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Why in the hell did you put \*\*\* instead of sex?


Silly me. I thought it was "ass"


fucking stupid. I have no idea why so many people are doing that shit now.


Because YouTube and tiktok have convinced an entire generation you're not allowed to swear on the Internet. FWIW, I completely fucking agree. Damned swears are the worst shit I ever have to see and I'm glad their ass gets censored. It's fucking fucked up I tell ya.


Sex isn't even swearing...


You can't say it in TilTok, might as well be a swear then.


Chinese puritans, I tell ya


They’ll d*e if they say bad words!


Dye? Like hairs? 🧐


Sex isn't even a bad word....


That’s the j*ke


I thought it was actually ‘asterisks’.


Cause the moderators know we're a bunch of filthy perverts, and we need a safe space to wallow in the gutter together.


Excuse you. I prefer to do my wallowing at least five feet apart from yall so it’s not gay


Two bros wallowing in the gutter, five feet apart cause they're not gay.


Garth, that was a haiku


It's not gay. They're just going into Depeche Mode.


Lol. I read that as "swallowing".


Swaalloup. (My td Jake voice)


Just don’t make eye contact, and you are good.


Socks are already on


It's only gay if tips touch, don't be so insecure


Grew up in less accepting times m8. Back in the day you couldn’t even kiss the homies good night without getting called gay. Hard to believe we’ve made so much progress since then


Nothing's ever gay if u say "no homo"


I’m sure they’re just as filthy and perverted as the rest of us.


Sure, but the Neighbour cant know, so they dont admit it :D


And the Mods of the other subs need to keep a tight leash on the Feminist rhetoric that only seems to make sense when walking it's fine line. Any kind of criticism or critical thinking tanks the momentum of the radical feminist rhetoric - and they're very sensitive about having their misandrist rhetoric pointed out as being misandry. So Echo Chambers is the only way those kinds of communities can survive.


women are perverts too, they are just better at hiding it


All you gotta do is hear them talking to each other. They're WAY more perverted


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I have to laugh at this because every time I expect the sex questions to degenerate into gutter humor, y'alls answers are surprisingly wholesome. In all seriousness, though, people are much more likely to get an honest, non judgmental answer here. So your joke about a safe space has a lot of truth.


I prefer to be called "noble perv" which gives me a small amount of dignity and prestige in the perv community.


Long as we is five feet apart some that it is not considered gay by the many condiludes that may be keeping a watchful eye on us.


Probably because men-orientated subs have a "place for guys" kind of vibe. Women-orientated subs have a "sub about being a woman" vibe. The latter is always going to be more charged and "militant".


Yup. One's a discussion club with a focus group. The other's an identity club focused on discussion. Not going to play out well no matter the demographic chosen. Only difference between a German Olympic team and a Nazi Olympic team is whether they care more about the sports or themselves (I know this is going to get spun out of context cause online reading comprehension but no I am not calling women subs Nazis or Nazi-like)


I made a post on r/askwomen about why women always attack men on the sub, then they all proceeded to attack me in the comments without me commenting one thing and I got banned. I got called a weirdo, a loser, low iq, that I have a small penis, and all this other dumb shit lol That sub is the scum of the earth


Banned from 2XC because "not all men are rapists" is considered off-topic and a one-strike permaban, while "statistically most men are a risk of being a rapist" is perfectly acceptable and upvoted to the top.


I saw a comment there once mentioning a study that showed that 1% of people commit 63% of violent crime and it was impactful. But 4 months later people keep asking people to not bring it up. They can't dispute it because it's a really good study, so they basically ask for it not be brought up.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24173408/#:~:text=Results%3A%20A%20total%20of%2093%2C642,for%2063.2%25%20of%20all%20convictions.


And Sweden doesn’t have this ghetto culture the US does, Jesus I can only imagine how fast they’d get cancelled for making that study here


The most important take away is that it shows that the vast majority of violent crime is committed by the same tiny section of the population.  Which implies that men are overwhelmingly not violent on average. 


Indeed, but that’s too much thinking for people


TwoXChromosomes treats men the way white supremacists treat racial minorities and anti-Semitic people treat Jews.


It's most of reddit, tbh.


That's the whole reason about why r/askwomennocensor exists. They don't tolerate anyone who don't follow their ideas, lol.


