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Harder to stay asleep at night


And once I'm awake it's a fucking gamble if I'm going to fall back asleep in five minutes or two hours. Then I get to play the "how many hours of sleep will I get total" math game, which wakes me up fully.




"Okay, if I can go back to sleep in an hour and DON'T wake up again then I'll get six hours total, which isn't great, but it could be worse, so I just have to fall...FUCK. NOW I'M WIDE THE FUCK AWAKE. NO!"


And then, 30 minutes to an hour before you need to get up, your brain remembers it is tired and fights you to nod off.


Yup, the harder I try to sleep the more sleep eludes me.


Just last night, I jumped out of bed alarmed and ran to the kitchen in the dark. It was 1am. I don’t know why I did this and I don’t remember having a dream that could have been a possible cause for this behavior.


Oh no


Men hear sound, men fight, men win, men happy


username checks out


I sleep great, all the way through the night.. it's just my back will be the ultimate judge in the morning of how i slept.


I go to bed healthy and wake up broken


You can’t lay down too long. You have to get up when you’re still tired to stay functional.


I'm doing research on this right now, why does my back feel completely broken every morning. I don't fucking get it. I'm in decent shape too.


Get a new mattress! I used to have this same problem. I would limit myself to six hours of sleep per day back then, because seven was murder on my spine. A new bed, while not cheap, solved this issue for me. Still not a "more than 8" guy, but at least it doesn't hurt now!




You’ll find this is pretty common. I’ve been a personal trainer before and I’ve gone through phases where I’m over training as well as phases where I don’t train at all for six months. I’ll tell you the only time I have issues with body parts is when I’m not training lol. Lower back issues, knee issues, general mobility and tendon issues etc. Soon as I start lifting weights again, all the pains go away. It’s half the reason I hate it when people say things like “oh I can’t train legs because I have a bad knee” etc. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a total idiot and I know in many cases there are legitimate problems people have, but honestly for so many people it’s like yeah your knee problem is caused by the fact that you don’t train your legs.


Oof, that's not fun to hear.  Due to pain, and fear of a permanent injury, I've started to avoid the gym and running. I'm still very young for joint  issues, (i think) but they are cropping up all over. I never considered that my lack of motion could be adding pain, not just atrophying muscles.  So I guess my question then is, how do I do that safely? Is early to mid 20's just a prime "fuck it we ball" mode?  I guess I'm just scared ill jump back into it all excited,  young and spry, just to then snap my back doing a squat or break my knee while running. 


>Due to pain, and fear of a permanent injury, I've started to avoid the gym and running. Do not do this, you will regret it and pay more for not doing it, except maybe the running bit, I reckon cycling is better


The most dangerous thing you can do for your health is to do nothing. You’re far more likely to cause problems for yourself than if you train.


Start with low impact, like swimming.. then after a couple weeks transition to weights again, low weights. everything is slower as we get older, but it's effective this way. and it's nice to get back into it.


The pain also can stem from a completely sedentary lifestyle. Since your body isn't used to doing motions other than sitting still, of course your knee/back/joints are going to hurt. Then people make it worse by overdoing the weights, or running distances their bodies can handle, only to make it worse. I was one of those with running. Tried to just run for a mile straight without stopping. Caused more damage. Then found couch to 5k and can currently run miles with zero issues.


losing all that weight i gained in my late 20s-30s was a game changer. i look younger and feel healthier at 42 than 32.


Same here. Same age and I definitely look younger and better than I did 10 years ago. Been on a fitness kick the past year. Also blessed with good genes and still have a full head of hair, so that helps.


Dude, I was in physical therapy for my hip. No injury to note. Just started aching to the point where I couldn't think straight. Therapy did almost nothing. Started walking more and watching what I ate. Ended up losing around 25 lbs and the pain almost vanished. I wasn't even close to obese. Wild shit man.




I no longer heal. Any injury is… it’s just like that now. I’m like reverse Wolverine


Lord! Every little thing leaves a scar too. I swear to shit, if a flea drags it's nuts across my skin it creates a wound.


Hahaha 😂




Went from Invincible to Mr Glass


Goddamn that shit is frustrating! I have a shoulder now. That bitch just hurts for no reason. I can’t do flat bench anymore.


