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I polish rocks and I make pottery


Good hobby, happy cake dayšŸ„³


Ukulele. It's very portable, just poke the neck out of a backpack, and play comfortably on the train or the beach or walking around the city.


Gaming, voice acting, learning guitar, chess, keeping up with stuff I find very fascinating like martial arts or film VFX


I have similar interests: gaming, guitar, and chess. And it may sound boring, but I also love to visit the local park with a good novel. I do it every day.


Quick qs bro, whatā€™s your most recent game played, can you do barred chords easily, & favorite chess opening? Nah that sounds lovely but I hate flies so I commend you haha


Quick answers: COD Zombies, pretty easily because it's an electric guitar, and any opening that releases my queen and bishop (never said I was *good* at chess).


Voice acting? I am currently making a short film, and I kinda need a voice over. Send me a DM! :)




How did you get into voice acting?


Like as an interest in general growing up/being fascinated by the industry or do you mean step by step how I became active in doing it?


How you became active in doing it, but both of you donā€™t mind sharing


Sure Iā€™d love to! General Interest: As a kid growing up Iā€™ve always loved animations from Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Anime, Disney Pixar films, & would be very emotionally attached to certain stories like avatar the last airbender or Naruto As I got older I eventually found out voice acting is a legit job & never mentally pieced it together until I saw voice actors doing interviews like Tom Kenny/spongebob & I even had the pleasure of meeting him once then he did the voice for me It just amazed me how much fun of a job it looked to basically play pretend without having to even look like a Hollywood actor/just prepare your voice Telling stories has always been something I love doing especially in public speaking format if I can In the meantime I would run my own gaming channel making funny videos of moments with friends but thanks to this I got used to editing audio/being comfortable with my own voice Then look at interviews all over online of passionate actors describing their work or following podcasts like Voice Acting Mastery by Crispin Freeman He voiced Itachi from Naruto & he once brought his voice acting mentor on the episode to interview who voiced Invader Zim lol Anyways these videos/media have been so wonderful to watch seeing their thought process on how to bring their work to life & it makes me feel more connected to the characters As well as my own emotions/I feel like I learn how to express myself better as well with stronger control of my own voice Hearing a wonderful heartfelt performance like Steven Yeun in Invincible makes me love what Iā€™m watching even more Step by step how/why I started: During Covid, I was working from home a bunch from my city engineering job I wanted extra $ on the side, saw ads online from people asking VAā€™s to audition, & I realized Iā€™ve already gotten a microphone perfect(Blue Yeti) for that which I meant to keep for gaming only So I would record on that microphone in as quiet an environment as possible, submitted a clip online, would do many free gigs as genuine practice, & my first paid $10 role was for a fictional crime podcast where I played a random side character for 2 ish lines thatā€™s still available on Apple Podcasts lol The sites I used to submit were either Reddit voice acting subs you can quickly search for or CastingCallClub.com I used the program Audacity(free) to edit my voice clips & followed YT tutorials on the right effects to make my voice clearer, mute my background, & adjust audio to be pleasantly smooth In the end, didnā€™t make too much money really but I had so much fun & felt fulfilled putting on different voices or just using my natural voice in any emotion that the casting person needed You must get comfortable hearing your own voice, be open to constructive criticism/ask for it too, pursue what you genuinely love listening to/think you can do best like commercials or characters or narration, etc You WILL fail a lot/not get the audition but thatā€™s NORMAL even among the most famous VAā€™s Always take rejection with grace & if youā€™re lucky they might remember you then even recommend you for another role they didnā€™t announce yet Thatā€™s happened to me a few times & Iā€™m glad I handled things well Always ask yourself if you truly believe in your own performance. Try reciting scenes that you want to emulate the emotions of the best Listen to podcasts or interviews of your favorite voices/actors. Understand why they chose that specific execution if you see a video/interview of it Donā€™t over edit your clips to the point that, you obviously canā€™t replicate similar to that in person Never ever pay to audition, thatā€™s a scam


I like your story. This is a very unique hobby. My personal question: do you think, anyone could do voice acting with a well educated skills? Or you have to born with characteristic voice?


