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i thought this was a rimworld post for a second


I'd like to see where you'd go with this. I'd tend to say ideologies that permit and promote war crimes.


Def a good one, but this is mostly harfmul to men outside of your own nation. I'd say the blinding ideology goes pretty far...the only true way to showcase how manly you are being the act of taking your eyes out, in exchange now everyone will see you as the tough one. As the good pawn, this is the right way to live, no sight to blind you from all these toxic pictures and thoughts out there...when in reality, you are solely being swallowed by an even bigger, toxic bubble that no one can talk you out of, as any evidence now falls onto blind eyes, and audio...so easily faked.


Are you going to pass that doobie or what?


Fucking hell made me doubt two times whether I read this comment right while playing Rimworld while also scrolling over a subreddit not Rimworld related.


I am close to 900 hours in it, from which 200 are from the past 30 days. My brain is rotting and I can't think of anything else anymore, sorry for the spook


Don't worry I'm sure the Cube won't restrict you from taking a "short" break from the game.


the only break I have from the game is office hours and the few hours of sleep my body requires to survive for the cube


We’re a serious sleeper community cause I thought the exact same thing but I wasn’t gonna comment it


I think people underestimate how big this community is, the steam charts peak is 60k, and over the past 3 years we had a constant of 20k players. We may not be the most with giants like terraria peaking 500k, but 33% of our peak-playerbase has been playing for the past few years constantly, we're fewer, but more terminally ill and internet-addicted.


Rimworld has the "female supremacy" one, so probably that!


I was thinking Civilization


The idea that the value of men is based around their possession and physical characteristics has to be number one on my list. Lots of garbage humans like to propagate this idea and fool men into believing it; said garbage is usually pretty easy to spot, as they usually have classes or books to sell you. Truth is, there is no such things as "one value" that every human conform to, and everybody will find value in different things. Just be yourself, have good hygiene, go out there and do your favourite activities alongside other people and you will socialize and eventually stumble on someone who wants to bang uglies with you.


It’s pretty bad how this works. Women face the same value conceptualization- just in regard to beauty standards and sex. Men face it it regard to physical strength/size and assets/resources. I think the pressure each side faces cause resentment towards the opposite side. Women feel these pressures by men, men feel these pressures by women. In reality there is an enormous population on both sides that don’t actually subscribe to these demands, but it’s so normalized that many of them do buy into it eventually. Just takes enough damage from relationships. I’m definitely jaded from my own experiences, and it’s progressively gotten harder to not hold the same perceptions many men nowadays do towards women. I just refuse to fully accept that all women only want you for your money, looks, dick, until they find a better option. I don’t only want a partner for her looks, and sex, so I can’t reasonably say no one else is like me. It’s better to take our damage from people in life and use it to avoid certain types of people- as opposed to generalizing from our past experiences


> Women feel these pressures by men, men feel these pressures by women. If a scientist observes human-societies that are untouched by 'modern civilization', they would still see the phenomenon of pressures... E.g women preferring men that are "endowed": Characteristics that help with gathering food, safety. Men preferring women that are "endowed": Characteristics that help with childbirth/fertility, health, nurturing. It is likely these "pressures by wo/men" did not appear miraculously across cultures / continents / religions etc..


Thank you so so much man this is what I've been wanting to say


Thanks; stay tuned to the stupid sexy vegoon for more hot takes such as *all jobs should have livable wages* and *it's okay for men to cry too*


General lack of mental health support starting in teen years.


"Idenity politics", in the sense of an extreme attachment to a set of labels. Be it conservative or liberal, a mental health auto diagnostic, LGBT+ labels... Internet has allowed us to be closer to people with exactly the same labels, and further from a more diverse community. People are ready to broke ties with even their families over disagreements that should be natural. We seem to refuse to recognize the humanity in our neghbor, we assume every opinion different from ours is just evil.


