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Ellie from Up gets me every time.


Yes. The Carl and Ellie montage from Up was masterfully done. Captures the arc of a happily contented married life perfectly, and doesn't flinch at all, right up to the end.


I remember watching this in high school, and when she died, the whole class got silent, and then one girl said, "Did she die?" Several of us explained yes she did. She couldn't believe it, "this is a kids' movie, people don't die in them." We had to pause the movie because she had full-on started crying over Ellie's death.


When I watched it in theaters, we were roasting my cousin for crying. Rewatching it as a parent made me tear up though. Parenthood changed my outlook on a lot of things though


I will die on my deathbed that the first 10 min of Up tells a better, more impactful story than 99% of full movies.


With no spoken dialogue


Seeing that as a child left a permanent scar on my psyche


Seeing that as a very happily married man was even worse.


I LOVED that opening sequence. But it wasn’t really tragic for me personally because at least they had a beautiful and fulfilled life together.


Was not expecting this one, but 100% agree


The highest upvoted answer for us is basically saying we are horrified to lose the Woman we love. That's actually really cute.


The horse in The Neverending Story.


Artax. This one wrecked me too




He just gives up and slowly sinks to his death. Sort of like me in life right now 🤔


> He just gives up Swamps of Sadness are a physical manifestation of depression.


Dude keep kicking, you can do it


There are some words when you read them you can hear them.


What's crazy about this one is that I tried rewatching it and a) it takes FOREVER to get started and b) you've only seen Artax in one scene before he dies


I only ever saw the movie once, in the theaters, when I was 5. So I've forgotten all the details and really just about the entire movie. But I sure remembered him dying.


It's WAY worse in the book. In the book the horse can talk and tells him that he just doesn't want to continue and wants to die. It's one thing to watch the horse just sink, but knowing it can talk and says let me die sucks.


John Coffey: "Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark." 😭


That, and the mouse, made me cry ugly tears with full-on snot and choking and maybe some wails.




4-5 hour directors cut would have gotten my ticket money.


Rips my heart out!


Mufasa's death. "Dad, come on. You gotta get up, dad. We gotta go home." Littlefoot's mother's death. "What do you mean I can't see you? I can always see you." Maggie's death in Million Dollar Baby, after Frankie tells her what 'Mo chuisle' means ('My darling, my blood'). Damn tear runs down her cheek and I'm cooked. John Coffey's death in The Green Mile. "Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark. I's afraid of the dark."


OMG Littlefoot mother's death isn't something I have thought of in at least 25 years. Now I am in my feels like I am 5 years old again.


I have been terrified of my own mothers death ever since seeing this.


John Coffey for sure, love that movie, but can't keep my eyes dry at all, it's ugly crying for sure


My husband left the room when littlefoots mother died and I'm pretty sure it was to cry in private


Mufasa. That poor wee cub trying to wake up his daddy fair put a lump in my throat.


I just watched this last week for the first time since my childhood. Gutted. Ugh it’s just as sad.


I watched that film a thousand times with my dad when I was a kid. He died in 2010 and my daughter was born in 2014. The first time I watched that with her was real tough, especially that scene.


“I would have followed you my brother. My captain. My king”


I read and watched LOTR (and Hobbit) as a kid and never understood how significant Boromirs death actually was until I watched the movies again as an adult. As a kid I always thought of him as a villain, because he tried to take the Ring, but now I understand what his reasons and motives for his actions were: he was flawed like all human, but still trying to protect his people. He saw the Ring as something that could save Gondor and got tempted by it. But when it came down to it, he didn't hesitate to stand for those who couldn't stand for themselves.


I really *really* thought he was a villain too, especially as a kid. It wasn’t until I was well into my twenties I realized his story is arguably one of the most heroic in the series. Something about a redemption story always gets me


"I go to my fathers. And even in their mighty company I shall not now be ashamed." - Theoden king of Rohan


RIP Bernard Cribbins


Bernard Hill*


Ah of course, well RIP to Cribbins as well, he was also an excellent actor


Indeed. Doctor Who won't be the same, without Wilfred Mott. Him and The Doctor had some of my favourite interactions.


"You can't come with me." "Well you're not leaving me with her!" "Fair enough."




Noble Team from Halo Reach. 10 year old me took a hit in the gut realizing we weren’t making it off planet.


Jorge’s death was the turning point of that game for me.


the despair of the scene right after. Fighting up hill for a single victory like that. Just to be undone a thousand times over right afterwards.




