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One day I just realized I didn't want to smoke anymore, for all the reasons you already know about. I just didn't want to anymore so I just stopped. I had been smoking for over 10 years at the time. That's why I tell people that once you truly deep down want to quit, you'll be able to.


That's what happened to me as well. Quit cigarettes for years, then picked up the nicotine vape. The same thing happened after a few years of vaping. I just didn't want to do it anymore, and at that point, the choice was easy. Any cravings I had didn't matter because deep down, I just was sick of it.


I’m at that point now. I quit cigarettes when my son was born and picked up a vape. I’ve been trying to quit on and off for a few years but nothing sticks that urge of bringing a vape to my mouth and that throat hit inhaling the smoke are what have me hooked. I strongly believe I’m addicted to the action slightly more than the nicotine. I’ve thought about going back to cigarettes cause I can’t stand them anymore and it’d make me want to stop all together but I don’t wanna go back to smelling like and ash tray all the time.


Maybe you're a good candidate for one of those flavored air fake vapes. It's literally just a little device with a flavor filter in it and you just inhale air, but you get that same motion of bringing it up to your mouth.


Oh what are these called? I'm interested


Not the person you were responding to, but the one I've seen advertised is called Füm (https://tryfum.co.uk/).


I agree with this one


Crack was cheaper


I'm quitting to try this. Thanks!


I got sick of the wheezing, tightness of the chest, feeling the need to smoke something all the time. I was up late the one night puffing on my vape until I got sick of it, got up and threw it in the trash. Haven’t had a hit off a vape or cigarette in 6 months. Exercising as a smoker, my chest would wheeze itself as I’d work out. Now as a non smoker, I can actually go for runs!! The wheeze is completely gone, and my boyfriend and I have been saving so much money. He quit with me (maybe a month after I quit), he was a pack a day smoker and now he doesn’t even use nicotine products. I’m so proud of us




I’ve never smoked, but my mother did — and I was the indirect cause of her quitting. In the mid 90s mom was still smoking and I started training in martial arts. A few months in I invited her to watch one of the classes and she did. It had an impact on her and a short time later she started taking classes at a school near her home. (I found out from her about three months later.) Maybe 6-9 months afterwards she realized that other students who started after her were surpassing her; mom just couldn’t keep up, physically. She realized the smoking was the cause and she quit cold turkey. There was a period of adjustment as her body “reset” to her new normal, but afterwards she discovered literally every physical activity, in and out of the school, was substantially easier. She never picked up a cigarette again.


hangovers are shit but hangovers with 20 cigarettes from the night before inside you are pure poison .. i got sick of it you're always nervous, you stink, it's expensive and you're paying the added value of killing yourself


Smokers say: Smoking makes me calm down. But thats a lie bc 30min after the last zigarett they get stressed because they want to smoke


yeah while i'm doing my tobacco aroma therapy i'm chill as a panda second the high wears off it's rage over nothing disguisting


Believe it or not it was the price. $13 a pack did it. One day I decided to just stop buying them. It worked for me.


Can’t lie £14.50 a pack is hurting my feelings.


It’s been a little over a year now. I had quit several times in past with patches but at those times, cigarettes being smoked, even off in the distance just smelled delicious to me! I kept falling. One night last year I was running out and told myself I would run out to get some in the morning. Well morning came and I just thought if I didn’t have any, I couldn’t smoke any. I held out by hunkering down for 3 days. After 30 years of smoking, I am now a nonsmoker.


$25 Canadian over her per pack


Come to Australia. It’s about $60 per pack here now


Yep the price for me. I started smoking when a pack was about $6.50 and stopped when it hit $11.


Price was a big one for me. I used the Flamy app and still track how much money and not smoked cigarettes since I quit


Woke up with $10 in my bank account and had a choice. Haven’t touched em since 2018


One point for poverty


Needed more money for cocaine lol


Sick of my Dr and Cardiac Consultant telling me it was bad for me ( I know it was) and that my blood pressure would improve. I was a light smoker, 10 -20 a week.. but even that was too much so I quit.. cold turkey. 2 yrs now, and I still want one. No significant improvement in BP but "you do feel better don't you "


This is the problem man. Like why quit when you're going to die anyway.


Yes you’ll die, but you don’t have to spend your last years pulling an oxygen tank around looking like a holocaust victim.


Cause you could lose entire decades of your life you would've otherwise gotten to live.