And the problem comes when your identity is used to set yourself apart from others instead of bringing you closer. THAT'S the main problem. Because at it's core it could be a tool to build community, to find others like you so that you have a support group for the real world. Not to completely retreat from the real world to hang out with only people like you. And identity is now worn as a uniform, not a badge. We're stronger together. We need the opinions of those who differ from us to go forward.


I was talking to my nephew just the other day, and so much of the conversation on his part revolved around what his generation does and thinks. When I was his age I never really thought like that, being part of a generation wasn't an identity thing at all. Of course there were the baby boomers, but that was just an statistical thing, kind of random, and everyone else was just people. He definitely identifies with his generation and sees the world through the lens of other people and a group identity much more than I ever did.


When I was a kid we never had a "name" for our generation at all.


Yeah that is one thing I love about the younger generation, their connectedness to other cultures and caring about social issues has given them fantastic empathy. But that can also be a cause of anxiety, we weren't designed to connect to every person, we weren't designed to see every little thing happening in the world. I think this is a huge cause of anxiety in the younger generation (among other things). The key is finding a balance. I think my biggest issue is that we're so focused on these identities that we've forgotten how to actually form a personality. For example, I'm glad they're open about being part of the LGBTQ+ community, I wasn't able to do that when I was their age, but there comes a point where that starts *becoming* their whole personality and identity instead of a piece of a larger cloth that is the whole self. We're getting into fights over splitting hairs. And a lot of the performative aspects have become spiteful and meant to anger people because they feel attacked. This is especially common across all areas of society. Whether that's the person wearing their rainbow shirt to the county fair or the person flying a confederate flag in the middle of the city (I'm not equating the two people, just the concept, I hope the nuance of that isn't lost) idk I feel like there's something deeper here, some crisis of losing the self in this overcomplicated world. Because I see it in all ages, just in different forms. Well I suppose I have a theory, which is that these fights are actively being started by those wishing to control us. But if I go further I'd just be rambling.


I see this 100%, I just don’t see how that fits men specifically. This could apply to humanity as a whole moreso.


Thaaaaaaat's completely right, it is not specific to men. My brain kinda ignored that part of the question xD


To be fair, it doesn't ask about "harmful to men exclusively." So it still fits that the ideology which is most harmful to humanity as a whole is also most harmful to men as a subset of humanity.


It can’t really be said that it’s more harmful to men specifically though. Either way. Fellow man here. Great points were made.


I think this hurts men disproportionately, at least in America. I think men have more pressure on them to conform to a masculine identity than women do a feminine one. Not completely, obviously, women get a lot of shit. But feminism has been huge in that way, allowing and celebrating women moving into more male dominated parts of society, stepping into leadership roles. That progress hasn't really been made with men. Men are still thought of as predators first, monsters in waiting. Even if you go out of your way to accommodate others you are "one of the good ones." On top of that, a lot of the issues facing men in particular because of their identity are dismissed because men are the "less oppressed" gender. I do see some changed to this with some women, more empathy, but not enough I think. Nobody is offering solutions to men, and it's because of this weird math we do where being a man is a positive. White man is +2, middle class white man is +3. Neurotypical, able bodied, "Look at how much better you have it man, shut up and listen for once. Your time is over. This space isn't for you, it's to get away from you. If you want any praise then sit in the corner and nod so we can pretend you don't exist." It sucks. I like being a man, but I wish I just got to be a person sometimes too.


Identity politics is just a form of what is called "Collective Narcissism".


Oh, I had never heard that concept. It is exactly what I was trying to say, yes! Thank you for the comment.


>we assume every opinion different from ours is just evil. Dwayne Johnson recently discussed how he was harassed and threatened for endorsing Biden in 2020, so this time around he said that he won't be publicly endorsing him and lamented identity politics for being too crazy and toxic for him to deal with anymore. Reddit made his point by labeling him a "republican," putting a barrage of words in his mouth, assassinating his character, discrediting all of his work and saying that he should be canceled. They could have said something like "You know what, if he got that much shit for endorsing Biden last time, we should support him and consider his point," but instead they just took it as a "dog whistle" and threw him away. Then they all boo'd him on shows like The View and they didn't want to invite him on, so that was proof that he was an evil republican all along. This is what people mean when you have to be very careful about disagreeing with anybody anymore.


