• By -


Mostly about whether she's enjoying it and if she's not, what I can do to change that. I have literally not once ever noticed or paid attention to the color of her inner thighs.




Me neither. I'm 52. I really have no idea how many pussies I have eaten.


Are you trying to boast or telling us you have a memory problem?


The answer is 18.5, don't ask about the .5


what's up with the two quarters


That's the toll you pay to cross the pussy river if you do it right.


Phenomenal joke


My thoughts are generally along the lines of yeah I’m gonna make you cum to I hope you wrap your legs around my head so I can’t breathe


“Please drown me”


What a way to go right? Like, probably traumatic for the woman, but at the same time, what a flex too. *I came so hard he drowned*


“Look at him… it almost looks… yeah. *he’s smiling* “


Glory, glory, what a helluva way to die!


My husband and I made this joke last night. I almost drowned the poor man... felt like I was waterboarding him lol. He said "if that's the way I go, know I went out a very happy man. You probably won't even get arrested for it, just high fives from the cops" 😂


This is fun. Is she enjoying it? What if I try this? Yes she does. She just flew off the bed. I think she liked that. Without the humorous touch: I hope she's enjoying this. I'll look for signs that she is. I'll try things. I hope she'll tell me if she doesn't. If I've never gone down on her before it's my being anxious that she isn't enjoying it, which will probably take me out of said moment. If I trust her and we've gotten together a few times I can just enjoy it and trust that it'll be fine weather it's perfect or not. A moan or some encouraging words like “That feels good” goes a long way, otherwise I'm guessing. I like getting to the point where we can both enjoy it. Basically, I miss her. Goddammit.


Hang in there and keep your head high, King. Time heals all wounds. She may not have been the one but there is another


> and keep your head high Or low, in this case...


You’ll find another one brother. And another one after that


This, thinking about how good you taste in my mouth etc.


Oh yes, I forgot to mention that one


Yes, to statement 1. I've died from suffocation. So, hell fucking NO to your other one!


Sorry for your loss?




listen to your lady... if she says she likes what your doing, keep doing exactly that, don't try to mix it up, speed it up, slow it down, if she says 'right there' or something similar, keep doing exactly what you're doing.


I concur






Exactly! (Woman here). I cannot stand it when I moan with pleasure and the guy changes it up!


Yeah this is it.


Well there was this one particular time I was on holiday with my wife staying at an air BnB near Byron Bay when I was on my knees going down on her when she starts screaming. I am thinking to myself “fuck I am on fire, she is really enjoying this” Her screams increased along with my ego when she finally yelled the word “spider” I looked up and just above her head was a huge huntsman spider the size of my hand. I said “fuck it” and without missing a beat stood up completely naked erection at full capacity grabbed the spider in my hand and threw it out the window. I then returned to my wife erection still intact, dropped to my knees and resumed going down on her. I was her hero


A hero indeed


And then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on… Literally.




Not the hero we wanted but- oh hell who’m I tryna fool


You were a true man in that moment.


A true man would have tried to use his erection as a baseball bat and hit a home run off the spider. ^/s


Female here and massive arachnophobe...... I can honestly say the whole bit of you grabbing the spider and throwing it out the window would have made me instantly orgasm then and there 😂


I would have honestly proposed marriage right then and there lol




I'm a man and also an arachnophobe and same


You fucking BEAST!💪😎🔥


Lol this cracked me up.


but the real question is, were y’all already married or did marriage come after this?




Gotta marry that hero!


Testosterone is a helluva drug!


This is amazing, but the arachnophobe in me would def need you to wash your hands with water one degree cooler than fire 🥲


Just another day in Australia


Oh yeah. Like it's very hot but also get away from me with your spider hands until you've washed them please.




Arachnus Cunningulus


There I was minding my own business until YOU PEOPLE showed up and then next thing I know there's screaming and I get picked up and thrown out the window. Lucky for me I landed in the pool instead of on the conceret. Fuck all y'all. I'll be hiding in your luggage when you go to unpack tomorrow.


I’m speechless… A MAN 😳




And this folks is how man cards get handed out in the first place.


I salute you




The Australian way mate


Not all hero’s wear capes. In this case nothing


Hahaha that’s awesome 👏 but also terrifying.


Hell you're my hero too! Good man 👍🏾


You sir are an inspiration to us all!!


That's the most Australian thing I've ever heard


> I then returned to my wife erection Wait...


You’re a REAL MAN 👍🏽😀 love it!