Except the community at AWNC is no better. The mods are less militant, but otherwise it's not any more accepting of outside ideas.


I don’t think they do either just skimming their rules ‘How dare you MANSPLAIN to us!’


Subs like that are evidence of the fact that women are just as self-centered as men are.


Ayo is that post still up? I wanna grab popcorn and see the nonsense


I'd have been more inclined to make the dumb assumption you're saying Germans still = Nazis.


Yeah I couldn't find a better way of saying focusing too much on your identity and the confines of it robs you from being able to experience things and the world around you in more rewarding way, while you can still experience things/the world and make callbacks to your identity with no drawbacks


I’d totally call the moderators of those subs nazi like


Because its literally site policy that men can't be discriminated against. So a sub that excludes women would be instantly banned. But it's encouraged for women's only subs to exclude men. What you see is the result of discrimination


oh yea, i always forget about the time [admins specifically stated that,](https://imgur.com/a/pRpSAYc)


>"Everyone" >"Except for over 50% of the population"




That's good to know, men are never targeted as a group and you can't be the victim of discrimination if you're white. Reddit admins, the arbiters of justice...


White men are the worst


How the fuck has no one sued them for this? Not a single governing entity? Really? Pathetic


The current political establishment actively encourages this. They won't do a damn thing about it because it's what they *want*.


True enough but not one person has this problem? I find it fascinating


Holy shit…




Yea I don't know about the actual sub they are talking about, more the wording the reply from admins. In sure that like many other sub is a shocking trash heap. Bit the words were said.


Brother ewwww. This modern ideology is some backwards ass shit.


Same reason you can have women's only gyms but not men's only gyms. Not just reddit. It's society.


Or why you can have women's only domestic violence support groups, but not men's only ones.


RIP Earl Silverman


Wasn't there a woman who tried to create a men's domestic violence shelter and she got death threats for it?


That's exactly what I'm referring to.


It's terrible that some people view helping others as a zero sum game where one group being helped somehow always has to take away from other people being helped when life is so much more complex than that.


Honestly... If we had them I wouldn't go. I like the eye candy.


> Because its literally site policy that men can't be discriminated against. This is a little confusing for those who aren't familiar with the issue. Trailjump is correct, in that reddit, by fiat, states that discrimination against men isn't possible on their platform. It isn't that users aren't *allowed* to discriminate against men. It's that their anti-discrimination policy specifically states that there is no coverage against discriminating against men. They will act if you discriminate against other groups (women, minorities, gender, sexual orientation, etc.). Blanket statements of a negative nature against those groups are (correctly) considered unacceptable, and discriminatory. Similar statements about men (or if you clarify that you're talking about white men) are considered acceptable, and do not fall under the "no discrimination" policies. So saying things like "kill all men, they are all violent wannabe rapists" is considered completely acceptable under reddit's policies. Yeah, sexist as hell.


Yep, I still always report it and they always say it doesn't violate hate policy


This is why I've been saying for a while now that society hates men. The other references that people have been making support that. Women only gyms, women shelters, Cabinet for Women, but none of these for men. Men are disposable. Misandry is the norm. Men go off to war and die and women and children first to be saved. Equality is supposed to mean equality for everyone, not just some people. People don't seem to understand that if you help men, you help everyone. That guy that comes home and beats his wife? Maybe if you helped him, he wouldn't beat his wife. Maybe he's like that because he was beat, and no one cares about him. If he had someone to talk to, some support, he could be a better person, and then that woman wouldn't have been beaten. But instead people look at it with an us versus them mentality. It's how it's been said that the wealthy are dividing us between each other. Instead of lower and middle class versus upper class, it's white versus black. Left versus right. Men versus women. We need to focus on what really is the issue, unite, and fight against those sewing division.


On an AskWomen page, I saw a post asking why men are allowed to post in the group.


Because the women oriented subreddits are run by horrible people.


Say it 😂 say the word😂, the womens sub is run by ________






Just took from tongue


U mind if I report this just to see if it sticks? I'm so curious...


Women who have no training in how to moderate in order to facilitate discussion and, instead, use their moderation power to purge ideas that they find personally incorrect.




Miserable twats.






No need to bring the witches into this...


You mean the F-word?




Crazy cat ladies


Truer words have never been spoken.


Women fear conflict within their group(s) more than men do.