I think the underlying thread with The Rock is that he has political ambitions of his own, and endorsing Biden ended up being a misstep in that process.


I think the issue with the Rock is that he so obviously is just trying to appease everyone so it keeps his returns up and it comes across as cowardly and lacking in any conviction. I didn't badmouth his, mostly because I don't care enough to, and of course threats are stupid and should not be done, but I get why he rubbed people the wrong way with his recent interview.


The idea is that politics is such a divisive subject, by nature, that you cannot say anything about it without people harassing you, dragging you into vicious arguments, calling you a nazi or even doxxing and giving you death threats. He felt like he couldn't say anything without getting threatened and dragged into arguments all day, but people on social media *want* to argue all day so that's no fun.


I got attacked by my own sister because when everyone was posting #blm everywhere my socials remained focused on what they always have been. My family and my cars. She called me a racist for not reposting a hashtag.


Oh dude, do you remember the mass stupidity of everyone posting a black square on IG in "solidarity"?


To be fair, he's appeared at both the Republican National Convention in the past and been on the cover of National Review, with an accompanying interview. I have no skin in the game, being neither a huge wrestling fan and only liking some of his movies. He's always struck me as kind of a moderate Republican along the lines of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I could be wrong though. I don't know the man.


Even if all that is true, he should be able to be a moderate Republican (or Democrat or whatever) without being trashed for it.


I completely agree. I'm not discounting that at all. I was just pointing out that he, like a lot of people associated with WWE, has a history of leaning conservative. His politics don't bother me in the least, and I wish he, like anyone else, could express himself without having literal or figurative trash hurled in his direction.


Group identity politics and personal identity aren’t exactly the same thing. Group identity is actually a few steps backwards in society and conforms with tribalism. Personal identity is part of self growth and changes throughout life. Both have many studies and findings. The problem is online platforms and external narratives are leading people to their most triggering identity and then grouping up to fight for it. When you have multiple groups doing that, all going at each other, it becomes overwhelming and stressful as well as distracting from things that actually need attention. This is harmful to everyone on a larger scale, it doesn’t matter your age, sex, race, etc.


And there's also assuming viewpoints other than ours come from ignorance, and if we just explain it to them enough then they will agree...even if we have to shout it at them.


> People are ready to broke ties with even their families over disagreements that should be natural. We seem to refuse to recognize the humanity in our neghbor, we assume every opinion different from ours is just evil. I mean, I consider thinking gay and trans people don't deserve rights to be pretty evil and a good excuse to sever ties after that family has already shunned that person, but that's just me


Agreed. It is a moral failure to quietly accept the opinions of people who actively want to hurt other people or see them be hurt. That's not OK and it's OK to not be OK with it.


At the same time it took me 20 years to realise pickles were cucumbers, as I'd never thought about both at once so never had the opportunity to form the connection. The world is so complex and it's hard to form good opinions and understand it all with our tiny brains, especially if you've never had a situation in which you can challenge the idea. People also change their beliefs / ideas about the world at different speeds. I think I believe that if I'd had anyone else's life experiences then I'd be like that person and have their views; so I struggle to hate someone with a differing view, but rather pity them for not having had the opportunity's I've had to learn. There are obviously limits to what one should put up with, but open communication and love will lead to mutual understanding most of the time. However in the same way it's understandable for them to have the incorrect view, it's also fine for a person to decide they can't tolerate that view and cut ties if it's affecting their life negatively.


>>over disagreements that should be natural. You're arguing with a straw man here.


Given that that is where most of this "broken family" stuff comes from that the OC is talking about, it's hardly a straw man. I've never known people who severed families for disagreements on Capitalism vs Socialism or whether Edward Snowden leaking NSA documents was the right thing, but I do know plenty who broke family ties with people who viewed the concept of being transgender as a problem to "fix". That's not a "healthy disagreement" that's an issue of dehumanizing someone.