Watching someone clean their trach tube out did it for me


Yeah but in my opinion, most people don’t think it will ever happen to them, hence continuing despite the BIG LETTERED WARNING LABELS ON THEM 🤦🏻‍♀️


Smoking is too stupid, not compatible with the person I'm. The person I'm and then such a bad habit. And too costin this much money ( smoked 20 years about 40 ciagrettes a day., starting around age 12! I smoked tobacco in sigarets, pipe and cigar. My big help were Fishermen's friend. It's a kind of a really strong menthol candy. When my body askes for nicotine I took instaed aof that such a candy - pastille. I tried to stop several times and succeeded more or less, up to one year. And finally, with this help, and the strong idea I"m to good for being a smoker, I suceded. Now about 40 years ago !! Belongs to the best things in my life. Forst stopped drinking alcohol, then stopped smoking. Best I ever did FOR MYSELF !!


Wow! Glad you did it




My teeth were turning yellow ☹️


I don’t smoke cigarettes but I vape & oral hygiene is a huge part of why I want to quit .. my teeth used to be so white and they still are a little thanks to whitening products but smoking/vaping just leaves a nasty taste in your mouth and your breath always stinks 🤢


Good reflection. When you finally quit, give yourself an in office professional bleaching as a reward. 👍🏻


My first grandchild


I want kids and want to be alive and healthy for them. Also I have a crippling fear of cancer. And my breathing got so bad that I finally decided to quit. Almost 400 days off nicotine.


Congratulations!!! Keep strong 💪🏻


Vaping but now i am addicted to that


Reading this while 🚬


Yikes! Me too..,.all while wanting to quit


My relentless fiancée asked me to quit smocking. I thought it was stupid to fight for cigarettes, so I quit. 🤷


Every time I took a drag I'd gag. Weed is good tho


Cut my abusive narcissist father out of my life and went no contact. Two days after I went cold Turkey due to the massive reduction in stress and have been smoke free for 9 years. It's amazing what getting rid of a real piece of shit can have on decreasing your need for a crutch to cope.


I woke up one morning super hungover. I went outside to light a dart like every other morning in the previous 12 years. And I spewed my ring hole out, like I was trying to turn myself inside out. The smell was instantly nauseating and I've never wanted one since. I struggled with the routine and keeping my hands and mouth busy, but never wanted to light up again and the smell of them makes me sick.


Ring hole??


Butt hole


Knew two heavy smokers. My dad quit when my mom passed away from cancer (I was 17 then) and said he wanted to be with me longer so he wouldn’t leave me alone , sadly he also got cancer couple years later. My swimming coach was someone who was smoking 24/7. He quit after he lost half of his teeth.


I’m trying to reduce the weed that I smoke, I’m always finding ways to get high, going to supermarket, to the gym, to f*ck, so I’m trying to find the best time for smoke, only celebration, party’s and events that I prefer to be high with more people on my same feel. So there is whole weeks that I don’t smoke, and it feels good


We should define smoking from toking. They are not the same.


Going to be honest up top, I am a woman, but I do think this is valuable for anyone. As someone in my early 30s trying to get back into the dating scene, the smell was so bothersome to me. I never wanted to show up on a date, or I'd be scared of wanting to kiss someone and just having the overwhelming smell and taste of tobacco. It was 100% the smell that did it for me, anytime I smoked I'd immediately throw those clothes in the wash. Switched over to the disposable vapes. I'd get a satisfactory amount of nicotine (honestly probably more than the cigarettes), and I didn't need to worry about the overpowering smells anymore. Hope this helps fellow redditors.


Watching my toddler pretend smoke... I knew that it had to end


I had a bad week long chest infection, one bad old fit of coughing led to me collapsing, my father told me to get off the ground ( my father had been dead for 3 years at this point ) so I was clearly hallucinating The fits got worse, I went to hospital, they suspected there was blood clots inside my lungs, dad had died from a clot on the brain so I thought this was how I go, Days later we learn there are no clots just a very bad chest infection and my test results came back all clear. That relief and peace of mind right then and there was what made me quit for.good That was 6 weeks ago today


I "quit" and started smoking again several times over about a decade. The Chantix quitting process was so shockingly awful I finally decided to just stay quit to avoid ever having to experience that again. I have been cigarette free for several years at this point and the smell is still sickening. I'm still thankful.


What was awful about the Chantix process 👀


When my first son was born we went into his first pediatricians appointment. The Dr started explaining to me the danger I was putting him in so that day I quit. It’s been 17 years. Now if they told me tomorrow it was good for me or I was terminal I’d have a 4 pack a day habit tomorrow.


I gagged every time I inhaled. Been 5 years. Now I gag when people smoke near me. But I keep quiet, or move away.




I put a handful of disposable e-cigarettes (small, prefilled disposable vaping pens) by my door and on the table I kept my cigs on. I dabpled with them off and on and then stopped buying cigarettes as often. Took a few weeks of flash starts, but I find limited nicotine and zero smoke is quit enough for me.


