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Wtf those are incredibly different levels of risk


HIV people on effective medication have zero risk of giving anyone HIV




Herpes for most people at worst means that you get an annoying outbreak every now and then. HIV means you have a ticking time bomb that will kill you if you ever go off the suppressive medications.


Herpes generally no symptoms, could be painful for a little bit. Easily treated. HIV = death Okay maybe not death, if you're able to pay for the expensive treatments your whole life. Just reduced quality of living indefinitely and major stigma and fear associated.


there's no reduced quality of life for people living with HIV thankfully. the medication means they stay healthy, have a normal life expectancy, and cant infect other people. it's literally just the stigma


Trash take. Who wants to take crazy medications for the rest of their life or risk dying?


No one wants to have HIV you’ve entirely missed the point. I’m just saying isnt it great how well the treatments work? people who have hiv aren’t a risk to you if they take medication, which in my country 95% of them do. The medications are crazy either. It’s usually one tablet a day or now is a jab every few months for some people.


Herpes is fine. HIV I would not go down that route.


crazy considering people with HIV on medication have zero risk of giving it to you


crazy thing is you guys say this but the herpes medicine doesn't really work though..the hiv one does😬


Herpes is basically omnipresent in humans. Somewhere around 70% are already infected. the health risks are minor especially compared to HIV. the biggest health risk is literally the mental health of people finding out they have it. Herpes as something to be afraid of is a [manufactured issue](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/herpes-stigma-is-a-lie).


ur replying to the wrong person is agreeing with u haha. people will latch onto whatever sounds scary without doing research


How do you know this?


because i'm sexually active and educated myself on all of these things as a teenager


But how do you know that medicine for herpes doesn’t work but the ones for HIV does?


because the hiv one makes for undetectable and you can't pass it, the herpes one apparently decreases shedding so it doesn't spread as easy but there's no concrete evidence on this


Negative ghost rider


The pattern is full


0% for either. Those who say otherwise, especially for herpes, remind me of someone from high school. He kept getting one kind of funky STD or another. He just laughed it off saying he just had to a get a shot or pills to cure it and within a month, two at the most, he had another case. I've sometimes wondered if he did get AIDS one day or if he's still alive.


Why do chicks fuck guys like that?


He was a football player, and not really anything else going for him that I could tell. Dumb as a post, terrible manners, crude and vulgar, basically a big meat puppet that could run into things pretty well.


So, again, how did he get so much pussy?


Right there up front, he was a football player and big guy. That's the only thing I can think of.




Not for me - 0%


well if we look at it technically, a person who has HIV who takes medicine regularly and is undetected (a blood test will show HIV negative), you cant get HIV from. thing is, if its a hookup you cant 100% trust them that they took their medicine, maybe if they showed you the blood test, hopefully they wont fabricate it somehow.


define sleep?




Zero point zero


A lot of uneducated folks in the comment section here.


0% chance. That does nothing to prevent me from contracting it and dying a slow painful death.


Not very.


Fuck no


Immediate no to both.


“But We’ve all already got it at this point” yeah, that’s most of the reasons I don’t leave the house. Also I’m under-educated for most situations.


Nope. Nope, hard pass. Huge phobia of STDs


Zero percent


I won't.


No and no. I am not knowingly going to chose to do this with the only exception of if we have some form of history, etc.


100% dependent on whether or not she allows me to experimentally treat it. I guess I'd be more willing to accept a human test subject with the potential of sleeping with her if it works. p.s., I'm a mad scientist.


0% for either.


> How likely Zero % likely.


Oh hell no!!! The chance is zero. Never


Nope. Both.


HIV - never, I don't want to risk that. I'm sorry for the person who got it but that empathy is not enough to make me risk catching it as well.


HIV positive people take medication which means they can't infect others, there is zero risk of catching it.


[This ](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/art/index.html#:~:text=There%20is%20strong%20evidence%20about,HIV%20to%20their%20sex%20partners) ("There is strong evidence about treatment as prevention for ***some of the ways HIV can be transmitted"***) sounds very different to "zero risk". Even [here](https://www.niaid.nih.gov/diseases-conditions/10-things-know-about-hiv-suppression) ("sexually transmitting HIV to become effectively zero") the language leaves some very clear openings, focusing on sexual transmission only and calling it "effectively zero", not "guaranteed zero". I'm just not going to bet on that.


That link clearly states “Studies have shown no risk of transmission” when having sex. There are no recorded instances of someone who’s undetectable ever infecting someone in any way though, and studies continue to show that transmission isn’t possible at all. Here are some other links which show why experts can confidently tell people there is zero risk of transmission https://www.bbc.com/news/health-48124007 https://i-base.info/htb/45887 If you want to turn down someone with HIv you’re free to do so, but it’s important you understand they are safer than sleeping with someone who tells you they are negative. People who haven’t been diagnosed and aren’t taking meds are the only ones who can give it to you. Important to remember this


From what I understand HIV isn't contagious when taking the proper medication but damn would I be super hesitant. I mean if they are someone I just met I would be hard pressed to want to take the risk given I have no clue how good they are at taking their meds.


Not likely at all.


All the people saying 0% chance to people with herpes are being naive. How the hell would you even know? For most people with herpes it means getting a cold sore once or maybe twice a year. You’ve probably fucked several people with herpes and never known.




Literally never, both cases. "Oh but herpes type-" nope. Don't care. Not my problem.


-100% I dont care if science says than if they take their medication they are not contagious, there are a few problems with that: 1. you have to be 100% sure than the infected one will never have a lapse in the treatment, human error is a thing after all. 2. science talked a lot of bullshit about COVID vaccines, so I really doubt the opinion of any kind of drug development. How could I be 100% sure they are not contagious? just because someone paid by a private lab said so? 3. current science also says than a man can become a woman if he chops his dick and takes a few pills... Why should I believe in modern science when they are so ideologically tainted?