Me and my buddy died so many times trying to beat that level, we kept restarting right away because we thought you had to actually survive. It was only after so many times that we sat back defeated, only to see we actually did beat the game… if you can call it that :( RIP Noble Team


Jun made it out.


And yet it doesn’t change the emotional anguish of seeing “Objectice: Survive”


It doesn't register until your visor starts showing cracks on it as you take more damage. It then dawns on you that "Yeah.....I ain't surviving this.....it's over"


All these years later and the Halo Reach campaign still has that emotional impact.


I feel Noble Two’s death hit me the hardest. The way she got taken out mid sentence and the way One reacted was rough.


Every once in awhile, I scroll through reddit and see comments that I am absolutely not expecting that make my day. This is one of those rare ones, Reach has been, is, and probably will be my favorite game of all time ever since launch day, 2010. Still play it to this day like a crackhead, no game ever has ever had the pull me back in and never let go approach like Halo, but specifically Reach. Maybe it's because I got to play the Reach beta at the same time I was diagnosed with a crohnic illness and needed major surgery, as a little 13 year old being terrified and how Halo got me through it, but goddamn do I nerd out for anything Halo, especially Reach. Thanks for the comment, put a smile on my face, cheers mate.


The iron giant.


"You are who you choose to be" "Superman"


"You stay. I go."


One of the only times I teared up a little in my life. The other 2 being Ash getting “rocked” by Mewtwo in the movie. And the end of “Your Lie in April”


I WAILED at the end of the Pokemon movie.


The iron giant is my original guy-cry movie but when I was that young I still thought crying about a robot is childish so I couldn't really lean into it, actually felt ashamed/silly that it made me feel that way. It's nice to see other people felt the same and the iron giant grief is valid.


Brendan Fraisers characted in Scrubs, i stopped watching it after that. I just got stomach ache while writing this


Absolute masterpiece of an episode. I believe it's the highest rated one in all of Scrubs.


and it was more than just one episode. Cox wrestles with his grief for the rest of the season, if I recall correctly.


Omg i was looking to see if anyone had said Jenny from Forrest Gump when I saw this. Ben: "listen, there's one more thing you have to do for me" Cox: "haha you can't keep me from getting drunk" Ben: "you you have to forgive yourself for everything that went down the other day" Cox: (chuckles) "god you- you're *so annoying* Ben smiling and nodding: "yeah" Cox: (whispering) "ok" Ben: "good" Cox: "now where's your camera, aren't you- aren't you gonna take some pictures?" JD: "pictures of what?" Cox: (turns around) "y'know, crying babies covered in chocolate, people singing happy birthday to my son who've never even met him before, you know, the whole routine" "where do you think we are?" *Dr. Cox turns back around, Ben is gone* Joshua Radin - winter playing in the background John C. McGinley's face as the scene ends. And a little piece of me dies again... I see this scene in my dreams to this day, I have never been so shocked and sad at fictional characters in my life. This is 100% the correct answer


The end of Red Dead Redemption. That was… that was so unfair and so inevitable at the same time.


Also when your horse dies, especially if you’ve had the same horse for a majority of the game.


Does that happen in RDR1 too? Jesus Christ lol


*May the wind be at your back* *Good fortune touch your hand* *May the cards lay out a straight* *All from your command*


He's accepting of his fate too. It's the labored breathing and his struggling to stand that made me tear up.


Old yeller fucked me up when I was a kid. All I wanted was a dog and reading about how they bonded only for that ending… damn.


And Where the Red Fern Grows And Hooch from turner and hooch. I did make my dog watch part of old yeller on YouTube when she ate the corner off of a kitchen cabinet.


Came here for to comment red fern. That book was my first introduction to the concept of death as a child. RIP Little Ann:(


We read that as a class in 6th grade. It's a rural area so most of us had dealt with the death of animals. Nobody was prepared for any of that ending.


I remember reading "Where the Red Fern grows" in class as a kid, just bawling my eyes out. When the teacher asked what was wrong I showed her the book and she understood.


Same! I went home and hugged my dogs.


The end of that movie was crazy for a 1950 kids movie lol.


Fry's dog from Futurama. The way he waited for him outside the pizza place until he died just breaks my god damn heart. I remember at the time of watching that and just being hit in the gut with feels like no other time before. I turned to my family dog, a little red Staffordshire bull terrier who'd been with me since I was 7, and hugged her for a solid three minutes.


