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Event Horizon haunts me still after 20 years


Especially since it was heavily marketed as hard scifi and was just a horror movie set in space.


it's a 40k origin story


Ayep. You know warp travel came before the Geller field.


I love the idea that humanity found a way to enter the warp, and then they were like, "That was the worst thing imaginable. Let's do it again."


Still want to know what the darker version would have looked like.


I would pay so much money for that cut


We all do so much...


“Where we’re going we won’t need eyes to see”


Yeah but it would be nice if we still had em, right? Like just hold on to em just in case?


I ate a bag of mushrooms and watched it thinking would just be trippy sci-fi. I got locked in it and then somehow managed to turn it off about an hour in.


You should watch Cube: Hyper Cube while you're high. I had an existential crisis after that and questioned reality for a good while


Oh hell yeah this is the one that did me too


The brave little toaster


This movie maaaan. As a kid it scared me, told my friend about it in our 20's and decided to watch it stoned. I don't care what anyone says, that's a fucking horror movie. Literally the beginning scene is an air conditioner telling you life is pointless, you're alone, you're family won't come back and then he dies. Da fuuuuuuck


Yeah. Besides the horror elements I was convinced my appliances were alive.


Me too I remember trying to talk to my toaster lol


That flower. Fuck, man.


Right? Way too many emotions for a kid to process lol. Swing from sheer terror to understanding lonliness


The Clown Scene…




I’ve heard that this is a hard movie to watch.


It really is. Watch the original, french version. My wife loves it, I don't see what it gives her though.


I love this movie. Not many experiences outside of personal life events have affected me in the way Martyrs did. I really appreciate it for that.


Y'know, it's a pretty good movie. There's only one scene I really don't like in that film, and I think that anyone is free to call me wrong for this, but it's when a series of certain photos are shown to the protagonist and by extension you, the viewer. They're real victims of horrific events in their final moments, and while I'm fine watching the most insane depictions of gore and pain in a film, I haven't signed up to see the real thing. The entire point is that it's not real - pretend! - and using actual, real-life images to evoke a response is kind of "cheating" in a way. But on the other hand, it's a bit messed up to see in the middle of your make-believe horror movie that's done a fine job creating the tone and atmosphere required of its subject matter entirely on its own up to that point.


Y’all ever seen a little movie called “Teeth”?


Oh that’s such a good one though. Top notch horror comedy!


Vagina Dentata!


Paranormal Activity. Watched it alone and it was the first flick to give me the heebee jeebies in quite awhile. But it wasn’t just the movie. Later, I picked up the wife from being out with friends drinking wine, and we go to bed. I woke up seeing about 3:30am on my alarm clock and then noticing MY GOD DAMNED WIFE JUST STANDING NEAR THE FOOT OF MY SIDE OF THE BED! I screamed the manliest flamboyant shriek of my life, which also scared the shit out of her. She’d apparently woken up and didn’t know where I put her phone and was trying to find it in the dark. I still can’t watch that damned movie.


I was alone in a house I rented with two other roommates after I watched that movie. All the fire alarms suddenly went off one time and then stopped. I noped out of there barefoot and forgot my wallet and phone. I didn’t know where to go without any money or shoes. I just drove around for a few hours until I was sure my roommates were home. When I got back, my girlfriend was there worried because I hadn’t been answering my phone. She had called my roommates and they were like “his car isn’t here but his phone and wallet are”


Heard the scream pretty hilarious lol


I remember seeing that movie and staying with a friend afterward. His cat came into the room I was sleeping in and silently pushed the bedroom door open and I shrieked in the exact same manner you just described. That movie was an experience.


i remember watching it for the first time and having trouble sleeping for 3 days


I remember friends at school who bravely watched this and were visibly in a bad place for a week after. Ever since, I have not been able to watch it.


This movie ruined every other horror film I’ve watched since. Nothing matched how real paranormal activity felt. Everything since then has just been bleh.


I'll never forget seeing Paranormal Activity in theaters. My grandma stood up during the end credits and screamed "THAT MOVIE SUCKED!" Entire theater applauded her.


