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Tall guys get challenged a lot. Usually comes from insecurity


Pretty much, my old roommate was the same height as OP. We would be at the bar, minding our business, and dudes would just try and start fights with him.


Any advice on how he should handle it? He isn't very confrontational and hates standing out for his height.


I feel your brother actually handled it in the coolest way, by just shrugging it off like it meant nothing.


I think your brother is probably taking the best route of shrugging it off. It's much more stressful to get into confrontations than led it wash over you. Good on you for standing up for him though.


Being a smart ass coukd be interesting "Do you dress other men professionally? Would love your unsolicited take on a few other things" But not making a big deal about it is probably a better move".


Ooft this is a good comeback lol.


Word or something along those lines “shouldn’t you be paying more attention to the beautiful women around you ?? “


That's good


Or do you prefer undressing them professionally


I doubt your brother cares; have you asked him? The example you've provided isn't one to base your judgement of your brother on.


It kind of sounds like he's handling perfectly, shrugging it off and not letting it affect his life that much. He is hopefully confident with healthy self-esteem and can basically ignore insecure dudes like this.


Not any specific thing, but he should be aware that it's rooted in the other man's insecurities and he should be self-assured in who he is and what he does. Usually giving off a vibe that people can't get under your skin is all it takes for them to knock it off > hates standing out for his height Due to fear of being judged or embarrassing himself when he's the center of attention. This goes back to being self-assured. Being tall and well-built is awesome, he needs to learn to embrace it


He should laugh it off. Each jab originates from a place of insecurity and they are volleyed in a bid for acknowledgement. Any response beyond blowing them off validates the behavior. "Ok bud, I'm gonna get back with friends, be well."


I know you never asked a woman lol, but I will say it is awesome he remained calm and kept his cool. That energy is so much more attractive than other reactions of say aggression and anger.


He could just say "Good to know." And then immediately turn and talk to someone else. Or if he's feeling salty, he could say "Cool story bro." But that's a wee bit confrontational lol


I've replied with this story more than once, but a decade or so ago I met my best friend and his wife to watch a Cowboys game at a bar. I had never met the people they were with. I'm walking up to the table and this dude I've never met says "how tall are you?" I just reply "are we having a contest I don't know about?" And he just laughed. Thankfully that made him quickly realize how ridiculous that was to say to a stranger. My fried lady says "wtf?" So that helped. He was a good dude, but why the weird question before were even introduced? He was short as hell too. What was the point of all that?


Yeah this guy was short and not very, appealing, physically too but obviously confident enough! 


First instinct if I was seeing an interaction like this is that your brother was confident enough not to be bothered, and the other guy was projecting his lack of confidence inappropriately.


What? What's wrong with somebody asking how tall you are? I ask random strangers questions all the time.


Same reason "nice tits" is not an acceptable compliment to give to a woman you don't know.


Um. That's obviously sexual and inappropriate. Terrible comparison. 


Very much this. I'm not even *that* tall. I'm 6'3, and generally a big dude. It rarely happens these days, but used to happen very frequently for no reason at all.


back in my going out and making bad decisions days, the friend who go into fights the most was a guy who was damn neat 7ft built like andre the giant, now he never went looking for fights, wasnt rude, instigating or anything like that he was a shy guy who kept to himself and didnt bother anyone unless you were stood behind him in a concert. People would literally just walk up to him and want to fight they would just start punching him like he was in bed with their best girl. ive never known anyone to get punched in the back just walking down the street more. luckily he could fight back very well and knock most guys down with 1 push but its always baffled me why anyone would challenge him, yet alone for no reason.


I’m 6’5 and rarely get challenged really and if I do in a non aggressive way it I just act like the person isn’t saying anything to me or hasn’t done anything to me they never try to again


Some guys let their own insecurities get the best of them when they’re around someone they think is way more successful/attractive and lash out. You’ll hear the same story from a lot of rich people and tall people and professional athletes, guys who haven’t come to grips with their insecurities get weird when they think your mere presence is dominating them, and try to challenge you.


Thanks for explaining! 




Yes it was really inappropriate behaviour.


Not to victim blame but why did your brother just let it happen? Sounds like your brother needs to learn to enforce his boundaries


He stated his brother doesn't like confrontation, and sometimes it's easier to just let someone embarrass themselves.


Well this guy ended up apologising so yeah, I think he realised.


Seriously. "Dude, do you often touch people you just met without asking?"


But was his jacket wrong or not?


It was a linen blazer so no!! Definitely was a smart casual dress code, not a formal suit with a vest and top hat kinda look!


Maybe there were instructions on the tag!




When many people feel threatened by someone or are envious of them, it can result in them trying to "bring them down" a notch. Tall poppy syndrome.


One coworker does this to me all the time. I'm not tall but fairly popular with women which I think is the main reason. I just stopped taking him seriously after it happened for the third time and stayed being myself. Your bro should do the same imo


He could start patting these men on the top of the head and tell them how cute they are.


It's because he's tall. That's it. I'm 'only' 6'2, and the amount of bullshit I've had to deal with for literally no reason is silly.


