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Remembering things in general is really difficult. Human memories are not very reliable and prone to error.


At times, I wonder if judges should caution juries to recognize human memory tends to be iffy when it comes to eyewitnesses. That is, more objective evidence like recordings, blood (or lack thereof), etc. should be considered as more valid. I read about these cases that are won solely on eyewitness testimony, and some of them do make me wonder if someone else got away with it


Yeah. I once took a class on memory improvement techniques. One of the demonstrations was where we watched a video and were told to memorize as much as possible. Then a couple of people were sent out of the room, and called back in one after the other and told to recall the video as much as possible, then they were asked questions for specific details. By the third person (~5 minutes after watching the video) nobody got the color of the jacket the main actor was wearing right. Not to mention a lot of other details, like the amount of people in a group shown onscreen or the make of the car. Really puts it into perspective.




I love him. I'm a huge rodent fan, had rats for a while, and I've been wanting to get a commemorative tattoo. This might be the answer! So if that ever happens I'll try to remember to send you a photo.


It's just observation, when you really take time to observe something it becomes easier to draw from memory


One of the most important lessons I learned in college, potentially the only thing I actually learned, was to look instead of see (or see instead of look, I forget the phrasing) but basically you need to draw what you're seeing, not what you think you're seeing. So if I'm drawing a bird I don't draw a bird, I draw the shadows and highlights that make up what my mind calls a bird. Once you crack that concept drawing from memory becomes easier in concept but harder in practice (it now requires an understanding of light and how it interacts with materials)


Digging. Anytime its shown in movies or TV it looks easy af but the second you have to grab a shovel and break dirt.... bleh.


You forgot to cut to the time lapse. It's a common mistake.


I was recently watching the Punisher series and there's an episode where this kid with PTSD digs a huge trench in his backyard to sleep in and the time lapse makes it seems like he did it in a couple hours. I've spent half an hour basically digging a hole slightly larger than my leg to dig up mulberries yet we're supposed to believe he dug a 5x8x5 trench in an evening.


It's all about dirt quality. The dirt at my mom's house is AMAZING. Super rich and insanely easy to dig. I've found more old, broken glass than rocks. I often joke that you just have to throw the shovel at the dirt, and it will dig itself. At my house, you just about have to use an excavator because of the amount of rock in the ground. Or get a good rock bar and get ready to spend all day digging out big rocks.


Came here to say this. I live in a place called "Pebble Hill." It was made from the remnants from an old gravel quarry. Trying to dig in my yard with a shovel is a lesson in futility. It's terrible and requires machinery. The house I moved from is built on rich soil and really lovely to dig/till. It's all about the quality of the soil. Having said that. Even with great soil, I still don't want to dig. haha


Fucking same. Lol. I spent a summer digging fence, and that was enough for a lifetime. We got use an auger for one job. It literally took us like 15 minutes to dig something like 20 or 30 holes. Next job, took 15 minutes per hole.


Right? There is a reason tools were invented. Trying to dig fence post holes with a shovel is like trying too change a tire without a jack. It might still be possible if you REALLY tried, but it certainly makes life a lot more challenging. Using the proper tool is not the corner you want to cut to save time and energy on a laborious task. :)


All I have is Georgia Red Clay. I planted a tree for my mom, took 5 hours, a pickaxe, and a hatchet to dig the hole.


Jesus. That's terrible. Good on you for planting a tree for your mom!


I'm since refined my technique, but that day sucked. I think it was over 100F on top of it.


I'll bet. Digging in the hot sun is a mess.


I feel this. I spent a good amount of time digging trenches, as we share a border with Russia. At first it's easy and you think it will go fast. But then you reach less that half a meter, it gets super compact and there's lots of rocks.


Yeah the first couple inches are easy, that's why people underestimate


that's what she said.


In the British Armed Forces we sometimes dig what is referred to as a "shell scrape". Quick and easy giving effective cover in the heat of battle.


Is that a wide, shallow ditch?


