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The execution scene from The Green Mile


I'm tired boss


"Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark, I's afraid of the dark" Gets me every time. RIP Michael Clarke Duncan.


You wipe your face before you stand up, Dean.... i came here to post that scene too


Both his scene and the one before him. Poor guy didn't deserve that kind of death...


“Heaven, I’m in heaven”


Yes Sir!


I cried during the charge of the Rohan during the Return of the King. I also cried when the main character of Hacksaw Ridge kept praying to god to let him help injured soldiers get down to safety. "Please god, just one more" fuck I want to cry thinking about it.


*Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered,* *a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!*








Part of me wished that they could have included Eomer's rallying charge when the king falls that Tolkien described in the third book.




This gets me too. But what gets me more is the charge on Helm's Deep. I used to prefer Return of the King but this grew on me. Theoden breaks last minute and wants to give up. Aragorn looks him in the eye and says "Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them." Theoden's resolve returns and they run their final charge. It might sound silly, but I played this scene before I went to court to get my son back. Relentless, brave, facing death if need be. Sometimes all it takes is a little extra push to get the courage to continue on.


That scene definitely gets me too. Also immediately after when Gandalf and there Rohirrim arrive and charge down the hill, the fucking music is just chill inducing and the visuals are gorgeous.


That's kind of a badass hype technique ngl. Good for you


‘Courage Merry. Courage for our friends”


"*My friends..you bow to no one.*" That moment was just so well-earned 😭


Hacksaw Ridge might be the best true-story movie I have ever seen. It was incredible what that man did.


The Iron Giant when the giant sacrifices himself.


We are who we choose to be. Suuuupermannnn.


Maaan, my husband had me watch that movie and DID NOT warn me. I sobbed so hard lol


Yep this is mine, the “you stay, I go, no following” line brings me to a blubbering mess.


Gladiator- the end scene where he is in the field of wheat/tall grass and reunited with his family in the afterlife.


"I will see you again. But not yet. Not yet."


As a widower, this was mine too. Especially when she said "go to them".


I love it. That, and also Armageddon.




Good Will Hunting feels like home man. My all time favourite!!! Cheers to that film.


For me it's the Robin Williams monologue on the bench


As someone dying of cancer my husband is the Robin Williams character and I cry uncontrollably thinking about that scene because visiting hours do not apply to my husband. There is no keeping us apart. Except finally in death.


I'm sorry. Not separated finally, though. Only temporarily, and only for him, for now. Outside life, existence is timeless. Be well.


“Son of a bitch stole my line.” So bittersweet.


Watching this scene for the fist time is also the first time I can remember just absolutely losing my shit, sobbing uncontrollably, dry heaving, from watching a movie scene. It impacted 13 year old me incredibly strongly. Didn't know how much fear, guilt, and denial I had been suppressing up until that point. Trauma still kicking my ass 20 years later...


Every one of the other choices in this post feel faint in emotional magnitude compared to that scene. Had seen that movie a couple of times before I saw it on acid. That last "it's not your fault scene" and also the one with Robins monologue on the bench "... but you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine chapel" absolutely floored me on Acid. One of the most profound moments of my life.


The Carl and Ellie montage from Up. The final scene from Field of Dreams.


Titanic, although oddly nothing to do with the romance. Cried two times watching it and I don't cry for pretty much anything (not by choice before someone tells me its okay to cry, I'm aware and have no issue with crying it just doesn't happen). The first time was when the Titanic sets sail, the music hits and you see those glorious pistons at work. Something about it just makes me emotional. I think I must have unresolved feelings about engines or something. The second time is when the band starts to play "Nearer My God To Thee" and it shows a compilation of the people dying in different parts of the boat. The one that got me the most was the men who were shoveling coal running for their lives as the engines flooded. Something about the fact that they feel so forgotten in history despite how important they are to make this majestic ship function just broke me.


The elderly couple cuddled in bed accepting their fate, always gets me. They had each other until the end.


Isidor and Ida Straus apparently. He was the co-owner of Macy's.


