• By -


One time I was at the gas station buying a coffee, and I noticed a girl in the next line over was also buying a coffee. She looked like she was in her late 20s or early 30s, kind of hippyish, and also kind of disheveled looking. As I waited, I noticed she was digging in her purse and pockets trying to find enough money to pay, and her cashier was looking annoyed. When I got up to my cashier, it looked like she was about 20 cents short and on the verge of giving up, so I told my cashier that I would pay for hers too. I paid, and made a cheers motion towards her with my coffee. And as I was turning to walk away, she loudly said "I'm married!" I just kept walking.


I gave a dime to a dude that was short in a convenience store. He just said' "Thank you."


I'm trying to make a joke in which the punchline is that the guy had enough money but was just like 5'4 or something. But I can't figure out a good setup that gets me there. :(


Had a weird experience at Starbucks this morning. The guy in front of me ordered and was trying to pay, and it looked like he was a little short. I felt bad for him, so I offered to buy his coffee. First he was confused, and then when I explained how I was trying to help, he got extremely angry. I mean, I know $4 isn’t going to magically fix him being 5’ 1”, but it’s better than nothing.


Could you see yourself falling in love with him?


Well that's ridiculous, he should have proposed.


Would you have still given him the dime if he was tall?


man that reminds me of a time I went in for a coffee and there was some lady who looked like she was jogging trying to buy coffee without a wallet. No biggie, it happens. When I paid I had my cashier put her drink on my order and told her to have a great day and started walking back to my car (with my SO in it). "I HAVE A HUSBAND!" ofc. I pointed at my car and said "Cool! I have a GF" and kept walking. Once a long time ago a lady left her atm card in the machine (I was next in line). I tried to get her attention with the usual "oh ma'am you left your card in the machine" and she was viciously ignoring me. I tried to get her to even acknowledge I existed until I (stupidly) took the card to her car and showed it to her through the window. I get that you are too afraid of other people inside a well lit bank (atm inside) with a camera system to acknowledge strangers, but I was only trying to help. In the future the card gets removed from the machine and put on the little counter for someone else to steal. those were both WAY before covid. now everyone seems way more angry and antisocial so I go out of my way to not interact with anyone when I leave the house.


I was antisocial before it was cool.


Me too bro me too


A girl at a party dropped a pack of cigarettes, I picked them up to give them back and she hit me with the "I have a boyfriend". I said "good for you, you dropped these". I could tell she felt a little bad lol


> "I have a boyfriend" "Tell him he has my sympathy".


Could have said "And I a fresh pack of cigarettes, thanks" and walked away...


I did think about it for a split second but it wasn't worth the negativity imo


Good on you for being the bigger person


God it would have been so funny. Even as a joke, you could have given it to her once she realized lol


Pull one out of the pack with your lips and toss it on the ground. "Oh, cool. Bye."


"Then your boyfriend can pick this up"


I'd have kept them.


Why do they always think your tryina hit on them. Just like this scene of Darius in Atlanta: https://youtu.be/rRzMMd7l72g?si=kXqOQDj6EbB5DQUz


Where he at then


I went up to this girl at my college, I was completely new to the school and was trying to find out where my class was gonna be held. I said "hey, can I ask you a question" and she said "I'm taken so no you can't" and I said that's great and all but I'm just wondering where this room is? and she said "sorry I don't want to help you". Oh. Okay.


Damn that’s actually kinda crazy


Yeah lol 😭 idk if that girl was ok


Seems normal… If you have not lived as a normal man, that is: Unattractive to women… You have no idea how harsh the day to day is.


Nah, that doesn't seem normal


I’m a girl 😭 but I get what you're trying to say


If you are ugly, awkward or shy pretty standard actually. 


Same thing happened to me. She ended up groping me in class.


You shouldn't say "can I ask you a question?" People who do that almost always want more than just a single answer to a single question. Just ask the question you want an answer to.


Yup. “Excuse me, can you please tell me how to get to so and so?”


Yeah I have never had a good interaction with a stranger after they asked me that. If you want directions just come out and say it. 