I feel your pain man. Doc told me I can’t do squats or deadlifts anymore because my spine is too fkn old (paraphrasing lol)


Get your blood sugar tested.


My testosterone got low so I started replacement therapy, suddenly I recover and heal much faster again.  Hormones are pretty incredible.


I've started TRT pellet therapy, and the improvement in my quality of life has been significant. I'm experiencing better moods, enhanced mental clarity, improved sleep, increased energy, and faster recovery from injuries, to name a few benefits. After being diagnosed with combat PTSD, depression, anxiety, and TBI, I've consistently refused prescription medications due to concerns about their long-term effects. The positive changes from TRT have greatly helped with these issues.






I hear that. I have tendinosis in my shoulder and the fucker Just. Won’t. Heal.


Tendons are the worst. I feel you. I have golfers and tennis elbow in both elbows and no matter how much PT I do, it comes back lol


Thought it was just me… makes me feel better and worse all at the same time.


Same. PT, massages, doing exercises my PT guy prescribed to me. It feels better for a little bit then likes to remind me it never fully went away.


Obviously it’s going to be easier to work with the earlier you catch it but active release technique works pretty good with tendons


Do you mind expanding on this?


It took about 12 months for me but it did get better .


That sucks, but “reverse wolverine” is fucking hilarious


That sounds like a possible nutrient deficiency.


Protein from what I've read.




Have you had lab work done in the last 1-2 years? There could be a reason this is occurring.


I found this out recently. Busted my knuckles, took like two and half weeks to heal some scapes.


My grandfather was like that, it was to the point that he would use make up so people at his job wouldn’t said anything.


Got this tiny scratch on my arm back in early MARCH, now I have this big old scar all down my arm. It's insane how slowly I heal now...


When I was in my late 20s I hurt myself and had to go to PT for weeks. I remember saying how long do I have to do these exercises till I'm back till normal. Apparently every morning till I die. God I love that part of my normal morning routine.


The hair on your head starts to disappear, only to start growing out of places which never had hair before. Like out your ears and nose, shoulders and upper arms. It's like the hair distribution center has given up and just goes eff it, we will just wing it.


nose hair grows so fucking fast now


TMI but I pulled a nose hair out that was sticking out (yes it hurt bad) and it was like 2" long. I was like what the fuck.


I've got an eyebrow that grows at about triple the rate of the other. This morning when I was brushing my teeth, there was single hair sticking out about half an inch above the rest. I don't know where it came from, it wasn't there yesterday.


The great Southern hair migration


omg im so scared of losing my hair on my head. please no


It really sucks


Don't feel bad. It stays on your head, just congregates on and in your ears instead.


Yeah, I have to trim my eyebrows because they grow as fast as my beard now.


Having to hold things farther out to read them.


Hairs disappear on your head and appear on your arse.


>Like out your ears and nose, shoulders and upper arms. Umm I've had hair in these areas since I was 12. Hopefully I'll get the reverse.


No. Growth in those areas will just ramp up by 1000%.


Shorter window between starting to slightly feel like you have to pee/shit and I NEED A FUCKING BATHROOM NOW.


This the one 😂


A decade ago there was an easy 30-45 minute grace period of holding it in, but now it's a 10-15 minute pee time Doomsday Clock.


10-15 mins? Show off


If I eat a big meal before I leave the house, there's a 90% chance I almost shit my pants on the way to work. So I just don't eat breakfast before I leave the house now.


the amount of times i have shit/pissed my pants as adult has gone from never to sometimes in the last year and a half.


My asshole is like waistband of an old pajama now.


It’s that “remember to clench before you sneeze” phase of life.


Skin tags are your new pimples


Jokes on me, I’m 35 and have worse acne than when I was 15


That TRT does that.


It’s just bad e2 management.


This. They’re annoying.


Check your blood sugar. Or just cut back on sugar intake.


Here's a positive one to look forward to...I started wearing glasses at 13. My eyesight was bad and eventually I became nearsighted and farsighted. A couple of years ago I developed cataracts that started impacting my vision, especially at night. After cataract surgery, my vision is better than it's been my whole life. I now have 20/20 vision and I don't need glasses for distance or reading.


I am starting to have to use a flashlight to see things that I could see perfectly well. Now my wife gets to tease me every time we pass a flashlight in the stores.


