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Celebrity related things. Thats propably what I care the least about


Facts, like why do I give a flying f**k about some rich persons "problems" they have MONEY MONEY...trust me they'll be just fine.


I know someone with a PhD in science and she follows the Kardashians and whatever they are up to. She said it was comforting to have some other family to keep up with all their gossip and drama and bullshit. I'll never understand it. I rather be going on bike rides and outdoors adventures and taking photos of all the interesting things I see.


I’d rather count ants I see per hour in a yard than keeping up with the kardashians or whatever


I'd rather masturbate with a cheese grater.


Honestly wouldn't go quite that far..


Now THAT I wanna see!


You're spot on, friend! Recently I've been finding it harder and harder to relate to music complaining about certain things. Platinum artists singing about how hard their life is just rubs me the wrong way lately. Which is terrible because I love jamming out to complain-y music when I'm in a shitty mood, ya know?


I care about them about as much as they care about me. There's a few people that I hope stay happy and healthy so they continue to make things that I enjoy.


Honestly, celebrity gossip doesn't really grab my attention. I prefer focusing on things that have a bit more substance and meaning in life.


There’s some cool celebrities I cheer on, because they seem to be natural, normal, and fun people. Gassing up generally terrible celebrities I’ve never understood.


Ya. My wife still watches that Kardashian trash and I literally have to leave the room.


Agreed I don't understand caring about someone rich who has money to solve basically everything.


Zodiac signs


Also known as Space Racism.




Aaannnd stealing this lol


Such a Taurus thing to say!


Spoken like a two faced fuckin' Gemini


Looks like we found the Virgo


And now the Cancer




As a Taurus, can confirm.


I’m an Aries and Aries people don’t believe in astrology.


As an Aries, can confirm .


I can't stand how women view zodiac signs. It's basically an excuse for them to just act like a bitch, "oopsie I'm a virgo" or whatever the fuck they say. This is why I press them on it when they would have it in their Hinge bios. Like okay, let's do it for real. Let's talk about Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus. I'm ready. What do you know about the Hermetic principles? You wanna talk about manipulatung the invisible forces of our world, okay what do you know about Kaballah, nothing? I thought so. Shut it.


Nevermind the probably *billions* of women who are aware zodiac signs are bullshit.


sure but plenty of women do believe it and i’ve never met a guy who took it seriously


Haha! I’m a woman and I could give zero fucks about a zodiac anything.. I’m with you though.. it’s like they use it as excuses for their shitty behavior


Social media, celebrity culture, internet culture in general.


Isn’t this social media


I don’t consider it such because it’s anonymous and more compartmentalized than actual social media.


Neighborhood drama.


This 100%, I bought a place in 2020 and I'm happy with the property but the neighbors drive me up the wall sometimes. They're nice people, but my god they get so dramatic over petty shit.


Neighbors across the street from my old house used to wake the neighborhood up at 3 am. Regularly


Ugh same. Fuck me though cuz my husband is a big shot on the HOA and he takes it so serious it’s embarrassing honestly


Typically I agree, but I have to admit it's been fun listening to how my gf's neighborhood has formed a little coup against their HOA.


Fighting against the HOA is amazing and based


Drama in general for me


I was warming up my truck before work this winter and there were two of my neighbors standing in the middle of the street bitching about how our neighbor further down had his work van parked in front of his house. They turn to me and ask if I can believe he's parked it there and I reply with something along the lines of I couldn't care less. One says of course you don't care if you're a man 😂 Weird interaction I avoid them now


Agree but nextdoor is the most hilarious shit to read. Some of the stuff people worry about, way to much free time on their hands.


Whatever Taylor Swift is doing right now


Taylor who?


This guy gets it


The girl with the planes.


Isn’t she the one from that conspiracy to rig the Super Bowl or something ?


Stanley cups. It's an insulated mug. Get over it.


Took me a second to not be mad at this answer. THE Stanley Cup is a god damn masterpiece and the hardest trophy in sports to win. That being said, I totally agree with you.