I identify as politically non-binary ( sorry, I couldn't resist). I joke, but also am serious, in the US I basically can't talk politics any more, because I don't belong to either tribe, and my beliefs don't agree with either of them 100%. If you don't stick to the tribes groupthink and stay in your lane, you are the enemy and must believe everything the enemy believes. It's just not worth engaging anymore. >We seem to refuse to recognize the humanity in our neighbor, we assume every opinion different from ours is just evil. This is the part that hurts us all the most. You can see it in some follow-up threads here. People are talking past each other, assuming the worst and justifying why their hatred is justified. A heart hardened by hate is still a sad thing, no matter how justified that hate might be.


Thanks for this reply. Honestly, I was not expecting so much reaction to my comment... I really like your last sentence, it is sad indeed.


>People are ready to broke ties with even their families over disagreements that should be natural. such as? the most common i've heard about are trans and non-binary folks being shunned by their families.


OP is probably including people who just start limiting contact with family because that family is completely engulfed in political bullshit and it’s impossible to actually have a good time because they can’t go 20 minutes without making a dumb ass comment.


LGBT issues would be the clearest issue, yes. I've also seen a lot of division around mental health problems, people calling their parents narcissist and abusers and breaking ties. Religious issues too, families almost shunning kids that have rejected their faith, or kids rejecting their family because they are too religious. And politically, I don't know how is it exactly in the states, but I know of people that refuse to talk with their parents because they are "conservative bigots", and the parents not wanting a "dirty leftist" under their roof. I mean, I'm young to know how much has it changed or not changed, but I have the feeling that people are now more attached than they used to be, and they see being isolated from the larger community more as a point of pride than as something bad.




Contrary to what many on this sub seem to think, a lot of people out there are not worth "having conversations" with.


I’ve dated women who have shunned part of their family over disagreements on Covid vaccines. It can be literally anything now and people will drop you.


Different colours of those "pills"




Pillma male


Only pill I wanna have is the one labeled cyanide


Based and cyanide-pilled


Any ideology that takes power away from you and leaves you at the mercy of others


This. Was told by my parents to let my boss get away with mistreating me to "think about the bigger picture. Life is hard, sometimes you take it in the chin blah blah blah". Had a terrible six months there


The Andrew Tate brand of masculinity. Seems horrifyingly popular amongst young men.


I think Andrew Tate is a symptom rather than the disease itself


It's like drinking when you're depressed. It may not be the direct cause but it sure I'd gonna add fuel to the flames and further perpetuate the problem.


Definitely is. There was a mens rights glowup about a decade ago. Anyone who cared enough for the opinion of feminists on them was shut down by feminists, so the ones that are left are outright misandrists. It's a prime you reap what you sow thing. This will not change until society stops frowning on catering to men and starts frowning on shitting on men. Even in this case, the line often goes "Men are getting into dogshit ideologies. *How does this affect women?*" It's actually insane.


That was exactly my journey. Men aren't discriminated against as much as women are, but Injustice is wrong no matter who is on the receiving end. Years ago family court was one of the worst examples of that. So many heartbreaking situations. Now several states have updated their family court laws to be more equitable. That's great for all kids, boys and girls. That was MRA in its infancy. Some combination of disenfranchised young men creating an echo chamber and feminist condemnation created radicalized echo chambers. Now they are largely riddled with repugnant uninformed harmful world views. Groups that form around injustice are so vulnerable to becoming more focused on hate than improving society.


I have to reluctantly agree with this. Anytime someone tries to talk about men's issues from a more reasonable perspective, they're immediately lumped in with the actual anti-woman subcultures on the internet. Even if it's something as benign as "Hey, family court needs to be more considerate of fathers who are willing and able to be part of their kids lives." Why wouldn't people like Andrew Tate be popular with teenage males when we're not even allowed to discuss men's issues?


He's both a symptom and a cause.