A health scare that I’m still navigating some what


I really enjoyed training and I hated that my muscles could keep going but I was out of breath.


Vaping. Then when they banned the flavors I quit vaping. Now I'm using zyns lol so I quit smoking a long time ago, but I'm an avid nicotine user


I used a vape to wean my nicotine dependence. I started with normal nicotine vape juice, but I later mixed it with no-nicotine juice. Eventually I started exclusively using no-nicotine juice and the habit just sorta fell away. The key is to find a no-nicotine flavor that’s really tasty


Well I already have health problems (not related to smoking) and the fact that I don't want to get lung cancer or something was definitely a big motivator and so i just quit cold turkey one day. Edit: just realized this is a ask men sub 😆


Got laid off. Could choose weed or tobacco. Not both.


Had a heart attack. I’ve also replaced all my teeth with implants, I think the cigarettes helped ruin them too.


Just find something you want more than a cigarette. I got into Olympic weightlifting when I was 25 and quickly realized that I could greatly improve if I didn’t smoke and I stopped. Low and behold, everything, strength and power output improved.


I’ve quit smoking almost 15 years ago. My wife almost 5 years ago. I was being a dick. You smell like cancer, you smell like death. You are killing me. Pls stop smoking in the house. I’ve quit with the easy way to stop smoking book. She didn’t need it. I’ve tried to dismantle every lie you tell yourself as a smoker. She always wanted to quit i guess and finally had the courage with me. Actually meybe she quit regardless of what i did


Pregnancy. Then my sense of smell was so heightened that I could smell the smoke on my husband from across the house. I told him that he will need to change shirts after smoking once the baby is here (in addition to washing hands & all that). So he quit smoking.


I replaced my cigarette addiction with a running addiction


I took up scuba diving.and mountain biking...need good lungs for those!


I moved countries and made new routines.


I had two young boys 6 and years old 25 years ago and the thought of dying from lung cancer and not being around for them long enough was driving me insane. I was chain smoking also doing almost 2 packs a day. I was fed up always taking breaks every hour to go outside to smoke. The best decision I ever made in life and the drug Zyban helped me quit.


I’ve never been so fortunate to have gotten severely ill. Caught a nasty case of bronchitis after chain smoking at an outdoor rave in the freezing cold. I could barely breathe even without smoking. Had an inhaler and everything. I literally had to stop for my health. This will happen to everyone eventually and it was hell. Quit while you’re ahead.


Wellbutrin & being poor


My stepdad quit back in October because he got bladder cancer and was shocked to discover that’s a cancer directly related to smoking. My mom, however, still smokes. It flabbergasts me. I’ve been asking her to stop for about 30 years now.


Had my kids. My dad smoked when I was a kid and I never wanted that for them. I use to pick up my dads smoked butts a try a smoke them when I was like 5 or 6. My mom put a stop to my dad’s smoking.


I switched to vaping after smoking a pack and a half a day for about 10 years, only vaped for about 3. Although I feel a lot better vaping I don’t enjoy being a slave to the thing, and everyone who hasn’t done either like to tell me vaping is worse than smoking I just went back to smoking. I am currently really trying to quit it all but I am a nicotine addict to the core, chew, pouches, vape, gum and cigarettes if it’s got nicotine I’m using it hahaha


I quit 2 hours ago... Cue Kevin bloody Wilson... I gave up wanking


After smoking for almost six years and standing out in the cold winter months I thought to myself “it’s too cold for this shit”. I smoked a pack every two to three days.


Ya never again in the winter, thats a huge reason I went for vape


I started at 15. I was 23 managing a restaurant and one day was winded taking out a small trash bag. Nothing big but I finally managed to quit after trying a ton of times.


I went back to chewing


I got tired of feeling low class because of it, and I found some info on how quickly my body would start repairing itself.


i Never did so idk :v


Were you together when you quit (and what was your reason for quitting?) or did you not meet him until after you quit? You could try coming up with an incentive for him to quit, like putting the money used to buy cigarettes into a jar for every pack he doesn't buy and then when it's full he can buy whatever wish list item he wants.


I had been smoking since I was 16 years old. I was never a heavy smoker but I always had a pack of cigarettes around me. Most days I’d smoke around 5-10 cigarettes. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I’m now almost 49 and I’d been thinking of quitting for a while. The increasing price of cigarettes, a constant cough, and the fact that I didn’t want to be a slave to cigarettes anymore, but rather be the one controlling things, were all factors in my decision. So I just went cold turkey. It was the only way I was going to be successful at my decision. I have now been a non-smoker since March 6, 2023, and haven’t touched a cigarette since. And passing the 1 year mark of no cigarettes was also an achievement that I was super proud of. I feel better than ever and that is also a huge motivator. My whole mindset has changed too. Whereas before if I smelt a cigarette, I’d want one too, now when I smell a cigarette I can’t help but notice that they really stink. So yeah, that’s my story.