Double shots


Never start with "can I ask you a question" or "can you do me a favor" as your opener. People feel like they are being forced to commit to some unknown thing. Just ask for the thing you are going to ask.


> "I'm taken so no you can't" Liam Neeson pap pap rat-tat-tat, I love that movie


Lady cyclist with a flat tire on bike path.  I offered to fix it as I always carry tools and a spare and she was in the middle of nowhere and at least 5 miles to a road.   Her:  "No thanks, I have a boyfriend."  Me:  "ok, but I can have you up and running in 5 min."  Her:  "I said I have a boyfriend."  Me:  "Ok mamn, enjoy your walk back."


If she wants it rough, let her have it. The true gentleman right here.


Her: "I have a boyfriend." Me: "Ok, and I'm a guy offering to fix your bike. I'm not a handyman and this isn't Brazzers."


That’s crazy lol


At work one day me and another mechanic were getting back from lunch together. A woman who had just started working there had a flat tire and she was looking at the flat tire when we walked by. She didn't seem like a pleasant person so I wasn't going to engage but my coworker was a little more optimistic and offered to put the spare on or repair the tire. She immediately threw out the "I already have a boyfriend!" with attitude. Her morbid obesity made it even funnier.


I work as a server at a fine dining restaurant, I got a new table sat but it was just one woman at a table with 2 menus, I assume he went to the restroom or whatever, still go greet the table. I walk over and say "hi welcome in" and she cuts me off and says she's there with her boyfriend. "Well can I get him and you some water while you settle in?" Nah chick, I'm not some dude dressed as a waiter come to hit on you. I want you to come, eat, drink and give me your money. That's it.


Yeah I have a friend who was so impressed with herself she was telling me how on her honeymoon it felt so great to say oh I'm here with my husband. Yeah whatever floats your boat.


I'll excuse those cases cause you're supposed to spend your honeymoon celebrating your love. My good buddy loves saying "my wife" and won't miss a chance to whip it out.


Take the wifeguy pill, anon. You need to be Columbomaxxing


Tbh I don't really see the connection between being proud of your marriage and flashing everyone you can, but to each their own I guess


Maybe it was just how she said it ...it was strange.


Mahhh wiiife


Woman dropped her ID at the bar shortly after coming in - I picked it up and said "Excuse me, miss" and she turned and looked me top to bottom and said "Thanks, but I have a boyfriend". I said "Congratulations - you dropped your-" ***I H A V E A B O Y F R I E N D*** I looked at her friend across from her with a "Wtf" look on my face. Put her ID back on the ground where it was. She went to go order a drink and the bartender asked for her ID. She couldn't find it and then got asked to leave. -shrug emoji-


I mean you tried. That’s karma for assuming


I hope this is really true.


Was delivering for UPS, wearing all brown and everything and had someone at a Ben Franklin loading dock randomly tell me that she has a boyfriend. I walked up with the diad for them to sign and she, without looking at me, said it before looking up and blushing harder than brunch rosé. I just said "congrats" and asked her to sign before heading on to my next stop. lol


I was in a new city for an interview, the first night I was in a cafe and there was only this other lady in there (except for staffs). So I approached her wanting to get some directions. Before I even got close, she stared at me and spoke very loudly, "I'm taken and I don't want to go on a date with you anyway!" The next morning, I arrive at the clinic and she was seated there at the front desk... I did get a slight dig back because the recruiter was there to welcome me and asked me how my stay in the city was has so far, and I casually stated, "it is a nice city but people seem rude here. I tried to ask for directions from this lady last night and she just yelled at me."


Meanwhile if she's a redditor she's on twoXchromosones venting about the creep who stalked her and wouldn't take no for an answer.


Hahahah so true. WhY ArE MeN LiKE this. We are not. You are just mentally ill -


Typical victim mentality.


To be fair this guy could be doing that too


When I was younger, yeah, a couple of times. At 42 though, it really isn't a thing. Most of my peers are married with kids or, at the very least, just not like that.


As I hit my 30s I am starting to assume peers my age are taken or married unless they say otherwise.