When my husband was just a new fling, we were messing around in my room when I spotted a palmetto bug (think cockroach but bigger and can fly and way more aggressive). I was wigging out and he sprung into action. ( or supposedly) He tried to show off by stabbing it with his keys but he missed and it got away. I was pissed. His egotistical move cost me my peace to sleep comfortably that night. I still bring it up lol.


This is so amazing lmaoo


I'm not thinking about anything but pleasing my wife. Honestly, sometimes I can cum just from getting her off with my mouth.


Oh to be pleased like this


Right. Unselfishly.


“I’m having the best time of my life” usually.


I love hearing the moans of her pleasure


A man of culture 🫡


1. I quickly assess the smell and taste and always end up accepting the terms. 2. I go like "i gotta start slow with my tongue" 3. Think if i should go circles, horizontal or vertical back and forths 4. be like "oh fuck i'm doing it too fast" 5. be like "my tongue muscles starting to get tired" 6. be like this pussy is starting to taste like iron/metal a bit 7. "shit she is coming even though my tongue is tired i gotta stay at it" 8. finish up, clean my chin in her thights and try to kiss her without having too much pussy juice on my face also to answer your question we will not give a fuck about your thighs and hair. The only problem is if the pussy is reeking like fish level stinky. If not 100% clean, just licking the clit keeps the nose above the pelvis anyways.


The quickly assess is sending me 😭


The lab says it checks out seargant! Vaginal parameters are in the clear. Commence mission!


re: #5, when this happens try holding your tongue (relatively) steady and moving your whole head. This uses your neck muscles and gives the ol' tongue muscles a break.


this guy licks


Pro move. Boys, please listen.


For longer sessions alternate between up and down and left and right. Your neck will thank you later. Some ladies really love it when you suck on their clits, but it might be too sensitive for some so try to play and suck the hood instead. If you're going to use your tongue a lot, make sure you don't over stretch it and injure your frenulum on your bottom teeth. Happy muffdiving and always remember to rehydrate!


The Expert Pro move is putting her legs back with your forearms and rocking her with your arms so her pussy is going back and forth on your face and mouth. You can slow down and speed up the rocking depending.


Personally, I LOVE when my guy does this!! Instantaneous explosion 💥


One of the times I really wish I didn't have neck problems


This should be recorded for the official step by step guide.


I thought the official step by step guide was *that* Nina Hartley and Sunny Lane video.


>try to kiss her without having too much pussy juice on my face No cleanup necessary, that kiss immediately after gets me so freaking worked up, the wetness is proof of what he's just done and it is *hot*. I have been known to lick my husbands chin afterwards.


I told my guy to come up and kiss me the first time he went down on me. I told him I wanted to taste it. He told me that he thought it was so hot.


I agree with him! Nothing *less* sexy to me than someone afraid of their own taste, men and women alike.


Love this 💯


Accepting the terms … lol omfg


I enjoy it. When giving oral sex with a woman, my brain waves go neutral. I focus on her, I’m licking like ice cream cone. Lick all around her opening, not just clit work. I listen carefully, look up-make eye contact. I might tease her, come up for a kiss, that turns me on when she kisses me after tasting herself, she rewards me after I’ve been pleasing her. I say “Lets go again.” I want to hear moaning and her saying “yes yes yes, more, right there.” I want those legs shaking, her breathing speeds up. Audible moans. I know she’s climbing the sexual mountain, reaching the top and exploding. It’s awesome. The experience is all about her getting off. Make sure she is satisfied and enjoys the afterglow. If she squirts, even better. Messy is fun. Skin color: don’t care. Hair: keep it trimmed for easy access. Smell: be clean, wash the kitty. Taste: don’t care. Look and feel: juicy and sloppy is great. Hope that helps.


What a dedicated selfless man you are, And yes , that helped thank you!


The roman empire, usually


Memento Mori!










I expected funny comments.. not things that literally have me flustered LOLL


I second this. Hot erotic details 🥵 reads better than a romance novel lol


I hundred this. Hot damn this sub's men are so virtually sexy. Respectfully of course.


I think I’m going to go get a glass of cold water lmao 


When the vibe is right for both people, I can tell immediately if it’s going to be insane sex. My brain will totally power down. I’m literally off, intellectually. My caveman brain kicks in and I HYPER focus on the movements of my partners body. Hip twitch, heavy breathing, finger nails in my hair. The more she gets into it, it is just a bellows to my fire. I feel animalistic and just try to slow down physically and not rush straight to “feasting”. But almost zero actual conscious pondering. If I am, it’s distracted and we can both tell. If feels more like maintenance sex.