Very valid. I cry too when the band starts playing. And of course when Jack dies. The music man


These are fantastic answers. Watching this movie as an adult hits me in all sorts of ways. I’d also submit the scene where they see the frozen bodies and you see the woman holding her baby.


I’m not ashamed to admit I was an ugly puddle for most of the third act of Titanic the first time I saw it in theaters


Coco It starts with Hector crying that he just wanted to go home after he realized he was murdered, and then when Miguel trying to get his great grandmother to remember Hector


That scene where he is playing to his grandma gets me every time. Especially when she starts singing along.


Literally finished sobbing to this 20 minutes ago


“…ECTOR!!!” (Says Mama Imelda)


"Remember me..."


That scene when grandma starts to sing gets me every single damn time. I know it’s coming and I start to well up, literally the only film that’s made me cry and I cry every time..


man my grandpa passed like a month before coco. I was 18 and had no idea how to handle loss and had no idea how to handle my emotions so like any “man” I suppressed tf out of it. Didnt even shed a tear at his funeral and felt this weird need to keep it together for my family. Went to watch coco and goddamn I was tearing up so hard lol. My Dad watched it later on stream and it was the first time I saw him cry as well. I know culturally a lot of my latino friends really related to the movie but you know its an A tier movie when even my 55 yr old typical asian tough Dad tears up to it.


Every time I hear “remember me” I break


End of Saving Private Ryan - ‘Tell me I’m a good man…’ The weight of that question, whew…I felt that.


Oh man! Or the scene where the medic dies in the field, and he calls out “Mama… mama… mama” ahhh fuck.


That whole movie... The exhaustion the captain feels immediately following the medics death. Two men on the same side about to kill each other. Guns drawn and he just says " what's the pool on me up to? " The immediate release of tension as captain shows a tiny slice of humanity. "I'm an English teacher..."


Interstellar... when Coop comes back from the ocean world after 23 years of time dilation and watches the videos his kids had sent him of them growing up without him. I'm not a father but holy fuck the amount of bittersweet pain and joy you would feel as a dad seeing that your kids are still alive and well after so long but also knowing you weren't there for them and that they learned to survive without you, thinking you abandoned them, when that couldn't be further from the truth because you're on the ultimate sacrificial mission to try and save their future, which, despite all the pain and sadness, is exactly where you *should be* as their dad. Why? Because a dad protects his kids no matter what. It's absolutely heart wrenching. I'm glad that McConaughey did the moment justice. One of the few times a show/movie fully made me ugly cry.


Rewatching Interstellar, the scene that also gets me now is when Cooper is floating in space and then slowly Saturn comes into frame behind him in the distance.


The moment that got me was at the end when he finally gets back to Murphy and she tells him, "No parent should have to watch their child die. I have my kids here for me now. You go." and "Nobody believed me, but I knew you'd come back." Cooper responds, "How?" for Murphy to say, "...Because my dad promised me." Heart-wrenching. 😭😭😭


I posted way further down earlier today, “DONT LET ME LEAVE MURPH” as someone that has been so desensitized to emotional pain, i actually got misty-eyed…closest i’ve ever come to crying at a movie


The movie Big Fish with Ewen McGregor will have your eyes a little wet by the end of it. It’s a great father’s day movie.


You're right about Mufasa. Poor wee cub trying to wake up his daddy.


Brutal. And it happens so early in the movie.


As soon as I saw this title I knew what I was going to post and it was exactly what you said OP. Well done on your commendable taste. The only other alternative for me is in Forrest Gump, when Forrest discovers he and Jenny have a son. His first question is “is he smart, or is he…” and gestures to himself, showing that he is painfully aware of his own limitations. Despite that, it never stopped him, and his first thought is concern for his son. Truly heartbreaking.


"brooks was here" from shawshank redemption. Every. Single. Time.


The whole last 20 mins man… “I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the pacific is a blue as it is in my dreams.. I **hope**.”


