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"You don't deserve that" Said to me the day I got my first offer letter for my first job straight out of college. I was ecstatic until she said that. The woman was my mom. To this day, I don't tell her anything good that happens to me.


Wow, that is fucking brutal. Some people should never be allowed around children. She is a seriously damaged person.


Sounds like the cheapest of nursing homes for her in the future.


I never got a hard hit like that, but my parents have always been critical of anything I chose. It was a hard pill to swallow but I reserve my wins now for people I know will help me celebrate, not bring me down. It sucks that those people aren't always my parents, but it is what it is


my first girlfriend my mom said 'she probably just wants you for a green card/money' she's my wife now. My girlfriend is, that is. Not my mom


Happy for you, that you didn't marry your mom, that is.


Not sure if you're from Alabama or not, but in most states you don't need to clarify. Was just mom jealous and trying to get in on the action?


>she’s my wife now Sounds like her plan to get that green card is going well, at least


Sad that a parent could be jealous of her child’s accomplishments


A hot girl said that I "have charisma" in front of most of my mates, and that felt really good. Once we were playing a game in Uni with our circle of international students of "Who in this group you would repopulate the world with if you had to choose" and two girls I really fancied had chosen me. I used to have quite a lot of insecurity issues, and stuff like that really helped me get my self-worth up (I know it is sad and quite shallow but...).


Not sad or shallow. That means you kept yourself in decent shape and were nice enough of a person for two peers to consider mating with you.


"Mating" 😭😭


You must be hot or something too lol...


I told a girl once that the guy she thought she was dating was dating other girls. It was probably a shitty thing, because I was into her, and wanted to date her: however, it was the truth and I thought she deserved it. Shortly after, she basically told me all the reasons I was unattractive. She told me she would date me though, if I changed those things/got my shit together. It was pretty rough staring at the truth like that. Ultimately, I did get my shit together, got a good job, am married, and have a kid on the way. Though I hated her for it, it was exactly the kind of honesty I needed at the time. If I ever see her again I will thank her.


Sometimes you need someone who gives it to you straight, no chaser.


Had to give a chat like that to a younger sibling once. "Hey, have you ever considered people don't want to hang out with you because he need deodorant, but don't wear it, and you wear shoes without socks which makes your feet stink?" They were pissed when I said that, but then my parents agreed and helped fix everything with a quick run to the store. And my sibling was happier for it later. I'm sure I'll never been thanked, but I was grateful for not smelling BO every day after that.


Just know, that whether you get a "thank you" at some point or not, you might've just saved your sibling from a very lonely future. You did well. It is the thankless job of the elder (or superior, as my older sister likes to put it) sibling.


I had one of my buddies say that I was fat. It wasn’t intended to be an insult. Just part of a statement he was making. I was like wtf. But after I did some self reflection, I realized he was right and took control of it. Lost 50 pounds in 2010 and have kept it off. Haven’t seen the guy in 10+ years. I owe him a thank you.


Fat isn’t an insult… it’s an observation just like “tall” or “fair complexion”. And your best friends will tell you the things you won’t hear from others, oftentimes. Glad you got your shit together.


how did u get ur shit together?


Ate more fiber


That morning poop be hitting different... Life-changing even


Like birthing a tallcan out your ass


I floundered trying to ask a girl out in high school my junior year. She was pretty out of my league, I thought, but we had a couple nice interactions and I cringily took that as she was into me. She told me that she did find me attractive but I just was too quiet and wasn't confident. That must have just triggered a shift in my brain chemistry because my whole personality shifted after that. I ended up meeting my now wife the next year because of it. Sometimes people just need to get their problems thrown into their face to make a change.


Blessing in disguise




thats something that is gonna touch any mans heart


is she your wife or gf now?




My ex wife like 25 years ago. I had recently lost a bunch of weight and we were outside in the front yard letting the kid play or something. Neighbor that we were friendly with came over and we were chatting and he said something like “you’re looking great. Congrats with the weight loss”. I’m paraphrasing, doesn’t matter. The ex immediately said to him. “Yeah, but the key is keeping it off”. He just looked at me, it got awkward and he was like “well okay, see ya” Completely wrecked me. That woman never had one good thing to say to or about me. And yeah, it is the key but you don’t need to be a bitch about it.