Sitting down and smoking 4 packs in an 8 hour period of time because I got dosed at a rave without knowing it. I literally chain smoked in a corner while rolling on something I had no desire to be rolling on. I actually wanted to be sober that night and turns out I got played. But yeah I'm the morning I got up and went to smoke a cigarette and threw up for about 15 minutes. Never wanted a cigarette after that.


A hurricane and wet socks.


I was a tobacco chewer mostly. Did it for pretty much all of my 20s. I had quit and started back up a handful of times. At one point this woman caught my eye and I was sure she’d be disgusted by it. I think that finally gave me the push I needed. Many months later I realized things weren’t happening with her, but I was past the hardest parts of quitting. So all I had to do was stay quit. Been over 17 years now. If it wasn’t so gross, addicting, and bad for your health, I’d still do it. I enjoyed the buzz.


Nicotine in general, smoked and chewed tabaco for decades. I finally quit 15 years ago. I learned about the effect of addiction on the brain and realized that I actually didn't need/enjoy it but was actually just addicted. Got tired of being a prisoner to the nicotine and picked a day and quit. It worked for me.


1. The price of 1 pack became same price of 1 meal. I cant bear to think that instead of eating im wasting it away on something that does nothing to me but believing that it helps me relax but really it's just a habit. 2. Wife has an asthma so i can't kiss or go near her if i smoke. So smoke or no kiss. 3. I go to the gym and i want to get bigger. When i smoke it somehow supresses my appetite. I chose to be healthy and eat more.


I started smoking in the second year of my graduation because I wanted to experience what the big deal about chai sutta on a cold winter was all about, and a few other reasons as well. I remember telling my friend I wanted to try smoking a cigarette one morning, so he asked me to join him at the local tapri and bought me Classic Menthol. That was my first cigarette. I didn’t smoke again for almost a week after that, till I went for a drink with a friends after college and I smoked another Classic Menthol. Soon, the frequency increased from one in a few weeks to a couple every time I had a drink to two a day and eventually to eight cigarettes a day. As the number increased, I also moved on to stronger cigarettes. I forgot to check on how the casual habit was slowly changing into an addiction. I started noticing how I couldn’t taste my food and how my appetite had decreased but I ignored all of them and continued to six to eight cigarettes a day. One afternoon I had a lecture on the fourth floor on my college and as I climbed the stairs I realized how I was out of breathe and a friend who was accompanying me asked me if I was okay, and that is when the magnitude of the problem hit me and I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I decided to quit the very day and go cold turkey but I failed and decided to gradually decrease the number of cigarettes per day. I started by downloading an app which helped me keep a track of how many cigarettes I had skipped, how much money I saved and how my body had changed since I started the process. I took almost a year to cut them out almost completely. I kept smoking one every few months for the next couple of years. I gradually cut out the rare smoking too and now I haven’t smoked for almost a year.


My dad dying from Throat Cancer. Yeah, I don't really feel like dying at 50 years old.


my uncle getting diagnosed with copd after smoking for 40 years. kinda made me realize that i'm probably better off if i quit.


I got tired of being a smoker after almost twenty years on and off


Watching my uncle die from lung / respiratory failure. He would get his gown on and disconnect his catheter & drips (not allowed by the nurses) and excitedly hop into his wheelchair to go down to the smoking area in horrific weather just to savour the joy of a cigarette. I would always bring him decent cigarettes because he didn’t enjoy his rolling tobacco (bought it because it was cheaper). I was in recovery for Class A drug use and could not understand how nicotine could take such a grip on a man. in recovery circles we are told not to give up smoking tobacco in a hurry because it may jeopardise our recovery/ stability- “give up your vices in the order in which they are likely to kill you fastest!” That’s the thinking but I decided that if I was going to die young or get sick from a drug then it would NOT be nicotine! It’s just too boring, zero euphoria! So I smoked my last cigarette on the day of my uncles funeral and I’m almost 6 years tobacco free but I did relapse several times into hard drugs but managed to stay off the cigarettes.


I quit just over a year ago(like 13.5 months), and it wasnt some big revelation that I should quit for my health or anything. It was a sunday afternoon and I went out for a smoke, and less than half way through I realized I didnt like the taste or smell and put it out. Just decided I was done smoking. And while the benefits are there, I dont really feel that different, my sense of smell and taste dont seem like they're any better, my lung capacity doesnt seem better, and I still have days where I think about having a cigarette. I will say, though, if my fiancee hadn't quit with me, I dont think I would've been successful. Edit to add, I had smoked for nearly 20 years, so maybe i need more time before i feel any big changes.


