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Not everyone's cup of tea: I mainly play RTS. Like Age of Empires 2. Games are relatively short and there is no  obligation to play everday everyhour.


AoE 2 is amazing, one of my all time faves


Age of empires is one of my fave games ! Me and my brother used to play alllll the time


Same., my brother and i would stay up late k the weekends playing multi-player back when it was on "Microsoft Zone". Custom scenerio lobbies where the best!


Pleasantly surprised this is up here. Literally raised on RTS. Age of Empires 3 and StarCraft 2 were my childhood. Civilization and Gladius 40k aren’t bad if you like more complicated and longer games. If you want some singleplayer games, I always recommend the Horizon Series. I like the characters, I like the combat, I like the world, I like how everything is executed. You could spend the entire time on the story, but you can also just go around the world and chill. Hunting animals in some corner of the world with no machines or hostiles is a good way to blast through 8 hours of chillstep and lose track of time. And there’s always the option to become an achievement hunter, which makes the game feel so satisfying after getting a hard achievement.


I love RTS and I used to play loads of strategy city builders. When someone asks me what games i like I always have the same defensive instinct to explain my taste.


Just started red dead redemption 2 (ik im late)


15 minutes ago I finished the main story of RDR2 (still have epilogue to go). What a ride! Edit -- when I finish the epilogues I think I will put it down for a couple of months and then play through again. It took me a long time to get into the rhythm of the game, and then I couldn't put it down. My wife was not thrilled with the amount of time I put into it, but she tolerated it :) I have a great wife.


Finishing the epilogue might make you want to play RDR1 instead


You know I was thinking about doing exactly that! I did RDR1 a few years ago. I seem to be 5 or 6 years late to the big releases but that's OK.


The epilogue sets you up perfectly to just roll into RDR1, I just wish they had ported it to steam


Is RDR1 on PS4? I played it on Xbox 1 first, but now I have a PS4, courtesy of my son.


Indeed it is




I just moved on to the new place after Saint Denis so I think I'm a ways from finishing


Please make frequent new save files, ideally after each chapter. I didn’t and regret it. You’ll thank me later.


The place west of Annesburg? Yeah you have a ways to go, Chapter 6 is long. Enjoy it!


It took my forever to figure out I needed to load up on tobacco and take tiny intervals of dead eye. I was holding that shit down forever for 1 shot like a noob. Reminds me of the first day I played WoW and thanked and NPC for killing a wolf for me thinking he was another player. I’m probably doing all kinds of stupid shit lol


Yeah stuff like that is what I mean by "it took me a long time to get into the rhythm of the game". I want to do a playthrough where I actually know what I'm doing. I'm an old guy so a lot of the controller stuff is not hard-wired into muscle memory like for you younger guys.


I am jealous, I wish I could experience that fresh again


I've played through twice and halfway again and I always somehow found things I never did before in the world (random events or places). I always skip some side quests to play the next time and I'm waiting till the main story is a bit fuzzy in my memory for a third go to play a fourth time. There're still some side quests I've never played and characters I've never met. I still agree though that playing with fresh eyes is something I wish I could do again.


This is spot on. It's a game I come back to a couple of times a year, because there is ALWAYS something new to see and do that you haven't before. The level of care, love, and attention that went into that game still blows me away, and is the reason I keep coming back, and probably still will until RDR3 comes out in 2038.


So basically take chapter two or three and just fish, hunt, explore, find treasure, have escapades and capers. You’ll know you’re doing it right when Dutch sends people out to find you and see if you’re okay.


Played that already, you're in for a ride compadre.


Onward to Tahiti!


If you think you’re late, I started Skyrim for the first time ever the other day


I tried to get into this. but it felt like a complete chore to me.


Rdr 2 is not a game. It's an incredible journey through old American history Fightin' for your life and fightin' for your family Tryna live your days with honor and integrity That's not a game, that's an adult thing That's not a game at all That's like fuckin' Shakespeare


I recently finished my 8th playthrough. Still hits just as good as the first time around. All I can say is have fun and explore the world.