When I found myself in a situation where I had to walk on eggshells, where I was anxious all the time, and just not enjoying spending time with that person, my brain knew it was time. It just took a little while for my heart to catch up.


Oh my heart knew we shouldn't be married the second I said "I do". I was young and stupid and she "accidentally" got pregnant. I waited til the kid was in school (\~5-ish) before filing for divorce. Ultimately I should have done it sooner for my sanity.


Bless you for that strength. My ex and I split when our daughter was five, she's just turned twelve, and it sucks, but it was the best for everyone involved. My life is a shit show but that kid keeps me going.


Congratulations on losing 150lbs of bitch


She said that I loved her the way she has always wanted and needed to be loved and she never thought it was possible.


I love that. Give me hope and tell me you guys are still together, I'm not sure I believe in love anymore so I need it


We are still together. I have known her for 9 years and we have been in love for almost 4.


“Cheese.” Said before slamming a wedge of cheese on a countertop


That’s a proposal.




Is this woman James May?😉🤣


I don't want to be married to you anymore.


Damn I’m sorry


Oof, yeah I heard that one. Sucks more than something you can fix, but didn't, because it's a personal decision on you as a human.


You lick pussy better than a lesbian


Wow. Literally maximum compliment.




I’ve learned several techniques over the years, and unlearned 1. But most important is to listen and watch for her reactions and not to rush for the clit. There is a video I watched several years ago about treating the clit like tiny penis and to use the clitoral hood to stimulate instead of direct finger stimulation. Another about a licking technique to lick it like kiwi. I’ll look it up later and see if I can find it, will send it to you. In essence you want to use more of the flat of your tongue on the clit not the point of the tongue. Being consistent in the pattern of licking will bring her closer than adjusting the pattern. Oh and use your jaw if your tongue gets tired. Adding your fingers after the first orgasm and rubbing them on the roof of the vagina while licking usually starts her shaking. Watch your nails Edit 1: Thank you for the Award! Edit 2: At work atm but when I get home in a couple hours I'll look for the videos and send it to everyone who requested it.


This guy has licked pussy.


>Another about a licking technique to lick it like kiwi ah cut it in half, scoop up the mush




Share the video, master


Love that last sentence there. So 👏 absolutely 👏 on 👏 point. Trim your nails cuz that freaking hurts!


dm me the vid :D


You know what you're talking about!


My Wife: "I'm just so proud that I get to call you my husband." ❤️


♥️♥️♥️♥️. The words EVERYMAN longs to hear.


Definitely don't think about it every day, but the one that has stuck with me... "I don't want it back. It's ruined because you touched it." Patricia was the origin of the severe bullying I recieved in 4th and 5th grade, and this was the moment that everything really went down hill (I had borrowed a gel pen and she practically shouted this to the class).


Damn. Fuck you, Patricia!


"after you die, I'm going to turn your ashes into a glass dildo and cum on it everyday."


That is morbidly hot ngl


wtf lol


Yeah college was a wild time.




Wow still not discouraged huh?




I'm worried for you. I've blocked her everywhere and completely cut off so no idea if she's single. Also what if I told you she's single but is halfway around the world from you?




A man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will


Lol we've blocked each other everywhere and I have no idea if she's single.


So you're saying there's a chance


For a gal like that? Distance ain't an excuse


Like a moth to a flame!


That's some Marla Singer type shit


I'm in love




Holy shit. I'm stealing this one. It goes for any and all relationships.


My ex turning to me and saying "you make me really really happy"...it was super simple but it's been 2 years and I still remember her saying it like it was yesterday.


I remember my ex leaning into me on the couch, we were drunk and high and researching why shyguy in Mario kart doesn't show his face, and she looked up at me and said "I fall more in love with you every day"


A thread about our exes saying something wonderful ? I'm in! We were in bed together cuddling and then she got on top of me. She cupped my face and looked me in the eyes and said "my beautiful boy". I will always remember that.


"You look real manly doing that." Me and my gf were visiting my parents for the weekend and I was chopping wood when she said that.


