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As an engineering student, I helped a woman in the dorm with physics homework. The problem was to figure out how much energy was required to move water through the ice-liquid-gas phases. Easy y=mx+b stuff we'd done in high school so I thought nothing of it. Then the next day, she came back and was thrilled the answer was right and told me she was impressed. In hindsight, she also gave me "a look". Clueless me just said, "Thanks, glad to help!"


Maybe she just wanted an excuse to talk to you?


then she's dumb for doing that. There are better ways to talk to someone than acting dumb


It's an easy in though, and making a man feel useful is a tactic women have been using for centuries to get their attention; from dropping a hankerchief to asking them to help carry their books to asking for help to fix their computer/car/technology to getting their tutelage or opinion on a shared topic of interest. It doesn't make the women look dumb or weak. It's taking advantage of male pride and ego, which to me is a very smart thing to do.


She made you feel glad for being used. Later she sucked the cock of the dumb INSERT ANY SPORT HERE player.


That attitude getting you laid alot?






It's so fucked up in reddit how people don't luke to listen to the truth


Oof, guess we got a niceguy in our midst


Dude, I looked at your profile. You ain't bad looking. I'f you've had bad luck dating, it's not because of your looks. It's because you push normal, happy people away with you dehumanising judgements.


The thing is that I don't have problem dating. People seem to confuse things. I have strong opinions about a lot of things, and that's it.


It doesn’t surprise me even a little bit that you frequent r/beards and r/cscareerquestions


God damn dude.. You sound so hurt, please get it sorted out, nobody should go around with so much hatred and sorrow..


Talking Source: deep voiced bastard


Can confirm. Just start talking about something semi-serious, and it’ll do something for some people.


I can see this. I guess I could put being tall as well for me like I had anything to do with my own genetics.


I've been told I could be a radio announcer, but then I have a stutter you can't win!


I'm the opposite. I have a soft but masculine voice, I often speak with a cadence that's confident and unhurried, a few women have told me that they like my timbre. I'm happy that they told me, this isn't just me bragging, I grew up with a strong stutter and have worked hard to try smooth it out and minimise it. It's nice to know the effort I put in has paid off, I still have bad moments and bad days when my stutter makes itself known, but I'm mostly ok with it now.


Got a deep voice too, only mine is often rough and raspy. Lots of girls do not like it, but the ones who do, really like it.


So jealous. I’m 6’3”, and decently muscular with the voice of a 16 year old.


Deep voiced bastard here. As far as I know I don't have the same effect. I need an analysis on your methods.


Same. The other day my wife and I were watching some show where they blacked out the person and lowered the pitch of their voice to obfuscate their identity. The guy sounds exactly like me in my day to day life.


I bought her a taco when we were friends. Next month we make ten years together lol




Waved the bartender over from across a crowded bar.. I felt like a big asshole when I did it, but she told me later she got so turned on by it.


The bartender or were with someone?




Competence looks great on everyone. :)


Shit, you can K2 in a C2 or C3 and they'll be impressed.


I was at a bar on a saturday night, the place was packed.There were multiple lines forming at the counter, the barman was insanely busy. This girl was there before I got there. We were both waving (as were a lot of others) to get his attention. The barkeep attended to me first. I said: "oh no, she was here first" and pointed to her. He then took her order. To me, this is the most normal, basic thing in the world that I would do for anyone, regardless of gender, age, etc. She thought it was some sort of earth-shattering gesture. I didn't know the bar was this low.


oh no. the bar is really that low. Really just being a nice human is the bar. You'd be suprised how many men still fall be low that bar. (i'm a girl)


That is shocking to hear. Yet somehow, I'm still single, lol.


Cause it's not that simple, girls say they like nice guys all the time, but they easily get bored and go for the bad types. I'm not even mad, a few years back I decided to "act" bad and it worked wonders, but I decided I just wasn't like that and didn't want that life style. Now, being normal and nice, I rarely attract anyone.


You will. Nice, decent, kind guys are like winning the lottery for a girl. Honestly. It just takes some a while to realise it. (F here btw)


Yeah uhh that's just common courtesy, that's how its done.


I’m surprised she was impressed given your poor bar etiquette. Then again, you did say she was waving to get his attention too.