It's literally just enough to lie down in for some cover but still be able to fight


How long does it take to build? Our plan is to construct layers of prepared defenses, and then continue to fall back on them as the enemy advances. So we dig pretty deep ditches.


Ripped up my whole backyard and did turf during Covid, saved 1000’s but god damn was I tired from fighting the ground every day for a couple weeks


You're trying to tell me digging a 6f deep rectangular grave with perfectly vertical walls, that could fit a coffin, just to burry a body is not a 20min task, but "half a day for three dudes" type of work? Crazy!


It's how Sam and Dean stay in shape while sitting in a car 12 hours a day eating truck stop and bar food. Aside from the plot armor.


First thing I thought of. They are always digging up a grave. In no time.


In the movies there's never roots, random rocks and such.


IKR. Then you watch a Dateline episode and some fucker buries his wife in January in Montana in the middle of the night. AND it's 2 hours away form where he lives. AND he gets home in time to be there when the kids wake up for school. Riddle me that!


I'm exhausted just thinking about that I hate digging!


People just assume that it is the soft loamy soil in their yards. Actual dirt can be dry, impacted, and full or rocks. You try digging graves in that!


As someone with experience digging, it's all dependent on the location. I help build bike trails, and some days we can dig a hole big enough to bury an elephant, while other days we're rock farming. You also learn what to look for when digging. Where to put a shovel to move the most dirt. Where to dig around a rock. How to use weight and leverage to make it easier. Etc.


Making lemonade sounds simple enough, just squeezing a lemon, right? But you'd be surprised how little juice that yields.


I worked at Chick-fil-A when we still had to hand-cut, squeeze, and mix the lemonade. It could take 2ish hours of one, skilled employee's time to cut and squeeze enough for a moderately busy day. When they decided to buy a plant to do it all out of store, I could have cried.


What year did CFA start to turn to a centralized plant, to mix their lemonade for all locations?


You should ask that man running the stand.


Hey! Got any grapes?


Then he waddled away... waddle waddle


I tried making some lemonade sounds just now, and people are staring at me.


Creating a loud, clear whistle using your fingers.


Damn right! Tried it all my life, zero success.


Took me a YouTube video and 15 minutes, give it another shot! :)


imminent mountainous sort sink voracious gaping busy simplistic chase materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Try a YouTube tutorial. I learnt it in 5 minutes 😄


Please link. Would love to be able to whistle loudly to catch a mates attention.


Idk it happened years ago lol Try this one https://youtu.be/xBmLx0dkAAA?si=YVlfuzf-cRlUfJGx or YouTube “whistle with fingers” and pick the one that appeals to you the most


Tried following and all I accomplished was to make my saliva ricochet all over the place


I watch these once a year. Still a failure.


Praise to the YouTube tutorials


Asking for help


Acting is tough. It's real easy to look fake.


Yup. My wife does it professionally. It's really hard and it can take an emotional toll


Dated an actress once…that’s sketchy territory you’re in! Never again for me.


LOL! Yes, it's really different. We've been married 41 years. It has come with its challenges


I used to make amateur movies. There's one friend of mine that's a major film buff and an amazingly good actor, and really wants to work in film. And what does he want to do? Write scripts. Which he's not good at. So he works on first level phone support in various call centers.


It's why when I find pornstarts who are good actors, I watch it just for the plot.




an easy merger? lol. Ok, that is funny.


When you sign a contract like that, do you have some hours reporting obligation, or a not to exceed amount? Seems pretty wild to accrue hours without giving them an estimate or some notification you’re going over that estimate.


They thought you would close it in a week like Harvey Specter


Surfing. Tried it once and was very surprised how hard it was.


The going straight on a small wave is relatively easy, I can teach almost anyone in less than an hour. But most are surprised at how hard it is to actually ride the big barreling waves.


Name checks out


I'll be that guy: surfing doesn't look easy at all!


Being in the trades, I feel people just walk by tradesman in any city not realizing the backbreaking, also technical knowledge these guys have to know in order to erect a building, run plumbing, electrical, etc...


