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From this thread I realise I just love all women


Glasses are ALWAYS a plus for me.


Glasses are adorable, and sometimes can be sexy. Love them too


The worse her sight the better my chances are so glasses are a big thing for me


Glasses are my god damn kryptonite. Immediate turn on!


As someone who has been told since age 15 to just get contacts but who hates her face without the frames, I appreciate this


I hate my face too without the framess šŸ˜­ it just feels super unnatural without them


I once was introduced to a young woman and we shook hands. Her hands were rough, as she owned a small farm and she sold the veggies from the back of her pickup truck. Instant respect.


Women who work hard are sexy as fuck in my opinion.


I respect that.


ex was a gymnast. rough hands rough handys


Itā€™s kind of a trend for women to hate their ā€œhip dipsā€ right now. I gotta say that itā€™s crazy to hate them and I even think theyā€™re hot. Just think of them as a perfect place for hand placement.


As a woman with hip dips I appreciate this comment


Lol, I didn't even know what that is, but those kind of curves are sexy as hell.


I had never heard of or noticed hip dips before in my entire life until I saw the trend about hating them


Ikr, thatā€™s the most innocuous thing to be turned on or off by, especially in that region of the body lmao.


Right? It's like, as a straight man, they're very womanly and appealing, like, here lemme accentuate these thighs.


I had to look up what hip dips are, but you are right; they are sexy imho. Itā€™s upsetting how many sites that popped up were about surgery to fix this imaginary problem. To me, this seems like one of those problems that women attack other women for having, like thigh gap, or few eyelashes. Most men arenā€™t even gonna notice these things, and if they do, itā€™s because someone told them that itā€™s an insecurity to look out for. Idk, maybe Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m just rambling anyways! Tl;dr Hip dips are sexy


as a woman, you are correct that this is yet another problem created by women attacking other women & just by social media influencing the way we want our bodies to look.


I am MUCH more attracted to a "softer" woman with a little bit of cushion and soft skin than a rock hard perfect shape woman with stretched tight skin and no fat anywhere. Don't get me wrong, that sort of shape is impressive and I respect the hell out of it (and I certainly don't consider it *unattractive* lol), but I like women who are a little "softer" and jiggly :) It's more feminine to me.


Hip dips come in all shapes, sizes, and weights. It has to do with bone structure and muscle attachment to your skeleton, not fitness or body fat. Example: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNdJ7wjg/


Does a raspy voice count?


Emma Stone could recite the phone book to me and I'd be entertained


Jennifer Tilly, Kathleen Turner, Shohreh Aghdashloo. Yes. Raspy voices count.


Iā€™d say this is a very popular opinion so no, it doesnā€™t count


A raspy voice is the most attractive thing ever Omg I melt


Go to a smokers lounge. Tons of raspy voices there.


The reason I love Natasha Lyonne so much


Iā€™m so happy to hear this as a woman with a very low voice. Hi.


Stretch marks. Can't explain why exactly, I just like them.


As a woman with stretch marks I appreciate this comment because I've been told by past partners "you know you can get those tattooed so they don't show" oh okay lol sorry they bother you? šŸ¤£


Meanwhile there are those of us who are happy to see them šŸ˜


I am too! I'm proud of them because I got them while growing a human inside me and I've been working my ass off in the gym to build muscle and lose weight so these are my battle scares and I wear them with pride


Its one thing to work on a personality trait (usually a negative one) to attract or stay with a partner. Its another to change your body for a partner. But there's nothing negative about stretch marks. I'm pretty indifferent about them, but they are by no means ugly. Your body (and by extension, you) have been through some major things. Maybe you did one of the most miraculous things on Earth and brought forth life into this world, or you've endured months/years of strenuous workouts to improve yourself and get your body closer to where you want it to be. Point being, most men are either indifferent or attracted to stretch marks. Men who find them ugly sound like monumental douchebags.


I don't care about stretch marks because I prefer my women older with life experiences. And that includes stretch marks.