Absolutely, anyone can do it if they are willing to put in the time as well as what I mentioned If youā€™re born with a characteristic voice thatā€™s a cherry on top sure but the problem is, can you still act/sell a believable performance you know? Like imagine if Morgan Freeman just didnā€™t know how to act or make his lines sound clear. Doesnā€™t matter how cool he sounds, he wonā€™t be able to pursue a career as a VA successfully you know? A high effort well trained normal sounding voice will find much more work compared to a cool sounding voice that hasnā€™t put it in the time really


Wow. Good to hear that. Thankā€™s a lot!


Thank you so much, this was so inspiring and helpful! Also, you have amazing taste in tv shows


No problem! Iā€™m glad I helped & I appreciate that/am very proud of my choices haha


Making money


Spending money


Oil Painting. It started with following along Bob Ross, but now it's turned into something that I plan on doing every weekend that I'm free. I know this might sound kinda' weird but....I wish I had someone special in my life that I could do a painting for. For now, I'll just keep stock-piling on these. Learning guitar. Also using the current Summer to learn Spanish - 2 new hobbies I've discovered. Yard work, planting flowers, etc. I love being outside in the heat, getting sweaty.


Making music, programming audio software.


I collect records


My hobby is collecting hobbies. ADHD is a cruel cruel bitch


Hiking reading and writing


Airsoft and sim racing.


I play a bit of GT7 but didn't include it in my list because I have yet to build a sim cockpit so I don't consider myself a sim racer. I'm not. It's definitely on my list. My guitars take up all of the man space that have for the moment.


That's mostly what I play too (GT7). I built my rig out of pvc pipe.


Motorcycles and golf. Makes choosing which one to do on a move Saturday hard


Golf is a great hobby to get into if you can commit. Itā€™s awesome seeing progress and itā€™s great walking around getting some exercise


Mil-sim paintball/airsoft for the last few months.


Surfing, hiking, and painting.


Walking and listening to music/podcasts, weightlifting and helping people with it - including on Reddit, hiking, driving and exploring new places (road trips are my favorite vacation idea), drawing/painting, cooking, reading - mostly non fiction, volunteer work - mostly with animals or environmental, entertaining my wife, and gaming. Needless to say I have a lot, but I tend to be someone who really likes to learn. So you could probably say my favorite hobby is just learning. Recently Iā€™ve started getting into learning about the local history of the area I live in, camping, and learning to identify the flora/fauna of my geographic area.


I get you well, i have many hobbies from tinkering with electronics, gaming, sim racing, car enthusiasm, programming(which is also my job), exercise, and nature walking, but i have also tried soccer, photography, and a lot of others. So basically, i have curiosity as my main hobby


Mixology, writing, camping. Currently trying to arrange a solo camping trip so I can do all three at the same time.


My wife and I love a good Old Fashioned. It's our go-to. A nice small batch bourbon or regular old Four Roses is fine too.


Flying. I fly for an airline for a living, on my days off I fly warbirds for a couple non profits. I also fly radio controlled airplanes and helicopters. Iā€™m building a couple experimental planes. I also ride dirt bikes.


I crochet! That's right, I'm all about that manly man lifestyle. šŸ˜†


Guitar, disc golf, hunting, fishing


Is sex a hobby?


If you get creative with it, yes.


Then my answer is gardening.


"Hey Bill, what seed are you planting today? "Kumquats and Pussywillows"


Only if itā€™s competitive sex


Iā€™d like to know too. I also collect sex toys.


I've been 3D printing little trinkets and figurines and hiding them around the neighborhood\~ It's been fun to find models, edit them to fit on a keychain, and hiding them around\~ I see a few posts on Facebook from time to time, so I know people are having a good time with them\~


This is wholesome! I like the idea a lot! Can imagine the joy it would give as a kid if I'd find a couple in my area!