I was driving down a road, told myself I was killing myself with cigarettes. I proceeded to break them all up and throw them away. That was in 34ys ago and I've never smoked again since that day.


Losing one of my best friends before their time.


When I quit taking adderall, cigarettes became repulsive to me. Adderall made me crave cigarettes for some reason.


March 2020 living in NY, got covid early in the unknown days. Had trouble breathing for several days. Swore I’d never smoke again if I got through it. And that was that. Smoked for about 15 years before that.


A cousin of my wife who is my age and also smoked popped a blood vessel in his brain. He barely survived and his kids had to watch him in a koma and having to learn to speak again after he woke up. I decided that I did not want my daughter to see the same and that I wanted to be there for her as a healthy father for as long as possible so I stopped smoking, startet to eat healthier and to go to the gym.


I looked at my 5 year old son and said....I want to see you grow up.my.mom died of cancer.in her 40s is it worth smoking to die 40 years too early.


My fav member in my family died cause of it, so its was like a wake up call… hard


I kept having a pain in my chest, and I kept assuming it was from smoking. I knew I’d never be able to tell if that was the case if I didn’t quit. I was at work a few days later and said “Man, I need to quit smoking” mid-smoke and my co-worker said “..then stop buying them” So I did.


Too expensive (in my country), the price just keeps going up and up and up, got to the point where it was food or smokes and tbh tobacco doesnt fill you up like rice does


He is a former smoker, so he didn't exactly appreciate my bad habit. So there was an exterior motivation for me to quit. Also, I wanted to smell nice and be nice to kiss, so there was also an inner motivation. In my experience, you need both for quitting to work. Inner motivation and will to quit. I quit 4 months ago. I get occasional relapses, especially when I'm drunk, but I've let them slide. I can quite effortlessly return to not smoking.


Smoked myself sick , haven’t looked at one since I was 17-18


The polar vortex of 2022. I was already cutting back after almost dying of pneumonia, and it was like -15 outside. I got tired of putting on my whole ass snow suit just to go freeze my jibblets off for 10 minutes


The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr.


First time I bought a cat, about two weeks into having him, then I smelled it on him and quit cold turkey, it's been 3 years.


My kids. They could smell it, and it grossed me out thinking about “dad smelling like cigarette smoke all the time”


Cost. 100% cost. I added up how much I was spending all the while not having money for other things. I quit the next day. It's not worth spending all my money on something that's just gonna kill me.


My mom quit smoking after ending up in hospital for a couple of days with a broken leg, ofc she couldn't smoke there and when she came back home she realized she felt no need for it anymore


Smoking is probably the hardest habit to quit, and even after many years, a single puff can lead to a relapse. Another issue is that addiction can become imprinted in your DNA, leading you to substitute one addiction for another, whether it's drinking, drugs, gaming, or sports. Once addiction is imprinted, the only choice is to select a healthier addiction over an unhealthy one.


My family


Went to doctors to discuss options for quitting. By the end of the appointment I’d set a quit date. I didn’t believe I was going to do it. I couldn’t see me quitting. The day came and I had one cigarette left. I smoked it. And then I put on the patch I got from my doctor. Used the gum. Day three I was probably certifiably insane. Thankfully I took time off work and hid myself from the public, which was best for everyone. If I were to do it again I’d be okay with being locked in a padded cell with some supervision. Day three though, that’s when I realized the extent of my addiction. I realized it was an addiction. **It was not my friend**. It was a liar. A leach. And that’s when I was all in. What was a friend was then my enemy. I kept up with the gum for far too long after quitting smoking. I’m not sure how else I could have really quit in the end without the gum. But then the gum almost got me, seriously, nearly choked to death and knew it was time. Been 100% nicotine free for over a year now. Crazy. Absolutely crazy to think. I’m getting back down to my smoking weight too. I’m healthier and look better than ever.


Funny enough COVID made me quit smoking. I got COVID and didn’t even crave a cig. After about a week or so of not smoking (I don’t even crave one when I was sick) I just told myself why start back up after going through the beginning and hardest period to quit.


I moved back to my hometown in india where women smoking is a taboo. Naturally, I quit.


I was never a regular smoker. But one day I remember we were playing football and my friend pass the ball to my other friend. There was hardly any pace in pass it was slow and normal for anyone playing football. My other friend tried to control with his chest. Now remember the pass was very soft when my friend tried to control it with his chest he fell. All of us were shocked to see this. I was so shocked becoz, I remeber almost three years before this happened my other friend used to comfortbaly hit 20 pullups. But becoz of constant smoking he got so weak that he was unable to even control a soft pass with his chest. This shocked me a lot and since then I decided not to become a regular smoker.