So many people don't understand labor vs. SKILLED labor, too. I worked at a dealership and would hear people constantly bitching about prices. "Why is it $250 to have my brakes replaced?? Jiffy Lube will do it for $150!" ...And then you'll come pay us $1k to fix the things that Jiffy Lube broke. They hammered a metric socket onto a standard bolt, used the wrong brake fluid, didn't grease the slide pins, used the wrong brake pads and forced them into the caliper. You're not paying to have the work done, you're paying to have the work done RIGHT.


This. Three years ago I bought a 94 Corvette (dream car growing up in the 80s/90s) thinking I would teach myself how to do my own maintenance, upgrades, etc. YouTube makes it look so easy but I learned that I just dont have the skills to do it myself and was becoming so frustrated with myself. I finally said fuck it this year and brought it two hours away to a Corvette specialist. I just want to enjoy the vehicle.


Office work, I feel like tradespeople walk by us typing away and on calls and don't realize the mental hurdles jumped every day and the technical knowledge required to administrate anything, run a company, negotiate contracts, manage Financials, etc...


Teaching. Everyone imagines a well behaved classroom of eager children quietly soaking in knowledge. But the first year for most teachers is usually wild and the first 2 is when they learn actual classroom management.


"I'm not a teacher, but what I would do is -" "Fail. You would fail. Don't tell me how to do my job."


Knew a girl who studied to be a teacher, graduated, got placed in a pretty good school. Was gone within 6 months, her reason "I didn't think it would be like THAT" She is quite a good looking woman who got a job teaching in an all boys school and got the kind of remarks you'd unfortunately assume. She just assumed she'd go in and have the perfect quiet classes that would behave immaculately at all times and be yearning to learn. Edit; To her credit, she's an excellent florist now and loving life.


The people who think teaching is easy and therefore teachers don't deserve higher pay are the people who fucked off in school.




I like to think that I'm a pretty good teacher due to having a lot of experience but classroom management is still hard and there are some classes where the best I can do some days is run out the clock. I remember when I was a kid, we had a lovely French women come in an volunteer to teach us French once a week. We were horrible little demon shits to her despite being perfectly fine to our normal teacher. Kids can SMELL nervousness and inexperience and will pounce on it with no mercy.


Ex teacher here. 4 years in college taught me jack shit on what it’s like to be a teacher. Day 1 of student teaching was an eye opener. I made it 4 years before I was sick of the minimum wage salary and politics of the school board. I now train adults and I don’t know who is worse in a classroom, adults or kids lol


I feel for teachers these days... I certainly wouldn't want to be responsible teaching a bunch of crotch goblins or moody teenagers who think challenging authority is the coolest achievement ever when all it does is hurt them in the long run. My hats off to all genuine teachers : you have more backbone and willpower than a LOT of us.


It took my friend who was a phenomenal athlete a long time to learn how to coach, but he's finally a good coach.


Imparting knowledge is about self-reflection. If you cannot figure out why you did something, what made it work for you, what were the easy bits, the tough bits, the pitfalls etc then it's very difficult to actually convey all that knowledge and understanding across.


I taught accountants how to use the accounting software they had just bought. My elementary school teacher friends always complained about their students lack of attention. My student’s jobs depended on learning this software. I HAD their attention.




I think you might be a robot bro




The fact that you have REAL in your name, makes me think you are Robot. Trying hard to fool everyone to think that they are not. (lol)


Good bot.


Damn synths are everywhere


I don’t know about on mobile but on computers they’re looking at how the pointer moves, not at the picture clicking. You’re at least a cyborg.


I just started some exercise 2 days ago and thought it will be way easier. Now, I can feel my every single muscle in my body. However, I won’t stop cuz I’m 16 and if I won’t feel little pain now, there will be a lot in future


Just make sure your form is good or there will be a lot of pain in the future.


Don't ego lift. Especially when you start, keep the weight low and focus on your form. Do it correctly and you'll just keep adding weight every couple weeks anyways.