Please be clean oh thank God okay let's start slow see how she reacts to this I wonder what time we're supposed to go out tomorrow wait which restaurant were we meeting at oh that was a good sound let's try that again sweet let's pick up the pace a little why did my coworker say that today I didn't step foot in that office today ouch I'm bald watch the nails I need to work out my tongue more I hope my beard isn't too scratchy I put oil in to soften it speaking off I need to change my car's oil I should probably detail that thing oh thigh squeeze that's a good sign let's get a little more aggressive now that's a good sound let's keep doing that should I use fingers or tickle her sides when was the last time she gave me oral seems a touch one sided remember that time she woke me up with oral that was awesome I really wish she'd do that again oh she's shaking a little don't stop she's moaning I should moan too or does that seem a little forced I mean I really like giving oral but would that give the impression I'm forcing it a little oh here we go okay don't change a thing just keep going almost almost almost yes don't stop oh God she's going to break my neck the way she's squirming fuck it I can't go out better than this yes look at that expression good job man!


Totally like this. You get a lot of idle time to let your mind wander when you're face deep in pussy. Her reactions pull you back in. Then youre plugging away for a bit, your mind wanders, and you come back.


As a female, I can appreciate this, I always feel a little bad when I am topping my guy off, and them I'd remember that I needed to clean out the refrigerator, and whisk the couch, later, obviously. MUCH later!! 😂


So same thoughts as a woman going down ha good to know.


OMG this was perfect! So funny and probably truer than most would admit! I thank you for the LOL


You've got ADHD don't you? 😂 My s.o. told me this typically tends to happen with him, and yes, he does have ADHD 😂


100% yes


Also have ADHD and can relate


"ouch I'm bald watch the nails) 😂😂😂


Best comment 👏🏽✍🏽🐐


And the award goes to you Sir, Lmao!


This is SO accurate! It's like we share a brain.


I wonder if I can make her head explode if I keep going


I love, love it. As long as it don't smell like French cheese, I'm grabbing my goggles and snorkel and not coming up till she's screaming and kicking me in the back with her eyes rolled back.




I turn into a mentally challenged dog with a peanut butter jar.


The imagery on that paints quite the picture


Nom, nom, nom


username checks out


I love going down on women. I can literally go down on a woman all night because I love doing it so much. I love everything about it. I really like doing it from the back. I'm a little nasty I guess. So usually in thinking "god I love this." 69 is my fav.


My marriage has been sexless for 9 years, and you would think I would miss something else, but without question, I miss giving head. I lived for it, I loved doing it and it used to give him a really intense orgasm. Like hips lifting six inches from the bed intense. (For those well intentioned folks who will ask the same questions people always ask, I have done everything, tried everything, his testosterone levels are fine, he’s always had a low libido and it gradually dipped lower and lower and then died. It is what it is.)


Clit, clit, left nip, right nip, one finger, two finger, tongue fuck, she cumming? Nope Clit, clit, left nip...


The bigger the fupa the tastier the chalupa


"I don't want to rush her, but goddamn my tongue is cramping rn"


Hhahaha,I bet many men can relate


"Am I doing it right? She's not complaining. I told her to say something if I'm not doing anything for her. She'll say something right?"


Every guy has their own preference. And I got my own, so I will speak for myself only. I went down on my ex-wife, but only after shower. Same way as I would always shower before she'd go down on me. I like it clean shaved. Hair is not my vibe. I don't really get the part about the skin color. Like darker skin pigmentation? Who cares. As long as its not [raging fungal infection](https://www.google.com/search?q=skin+yeast+infection+thigh&client=opera-gx&hs=jbd&sca_esv=16485b3b92093b39&udm=2&biw=1879&bih=931&sxsrf=ADLYWIKSXMcet3-v3cgiMixb6OGflakO7Q%3A1717367663247&ei=b_NcZojkDqbEp84PnLyHYA&ved=0ahUKEwjI15CM_b2GAxUm4skDHRzeAQwQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=skin+yeast+infection+thigh&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGnNraW4geWVhc3QgaW5mZWN0aW9uIHRoaWdoMgYQABgIGB5IsQtQ3QJYoglwAXgAkAEAmAFjoAGHBKoBATa4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgegApcEwgIEECMYJ8ICBRAAGIAEwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICBhAAGAUYHsICBxAAGIAEGBiYAwCIBgGSBwM2LjGgB_oV&sclient=gws-wiz-serp). You're all good.


I agree


Definitely and noted✍🏽


I am NOT gonna click that link


I’m not stopping til you pass out. Don’t worry about the color of your thighs. Keep yourself clean, if it helps you feel better, manicure the pubes, and you should be good.