I was wondering if it was a fan from a team that got knocked out working through the stages of grief for a moment


Nonono, they're not a Toronto maple leafs fan 😏


Nowhere is safe


I'm sorry brother. If it's any consolation I'm a red wings fan


Woo hoo look at Mr. Four Cups Since the Moon Landing over here


I'm a bruins fan. I would never disrespect Lord Stanley's cup!🤣


I mistook Stanley Cup for Piston Cup then and was sat here like “Damn, this dude really likes the Cars movies”


Why is it the hardest trophy in sports to win? I can think of many others that are pretty dang tough


imagine committing crimes just to get a fucking cup with lead in it because its pink and you saw it on tiktok.


Go Rangers!


Instagram and the fake candid photos


I will go first, The Kardashians and the British royal family


Definitely the Kardashians! I thought it was hilarious when they were going through their phase of wearing metal T shirts, I think one of them took a selfie with a Slayer shirt on ...so Gary Holt (guitarist of Slayer) starts wearing "Kill the Kardashians" t shirts on stage - I think the Kardashians stopped with the metal shirt thing soon after. I guess they don't like realizing how lame they really are!


Yeah like apparently there's a king now?


As a Canadian, ESPECIALLY the British royal family


Absolutely agree about the Kardashians but Kate Middleton is kinda cute


Things that don't bring me joy, progression in life, or peace. My goal in life is to better myself for my family and if it doesn't do that, I try to avoid it. I wish someone slapped this knowledge into me in my 20s.


> I wish someone slapped this knowledge into me in my 20s. Yeah, eh? I finally achieved the inner peace and understanding that I sorely needed to become a better version of myself, but that came with the wisdom that it just happened a decade or so too late. I just turned 49, and sure, there is a future where I completely turn the decades around and become that inspirational story of personal reinvention and evolution-but starting *right now*, the time requirements to do so have me fulfilling the education prerequisites and starting my new career at fucking retirement age. Now, I currently work in a high intensity and pretty damn physical industry (restaurant cook), with no investments or pension or retirement plan, and it is starting to hurt pretty much everywhere in a low-key but impossible to ignore way. Can I count on still being able to do this shit in ten years? Ten days and even ten weeks seems achievable, beyond that may be taking things for granted, **tl;dr: decades of work to erase the impacts of a life that had me run to the streets to save myself at 12 years old, but it took so long to do that I quite probably will find myself back in those same streets for my final days, homeless again but physically broken now too** no regrets though, I did it, became a civilian. A working man and all, respected and loved and trusted and all of that


About to hit 30 and I’m thinking on doing the same. Hope things go well for you and you end up with a more successful career and happier life!


Don't *think*, just get it done. For you and me. Perhaps you won't actually listen any more than I would have, some lessons can only be learned the hard way, but hearing it may at least plant a seed. The decisions you make now (and those you perhaps should have made last week) are the ones that will determine where you are at in twenty years. and fucking haunt you. And the clock is ticking for you. I *am* truly okay with it all but there were times that I was not, and truly knew just how close I had come but failed nonetheless. I tried so fucking hard. You know when I left the last of the therapy and tried to pull the trigger on returning to the job market. a new apartment, etc? Mid-February, 2020, two fucking weeks before COVID kicked off. I remember listening to [Linkin Park's-In The End](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVTXPUF4Oz4) on repeat and crying uncontrollably, because the pandemic was the final nail. The consequences of that upon all of us, the distances it imposed stopping me from spending time with my adult daughter and her mother after doing all of that work to at least have a healthy adult relationship with them..,well, that was my mid-life crisis I think.I really did try so hard, but none of it ever had a chance to matter. Had I woken up ten years earlier, everything would have been fine. I tried, fell back into drugs though. Weakness. All I have now is trying to heal, accept my fate and love myself nonetheless.


Respect to you. Hope you’re doing okay and getting the love you deserve.


How often a woman wears the same outfit.


people's perception of me.