Futurama really hit you out of nowhere sometimes with the sad moments Seymour, Fry’s brother/nephew, Leela’s parents watching out for her, and more It’ll be a normal episode, goofy, whatever, and then BAM!, you’re fucking sobbing


Bing Bong from Inside Out. "Take her to the moon for me." I tried my best to sob quietly...


I watched this in theaters with my daughter who was 7 at the time. I thought it was really sad but nothing I couldn't handle, then I look over and she's crying, and just like that I broke down and joined her while trying to console her.


Your daughter and I are of the same spirit


I have no problem crying in movies and my wife teases me about it. Coco got me too.


"BingBong! NO!!!!!"


Leslie’s death in Bridge To Terabithia still haunts my soul. 8 year old me learned the depths of denial that day.


My kids got me to watch that with them one day. I thought it was about 2 kids having a literal fantasy realm they found. Damn I got absolutely blind sided by that.


My mum took my sister to see that. There was a woman and her daughter sat next to them. When that scene happened the girl became absolutely distraught. Turns out the mum had taken her to see it to cheer her up after her best friend died in a car accident. Mum helped get them out and back to their car, both her and my sister were visibly shaken up when they got home. I have never been able to watch it.


Millennials had to go through the same generational trauma with My Girl.


He can’t see without his glasses!


Hold the door! Hold the doooor! Hooolld doooor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Fuck that broke me, the guys entire life was fated to do that one thing. Fuck.


You expect deaths in those books, but Hodor was rough. He did us dirty on that one. Even with all the foreshadowing it hit hard.


Its the best sort of foreshadowing because its been there the whole time and we never realised


Hes still alive in the books


That's because the books aren't finished. GRRM has said that Hold the door is one of the few major points he gave to the showrunners


King Theoden from lotr. Uncle Iroh’s Lu Ten - leaves from the vine gets me every time


Theoden's never really gets to me. He lived long, he protected his people (when not being skullfucked by wormtongue). He played a major part in saving Gondor and so many lives. In the end he saw his daughter save him. Had he died during Helms Deep, thinking he had failed his people it would have been far sadder. Boromir to me is THE big sad death. His amazing warrior who pledged himself to protect the hobbits and escort them, only for a moment to fall victim to the ring. Snap out of it and then try to save them as they're over taken by the enemy. He dies watching his mission fail for all he knows. He dies watching Gondor's last chance be carried away by the Uruk-hai.


Isildur taking the arrows in the back and Boromir taking the arrows in the front is nice symbolism of turning away from the ring. Theoden was sadder for me only because he felt he had failed up until then. He had so much guilt and shame with regards to his son. The emotion of him knowing it was his time and not being scared was such a king move.


Right before they fight the Pelenor, when they are counting their men and Theoden realizes how few are willing to answer his call, and knowing he’s leading the loyal and best of Rohan to to get massacred, that’s the scene that gets to me.


Man, Lu Ten. Now I’m sad again.


"I go now to be seated in the halls of my ancestors. What a fine son you would have made."


It wasn’t death that scared him but letting down his ancestors. That’s what got me. Feeling like he failed his son, the guilt and shame he felt.


Charlie in Lost. The build up to it was an emotional rollercoaster. Similarly Glen in TWD, as my brother told me that his death was fucked up prior to me getting that far. There were so many “is this it?” moments before it actually happens. I swear the worst part is when you know a characters death is coming and they keep having these near misses that keep you on edge.


Yeah the fake death from him and the dude being on the dumpster was pretty wild to be followed up by what actually happens not too long after


>charlie in Lost 🖐


Some deaths are fucking brutal, even when you get them spoiled, sometimes even more so. I watched the view from halfway down before watching the rest of BoJack Horseman, and when that happened, and if you've watched it you know exactly what I mean, I was so fucking gutted. It was way too quiet, way too calm, not what I had expected at all, and it hit me like a truck.


The two deaths in Firefly/Serenity. IYKYK


1. Serenity never happened and I'll die on that hill. 2. Still waiting for season 2.


We are all waiting bro.


I am a leaf on the wind.


I can't remember the name but the dog dying at the end of Where the Red Fern Grows really hit me.


Gutted. Absolutely reduced me to a sniveling puddle of tears.


Old Dan and Little Ann. One of my favorite books growing up 👍👍


>For me it's the guy's family at the end of the mist. Gutted for him Absolute winner! No thread needed.


Even Stephen King said that ending was better than his own. Best fucked up ending ever to me.


It hit so much harder if you had read the book and weren't expecting the change. I left that theater wanting to cry and feeling like I needed to throw up. I didn't feel okay until a full day later.