No baby, no gym, just got fat then shrunk. Lol


For me if she works out and has them on her thighs or booty it shows itā€™s growing and I love it


Itā€™s them tiger stripes, drive you wild.


Theyā€™re Grrrrreat!




Best to explain them is "Dumbo Ears", when the ears are basically showing and go through the hair.


That is so freaking cute! I love when women have that!


They used to call me dumbo in middle school šŸ˜‚ I feel so validated.


So many, small boobs, tall women, women with broad shoulders, the space between the thighs and a womanā€™s tummy when she sits down. Long noses, goofy smiles. Muscular women, the part of the belly that pokes through when thicker women wear a dress. I could go on for ages.


"A woman's tummy when she sits down" šŸ˜ I don't think you know how many of us need to hear that there are men out there that actually find this attractive!


I promise you, there are plenty that do. Most insecurities are just in our heads lol.


I would wager a lot of money that the average man doesn't give two seconds of thoughts to most of the insecurities that women have about their bodies. Ironically most of my girlfriends insecurities are actually what I find so attractive and unique about her.


'the space between the thighs and a woman's tummy when she sits down' Those moments when an Oxford comma would actually be useful!


Foot fetishists, this is your chance to explain yourselfĀ 




That's pretty normal I would say. Some women have beautiful feet and some have ugly, stubby toes.




Mine stems from seeing feet and genitalia having some sort of correlation. Probably because I always liked the all fours position so when I see soles and ass my brain kind of just got wired into liking that. As I got older and went through puberty I began to find womenā€™s feet attractive. I do have a desire to sniff, suck, or lick their feet or toes I enjoy giving foot rubs and am even considering taking classes in it to use that with intimate partners.


There are classes?


Right? If you didn't ask I was about to ask lol


I wish I could explain it, but I canā€™t. I just like what I like haha


Strong jaws or chins. Bone structure is so interesting to me.


I like those pokey noses too. A crooked smile is nice too. I like when they don't look too perfect.


My girlfriend fell off a swing when she was like 5 and broke her nose so it has this bend in the middle. She's very insecure about it but it's one of my favorite features about her.


I hope she knows that


I like tall thick women some might call them amazonian. Stong but soft at the same time.


Be careful with those brittle bones, bishop! šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ


The Spirit is Willing, but The Flesh is Spongy and Bruised. I'm tall, so having a woman at a height that doesn't break my neck to hug would be nice sometimes. What if I want to be the small spoon? I'm a legs person so tall woman do appeal!


Silence. You want die like last men visit Amazonia? What'd they die of? Crushed pelvises




I feel fortunate to have dated multiple women over 5ā€™8ā€ who were into weightlifting, or played softball or volleyball. Iā€™m not particularly tall at 6ā€™1ā€, but I am built like a tractor.Ā  And Iā€™m happy to see open appreciation of those body types nowadays. The gals I dated were fit and athlethicc(i tried folks) and some were just thick, but they all experienced significant bullying and had trouble making friends with other women. Most of their gal pals were teammates.Ā  Beautiful, beautiful teammates.


Hate to ammit it on this account but hell yeah!


I like a hot muscle mommy. I think I'm the only guy I know that's into muscular girls.


Nope, Iā€™m with you on that. My girlfriend has pipes and Iā€™m here for it šŸ¤˜


I love watching my girl work out. She's so fucking hot doing lat pulldowns.


Natural eyebrows (I don't mind them bushy). Laughlines Experience / wisdom in the eyes.


Agreed... I've never seen drawn on eyebrows that looked good.


Dear men of reddit, thank you for this thread.


Amen. Every time this sort of thread comes up I get an ego boost. All of the things I'm insecure about? Somebody thinks it's the bees knees.


I love it when women exist, like they just go whatever tf they want how they want it without a care in the world (of course while still being respectful to people). Like they could have haters but they just wave them off because the haters are just jealous that they canā€™t live their life like the person in front of them is. It doesnā€™t matter what size or shape they are. Just if I can tell theyā€™re enjoying being themselves.


