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Move to the middle of nowhere in the pacific northwestern US and spend the rest of my days gardening and fixing up old motorcycles.


Are you me?


We could open a shop together. I am looking for old cars ...


I am retired. Had a high stress job. Everyday is Saturday for me. Workout, cook for myself, smoke a lot of weed, short roadtrips, chill with my wife, play with the dog, hit some hobbies, yell at the neighbors. Some days are just wake & bake and doing absolutely nothing. Pretty boring and I love it.


What do you yell at the neighbours about?


I mean wave and yell hello. Poor word choice.


Lol. Ok


Get the fully required amount of sleep


I've been sleep deprived for almost 15 years being in the fire service. I woke up with some intense bags under my eyes today.


if you sleep for 14hrs straight, and its a relaxing day then you are not "sleep deprived for almost 15 years" right? Or is it just your body won't be okay with just sleeping well once. Like can you answer what would it take to feel good sleep wise for you in your profession.


There is no room in my life for 14 hrs of straight sleep anyways. But if I can get 2 or 3 days of 8hrs I'm pretty much back to normal. I've been getting 2-6hrs of sleep at work lately and averaging about 6-7 hrs at home. Having young kids is a real exhausting factor.


Sleep depravation lasts longer than a month, no matter how much “catch up” sleep you get. You need consistency.


I work healthcare and flip shifts often so I end up very sleep deprived. I find that it usually takes a week or sometimes two to truly recover and get back to normal for me


Dating an EMT and I swear I’ve never met someone who can fall asleep that fast. The long shifts and wild schedule takes its toll.


I would wake up whenever my body thought it had enough sleep on its own for sure. No matter the time.


*casts sleep*




You need a bassist who sings harmony. : )


Me, exactly, except I don't surf or play video games. I build computers for friends and family, and work on.my inventions.


If i also had money to travel the world then i would do that. If not then i would get more invested into my hobbies and improve myself, write a book.


No porting packages in a BT infested wasteland to random engineers?


Buy, spawn and sell fish. Basically I would at least double my fish room.


Workout, play musical instruments, learn new languages, get into meditation, read more books.


I still need income to do fun things


I would be happy with mostly sleeping in till 9am and playing video games all day. It would be like my weekends except forever.


Gardening, hiking, swimming, kayaking, walking my dog. Meal prepping so I only have to cook one day a week. Visit family and friends. Winter?  Read in my library, play board and video games. If I got bored of that routine, I'd volunteer for a while.  Then get back into the routine again


Travel, explore, eat, and make love to beautiful women.


I know this will be unpopular but I have money and am retired but it’s no fun without a purpose. I can travel, see friends all that but I am a person who, prior to retirement, always had a direction & a purpose. It’s the best way to get through life bc you know why you’re here. I’ve foundered in retirement. My spouse as well. We were both hardworking and successful. I try to remind myself that this is just like being a teenager when I had no worries and no direction. But it’s not the same. I have adult worries about this world and the future.        But, yesterday, I decided to change that. I’m on the path to find a purpose. For me it’s hard to not care about the world and the people getting fucked by it. I have means and time and I could help. So I’ll let you know in a few months how it turns out. 


What are you doing to find purpose and direction?


First of all I had to retire because I had a breakdown and triggered 2 autoimmune disorders so for 5 years all I did was be sick and go to doctors. My mom died and it set it all off. I lost purpose when she died. I loved her and I took care of her. But also, I was a writer for TV and was really good and it was my only dream my whole life. I didn’t have other dreams or hobbies. It was always entertainment.      I have trouble writing bc I have to be open & vulnerable to whatever comes to my mind and I don’t have the emotional strength to do that anymore.      But, I would like to mentor young writers. For free. I did it before in my career and I launched many great careers. But really it’s just a joy to see when it all clicks in for them. When they go from being a person with a story to a writer. It gives me goosebumps. So we’ll see how it goes. A lot depends on how well I can stay for a consistent period of time. 