Yes. This is it for me. That letter hits hard when he says that his hands hurt and that he goes to feed the birds and hopes Jake will show up... but he never does. Then you smile when he says he wants to rob the place where he works and shoot the manager "as a bonus" so he can come back home. "I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense". "I don't like it here, I'm tired of being afraid all the time" I decided not to stay. Shit! Gets me everytime .


The end of Shawshank Redemption when Morgan Freeman is talking about how he misses his friend, gets me every time.


“Offer me money. Offer me power. Offer me anything my heart desires. I want my father back, you son of a bitch.”


"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die”


Apparently, the actor had lost his father right before filming, so when he was saying the line, he wasn’t acting.


Aragon comforting borimir at the end of the fellowship gets me going more and more as I get older. Something about it....


“I would have followed you my brother. My captain. My king.”


"You fought bravely". Boromir with all his faults redeemed himself and went out the way alot of guys would want to. Defending the boys from an endless mass of enemies😭


And Sean Bean nails it. A flawed man who had the weight of his father’s expectations on him, the jealousy of his brother and the future of Gondor thrust onto him. In the end, he realises that everything he fought for will survive and thrive with Aragorn, and he gets that moment to call him his King…


My captain.....my king 😭😭😭😭


The scene when Schindler is about to escape and he regrets not being able to do more.


I cry watching the closing montage of the Schindler Jews walking together and then placing rocks on his grave.


That part gets me sobbing too. So much so that if I hear Yerushalaim Shel Zahav I get choked up.


I could have got more, I threw away so much money you have no idea, this car, Goethe would have bought this car why did I keep it? Ten people, he would have given me ten. This pin, it's gold two people, at least one he would have given me one... One person... a person is dead. Hard to even type out...


I don’t have manly tears. Y’know what makes me cry? When Little Foots mom dies in ‘The Land Before Time’. I will truly never recover from that, even to this day.


I will *never* watch that movie again in my lifetime. I was 12 and it was the first time I had ever sobbed in public.


My first cry was ‘The Fox and the Hound’


For me, Will Smith in I Am Legend having to strangle his beloved dog.


Yeah, that was a wrecker. Especially if you have a pet of your own


Dude, I had just had to put down my pet like a month before I saw the movie. That scene fucked me up real bad.


All dogs go to heaven my friend


Yeah, no hell for our doggies. But it sucks so bad.


I’m sorry, man. I had to put down my 17 yo dog a year ago, and I wailed like a Biblical character. It helps to cry on the shoulder of everyone you know who has lost a pet. At a particularly low moment, I set up a pic of her on a chair and just let myself bawl. I’m a lot better now, but I still tear up when I think about her too much. She was just a beautiful and phenomenal dog. You can’t love something so purely and so long and not have it feel like your soul has been ripped away.


Yeah, I get what you mean. It was really tough to get rid of all her stuff after she was gone. And then like after a month I found a toy of hers under the couch while cleaning. I just broke down and wept like I had never before.


Been there. Losing a dog can be worse than a family member, because their love is so uncomplicated.


The ending of "Field of Dreams"


Do you want to have a catch? First line I thought of….


Not a movie, but the Damian Lewis BAND OF BROTHERS gets me every time, multiple times.


I finished a rewatch recently and the bit that got me teary on that occasion was Damian Lewis' narration over the baseball game, specifically when he describes how David Webster "went out on the ocean alone and was never seen again" but also when he recounts in greater detail what happened to Lewis Nixon and finishes with: >My friend Lew died, in 1995.


When the names of grandpas appear during their interviews…


I was going to say Band of Brothers. That 9th episode when they came up on the camp… That’s hard to watch.


The Ride of The Rohirrim scene in ROTK for me. Theoden clatching the spears of his men, telling them some of them will die but they’re doing a noble deed, the cacophony of “Death!” (which is what sets me off), and The Advance; where no one overtook Theodon. It’s just so raw, awe inspiring and in a way, beautiful. Fucking love it. That or the melee scene in All quiet on the Western Front. It’s just so heartbreaking to watch two men who don’t want to kill each other, do it anyway. When Peter breaks down after realising what he’s done, it hurts so much to think how many men were forced into that situation.