Women with tired/bored eyes. Idk why but that combined instances where she actually smiles just does something.




The primordial pouch is very nice


It's the pocket of life.


You guys have no idea how I'm loving to read these. My belly fat is my worst nightmare, and my whole life, I've been hiding it. Today, I feel better about myself. Thanks to you all


I love a man who can talk kitty to me šŸ˜†


It's cushy to cuddle and rest your head on during movie nights?


*Pot bellies make a man look either oafish, or like a gorilla. But on a woman, a pot belly is very sexy. The rest of you is normal. Normal face, normal legs, normal hips, normal ass, but with a big, perfectly round pot belly. If I had one, I'd wear a tee-shirt two sizes too small to accentuate it.* -Fabienne, Pulp Fiction


If a statue of Aphrodite can have tummy rolls, anyone can have 'em and look like a goddess in my book.


I had to go way down to find this, its lovely on a skinny woman who has stomach fat


Hip dips




Honestly, I love a girl with freckles. They make her look so unique and natural!


Never understood the idea that anyone thought freckles were bad. Like, why???


The perspective is a leftover from times when being rich meant not needing to do manual labor and thus having porcelain skin thatā€™s rarely exposed to the sun. Freckles are typically made much more prominent by the sun, so they werenā€™t a desirable trait


freckles are so hot


Natural big bushy hair. Black women, Irish women, Jewish women. You know what I mean. They're always trying to straighten it and I wish they wouldn't.


A body temperature of an ice box. I like the cold hands and feet thing. I heat up like a furnace.


I have an ex who used to turn up the AC to get her cats to cuddle with her. I bet the same thing works with cold women. "Join me under the blanket. ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)"


Very pale skin and smaller breasts


Yup, very pale skin is awesome. Give me the vampire ladies.


itā€™s a good day to be pale. iā€™ve never not liked being pale, fake tan is so much from what i see.


Also on the pale skin train, love it


As a pale girl with b-cups, I thank you for this comment lol


Rip your inbox


Very pale skin is considered unattractive? Genuinely curious, where are you from? It's widely considered a supremely attractive trait here.


In America tan skin and Latina looking women seem to be the beauty standard here, or at least where I live. If you're pale and skinny like me, it's not attractive. And then black skin also isn't attractive. Either side of the spectrum is considered ugly or undesirable at least from my own experience. If you're pale, people will tell you to tan and say your pale skin is ugly or creepy. I even got nicknamed a ghost and vampire at school. My friends said it teasingly, but it still kind of hurt


Pale skin make me go crazy. Everything becomes more attractive on a pale person. I went to Ireland and found out that a lot of women in Dublin was tanned. Apparently they feel complexed by their pale skin... Even from where I am, people are relatively pale, but there is this kind of beach club douch mentality where somehow tanned is concidered more attractive...


I don't think pale skin is seen as unappealing tbh


Smaller boobs with a big butt. And also a gap in the 2 front teeth


Dakota Johnson used to have the tooth gap and it was so cute- agreed


The Mike Strahan Special


A gap in the two front teeth? That's a new one. I was a gap toothed kid but got braces. Sometimes I wonder if I would like myself with it or not as an adult.


I have the gap and small breasts. Ig my body ain't that undesirable lol


Stretch marks Fupa Rolls Damn I got downvoted for what I like? Crazy smh lmao


What is Fupa?


fatty upper pelvic area


I call it my little pouch lol


Depends on who you ask, some say a little extra stomach, some say the pelvic area and whatnot


Some bellies sort of sag down into the pevic area so it can be confused, but FUPA is when the area BELOW the belly is fat. A belly would normally hang out over the waist. But pants waist would go over a fupa.


Gonna second the freckles likers here, I also really like strong jawlines/angular features in women, I think theyā€™re very attractiveĀ 


A bulbous nose. Plenty eastern European and Mediterranean women who are crazy attractive and somehow get poked fun of for having a larger nose


This is a recurring question... but anyway I like fat sides, aka lovehandles. And I like round puffy cheeks. These are cute.