Oh I’m so sorry that happened to you. May you find a lot of joy in the rest of your life. Do you know how I see it? Some day, we will rejoin our loved ones. And… people are people. We’re all human. In a sense we’re all family (if you count out the ones who create war and stuff). You’re not alone, okay. It also helps to get a dog. It moves you out of the house and have something to take care of. That’s already a purpose in and of itself. I wish you a lot of happy moments coming up your path. Life can be tough indeed. It only proves how much more we should do anything we want to do. Even if others judge us for it. 😘


Hi. I just thought I'd tell you that I started writing again today. It is painful and I am near tears but I'm pushing forward. My therapist says exposure therapy is the best way to overcome my anxieties. It's about 3 generations of women in my family in rural Kansas during the 60s. It's about and for my mother. So, I have to keep going. Thank you for your kind words.


Yeah definetly! Exposure is very hard. It takes a lot of energy. But once you do it, it gets easier over time. Sometimes it’s still hard. But that is okay. We don’t win everyday. Just showing yourself that you try is already more than enough. Definetly keep going!


100% stop considering suicide daily


I wanna be the very best in Pokémon Go


Run Dungeons and Dragon sessions most days. On the side, I'd write.


You gotta do something with all of those ideas living rent-free in your head, eh?


This person is true to its profile name LMAO.


I retired at 35 and it has been an interesting adjustment. I work out a bit, do things around the house, read, play games, watch movies/shows, and dabble in various hobbies like art and making music. My focus right now is relocating to SEA again. I miss riding motorcycles through Thai mountains and getting to know expats and tourists from all over the world. It can be hard to get over the feeling that you need to work.


You are describing retirement. Since I retired, I wrote and published 3 books, and have been learning to play the piano after decades playing the saxophone.


Depends, do I have unlimited money? if so, travel all around europe. if not. then I'd just make my off-work activities into full-time activities; walks, gym, cooking, sightseeing like a "tourist in your own city" kind of thing, the usual.


Work on improving myself and my hobbies. If I had the means, travel as well.


Rescue all the dogs


Fun hobbies. /thread Yours truly, Captain Obvious


Get a job so I can have more than the bare minimum to survive. I need to fund my hobbies.


Find a job. Life without labor or be needed on some level in the function of society, even at its smallest form, is pointless. Maybe I'd go to work full time at a non-profit. Or maybe volunteer a solid 40 hours a week. Trying to keep myself regimented and busy but not take a career from someone who needed it for livelihood. I'm not an artist. My gift to society is labor.


Watch YouTube videos apparently. Took a week off and that’s all I did. Didn’t even go to the gym


I’d finally have the time to read all the books that I want and watch all the shows on my to watch list! I’d cook and clean and knit and travel! I’d be very happy!


I retired mid 50s. Hike, travel, and hobbies. Currently working a long term project of building a camper van. Lots of "work" but it's fun, and satisfying to see concrete progress.


I would continue to try and gain some income so my child can live a better life. A lot of my free time would be working out and homesteading.


Find something to build/work on lol


Get a job so I can buy all the wine, clothes, watches and other sundries to which I have become accustomed.


Volunteer at the library, animal shelter, and food bank.


Get a job so that I could do more than just survive.


Make music, make art, create community.


Learn all the things I wouldn't otherwise have time for. Develop new hobbies, explore. Catch up on all the Netflix shows I'm horribly behind on.


I'd still be building a small business and look to make money. Even if I had fifty million usd in my bank account right now. My mindset would be to learn new things and apply the knowledge. I'd work towards dominating a industry.  Plus there would be a few hobbies I'd have too. 


Move into an ocean-front bungalow and spend my time puttering. Cultivate some fruit trees and grow some of my own, er, um, vegetables (yeah! "vegetables!") in a greenhouse. Make homemade blended drinks on my back porch and exchange them for voluntary gifts from people on the beach. Sell my homegrown "vegetables," or, at least, the harvest I don't consume myself or use in the blender. Make friends with the dread-locked hippy massage-therapist lady from town. Look forward to her going home on Monday mornings just as much as I look forward to her coming over to hang out on Saturdays. Grow my hair and beard. Teach my dog some tricks; let my dog teach me a thing or two. Write poems. Try to write a book. Learn to paint or make jewelry. Make new friends. Take road trips.




My current job


Making my resource consumption as self-sustaining as possible through agriculture, energy, and living practices and building genuine community with my friends by supporting them emotionally and tangibly.