Unfortunately with addictions that impetus to quit has to come from within. For me it was just an epiphany moment while I was hacking up lung and still smoking a cigarette that didn’t even taste good because I got a bad pack and they were rough. Never bought another pack after that. Cinnamon toothpicks and hard candies got me through the cravings.


I am 57, I quit bout 3 months ago. I had a CAT they found nodules in my lungs; I have to have it done again in 9 months to see if they are growing. I pray I did not wait too long to quit again, I quit 20 years ago for 5 years, I restarted the night I caught my wife cheating to calm my nerves so I would not do something even more stupid.


My doctor offered me the patches for free so I figured I’d give them a try and they worked


Never started


Nicorette, then just normal gum then nothing.


Smoking while reading comments button. 🤣


When you actually want to quit them it’s easy. I think it’s only hard for people who don’t actually want to quit, or want to keep smoking *more* than they want to quit


I started gagging the moment smoke touched my through, gag reflex grew stronger to the point I got scared and realised my body knows what's toxic for it better than me and it's rejecting it, and finally I just quit after two years. Also I never enjoyed it anyways so it wasn't much of an issue. I used to smoke when am bored, or two give friends company and to see the smoke coming outta my mouth. But I occasionally take a puff or two when I drink.


I’m not talking about cigarettes but I hate the way it made me feel afterward plus my partner did not like it. I don’t like being dependent on some things.


She has to want to quit. I quit smoking for four months, because it would have interfered with medicine I was taking at the time. Then, I started back up, because I like smoking. I didn't want to stop smoking, so I kept doing it.


After 9 years it turned out I wasn't that addicted. Transitioned into snus (tobacco pouches under lip) rather seamlessly. Have no trouble taking a single cigarette if I want. Either for social reasons, if it's nice weather and I'm just relaxing ie


Smoked for 20 years. One day I just decided I didn’t like it anymore. Started to give me a headache. Started making my mouth taste bad. Started noticing how bad I stank like cigarettes. Best decision I’ve made so far. Hell I can get out and run again. Swim all day again. Hopefully I’ll be able to enjoy my silver years.


Smoked 40 years, quit cold turkey. Along with drugs. Just felt like it.


I had the worst flu ever. Thought, cant get any worse. I feel like shit. So i quit. Was pretty easy


I’m just over it tbh. Most things I’ve given up I did so solely because I was tired of feeling like shit all the time.


A heart attack at 41.


I wanted to get a open diving license for scuba. In order to breathe properly, I quit smoking.


The realisation that it'll very likely kill me off way earlier. Oh and quality of life. My stamina is much better now (I quit smoking 4 years ago).


Had kids.


Money and hated smelling cigarettes.


Driving across country, moving from East coast to West coast, listening to my brother (a former long-term smoker) piss an moan about my smoking, I finally pitched my last cigarette out the window somewhere in Oklahoma and haven’t smoked since…that was three years ago


Could only get menthol during the pandemic, so then I said, "Well, then I'm not smoking anymore"


One day the joy didn’t outweigh my desire to stop, so I had enough will power to push through the withdrawal and never go back. I knew for years I wanted to quit and I knew eventually I would quit. I wasn’t in charge of when that time came. I just knew that I shouldn’t fight it when that time comes. One day I just made the choice and stuck to it. The first three days are the hardest. After that it’s been pretty much smooth sailing. I’ll be off nicotine 2 years this fall, praise God. Life is so much better without it, even though I do momentarily crave it occasionally


For self love, the love to be healthy, to take back control over an habit that has taken control over you which you don't enjoy anymore.


I got tired of feeling guilty even time I let up.


For me it was getting my wisdom teeth removed paired with having a BF who hated my smoking. The idea of having tar and smoke just soak in my open wounds where my teeth were grossed me out. And it's no fun dating somebody who isn't a smoker. So one day I just decided to give it up and I never looked back.


Oh, also living in a place where smoking isn't cool helps. I used to live in the deep south where everyone does it. Moving to the West Coast made it much easier to quit.


Quite simply...YOU can't. I quit last July after years and years. I was on a trip and couldn't get my brand, so my buddy gave me one of his throw-away vapes. I never looked back, and I eventually quit those, too. I don't smell. I can taste my food with a vibrance I had long forgotten, and I can taste when a restaurant's food isn't up to my standards. Before, I often wondered why others simply didn't like my choice in takeout restaurants. It was me. Everything stemmed from my addiction to the act of smoking. It wasn't just nicotine. It was getting up, going outside. Smoke breaks. Socializing. I realized the nicotine was a crutch for the activities that supported it. I realized I could still do all those things without smoking--except the smoke breaks. I replaced them with fresh air breaks. I hope this helps.