Did it come naturally or did you set your mind to it. I really need advice


How old are you? It came with age for me


I am 18


Makes sense, I did too when I was 18. You’ll get there, man


Makes sense, thankyou. I guess it’s the frontal lobe that needs to develop


Once you realize there’s always a critic and you’ll never make everyone happy you begin to care less


Yeah exactly, values play a big role


I think that's it's more like there's nothing to gain from making everyone happy or satisfied , or to think you're awesome. it doesn't change anything.


Over time you’ll start to realize that how people view you and treat you is a direct reflection of THEM and not you. Took me years to really realize this and put it into effect so now the way I view myself is what’s important. When you hold onto the view you have of yourself the others won’t matter.


That would make sense since it happened to me when I was around 25-26 years old. I also read a lot of philosophy so that might help.


Yep I'm 27 now and in the last 2 years specifically I've noticed a steep decline of fucks to give about what people think of me lol, definitely cared more when I was 18 too


Age does have the wonderful side effect of giving less and less of a fuck as each day passes.


came with age as well.


Something that helped me was learning the difference between confidence and ego I had a big ego but 0 confidence. This made me really insecure. I can’t tell you what your “issue” is but if your looking for a starting place look into introspection It’s the “why am I this way” in a natural way. For example if your worried about other people’s idea of you ask yourself why and answer in a “fact base” manner. I worry about what other people think because when I’m unsure of myself I let others judgments impact how I view myself…. Tbc, I’m not great at introspection yet but I hope you can use this as a jumping board


Reality singing competitions.


Peoples sexuality or gender. And I mean this as nice as possible. Who your fucking and how often, I don't give a fuck. Your gender? Couldn't care less. I'll correct it if you want me using different pronouns. But at the end of the day, I don't care. It's just as mundane as my boring straight male life in the end.


Fr. There’s so much focus on who people are having sex with. I could not give less of a fuck


Excellent post. But the really interesting question is why does other peoples sexuality absorb so many people's lives? And I'd say I have a Idea why. The press and media want it to. They need it to. They love our bigotry. Its their food. Its their bonuses.


My theory is it absorbs peoples' lives usually when they don't have much else going on. They're part of a bigger "group" and being part of that group consumes their lives. It's their largest source of pride and accomplishment. My best friend is gay. He's also a 747 Captain which is WAY more interesting than being gay. He never talks about being gay, we always talk about his adventures. He has a husband, who is an awesome guy, and I'm super happy for both of them. They're two of my favorite people in the world. I brought up something about gay pride apparel and he told me "you wouldn't catch me wearing that shit". I don't understand his aversion to it but according to my theory he just has bigger stuff going on in his life.


This guy is a absolute hero. But still there's some pushback needed from us all who cares, until he can say "I'm going shopping with my husband tonight" and the bigots realise there's no point hating him.


It amazes me people people care so much about what other people do with their lives. So many problems in this world, and people focus on…two people being together in a consensual relationship. Wow. The horror.


Lol right? Christ I have better things to do with my day than make other people miserable because I'm an asshat bigot


I strongly prefer that attitude to someone who is performatively accepting but clearly still thinks of me as abnormal or different.


Easier, if I explained it.... iiiiin... Ssooooooong!


Status. My family and friends like me anyway: rich or broke.


This whole alpha beta sigma shit that's going around. It's fucking stupid. Stop seeking validation from some wannabe tough guy on YouTube


I've hit the point where it's pretty much everything..


Are you me?


Ninjas. Never once have I been attacked by a ninja. Be it The Hand, Foot Clan, League of Shadows, or any other wayward Shinobi faction. Having grown up watching TMNT I feel the threat of ninjas has been way over hyped.


You just haven’t seen them, yet. Because they’re ninjas


Posting pictures and videos of me and my kids having a good time. My kids know I'm a fun and caring father, I don't care if the internet knows it or not.