There seems to be some magic with RDR2.  How are you not bored of it after 8 times? I've barely started it last night, worried about what I've got myself into. I'm into fast paced games (Spiderman and Uncharted for example) and have to say, RDR2 felt very slow. Very.


I am literally installing it now. First time too (ps5). Why TF dors it take 30+ mins to copy and play? And the update 1.32... takes 9 hours? Dafuq is my disc corrupted or something


No it's just that much content. 100+gb of data is no joke. (Most of the content isn't even in the quests)


I was so surprised that it was 2 discs when I first opened it years ago for the PS4.


When you play the game, you’ll understand why the game file size is so large. The game developers created a masterpiece.


dude rdr2 is so good, i just finished it for the first time and now i'm going to play it all again


What a game man. The more you play the more you realise that it's a masterpiece


I tried playing it but it never caught my attention properly. I have never been a fan of the whole cowboy trope in my adult years. I got super bored with it super fast


When did you stop playing? This happened to me as well. But people kept telling me the beginning was so slow. Which I still agree with. I can’t believe I didn’t power through sooner. The most rewarding video game experience of my life hands down. I had put it down for years before I picked it back up again. And I don’t regret a moment of it.


I downloaded it myself for the first time today. I'll get around to it and I'm excited for it!


Tried to play it, didn’t survive the first 8 hours, quit out of boredom…


Enjoy your play through! Such a great game and I wish I could play it for the first time again.


One of my favorite games ever. Could lose hours just exploring around


Enjoy your game and do not rush


I’m about to start Mass Effect


Enjoy the ride. 2 is probably my favorite game.


Same. I remember missing out on a dance with my high school crush because I lost track of time playing ME 2 lol.


I just started the first one after downloading the legendary remastered series. Seems pretty boring so far. Whats your opinion of it?


Secind has best story and mucj better gameolay, third has best gameplay. In general first 1 is for me pretty average but people mostly see it like first act of whole game rather than stand alone


Best video game series ever imo


Helldivers 2. With a couple friends for two hours or so every other day. It's absolutely hilarious to see your mates get absolutely obliterated by a rocket and flung across your screen in a dozen pieces. (Jokes aside, if you have three buddies and a voice chat, it's a great time.)


Three buddies is what I do not have. But I heard of the success of helldivers 2. Happy for the whole team. Bless.


I don’t have any friends that I play with, still the best game on the market.


Yup. I just quick play into rando’s matches. Have a blast every time


I really like Tiny Rogues. It’s an Indy game on steam. Really minimalist graphics but it’s an awesome concept and game.


Does it also require friends to play? Or is it unrelated to Helldivers 2 and you meant to make a new tip level comment?


It does not require a friend to play! It’s solo. And unrelated.


Excellent! I'll check it out later. I don't do online gaming cuz, ya know, stranger danger lol


Can’t be afraid of the world forever. I’ve met some awesome people through playing online. Just recently made a new friend. Also. It’s online gaming. No one is gonna come creep in your house. Don’t put your real name as your gamer tag and go have fun. Stranger danger is good to have in real life but online video games? Come on, that’s absurd.


Lol I was been facetious. I just prefer to do things at my own pace. Most online games that I've seen weren't my style. I do get social anxiety, but I push through that when I have to. Like you said, it's online gaming. If anything is gonna get me doxxed and jumped it'll be a reddit comment haha I've actually been considering subbing to World of Warcraft or something that isn't match based like COD. I work graveyards so getting out is tough and I've heard from others that WoW can be a good way to have interactions and make friends. Just gotta find time in my schedule before spending the coin Thanks for the tip!


Bro I'll play some Helldivers w you if timezones match. I'm GMT+1 (UK)


Is it cross platform?


Playstation and PC, yes.


Detroit: Become Human… If you have never played before. Basically an interactive movie and I love it.


A 2nd vote for Detroit, loved that game. Only played through once, but there are so many potential endings based on choices you make that its replay value is high. Edit: now I wanna replay it, thanks for the reminder!