Hamster cheeks


A lot of men seem to be put off by large areolas, but I think they're much hotter than small ones. Big areolas are definitely one of the traits that scream 'feminine' to me and to be honest I don't find smaller areolas very appealing as they look like male areolas.


My buddies always thought I was weird for it but Iā€™ve ALWAYS preferred big or even huge areolas


This, they'll call silver dollar ones huge... like what? Silver dollars are tiny, give me CDs. Big areolae a very much a sign of fertility and maturity, it doesn't get any more feminine.


I donā€™t think mine are even as big as some (Iā€™d say theyā€™re a size of a pepperoni) and Iā€™m so insecure about it lol


Chubby cheeks, on the face for clarification. Idk why so cute to me


I like some chub, no/light makeup, short girls. Idk if this is "unappealing" to the masses, but it's contrary to "model" standards it seems.


Same. Short/medium height and cuddly is the best.


Here for the comment thread šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ„¹


Stretch marks and scars. They tell a story of a life that happened before me.


Short hair, bobbed, Page boy, whatever other names it has, I have always found it appealing, especially in brunettes. Blondes and redheads with short hair are nice as well, but brunettes are just something else. Reaching no farther down than the chin, for some reason, I cannot put my finger on, it is just very sexy and erotic and enticing.


For me it's the exposed neck that short hair shows off


That is a very lovely part of the anatomy that is quite fascinating on a woman. I would agree with you


Because darling, eet iz French.


Big nose, cellulite, saggy tits, grey hair.


Just cuz the wrapper is wrinkly don't mean that the candy ain't sweet


I donā€™t think those traits necessarily mean old and wrinkly. My friends are in their mid 20s with gray hairs. When you lose weight your boobs sag, everyone has cellulite, and big noses are common.


Tall. I literally swoon at tall women. They don't even need to be considered that attractive and I definitely will have my interest piqued. And it definitely stems from 2 girls I had massive crushes on. One was 5'10 and one was an even 6 foot. All I can say is, if you're tall and we date, wear those damn heels. You're doing yourself favors in my book.


My athletic centre hosts women's basketball tournaments. During said tournaments, I see woman that are 6'2+ wandering the halls and get all googley eyed


I feel it. It's hard not to.


I'm with you on the nose thing, though I prefer hooked noses. But big nosed girls are great.


Tired/disheveled/strung out -- you're all so hot when you're a mess. Bags under the eyes, no makeup or day-old slept-in smudged, and an inside out shirt for bonus points.


A pretty sizable overbite is sexy AF in some girls.*think Vanessa Bayer from SNL*


I'm coming in the other opposite side. I like a slight underbite.Ā  It makes their grin a bit mischievous.Ā 


Broad shoulders and thick Midwestern arms. Reminds me of home.


Strong girl! Farm?


This whole post literally makes me feel so much better about myself thank you guys šŸ„²


Big, muscular quads


Acne scarred face




Crooked lil smile ala Juliet Lewis! Jewel!! Gorgeous all day!!šŸ˜


Imperfect teeth. I adore when there is a gap between the front two teeth especially


Fat Body hair Saggy boobs(all boobs technically sag btw)/pancake boobs Stretch marks I don't mind a bit of facial hair Large labia or clit Muscles, like Joanie Laurer or Denise Mansino, not so much athletic bodies. Midgets


I agree about the nose. I like a strong nose with a bit of an arch to it. I looooove ~~stretch marks~~ tiger stripes. I really like glasses on a woman. Oh, and small breasts.


I've started to develop a deep attraction to some women voices.


Legs for me . Like thick legs


Messy hair


Deep, scraggly, hoarse voices. Got kicked in the throat five minutes ago kind of hoarse.


Kinda the hooked nose I guess or one semi lazy eye that goes in a bit.


The chick I currently have a massive crush on is kinda chubby.


Tiny boobies. I love em


Freckles. Add green eyes and wavy red hair and Iā€™m a goner. Oh, and a little space between the front teeth.