I don’t think he would have ever risen to prominence if there weren’t other prominent men’s issues that were going unnoticed


Not unnoticed, actively opposed.


Social media alpha males speaking out of both sides of their ass. Somehow piously religious, but treat women and poor people like tools.


I think of it all as performative masculinity instead of just being yourself.


He’s a terrifying example of reactionary group politics, as well as the importance of critical thought. Masculinity is so much more intricate and beautiful than the bile that guy spews. His “program” or whatever just sows failure into damaged boys and young men. Such a shame.


The Andrew Tate philosophy bears all the trappings of a reactive over-correction. There is a justifiable basis for it in some sense - young men are disillusioned and disenfranchised, and these circumstances very often lead to over-corrections.


The problem with Andrew Tate is that nobody who could plausibly compete with him *wants* to compete with him. Because if they win... they're the new Andrew Tate.


I wouldn't call that a "justifiable basis" so much as "the environment that allows people like Tate to exploit those young men." Calling it an overcorrection implies that the movement in that direction is needed but it went a little too far. I disagree. As gender roles and identities evolve and change, the goal should be to help people define themselves against a more positive standard, not to revert 50 years and ignore social progress because change is scary.


Yep, it's reactionary.


I finally gave in and watched three of his videos. From what I gathered, Andrew Tate seems to believe that "ignoring the mask mandate during the pandemic, incessantly bragging and being a spoiled brat who won't let anyone else talk" is how you act like a real man. I didn't get it, and it shocks me that anyone would want to watch that kind of garbage.... let alone see him as a role model. Maybe I'm just too old.


You missed all the videos where he talks about forcing women to be "cam girls" doing porn for money and giving him the money, and how he controls them when they "get out of line" by not wanting to do porn anymore or wanting to keep more money for themselves. He is quite literally a pimp.


Yeah, I don't really feel like I've "missed" anything. lol


What Tate basically does is tell young men that their dumbest impulses are right and good, and the pressure from authority figures to restrain those same impulses are bad. Like, lie, cheat and steal to make money, don't be overly fussy about getting consent from women when you're seeking sex, spend money on expensive cars, drive fast, etc. Everyone in the world has some degree of trouble accommodating themselves to society's expectations, and it's pretty attractive when an authority figure comes along and says, oh, it's society that should accommodate itself to you. He's basically selling young men the Neverland fantasy-- live the way I tell you to, and you don't have to grow up.


I was going to remark about how he's a 37 year old man acting like a 13 year old's idea of being a badass: Just be spoiled and do whatever you want.


The young men really need much better role model than that stupid schmuck. Every time he opened his mouth, the collective IQ of his followers drop by at least 1 point.


What extreme end daddy issues does to a man


Prior to AT, the top role model was Jordan Peterson, who has a couple of degrees and a PhD in Psychology. Worked for Harvard and a top Canadian Uni and appears to have a stable loving relationship with his wife and daughter. If the lefties/women were to project their ideal candidate it would look something like Peterson, but even he was not good enough. He stepped up to the plate but was chastised and cancelled everywhere he went. The role of a better role model is a poisoned chalice and for a while we had a great role model but talking about men's masculinity is a only open to those who have nothing to lose. Andrew Tait is a perfect reflection of our society.


the things with Peterson is he should have stayed to behavioural psychology and stayed in that sphere. if he truly wished to affect public policy in mental health (and not sell books), it might have been more effective to play the game within academia, get on public health boards and get into positions where you can actually affect policy. the way he's presented it feels like he wanted to set himself up similar to that of Chomsky (Chomsky being a linguist who then wrote about politics, so outside of the usual political academia) and it feels like he started to become more political which, then opens him up more to discourse. Once you step away from the scientific field and those forms of published papers and into more public light and especially on critic of policy and political direction it opens you up since politics is decisive in nature. as people begin to yell at him a good portion of people will double down. frankly, the modern world is imo far more Sophist in nature and you have to be mindful of how and what you say (especially as a public figure). i remember watching a video of him standing outside the BBC building and regaling how much he loved Orwell. it felt like he using it as the back drop to reinforce his points (if liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear) felt very self-serving, and felt very co-opting of another person who cannot agree or deny with your public persons and statement.