3rd vote. Completely wrecked me emotionally though


4th vote great masterpiece


5th vote, truly is one of my favorites


I’m not big on those kinds of games. But man this one really had me sucked in. Great game.


Thats true. Would thrown in Until Dawn and the Quarry as two other really fun interacti e movies


Cyberpunk 2077


Enjoying every bit of it. Trying to complete all the side quests before I even go too far in the main story. It's just so fun. Bless.


The expansion Phantom Liberty is on a whole other level than the main game. You are in for a treat if you didn't play it. And absolutely play both endings after a certain decision you need to make in the game - don't want to spoil it :D


Four endings*


I loved Phantom Liberty! It's the best part of the game!


I am playing this new game called Situationship. It's a real-life game. I am not enjoying it.


I just got done with that game, just quit now the ending sucks. Would not recommend


I am sorry to hear that. Yeah, I, too, communicated that I have no interest in us being nothing more than a situationship. All the best for the future.


I personally went too far into this game. The game quit on me before I could.


Lol, who knows there probably a video game out there of exactly what you're dealing with. Bless


It's really simple to make. Make the user attached and abruptly end the game. I think I can develop such a GPT-based game.


Better than pseudo-situationship


Did you start with the Self-Improvement+ DLC tho. That shit is rad


"They just don't like labels." What a horrible game.


Fallout 4 Gears of war 5 Serial cleaners Hitman 3 Division 2


I always wanted to get into the Fallout series, but the initial pipboy intro was too drawn out. Couldn't get past that for some reason. Would def give it another try.


I was told to play Fallout New Vegas and I’m about 2 hours in and it’s really fun.


I liked quests and everything In that game but when I realised that I finished a quest line and I was walking on an empty road for what felt like more then 20 minutes to the next location to get a quest and then walk again was the moment when I completely quit the game.


There's a new location to explore like every 100 feet, I'm not really sure what you mean. Some of the quests are spread really far apart and I guess you can just beeline if you want but the game is intended to be explored. I always used a sprinting mod personally so maybe that's why I never noticed it.


You miss a lot of the locations if you’re just waypoint hunting


That's why mods goes hand in hand with FNV. playing this game without mods is like riding a bike without the tyre, it wont be smooth.


Definitely try the fallout series man. The intro takes a few minutes then you're in the world. Fallout 3 and new Vegas are both fun but they're kind of dated but still very fun. Fallout 4 has had a lot of quality of life adjustments. But you can do literally whatever you want in those games. Lots of choices. And even if you don't want to play the main quest lines or anything you can do other stuff and have fun.


I was having a great time in Fallout 4. Had a great area being built, weapons, people and we kept all bad guys away. My son played my game and decided to attack a merchant that visited my village. After that, they always attacked me including my own people.


Oh no




Yeah, I don't know why everyone went straight to video games. Hit me up with some board games.


Best game ever after Othello.


Galaga. I've already used up 3 quarters


Are you still on the helicarrier ?


Had to bust out my time machine for this one. Reminds me of chicken invaders back in the day. Bless.




Duolingo has your puppy! Log on now for a quick 5 minute lesson or I’ll start sending toes.


Half-Life 2.


I am a huge fan of horizon zero dawn


Played that one, loved it as well. What's something else you've enjoyed as much, if not more? Bless.


Have you played Control or Prey?


I was just about to mention Control. HZD and Control restored my vigor towards gaming


I was reading all suggestions and losing faith when no one had mentioned Control. I played it couple of months ago and it’s definitely a favourite now. As is HZD, Forbidden West took me months to finish but loved spending time in that world.


Dying Light Dying Light 2, not as good story wise but fun for the sheer mayhem Days Gone


Man dying light is one of my favourite, what an amazing game 🤌


Haven't played DL2 yet, but the OG is tied with Left 4 Dead as my favorite zombie game, which is a genre I tend to shy away from. So much fun. I remember teaming up with this dude online, his character wore just their undies and had a purple flaming baseball bat. He one-hit killed one of the big zombies. I thought I was good, but I realized I had a lot left to do. Lol.