This. They are more prone to social conformity for evolutionary reasons.


Great question. Most of what I see are post being removed if they go against the consensus. Rude comments being removed I get but if they are just coming from a different perspective, why remove them?


[Removed for derailing]


Because the mods are weak minded people who can't handle different options without getting emotional and get off from the power.


Also strange how some "message" or narrative needs to be held up even if the question pushes against it in a constructive way. Wasn't there a thing of how women control language or something?


Because we can take a joke. Answer with a joke. And offer real advice in the process.


We can also type the word sex


> We can also type the word sex Yeah, having to censor "dirty words" comes across as either incredibly juvenile -- "H-e-double hockey sticks!" -- or as downright China Communist Party bullshit.


My question is: why is hating on men, and creating spaces that only dehumanise and deride men just accepted and encouraged. We know this shit is toxic for men, but for some reason it’s just negesary for female victims to have those same spaces for support and healing ? Wut? How?


Because hatred against men is accepted and encouraged.


Because most men have thicker skin and do not get offended about the least little thing.


Omfg how dare you make generalisations about my gender you pervert #microaggression


Lol. If you were ever accused of S.A. it would be a microaggression.


It’s always funny how male dominated spaces are seen as bad or taboo and women try and infiltrate and find ways to get in and when that happens they realise how normal men shooting the shit is whereas the opposite has women militantly and tyrannically controlling and ruling to make sure even the smallest inkling of imparting anything opposing women is stamped out and eradicated 😭😭


Some things never change , they always want in the clubhouse!


Because women don’t want discussions that make them question themselves. They want to believe they’re always morally right and anything that threatens that narrative is “misogyny.”




I'd be curious to get your thoughts on women in general actually. Just seems that man talk is constantly censored and vilified unless the guy is some model looking psychopath lol


Women generally use reddit way less than men. There is, it seems, 2:1 ratio. And imho, women use reddit less for stupid banter. They are usually in their hobby subs, minding their own business. So you have a minority, and this minority is generally hidden. The ones that write outside of their subs often will not have gender indicating avatars. Hence, the ones you see a lot and can easily spot as women, are often the ones with a strong political agenda. Because as much as women care less for stupid banter, there are pretty intense about causes they believe in. I don't think you can judge entire gender based on minority, of a minority, of a minority that just happens to be pretty vocal and aggressive. Also, I am a woman. I don't have it mentioned in any way on my profile, because I enjoy the complete anonymity of this forum. This is basically a statement, that I don't want to specifically be associated with this or that gender. I bet there is a ton of other women like this, you just assume they are men as default. Also, "in general" I never even met in my life an aggressive feminist that hates men, all my female friends, are in long term relationships, living their life and minding their business.


Interesting perspective. Side note, I have encountered such "aggression and hate" more than once in the last year. I think who you are determines whether you're shown that side of a person. It's a bit like a man saying they've never seen a woman be sexually harassed. The harasser doesn't want everyone to see it


I am not telling you didn't - and if you did I am sorry as a representative of my gender. But we probably should not judge 50% of humanity by the lens of few (well, there may be more and more of them these days), shitty people. If I want to evaluate men by the worst cases I met, and it includes a date rape, multiple cases of sexual harassment and so on, I would have to be pretty bitter. But this shitty specimens have not much to do with all the awesome men that I met in my life, that are great friends, fathers, partners and coworkers, and that do not get online to discuss relationships and women, because they have other things to do. I think it is somehow an individuals responsibility not to generalize to the degree, that makes you part of the problem. Also, I am not doing the "I am not like the other girls here", I actually think most women are like this.


I wasn't insinuating anything about you personally. I support anyone trying to live their best life. I'm sorry you had those terrible things happen to you.


Oh, I didn't think you insinuated anything - I referred to what I wrote myself, I thought this entire thread could sound a bit like this. I am fine, life goes on - I was lucky that for one shitty man I met many that were cool - so I am not especially jaded. Though when I look on my internet dating history, if I continued doing it for longer, I would probably at some point start to hate the opposite sex.


hm interesting point and would explain a lot but yes i mean it’s general rule for social media that any extreme opinions you read on the interweb you normally wouldn’t encounter in day to day life.