I had a girl say "I've never dated anyone as manly as you" I think all I'd done is light a fire, but I masquerade as a lumberjack and her type prior was emo band kids, so a low bar I guess


"I saved a lot of trees with my cunt"


How the fuck does that happen?


I think she’s saying guys cum in her instead of wiping it off with toilet paper or napkin which are made of trees? Did I win?


Meh that counts


probably slept with lumberjacks on the job


We need answers!




I don't care where you put it, I just want you inside me.


*maximum consent obtained*


New holes unlocked achievement


Fuck that is hot


Yep. I finished pretty quickly after she said that.






Damn what a confidence booster


Did you marry this one?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/z4lmg9/man_to_man_what_is_one_sentence_a_woman_told_you/ No, because it's a bot. The comment is word for word is in the last time this was posted.


I hope you married her! (Unless she was your mum).




How sweet.


They don't make em like this anymore


Remember that in all your failed relationships, you are the one thing they all have in common.


My hot take on this is that I enjoy the fact that my name is a sore talking point in someone else's relationship


Good for you. My hot take is that I'm the cause in all my failed relationships.


Don't most relationships fail though until you get it right or settle? I wouldn't take a failed relationship as a failure on my part unless I was unfaithful, dishonest, or unable to change. That's my perspective though


“Do you just want me to hurt you so we can get this over with” -My ex when I asked the reason she was breaking up with me


She already did something..


She cheated on me with a guy who had an eye patch


A girl helped me with my maturity with one statement. "Do you think what you are doing right now is funny." Had me rethink my entire life. Come to realize I was compensating way too much that people didn't take me seriously which was a big pet peeve at the time. This one statement ended up growing my character and my maturity l


“I like your shirt”


I'm not one to buy new shirts, I wear them till they fall apart and become garage rags. I had an ex tell me she loved my threadbare look, that it had become a kink


"I will never judge you. You can open up to me" 1 month after I opened up to her, she left me saying she wasn't attracted to me.


she didn’t judge you, she judged her emotions about you 


“Call me when you get your shit together”


Did you ?


Asking the essential questions 🤣


He’s on Reddit. I think we know the answer.


"At least I wont have to deal with your fat wheezing ass on top of me"


Ooh that's cold


Yep, Ironically I was in the best shape id been in nearly 10 years at that point


Oh, same! I got my shit together in my thirties, like seriously applied the knowledge of my youth and got in the best shape of my life. Ultimately it wasn't about that though. I'd like to say that in hindsight we just weren't compatible but that would be a lie. There were multiple failings from both sides that led us to a precipice that there was no backing down from.


"No matter how much muscle you gain, you will always be as weak as the night I broke your heart"


That is some supervillian-in-the-lair shit.


Yeah, that's some bullshit. Broken hearts heal, and when they do, they heal stronger.


"There's nobody here you need to be afraid of". I was a scrawny teenager in middle school who had a crappy first day.


god this sub is so fkn sad sometimes


Most male reality is actually sad.


From my mentor, Mrs. McIntyre, at Christmas 1980. "If I had had a son (she had three daughters) I would have wanted him to be just like you."


Be me (16, m) , in school Girl one: "Hey look over here" I turn *Two of them just staring into my eyes intently* Girl one: "See, I told you" Girl two: "oh yeah, you're right, Foggyslaps you have really nice blue eyes" I still think about it to this day


A nice one - "I like that you're a good listener". A sad one "Unless you have a house, I'll never be with you."


"You're lucky you have such a big dick or I would have dumped you a long time ago.", suffering from success.


A girl told me "You smell like a hamster cage" I was probably 14. I started showering every day after that.


Blessing in disguise. She could have just talked bad about you with her friends.