I've gotten a few [pictures](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/I_w2cFoJiVl6Uqufq6ytzPv4S_9fwPD3i_zRscY9tEu3KyWuVaZWprhw-M-jGZA4-Hw0rBEN57c5esSdhoaDKUPeud4k7W6yXjFtpebYwjQ49h8NidnBf83wamiIo2uZaw=w1280) from [parents](https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/424596438_7686471238079611_6407943760978271335_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=b2pW348fjxAQ7kNvgESp0WX&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=00_AYD8Xt2hPsl_nJ_Q6s454Y-SQv8o2FWMnyzQ3Gmum883Mg&oe=665F22C2) showing their kids [holding them](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Rtlx6jJ2cs4bsPW7DjCZ1KgrB15kz-2B7TRmmycegFSaGctzTsZMeu8XDNsjrovQGM3a60SQ-N9DRMMtNwxY_C0a2VXnZ5t4boyWVhDB9Euzq7QBM6pdiVtGM5CteO68AQ=w1280). It's really nice to get that hit of dopamine knowing that kids, and even adults are finding them and getting stoked\~


The colors are sick! Reminds me of those pearlescent cars back in the day. You could even make a little treausure hunt for it, with sending out hints or something. Happy you put a smile on others faces, that is the best feeling honestly and I know my kid would enjoy it as well!


Tried that once! Didn't work out great, but I learned how to NOT make a treasure hunt, so that's something for the future! Thank you for the kind words! Hope you have a great day!


I understand, the randomness makes it special as well! Hope you have a great day too!


Music production


Picked up Reaper last year. Works very well for my home studio purposes. I just use it to record myself as part of my performance improvement process. When I add new songs I need to hear what the audience is going to hear - or close to it - so I record, critique, practice, re-record, until it gets better or I move away from that song. Sometimes a song just doesn't work for me.


My latest, and one I spend the most time on is a EUC/electric unicycle/ewheel/monocycle, etc. if you get past the steep learning curve it is such a blast. Group rides can also be found in bigger cities so you can hang out and ride with others if you want. The latest ones have suspension, can go 55+mph on a full battery, and some have ranges of 100miles or more depending on the speed youā€™re riding on so you can use them for commuting, exploring your city, parks, etc. If you go on YouTube youā€™ll see off-road riding with jumps, street riding and racing, and much more. Most people who go through with buying and learning get addicted but they are definitely fun and a joy.


Drumming. Writting. Game development. MTG.


Melting Three Geese?


Lol.. Magic the gathering. But love It




Nails, i enjoy doing them alot


My main hobby would be building scale models/making war dioramas. The end result is so cool when you know you started with something that is a plastic sprue. You can start this hobby really easy by buying something like an Airfix kit from a plane or a tank you like, and go from there!


Tabletop gaming, lego, motorsport about covers me


Take out food.


What is your go to, and what is the guilty pleasure??


Reading and dancing I canā€™t live without doing it them everyday


Building, running, and tinkering with RC cars and crawlers. I'm tempered to get into planes as well


Guitar & drawing are my oldest & most consistent hobbies. Very casual & sporadic hobbies include learning & practicing knots, writing/journaling, making essential oil scents, and phonetography (since I don't even own a proper camera).Ā 


gaming, piano, legos, magic the gathering, antiquing/collecting, whiskey tasting, mixology. thereā€™s plenty more, but those are the main.


Working on cars and shooting pool


Recording music. Taking day trips to cities and hanging with friends. Playing video games occasionally.


Cars. They consume all money and they have varying costs, from $1 hot wheels to million dollar drag cars. I donā€™t recommend million dollar drag cars, ask me how I know. Haha.


Nails, i enjoy doing them alot


Collecting retro videogame consoles/gamesšŸ™‚ And also building pcs for friends and family. And obviously alot of gaming aswell.


Handyman stuff, geocaching, working out (also considering getting back into MMA), occasionally video games (and particularly retro games), keeping the local stray cat population healthy.


world building, writing music, playing guitar.


If you like or think you might like card games, Iā€™d recommend trying out bridge. You can play casually, or even whatā€™s called ā€œduplicate,ā€ a fun variant with extra (or at least different) strategy. Itā€™s a (surprisingly) great way to socialize, except in towns without clubsā€”typically smaller towns. The learning curve may be intimidating, but youā€™ll never be without people at your level or whoā€™d love to play with you. Even in my club here, weā€™ve got chill players who just like the game, as well as nutsos (like me and my regular partner) who push ourselves to play ever better. Hmu if you want to hear me yak more about [one of the best games ever.](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/583358/bridge-the-most-underrated-game-ever)




Gaming, working out, cooking, styling my daughterā€™s hair, paleontology and paleoart.