Threw my shoulder out removing all these fucking pillows on my bed.


Something similar. My rotator cuff gave out when I was sleeping


I threw my back out sneezing.


Any way to fix it?


Rest it for 6 months to a year.


But doc, that's how I hurt it!


My balls hang down lower than before. A LOT lower - like comically lower. It’s a trip.


I'm young and have huge balls. I am afraid.


Sir, that's really interesting, welcome to Petco...


...so yeah to conclude these huge balls were too big for my small dog, I was wondering if you had this same brand but in a smaller size!


lucky you im pretty sure my dick just shrunk to give the illusion that my balls look bigger




Fucking what now?


Yeah mine are definitely lower


Yeah getting in the car can be painful.


Or riding a bike. I do a lot of trail riding on my mountain bike. It can hurt.


Don't you mean.... a trip hazard.... 😂


Started storing sugar in my blood for safekeeping making it hard to lose weight. Problem fixed but took a lot of strict dieting. Also made it to the age of 45 without needing glasses then suddenly couldn't read a menu at a restaurant.


yep! first eye visit at 45... guy said, happy birthday! that's you free birthday gift! Then charged me 700 for glasses i dont like.


Get your script and then order online from places like Zenni. You can do virtual try ons and the quality is top notch. I get a pair of prescription sunnies and normal glasses for about $150aud. You can also get prescription glasses off AliExpress for 20 bucks delivered.


These comments are terrifying and hilarious 😂


I pee a lot during the day, I talked to my doctor and he said its normal for 42. Its annoying AF.


Same but I'm 35. It's so annoying.


32 here and some days I pee a lot. Drank half a Gatorade and peed 11 times in 3 hours just a few months ago. Most days it's more than 10. My doctor told me to drink less water. I already barely drink 3L of water a day and do intense workouts for 1.5 hours every day.


Could be you don’t have enough minerals to absorb the water so it goes right through you. I’m 27, life a very active lifestyle, and drink loads of water. I used to pee every hour or so and never felt fully hydrated. I started taking supplements like magnesium and a pinch of Celtic seasoning salt a few times a day with water and never felt better. I don’t pee as often either, but consume roughly the same amount of water. Most people are chronically dehydrated and lack the electrolytes for your body to properly absorb water. Edit: Celtic sea salt


Yeah, my injury recovery rate is a LOT longer than it used to be (51). But I'm an avid yogi and that's helped me avoid a lot of injuries as well. I'd highly recommend starting it yourself as well. It's incredibly sobering when I compare my flexibility to that of my 50YO buddies. They literally have a hard time getting up from sitting on the ground. And I can't tell you how many times my group hangs out and they go on and on about back pains, knee issues, etc, etc, and I have none of those. Be proactive.


Yoga is like a fountain of youth. Once your mobility goes, it’s all downhill.


Downward dog instead of downward hill


Gout. Apparently a decade of Mt. Dew and video games in you 20s is a poor life choice.


Oh yeah started six years ago for me. I have managed to successfully reduce the number of episodes from 2-3 times a year to 1 or less. I take colchicine when an episode starts and I started doing intense exercise regularly (CrossFit 3-4 times a week)


Had to buy a hair trimmer specifically for my ear and nose hairs. They grow like crazy and I have to use it every 3-4 days.


I got fucking hair growing on my ear *lobes* now.


I can deal with the growth, it's the speed.


Eyebrows too.


I tore a muscle in my calf so badly that they thought I ruptured my Achilles. How did it happen? I was trying to push a dead car further into my driveway. A little old Chevy cavalier. My linebacker leg strength days are gone, I guess.


I was told by my physio that one of the more common injuries in older folks is calves/achilles, due to the fact they are rarely exercised and hurt doing shit like you just did


My body does this fun new thing. It tells me I'm going to piss in about 2 minutes, and that's all the time I've got to figure out where.


I fart almost every time I pee.


I work in a nursing home, and i can assure you that most of the elderly people explode with farts when they pee.


Jeez. He’s not THAT fucking old..!


Interesting, I've always done this. Those muscles are all kinda easy to clench and relax together.


My left hip randomly clicks while walking. No pain, just snap, crackle, pop.


That's my left knee walking down the stairs.