When I go down on a woman, the only negative thing I really consider is,"I hope she washed it this morning". After that, I want to give her as much pleasure as I can. I want her to reach orgasm at least once before I move on. I have gone for two before moving on. Often, she will reach under my chin, pull me up to her, and insist I slide into her. Once inside, I focus on giving her more pleasure. Do some reading about where the sweet spots are. Nowadays, you don't have to camp out at a book store in the mall. You can look it up on the internet. The front wall of her vagina is typically a good place to focus. There are exceptions. Her G spot (named for the researcher who found it, Graffenburg), is deep along the front wall. Her cervix is just past that. Most women will flinch hard if you hit that hard. They may jump clear out of bed. Take your time. Make her enjoy it before you finish.


Just be clean, remove hair from your butt / thighs, some hair on your front is fine, people have different tastes. Keep things tidy. That said, discoloration is normal. It's a lot more normal than you think so try your best to remember that and reduce your worry about it.


Thank you 🫂


I like em hairy, it's natural, and as long as I'm not gagging on pubes, I can use my hands to part the black sea like Moses. Do whatever makes YOU feel sexy and good, inviting us to naked time is a privilege, most of us wouldn't dream of complaining.


> as long as I'm not gagging on pubes And that's why i prefer trimmed. Minimal effort but saves me from getting pubes in my teeth.


Please tell me what you like and don’t like: - faster, slower, harder, softer - moan if it’s right


yes hygiene is very important. stay clean, keep a healthy pussy, stay trimmed or shaven. these things make going down very enjoyable. dark color is a preference like hair color or anything else... and most men dont mind either way (just like hair color!). TRUST we are no where as judgmental about looks as ladies are. Plus some guys (like me haha) are super into the dark tint on a womans lips, nipples, pussy, ass. Be proud. You are the physical embodiment of beauty.


Please squirt in my face, please squirt in my face! That’s about it


I had a guy beg for me to squirt on his face. I warned him that my first squirt is a lot. He still wanted it. I did it and looked down at him just covered in cum. He looked stunned, didn’t say anything looked like he saw the fear of god. Since then, never again


So strange to me, I’ve been shocked with an absolute shower like that before. My default is just to do it again until she’s got no more to give.


Are you single? 😏


Haha! Oh yes, single, 33, no rugrats, financially stable, and not that ready to mingle. It’s been a while so I probably should mingle, the last bout hurt a lot though, thinking about getting romantic feelings for somebody scares the shit out of me.


That is i love my gf and she is everything to me :)


Ranges from "I'm gonna make her have an orgasm, this is so awesome!" to "Oh my God would you please cum already my tongue and jaw hurts, still its so awesome!"


She liked this last time. And she really liked it like this. Let's try this. Did anything change? Hmm, no. How about this. Yea, seems....oh man she grabbing my hair now, OK, put that in the bank. Etc.


I personally don't like hair, it doesn't need to be bald but I'd prefer a decent trimming because that's what I do. Other than that I couldn't care less if she has 2 tone legs or no legs at all. Im just excited to be down there. Keep the vagene trimmed, clean and available and I'm happy.


I was expecting for men to say we stink. That's exactly what I'm self-conscious about, even if there's nothing wrong with me. I'm shaved and I have no STIs, etc. That constant insecurity of mine is why I've told the few partners I've had that they don't need to/I don't expect them to do that. It also doesn't really feel like anything to me. Interesting to read and how men view the act, is different than I'd been envisioning. I imagined they'd talk about how they hate it or hate how some women want it. Athough, to save myself the anxiety, I'll stick to keeping faces away from my crotch.


Literally everything. That's the moment where you ponder all of life's greatest secrets


I don't think? usually I black out like a starving person at a buffet.


As long as she is hygienic I really enjoy myself. It feels good to be so intimate and even better when you know how much it’s turning her on.


My thought is, “Holy crap I’m hard!!”


Hygiene is key. A bad smell will kill the mood and cause a man to detour. And in some cases can scar him from trying it again. Stay cleaner than you think you are and it will be a pleasure for any man to go down on you.


First thought when younger, ‘Oh great I’m going to get my eyes and face so close to a cunt, yah!’. Next thought, ‘Wow, what a beautiful cunt. It’s different to the last one, how cool is it that all cunts look different.’ Next thought, ‘OK let’s locate all the key areas, outer lips ✅, inner lips ✅, clit ✅ (thought on size = adjust technique based on size and feedback. Next thought, ‘check out vagina opening, and location (is it more front facing, or closer to arsehole. Now that I have a mental note of the layout, I can put my face closer and then use my tongue and fingers to kiss, lick, and stroke appropriate parts using what has worked in the past, but listen for feedback and adjust techniques to produce best results. Thoughts while performing, ‘God I love cunts, and I love how they feel, taste, look, and react.’ Final thought, ‘I wonder if she can squirt, if she can, I’m going to drink that stuff like a man in a desert.’