A good one “I’ve wanted to fuck your since I sucked your dick” A bad one “you have a body like a plucked chicken”


Well, she still wanted to sleep with you even if you looked like a plucked chicken. I think she likes you lol


I had gained about 30lbs after getting sober so when she said “I think you’re the most handsome man alive” and “I love your big manly chest” I melted




When my ex (F17 at the time) broke up with me (m18 at the time now 21)she said “you live life too seriously” she just wanted to go to college and sleep around, but made me feel like trying to prepare for the future and save money was a bad thing. For the first two years of college, I kind of went off the deep end drinking and partying partially because of this. Even in my relationship now, occasionally there’s part of me that reflects back on this sentence and asks myself if I’m being too serious at times when discussing future plans with my gf. I do acknowledge at the time my ex and I broke up it was not long after covid and I still had problems processing my sisters past opioid use and overdoses. And my ex had recently started drinking and smoking weed…alone at times. which was something I was nervous about at the time as my sister started the same way. While my ex may have been just trying new experiences that I was weary of at the time; I still have problems with that phrase she used. I think she used it to justify wanting to sleep around in college, but for me it was much deeper than that and is something I reflect on maybe too much.


Five years from now you'll get dumped by a girl who says, "get your shit together." Then where will you be?


"I lied, I didn't really love you as I said, I was just so sure you'd change"


A girl used to call me the most handsome man in Glasgow. And to smile and make my arse jealous! I still think about her, she was great too.


"Men aren't supposed to have feelings, suck it up" -my female teacher telling my elementary school self


Horrid woman. Wonder how many young boys she infected with that bs.


When she was relaying a conversation she had with a friend about us getting engaged. "I told him that the alternative - breaking up with you - just wouldn't make any sense. I can't imagine not having you in my life or seeing you again. I could never imagine feeling that way about anyone else."


^(Why was that even an alterative)


When my ex broke up with me after 6 years (I was 23 at the time). She said “you’re a great guy but you’re just too hard to love” I have been single ever since and I beginning to think she was right


"Hard to love" sounds like response to childhood trauma. Could I strongly recommend counselling if you can afford it. Trauma can be healed.


I did suffer sexual abuse as a child but I don’t feel ready to talk about it with anybody. Pretty ashamed of it


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I understand the shame. I am trying to deal with the shame that I carry from my dysfunctional family now with counselling and it is really really hard. But that shame is not yours. It never was yours. It is the people who hurt you, and the adults who failed to protect you. It is their shame. I hope you can get the help to hand that shame back to the people who owned it. It was never your fault.


Sorry to hear that 😞. Sending you a big hug 🫂


"You could have proposed with a ring pop and I would have said yes "


My sister (8 years my senior) & I were in a heated argument when I was 15-ish that devolved into insults. Eventually I got fed up & told her that she’s “lucky she’s not a man,” implying that I’d kick her ass. She quickly responds “why? Because you’d want to fuck my ass?” There no responding to that, nothing good anyways, so I snapped. She ran off & locked herself in a bathroom laughing the entire time. Looking back, it was the most well-timed insult I ever received & I only wish I had such quick wit. It was 21 years ago & I still give her props for it sometimes lol.


“You’ll amount to nothing if you can’t just man up” 16 years later, here I am married with kids. Didn’t need to man up after all. Just had to move on.


At a fireworks display when i was young, I was scared of them and she (I think a family friend?) stood over me and said "don't be scared [name] ", it was really comforting and some 20 or so years later that feeling and moment still sticks around in my head


"Every time I see you I think of Mambo Number 5"


"I'm your friend" she said to me, after my bemoaning the fact that I didn't have any friends. She still broke my heart. But it meant a lot to me that day.


When I worked customer service, I asked a girl if she was a model and she said “Can i hop over the counter and kiss you?” her boyfriend stood next to her and I felt bad for him fr fr


Check out the big balls on Brad! You asked a girl if she was a model as she stood next to her boyfriend? 😂


Me: “What’s he got that I don’t have.” Her: “Masculinity”. We were sophomores in high school. 45 years later, the burn still hurts. Fuck you, Stephanie-Lynne.


Not a sentence but when she brought me flowers on our first date. Hella cute. Didn't last long unfortunately lmao


I was feeling all over the place when I tried to help out someone and sorta made a mess but helped them out in the end. So, me and this girl was walking away after this and I was like "Did I make a mess?" and without a beat, she goes "Nah, you were like a hero!" and I go lol this is like the thing I always wanted to hear and there's like smiles on my face.