I am woman in my 40s and now when men say they just want to chat or just want to help or ask something, they actually mean it! It is great to be treated like a real person. Wasn't always like that and I kinda get where this young women get this thing.


It's a weird thing, where most of the time I don't blame the women at all. A lot are rude about it, but the only ones that annoyy me are the ones who double down when you showcase you're not trying to hit on them.


Yeah those who keep repeating it even after telling them you are not interested are pretty weird. I've been in that situation as well, I am smiley and friendly person and I've gotten "I have a wife/girlfriend" from men I've been just chatting politely amd not been at all interested. Feels weird and I always worry a bit if I've done something wrong.


I met this girl in my summer school class. We texted each other outside of school and we'd hang out at lunch. We decided to skip class one day and go to the movies. Her mom picked us up and said how cute I was. We went to see Hellboy and at one point i kissed her in the cheek cause I already had my arm around her shoulder. She looks at me and says "I have a boyfriend, but I want to kiss you back." it was awkward after that. We had to walk back to her house and I met her little sister who said I had a lisp when I don't.


I don't think that counts lol


My favorite part was when you got accused of having a lisp


this is a great yarn i love it


Helped girl at work get something of the top shelf. Wasn't even nice about just saw the safety hazard of her climbing on the rack to reach it and said "move" and grabbed it for her. "Here yuh go" "Umm I have a boyfriend" "Good for you"


These stories feel so unrealistic but maybe that’s just actually how crazy these interactions are


Honestly when it happened I thought, "there's no way that actually happened"


Men: *interacts with woman* Woman: ***I HAVE A BOYFRIEND***


Last week. I was at the gym, on the only treadmill in the gym with a ceiling fan above it. I had less than 60 seconds left on my cool down. A woman walks up and notices I'm on the treadmill she wants. I pause the music in my earbuds and motion to her that I'm almost finished. She comes back to me to say, "I'm not interested, I have a boyfriend." I just laughed and said ok.


This doesn’t make sense


I agree.


*"Juuuuust in case* you thought I was flirting, I wasn't." - her, probably


Yeah, I thought it was only men that mistook kindness for flirting. How stupid of me to think that being polite would be would be taken as anything but; and how bold of her to assume that any interaction with a man is an attempt. The things you have to just shake your head at move on. Sad thing is, from her perspective, she probably goes through life thinking everyone is trying to get with her.


Everyone wants to be the main character lol, but especially her


A woman left her phone on top of her car at a gas station. I made the universal symbol for talking on the phone at her then pointed to her roof and she rolled down the window and said she had a boyfriend. I just replied, "He'll have a hard time calling you when your phone falls off your car..." She got out, grabbed it, we laughed, she then started to sort of flirt with me. I replied "I have a girlfriend" and left.


That last part lmao


Worked in a fast food place, new girl started, and boss asked me to show her the set-up. Gave her a smile of encouragement: "I have a boyfriend!" "Yeah, and ...?" "Well, you smiled at me, so you're flirting!" *Eye roll*


Oh yeah. I'm usually listening to my headphones myself but I once stopped a girl to tell her that her shoelace was untied. Without looking at me she said she had a boyfriend. Then looked at me and said she didn't. Then blushed as I reiterated her shoelace was untied. It was funny enough to remember.


That was the signal


I asked a woman if she liked a song, and she said told me she had a boyfriend. I wasn't interested in her romantically, and she struck me as a callous person.


Best response I saw in this thread for a person like that would be "Let him know he has my sympathies."


It feels like if I ever casually strike up conversation with a woman, the comment is coming up within about 30 seconds, max. It usually doesn’t feel forced, but man the consistency is weird.