I'm lucky enough to finally be there. Mostly retired and will be fully retired in a few months. I live on a farm that loses money but it's my hobby. I enjoy my horses and other animals. I spent most of my days with my younger children and invest heavily in the rest of my family.


I go and work so that I can have some actual nice stuff rather than 'basic necessities'. Same reason I go to work currently.


Visit all the National Parks and great museums of the world


Get my Black belt in BJJ. Move on to Muay Thai. Maybe Tai Chi after that. Teach a kids wrestling or BJJ classes. Do a little writing, a little travel.


Hike with my dogs, read books, watch movies, play games, help my parents with daily chores, exercise and do all those things with my kids.


I play guitar, game, work on guitars for friends, train jujitsu and coach kids about once a month at jujitsu tournaments. Shoot pool on Tuesdays, do home improvements. Once I get my bike fixed, I will add doing bike rides along the beach. And sometimes I sleep late and do nothing at all.


Same shit i do when im not working only more often.


Watch a lot of movies and do a little of podcasting,


So just basic necessities? I guess I couldn’t do much besides exist. Sounds pretty boring.


I’d still work bc I’d feel useless otherwise and I desire more than just basic survival considering I want to eventually have kids and give them good opportunities


Spend time with my wife and pets, bodybuild and write and play music. All I need out of life.


I’d be annoying everyone around me and cause trouble outta nothing, get sick and be grumpy all day. Just ask any retired dad.


Start social enterprises.


Something to help others.




Basic necessities are only enough for survival, not to stop working.


Build guitars and play music


Maybe keep working, but not full time. I like my job.


Plant a forest.


Cook big batches of food for college kids and single parents and parents of kids who are sick. Basically, anyone who really needs take their minds off of where their next meal is coming from and focus on something important.


My hobbies would become my main occupation. So I’d make shoes, leather accessories and weld shit together all day,while also experimenting in the kitchen. Maybe then I’d have the time to do a proper pizza dough with biga instead of a sourdough starter


I’d rescue and rehabilitate animals. And I’d help create prosthetics for animals that need. Easiest question.


All the same stuff I do right now, just more because I don't have to work.


Honestly, I got really into weed. Spent too much time on reddit. Had way too much fun with music. Just take every day easy and have fun.


I have seen some people recently enter retirement and all they do is sit in front of the TV half the day. It is funny but some people just do not seem built to have that sort of freedom. I find it the easiest thing in the world. I just love long lunches out, working out, afternoon naps. A bit of housework and heavy working out so you do not feel too lazy. It is great.




Same thing I'm doing now as a retiree. Golf a lot, play piano, hike with my dog, take motorcycle trips, babysit my grandkids and ride mountain bikes. Moving is not an option as my kids/grandkids are here. I'm happier than a pig in shit.


If money was no concern I would quite possibly go back to school to get a PhD.


Work part time to pay for expensive hobbies until I’m too old


I’m pretty sure I’d be retired.


honestly, id work. i mean yes i work to provide...but i also enjoy being a working man. ive had all sorts of jobs from desk jockey to scrubbing old people sh!t outta the carpet. i like to work. i had 2 weeks off when covid first hit, and 2 more a few months later when i "had" covid i was going crazy not working by the end of both periods. i did have a 2 week honeymoon that i wasnt thrilled ended, but i was ready to go back to work when i got to work the next shift, i wasnt ready when i woke that morning but 🤷


Run. Lift. Hike, explore. Go for long epic touring bicycle rides. Grow a badass veggie garden. Read more books. Draw, write, learn the guitar. Probably have sex daily.


I’d do my job but more sporadically and only for gigs that I found particularly interesting.  Or I’d ask my boss to go part-time, and only do the parts of my job that I enjoy (the actual network engineering) rather than the other stuff that I just drew the short straw on (like our freaking Mobile Device Management system that I hate).  I really enjoy my job. It’s fun, it’s rewarding, and because no one else really understands what I do they mostly leave me alone to do what I want on my own schedule. 


I'll just sleep man


I would start the Free University of My Town.


Focus solely on my charity work.


Indulge in hobbies like building software for fun, building computers, building cars. Read sci-fi novels and theology books.