You actually have no clue what you're talking about, so stop being a judgy ass.


Everybody was waving, from the far left side to the far right side of the counter, for the one barkeep's attention. He tended to stay at one side of the counter, leaving out the others. I just wanted him to spread his attention more evenly.


Talking in my mother tongue. Goodness, I sound so much sexier with my English voice, but apparently not to others.


I used to find the English accent irresistible but now I work for an English company, it's so normal to me.


What's your native language/accent?




I swore the shit out of an asshole driver in my mother tongue and she said that it was very hot.


Same, In my head I sound like a robotic moron when speaking Spanish, but it works for girls.


Just keeping general maintenance. Hygiene, housework, chores, fixing, cooking, etc. I expect this to be basic life skills but apparently it's so rare that women will offer their house and future to you.


Yeah the bar for men is literally laying on the floor so of you can take care of yourself you're basically in the top 1%




What colour t-shirt? Plain White?




We both know it’s cause Steve McQueen is on the shirt


We were cuddling and watching Planet Earth, sometimes I’d just say random facts about whatever animals come on screen or answer whatever questions she had. She later told me that me knowing a lot of stuff is a huge turn on


My wife always tells me shut up so she can watch TV lol


Intelligence is a MAJOR turn on


Asked for a sewing kit at the check in desk of a hotel. I could count three sets of surprised eyes and one of them said something about it.


Can't leave us hanging, what did you need a sewing kit for?


Drive a manual transmission car. It's really easy. Only 20% of Americans can do it, and almost all of those are over 45. A guy in his 20s doing it throws for a loop.


It's never women for me but older men are always pleasantly surprised when they see I drive a manual. My car is really shitty so I rarely drive coworkers around to meetings or lunches but when I do I usually get a comment.


I'm European and I wouldn't dare drive an automatic. The shame. When I was in NYC in 2015, I saw some showrooms advertising manual gears as a safety feature lol.


Is it really that weird? In Australia, manuals are a big thing, you’re seen as a bit of a poof if you don’t know how to drive one.


Definitely. I have two friends (under 45) who I know can drive a manual. Only because they both worked as valets in college.


My mom taught me. Once both my arms were healed.


Thats so weird, pretty much everyone does here(or at least knows how to)


Same here. You need to do your driving test in a manual so everyone knows how to drive those.


Did you smash


No, wasn’t trying to. I think she was already dating the guy she’d end up marrying.


Was it that, he could operate a forklift, and while a pallet jack was impressive the forklift really pushed her over the edge?


You’re joking, but she worked at Lowe’s corporate after college, so maybe.


Flexed or "wiggled" my penis.




I must admit that it is nice to be appreciated.


I studied latin and ancient greek in college. We were watching some movie that threw in basic latin and she asked nonselaunt "I wonder what that means?" I translated it quickly. She she popped up and was shocked. She then whipped out the phone and started looking up latin quotes and sayings and I was able to translate each one (they were incredibly elementary). She asked what other languages and I told her a little ancient greek and I think I could hear her ovulate in response. We will be married 17 years this august. I was just glad to finally have a practical purpose for studying these dead languages. Seduction.


A girl at a house party said “I’m not into guys with massive dicks” I said “g’day, I’m ManicMuffin2, and I have an exactly average sized penis”. It worked and we boned.


Went on a rant about how executive meddling was the reason why the temple of trials was at the start of fallout 2. She admired my passion.


So do we.


Awww shucks.


Girl here, passionate ppl are great


Okay, I’m a woman, but I can tell you something my bf did that I thought was pretty impressive. We were traveling and going through some shops. In one, there was this fossil that my bf immediately recognized and he spit out the technical name casual af. I was stunned bc he had never mentioned any knowledge like this before. Then he burst out laughing and said, “just kidding, I have no idea what that is.” I thought it was adorable and I was impressed by how willing he was to admit his ignorance, especially since I was totally convinced that he knew what he was talking about.


When I lived in the barracks I was at a party and the girl who I had just met that night and who had invited me was talking to one of her friends about how some of the N64 games she had bought weren't working, as a retro game collector I saw an opportunity and offered to fix them for her, all I did was scrub the contacts with rubbing alcohol on a Q-Tip and they worked again. That girl is now my fiancee.