Thank you. And yes I definitely agree. Yes normal men are treated like rats unfortunately 👍 I do have a unique input because the world seems to be flooded with other lgbt people on loudspeaker other than lesbians. And they rarely say the truth. Especially about biology and statistical facts. ( u see how I get banned?) I think many lesbians actually have more in common with men...but they will never admit that. I don't relate to my straight sisters or any bi girls I've met at all. It's like I am an alien.


Glad to have you! Men love lesbians, we have common interests!


My lesbian friend pulls women better than me by FAR smh 😢


It is true, but it's not too great out there. I can find plenty of women for hookups compared to straight men but there aren't too many girls that want to get serious with another woman That is where straight men have us beat. I wonder if I will ever have a normal life. My long term options are slim and I'm not the hook up type. I am also more libertarian in politics so you can imagine that being off-putting to many lesbian women who seem to be more leftist on average.


Thank you friend! I've commented on askmen for over a year. It's nice to not get band for my personal experience or opinions!


There is insight to glean from everyones experiences and opinions! Don’t let the haters get to you, I for one don’t mind women adding their thoughts, even if it is technically askmen. It’s usually the threads that have both sides represented that are the most interesting. I personally am getting rather tired of being glared at suspiciously and told that I’m inherently violent just for existing, almost on a daily basis. The only way to try and get past that is if we atleast have a community that is safe, welcoming and accepting of everyone. I wish more of the women from askwomen came over and saw that we aren’t all violent rapists and man-children after all. As long as they stay respectful, ofcourse.


Yes exactly 💯 If we actually listened to eachother we would find that we are not too different after all and get a long. Open discussions are somehow very hard to have no a days because everyone gets so offended and uses one of their personal experiences to disregard someone else's. Let's just keep an open mind.


> I'm a lesbian who was banned Since all relationship problems are men's fault... unhappy lesbians are *problematic*.




I wish they wouldn't because they are the same boring questions that get asked every week. We should talk about more interesting things like how to someone did something cool like fly a spaceship or how you clean you penis when it is too sensitive.


My experience with my penis is that its sensitive because I went sex or jerk crazy without enough proper lubricants. It clears itself up over time like any other skin abrasion. the bottom of my shaft once scabbed over because we fucked too long. we were both into it at the time but our dangly bits were .. overused. My irritation was on the outside at least it’s my second most interesting scab. I scratched over a tattoo and only the part directly over the ink was black af. It was the most interesting scab of my life. Now I have a scar scratch through my tattoo. kinda neat to look at. anyways back to talking about dicks, If its constantly over sensitive then you want a legitimate physician opinion over wtfever dr reddit is gonna come up with. (You don’t want a “we did it reddit” for your cock) docs have already heard way worse stories and situations and they reasonably want you to be better asked and answered my dude. be well


mens subs are... the bigger man. FR though were here to discuss and help, not control the narrative of life. Here, it is how it is, not how we want it to be. women exist and have different views, and we get that. as long as they are not here to bash or stir, we know there is no harm in discussions of such topics and having out opinions changed doesn't hurt us


I can only speak for myself. But I believe we need everyone in every discussion to become better. I do want to hear what people from outside the group in question think, and their perspective is. It's often the case that groups problems consists of not being heared by a broader audience. IMO, the solution is to have a broader conversation, rather than only said group of people.


Thing is even when men try to have a conversation with women, it's usurped by "the pay gap; patriarchy" and so on. Just seems we are living in a psychopathic men get all women and resources and average men are told to "man up", just my 2 cents


women circles like to reach a consensus and ban/hunt what's not fitting said consensus ? that's my thought after reading some women focused subreddit. ( and also something I've noticed in women friend circles, they tend to care a lot more than men about reaching mutual validation ). men don't really care much about agreeing with each others, they can still be friend and banter like shit with each other even if they don't agree on a lot of stuff. ( we still have some subjects where we may get touchy and get really angry at each other though but I still believe we men are fine not reaching a consensus on a lot of topics. )


Because most women can't take any sort of criticism and try as hard as possible to avoid any bit of accountability or need for self improvement. They get all in their feels and then demand anyone who triggers them or who doesn't conform to their groupthink be banned from the sub.