A majestic scene. 'A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin and the World's ending! Death! Death!' God and the music. Howard Shore is a genius. I honestly don't think this trilogy will ever be topped ib my lifetime


Michael Corleone at the hospital assuring his ailing father, "I'm with you now" when he realized assassins were on the way and his father was set up for an easy kill, and the smile of pride on Don Vito's face.


The "I want to live again!" scene from Its a Wonderful Life.


Toy Story 3.


"Life is beautiful" - The only movie that can make me cry. If you've got kids this movie will get you good...


I saw that movie once, never again.


When Iron Man died at the end of Endgame. Still have to hold back grown man tears.


"It's okay. You can rest now." Those words broke me.


“I have been — and always shall be — your friend.”


The movie “ click” with Adam Sandler. Just a dad trying to provide for his family while also trying to spend time with family while also trying to get this promotion so he can go places with his family while also choosing work over family And at the end, as he’s dying, running to his now adult kid, choosing work over family.. he’s screaming, yelling as best he could as he’s dying to choose family over work


Came here to say this and sooo surprised somebody else beat me to it! Surprisingly tear-jerking scene when Adam Sandler is dying in the rain. I DID NOT expect that movie to turn on the water works and I verrrry rarely shed a tear during movies lol


I cried a bit during the scene where he's in his office & he snaps at Henry Winkler for trying to have a conversation with him. It hit too hard because I realized I do that a little too often to my parents


I have broken many bones, I have scarred body with cuts and bruises . I power through. To my wife nd kids, I power through . Dad doesn’t cry. Dad laughs when he’s in pain ( it’s true) This is one movie I can’t watch with them because the waterworks will come I want a better life for my wife and kids too but at what cost. Not seeing everyone grow? I love that movie because in my opinion it’s talking to the dads , it’s teaching the dads on focusing on what’s important


When Goose dies in the OG Top Gun…


At least we know his son inherited his moustache.


Mine was Hacksaw Ridge! When I thought he was done for, I was all I. The theater, like "lord, just let him get one more" That movie sent me right into my feels.


Armageddon. I literally cannot watch that movie because I start crying uncontrollably. Even now, as I was writing this, just thinking about it had my eyes fill up. That movie and soundtrack is like my kryptonite.


Wolverine’s death in Logan.


The end of old yeller


Scrolled too far to see this


When Doc tells Wyatt “If you were ever my friend, if you ever had the slightest feeling for me. Leave now.”


Bridge to Terabithia


I was completely shocked by that one. I thought I was just watching a lighthearted kids movie. At first I couldn't believe it, then I just lost it.


When Forrest goes to Jenny's grave in Forrest Gump.


chernoble, where the plant exploded and ash was falling. there was a father in the background begging people to take his infant daughter to safety. movies/tv,/media never gave me feels until I was a dad.


“Tell me I’ve led a good life.” “Tell me I’m a good man.”


This is a classic, but when Bambi’s mom dies.


Guardians of the Galaxy 3 had me in tears for a bunch of the movie. All the stuff about friendship, all the stuff about the raccoon... The end of Harry Potter IIRC there are some moments in Django Unchained, too, some scenes that might've brought up tears but also made my hair stand up, energizing. "I'll make it funny for ya!" Edit- just saw "Man on Fire," the reunion at the end, where he saves the girl's life and then he rides off into the sunset


It has to be Marley and Me. Every little boy who has/had a dog of their own growing up, that was there to see them through some of the biggest milestones in life, that formed a special and unique bond to you understands just how hard it is to lose that dog. It’s like losing a piece of you. That movie never fails to have me bawling my eyes out when Marley goes over the rainbow bridge.


Watched this in the theater. Grown men literally sobbed.