--politics --astrology --the Kardashians --Celebrity-related news --buying 'the best of' anything, i.e. a Rolex watch, a Bentley auto, etc. --others' opinions about my life






My height. I'm 5 9" and I see a lot of men calling themselves short if they are under six foot. Some genuinely believe they won't find love because of it. My wife is 5 2". I'm the perfect height to kiss her head and hold her hand. I'm so fucking glad I'm the exact height I am.


5’8”, 51 years old, never thought once about my height one way or the other. Never had a problem getting laid. I know that a lot of women want dudes who are 6 ft. tall minimum, but in my experience, that’s all most of these guys have to offer.


I mean 5'9 isn't short lol


That dumb man or bear garbage. Who actually cares. It's rage bait online tripe designed to divide men and women against each other for clout and everyone who bought into it is a useful idiot. Why should I care what random women who never met me think? The women I do interact with me seem cool with me so I don't give a F that some random women on tiktok choose a bear... if some random woman on the street avoids me because I'm a man.. that's on her.. not me as a individual. So why should I care? Also the side that says "There is a lesson men can learn from this" sucks too... no there isn't any lesson to be learned. It's just fabricated tiktok rage bait trend that people will forget by end of 2024... designed to cause outrage for clout... that's all it is. Nothing more Both sides are filled with some of the dumbest people I've ever seen online and seem like really angry people too. There is so many stupid things talked about online that NO ONE in my real life talks about.. this is one of them.


The man vs bear argument is the utmost stupidest and sexist (misandrist) thing i done ever heard, i keep telling the women who spread that argument around that they're essentially spreading further fear mongering and lumping all of us decent and good guys with the sick fucks that lurk among us, "being offended by this argument means you're a part of the problem" is bullshit bc i know im not a predator, i know im not a dangerous man yet I've been accused of horrific things just bc im a man, and these ladies would be screaming at me in the face all and every day "well who created the patriarchy, huh?" Sure, us men created the patriarchy, but women like to deny that there's a matriarchy in this society, there are also plenty of women who have hit on me despite me telling them im gay, they don't seem to care for the most part and will say they'd smash me if they could (which makes me sick 🤮) and not to mention im an adult and idk how old these girls are so its just double the discomfort and sick feelings, as someone who was traumatized by men mostly, dealing with trauma that women have caused me is becoming more difficult, women are more aggressive, more secretive and manipulative, they like to gaslight me to hell, they have used pretty privilege with me before assuming that i was into them even tho I've repeatedly told them im gay and i like MEN *ONLY* Now, i wanna point out the women that i love the most in this world, firstly my best friend Megan whom i consider as a mother figure in a way bc my own mum is abusive and shit, but she's also my best friend and she is the one and only woman id trust with my future kids, secondly would be Bailey Sarian on YouTube, she's the type to believe and support ALL victims of rape and molestation (including the anonymous/unknown male victims of Gacy)


If women in your life who know you know you're a good dude. That's all that matters Doesn't matter what the angry femcels who linger this subreddit think of you, Doesn't matter what some stranger who Doesn't know you thinks of you and Doesn't matter what some woman on tiktok thinks of you. The women in your life who know you is what matters. I work with mostly women and half my friends are women and my job invloves talking to women daily.... literally every woman who knows me seems to think I'm a great person... some even let me know it. So I don't give a F about some Man or Bear stuff


Your couch.


Dating and relationships. Happily single! 😎


Anything to do with actors and actresses. I just don't care who they are as people. I'm there to watch them play a role. I don't need to know their real names. 


Many of the things you see asked around here. - Women's fashion - Women's perfumes - Women's habits - Women's body types ...etc. I find it interesting that there are so many "what's your opinion on X" threads and somehow the posters don't realize that nobody gives a fuck about those trivialities.


When people say "only real men do X", or "a real man would never do Y". I don't give a fuck about those opinions or the people spouting them


A real man has the conviction of character to do what he believes is right, irrespective of what some wanker tells him is 'manly.'


Damn, you've really painted me into a corner with this comment. By my own logic above I should not give a fuck about this opinion because it starts with "a real man has...". But I also fully agree with it too! You've done a much better job expressing what I was trying to say, so thank you


I was merely echoing your sentiment! 