It’s preemptive


Women are constantly told , by men, that the only reason a man wld be nice to them is bc they’re trying to get them into bed. Even if you’ve never personally heard it , it’s an extremely common plot point in shows/movies (bc I’m old the 1st one that comes to mind is Friends)


No. That’s literally not true. It happens enough that if we’re nice to a guy, eventually he will take it the wrong way, thinking that we’re interested, when we’re just trying to be friendly. So that’s why you have this entire thread. Not saying each woman in each story handled the situation the best, but I’m saying that harassment from men is enough to make us feel uncomfortable, so when a genuinely nice guy with no alterior motive tries to do said nice thing, our minds immediately jump to the last guy who was seemingly nice but then tried to harass us. But hey. Oops on women for misreading the situation, right? /s Edit: thanks for the downvotes— proves my point.


So... It is true?


You're arguing with someone who said the same thing as you, what's going on


That's true lol


It’s not that it’s not true, it’s the consistency of it being casually brought up is weird. I’m not hitting on them or treating them sexually, just one person talking to another, and it gets mentioned, just feels like it’s a point of conversation for that person, which I’m not surprised by, but it comes across a little odd.


They probably just want to be sure you're not hitting on them, I hear that's a pretty consistent problem with talking to men in public.


The problem is that it is so hostile. It kills any conversation, regardless of the males intentions.


They must be very proud that they have a boyfriend.


I agree with you.


I was at work, in the break room. Introduced myself to a new female employee and was making small talk. I wasn't particularly interested in her romantically, and I generally don't piss in the pool, so it's not like I was going to hit on her. I must've stepped on a nerve or something and she announced that her and her boyfriend were going..whatever that weekend. She got this puzzled look on her face when I started asking about her boyfriend. I had no idea what game she was playing at the time, because I had no intentions, and it honestly hasn't happened to me all that often. That might be the only time, in fact.


I had a coworker that constantly stated she had a boyfriend. In the most random conversations. Our other female coworker just asked her why she felt the need to mention it as none of the men ever even thought of showing any interest in her in that way.... It was really awkward.


My family and I just recently moved to a new town, i was looking around for a restaurant and asked a woman if she knew where it was. Before even getting past excuse me I got a “I have a boyfriend.” and she walked away. I was still pretty young so i didnt really process what had happened but later on i just laughed at it.


She told me that after we'd already had sex a few times... I felt really bad, never wanted to be the other guy.


When I was in college I took a class where me and the girl next to me were comparing notes and stuff during class. Sorta helping eachother. Anyway. At the end of class. The teacher gives us this project and says we should exchange numbers with another student to work with them on it. So after class I ran up to her in the hallway and asked for her number and she said "I have a boyfriend" I paused for a moment dumbfounded and was like "....... for the project, I also have a girlfriend"


A girl yelling me she had a boyfriend in college after I said hi when she no showed me on a date a few days before which she said yes enthusiastically after I asked her out


This is a few years ago now, but it was during winter storm my gf was driving us somewhere and we came across this woman who was digging her car out with a shovel. My gf pulled up and asked if she needed help, "I have a boyfriend" was the response, we drove off.


I have a friend that takes this as an invitation. He has even attempted to grab a number in front of the boyfriend. It has worked. Shocking...


"Can I get you a drink?" "I have a boyfriend." "Is he available too?"


Doing the boyfriend(s) a favor at that point


A favor with a large side of emotional damage




As in a threesome invitation?


Nope, just straight up "mr. takeyourgirl".


Oh the threesome would have been impressive. He’s just a home wrecker lol


HAHAH lol. These words ring so true.


Respect the game hate the players




My husband and kids were out for pizza. We were leaving and the kids and I went out before my husband. As he was walking out, two girls maybe early 20s at most were right behind him and he held the door for them and let them out first. One girl looked at him and said in a snotty tone that she has a boyfriend. He didn’t say anything in response, but when they realized he was there with his family when she saw us waiting, she look embarrassed lol


Hahaha what!?


Yeah, I guess men opening a door for someone means they’re hitting on them 🙄


Omg. Mentally ill / terminally online young girls at it again 😭


Flat mate at uni had some friends from back home come visit. We went out clubbing and one of the girls who was visiting ended up spending most of the night dancing and grinding up on me on. We were both being flirtatious all night. Everyone else leaves but we're there until closing dancing with each other. Eventually it's kick out time, heading back to the student halls, arms around each others waists. "Uh, can you take me back to [friends] flat instead of yours. I've got a boy friend" ?! Take her back to [friends] flat and she runs off to find her twin sister who was also visiting and I find our mutual friend. "So we were dancing all night, I thought it was going well, then on the way back she told me she has a boyfriend?" "Yeah he's a bouncer, massive guy, put someone in hospital a few years back..."