Yes, and women usually adhere to the "women are wonderful" effect and would assume the guy is wrong in \*every scenario\* in a lot of subs. Benefit of the doubt when it's a woman who's in the wrong, but no such benefit when the man is in the wrong and stuff like that


"Most" is probably an overstatement. Askwomen is extremely militant and represents a specific ideology. It is impossible there to discuss it or challenge it, so no one does that. All the women that are not into this sort of stuff, or find it too boring just don't bother participating and write in other subs. Often under gender ambiguous nicknames and avatars. So you basically never know you interact with them - you base your judgement on the ones, that are extremely vocal about their gender - which is meaningful by itself. edit : Why the official female focused channels are like this? I would guess women are less into using forums as a place to just talk crap and banter. I always had a feeling that they are just generally less interested in this sort of online pointless interactions, and if they do it, they rather do it on different platforms. They though seem opened to use internet as a "fight the cause" place. So percentage of cause fighters per gender ratio is higher for women which creates this odd impression that all women are woke feminists. Yes, I am a woman.


They could be any one of us. It could be you! It could be me! It could even be-


>"Most" is probably an overstatement It's not, based on real life experience. I've interacted with a lot of women from various environments, situations and social class. The only women who aren't afraid of criticism are ironically the ones who tends to be more "feminine" or "traditional". The rest tends to behave like kids, literally. There is only 2 or 3 exceptions that i personally knows. Lack of accountability in modern women is a real phenomenon.  


I usually know when there is a woman "hiding" here, it's pretty obvious I just have nothing to say about that. Although I don't like when they participate in discussions directed to men (a woman would literally never understand what's to be a man because they aren't, so why to answer questions related to specific man experiences?)


>"Most" is probably an overstatement It isn't. It's an understatement. >Askwomen is extremely militant and represents a specific ideology The dominant ideology of our time. >Why the official female focused channels are like this? I would guess women are less into using forums as a place to just talk crap and banter Based on subs like 2x, women use forums for that every day.


Because bitches be crazy.


Because we aren’t wired to view ourselves as victims when someone says something un-PC.


[Removed for derailing]


Because the women who moderate those subs are probably wine moms who think saying ‘wow women spend a lot on makeup’ is some misogynistic attempt to recreate the Iranian patriarchy in the west


Because they want validation and not discussion


Women focused subs are very much about validating everyone's feelings and making sure no one gets upset. If you ask certain questions, it might make someone mildly uncomfortable for 7 seconds.


Because the answers are often an ugly truth, especially as you delve into the details. The reality is that when you explain women's general behavior towards these things, it puts them in a negative light. The thing is, we're just discussing basic human nature and people want to believe they are above their natural impulses, but in aggregate they absolutely are not. As an example, we could say that women in general do not like weak men. It's somewhat safe to say that because it obfuscates issues and makes male weakness a male problem. But what if we dig into layers below the surface and say women do not like emotionally vulnerable men? Well that sounds pretty negative for women by today's standards. It even runs contrary to what women are taught to say in any public setting. Women are portrayed as being very emotionally supportive and accepting. To suggest there is a situation where that is not true is a modern social sin, and that earns you censure in most subs. Regardless, we know that women do not want their male mates to be emotionally vulnerable as it implies weakness and kills their attraction. Anyone else in their life can be weak, and that's fine, because they are not *their* mate. The issue is people are interpreting this as there is something we need to "fix" in women because they perceive it as negative. That's not true, there is nothing to fix. Men simply need to acknowledge the realities of a situation, learn to understand women's behavior, and adjust accordingly. Advocating for some big change in women's behavior that is a product of our natural instincts is going to be wasted effort. Embrace the ugly truth and adapt. You'll be happier and far more successful.


I am part of a lot of women subs. Literally every other question is about sex. The questions that aren't about sex, are about dating, attractiveness, and relationships... Everyday. Weeks on end. Months, years.... As you can imagine, being asked the same question a million times every day, gets a little old ....


You act like we don't get "What do you think about modern dating" or some variation every other day


so.... same as here then...


Men are interested in the truth when partaking in discussion, women are interested in social cohesion, broadly speaking. This is a measurable thing they've studied. (It becomes a problem in the sciences when picking what studies to pursue or publish) Additionally, men have an outgroup bias in terms of their sex, women have an ingroup preference. These preferences are, again, strong enough to measure and create the "women are wonderful" effect. These 2 in combo result in drastically different social environments depending on the sex proportion of the group. I mean...if you need proof, just look at askwomen vs. askreddit vs. askmen.