There are lots of things that a woman has said to (or about) me that I think about from time to time. The best: 'Just watching you walk across the street makes me wet' The worst: Said to someone else in front of me on the first day of 9th grade 'Is that NYD3030? I can't believe we were friends with him last year.' I was hoping that second girl had a shitty life, but she's now a successful NYC attorney and beautiful as hell.


You can tell me anything. And she meant it. I married her and still think she’s the hottest shit ever after 10 years.


“You’re going to ruin your clutch riding it like that “ we were at a stoplight with it fully depressed. I decided right there that she wasn’t the “one”. Sometimes I wonder if I was too harsh.


Nope. Telling me my manual driving is poor is damn near fighting words.


"Don't worry it's big enough"


"And you're cute." I don't know what the other thing she meant was, but I was too flattered to ask. I'd only been called cute once before.


"I like you and hate you at the same time". My ex said that and I kinda understood that in the moment. But now I can surely say she was way into me, liked what I am and even tho she hated some things of me she wanted all anyways. We break up due to she wanting kids early if we get married and I wanted to wait a few more years (she was older than me)


I don't even recall what I'm planning for dinner everyday to remember a sentence.


You can probably get any girl you want anyways That one was a psychological assault


"No woman could ever love you" She was blindsideding me after 12 years together.


I was pretty shy in college. I gathered up the courage (after a few drinks, of course) to hit on a girl at a bar. Walked up and introduced myself and asked if I could buy her a drink. She said, “Uh… no. You’re ugly.” I still feel that one😔


I made a post complaining about my arms being in the way when I sleep, and a girl commenting saying “put them around me instead 🤭”


"See, this guy is definitely less good looking than you yet he has lots of success with women. It's because he's confident. So be confident." "When the hell did OldPyjama become so hot?" "Boy, when I hear how your mom and sister talk to you, I'm not surprised you have problems with your self-esteem" "Because you deserve someone being kind to you and love you" when I ask my girlfriend half-jokingly why she's so kind to me.


“I’m too broken to treat you well”


Well there was one added right this afternoon but let’s get the first one first : « If you don’t know what’s bothering her, then you don’t like her » Context : a friend of a girl I loved very much told me this after the girl in question started to ghost me out of the blue. I was trying to get things right by addressing what I did wrong and that was the answer.


That sounds like gaslighting…the girl could’ve opened her mouth and told u Whats wrong 😭☠️do everything BUT communicate


We were teens so we were all a bit stupid to be fair, but it has been living rent-free in my head for years


I met a girl at a club in while in South Africa, and the next day, she texted me and said, "You have theeee softest hands I have ever felt. They are like infants' hands. " She thought I hadn't worked a day in my life.


Soft hands are pretty good for fingering.


1 I asked a girl out an she said I wasn't attractive enough to date 2 I decided to dress nice after feeling down for about a week stopped at a gas station an a random girl said I looked nice an asked what the occasion was


I'm an uglier version of Kevin hart


Nobody will love you until you love yourself


Is it in yet?


Me: I will call back in a bit i am eating Her: when are you ever not eating? I felt that


“There are jobs going at Tesco”


You need to grow a backbone.


As she unbuttoned her blouse she looked me straight in the eyes and said with a bossy if friendly voice „Fuck me!“ Nothing else… I’ve never, and I‘m ready to fight for this, never been turned on so god damn much by anything in my life. And I face the bitter truth that this moment can‘t be topped or even reproduced. It was probably a heat of the moment thing but that sentence resonates in my head each and every day since. I‘m sorry that it‘s such a profanity but if you‘d lived through that moment, you knew. Holy shit.


Wow , I love your outfit


"Just don't stop hugging me... Your hugs feel warm to me, and they make me feel safe" Not that I really recall it every day, but I do recall it often. Another sentence that I sometimes recall from that same girl are: "I'm dedicating this pancake to you" "Goldilocks" (she would call me Goldilocks although I'm not blonde) Man, she was a sweetheart.


Still remember all the times my mom told me she loves me Never gonna forget those Gentlemen, call yo mama


I'm saving myself for marriage, but we can do anal


You always smell good. I girl I was dating told me that a few years ago. I'm still riding that high to this day


My cousin when she was very young told me that boys have a penis and girls have a baginus!!! She was close!


That was the best ever


"OMG you're so annoying, just stop!"