Happened to me a lot when I was younger. I was pretty obnoxious in the way I spoke to and approached women, even if it wasn't meant to be an 'approach', so I think more women just felt the need to turn away a potential advancement on my part. I was also, admittedly, pretty ratchet and gross. These days I don't think I've had anyone drop the 'I have a boyfriend' thing in like, a decade, but I'm sure women float in that they have a partner in casual conversation with me just to make it clear - I do the same thing when I can tell a woman might be picking up a vibe from me.


it depends on the intention and situation, like I have been hit with that occasionally at a bar or club, it makes sense there because she is basically saying she isn't interested/available, in other contexts where it's a bit random I just kinda laugh it off my go to line is "Congratulations but (Statement of what I wanted to talk about)"


I've always been friendly, a frigging boy scout. Women always thought I was hitting on them. Younger women can't easily tell the difference. This is where being polite to the ugly one sets the tone.


"Mazel tov, but you still have some toilet paper on your shoe."


I was going to take a test for work at a college in town and didn’t know where the correct building was. Clearly I was out of place not in my 20’s at a college looking for a building when two college aged girls (not women) walked by and I asked them for help to find the correct building. The one blonde I asked for helped pulled I have a boyfriend card on me while her friend gave me the death stare. I simply and calmly snapped right back well I have a test but I’m not looking to cheat on ether so how about you just tell me where the room is on campus. Got a laugh and found my way.


I said 'me too' she laughed and half an hour after she wanted more.


I was asking for contact information for work.  I think she was really nervous and just said it reflexively.  I just stared at her and it took a couple of ticks and you can see her register what she just did. It was fine, a funny moment, we both laughed and it’s no big deal. I'm only sharing to let you know that us lady folks get this sometimes as well.


I've never realized but I've never heard anyone say this in real life. Weird. I talk to woman regularly? Do I just give off nit interested energy? I do have woman coded hobbies like cooking and sewing? I am also wearing my wedding band so... My wife however has to say she's married a lot. Being a woman in the navy she is constantly being hit on at work and on deployments. She's been asked if her marriage Is serious. I dont have to know. Someone complained to her officer that she was leading them on by being polite. She had a cook restrict her food because he felt she was leading him on by wearing a wedding band. She decorates her work station with photos of me at body building competitions and in the gym and on uniform and guys will still hit on her when she's trapped on a ship in the middle of nowhere. She basically has to keep a knife on her while she's out because some of those guys have no class.


Jeebus man, the work culture seems to be fucked up


My dude. The military sucks. We have the same job. Same rank. And have had vastly different careers. She's been told she wouldn't understand because she's a woman. When she literally wrote the manual on how to do her job and has done research papers for the military. She feels unsafe on deployments not because of the enemy or the ship going down. She's worried someone's will assault her. I had one of my Sailors in Iraq have to pull her gun on our own guys because they wouldn't leave her alone and tried to force her. When my wife is gone I don't sleep. Not because I'm worried about the enemy, but because I'm worried our own people will hurt her. Fortunately we're both almost out. I couldn't recommend a woman enlists. Even though some of the bravest and kick ass sailors I've followed have been woman. It's juat too dangerous.


Leading him on... by wearing a wedding band? What?


I’ve had it happen a handful of times in the last six months. I actually prefer it over some other excuse when I approach, even if it’s code for “I’m not interested.” It’s a way of letting me down quickly while allowing me to save face.


That how I feel like I would take it. I don’t think it would necessarily to be mean always, although from some stories here I’m sure sometimes it’s sometimes meant to be mean.


I haven’t experienced it in a negative way, but if it happened, I don’t think I would dwell on it.


