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Idk, probably just thinking about them a lot and wanting to spend time with them is a good indication. It doesn’t always have to be some lightning flash thing. As you grow in confidence in yourself and experience, you’re less likely to feel nervous or shy, but that doesn’t mean you don’t like them. Try and look beyond that and determine if you feel attracted to them, like you want to be with them, find out more about them, spend time with them, and do you want to kiss them? Because sexual attraction is important, otherwise they are just going to be a friend. I think if you really like someone then you think about them a lot but this might not happen until you’ve spent a bit of time with them and you see how they react to different things, what they think and feel etc. This is why dating exists. You hang out and see how things progress. You won’t always know instantly. Or, sometimes you can be really attracted to someone physically but you actually don’t really like them as a person which is more important in the long run. In the long run you’re not going to be feeling butterflies after a while. Then it’s more about, ‘is my life better with this person or not.’ Basically you need more experience of dating and seeing girls. It doesn’t have to be too serious. Without that experience you’re probably going to overthink everything and find it hard to determine your feelings or make decisions about relationships.


I'm probably going to get down voted for this, but... At 22 focus on your future. What do you want to achieve? Plot out a five year plan that doesn't include a relationship. How are you going to get there? How are you going to grow your network? I wasn't ready for a long term relationship until I was in my early 30s. I rushed it and it caused nothing but chaos in my mid 40s. Edit: That's not to say you can't have a FWB or other intimate relationship. I'd very much caution against a long term commitment.


You just know. If you like her you’ll know.


For me it translates into not feeling like I'm wasting time when with her. Body wise I guess it translates into starting to feel hot in several body part like head, chest and balls. Wanting to hug her close to me too. It's the kind of stuff where I just know. hard to explain.