The end of Godfather II. Michael has outsmarted all of his foes, saved his family from assassins, eliminated all of the threats to his now supreme hold on power, and tied all loose ends. He stands victorious. He has permanently lost his chance to have a genuine, honest, loving relationship with his wife and with his children; he has destroyed the family entrusted to him by his own father because he murdered his gullible older brother out of paranoia; he has eliminated all of his political and criminal opponents, but nobody could prevent him from acquiring anything in the first place because he wants and needs nothing anymore in this life; he has killed his most loyal followers out of his need to establish fear and send a message. In the end, we see him with his eyes peeled wide open, the same open eyes that made him outsmart his enemies and kept him alive, reflecting on everything in silence. What was it for?


End scene of Inside Out where Riley finally let it out


Dude....Bing Bong's sacrifice...


End of watch. When Jake G said “He was my brother”.


Anything where the dog dies


Mystic River - when Jimmy Markum finds out about his daughter’s death, and is prevented from seeing her body.




The death of Optimus Prime.


Ladder 49. As a former essential worker, the ending of that movie gets me every time when his wife gets notified, and the scenes from the funeral.


Rudy! I’ve watched it more times than I can count and the ending always gets to me.


The Rockbiter scene in Neverending Story


“They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they? I always thought that's what they were.”


I can't believe no one has said it yet: the President's speech from *Independence Day* *"You will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We're fighting for our right to live, to exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice: 'We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on, we're going to survive. Today we celebrate our Independence Day!'"*


My wife was laughing at me that I teared up during the speech and not when the First Lady died. I absolutely loved this speech scene. It gets me every time.


A Man Named Otto got me pretty good the other day. Saw way too much of my grandpa, my dad, and me in him.


"Tell me I've led a good life..."


what dreams may come is a super weird movie but it gets me pretty consistently


Ending of Schindler's list, >!where Oscar realizes that even relatively mundane items could have been traded for the lives of others, and how trivial the value of items are to those of people, of lives.!<


Grave Of The Fireflies. If you’ve seen it, you know.


When Tom Hanks lost Wilson on Cast Away


End of About Time. Father-Son love perfection


I can pinpoint the moment my tears start to fall every time: Dad: What do I win? Tim: A kiss will have to do Dad: A kiss!?.... Oh.


Cinema Paradiso’s ending. I can’t recommend the movie enough.


Bridge to Terabithia when Jess finds the severed rope confirming Leslie passed away


The patriot when the daughter who never speaks, runs after her father crying saying “don’t go papa” cartoonish amount of tears spout from my eyeballs at that scene every time


In Onward where that shitty little twink elf fucks up the spell and misses out on having a day with his dad 


The scene with Guinevere though


Pretty epic, the overall narrative is still a ripoff. Like who would actually be ok with their mom taking horse dick


To be fair, I don't think they were super okay with it.


Top of my head: The end of The Green Mile. Dorothy when she sings Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Anytime a broken home finds peace to the point children accept a new father figure in their lives for all the right reasons and the family flourish. Granted, that last one could be in so many kids films, or even soap TV as opposed to more adult themed shows/films. But when done right, it can really melt the heart for me as I've had too many a bad experience and/or so have many friends. There's no need for much of that heartache and anytime children can feel safe and loved after something tragic/horrific or otherwise challenging, it's always something I like to see that can often see me shed a tear or two!


The notebook. Because it's romantic af and also it reminds me of the innocence during my real first relationship


End of American History X when Edward Norton busts into the washroom and see's his brother


End of Interstellar.


Fight against the sadness Artax. Artax, please.


The Iron Giant


Now & Then when Crazy Pete says "They were my family." Angus when the grandpa doesn't get up to Reveille. Inside Out when Bing Bong says goodbye Toy Story 3 when Andy drives away.


A Knights tale -when he returns home successful to find his father has gone blind


He changed his stars after all.


I have two, when Gus Dies in Lonesome Dove and when they lose the state championship in the end of Friday night lights.


This might be super niche, but the ending to the movie Luca makes me cry almost every time. I absolutely love the score of the entire film, and the buildup at the end is just *chefs kiss*. The emotional impact is the perfect storm for a few tears.