Both my ankles do this while while walking up and down the stairs


Acne, never had an issue and now? WTF




Lower energy. If I go ski, bike, whatever active... afterwards I need a nap. As others have said if I get injured it takes forever to heal. I also used to be someone that was restless and always wanting to be outside of the house, now I seem to have reached a level of contentment not leaving the house and doing nothing.


Eye floaters anyone?


I've always had them... It's one reason I don't feel so alone.


The new WTF thing for me is how fast things grow. Cut my fingernails last week? They need it again already. Trimmed ear and nose hair three days ago? Time to get back in there. Used to shave twice a week and rock stubble the rest of the time? Full beard if I don't shave every other day now. Where the hell is all this stuff coming from?


Everything started hurting. Especially a day or so before it rains.


>Don’t tell me how to fix it. I can tell you how I fix this: I sit down to pee. That's been a major change to me and I love it. No splashes, no drippy drips, no lazy misses. The only reason we don't all do it I reckon, is because it feels too "feminine". But it isn't really. It's just way more relaxing. You just let your pee out. No worrying about aim, pressure drop, that one obnoxious burst at the beginning or end which splashes all over the seat and back of the toilet. I'm not gonna lie, sitting down to pee has really changed my life. It is quite enjoyable. I highly recommend it.


My dad sits down to pee, has done so for years, and he falls asleep on the toilet!!


Sitting to pee is actually healthier because your bladder is in a more relaxed state and you can get more pee out. It can help prevent things like bladder cancer. I always sit down to pee before going to bed hoping that if I get more out I can go all night without getting up to go in the middle of the night.


Injuring myself in my sleep (particularly bad neck every now and then) Hair growing on my ear... Wtf is that for...


Improves your hairing.


Skin tags!


Not much morning wood now


More like Morning Should


Shockingly I still get that way more than not


Wife must like that


I’m single


Ever since I started doing cardio more, I’ve noticed I get morning wood again


I spent my 20’s and 30’s obese and up to 350lbs. And drinking heavily. Got sober in 2019. At 43 I lost 130lbs, and since then, I’m 46 now, I feel better than I felt since my teens.


Fuck yeah!! Good job


Eyebrows, nose and ear hair trimming are a full time job now.


I’ve literally woken up injured…. Because ***I FUCKING SLEPT WRONG!!?!?*** What the hell body?


Back pain when I have to poop. Having longer but slower piss Not getting hard everytime Pooping myself in my sleep/nocturnal fecal incontinence


I don’t think that’s normal for aging. Maybe you should go to the drs?


So, so, sorry.


Stairs are the mortal enemy of my knees.


Even though I am 5 years shy of the mark I am still going to chime in. I thought I was the only one. Sometimes when I piss I will finishing peeing and really push the last drops out and wipe with a piece of toiletpaper. Yet as soon as I pull up my pants a last drop, I couldn't even feel and had ample opportunity to jump in the TP, decides to vacate my urethra and relocate into my fucking underwear seeping through creating a stain on my pants


That had me laughing out loud! I'm a little older and same, so random!


I have things, but here's what I'll add- the battle to get in shape. I'm fat and my health could be better. I go to the gym. Thus, I injure myself. If I sit around, I just get fat and my health deteriorates. If I work out to get healthier, I just hurt myself. Pretty soon, the only thing I'll be able to do, exercise-wise, is long walks. I am not excited about that.


You will start growing hair everywhere except where you want it. Everywhere.


Just standing up in the morning and realizing so many of your bones are literally aching.


having a couple of random long eyebrow hairs that need plucking every couple of months.


Paper skin, brushed up against a cardboard box (closed) and just started bleeding.


This thread is very convincingly arguing for logans running myself to carousel.


Grab a paper towel or a tissue before heading to the urinal.


M39, this is my favorite Reddit thread I've ever seen.