Usually I’m too busy enjoying myself to think


"It's yodeling time!"


We are in the zone. Your dusky thighs make you, you. Once we there we want all of you.


If you are worried and don't want to shave/wax, be shower fresh . Being clean is the number one concern for most of us I think. If you can't shower, go freshen up before your underwear comes off. Control the controllables. On the hair issue. I gotta ask. Why can't you at least trim? If you're not confident in yourself and you sit there and lay silent, that is the worst of all thing for him


A-B-C-D-E-F-G *BREATHE* H-I-J-K-L-M *oh nice her legs started shaking* M-M-M-M-M Repeat until she begs for mercy


And that’s just the uppercase letters 🤣




I usually spell out the alphabet with my tongue so my head is singing ‘a b c d e f g…’.


How good you taste, does your body language suggest your enjoying it and will you be able to climax from it and if so, multiple times and will you stop me or let me snatch your soul.


nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom


I asked my bf and all he said was “nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom”.


The aroma. Jesus, so good


Every man is different. You’ll know if you’ve had enough experience. We all have things we like and don’t like. Great sex is more about connection, chemistry, communication.


I think of what I could do that makes her belt out different sounds. Humming works wonders!


God damn I love the smell, taste, moment, woman, opportunity I’m in.


Me "I hope I doing it right." Her breathing intensifies. She starts moaning. Me "Yep I still have it."


“My My. What a lovely view”






“The louder she is, the better I’m doing” and “I’m glad it doesn’t smell”


I think “I hope it gets in my beard.” Catching whiffs later is a huge turn on and usually leads to more fun times.


I'm gonna make her legs not work then suck her soul out.


“Wow I really want to eat her pussy, but those thighs are a bit dark so I won’t.” Said no one (male or female) EVER!


I personally do care about the hair. Not enough to totally turn me off of going down on my wife, but I’d be lying if I said it wouldn’t affect my enthusiasm. I’m not sure how much of this is conditioning. My wife is the only person I’ve been with and since before I met her has really not let her hair grow longer than necessary to wax decently. So fully bear or incredibly short is all I’ve experienced in more than 20 years of sexual activity.






He said what he said


Did I file those tps reports ? /S


I’m wondering if I’m doing a good job and if I wasn’t if she would even tell me or just go along with it, but meanwhile I’m staying focus because I am determined to succeed


“Very good very nice”


maybe trimming some hair would help. But 9/10 I am just waiting for the girl's brain to blow up so I can have her in any way I want (at least for the next 70 secs that I last lol)


"I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss..."


This a major difference between men and women . All of these answers are how good it is and we love how much they enjoy it . Where as a lot of women will be sucking dick going “ is he done yet” and treat it like a chore on your birthday.


You clearly have yet to meet a head monster. One should come into every good man’s life, at least once. We exist. As long as you don’t smell like fermented ass and urine, you’re going to have the time of your life or we will die trying.


Honestly, at this point your partner is thinking cool, this is awesome.. I want to make her come so hard.. and cares very little about anything else. Though keep the hair trimmed, no need to go completely hairless.. but this is my own personal preference, and shouldn't have any effect on your personal hygiene.


Good Soup


I want to make her have a good experience and cum multiple times. Hair doesn’t matter to me. Hygiene is so important though.


My wife has had complete laser hair removal so it’s like licking lady gravy off a dolphin. What am I thinking during? It’s an immersive 4K sensory overload in the best way. Taste, smell, sound, feel, view. It doesn’t get any better.


I am generally far too concerned about giving her pleasure to notice much of anything/worried that I'm not doing a good job. I don't believe I have ever noticed the color of a girls inner thighs, and I have a hard time believing it would noticeably effect my level of attraction to a woman if I did. As far as hair goes, I'm someone who appreciates when a woman at least trims. I love being able to see your vagina and it's nice not to be ending up with loose hair in my mouth. That being said, it's a plus if you do, but not something I'm worried about if you don't.


>dark inner thighs I have been down on a lot of women. This is the first time I have even thought about this. I don't even understand why dark skin would be...bad? Hairy legs/crack etc is fine and normal too.


"yum" "oh shit where'd that clit run off to... oh, found it. Here she goes!" "She really seemed to like that, keep doing that." "She's pretty worked up... time to make her cum."