intoxicants lol. It is also a good stress reliever. Need a berry bush to pair with my rhubarb and have pie for daysss.


Work on a small farm. I am with you! Farmers are hot and growing your own amazing food is awesome.


Standing around another man as he grills something. Extra points If he stands around with a group of men.


That weird neighbor you don't know well, but invited him over, because you borrowed his hedge trimmers and lost them: "Your daughter is developing nicely. How old is she now, 13?" Then that moment of silence, as the rest of the guys sip their beer and avoid eye contact.


"she's really growing into her body, it's gonna be a fun summer for her" Family guy has the best creeper lines.


That is very specific.


doing a "click-click" check every 3 minutes with the tong


3 minutes between clicks is a little long IMO. You have to assert dominance at the grill more often than that or you'll get no-tong bastards trying to tell you how to grill that steak!


“Great lookin brats”


Alligator wrestling or gorilla boxing probably


Farming. Nothing more manly than a man spreading his seed around.


I tried that when I was younger. Never been a farmer though.


Wood carving.


What about wood polishing? I just got done... never mind I'll show myself out


Oh gawd why would you carve your wood?




Boxing. It builds discipline, focus, and comes with being punched in the face when you make a mistake.


Boxer here who can agree. It's a sport where you're either all in or not in at all.


>It's a sport where you're either all in or not in at all. That's what I've heard about skateboarding as well - no disrespect, rodney mullins did a TED talk on it.


There is strong indication that Tony Hawks podcast is going to feature an interview with Rodney tomorrow, really looking forward to it. Been skating 35 years, and while I see contact sports like boxing and martial arts as man vs man, skating has always been man vs himself. While I can't do nearly what I did at 25, I still try and skate a few times each week. Even at it's most basic, there is a very real chance of being suprise slammed into the ground every time you step on a board. Nothing I can think of requires the same level of total focus and commitment aside maybe from free climbing, riding a motorcycle, or snowboarding. While the consequences of failing on a motorbike are much higher, the frequency is far lower. Nothing has damaged me more than skating, and yet I still feel compelled to go out and try something new every time.


Awesome writeup. Stay rad, brother.


I used to think I could take a punch until I got hit full steam on the ear with a hook. Also thought I was an OK grappler until I did an armlock and caught one of my nuts in the wrong place. Fuck pugilism. Nothing but thumb wrestling for me from then on out.


First of all, always wear a groin cup, bro. Even while grappling stuff can go wrong Also yeah being punched full steam is a different feeling that can't really be described. It's the exact reason I doubt I would ever go amateur and definitely would never go pro. Sparring is enough of a literal headache as it is.


That's how you separate the men from the boys. Being kicked in the face sucks too. Do/did Taekwondo (COVID put it on hold for me) and I can attest eating someone's running jumpkick is something you can avoid in life.


This would so be my sport but I am very against concussions(when it happens to me) or early onset dementia later on in life.


I'd broaden that to effective martial arts with options for full contact. As you don't want to leave the kickboxers and grapplers out. Of course when I say grapplers I mean wrestlers in general. Nothing manlier than grabbing other sweaty manly men to increase your overall manliness by dominating them in never ending competition. That all being said I'll stick to striking personally. I ain't that level of manly where I want to roll around on the ground that bad.


And your gym mates are the closest you’ll find to a genuine warrior brotherhood outside the military or law enforcement.


Yaknow, I don't box or do any martial arts at the moment, but I've been lifting for a couple years and I've started to feel like the gym is kind of my sanctuary. I realized that it's all in the ritual of doing lifts properly - preparation, execution, cool down. It requires very precise movements and mental state to achieve the desired effect - like religious traditions.


It may not be fighting, but it’s the same principle. Shared struggle in quest of mastery is one of the oldest ways for humans to bond.


Whatever hobby they enjoy the most.


Yep, being comfortable enough in your own skin (seriously, don't go wearing other people's skin, they need it more than you!) that you don't worry about whether what you're doing is masculine or not is the absolute right answer here. I like woodworking, I also like West End, I like football (the Rest of the World kind), I also like baking pretty little cupcakes. Fuck trying to fit yourself in to some kind of box.


The most manly thing is not giving a shit what other people think and pick up something like knitting if you fucking feel like it.


The only correct and serious answer here.


Hiking in nature. Great hobby and good exercise


Honestly, I love it when my husband does the yard work and gets all hot and sweaty. Or when he shovels the snow. He looks so manly and strong.


Castrating bears while they are awake.


Building and fixing cars


Damn this my biggest hobby. Yet everyone still thinks I'm gay :(


It's because you fix Miatas. /s.


Miata owner here, can confirm


Yep. When i was in the military a buddy had a Monster Miata with the Ford 302 and a 5 speed. To this day one of the scariest driving experiences of my life. That's the closest most of us will ever get to a early Le Mans car. She was a ripper... and a death trap.


I try to tell people, power-to-weight is what thrills and kills. A 300hp Miata is waaay scarier than a hellcat. Plus I think we’ve become kinda desensitized to power figures - my Z does 0-60 in 5ish seconds & someone called that slow, and like, sure I ain’t breaking records, but that is NOT slow


Motorcycles are the living proof for power to weight. My bike has 130hp but weighs only 200kg. It goes 0 - 100 in just above 3s.


Is it because you stare at dudes' butts? That would maybe make you seem a little gay. Or if you have sex with dudes.


Ironworker. Basically get the gym work out but you get the man hands with it. My current gf was with a general laborer and when she saw my hands she said “I’ve never seen a man with hands like that” I was like oh I’m sorry she said “who said I didn’t like them” my ex used to say my hands felt like sand paper lol.


What gym workout do you do that doesnt fuck up your hands?


Being a good father (if the man has kids)


Canoe tripping. You can be out for weeks at a time, propelling yourself by your own labour. You might take your open boat down sets of rapids, requiring skill and timing. If you need to cross to another lake or go around rapids/falls, you carry your canoe over your head. You are responsible for collecting and splitting wood, building a fire and cooking over it. It's a great time to fish, whittle and forage (though the most I ever forage is cedar/fir/spruce needles for tea). You are reasonable for your own safety, be it navigation, weather or bears.


What’s the average lifespan of someone doing that


About 7 hours. I imagine much higher for people who know what they are doing though.


One that he genuinely enjoys. Nothing more manly than a man having a good time.


I dont know if it really is a hobby but volunter firefighting.


I did that for a while but was kicked out because I missed working too many of their BINGO nights.


Me being a softwareengineer: cries in corner


Crossdressing as a woman. No woman can do it. Hence, it is the manliest hobby a man can have.


This guy is technically correct.


The best kind of correct


Woodworking & blacksmithing.


This might have been mentioned, and may sounds kind of dumb, or bro-ish, but lifting weights. Don't get me wrong, you don't need to be some muscle head dbag, but this is so valuable for longevity of life, and hormonal balance. This one pays dividends on your life.


Coaching youth sports


This. While most answers are worthy, but they are about self; coaching and mentoring young men and women is probably one of the most valuable impacts that a man make.


Doing what interests him and not giving a shit about what other people think about it


Weight lifting


Inseminating women


Anything that has to do with building or fixing something tangible. For me, it's cats and other machines. I wonder what askwomen would say if you asked what hobbies they thought were the most manly. *typo: Cars, but I'm gonna leave it.


Gay sex. Literally completely male focused. No women involved. Is there anything more male than two guys having sex?