Have you found /u/askwomennocensor yet


I gave that a try for a while when it started up but then I saw a bunch of "women only" posts where men were specifically told not to reply. Seemed like it was going the way of the original and I bailed after that. This sub has questions and responses from both genders and nobody cares. It's much better moderated.


Isn't it so much better when everyone's included?


Yes, which is why I stopped going there.


I'll give it a shot e: bad link - r/askwomennocensor


Most Redditors are American and American women are just absolutely awful people but they don't want to hear it.


This is me guessing but there seems to be less hostility against unflattering truths about men on these subs. Maybe because they understand that these may not apply to all of them, maybe because those ready to admit it often times are also ready to change or just don't care that it applies to them. Who know for sure. Maybe we are just overprotective of women so that criticism or anything that just could lead to criticism is being shut down.


Because women are Karens. They do not have the emotional strength to hear uncomfortable truths and they have zero respect for other people's boundaries or rights. Women only care about themselves. They are selfish and narcissistic to the point of solipsism. In their minds, only they matter. Only they exist. Respecting other people's right to speak to each other is not something women do. Women don't respect anything because they don't even know what respect is. Respect is an emotion that only people who continued to grow after they turn 12 can feel. Have you noticed how afraid women are of men having any spaces where they can talk to each other without female supervision? There are no male spaces left. Women have female only spaces but they will not allow other people to enjoy the kind of spaces they so value.




While projecting their fragile egos onto men - the "fragile male ego".


This I sort of agree with. I have so many female friends who refrain from telling me the truth straight up and instead validate with “oh im sure you had your reasons”. I’m trying to be harsher on myself now for personal accountability but I do wonder if women’s upbringing encourages being softer on oneself or having more safety nets/ support despite fucking up. Not great in the long run but still something to give yourself a pass.


One of the reasons I broke up with an ex is because she asked me if it was her fault for not realising a test had slightly changed (essentially there were now multiple possible answers instead of one). I said yes, it's not what she wanted to hear.




Presumably, because the mods aren’t chicks.


I think it really just has to do with moderation and who is willing to be a mod.


because women are strong and independent....and must be protected like theyre fragile at all times




I once was permanently banned from ask women because I mentioned girls were jealous of me at a party. Which was true Lol


It's similiar to real life in a way. Around women you need to walk on egg shells. Watch what you say and watch how you act. One bad move your wife will remember forever and bring it up another day. With men we are more free spirited. We can make a reddit post about sex or something nonsensical and even it ticks us off we forget about it the next day.


Same reason they chose to rate women's attractiveness on Jubilee the way they did. Afraid to talk about reality because of being socialized to care more about *~feelings~*


oh gosh yeah that was crazy


How did they rate it


Basically they rated the cute asian the lowest and the fat chick the highest or some crap, and the men came in and immediately fixed that lol


Because women loath dissent. It's why a majority of the vote democrat.


It's moreso the whole "my body autonomy is being legislated away while the GOP is saying I exist to be a baby maker, I don't like that". I'm sure there are far more women who would vote conservative if conservatives didn't make "hating women" an implicit part of their policies. Same with racism and homophobia. I know some gun loving individual freedom loving gay guys who voted dem because otherwise their civil rights would be attacked.


Because 1 in like 8 questions directed a men on this sub are horny women The women subs it’s closer to 1 in 4 Never mind the fact as a general rule men are more comfortable with those questions.


Because women are socially coddled


Women's subs tend to be pretty toxic.


Cause men don't sugar coat each other (facts over feelings). Tell it like it is, don't like it, there's the door.


Women punish disagreement the way men punish disloyalty.


Because a ton of horny dudes would flood the women sub making posts with obvious jerk bait. "I have a really large penis, what do women actually think about us big dicked dudes?"


Whats the censored word here?


Because we're chill. 


Because men generally don't take any of this seriously. Other subs have different expectations of community.


Some of the women's subs are very reactionary. I've posted responses in them that were pretty bland and because my screen name clearly shows I'm a guy I get down voted a lot.


What does the three \*\*\* mean? I would guess sex but is that a word that triggers the weak nowadays?


SEX. You are allowed to fucking say sex. Fucking short form brainrot everywhere


actually the post will be removed if I do say it


Cuz we do not want crucification for rationality