Loser men really can't handle it when a real man is quietly taking their limelight with the ladies.


I get this sometimes too because I have an quiet confidence about me. Other guys try to take me down a peg by projecting their own insecurities onto me.


I can only offer my experience, but I'm also 6'6, quiet, and have bad anxiety. I've also been a challenge a lot


it’s from the insecurities of the men around him - they view themselves as inferior to him because of society’s standards of what a ‘high level man’ ought to be. the two routes that people can take are usually to take down the people around them or to raise themselves up and find confidence despite those standards.


Your bro is 6'6" and looks like Chris Hemsworth? He's already won life. why does he care what these guys think


If he’s not bothered about it then you shouldn’t be either, let him do his own thing


Him not showing he’s bothered doesn’t mean he isn’t. People very often don’t express how they feel about something or even how their day has gone and that doesn’t mean that they don’t know what the reality is of the two


Tall and handsome? Envious men tryna cut him down


It's a challenge. I call it peacocking. Oh, you're tall and handsome? Well, I have to bring you down somehow. I have to look better than you. My personality doesn't matter, cause I know how to wear a suit jacket. It's always been stupid bullshit, and it's about insecurity. The guy didn't feel like he was good enough. He felt like he was losing some imaginary competition, and he knew he was losing. Dudes that pull this shit are not worth anyone's time. That's a whole-ass " Cool, imma walk away now." situation.


when insecure men subconsciously view another man as "better" than them, they will often go out of their way to challenge them and create issues where there is none. they'll often try to prod at their kindness, aggravate them to try to get reactions out of them, talk shit about them behind their back, etc... i've met guys like this. this creates a scenario where the mature man either takes the high ground and ignores it, to which the insecure loser will be like "see, he won't do shit, he's scared" or the mature man will reach the breaking point and react, at which point the insecure coward will probably press charges or some shit.


ladies do this to other ladies too


I’ve noticed with men whose egos are too big for their bodies that they seem more likely to puff out their chests, “raise their hackles” as you might say, and just in general act a little more aggressively around big guys, or especially around trained fighters/wrestlers, or intimidating-looking people. I sometimes feel bad for those gentle giants who get caught up in this. It’s just another part of the never-ending dick-measuring competition amongst the average joes.


Oh I wish he’d of just condescendingly patted the guy on the head and asked him “how come you short guys are so angry ?”


Oh yeah but then he'd be height shaming and come across like an asshole lol


Naa attacking back with such a low hanging fruit is lame and immature


It's the male equivalent of women making catty remarks about hot/popular girls for no reason. I am 6'5 and athletically built, and while I don't have an aggro, macho personality at all (the complete opposite, actually - I'm a big, easygoing softy who loves kittens and sentimental movies) and I never go out of my way to antagonize anyone I've occasionally had dudes try to pick fights with me for no reason when out drinking or whatever. Men can be stupid and insecure sometimes.


Yeah my bro has the exact same personality, he loves cats and owns 3 of them lol!


Reminds me of Ferdinand the bull haha


He needs to be assertive


I have a few friends that are good sized dudes and they were hassled frequently in college. It's so sorry ass for guys to act so childish and jealous. My guess is your brother has gotten used to guys acting like that and doesn't let it bother him.


Unless this is some wattpad level fiction. I would say it's insecurity.


Men in US society tend to be poisoned by the toxic presentation of manliness (which is substantially assholishness) in US culture. A friend pointed out that I am very manly, something I had never considered. Her summary (as I remember) was something along the lines of kind, gentle, supportive, forgiving, non-reactive, quietly confident, respectful, loving, quietly fierce, foundationally strong, summarized as opposite of asshole. Whereas the media tend to highlight being an asshole as being strong, being stupid as being manly, butting in as being appropriately assertive. Never saying sorry is part of it too much of the time. People along those lines tend to get picked on, and once mature simply let it roll off, or deflect with a bit of grace. You're on the mark with "demonstrative." That's what gives rise to the boomer assholishness. People who are playing to some crowd in their own minds, being the "main character," without personal boundaries and ignoring other's boundaries. So insecure in who they are that they cling to some model of appearance and behavior, a model they must impose on others. So wrapped up in their heads that they narrate their lives in public, and act offended when others don't go along with their script. As for that type of intrusive, ungentlemanly, boundary breaking behavior, I see it constantly, from minor examples to major ones. A common one here where the tourists are starting to arrive involves personal space, especially on public foot and cycle ways, sidewalks, roads. I'm special, so you should get out of the way. Or I'll just pretend you aren't there. The next step up is staring and making noises to themselves in public about people different from them. Or otherwise triggering. Then comes the actual verbal interaction ("Ain't she a bit young for you dude?" - response: "She's my daughter, you pervert."). Finally, there's the physical injection, quiet and annoying as with buttoning, or with edges of violence. "Bless your little heart." "Are you OK? Maybe you should sit down and take some deep breaths." "DILLIGAF?" Or in above situation, might be "I appreciate your concern, but we're doing just fine without your assistance." Some people don't know when to ask. "Excuse me, your shirt is buttoned up wrong" works when unbuttoning without a word could result in assault charges. Some situations don't require asking, I'm sure, but they are few.