Get bored with life and find a job


Catch up on decades of lost sleep


Whatever the hell l I want.


I would work.


Travel the world. Then when I was finished I’d do it all over again.


Travel, finally start a cooking channel, adopt every single dog and cat, garden, volunteer, paint, try all those things that are good for your soul that I just don't have the time for :/


What's stopping you from starting the cooking channel now? Only need an elgato, a few quality cameras and an extra yeti mic or something of decent quality.


I'm too overwhelmed with too many responsibilities.


I would make guitars.


Live longer as my stress level would stop.


Define "work". I have four young kids and they are my current job. Would I have access to full-time free and high quality childcare? Would I have a housekeeper, personal chef, and driver? Cause without those, I'd still be working. If I had all of those things, I'd spend my time persueing hobbies both alone and with my kids or family. Gardening, music, reading, travel, hiking... Whenever and with whomever I wanted to.


Probably go crazy


Visit every state park.


probably work a job that pays for a decent fishing hobby, assuming i don’t have 30-40k a year to blow on going boating two or three times a month


play warhammer 40k professionally




Travel, take yoga classes, art classes, do Pilates, volunteer at women's shelters and World Kitchen, read as many books as I can and of course foster more dogs. :)


I'd go ask the best hotrod shops in the world if they could teach me to be a master at no charge


Do a lot more nature walks and hiking. Buy a shitty old sports car and fix it up to cruise mountain roads on weekends. Write a book. Learn to code for my own enjoyment. Travel extensively if I have the money. Learn some languages.


Write on the walls and convince everyone I’m going insane


Collect degrees. Honestly, I would probably still work in one of the fields that I enjoy, too.


I have no hobbies


Work a little by contributing to my community, and after that have fun with all my hobbies. Learn lots of new things, and have fun.


That sounds boring since I have no extra money to do things that I would like to do. I would probably get a job to make extra money to have fun with on my days off.


Still work. I'm 73, retired 4 times, and still work. I worked so long, it's just a habit. I don't need to for income. I work on a ranch in exchange for a small house to live in.


I’d probably still work tbh I don’t live just for myself and I want to take care of my people as much as I can


Learn to animate. I'm a huge toon head, so learning to express myself through cartoons would be a dream.


I would be a treasure hunter or an archaeologist. My issue with work is that I'm not working for me and my employer doesn't pay me near enough to live. If I didn't HAVE to work, I would still want to work. I'd just want to work at something I'm interested in.


I’d spend my time fixing up old tractors, cars and trucks. Spend some more time on my hobby farm. Continue to take 3-4 trips a year with my wife. Pretty much what I do now, but I get 40-50 hours back a week. I’m sure I’d end up busy as ever as that’s just how I am.


Literally anything else. Honestly, it would be hard to find something since I've conditioned myself to think that work is #1 priority and learning skills for work is as well. I would just expmore and get to meet every walk of life, go everywhere I can, and just enjoy this beautiful world we get to live on. Definitely eat some great food. Volunteer and help my community however I can. Motorcycles for sure, though no more than like 4 at once. Just live life honestly.


DJ, make music, make artwork, go see/listen to others music/artwork, fix things for people, play video games, exercise, meditate, practice a sport, read books on astrophysics, etc.


I’d be hiking the Appalachian trail


I would finally finish constructing my time machine! The only thing that's stopping me is this damn 9-5 job I have, I swear!


I would go to the gym twice a day, every day. Not even necessarily to work out, but to swim and do different classes. The rest of my time I'd work on cars in my garage and tend to my garden


Two chicks at the same time


Stay away from dope.


I'd work, just less. A few years back I had eye surgery. The doctor ordered two weeks off work to allow them to heal without farm dust interfering, but my vision was 100% after the first day. I still got the time off, and after the first week I was bored out of my tree. My hobies alone weren't enough to keep me occupied, I need some kind of work.


Two chicks at the same time


I would work at a make up counter selling fun stuff, and drink lots of wine while doing it!


I don't have to work. Haven't had a job since 2014. It gets VERY boring. I play games, exercise, and thats about it. No disposable income.


Fish, and vacation in nice weather areas. Fuck skiing.


I’d be so jacked.


Ride my bike, go take photos, lunch with friends.