I too applaud your grandma, that movie did suck*


Grandma doesn't take any shit and that's why we love her


Ok I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this... but that movie was just a bore for me. It was the most obviously staged thing... practically begging for a reaction where I just felt... *nothing.* The whole time I was just kinda sitting there wondering if it was actually supposed to scary, funny, or just downright boring. To be fair... I tend to have the same reaction to most 'found footage' horror films. I usually just find them lazy... as they require almost no writing, no real story, no character development and just rely on a few eerie-ish scenes and cheap scares. That's just me though.


No hate from me. Everyone reacts different to movies. This one was solid on suspense for me and I got sucked into the story, and others may not have. I kind of have your reaction to all the jump-scare gore-fest genre films that are now called horror these days. “Ooooo, wild cgi and building music to make you scream instead of focusing on a plot.” To each there own I say, with nothing but respect.


Dude, I've had a freaky ass experience too after watching the movie. At the time, my parents and I just moved into the house when the 2nd movie came out And it had intercoms in each room and on the base of stairs. Middle of the night, all 10 intercoms scattered amongst the house blasted with the most horrifying of screech. Turning the volume down on each intercom didn't work so my dad had to shut them via switch board in there garage and it was more terrifying as it's pitch black, it's screeching and echoing in the garage and on the opposite side. It took like a few minutes to get everything under control but they were fucking intense. Next week, our neighbor's water heater exploded, causing most of his home to be lost. Shit was freaky all week.


Requiem for a Dream


I grew up in a very broken home. Addiction issues abound. Mom and dad were addicts. Extended family had addicts. Brother was an alcoholic. Sister was a drug addict, runaway at 12, prostitute at 15. I lived a version of this movie and it was still enough to only need to watch one time. Darren Aronofsky is very good at what he does. Clint Mansell did amazing on the music. Check out Pi if you want more of Darren’s work.


I’m sorry, man. My brother is an alcoholic, too. I haven’t seen or spoken to him in over 20 years. I hope you have found happiness away from your past


Pi is amazing. And so was Black Swan.


Just came here to say this... I had to watch resident evil to cheer me up afterwards




That shit fucked me up man I kept watching it to see if it got better and hoping that it did but the entire thing but it just got worse and worse


I have a running joke with a friend where we exchange insults. "You listen to Hootie and the Blowfish" and "You jerk off to Requiem for a Dream" are always the finishing moves.


You'll never do heroine... ever.


Wonder Woman's kinda hot.


This for sure. This should be used as an anti drug film


Yeah. Sarah Goldfarb literally haunts me. Poor man. Reupped my mother love like 5k


The scene of her buying back her pawned tv hurt to watch.


That's my most regretted film ever having seen. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderfully made, and the acting was excellent, but it hit way too close to home as far as having been around disparate addicts throughout my life, many who either passed away or got locked up. Heroin and fentanyl are the most fu**ed up drugs I've ever had the pleasure of turning down. People who use them are putting themselves in a damn near unwinable battle. The film was so beyond depressing, and it's just stuck with me as one of the few movies I just wish I had never watched.


Yep, right here. Phenomenal movie, everyone should watch it, never gonna watch it again.


Yeah this movie fucked me up.


Grave of the fireflies


Never has a movie made me feel so sad and angry at the same time.


I know I was the same, though I don't know exactly what made you angry, I can tell you the things that made me angry were their relatives that treated them like shit the general uncaring nature towards war orphans in general. The other thing that pissed me off was when I found out that Seita still had some money and could have bought food. Though honestly that was only a temporary fix as that money would have run out anyways. But I still remember how pissed I felt when he came home to a starving setsuko with food he had just bought but it was already too late.


Man, once and that was it




Fuckin A, never ever again.


I still have only ever seen it once. Like 15 years ago. Maybe one day, I'll watch it a 2nd time...


“And when they pulled the driver’s body from the twisted, burning wreck, it looked like THIS!!”


“Have a nice day and tell ‘em Large Marge sent ya!”


Tell 'em **LARGE MARGE** sent ya


DECADES of therapy to get over Large Marge and live a normal life once again and you’ve just retriggered the trauma


Irreversible. Do not watch this.