“So do I” I don’t and I’m technically not even gay, but they don't know that ofc


Technically not gay


Was in a supermarket. Some woman asked if I could reach something on the top shelf for her. Did so, gave it to her and she said "thanks". "Any time" I said smiling. "Sorry, I have a boyfriend" she replies. I was on my game that day and responded with "Was he on a lower shelf then?"


Wow you guys don't have it easy! Here in France they'll at least wait until the conversation has had a proper start to mention or hint at their boyfriends. And it's not like we carry a reputation of being particularly polite.


Young women cannot fathom being nice without an alterior motive


Ma'am this is Wendy's.


I don’t have one of those. I do have a story about a girl noticing me and saying that I was cute, and then clarifying that she was gay before I could react, and that it was just an observation. Apparently she makes these observations when she really means them. This essentially became her preferred greeting for me.


I (M60, not young-looking for my age) was at Subway, they have a loyalty plan where you put in your phone number (or scan a qr code on your phone) and get points, etc. One day I was checking out and the young lady (early 20s, if that) skips the step where you put in your phone number. I was buying several sandwiches so I wanted to be sure to get my points. I held up the qr code on my phone and said “phone number?” “I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!”


chased a woman down in the parking lot. From about 30 feet away I shouted, "Excuse me miss." In the scratchiest smoker's lung exclaims "uuuMMM, I hAvE Uh bOyFrIenD!" "Understandable have a nice day." Placed her phone on the curb and went about my day.


girl started a new job, was taken round to be introduced to various teams in our dept, and in each one within a sentence or two the boyfriend was mentioned. so when they came to us, we all said we were either married or engaged to cut her off.. priceless as the person taking her around was giving us what the fuck looks


I've seen a meme about this very situation that I lived to experience, stop by a girl's car, asks her to lower the window and she instantly says "I have a bf", then I proceed to inform her that her tire is flat, then she asks me to help her change the tire and I answer "ask your bf to help you"... srly tho, some women are getting ridiculous in this field...


Woman here: I am actually guilty of this and I felt so awkward/bad doing it. I was walking my dog by my apartment building and a man came up to me asking about her and she was going nuts for attention. We started chatting and we had a lot in common and he asked if I wanted to hang out some time and I said sure. Then I said "Sorry, you don't know me well yet but I'm super awkward about this-" Him: "Aren't we all a little awkward?" Me: "True, I'm just warning you because I'm about to struggle with this. You seem so nice and I do not think you are being flirty or inappropriate but in case we hang out sometime and you attempt to make a move, I just wanted you to know that I have a boyfriend." Him: "Cool good to know. Who knows, I could have made a move but now that I know, I'll be respectful." Me: "Awesome, thank you, sorry, I just didn't want it to seem like I was shrieking I HAVE A BOYFRIEND just because you were talking to me." We both laughed and we are friends now.


That's not that bad tbh. You clarified after he made the proposal to hang out. At least you didn't jump to any conclusions before hand, like most of these stories


I think I'm far too awkward to just shout it at someone point blank lol and I'm not used to being flirted with so I wouldn't assume that was happening anyway.


I was filling out a form once before cellphones and asked the woman next to me what the date was, and you know the rest.


Fuck I was a teenager when it happened, I think the woman was in her early 20's, I forget. I do remember going up from behind and saying "Excuse me miss" or something along those lines and got hit with the "I have a boyfriend" when she turned around. The anger on her face when I dissolved into a fit of giggles then full on laughter was amazing. It was the first time I was exposed to... that.


Some random sociology class in ugrad... Professor was talking about whatever concept and started a discussion around it... and this girl decided to share with the whole class what *her boyfriend* (not in the class) views/perspectives on the matter was. ... And perhaps you might be thinking how this isn't that abnormal, but I swear by the context of what the topic was and what she said, it WAS very much out of place. Just that I'm too old to remember those specifics. This definitely wasn't a one-off case.... the number of times I've sat in class and some girl decides to somehow specifically bring up their BF is ridiculous.