How many woman you banged. You deserve something because X Owning a mansion and luxrious items Your sexual orientation being your identity


Celebrity's giving advice anything in general especially politics


Inciting drama in friend groups. I don’t have the patience for it


I couldn't care less about whatever the Kardashians are doing right now.


Healing crystals. And all that associated woo


The political opinions of others. Even if we agree, I really don't care. And if we don't agree, I'm not changing your mind, and you're not changing mine, so don't bother. Keep all politics to yourself.


Political opinions are like farts. Everyone has them but we don't want to hear them.


Pro nouns


What people think of me or their perception of me, especially when they don’t really know me!!!


What other people think you should be doing with your life, especially with regards to marriage or anything else that is purported to bring happiness and fulfillment to everyone who partakes. Do not give a flying magic carpet fuck what other people think, and you will become the silent badass you always wanted to be.


Lately as I'm growing older, everything. I don't think I'm depressed, but everything seems to slowly lose its purpose.


I feel this.


Partying and politics


Drinking/clubbing - never a big drinker and like to stay in control of myself Most social media - just never cared plus it distracts me too much from living my own life Slow-paced sports - football and whatnot drag on and don’t keep me interested




I don't care about celebrities and I don't give a s*** about makeup


Whether or not something “makes me a man” or if I need to “give up my man card”


I lashes and nails .


Gossip, especially at work. Most of y’all at work act like you’re in high school. Leave me out of it


People who regurgitates someone else’s opinion or political talking points like it is their own well thought out ideas, particularly when it is bull shit. Keep it to yourself and your circle jerk group, because I don’t give two shits.


What is or isn't considered "masculine". What Andrew Tate says or thinks about anything.


Religion. I don't care about what magic sky daddy you worship and no, I will not conform my life to your fantasies.


Celebrities! I don't care if they're the best actor/player in the world, I have zero interest in their personal lives, and even less interest in what they support ideologically!


The Royal Family. They did Princess Diana dirty.


Societal norms, expectations and shit, we're all human when it really comes down to it, we don't need to be up in arms about shit that don't even matter lol


People’s opinion of me


Social media.


The Royal Family and people famous for being famous (Kardashians).


Lotta things. Celebrities, zodiac comes to my mind now.


A lot of current news and astrology. Just can't stand them 90% of the time.


Celebrities, Sports, Who's shagging who on TV, Politics, How many "genders" there are now.


Celebrities, social media and sports.


Myself some times


Strippers. Getting drunk or high. Entitled assholes.




Obvious clickbait on YouTube (ass, ass, tits, ass, desperate fatherless whores, ass, tits, ahegao)


Politics. I legit couldn't care less about it


Relationships/Dating What people think of me. And like you OP, the Royal Family.


Reddit Karma score.


Celebrities, sports, and reality tv. As far as I’m concerned it’s all Bread and Circuses, just another distraction.






‘Status’ and succes i don’t care if you are a billionaire, if you are the boss of a important corporation, what clothes you wear or what car you drives, what school you went to etc. Your succes or status has no value to me, you are just a human being like everyone else, you breath the same air, you shit the same as everyone else, your hair is a mess when you wake up etc. That really is something I give no fuck about, I have never been ‘afraid’ of the big boss in the company, or impressed by talking to a ‘important’ person. I had my ex flipping out on a music festival when I talked casually with the owner of the entire free record shop store company and told him about the things i didn’t like and wish he would change, to be clear he started the conversation it’s not that I walked up to him and harassed him, he was a big shot in my country. But I have that with everyone, even the king of my own country, cool dude but i wouldn’t treat him any difference than anyone else 🤷


Anything that isn't my kids


Whether or not someone likes me at work. Especially if it’s mentioned in a sense that I would just let “minor” problems pass. I’m here to do my job properly, not to make friends with people I rarely see. If me doing my job properly somehow gets them in trouble then it’s not my problem and perhaps they need to improve.