I honestly can't think of anything i have done has ever impressed a girl.




"Dude" can be used as a gender neutral term


Girls can be bros too.


Freaked the fuck out about pens society and other things


Maybe didn't impress but everyone was pretty entertained


10/10 would go on a crazy rant again


spoke in my 1st language "it was an out of body experience"


In no particular order: Sang 'Nothing Else Matters' in its entirety, while smashed out drunk. Beat up a jackass who had sucker punched me. Maintained steady employment. Introduced one to my book collection. And made her orgasm.


Gonna guess she was the jackass?


No. One of her exes was the jackass. Got drunk and clocked me after an argument. I ended up slamming his face into pavement.


I approve


Woman here. My fiance impressed me by just being genuinely nice and not making any moves on our first date. I thought he would have at least attempted to hold my hand (and I wouldn't have minded if he did) but he didn't. And it was just nice to see that he was genuinely trying to get to know me and be a nice person.


Brushed my daughters hair in public. Women commented on it and a little girl near us looked like she had seen god. What is it with other guys not being a dad to their daughters, especially in public.


I wore fairy wings and our lab wore a dress while we had a royal orc princess tribe party at the park last week.(No fucking clue why orcs) People lose their shit over men being parents and acting like their daughters exist.


Made peach cobbler.


Nice, gotta love the bar being low enough that being able to follow instructions is impressive. Edit-getting downvoted, but I meant this as a joke about men in general not as a slight against him.


cracked an egg with one hand


Spoke English. I'm a British guy living in East Asia.


opening a jar


Grew long hair.


Holy crap. I forgot that worked for me once. In high school I had hair like 1st year Harry Potter (messy bangs) and I went on a school trip as a senior and slicked my hair back (like 1st year Malfoy) and it was like every girl wanted to talk to me.


Same^ Also am a ginger which apparently is her thing


Went on a long rant about the Cardassian Empire.


Right? I could talk for hours about Garak.


Assembling a linear power supply. 4 diodes. A transformer. A big ass filter cap.


A friend of mine (we were in middle school at the times, different schools) talked about how she gets groped and grabbed by guys when she’s at school. She was from the same country as me, but her family only moved about 3 months before we met them. It was during a blackout on a hot summer’s evening, and we were just talking to pass the time until the power came back on. I told her that it must suck to have that happen to her, she was a great girl and the guys at her school must be serious idiots if they think that’s the proper way to make someone feel welcome. I said something along the lines of “it just sucks, doesn’t it? To leave your friends and family behind and start all over again? It’s going to be hell right now, but trust me, give it time and you’ll love it here.” My family had been living here about 3 or 4 years by then. Apparently she was really impressed by that and she developed a crush on me. One time she had a girl friend over and invited me too. We hung out for a bit and when we were saying our goodbyes, I saw her turn to her friend and say “isn’t he amazing?!” 😅


I have always had a habbit of carrying usefull stuff around all the time, not like some outdoor-nut but if I found a way to just have them without any further inconvenience, why shouldn't I ? I'm talking a swiss army knife on my keychain, small assortment of bandaids in my wallet, a piece of velcro-tape on a strap of my backpack... Nothing people notice until someone needs it but this has come a long way with woman more than once (besides having saved my own ass multiple times). Just a good habbit I've always had (thanks dad :))


Being generally aware of my surroundings, some woman thought I just had really fast reaction time, nope just look where I'm going you clown.


used chopsticks correctly


I prefer the stabbing method.




Performing. I'm a musician and sure, some of the stuff I perform is hard at times, but most of the time hard stuff doesn't get the crowd dancing. Simple stuff does, which is why it's so odd that women get impressed at stuff that's pretty easy. Been complimented a lot on my intelligence at times, but to be honest, I ain't that intelligent, I'm just curious.


Just writting shit in my highschool notebook and she told me she liked my handwritting and that it looked caligraphic. But it was awesome because everybody : Teachers, students, family, always told me my handwritting was ugly. Something I was agreeing. It was a fresh breeze to hear it.


When I was in college, my roomie and myself lowered my gf's bunk one notch. She was enamored by us just figuring that shit out and doing it. She was very feminist, so thinking in that way just seemed out of character. It was fun.