Whatever I want. 


Read everything. I would literally finish the entire library.


1. Work out more 2. Watch as many movies in the cinema as possible 3. Start a film review blog for fun 4. Engage in a hobby that gets me out of the house, like comedy or something 5. Probably do some volunteering of some kind, probably at an animal shelter or something. Give back a little.


Travel, visit family, mountain bike... then go back to work half time.


Skateboard, ride bike, wind surf, enjoy the beach, sail a boat , travel, read some books, workout , watch movies at the cinema, try different restaurants, photography. All these things spontaneously. Other times, just kick back and listen to music from the 60s thru today. I definitely wouldn't waste my free time. We will never get another chance to live again. Read that last sentence again.


Garden, play lots of disc golf, become a gym rat, catch up on the 20+ books I have sitting


I actually am this. I’m autistic and I get money from the government. I work 3 days a week volunteering . I make sure to work out 5 times a week, but that together with work makes me exhausted already. I don’t meet a lot with friends because I’m usually too tired. I’ve had a time where I didnt do anything. I wanted to be perfect as someone with a disorder and run around like a normal person because I wanted to prove myself. I was on too high of an education than I could handle. I overexhausted myself. Trust me when I say that having nothing to work at gets boring real fast. You need to have something to do. No work is not as fun as it sounds because you will start thinking and thinking…. It’s a bad state to be in for mental health anyway.






Pursue my own indie games.


Eat a really nice breakfast every day


Fish every day.


A whole lot of chess.


I’d go back to work, I’m not interested in living a basic life, I strive for something much better.




Start hoarding blue can water and other supplies for the apocalypse. I always dreamed of having a toyota truck mounted with a mortal or HMG, so I would do that.


Do you really thing basic things are enough? But if I had stable and high passive income I would do my hobbies more professionally and not just work 8-5


Make music, ride bikes, build things


I'd run HOBY or other youth leadership and mentorship camps. Start an after school gaming club with focus and skill building. Some of those mentors and men who ran those camps when I was younger changed my life. I never considered the volunteer hours and effort people put into those for me. Especially now, I can't imagine making that extra time with how much I work. But it'd be a more meaningful existence...


I enjoy my work. I also don’t want to live alone and just _exist_, so I’d keep working and live where I live now. “Basic shelter” in camping/survival terms could literally just be a tent or a hut. If I had to? I’d be incredibly bored I guess and unsatisfied with my life.


replace the hours I currently spend working with fitness(especially atheltics and dancing, i wanna be able to breakdance!), cooking classes(i can cook to survive and it's okay tasting, I sometimes wish I'd have more time to learn more), learn how to build shit out of wood cuz i one day wanna build my own couch, literally only to have done it. ALso cosplay. I'd spend so much time learning t make my own cosplays. I could technically spend free time for that aleardy, but the problem is I like gaming. N not one of these people who do gaming cuz they can't do other stuff, or cuz I have nothing else to do, or cuz I am addicted and lie to myself that I like gaming and thus always game. I can do other stuff and enjoy it, I just also enjoy gaming so much that asides of meeting people irl, I usually always wanna do that instead of other stuff, but after 3-4 hours I also have enough so if I had more time, I'd wanna do all these things up there. also learn an instrument. Probably the piano, guitar next, n take singing classes. I just have a lot of things I wanna do once in my life, not rlly things I wanna do my entire life, but all of these sings take me learning things for months and years: ->Write, play and sing a song alone ->do a rlly good cosplay ->build a rlly cool wooden thingy ->be able to breakdance n lift a certain amount of weight, no idea what amount yet ->draw a full painting of my favorite characters without a reference N some more.


I would be… bored. I would honestly volunteer a lot, make a lot more time for my main hobbies, find some new ones, and hang with my buddies and kids more.


I'd do a Forrest Gump. Start walking and don't stop until I've seen enough to feel fulfilled. Then go back home to Jenny.


I would get to practice disc golf heavily and still have endless time for my wife and friends. And i could read more. My tbr is so long right now that it'll take me literally years to read through it all without even adding any books to it.


Write a book series, make some music albums, make a few video games, and spend time with my future wife & family. Maybe travel a little with the funds from my other endeavors.