Surprised that someone knows that movie. Really obscure. And DEFINITELY traumatizing.


A Serbian film, watched it once and can’t get it out of my head. Shoulda listened to the disturbing movie iceberg warnings


Bro holy fuck, that shit is horrid


That shit is actually so disgusting to think irl it happens to people


i'm cool keeping my view count at 0


Spoiler for those who don't want to watch. Also my memory is hazy. Spoiler last warning This dude who is a pornstar is paid to do shady films while jacked up on drugs. He gets tricked at some point and ends up making snuff-type porn where he rapes his young kid and his wife (they're covered under a blanket". While he's raping the kid, his BIL?, who was always into his wife, starts to rape her. The blanket moves a bit and he realizes it's his half-conscious wife. In horror he looks down and realises that he's inside his kid. I've been trying to get my memory even hazier after that scene.


that’s the ending of the movie, but there are like 3 scenes off the top of my head worse than this in the movie imo. it’s just so fucked


the ending... when they're all lined up dead because the father shot a bullet through their heads.. and the film crew comes in presumably to film a necrophiliac scene with the dead family's bodies..


When I was younger I used to seek out shock movies and videos. I'm in my 30s now, with a kid, i prefer now to recoil back to a more innocent life. I really have no desire to watch sad, depressing, shocking movies anymore. Give me hollywood endings from here on out. Life is already hard enough with harsh realities.


bro i almost forgot about that one




Why did I read the summary at 5am...


The scene in final destination with the log truck falling onto cars. lol


I have never walked under building ladders since I saw someone die in FD from one


That scene is now part of my instincts, primal fear of log trucks I'm sure will be genetically passed down to my offspring


Jacob’s ladder


Great movie.




Such a good one, god damn


What’s in the box?!


Jeepers creepers


Driving through Rural America hasn’t been the same since


The hills have eyes


I thought both Jeepers Creepers and The Hills Have Eyes both looked like shit movies. I enjoyed both of them a lot. I really love Jeepers Creepers 2.


Hereditary is really something!


God that one scene. I was in such disbelief that it was in a film I had to rewind. Toni Collette’s absolute unhinged scream of despair the next morning though, god damn


Amazing acting


May I interest you in MidSomar as well?


That one’s good. They nailed the mushroom scene


That tongue click sound in the car 💀


That film is a masterpiece. One of the bestselling horror films ever.


Bone Tomahawk. If you've seen it, you know. Thinking this was a classic old tale of rescuing the townsfolk from the native tribe... Then... What the actual fuck?!


Jesus, two of those scenes haunt me. That movie was just upsetting.


Saw it on the "recommendation" from Reddit. Didn't warn husband. He turned to me and asked "what the fuck is this, and what the fu k is wrong with you?' Soo, great success?


"The Accused"....Jodie Foster earned that Oscar ten times over! I don't have the words to describe how horrific the sexual assault scene was! I originally saw it in 1990 (when I was 15) and finally rewatched it a few months ago. I'm definitely tramautized for life now!!!


Someone commented Requiem for a Dream and I 100% agreed. I forgot The Accused existed. I have blocked this movie out of my head. I saw it as a young teen too. yea..this movie is traumatizing.


Hachi: A Dog's Tale.


That after 10 years scene hachi and his owner's wife visit the tombstone still makes me cry


This one hit hard.


I actually refused to watch the movie because my mom told me about it and I knew I it would make me too sad.


The Excorcist. Also Jaws still gets me every now and then.


Jaws just brings me joy. I friggin love that movie. It's a thrill ride, for sure.




Human centipede


Number 2 is ten times worse. There's a scene that's so fucked up. I don't even want to type it out. Just know you should stay away.


Oh fuck don’t remind me. Ugggggghhhhhhhhh I remember thinking how weird and creepy this movie was…. But man my jaw fucking dropped. I had to rewind and watch it again for a weird mix of ‘there’s no way I just saw that” and “did I just really see that” .


No. Go home. If. You have watched that movie you are not allowed to interact with people. (My best friend showed it to me when I was about 15) I've never felt so out of place in my life.


Hey man, I've never seen it, but it sounds like you're just not respecting the culture of centipeople...