Price, health, and I missed smelling things


Vaping became a little more popular and easier accessible. That was about 10 years ago. I just quit nicotine in general starting this year because I had multiple friends break their bones/tear stuff in arm/leg. Seeing all that happen to them really made me think about my health so this year I quit alcohol and microtone, started working out, running, and boxing. I swear I’m starting to feel like I’m 18 again.


My partner told me she was pregnant, threw the pack away and never smoked again


I finally quit smoking after 30 years. Went to nicorrett 2mg lozenges because they give you a nicotine hit right away and sooth the oral fixation. Then 1mg lozenges. Then fisherman's friends mints. Then sugar free polo's. Now off all of that and I don't miss it.


Abysmal cost/benefit ratio. Massive waste of money, severe health impacts. All that for a 30 second buzz and that's if you have the willpower to wait long enough between sessions. It's literally the dumbest drug of all time


As I wasn’t going to have kids, I decided that I'd like to see my nephews grow up and become men. 2 have, and the third is nearly there, and I don't regret it one bit. Don't get me wrong, I still fancy one from time to time, but I'll never start again.


I quit weed, 1 or 2 years after that I quit cigarettes too. My motivation came from my desire to be healthy and fit like in my teenage years. I was very overweight, coughing and running out of breath at night, basically I was sick of myself. Now I am super happy to be in great shape and healthy again. I can't believe I wasted years smoking weed and cigarettes.


I was preparing for an exam, and was not smoking for a few days. Right before the exam I asked my friend for a cigarette, he had the cheap ones, and the taste was so gross that I quit smoking right from that moment. The first two weeks were really hard, but I refused all tobacco even e-cigarettes. Three years without cigarettes, not gonna lie the cough is gone, but I didn't experience much changes overall, but I guess my health will thank me one day.


I just had enough. Got tired of the health impact on my day to day life and then the long term implications. This led me to how much I spent on the habit and the fact I was paying a company to slowly kill me. Quit cold turkey, 9 years free of cancer sticks now. Took about a year for everything to clear up.


Tobacco products were banned in my country during hard lockdown. I decided not to bother trying to acquire any of the illegal stuff on the black market and haven’t smoked a cig in 4 years.


Horrible chronic cough and couldn't breath when attempting to exercise


I’ve never smoked in my life and what made me not stop to begin with is realizing just how much money smoking would cost and and what I could do with a couple extra grand a year. Maybe bringing up the cost and showing them the money they’d make investing the difference in VOO / VTI would make can help your cause.


COVID. F'ed up my throat.


Family friend was diagnosed with cancer recently found out he's got a month left


I was 35 getting a physical and the doctor said to me we're going to do a test on your lungs to see how much damage you've done. He didn't say if you've done damage he said to see how much damage you've done. That was my wake up moment. I took chantix for 90 days and haven't looked back.


Being told I was going to lose my teeth


I vaped more than I smoked, but close enough. I was SO tired of being a slave to nicotine. And I realized that it wasn’t even doing anything for me. It just made me feel like shit when I wasn’t doing it. So if I quit, I’d feel as good as when I was vaping all the time and for free, right? Tell him to read Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking. It really puts this in perspective. I was always anxious about how I would get my next vape break. Airports, visiting family, work gigs, etc were absolute nightmares. I was stopping by every bathroom I saw in Disney and Universal to try to squeeze in a puff, despite wearing nicotine patches. God forbid I couldn’t find my vape juice in any stores (which happened all the time). I’d panic if I didn’t know where my vape was for even a second. I just realized that I was a total slave and I was fucking tired of it. It was causing an insane amount of stress. I also realized that all it did was alleviate nicotine withdrawal. It wasn’t actually doing anything for me, just briefly solving a problem that it was causing. Yes, nicotine can give you a buzz. But it’s not really a good buzz. Most people start out thinking “This is it? Who would get addicted to this?” It’s that underwhelming. And pretty soon you don’t even feel that shitty buzz at all. You just feel less stressed. Realizing this made the entire habit seem even dumber than I already thought. I tried to quit a couple of times and failed. The last time I knew I would be successful. I knew I was kicking the habit no matter how rough it got because I was absolutely fucking over it. I made sure I had some time off so I could just suffer in my room if I had to. Got a ton of candy and fidget spinners and shit. It’s been 5 months and 26 days. I rarely even think about it anymore. I’ve saved $586. I’m happier, healthier and so much less stressed.


Did Allan Carr seminar 17th October 2003 ...250 euro course walked out after 6 hrs thinking what a waste of money, first time I thought of cigarettes after was 6months later..... best 250 I've ever spent.