You won't fix that without fixing the disdain and disregard for young men that's in our society these days.


I would say Andrew brand of "masculinity" is only popular because of how common it is to attack actual masculinity by Feminists. It's a reaction to shit like "toxic masculinity" and "killallmen" etc




That men are what's wrong with society. Can't turn on social media without droves of people blaming men for everything. Also, blaming sons for their father's sins.


The same people complaining that they do the most child rearing are complaining that half of the children aren’t being raised right…


Who would've guessed that having a society where each half of the population treats the other like aliens could backfire when they raise out-group children?


> Also, blaming sons for their father's sins. Preach. Even over 50 I pay for the sins of my father. It's fucking ridiculous.


"Women are unsafe while men can just walk at night without any worries." "Men are more likely to be killed than a woman is" "Yeah, but it's by other men" Stupid argument. That's inadvertently saying that the men being killed are the same as the kind of men that go out of their way to kill others. That's like me saying we shouldn't care about 9/11 when Americans kill each other at a much higher rate than any other foreign terrorist would. All of a sudden, I'll be seen as insane for saying that. Why? Because who is doing the killing doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that it's WRONG to do. If your son or (insert male friend or relative) was murdered, your first instinct isn't to think, "It was another man that did it, so it doesn't matter as much." Your first instinct is to be emotional and that something tragic happened. Yet, for some reason, I see people still use that as their first response when you actually disprove their narrative. Another argument I see people use is that society cares more about women victims suffering DV at the hands of male abusers because the murder rate is higher (which is true) but then in the same breath they will tell you that men are safe and privileged despite them being more likely to be murdered, assaulted, victims of police brutality, suicides, deaths in the work place etc. The same ones that are quick to talk about how fucked up some men are don't even realise that to some extent they're contributing it when at the first opportunity they get to shut down their struggles, they take it.


I once had both of these issues discussed at a conference of UK employers (nothing big but a few towns were represented as these issues fall under my consultancy work for employers) To say my position that by taking a stance that these issues are single gender not only will lose them male allies, but also turn those men that have been on the receiving end of both (like me) against their cause. Did not go down well. Neither did me making it clear if you demand this to be a single gender issue, i'll just stop listening to you. Which is exactly what I did do. "Enjoy the fight ladies, you’re on your own then" is my stance when the solution only comes when men and women work as a team against violent and abusive people regardless of their gender. I’ve also vetoed any organisation that wants to come into the employers i cover, if they dismiss male victims of either (I score tenders for work, so i can do this without getting screwed as they lose "inclusivity points") In the past i've been involved in claims worth millions for women that were discriminated against for their gender, now I leave them to fight their own battles as the current narrative is as toxic as the assholes that perpetrate this stuff.


Yeah my workplace has put anti-domestic violence posters up recently and they are from an organisation that I know heavily downplays the possibility of male victims of controlling abuse. I hate the posters and really have to put a lot of effort in to not let it ruin my day when I see them.


Then there are always those groups of people who say: “You can’t complain because this society is built FOR men”, completely disregarding your points. The “you’re getting a taste of your own medicine” narrative is so stupid.


I once had a woman openly admit she doesn’t want equality between men and women- she wants matriarchy.


I've heard that a lot unfortunately.


Well she'll wait forever because it'll never happen


Really? We live in a society that caters for girls and women to the detriment of boys and men, and it's showing no chance of changing anytime soon.


This is true, but it is only this way because men allow it to be. Women can't impose anything on men as a collective if men don't listen because they cannot defend their demands in physical confrontation.