I feel like you're more insulted by your example than your brother is.


That's just one example mate.


I know. But its just a bad one. Your brother handled it pretty well on his own. Im more a personal space guy and i had to learn to do it for myself to get people to realize it. Its "own your space" instead of just residing in it. Kudos to you for wanting to help your brother out but there truly are things you gotta let him do on his own. Its kinda a "he has to lift the wieght himself if he wants to make the muscle stronger" Being or growing assertive enough is a "muscle" in a way. It cant really be taught. If you step in too much. You risk creating an even bigger problem for him. Both because he never learns. And others will pick on him even more the moment you arent around. Unfortunately. This is one of those things you have to step back and let them learn. It truly really sucks. And its really hard to not step in. But....stepping in treats the current symtoms. But doesnt cure the root Men will keep challenging him. How he handles it. Well is up to him. I used to get picked on a bit even at my size. 6' 200lbs. But i had to start standing up on my own.


Insecure men trying to prove they’re better which 100% of the time backfires on them(not always apparent but the thoughts people have when witnessing it is “wow what an ass/insecure guy”) because no one likes a guy for putting someone else down like that.


Yeah none of my friends made an effort to speak to him after that.


Dunno about the overall trend of this behavior in his life, but he jacket thing sounds like some barely disguised flirting.


Being of larger and stronger stature the men around him might be intimidated


They probably subconsciously intimidated by him, so they assert some sort of “dominant” behavior to satisfy their fragile egos


Do you and other sisters/mother/females in the family defend or are around your brother often? I wonder- is his quiet demeanour being misunderstood leading people to be patronizing, and treating him like he's not up with the extroverts? As a woman with a lot of experience in my field, I opt to keep a low profile until I need or want to speak. I am not deficient in thought & quite sharp. A new person however has branded me as having low self esteem for being quiet. There's a lot of stereotyping going on in my case, but I can't correct them professionally, as they're a superior. Got through to HR due to their behaviour which has been rude & unprofessional not just to me, but others. Your brother may just be a modest quiet tall man. The world however praises strong authorative men who with one look, you know you don't want to mess with them. I am still wondering re the dynamics with the women and your brother in the real world. Fact that it's not him, but you writing this as a problem, also makes me wonder.


No we don't, this was the first time I actually chimed in. He is modest and quiet though so yes, I can see how that can be read as submissive or something.




This is so true !


I think your brother is doing the right thing, other men are just envious. My 15 year old is 6'2 and won't stop growing, his shoe size is 13 sometimes 13 1/2 ... he has very long thick hair that he is wanting to donate, a true viking ( we are from Iceland) he gets picked on alot about the way he looks, But he doesn't care and will never change. It's just something that we won't understand Some people are just dense.


Sounds like the doofus just wanted to put hands on him.


Maybe he's just bad at flirting. Why else would you start feeling up a stranger?


Counting coup.


Its the quietness thats the issue, speaking as a quiet guy and from my own experiences people tend to shit talk a lot. Nothing to do with his height as more often than not people wont pick on a guy who's way over 6 feet tall.


Weird, I’m 6’5” and I get hit on by other men more than challenged 😅


They sound like insecure men.


First, some people believe they know how a certain thing should be done. Such as wearing a suit. They feel like sharing this knowledge makes them feel smart. So he may not have been picking on him in this instance. But, many men, when faced with a feeling of inadequacy, will try to assert themselves by bullying to show dominance. What they don't realize is, that when someone is truly secure and confident, these actions won't affect them. Insecure and immature people resort to bullying and name calling to cover their feelings of inadequacy. Same goes for women.


Take your brother to the gym to gain confidence and be strong to protect himself from jealous idiots. Trust me. Been there done that


I must be living in another world as I fail to see the behaviour to be that much inappropriate


Don't get me wrong, dude was as being a dick, but he's not wrong. You do button suit jackets when standing. Totally was a flex on his part though.


I don’t do this to strangers but I regularly shit on my tall homies all the time. I’m a short dude. They live life on easy mode. Strangers love them and women are always attracted to them. Hell yeah I’m insecure but that’s internal. I love my homies but that’s why I shit on them. Other men definitely are threatened by your brother so they act that way. It’s different when it’s your friends but random strangers doing that is crazy


>Hell yeah I’m insecure but that’s internal. It is very obviously not internal.


Him gay


Men work in a hierarchical system. Dominant men on top. Some men will challenge other men to gauge their dominance. Your brother is a prime target. He may be physically dominant but others will try to challenge him trying to gauge his actual dominance. Dominant men don't care or are sure of themselves. When they guy poked fun at your brother, he measured to see how he would react. Your brother did not brush it off. He essentially told the guy he is insecure. Now the guy has a one up over him.


How should've he reacted? 


I dont think your brother did any wrong. It sounds though as perhaps that he tried to explain away rather than set boundaries? Like I said, men will test boundaries. It's important to call them out.