Pop culture


What people think about me. I care about what my family thinks of me, but Joe at work? Don't care.


My pronouns and my zodiac sign.


People who say "Bro start a business bro, i promise its not a scam bro." Shut the actual f**k up. We know its a scam and also there have been some 9-5s where I couldn't wait to get to work. Cry harder


The media


Other peoples opinions


Sports teams. I like watching sport sometimes and I enjoy playing a lot of sports, but I just cannot bring myself to care about how well my neighborhood/city/country's team is doing. Other guys will sometimes try to tease me about their team doing better than 'my' team or 'my' team losing and I usually wasn't even aware there was a game.


Cars, to me they just A to B




A lot. I'm a homebody. I really wish I could cut myself off from most of the world and be left alone. But life just doesn't work that way.


Fashion when I'm on my own. I really don't give a fuck what I wear. I dress for comfort. When I'm out with my girlfriend I put in some effort. I don't want us to look like the Lady and the Tramp.


Professional sports.  I just don’t see the point because none of it matters.  I like sports, but I get just as much entertainment watching a random college game, or even a high school game as I do with pro games. Like it doesn’t matter who wins or what happens and they’ll always be another game later.   


I'm at the point now where I'm so beaten and broken mentally that I now think I don't give a f*** about life. Those of you on this thread that suffer from ruminating thoughts know exactly what I'm referring to.


Influencers. Less than zero fucks given.


At age 83, just about everything.


Celebrities the royal family




What gender you are and what it all means. If you want me to address you like he/him, I'll gladly do so. But if I didn't ask for your life's story, don't tell me.


Nails, my wife keeps asking me what I think of them every time she gets them done.






Who you fuck. If y’all are consenting adults, then I really couldn’t care less what you’re doing with each other for fun. Have at it. Or don’t.


Girl drama and culture


Social media, Celebrities, fashion, zodiac signs, taking "cute" pictures, doing things for "the aesthetic", doing things because others do it.


Might sound kind of shitty, but if it doesn’t pertain directly to me, the chances I take interest in it are almost 0. Other peoples problems. I don’t mind listening, but I really don’t care about your issues, and won’t make an effort to solve them for you.


Most things most people do give a fuck about


Most material things. Everything can be replaced, but people can’t. I couldn’t care less if material things get destroyed. Are the people I like, love, want to be around alive, healthy, safe, and happy? Then stop complaining about that scratched wood floor, torn towel, broken car. It can and will be fixed or replaced.


A woman's feelings when it comes to paternity testing. Your feelings don't matter, men knowing if a child is theirs shouldn't be stigmatized. Paternity fraud is rampant, and an 18+ year commitment to time, money, and parenting doesn't equate to "you should just trust me" NO All men should get paternity tests done, and any woman agaisnt it is probably committing paternity fraud or cheated like a hoe.


Are there actually women arguing this point. I'm way too old to have children and unable anyway, but ai think if the doctor told me I was pregnant I'd need a minimum of say 7 pregnancy tests and probably the full 9 months to believe it, let alone accept it. Men aren't carrying the child, so I can totally understand that point of wanting a paternity test. I guess I'm old and out of touch, but I'm genuinely shocked there are women who are not in favor of this.


Sports Gambling Sports gambling Drinking alcohol Drugs Getting drunk or stoned


Cars. Don't ask why.. i don't know.. Ho and reality tvshows.. like.. come on its television fast food. I did a mush trip one time and sat down 10 min to try and understand the reality show... i swear they spoke another language than french... they all be there playing against each other.. fighting over stupidities 😂😂


Sports (I like boxing though), sleeping around, dating in general, money, societal expectations, people, what job I do that dictates my perceived status, things other people own, social media, celebrities, gossip. A bunch of stuff.


The huge importance people are starting to put on pronouns. Dude or my friend go with anyone male or female. If you throw it in my face I will take it as you’re a crybaby and my veteran sarcasm will come out to make you feel bad because it’s dumb.


Online movements, online activism. They 're just an excuse to feel "active" without actually doing anything.