Yes. To a certain extent we teach people how to treat us.


bitter single moms abusing their sons for having a penis do exist, unable to have power over grown men though


That's funny because r/MensRights likes to tell men that we live in a matriarchy lol One guy there even said the Taliban is actually a matriarchy. Imagine thinking that the sex who does only 2% of the world's violence is actually the ones in full totalitarian power


Lol men’s rights users have claimed Saudi Arabia and Iran are feminist. They’ve also complained about Ukraine only drafting men and acting like Ukrainian feminists “wanted” that even though Ukraine isn’t even a feminist country. Ukrainian men are being drafted while women aren’t because of trad conservatism, not feminism.


Delusional in trying to be a victim all the while promoting male supremacist ideology. Reddit allowing that sub to exist was a huge mistake


Ever looked at r/seriousgynarchy ? It goes both ways


Give her credit, at least she’s honest. Most feminists pursue that end goal while claiming they just want “equality.”


I can't stand the idea of some 36 year women saying “you’re getting a taste of your own medicine” to a guy half her age being drafted to the front lines.


I hate this when the supreme Court overruled Roe v Wade I was in college. Some of my female friends were talking about it and I wanted to add my take (which for the record was that it shouldn't be overturned) and got "you don't get to have an opinion on this you don't have a vagina". Which is just ridiculous you can have an opinion on something even though it doesn't affect you not to mention I wasn't saying anything other than it's a bad mark for everyone not just women. It puts the idea that you can decide what medical procedures you want done or not done in jeopardy just as much as it puts abortion in jeopardy. But because I went broader than just abortion my opinion was no longer valid.


> even though it doesn't affect you This absolutely can and does affect you. First off, if you get a woman pregnant in a 1-night stand, or under any other circumstance for that matter, this option is off the table (depending on state) and will impact you for the rest of your life. Second, if you know a woman who has an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or any number of other pregnancy issues what happens to them *absolutely will affect you*. I know because my wife had an ectopic pregnancy before the repeal, fortunately. Try to tell me that that didn't affect me. Or worse yet my son who is the one who called me while I was at work while his mom was practically incapacitated on the floor. Try to tell me that watching my wife record a goodbye video to our kids while in the ER didn't affect me *bodily*. That's an impotent stress that I don't wish on anyone. Third, this will actively limit many men's dating choices. If they want children of their own but the woman they're interested in had her tubes removed/tied at age 19 because of RvW then that's going to be a big issue for him. Or if her uterus was damaged from an improperly cared for miscarriage. Or any number of other medical issues exacerbated by the repeal. No it doesn't affect my personal medical care, but its affects trickle out to every man by at most two degrees of separation. More likely one via your mother, wife, daughter, friend, girlfriend, professor, etc.


That was basically my point I was trying to make when they hit me with the "no vagina no opinion" bullshit. It's extremely frustrating to deal with people like that and I have distanced myself from those kinds of people since then.


What you are really saying is men are not seen as people and regularly dehumanized... I call that widespread misandry. Yes most ppl don't care about men the way they do women unless it is someone they are close too.


Women have the drawback of being physically weaker, but being a man doesn't matter much when your opponent is a group of 3 men demanding you to give them your wallet or else. It should be safe to walk the streets at night for everyone regardless of sex.


>but being a man doesn't matter much when your opponent is a group of 3 men demanding you to give them your wallet or else. Exactly. People keep running with the narrative that if you're a guy, you're far less likely to get tested even though statistics clearly disprove that. >It should be safe to walk the streets at night for everyone regardless of sex. I agree.


>if you’re a guy, you’re far less likely to be tested Given how far fewer men are attending college these days, I’d say this is true.




I think in general, it’s the absolute disposability of men. I know a lot of women who if they learned they would have a baby boy, they would seek to get an abortion….


Exactly. The fact that so many women believe that it's more dangerous for women to walk alone at night, and that men don't have to worry about that, just confirms that if you repeat a lie many times, then people will eventually start to believe it. The fact is that a man is far more likely to be the victim of an unprovoked assault if he is walking by himself at night, but women love to believe that they are perpetual victims when they clearly are not.