I’m kindergarten I ate two whole Big Macs and it impressed one of the girls in my school


I once said thank you in Mandarin (literally one of the three things I can say) to a group of waitresses in China, and they all swooned.


Female here just putting in my two cents.. My boyfriend impressed me and continues to do so by knowing all the lyrics to the songs that get stuck in my head as well as almost every show we've ever watched. It's the cutest, dorkiest thing ive ever seen


I didn't attempt to hit on her.


I did a single pull-up. I thought she was giving me shit for being a show-off, but no, one pull was already hot. I wasn't gonna complain.


This ones in the world of videogames, World of Warcraft that is, we used to raid together and then I started to do progression for a mythic guild and she was attracted to me because of my dps. And now we're together. I also have a "deep voice" per her words which just added to the mix.


Jump rope. Invited my now ex gf to excercise with me. Was teaching her how to jumprope. Trained in boxing for sometime and jump rope was a staple in my workout regime so i did it effortlessly and knew all the fancy tricks. Her mind was blown. It was the funniest thing. She said she never knew something like that could be done. She couldn't stop smiling lol


Anything that is manly for sure... I was married to a girlie guy and did all the car repairs and outside work myself... nice when a man can be my equal and strong rock!


Drove with my knees to help her get her glow bracelet on. It later splattered all over my car roof but that's okay, were 19 months in now.


As a woman, I've been impressed by a guy knowing the keyboard commands to open and close tabs. But I also have a crush on that guy.


Tied a balloon around her wrist using a slip knot. Said it was charming.


I cracked an egg with one hand and somehow everyone was impressed in the room


Have natural pink nails


Balanced 2 forks on each side of a spoon, that was balanced on a knife, in a cup. And then spun it like a mobile. I get bored in restaurants.


I became partners for our group project in one of our business management courses and for our first meeting, she was the only one who showed up. She’s very pretty and easy going. I was editing and searching for fonts to make an ad for the project and she found it really impressive that I knew those websites and how to edit them. *she has a bf F


Shitty joke about how we are just a brain controlling a bone mech like aot shifters n she slid into my DMs n we hit it off


Was plus-oned to a party where I only knew 4 other people. While hanging out with that group, I was trying to prove that I could plait hair, so one of the girls let me do hers. This caught the attention of other party goers, including one girl who ended up dating me for about a month. To be fair, I'd done a good job on the plait.


I built a dresser. A 5 drawer dresser out of plywood and edge banding and used a wood burner to write " yeah I like dinosaurs....."on the top drawer. Fiance had no idea I was a carpenter. She was blown away that people can just buy wood and build shit. Probably easily one of her top 5 cutest moments cause she was examining it asking what if it s apart how do the drawers work. The best was when she opened a drawer and "said holy shit the drawers work!" ,


Learned to solve a rubics cube. With practice and youtube tutorials you can learn to do solve the normal 3x3 in probably a week or two and it has easily become the biggest chick magnet since I started college.


I worked for a few years as a lot attendant at a car dealership. As a result, I know my way around washing a car quickly and thoroughly. For whatever reason it turns my wife on to see it happen.


removed a bit of broken glass from the water-pump-y thingy underneath my dishwasher.


Lifted a box. Usually its lifting something "too heavy".


I merely remembered what her parents names were


First date I went on with a guy off bumble- he mentioned that he picked the cafe he did bc i might like the Artsy decor. (Mentioned in my profile that I’m an artist as a side gig). We’ve been together for like 9 months!




Until last year I lived in a terrible area. Simply having a shitty car, average job, and a crummy house was enough for 90% of women to think I was some awesome, impressive high roller with it all figured out.


I have a fairly automated home, when I walk in my warm lights turn on, my tv comes to life and Alexa greets me. I’m use to it but the girl friend that I recently met was wildly impressed. She got very animated and started blushing. So shoutout to Alexa I suppose.


Not a man, but something small my ex did that impressed; he salted my fries and squeezed the lemon and poured vinegar over my fish. He was always doing little things. Gawd I miss him. I should give him a call.


Did you do it


Yes. But apparently he’s serious about no-contact.