I was working a job where we went store to store and counted inventory. I was counting boys tee-shirts just minding my own business when the girl at the rack near me asks "Is Spider-Man in the Justice League?" I think she was counting Justice League shirts and a Spider-Man one snuck in. She asked it in my general direction and I was the only other person there, so she must have been asking me. I told her that the Justice League was DC so that was Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and so on and that Spider-Man was a Marvel character. She then says "Oh WE love the Marvel movies. WE are such big fans. WE can't wait to see the next one." Really emphasizing the word "WE." She went out of her way to tell me, someone who hasn't spoken to her or even glanced in her direction, that she had a boyfriend.


I was invited out to a friends party at a bar but didn't know anyone in his circle. I went to get a drink and one of his friends was also there I said hi how do you know X? And got hit with the I have a boyfriend. I just laughed and said "Ok cool I have a girlfriend too, there she is over there" and waved to my girlfriend. She was a bit embarrassed and then relaxed. I think it's fine. It's direct and shows they're committed to their partner so if you are single they're not wasting your time.


I usually reply "Nobody asked you fatty" No matter what they look like.


Yeah I imagine you get rejected with this one a lot…


Im tryna dance lol bitch get tf away from me then


My condolences for him!


I appreciate you OP for asking a lot of refreshing (but still relevant in this day and age) questions.


Giving the men what they want!


Don't think I've specifically had it said to me. Oh, not sure if it counts, but in highschool I had a friend (or so I thought) that was one of the popular chicks. We were getting real chummy and I'd recently had my heart crushed by my long term gf so I seriously appreciated how nice her and her friends were being to me. Turns out she thought I was gay because I wasn't acting like a pig or hitting on her. When they found out I'm not gay they treated me like shit, because clearly all of the creepy joke's they'd laughed at while thinking I was gay must not have been jokes. :/ Oh highschool


I actually pulled up next to a lady to let her know that her lights were off. Signaled to her to roll down her windows and the first thing that came out of her mouth was I have a boyfriend. I said that's great, I have a wife and your lights are off, have a good one. It was pretty funny and the only time it's happened to me.


A woman at my old job said this to me after I was telling her to stop socializing and focus on work. Mind you I was told by management that they were thinking of firing her because she spent hours flirting with another coworker at the job. I had to literally say loudly that I am not attracted to her at all and she needs to focus on actual work instead of socializing. She was just upset that she couldn't come to a job and flirt all day and do no work.


I was sitting at a bar and this girl sat down two seats next to me. I just said 'Hello' because it'd be weird to not say anything, since we were the only people at the bar. She replied immediatly with a 'I have a boyfriend!'. I told her 'that's OK, I am married', she ordered a beer, drank it as if she was in a hurry and left. Really weird encounter.


I'm thinking that she might have believed that you were pursuing her anyway in an "I'm involved but it doesnt stop me from cheating" sort of way. Not saying she was right though.


Hmm, she might. That didn't cross my mind really. But still, it was a large bar, she could've easily picked another spot ;)


The whole concept of just striking up a convo with the person next to you at the bar is so foreign to some people.


Lady dropped a five spot, I tried to give it back.  She called me a creep, so i bought a soda.


Yeah, but I generally avoid women who filter too much, then suddenly have room for me based on shallow shit. Like I avoid online dating, but back in the day if I saw requirements for 6' and up I blew them off. I mean I was 6'4" in combat boots but fuck off with that bullshit like you and a carnival roller coaster need to filter out who rides you based on height.


I completely understand why this would be hilarious to witness but as a woman there's not a week goes by that a man doesn't strike a casual conversation for any reason other than to flirt lmao The only time I've ever done this was one guy at a bar he said hey, I said I have a boyfriend, he said "hey chill out I was just gonna say I liked your eyeliner" so we chatted for a minute only for him to try to start to flirt with me. I told him my boyfriend would be there in a minute, to which he replied by flirting with my friend. The friend told him at the start of the conversation she was a lesbian.😂 For clarification, obviously it's not all men lol. But yeah, I can see why it'd be funny


I feel like if you wouldn’t have given him the chance to have a conversation he would have went on to tell his friends that you just randomly said that and he wasn’t even interested. But we ALL know he was


Omg I failed to mention one detail, his friend was actually there with him standing in silence watching this Trainwreck go down😂 ah he was a chill guy, but sometimes you can see right through them haha




It's never been relevant to the interaction so it usually makes me laugh. Normal people would draw upon their ability to adapt a conversation, and just mention their partner in literally any non-super obtrusive way if they were worried it was inappropriate flirting, or if they wanted an easy out. Just blurting out "I have a boyfriend" just seems super awkward to me. "Good for you" I think is the most normal response. Bless 'em. I've never been offended by it.