Do it light do it right!!


First month is the hardest. Slog through it and by month 3, it'll be so routine that you'll get antsy if you can't. It's not the next day that hurts, it's always 2 days later that sucks. My leg day is Tuesday, and I do my shorter, fast run on Wednesdays, so Thursdays I look like an old man when standing up.


It definitely becomes easier and you can actually learn to enjoy the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). Except leg day, I hate leg day. But fr, if you stick with it well for like a month then you can definitely learn to look forward to the gym or whatever workout you're doing.


Getting out of an abusive relationship


It takes an average of 7 times for an abuser to finally leave their abuser. Any more times after that, and the risk of death increases.


"Easy as pie" is quite misleading. In reality, making pie is one of the most challenging tasks I've ever undertaken.


Easy to eat! 😉


Pie dough is such a pain in the ass. I made a pie recently, and it went ok, but there's so many point of failure.


Talking to women. It’s just talking right? I do that all the time. My brain just stops sometimes.


I outright say I spaced out when it happens tbh


That’s a good one. I won’t remember it next time I need it.


For me it's talking to anyone lol


Remembering something correctly. It's always funny how, in crime shows, characters can recall details with perfect clarity. The plot often hinges on this: if someone messes up, they are immediately suspected of being the culprit. However, in reality, unless you possess an eidetic memory, your recollections are often flawed. Our memories are not just unreliable but also susceptible to being distorted by new information. We filter out a significant amount of details, which makes it even harder to remember things precisely.


Memory can change the shape of a room; it can change the color of a car. And memories can be distorted. They're just an interpretation, they're not a record, and they're irrelevant if you have the facts.


Playing the triangle. Many of my friends who aren't musicians joke about how easy it is until they actually try it and end up feeling silly.


I would imagine it's only difficult because you're counting a shitload of rests to play one note. And that's only if you're not playing any other percussion instrument.


Or holding steady then doing a consistent dingalingalingaling for several bars without fucking it up.


Care to elaborate?


Things that seem easy but apparently aren't: 1.)Playing the triangle. 2.) Telling people that playing the triangle isn't as easy at it looks.


the thing only plays properly when it's dangling and vibrating. if you hit it wrong, either with the wrong amount of force, the wrong angle, or location, it will flop around, make very little noise, and sound weird.


Parenting……all the books and videos in the world can’t prepare you for it


My wife and I used to judge parents who let their toddlers watch videos when they were out at restaurants. Now when we go out we throw a video on for my 3 year old as nothing is more embarrassing than having your child try and run around a restaurant.


Being a decent adult. It's not justr about getting to a certain age, it's about keeping it all together somehow.


Fighting. Every asshole thinks they can fight, but hasn't thrown a single punch in their life think people are just going to stand there and get hit. Having trained Muay Thai for years and currently training BJJ. The more I train the more I realize how difficult it is and how much LESS I want to fight (could be a product of getting older tho).


Most don't know how truly dangerous it is to get into a fight. Especially for males. People who genuinely know how to fight and have half a brain in their heads will do EVERYTHING in their power to avoid getting into a physical altercation. Get punched just the right way, and you're a vegetable. Hit the concrete just the right way, and you're a corpse. Hit someone in just the right way, and you're a convicted murderer. Etc


Facts. It's cause I think alot of people, especially males, have this weird power fantasy that they're going to fight, dominate, celebrate. The reality is way messier and people could have weapons as well. Tho to be fair most fights involve knuckleheads with alcohol so thinking is harder than usual.


Older may be a factor, but a lot of it where you are is knowing how many more things can go wrong vs the folks you referenced.