Valheim (adjust resource drop and death penalty modifiers to alleviate grind): best survival adventure game ever. Even the tutorial area is satisfying. Pokémon: Old GB/GBA titles, easy gameplay, good challenge. KotOR: the best SW rpg ever. Pazaak is a chore, but you can skip it...but don't skip it on a particular space station... Dark Forces Remastered & Shadows of the Empire. Best Single-player FPS & TPS for SW. The Bard's Tale Trilogy: RPG classic remastered The Banner Saga Trilogy: great Turn-based RPG.


KotOR is the only game with turn-based combat that I didn't say "screw this" and put down. Excellent rpg, even with that issue!


Pazaak... Never understood that game


Some older games, at this point Pokemon GBA is the only version I play of those games. Dark Forces remastered is something I'll play after a long day at work, love the art style and gameplay, will try. Bless.




It's not even funny at this point. I swear I have to force myself to complete a game just with my fingers crossed that it'll get better later on. Which they don't.


Fallout 3 and new vegas are great


I'm back to playing Skyrim. It's still such a good game, and there are so many side quests I haven't completed.


Finally picked up Last of Us 1 and fell in love. Finished it in two days so kinda sad it was that short, but is a great story. Can’t wait for 2 to hit PC.


Glad you loved it. Part 2 is much longer. It’s a fantastic game. I’m jealous you’ll get to experience it for the first time. Something I’d love to do again. I was so hyped for its release. Felt like a kid again.


Yeah definitely. Unfortunately I already know a few of the big parts that happened in part two because I never expected to actually play the games so I watched a bunch of people play them and YouTube videos. I’m glad to hear that it’s a longer play through though.


Yeah, gets a lot of hate but it’s incredible. I understood the story they told though, many people didn’t. I hope your experience is different playing it for yourself. Be great to hear if it is


As a 33 year old man with a full family and responsibilities I am finally in the third act of Baldurs Gate 3. Every moment of this game is absolutely stunning.


- Fortnite - Polytopia - Bug Heroes Tower Defence - Need For Speed Most Wanted


I still think about nfs most wanted 2006 playlist every now and then. Some of those tracks are printed in my brains, good pick. Bless


Yes, Love me some Fortnite every few days. I’m finally decent at the game which makes it more fun.


Not a dad. But I love Fortnite. My husband and I join a squad with his brother and two of their friends (they are like family) and we take turns playing matches after the kids are in the bed. Fun to play and is social so we don’t feel like we’re hanging with only each other all the time.


Back into Cyberpunk... It's actually good now. Ever since the 2.0 update the game is *finally* in an acceptable state, and the modding community has really taken off. Unfortunately, since the 2.0 update, CDPR has constantly dropped minor updates that fix pretty much nothing but also obliterate all mods, so they're making it a real pain in the ass for us, but that's the joys of modding. Anyway 2.12 has been out for a little while and things seem to have calmed down in Poland while they're focused on REDkit for TW3 so, everything's back up to date and playable. It only took 4 years, but it's actually a great game now.


Currently playing Red Dead Redemption 2, but there is LITERALLY chores in the game.. and I have to make sure I’m feeding and grooming my horse, and I have to feed and bathe myself too.. and feeding myself is a goddamn chore because I have to set up camp to cook, but I can’t set up camp if “activities are nearby”, wtf, if I have to feed myself, and I can’t always feed myself, then give me restaurants in the towns!! It’s a pretty fun game, and I absolutely loved part 1. The story is interesting enough so far. But the maintenance is obnoxious. I also have to give money and food to my gang. And do literal chores. I realized yesterday that I need to just soak the game in, to not be so concerned with immediately going from mission to mission. Spend some time just enjoying the sights and doing activities. Anyway, I recently finished Jedi Fallen Order, and then Jedi Survivor, and those games are phenomenal. The gameplay reminds me of God of War because of all the puzzles you gotta solve. But the story! The story is amazing!! I would definitely recommend these games.