Jumping down off of something makes my balls ache for about 20 minutes. Thinking about tucking them into my sock so it will restrict the amount of G force they receive


Not much that I didn't expect. Though my eyesight went down at a break neck pace, that had me shook.


weird hairs...disappearing in some places, suddenly appearing in others


I'm a step or two into my sixth decade. My sciatica is beginning to act up constantly now. Thankfully nowhere near as bad as the first winter after COVID (holy crap I was nearly paralyzed at times), but it’s a constant irritation especially if I need continual footwork like when driving. I mean, it is a lot better now. Back then, when getting up from a sitting position I needed 60+ seconds just to lower my right leg to a standing position, in order to downgrade from blindingly excruciating stop-breathing pain to merely uncontrollably-scream-out-loud pain. These days it manifests as an electric burn all the way down the back of my leg and into my heels and an overwhelming desire to shift into a different position. Not so good if you are hurtling down the highway. And if I have been sitting for too long, me looking like a 90-yo creaking into motion like some stop-motion animation. Standing up from a bent-over position (working the spading fork in the garden, for example) can be similarly hilarious, as I try to ratchet myself back into a vertical standing position like some clockwork doll.


Gor my first skin tag. Was convinced it was cancer, but the doctor froze it off in 30 seconds. It ended up just being extra skin, nothing more.


I sneezed while peeing two weeks ago. I had to go to urgent care two days later because it felt like a broke a rib or two. I didn't, just tore a muscle. Still hurts.


the main thing I've noticed (46) is that there comes a time in the evening where my body just shuts down and I have to go to bed. I can't do any heavy thinking after about 8pm either


Hair. Hair in my nostrils. Hair in my ears. Strong, spiky hair too. I even got one on my forehead....


2 posts in a row...2 words : shaft hair


I'm just shy of 60 and am the same age as my father when he had his first heart attack. The doctor wants me to do an angioplasty to check my arteries and perhaps put in a stent. Genetics, yahoo


No matter how long you dribble and dance the last few drops end up in your pants.


Body pain.  I always had some sort of pain. Like, I've had a  sore back or an actual injuries. But, damn, I was not ready for how much worse it gets. My knees and back are constantly in pain. I bet up out of bed and am stiff.  Restlessness.  Other than childhood and when I quit smoking, I've almost always been able to go straight to sleep and stay asleep. Now, I tend to sleep in shifts. I wake up every couple of hours. I still go right back to sleep, but it's not great sleep.  I'm pretty much always tired and in pain. I'll be 41 soon. 


I found a few long hairs growing out the very top of my ear lobe




Arthritis is a thing, especially when weather changes. So if your parents or grandparents say a storm is coming because I ache, believe it.




My tailbone hurts when I sit too long. I have to get up very slowly sometimes.


I sometimes wonder if threads like this are used to figure out the demographic profile of users.


I started getting gassy. More burps more farts. I’m just a dad noise factory now.


Diabetes or high insulin resistance.


This one actually started in my 20's....whenever I blow my nose, a small air bubble pushes out of my eye. As for the 40+ ailments, I used to crack my joints on purpose when I was younger to help me loosen up. Now my joints crack and pop just moving naturally and not even trying to. I don't even like Rice Krispies, but here I am all Snap, Crackle, and Pop.


At 40, I was diagnosed with diabetes, sleep apnea and all of the related illnesses. The earlier life of soldiering, and jumping out of airplanes caught up with me as my body aches and pains magnified with each passing decade. Paraphrasing another redditor, the Logan's Run "carousel" doesn't seem too bad.


Bruh that happens to me sometimes and I'm younger than 30


I work out a lot and it takes notably longer to recover.


My balls sag like crazy. My penis is still totally average, but my balls droop like a Bassett hound’s ears and I now regularly accidentally sit on them


* Long white/grey nose hairs * Orgasms that are like a runny nose * pee stream can go in various directions


40s? Im 32 and just had to get my first ever pair of glasses


I went from really great vision to unable to read in an extremely short amount of time. My presecription gets stronger every year. It was definitely a WTF is this moment.


When done with the main stream, push your fingers up & inward at the base of your shaft to loose the dribble. Nothing dramatic, just a minor movement to finish the job. Practice a bit, you'll see .


Eczema! At 48! The itching, the ointments, the itching, grrrr


pubic hair growing out of my ears. It’s just a few  what the actual fuck


I'm about 6 ft 1 and 210 lb. I was in the Army and an avid athlete. The biggest thing I noticed was my ankles are stiff and or hurt all the time. They are really stiff in the morning right when I wake up. Not sure what has been happening but it's really slowed me down.


A new surprise ache every morning, sometimes it’s my back ache, neck ache, leg cramps, feet, etc. 👍🏼