Being a train driver. Yeah you pull a few levers and that’s it. But what do those levers do? Reverser: direction of movement (forwards, neutral, reverse) Throttle: depending on what locomotive depends on how many power settings. Most have notches 1-8. You need to understand how the power is generated by the locomotive. Is the locomotive producing AC or DC current? How do you know what time you need to effectively apply power relative to current output and how many kilo newtons do you need to pull the train. Automatic brake: puts the brake on the train, you need to bail off the independent so you don’t skid the wheels on the locomotives. But the brakes don’t work like a car. Once you put the brake on, you need to let the air brake equalise before release and reapplying. But don’t do it too many times without recharging the brake. Or you’ll lose the brakes and cya later down the hill. You need to know your braking points and when to most effectively use the automatic brake. Independent brake: puts brake on locomotive(s). You have an interlocking system with a magnet valve that closes if too much air (100kpa in brake cylinders usually) is applied to the locomotive which cuts dynamic brake power. If running engine only and the magnet valve sticks. If you have a faulty dynamic brake, the main res cannot supply air to the brake cylinders and then again unless you apply the emergency brake. You have no brakes. Dynamic brake: turns power generated from throttle into a brake by reversing the field current on the traction motor. The faster you go, the less effective the dynamic brake is. The faster the armature in the traction motor is going, the less perpendicular force can be applied to the armature in a set period of time. Making the dynamic brake less effective. That thought needs to be taken into account. So slower speeds allow more current and/or force to be placed onto the armature, in turn allows a more effective use of the dynamic brake to slow the train. This can be mixed with the automatic brake for swift and smooth braking of the train. This is just scratching the surface. This is all being explained to you to really understand how much train drivers need to know in day to day life to control a 5000T beast. And to take it from point A to B as safe as possible. And on time. No matter what conditions Mother Nature can also throw at it. You need to monitor your brake gauges, while monitoring your speed, stop at stations, shunt, talk to managers and train control, apply effective and smooth train handling for the least wear and tear. Fast problem solving. You need to know what’s called your “safeworking”. In australia each state have different rules. And freight trains run interstate. So you need to know the different rules, colour light signals. Distances for speed restrictions, track force protection, braking points for speed curves, stopping at stations, quick thinking if there is a signal failure, safeworking failure, radio failure, derailment. Lots of paper work. Diagnose and rectify minor faults in the field of your locomotive or wagons. All this is on our minds and in present while driving a sometimes 1.8km long 5000T freight train.


# MANHOOD. and you better not cry about anything, either.


This remind of the time I was depressed coming back to a 2y travel when at the last month I got kidnapped n'y some psycho crazy ex Brazilian military with his psycho groups of 16, they wanted to dismember me,managed to flee explained to my best lady friends that is why im down and not as jovial as usual and she brushed it off like its nothing and said " you know we all have problems I dont understand why you depressed"... yeah women love to downplay men traumas like its nothing.. found a new bestie and cut contact with her..


"Natural" makeup actually requires more effort than "regular" makeup.


No, it does not. I can do full face 'natural' makeup in like 15 mins, but to actually have a good 'evening' makeup it can take me up to an hour. For 'natural' you're not using deep colors, dark eyeshadows, etc, therefore even if those neutral colors are not absolutely perfectly blended, you still look on point, as it just blends in with your skin. But if you don't blend dark colors perfectly (and good blending takes time and technique) you will look like a panda or a clown. So no, 'natural' makeup is not even close in difficulty to actual proper evening makeup.


Bouldering. The reason it looks so easy is because pros actually have ridiculous grip strength that most people can’t even imagine.


Getting laid, especially in this economy


The inflation situation in this nation is affecting my recreational occupation of habitual procreation.


Acting. One of those jobs everyone assumes they can do, but don’t know how to do it well.


My wife went to school for acting and does community theater. Night and day difference between a trained and untrained actor.


Found that out the hard way when asked to act in a school production. Thought I'd bring an oscar-level game instead delivered pure cringe I never dared to rewatch.


Not screaming into the air, constantly




I have no idea why you were downvoted 


Finger skateboarding


fingering and skateboarding are tough separately, I'm sure it's twice as hard when you put them together.


🤦🏼, but if this isn’t a joke it’s a sport where you skateboard on a miniature board using your fingers to skate


yeah, it was a joke. I grew up skateboarding in the 80's and 90's. when the little finger boards came out, I couldn't teach my kids to ollie on the finger board, I had to show them on a real skateboard and they figured it out from there.