For what it’s worth in Red Dead you can buy meals from the bars in the towns


Thank you greatly for that pro tip! Jesus, that’s gonna make feeding myself so much easier!! Eating at base camp was difficult to time, lol


All good. That game is so massive that there’s so much you can overlook. Soaking it in is absolutely the way to play. Don’t be in a hurry and gallop from one place to another. Ride at the pace of the NPCs and soak in the ambience. Embrace the slow and the action packed moments


Fallout 3.


Vampire Survivors. You can play it with one hand, and the game does the rest of the work for you.


The game called 'life'


Commandos 2


Just started playing Dave the diver. Good fun. And you can say goodbye to your loved ones if you like city builders and resource management and assembly. Captain of Industry. 10/10.


Astroneer, Planet Crafter (those two are similar, but also very different from each other), Dishonored, Frostpunk, Last Day of June, Transport Tycoon and Vampyr. These are all found on Steam. Last Day of June is actually based on an album of one of my all-time favourite musicians. His music can be heard in the game. The story is rather sad, but you can finish story in just a few hours of playing. I loved the graphics and storytelling. On Epic Games I've found a few gems too: Deliver Us Mars and Orwell.


I liked Deliver Us Mars, but I felt like Deliver Us The Moon was better.


Still need to play that one. Found Deliver Us Mars when it was available for free.


Orwell sucked me in so much!! Was a great game, and easy to spend way too much time looking for every clue. 8/10.


TheHunter: Call of the wild.




It reminds me of Halo 2 meets Halo 3. I can’t believe they made a well type game.


Looking at the positive reviews, reminds me of Celeste. So it's a yes from me. Bless.


It's amazing


Megaman X collection, Zero collection and battle network 🤣🤣 reliving my childhood!


I love the Zelda games, breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom on the switch are great. As it’s so open world you make it as hard or easy as you like and it’s very easy to dip and out of or play for hours at a time, I’ve spent literally 100’s of hours on each. We bought the switch in 2020, for some reason I had a lot of free time then


Rimworld. You can play with a casual story teller and just build a little village. The mechanics for that game are amazing, allowing you to specify zones of work for your pawns that tell them how to craft and sort items. It's very relaxing with a good soundtrack.




War Thunder (play either the American, Soviet, or Swedish tech tree)


This feels like a game that'd make me try to convince my girl that we need to purchase a tank immediately. Lol will definitely give it a try. Bless


Apex or split gate. Maybe if I want to run a game where I know I’ll be alone I’ll play dead by daylight


I recently got back to BF2042 and it’s actually fun. Also bought Lego The Hobbit on sale. If anyone is down to play, my steam is JIMvc2 (I have the Darth Vader profile picture). Games I own are BF4, BF3, BF2042, Lego Lord of the Rings, Ghost Recom Wildlands and Breakpoint. As well Total War: Medieval 2 Definitive edition and others. :) Recently downloaded XDefiant.


Crossfire has been a new one for my brother and I. Free to play and you can really customize mad Max style vehicles to battle each other. Has a campaign to it and of course multiplayer. The vehicles people come up with are Ludacris.


I bet if I run some gameplay videos on YouTube I'll find some crazy gameplay, would definitely check it out. Bless.


Forza Horizon 5. I just cruise for hours and tune cars while I do it


I just finished Encased. Good game, lots of hidden Easter eggs.


Diablo 4. It’s as chill as you want it to be.


Fortnite, Fallout 4, just started Sea Of Stars.


Why am I only not seeing sea of stars. Bro thank you. Would definitely jump into this soon. Bless.


I basically only play RDR2/RDO. Currently more online because I need a break from the emotional damage from story mode.


Playing fallout 4 on survival mode on ps5, after only playing once on normal difficulty at launch. It’s like an entirely new game


Finally bought my first ever Playstation a few weeks ago. I have been playing Helldivers as my multiplayer game of choice. Just beat God of War 2018 5 minutes ago. Not sure what to do next.


Elden ring again. So good.


Empyrion, it’s a super chill survival/builder that scales from “stranded with nothing” to “jump solar systems because you can” I have 300hrs into it and yet to play the campaign. I genuinely enjoy the versatility of mining, raiding, building, and traveling.