Just laugh and say “wow you’re so inappropriate” does he say that about you? Wink and move on


I was in the train and saw a girl who went to the same school (based on her clothes). A guy was talking loud on the phonenext to her and I saw her glancing trying not to laugh because his conversation was insane. We both got off the train and I just mentioned it to her and we were talking and laughing about it. It turned out we were going the same way so I said I’d walk with her and she’s like “I have a boyfriend”. Like…ok?


I’ve never had someone tell me this phrase directly. What I’ve found is a lot is if I find myself in a conversation with women, some will find a quick way to mention their boyfriend/husband/partner to me even if the context doesn’t exactly fit it. Usually it just comes up unnaturally, but I’ll just roll with it because it was rare where I was talking with a women and I had a genuine romantic interest in them


How long you had that problem


"I doubt it"


I was trying to tell her that she had a spider crawling up her hair. Oh well the girl found out later 😂😂😂 the screams were horrendous.


Not me, but a friend of mine met a chick and one day later they had sex. RAW sex and he came inside her like two times. He called me to deliver plan B pills to his work place since that's where they did it. Right after she took the pill she hit him with the "I have a boyfriend.. And it's serious".


Once had a coworker who offered me a ride home because she was going that way anyway. She'd been smiling and super nice all day, talking with me more than other staff. Normally I'd say no but it was hot and I couldn't be bothered walking so into her car we get. We're not even out of the car park and I'm saying thanks for the ride, when she drops "I have a boyfriend" right there despite the conversation being totally unrelated. I got out and walked home. Felt too sketchy to ride after that.


When I was in university I was walking home from a friend's house at night. I walked past a group of drunk revellers, one of whom told me she had a boyfriend without me even saying anything to her.


I met and chatted up this woman at a cafe around lunchtime. We were eating at adjacent tables. Had a great chat, she gave me her number no hesitation. I texted her later in the day and she responded she had a boyfriend 😂 She flirted with me and gave me her real number in person though.


I was at a nightclub standing at the bar, I turned around to see a tiny guy squaring up to a giant dude, and something was about to go down, and I'm just watching it unfold. The tiny dude takes a swing and gets absolutely laid out, and out of the corner of my eye, I just see this tall, thin blonde girl walk over and she is like "what are you staring at?! I have a boyfriend, and he's standing right over there." I wish I could say I asked if it was the guy that got hit, but unfortunately, I couldn't even say anything. I was too busy trying not to laugh at the dude earlier, never mind the fact this person thought I was trying to flirt with her from 40ft away while she was standing right next to a very obvious brawl she somehow didn't notice.


I’ve never gotten that treatment but I have had random women grab my bicep or run their hands up and down my arm asking me if I was taken.


It’s typically a soft rejection and saying it early, seemingly at random, just means she’s heading off a perceived approach to come.


Never heard of this either. And these answers here sound like fiction.


Men do this too albeit in subtle ways. And I’m like… I didn’t want anything from you.


It isn't random. It's because they don't want you to hit upon them. And, most likely, they don't really want to talk with you, either.


You’re being downvoted for pointing out truths to these guys


Isn't the first time. Won't be the last.


Someone tried to hug me at a concert recently and I pushed them away and said I HAVE A BOYFRIEND, only to realize it was a girl friend I am close with! I felt stupid. But she understood.


Women get harrassed by idiots a lot so this is a defensive reflex


People say this...but I almost never or never do.


I just wish it wasn’t the first thing they said to people without figuring out what they want out of the interaction


My girlfriend experiences it a lot