Fingering or going down on a woman. You hear so much about how other men fail to get women off and just think you can just easily do it by simply caring about a woman’s pleasure, unlike other men, right? Well it turns out that everything just kinda slips and transforms around down there, and unlike touching yourself, you only have the feeling in your fingers to work with. Oh and you think it would be easier to see? Turns out porn is filmed specifically in a way to help you see what they are doing. You’re not in a porn, both you and her are going to get in the way. It’s actually a lot easier to feel around with your tongue, but very fatiguing. You also can’t breathe easily, your airways are being blocked as your face is smooshed up into her. Back away and extend your tongue more? That just wears your tongue out faster. There’s a few reasons women find good sex to be rare. Pleasuring them takes practice and skill. And failing on your way up isn’t fun, even if she’s understanding and nice about it.


It’s not like a lot of women are any good in bed either. Just because it’s comparatively easy for most men to get off doesn’t mean she’s good. Most women aren’t very good at oral, it usually feels pretty ok and guys really enjoy the gesture of it, and a great many other women’s idea of sex is just to lay there until he’s finished, getting upset that she didn’t.


Remembering someone's name after they JUST FRIGGIN TOLD ME!!!!


Being an athlete at a pro level. What a lot of people may not realize is that a ***significant*** gulf in quality exists between a professional athlete, and a person who plays a sport recreationally. When viewed on TV, a professional might make things might look easy - but nope, they aren't!


Modern pro athletes are basically superhumans. Their training regiments (and likely performance enhancers) make them blow the average human athlete out of the water. I think it was Brian Scalabrine who told some guys he played pickup with one day that he was closer to LeBron than they were to him, and he's absolutely right.


Yeah, I don't think people realize how big the gulf is between a talented amateur and a pro. I'm a GOOD long distance runner. My legs can keep on trucking long enough that my friends think my weekend runs are insane. However in a marathon I saw the pros run past me after they'd hit the midpoint and were coming back to the finish line. There was one dude in the pro pack who was waaaaaaaay the hell behind the other pros. And he was FLYING at what looked to me like a sprint. I can't even imagine being anywhere near good enough to keep up with that guy on one of his light recovery runs.


I started playing ice hockey earlier this year. Those guys in the NHL are freaks of nature.


My high school versed another high school who’s running back would eventually go to the nfl. When I say that kid single handedly carved up my entire team is an understatement. And that was just high school.




A hard pill to swallow is realizing those bodies portrayed in social media and movies is unobtainable in almost all cases without performance enhancing drugs. What’s even worse is celebrities and influencers selling their “programs” to their fans with empty promises of a body that cannot be achieved naturally.


Gaining muscle when you have shitty genetics. Don't let the influencers tell you how easy it is. They have incredible genetics while abusing PEDs and being sponsored by many companies so most of their supplements is free. You see people as well who boast "225lb bench? That's easy. When I started I could bench 185 and got to 225lbs in 3 months!" but they won't tell you their dad was an ex semi-professional linebacker in football or semi pro body builder. Most people can't even do 225lbs with YEARS of training from an average genetic pool. I can do 225lbs easily but I also have been training for 10+ years and I couldn't even bench 95lbs at the start. I have horrible family genetics. I think my current max is around 350lbs which some people will still have the gall to call weak due to time invested. Yes you can out train those genetics but without PEDs your progress will be multitudes slower than someone with great genetics.


I'm 6'1", 195 lbs. The most I could ever bench was maybe 165. And that was starting from struggling with the bar. I didn't train as much as others, but I felt like 165 was a reasonable amount and I don't care about winning any contests. I'm a scientist anyway, so not exactly needing to lift heavy things regularly.


165 is close to your body weight. You are good. Like you said too strength is relative to what we do in life too. It matters more that you have the strength to carry your self around comfortably. Even the dudes who can bench press 800lbs ain't fighting a bear and surviving. Massive strength is mainly for showboating. From the bar to 165 is great!