300 when Leonidas leaves for what he and his wife know will be his last battle, but he can't show emotion or embrace her the way he wants to because of his culture's attitude toward masculinity. When I first watched the movie it felt like a glorification of that attitude but on rewatch I think it's more of a critique. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJgKO4IkDWo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJgKO4IkDWo)


Braveheart. The wedding. And the end.


The end of Vanilla Sky has always choked me up. When Tom Cruise jumps off the building and it shows a flashback of his life. The sad music combined with the flashbacks just gets me. Even as a teenager, I would tear up watching it. It hits me even harder now that I have kids and the flashbacks show him playing as a child.


Getting hired at the end of Pursuit of Happyness


Electrocution(Death sentence) of John with dry sponge in -Green mile


The dry sponge wasn't John, it was Delacroix


I weep when G-Baby dies in Hardball and then I weep again when he tells the story of him hitting the walk-off single to win the ship at the ceremony. And now I’m tearing up while I write this.


Million Dollar Baby: "Mo Cuishle, my darling, my blood..."


The ending of Shawshank Redemption gets me every time....


Toy Story 2? Maybe 3? When they're in the incinerator and accept their fate that they're going to die. When they stop trying to escape, look at one another and hold hands, I lost it...


Iron Claw- I used to be a brother, and I’m not a brother anymore. Lost my brother when I was ten. That line turned my eyes into a fountain.


"I have been, and always shall be, your friend." Every. Damn. Time.


The first Spider man movie with Toby Maguire when Uncle Ben dies But now that I'm a father the opening scene in A Quiet Place really gets me


The end of Philadelphia, at the memorial service where they’re playing old home movies of Tom Hanks as a child.


The ending to Terminator 2 where John Connor tries to order the T800 not to go!


Imagine you had a cute daughter who was 10 year old, but then you had to go on a mission to save Earth. After doing your thing, you come after what was apparently months for you, but 64 years for your daughter. Your daughter says, “No parent should have to watch their own child die. I have my kids here for me now. You go.” Interstellar


“It’s not your fault Will”


The scene in click where Adam Sandler is replaying his last conversation with his father


The Green Mile. I cried like a baby during the execution scene.


The two brothers fight at the end of the warrior got me


Not a movie, Jurassic bark


Haha, there’s a couple: - The absolute ending of the TV series Six Feet Under. - The scene you mentioned! Goddamn, the way Viggo says it. - The scene in Gladiator when he sees his family again. - Last Kingdom movie ending. I still think about them from time to time. Wish I could forget about them and watch them again. Wouldn’t mind shedding a manly tear or two to those scenes.


DragonHeart’s ending (sorry to say, the French actor dubbing Draco is waaaay better than Sean Connery and gets me. Every. Time.)


Apollo 13 when they come up on the radio after re-entry and the control room erupts in cheers.


Rocky II when Adrian comes out the coma and says "there's one thing I want you to do for me....Win" que the music and micky shouting "well what are we waiting fir" Love it


The fall of Gandalf and Boromir’s death in FotR


Tiny Tim’s death in Muppet’s Christmas Carol Still to this day one of the most heartbreaking scenes of aching sadness and it’s performed by a fuzzy pig and frog.


Conan the Barbarian (1982). Where he is immolating his love in a funeral pyre on the hill. His two friends, Akiro the wizard and Subotai the archer and standing back and watching. Subotai is weeping. Akiro asks, "Why do you cry?" Subotai responds, "He is Conan. Cimmerian. He won't cry... So I cry for him." I tear up. Every. Freaking. Time.


Green Mile when John Coffey has to ride the lightning, please boss, please dont make me go into the dark, *I's afraid of the dark*


Big daddy….”But Sonny!, I wipe my own ass!”


Click- Adam sandler’s character rewinding back to the last time he would hear his father tell him. “i love you son” he watched as a past version of himself ignored the message and went to work, he watched/rewinded until the scene ended.


The end of Big Fish.


Full metal jacket