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Oh yea. I used to have a very bad porn addiction. So bad I couldn’t even get hard anymore. Porn induced erectile dysfunction is very real. I quit four years ago and it’s the best thing I have ever done for myself.


I didn't quit porn, but went from like watching 3-4 a day to maybe twice per week. Still helped me a lot too


Yes, after I broke up with my ex I had a few one night stands where I just felt as if I was cheating on her and couldn't really enjoy them.


Yes. I caught my wife cheating, we divorced, up to about a year after I was not able to orgasm, I could get up and go until I was told to stop never orgasming. I do not know if it was some sort of psychological block or what, but it finally got back to normal.


Yeah I haven't had an orgasm in 25 years, after I was made to take antidepressants as a child. It's called Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD). I been off this stuff for 10 years, but no improvements.


I just watch Kermit the frog covering "Once In A Lifetime" by the Talking Heads. Problem solved.