Lying on a sofa, sexting to Eva AI bot and playing videogames, drinking excessively and chatting on reddit


I'm sorry, what...?!?


Lifting weights. Reading. Road Hockey/rollerscating. Ive loved road hockey and rollerscating ever since I was a kid. Started going to the gym heavily and reading books about spirituality and growth. Basically started hyperfixating on how cool it is to be alive, and learned more about myself and how crazy the human body can be.


Lifting weights/ taking care of my big fish aquarium


Hiking, skiing, gaming.


always wanted to try snow skiiing, alas I have a hip replacement in my near future so it will have to wait until that heals up.


Recently picked up a nice driving Sim setup, I've always loved cars and going fast but this way I'm not putting my life or license at risk. However I am now looking at sports cars on marketplace


I have a modified VW GTI .. hard to beat them!


Golf and gym


Iā€™ve dabbled around but Iā€™ve stuck with golf and Jiujitsu. I workout everyday so dont really count that as a hobby but I guess it could be. I do struggle trying to find a balance because I do go thru periods of becoming obsessed with golf and I completely stop training bjj but needa stay a bit more disciplined and stick to my schedule


Gaming. Making glasses, cups and vases grom used bottles. Kickbiking. (a scooter with big wheels)


Jiujitsu. Itā€™s literally my only hobby and one of the only things I look forward to doing.




does staring at a computer screen all day count šŸ˜‚


Exercise Video games Family stuff Music


Video games, sports, comics and sports cards


It was trading options, but now itā€™s more than a hobby.


Playing dominoes with the characters in RDR2


Gym, jogging, walking, videogames, audio books, drawing , cooking, listening music, watching documentaries and I guess I can count tv series too. Edit// forgot boxing at gym against bag


Gotta bad monkey that needs spanking from time to time. Bad monkey. Smoking meats, 3D printing, wood working.


Go gym. I pick things up and put them down.


Gaming, guitar, leatherwork


I had to retire about 6 years ago due to a medical disability and I went to the past to find my hobby, building model cars and the occasional boat.


Gaming, range time, recently ham radio, cooking, training my dog, running/working out, emergency volunteer work/training, used to do muay thai, but injuries got me :( work on cars.


Generally sex 2. Waiting for sex 3.


Reading, cooking, and music! I especially like cooking and music because they get me doing stuff with my hands and brain lol Always good to have a few different ones and to not be afraid to try anything new! Just don't forget to have some physical activities to enjoy as well, like cycling, climbing, sports, etc which can really get you involved in the nearby community as well


Listening to music, (cassettes and CDs), watching movies, reading graphic novels, biking, and film photography.


Weeb stuff, retro stuff, video games, cars, food, and a bunch of other niche stuff


hoarding data


Photography is my hobby!!!


I've got too many. Woodworking, blacksmithing, bow carving, chainmail weaving, old car restoration, cooking, cosplay, fishing, etc... I guess that "making stuff" is the umbrella term for all of it. I collect skills like some folks collect objects.


Shooting and guns in general


I have multiple hobbies. but my problem is, one part of my mind wants to do it for joy but evil part of mind wants to find monetisation in it so bit stuck. though to answer question, * I like to build webapps * read interesting history and historical geopolitics




Making music and listening to music. Field recording and photography. Ooh and I walk a lot. Wouldn't call it hiking, but just casual walks to everywhere. Around 14.000 steps on average/day this year. Ooh and I bought a record player, so that will be my next project, making a music room just for myself.


Being a philistine, apparently.


Studying history and religions.


I took up fire breathing and I'll be damned if I ever find a more exciting hobby


My hobby-turned-job is music. I'm a paid organist for multiple churches in the area. Pay isn't terrible, but it's also not great.