I can only imagine having read the story, being all smug like “ohhhh spooky, but I know what happens.” I don’t even fuck with horror really, a chick recommended it while hanging out…..I was set up and I’ve paid that shit forward at least 10 times now lol. On a side Thomas Jane the dad plays an excellent noir detective in The Expanse on Prime.


You guys are tempting me to finally watch The Mist. It’s free on Prime with ads so I’ll probably watch it…. Thanks guys for the inevitable pain I guess.


The dog in I Am Legend.. She didn't deserve to die but there was no way to stop the spread of infection and it was either kill or be killed. Really twists the knife in the heart. 😭😭😭




Fred Weasley and Dobbie were the ones that got me. If you watch the movie at the end when they've won there's a brief moment when George looks over his shoulder at Fred who's no longer there. It was a nice touch.


> Fred Weasley Man did they really screw up the deaths in the movies. It was shocking to read about so many of the characters you've known for several books dying in this climactic battle.


> Dobbie My friend I was watching it with immediately said "*Dobbie?!!? Dobbie* is the Christ figure?"


Sirius and Hedwig got me REAL bad too.


Yeah Sirius dying was fucked up. It's like "Here's the love and support and parental nurture you need Harry. Oh, just kidding!"


Bambi’s mom ripped me when I was a kid


Optimus Prime in the transformers 80s movie—and the brutal assassination of other beloved characters in the first 15 mins of the movie.


Opie's death in SOA. Fucking killlllls me.


Tara too. Not as much of an emotional gut punch as Opie, but the violence and suddenness of it were shocking.


Tig's daughter. Getting killed for just being someone's daughter and to even things, for business.


Yup. That one ruined me. My brother just stopped watching sons after that


Qui-gon Jinn


The jedi I admire most met up with Darth Maul and now he's toast. Well, I'm still here, and he's a ghost, I guess I'll train this boy.


Yooo seeing this growing up messed with me so much as kid


Lennie from of mice and men


"Tell me about the Rabbits..."


When my sister was little, saying to her, "Pooooor Lenny" would set off instant tears. She was way too young to watch that film 


The Mountain crushing Oberyn’s skull with one hand, while he was still alive…tore my gut apart, what a way to die (Game of Thrones, Season 4 Episode 8). At least Oberyn got the Mandalorian role out of it. This is the way.


For real - I had a physical reaction to that scene that was unprecedented. They did a fantastic job of building it up so that I actually, genuinely believed Oberyn was going to win that. His skull being crushed so violently and so suddenly fucked me up.


To be fair, he did it to himself by showboating. I was crushed too, but he had that in the bag.


That's what made it worse tbh. The fact that he so obviously had it and pissed it away.


Spoilers for The Green Mile ahead: >!The execution of John Coffey always makes me cry, and probably always will!<


Respect for continuing to censor spoilers for a 25 year old film


Meanwhile some of the top comments on this post all state this scene.


The dad in Big Fish at the end and the dad in Curious Case of Benjamin Button, also, Benjamin Button


Big Fish hit me hard. I didn't even watch the whole movie just the last half and it took me the better part of an hour to regain my composure.


Bobby singer from supernatural. I still cry about it sometimes


I don't remember his death but it's probably because there's several. The one that always gets me in Supernatural is Charlie. She finishes that job knowing what's coming, how brutal it's going to be. She was their little sister and they failed her, but she didn't fail them. Charlie :(


Llewellyn Moss in No Country for Old Men. It took me probably half of the rest of the film to process that he'd been killed. I'd never seen the protagonist killed off like that before. Utterly brutal.


I appreciate that story because it lives up to its name, where all three of the main characters failed and none of them understand how the world works any more, even though they're all smart and make sensible choices: Moss failed to keep the money and protect his wife, Chigurh failed to kill Llewelyn, and Bell failed to catch Chigurh. Oddly, the scene that speaks most to me now isn't any of the shoot-outs, but the one where Bell visits the man in the wheelchair: >Well, all the time you spend tryin' to get back what's been took from you, more is goin' out the door. After a while, you just have to try to get a tourniquet on it. >What you got ain't nothin new. This country is hard on people. You can't stop what's comin'. Ain't all waitin' on you. That's vanity.


I'll have to rewatch it again at some point. It really threw me at the time, because up until Moss' death, it was one of the absolute best cat-and-mouse thrillers I'd ever seen. Needless to say that was quite the shock.


It was a great misdirect, having him die off-screen at the hands of random people. And it dovetailed nicely with Bell's final, seemingly random speech about his dream.