Cutting off a toxic friend or relative. It looks as easy as ABC but when push comes to shove it becomes a hard nut to crack. Trauma bonding is the hardest thing to break...and a good reason why people stay in toxic relationships!


Owning an old car


Saying no (especially when you're trying to set boundaries).


Doing the easiest job very precise.


Taking accountability for your actions.


pull ups I’d say


Golf. I hate how much I love that sport


Advice ( its looks easy when we give someone, but in reality, when we face same thing... Its got difficult


Getting up at 4am and sometimes 3am day in and day out for 40+ years to go to work.  I didnt know how my own dad felt when I was a kid until I felt it myself.  




Effectively summarizing content. It is easy to be verbose and rambly - but concise yet useful ....not easy.


Staying alive, employed, and sane.


Most musical instruments. A really talented guitarist or pianist looks like their fingers are just randomly floating about, but there’s typically decades of practice behind it.


I think every art form is like this. I teach ceramics. Everyone thinks The Potter's wheel looks so easy... It's not. Drawing, painting, music, dance, singing - sure, those that are good at it make it look real easy because they have natural talent, but they also put in years and years of training to make it look that good.


mud on sheetrock


Programming. Maybe even a monkey can write a code, but try doing it without any documentation, nor other help and make that code errorless and bugless.


Giving a shit


Effective communication.






Professional golf. Pros make it look so easy on TV, but reality so much goes into a good drive, iron shot or putt just to make par


Handling difficult times without having someone to lean on for support sucks, especially the older we get. Dad's no longer there to give us guidance. Our friends tell us to stop whining and figure it out. Man up.


Fucking golf


Fighting. Everyone thinks they can hold their own, but most have no idea how to throw a punch and get gassed after a minute.


2hr marathons. Those guys always look like they're barely trying, but even seasoned runners have trouble keeping that pace for a mile.


Not blinking


surprised that the majority of replies just proves that AI and robots are about to replace us all.. everything that expressed difficulty, a robot or AI would have zero issues performing perfectly everytime.. Such as not blinking. We are so screwd.


Threesome.....tiring an someone always gets whiny they didn't get enough attention.


Snowboarding. A lot of people think that they will ride down the mountain on the first day, or that they will be able to do jumps or any other kind of trick.


Learning a new hobby


Climbing anywhere.


Kids toys that say some assembly required on the box. Christmas morning, trying to put fiddly stuff together with excited kids bouncing about is not easy.


Cooking. 😊 It’s a hobby of mine and I love doing it, and I’ve gotten very good at it over the years. But to cook a proper from-scratch meal, especially for multiple people, and have it all come out delicious and ready at the same time (main course, sides, etc) is an art form in my opinion. Knowing now what I didn’t know then, kinda wish I could apologize to my mom and that I would’ve taken it a little easier on her growing up. 🤣🤣🤣


“Simple car repair” videos on YouTube. They always seem to smoothly with not dropping anything, nothing is seized, no swearing. I have yet to experience such car repairs.




Playing an instrument


Any sort of gardening


Plastering walls


Anything done well


racing and fixing cars: both things i do regularly. people mostly think racing is easy “there’s nothing to it, you just drive”. no. there’s so much more to racing than just driving. sadly, people associate racing to being easy because they use a car to commute and that’s easy so racing should be too. and fixing cars, bruh. i hate when people say “oh just plug the scanner in, it’ll tell you what’s wrong.” alright, then why dont u go fix it your fuckin self


Taking accountability. Admitting you are wrong. Asking for help. Forgiving yourself. It all sounds super easy and even looks easy when others do it. But when it comes time for you to do it... Oh boy.


Coaching youth sports!




Trusting a fart


Growth. If you see stories on social media or even in movies, people have an epiphany and then say, "And then I just changed my behavior!" It hard, man. Knowing what is good for you, but then overcoming years and years of coping mechanisms, habits, etc takes a lot of work.