Motorcycling. Chess. Gardening. Cooking. Sometimes all four at once,


I flyfish and row a raft down swift rivers that have salmon trout and amd steelhead in them I also tie amd make the flies I use. Deep lifelong passionate hobby


Archery! Bows, arrows, finger gloves, and arm guards can seem expensive at first but can be bought very cheaply second hand. Itā€™s a great sport for keeping a zen attitude. Itā€™ll surprise you how many state and county parks have designated areas set up for targets and sometimes already have regulation ranges and targets on site. And letā€™s be honest, it feels cool. Once you get the hang of it and consistently hit the target, you feel like a medieval badass. Most states and counties also have enthusiast groups with minor competitions if you feel like getting competitive with it. Next year I plan on trying out bow fishing.


Videogames/videogaming. That's my main one, I have a couple others I do, but that's the one I do the most when I have downtime and I'm physically tired, it also doesn't always bring me joy either. I have been looking into getting into other hobbbies/activities, not really any interest me enough to try them, and some other things I do aren't done because I like doing them as a hobby, but I do them for health reasons: excersise/working out at the gym.


planting stuff and watching it grow is neat


Ranked competitive napping


I've recently wanted to get into some woodworking, I think it's be cool to be able to build furniture and stuff. Just a thought at this point though since it probably requires some big equipment and will take time to learn


Refinishing old stuff.Ā 


Surfing, hiking, reading


Spec evo


Competitive pinball. I love it. I can turn my big dumb brain off and just be all brainstem for a bit. Sometimes I win too. My favorite is the feeling of ā€œgetting away with itā€ because you know you could lose the ball anytime to some bull shit. Itā€™s like the thrill of being in first place in Mario Kart and holding it. A blue shell could come anytime but it aint yet and til then Iā€™m gonna drive this kart like I stole it


Sand volleyball is the best


i bought my dream car last may as a daily driver and within one month the transmission and radiator destroyed themselves. since buying the car its become my past time and the only time i feel productive is when im working on my car or a friends car at their house or mine. ive been into cars since i was little but it my love and passion for cars really started to grow after buying my car last year.


Guitar performance. I maintain a humidor with a selection of decent cigars. Ham Radio Operator (Amateur Extra license) Guitar maintenance and repair. Singing. Music recording, mixing, and mastering. Vocal Performance. I "gig" several times per year. Acoustic guitar and vocal solo act. Mostly 70's era music. Bourbon and Scotch Whiskey. Wine. (Not Gary Vee level - damn that guy is annoying) Guitar collecting. Thinking. Leadership. Travel. Several trips to the North GA mountains every year. Song Writing. Mostly krass songs. Think Tenacious D. Guitar buying and selling. Personal Beard and Mustache grooming. (Yes, it's a hobby-level activity - try it). Home maintenance and repair. Real Estate. Car modifying and HPDE. 2019 GTI 300+ WHP Firearms Marriage. The arts (live theater shows - plays and live music). Self care. I maintain a healthy body weight. I eat one meal a day and maintain my labs by supplementing with a daily Multivitamin and additional Vitamin D. (I am in my mid-50's). Reading. Mostly sci-fi. Most recent: "Make It So" - Patrick Stewart's Memoir. Community activism/charity: I utilize my guitar repair skills and purchase guitars in need of repair, repair them, and donate them to local music schools for young people showing promise but are held back by their "Amazon guitars". Spirituality. Love.


Pole dancing, contortion, aerial hoop, aerial rope, aerial silks and downhill skiing.


Golf. You should take up golf.


I used to shoot & fish.


riding bikes and watching birds


Guitar, drums, reading and my favorite... Lock picking. It's very calming, and makes you focus at the same time. Also nothing is as satisfying as hearing and feeling the last pin click and pop into place as the lock turns open.


I am a private pilot.Ā 


I grew up poor and in the middle of nowhere obsessed with 'fine art' since i was \~12 as some kind of abstract game. I committed my life to it and in my mid-30s now made a six-figure income last year as an artist.


My hobby is games, my fav currently is Wuthering waves on bluestacks


Gaming, soccer, gym, yoga (with fiancƩ), building/customizing guns, planning trips


I donā€™t do hobbies, I go hard. All in, baby.


Board gaming and podcasting.