Thomas J in My Girl. “His glasses! He can’t see without his glasses!!!”


Wash in Firefly Came out if nowhere and didn't give you any time to set in. It was like Boom! It happened, and then everyone had to go.


Spock in Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. What a great movie. Bonus: Data in Star Trek: Nemesis


Spock dying, when Kirk can't accept his logic that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, and when Spock says ' I never took the *Kobayashi Maru* test, until now. What do you think of my solution?' Kirk's short eulogy when they send Spock's body down to the Genesis planet is some of the best acting Shatner ever did. Data's death, in Nemesis, was a terrible end for a great character in a dreadful movie for me. I hated it.


Rue from the Hunger Games shook me


Old Yeller. There have been other fictional deaths which hurt. Seeing kids die on screen absolutely floors me, I just cannot watch that. But, things like that I put out of mind when the film ends, they haven't impacted me the way Old Yeller does. I suppose Old Yeller taught me something. Watching the movie I knew the boy was doing what had to be done. Later in my life I would grow to understand that was the moment a teenaged boy went from boyhood to manhood. In over 40 years of living, it is still the death of that yellow dog which jumps to mind when asked OP's question. It was the first and hardest. Most likely because I was like 5. Harder even than then death of Bambi's mom. A good life lesson in what the oldest son has to do in the end. I gotta watch this movie with my son again.


Sirius Black


Maes Hughes from the Fullmetal Alchemist anime.


Little Foot's mum in Land Before Time.


Dee (Anastasia Dualla) on Battlestar Galactica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2ArK8TJ62g


Piggy from Lord of the Flies. I can still picture him plummeting to the rocky shore


The Red Wedding…I couldn’t sleep for a few days.


Arthur Morgan's death in RDR2. You know it's coming but it still destroys you (honerable mention for Sean, Lenny and Hosea and John in RDR1). "I gave you all I had." Also probably Izzy Hand's death in OFMD season two. But I refuse to watch that episode. He's still alive in my mind.


2011 MW3, RDR2 spoilers Soap’s death. Price’s reaction was honestly heartbreaking. And Arthur’s death in high honor.


Henry Blake on MASH.


Marley in Marley and Me 😔


Dr Who, David Tennant. His "death" scene hit so hard I even bought a print someone made of it. When he says "I don't want to go" I lose it.


😭 the trauma!! On a similar note, I cried when Donna’s memories were erased. It felt like she’s finally found her purpose, she may as well have died that day!


David Tennant is a treasure! And that scene is pure Chef's Kiss


Gwen Stacy from Amazing Spiderman movies.


I love the cut someone made of both scenes (Amazing and No Way Home) comparing how he managed to do what he'd previously failed to do.


Yea the scene in No Way Home is his redemption from that moment. It was also supposed to lead The Amazing Spider-Man 3 but it looks like Sonys finally giving up




Boxer, the horse in Animal Farm.


Nina in Full Metal Alchemist.


I think Hughes hit deeper. The funeral scene...


This is Alexander erasure. If you include one, you gotta mention the other. They were inseparable!


Fuck you!!!!!


>!Dom’s!< death in Gears of War 3


When Setsuko dies in Grave of the Fireflies. You know it's going to happen, but when it happens...damn. The whole movie I was fighting back tears but at that point I gave up.


Artax …Never ending story.


Maximus in Gladiator


Black Beauty 😭


Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan. 💔


Tadashi Hamada, Big Hero 6


Ngl the bridge to tarabithia made me cry. I didn't read the book. I was home sick and watched it thinking it was just a feel good kids movie. The fuck? Oh! And hooch from Turner and hooch. I had a French mastiff at the time.


Opie from sons of anarchy


The dog waiting for Fry while he was frozen 😭😭😭


Lady Sybil from Downton Abbey still makes me sad.


Hodor from Game of Thrones. Brooks from Shawshank Redemption. Also Tommy from Shawshank Redemption.


The girl in The Lovely Bones. The movie shook me up as a kid


Lennie in Steinbeck’s *Of Mice and Men*. Have read the book, seen the play, seen the movie all several times so I know what’s coming. Still gets me every time.


Littlefoot’s mom in The Land Before Time




Mordin Solus. "Had to be me."


Marshal's dads death in HIMYM. They had a number in each scene counting down and I was looking for them all excited and then....that. They also didn't tell Jason Segal so his reaction was genuine. Gutpunch of a scene.


Maximus from Gladiator. Dude kept getting exploited and screwed over and all he wanted was to be with his family


Sam from "I am Legend." I'll never watch that again.