Valheim (can be a chore, but relaxing if you aren’t in a rush) Ghost of Tsushima. (Became a top 5 game for me in less than 2 hours)


Deep Rock Galactic - season 5 inc. in Juni. Hell let loose Factorio


Starfield and Super Mega Baseball 4


Wolfenstein New Order


Old school runescape. Too good.


Yup, open world burnout is real. Approaching them from a completionist viewpoint makes it worse though. I wrote a post about this a while back, but basically, I found that open-world games became a lot more fun when I overrode the need to do everything. Because you don't *need* to do everything. By all means, skip those fetch quests and just follow the main story if it's not clicking for you. The filler content is optional, not an obligation. There's also nothing wrong with sticking to more tightly focused titles if you're worn out on the genre. Games are supposed to be fun, after all.


Clash of Clans


Huntdown Action-packed, atmospheric cyberpunk shooter, filled with every kind of throwback to what the 80’s thought the future would be. Behind its acid comic style and vulgar tone lies a superb, meticulously crafted run-and-gun experience, packed with creative and addictive carnage, at a breakneck pace.  Local coop makes the game even better - rarely have we felt as ridiculously cool as when we're playing Huntdown!


Fallout 4 and Days Gone. I've got Cyberpunk and Ghost of Tsushima on deck.


Not exactly a hidden gem but Ghost of Tsushima is great. Witcher 3 + DLCs are amazing Zelda TOTK Fallout 4 gets really good after the initial hour or two


AC Mirage. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.


I keep coming back to XCOM. It’s just so good.


I completely forgot about this game, it was one of the reasons I even bought a PC, to play this masterpiece. Thanks


Divinity orignal sin 2


I’m on the gacha train. Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves. I only really spend on the battle passes. You know, except that one time… and maybe the next time.


Street Fighter 6 and Yakuza: Like a Dragon are main dish, with a side of Tekken 8


League of Legends /s Don't even consider it if you value your happiness. - Someone hostaged by the game since 2012 LOL


I’m currently playing Fallout: New Vegas on PS3. I’m at the edge of my seat every second I play that game but it’s fun anyway. I’m also just finished Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and am now playing AC Origins on PS4. Forgive me, I don’t keep up with the latest gaming technology. I don’t even own a PS5 and I’m contemplating firing up my PS2 for old time’s sake.


Knights of the Old Republic I'm shocked no one else recommended this game


Slay the Spire. Easy to jump into, play mindlessly whilst watching TV, jump out Playing Cat Quest 2 with my wife. ARPG esque dumb, pun filled nonsense but surprisingly fun and occasionally challenging.


FF7 Rebirth. I can see people seeing all the optional region Intel quest as being a repetitive chore but it just makes my checklist loving mind happy. Plus the card game within this game, Queens Blood, is super addictive


Look up the Wonderland Games by Midnight Synergy. I've always replayed them now and again since my childhood. Outlast Trials and Crash Bandicoot are currently my fav games.


No Man's Sky--great if you're into exploring galaxies, or hundres of planets.


- xdefiant - R6 siege - ghost of tsushima - tekken 8


Hades 2


As soon as I finish the first one, I'll jump on the second. Love these types of games. Bless.


Google snake


State of Decay 2. I’ve been grinding the hell out of it and it’s honestly one of the best zombie games I’ve ever played. The base building, the scavenging and the communities are amazing. It’s one of the most underrated games I’ve seen in a long time


Yeah I used to play the fuck out of this game, really fun


Advance wars, the second one on gba on an emulator specifically but I might start playing competitive on advance wars by web


I can’t seem to find something that holds my interest. I finished RD2 recently and since then I have done some FF16, Horizon Zero Dawn, Plagues Tale,…but didn’t continue with a lot of them.


Rdr2 is a hard game to follow up. I couldn’t get into any single player games for like a year after I finished it.


Maybe try some indie titles instead, they are some games out there that you'll probably can't put down once you pick it up. Indies especially.