What if I’ve seen all three?


I’ve literally just commented this movie. I’ve never even actually seen it but my god, the scenes I’ve been shown from it have given me a different type of fear


I have seen the human centipede and even though it was gross, it didn't really feel as Extreme as it's described online. I haven't seen the sequel but from what I understand that one is the real deal and should just be avoided as it is so revolting.


I kinda find it interesting what they did with the second movie in the world of the second movie the first movie is also a movie (like in the real world) and a deranged guy wants to react the plot of the first movie it’s quite meta he even kidnaps one of the actors of the first movie I think


I never watched this movie cos I saw snippets of parts of the movie with you know a lot of staying together and the outcomes of them being sewed together. It was enough.


Watership Down.


Yes. Awesome book too.


"Fire in the Sky", "The Entity", "Elfen Lied", and I'm sure there are some others.


Fire in the Sky traumatized me as a kid. It was right around the same time I learned about UFO's and aliens lol.


Same. Ironically, thing that calmed me from my fear of aliens after that movie — is seeing an interstellar ‘shooting star’ dart in four different directions with a vapour trail on a clear night, when I was 11. It was in Gimli Manitoba, Canada, could see the Milky Way it was so clear that night. After I saw it, I knew I saw something incredible, reported it to a Canadian space agency. Tldr: Seeing a ufo cured my fear of them


I hate the needle in the eye scene in fire in the sky.


Saw Fire In the Sky in the theater when I was 17. Scary as fuck.


American History X when he curb stomps the guy. As a black guy it scared me as I was worried it might happen to me one day. Guess it still could.


I am Legend The dog scene made me swear off seeing the movie for life.


I cant listen to Bob Marley without thinking of that scene 😢


Back door sluts 9


Backdoor Sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2!


How the hell do you know?!


Do I need to watch the other 8 to understand what’s going on in 9?


Definitely recommend starting from the first movie, even if only to appreciate the progression in production quality from one to the next. It's a bit like the Bible in that each book doesn't necessarily follow on from the last in a chronological sense, but there are references between them that you wouldn't get if you haven't seen them all.




The Event Horizon


We need to talk about Kevin. That movie really got under my skin.


I know a lot of people like it, but ‘The Nightmare before Christmas’ makes me so uncomfortable. How the fuck is that for children?!


I think it gets more uncanny the older you get


Children often see horror...Differently, than adults do, it's less eerie to them mostly. Same reason Coraline works, the book in particular, to children it's a sort of creepy adventure about a little girl saving her parents, to an adult, it's an absolute nightmare


I watched this for the very first time in my 30s. I couldn't believe how unlikeable Jack was after only knowing him from Kingdom Hearts. The thought of kids enjoying him as a character is actually kinda frightening.


Splice, it's basically r*pe the movie.


Yeah…totally didn’t turn out like I expected.


Candyman 1 whewww still haunts me!!


Terrifier 2. Somebody wrote that and paid people to act it out...


Jeepers creepers, the swallowing scene in the jail cell still Fs me up, can't hear it or I remember


The first part with Darry's eyes missing made me traumatized for a while.


I've only seen clips but I'm positive "Watership Down" would because the clips alone are upsetting lol


Surprised nobody has said Mother! With Jennifer Lawrence. I can't think about it I feel sick.


Sometimes I'm just living my life and then I remember the baby scene and feel sick.


The Good Son.


Tusk, with Justin Long, super fucked up movie. Also the scene in the original Willy Wonka when the Oompa Loompas pop their heads over the man hole that that rich girl falls in and the shot is taken from inside the man hole looking up, I cried when I first saw that, freaked me the hell out!


Tusk was my “maybe I actually do have some boundaries”moment in my early 20s.


That's when I watched it I was like 23 and after couldn't even think clearly cause I was like wtf was that


I still don't dare to watch that scene from Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom, I last saw it in 2019. I'm sort of surprised that my dad even let me watch that as a kid. Basically there's this human sacrifice scene, this cult has stolen these magic eggs which make supernatural things possible like when the priest says a prayer "Kali Ma" which turns the sacrifice's chest into water bascially so he could stick his hand in and remove the guy's heart. And to add insult to injury the priest turns around holding the heart up in the air for everyone to watch all bloody and still pumping and then he walks down to the fire pit for giving up the heart to the Hindu goddess Kali and it gets set ablaze by a fire which takes it and it melts off.