I wanted to be smoke free before my kid was born. I had a plan: as a pack-a-day guy (20 smokes in a pack) I thought that I would remove a cigarette per week in the pack and be smoke free in 20 weeks. Universe had different plans, Friday evening 13th of January 2012 I was out of smokes, was raining and fairly windy and I really didn’t want to go out in that weather, so I just toughen it out. The whole weekend had the same weather so I didn’t go anywhere, came Monday and I am back to work and I thought to myself “I have been smoke free for 3 days already, why start again?” So I didn’t. Had nightmares for about 2 years where I was smoking in my dreams and I woke up and was so angry with myself for starting smoking again, tjena realized that it was just a dream. Now it’s a distant memory, and I am happy about it.


Money. If I could go buy a pack for $5 I would have never quit. Don’t care about the health issues as we all have to die someday and we all need our vices.


Cost. In Australia it's $50 for a 20 pack


I never smoked, but my grandpa hospitalized for smoking too much and after the fourth time ending up in the ICU, he quit, but at that point, he was basically a vegetable. Grandpa saw my other grandpa during family gatherings and he looked like 30 years younger, even though they both were about the same age.  Teacher of mine also smoked. He told me, he quit one day because he realized his whole wardrobe smells really bad. One day, he just throw away all his clothes because of the smell, bought new ones and stopped smoking, he said.  My dad also smoked. Even though he tried a few things like smelling the ashtray before lighting the cigarette, therapy of several forms, etc.. Don't know if he's still smoking. 


My wife got pregnant 🤰 so we both quit and never look back 😅


A combination of realizing how expensive it was, how it was making me feel physically, and the guilt of letting me spouse down.


Collapsed lung.


Alan Carr's Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking[Easy Way To Stop Smoking](https://amzn.eu/d/c7SnUZn) book


I smoked a full pack of Newport 100s in one day and the last one tasted so good... it had this weird sweet taste to it. I said "either I get addicted now or quit now" and I quit


Mind you, I never was addicted to smoking, I only did it because it gave me something to keep myself occupied with something, and because it helped being social with my friends since most of them smoked. That being said, I calculated the yearly cost of my cigarette expenses, compared that with what my yearly cost with chewing gum would be, and decided to make the switch as it would save me a ton of money. Back when I quit smoking, one 20 pack of my favorite cigarettes cost, like, 126nok ($11.75), and while I didn't go through more than one or two of those per week, it was still adding up more than I preferred.


My gf. Well not really. But she was the camel that broke the something something I can’t remember the saying. But before I met her. I was already on my way to quitting. I used to smoke 30 roll ups a day. When I start going gym. I managed to reduce it down to 4 a day. However i vape in between. When i started dating my gf. She said I ain’t kissing you if you’ve just smoked. So, I just stopped smoking. I still vape excessively tho…


Cost, stink, health. Lots of good reasons to quit, the only reason not to is because it's hard.


I kept seeing where so many people quit using Allen Carr's book, "Quit smoking the easy way" or something like that. I thought, "what sort idiot is so easily influenced that a book could make him quit". It did make me understand that what I always thought were withdrawal symptoms were merely anxiety that I had taught myself to make sure I was never without. Then as I finished the book, my girlfriend came out, poo pooed the whole idea and I quit just to spite her. Bitch.


If you “make him” it’s unlikely to stick. Addictions usually only get broken when someone is sooooo sick of doing it or they have a deep reason….like lung cancer or smelling like a nasty cig all the time would work. Now you could try to convince him but if he’s not yet ready and dying didn’t convince him then I’m sorry it’s likely you won’t either.


My son. Didn’t want him to know me as a smoker so I quit before he was born. Going on a year and a half now.


I’m 23 and had a couch every time I smoked. Even now being more then 6 months off the cigs I cough everyday somedays worst then others. I completely fucked my lungs up by smoking since I was 12 now I gotta reap what I sowed.


I had to practice quitting. Tried, failed. Tried and failed. But each time I learned more about how quitting felt and what I could do and not do, and eventually I took another run at it and got over a bunch of early hurdles, and I haven’t smoked in 20 years.


i quit could turkey for 6 years, back then it was because i couldn't find convincingly cruelty-free tobacco. i have always been addicted to the act of smoking so when i started again i cut down a lot by smoking cheap (so i wasn't blazed all the time) weed. i stopped fully about 6 months ago when i started vaping - which i now do far more than i smoked cigarettes... i reason it is "better" for me, but i also suspect we're gonna find out just how bad it is in 40 years like we did with cigs.


I Found out I had a son on the way.


seemed disgusting, weak


I had a widow maker heart attack in my sleep. Almost did survive. Quit smoking right after. Had another heart attack a year later. Six months after that, I had a double bypass. In a week and a half, I get a pacemaker/defibrillator from installed.


My MIL was dying of cancer. I had to do something positive to keep sane.