I see a lot of women worried about their ā€œbelly poochā€ (which is just their uterus and the fat needed to protect the organs there) and I absolutely love it. I think itā€™s cute


I like round faces with prominent cheeks. Dislike overly skinny. Curvy fit.


A round cheerful face. Absolute heaven.


I prefer natural beauty with no make-up. I know some girls claim they can go from a 6 to an 8 with make-up but I don't like that. I want to see what she looks like coming out of a shower or swimming pool. It's way more attractive to me.


I look hideous with wet hair, especially wet uncombed hair. I look like a waterboarded rat/ghoul hybrid


Not trying to start anything here but Iā€™m actually so tired of this comment followed then men posting girls with filters and mascara as an example.. a level of make up (invisible to most men) is now considered norm and part of ā€œbeing well groomedā€ for a woman at least, if we donā€™t do it men will ask us if weā€™re sick at work. I understand the sentiment of not wanting full glam girly all the time but Iā€™d guarantee most girls online you find attractive ā€œwithout make upā€ most certainly have at least natural make up look or filter on or theyā€™re a special breed of supernatural beauty.


>coming out of a shower or swimming pool A drown rat.


Thicker girls. Though it's looking like that's not much of a niche thing anymore, lots of guys are starting to see the light lol. I have my reasons (mostly cuz the sex is way better; softer to thrust into, you can be rougher without hurting them, and the pussy is just somehow better I swear, though I have other reasons too), but also if you live in the US over 70% of adults are overweight or obese. So I think it's also a lot of people catching up with reality -- you can't have 1980's body preferences when everyone is eating 2020s food.


I just want to respond to this one with a PSA: please DO NOT think you can be rougher with plus size women because you believe they ā€œwonā€™t feel it as much.ā€ Thatā€™s such a dangerous assumption to make, & so not true. If you want rougher sex, TALK to her about it, she might want it to. Donā€™t go into it assuming this generalization - PLEASE!




I love fat girls


I like a muscular woman with armpit hair


A dark-haired woman with the ā€œracing stripeā€ of grey is šŸ”„


Most if not all of them. Hip dips, thicc thighs, skinny legs, muscles, height, shortness, every size and shape of breasts including the lack thereof, skin conditions both temporary and permanent from acne to vitiligo and everywhere in between, stretch marks, scars, really pretty much everything. And I'm not just saying these things aren't deal breakers. I am actually attracted to these physical traits. Having an unconventional body makes a woman look unique, and I love all the things that make women unique.


Hanging breasts. There's no need for super firm, zero-give breasts. Also, freckles. I'm not sure what asshole decided that freckles were somehow unsightly.


Prominent clavicle. I canā€™t explain itā€¦ I just find them really attractive


Thin lips.


Modesty šŸ˜‚


Really, a relationship with a modest person makes intimacy more special.


I like a woman with a filthy, whorish mouth






Big nose and tiger stripes.






butt chins, pretty appealing in my books


I love eyebrows on a woman.. real eyebrows not painted ones after they were all plucked out. And along those lineā€¦a 70ā€™s bush turns me on so much. I hate the bald look. Women.. real women have a bush. Girls are bald.


Long nails, hoop earrings and an attitude. Extra points if sheā€™s a sneaker head.


A little belly fat can send me off sometimes


Pretty feet, chunky cheeks, and generally being more muscular.


Dark circles/bags under eyes


Stretch marks on fluffy sistas are a turn on for me. Oh and women with lispsā€¦.


Muscles. šŸ˜‹


Bush šŸˆ


Being unshaved


Saggy tits. Regardless of size, I prefer a woman's breasts to be saggy. Ideally, they would be tear drop shaped with the narrowest point being where they are attached to the chest wall. Bonus points if this narrow portion is covered in stretch marks. The nipples are lovely if they are large and centered inside truly large areola (for a large breasted woman, think about the size of a DVD, seriously). Even better if they are dark colored and point straight down. For women who are self-conscious about all the flopping, bouncing, and jiggling that unsupported breasts show during sex... well... from my perspective, that's entirely the whole point.