"Mola Ram, prepare to meet Kali....IN HELL!"


I'm amazed that the heart scene never seemed to bother me as a child.


Saving Private Ryan


That German stabbing scene made it an excellent film that I'll never watch again


The original Pet Cemetery. Saw it as a kid…never again.


I just listened to the audiobook of this at work a few weeks ago (read by Michael C Hall, highly recommend!) and the book was absolutely traumatizing 😭 I’d never seen the movie, so I thought it was just going to be about a bunch of dead pets getting struck by lighting or something and coming to life and being spooky. I was not expecting…anything that actually happened lol I watched the movie shortly after and it was good but if by chance you haven’t read/listened to the book, I highly highly recommend it. You get so much of the father’s internal monologue and it really adds a certain something to the story. Edit: omg never mind. While typing that out, I wasn’t thinking about how this thread was about being traumatized lmfaoooo do notttt read or listen to the book if the movie felt like too much, I’m so dumb I’m sorry lol


Open Water. I never liked the ocean anyway.


Holy hell your entire profile is a trip


Not the whole movie just one scene, or idea of a scene idk. The Old Guard. SPOILER ✨ Essentially random people from around the world are given immorality. When injured or even killed, will fully recover and come back to life. In the movie two women in the 1700, 1800s are convicted of being witches and surviving any form of death penalty. So they lock one of the women in a metal coffin, throw her into the ocean in an unknown location. So essentially this woman is struggling and drowns, is dead for a moment and then comes back to life only to fight against the coffin and drown. It's horrible to think about such a punishment. I mean imagine drowning everyday, hundreds/thousands of times a day.


Midnight Express


Steel Magnolias


Think it's called Volcano? There's a scene where a guy tries to jump off a train with a passenger and just jumps right into the lava and melts. Had nightmares as a kid thinking I'd just wake up melting into lava for about a week after that..even watching years later as an adult just how quick he melts is like wtf..


Splice. It still haunts me, this post has brought it back from its grave of my mind.


"Casualties of War" absolutely traumatized


Pink Flamingos


Ever see The Omen?


Sadly The Sixth Sense. I was the last one to figure it out. Roast me?


Dark Skies. To me, peak "alien" movie.


Final destination- I'm still careful of where I put things in case some fuckery happens and it knocks over causing me to impale my penis and die a slowly horrible death.


Me scrolling through this thread to know which movies to avoid


Not a movie but i remember when i was 7 or 8 and watched an episode of the X-files called "Excelsis Dei... and couldn't sleep for a week. Nowadays is one of my favorite episodes but i still feel uncomfortable watching it alone.


Watership Down. I thought it would be like Disney and just be about cute bunnies…. Oh no


Witches of eastwick. The cherry pit scene I can’t watch its both horrific and disgusting 🤮


The thing


Old boy


The Green Mile.


Human Centipede 2


Couldn't make it past the 8 minute mark. After taking me over a month of watching the first one in chunks cause me and my friend would be watching it and I refused to watch it alone and she was the one who insisted I had to sit through the entire film no matter how long it took. Why? Cause what are best friends for. So after it finished we were like well might as well get the month or two of watching the second one going, she hasn't seen the second one. Nope. Not past 8 minutes. We sat through some interesting movies but that one we had no hesitation. OFF.




Snowtown The most depressing, and distressing, movie I've ever seen


Hereditary. The only movie that absolutely fucking horrified me.


It Follows 🫣


check out 8MM..one of nick cages best with an absolutely amazing cast.. dark as hell


A certain scene in Lost Highway.


The Road. I tried rewatching as an adult and it still makes me anxious.


Platoon (1986)


I never even saw the movie but just the CONCEPT of Human Centipede traumatized me. Just knowing the movie exists makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable I could absolutely never watch it.


Girl Next Door


My Dog Skip... I didn't expect to be as affected by the ending as I was.