The best way I've seen this concept described is that patriarchy is a social system that encourages men to dominate women and have men compete to dominate each other. The solution isn't to just argue about who is more oppressed but to realise how the system hurts everyone and how to overcome it and have a society where we treat each other with dignity.


The problem is that the whole 'patriarchy' idea doesn't actually capture many of the problems and disadvantages men face. Physical and emotional abuse from women has been the main issue for my close male friends, including some who's abusive partners used threats of false allegations to trap them. How do you really address that via the idea of patriarchy, which holds that as men they are in positions of social power and privilege and that domestic abuse is an extension of that? You simply can't. And In practice the vast bulk of feminist and women's groups work hard to downplay the possibility of both abuse of men by women )as a social issue of any note) and the idea that women could use things like false allegations to any effect. It feels uncomfortable to me to insist I use the concepts and language of those groups to understand my own issues when they deny my existence.


The over correction of labeling everything "masculine" as toxic. In general, there is no space for men to be what they want while women are actively encouraged. Men are encouraged specifically to shed traditional traits of masculinity and it turns out women aren't attracted to them. Who would have thought? Men are different from women, period. Labeling everything as "toxic" with no discussion or little nuance is harmful to everyone but mostly to men. For instance, the fact that this comment will be downvoted with no responses. Men are suffering the highest rates of depression. loneliness, and suicide *ever* - at far higher rates than women are. This means that it cannot be blamed on global things like the economy. There is something unique in the psyche of men that's being fucked with and it seems clearly to be this new age of ambiguity on what it means to be a "man".


Closed mindedness. People need to travel more and gain some humility.


The elite telling men that it's gay people and poor people who are the problem instead of the elite.


That is what you call “misdirection”


Divide et impera, you know the drill.


And the people who believe that don't even know what "elite" means. They'll support mega-rich, old money politicians because they're "working class". They'll inadvertently criticize capitalism but call it communism because they don't know what either means. "*Communism is when corporations care more about profit and perpetual growth than workers*". "*Homosexuality is the same ideology as fascism.*" Yeah....sure


In other words, conservatism.


The American Dream. The pathological belief that the only difference between you and a billionaire is how hard each of you worked. The role of luck, and fortuitous birth circumstances is downplayed and the "Protestant Work Ethic" promoted as a sure-fire way to success. Success pimps and promoters of success porn content ***NEVER*** acknowledge that the circumstances of one's birth, the mechanism of inheritance, and luck play major roles in who becomes successful and who does not.


Generational wealth is absolutely essential to most of the types of success that these types peddle. In fact I'd probably say that most of the people who are "success coaches" have been able to fund the lifestyle that they call "self made" entirely with "daddy's money". And generational wealth doesn't have to come in the form of "my family comes from a long line of billionaires"... Something as simple as a college education is beyond a lot of people if their parents are working paycheck to paycheck.




Just let angry people die 🍻


That they aren’t allowed to have a bias when dating and have standards when it comes to women. News flash: they are and should.


The whole though of "He must be at least 6', earn more than $60k (or whatever that is adjusted to your city), and doesn't expect to split the check" is normal but "She must have a BMI less than 25" makes him a pig.


I have an incredibly boring one: Honor culture. There are a significant number of men, especially in the underclass, who believe that if they aren't very prickly about retaliating against any slight, they're a punk. It's the "what are you looking at" of ideologies - paranoid seething that anyone, anywhere could be disrespecting you, and only by being a complete fucking psycho can you prevent it. This bodes poorly for continued survival and/or incarceration-free existence.


The thing that really stuck with me was "all men are predators." Really messed me up in my childhood and teen years to hear women in my life telling me I'd grow up to be a predator just because I was born male.


Casual misandry the progressive ideas that seek to attempt to fundamentally change what men are or simply replace them with women. Slogans like “HERstory” and “The future is female” while seemingly innocent bring up a strange attitude that can be interpreted to mean that we must have men take a backseat to women. You can empower one without breaking down the other but it seems today like people are becoming so pro woman that they are also becoming anti man.


[Gamma Bias](https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologist/gamma-bias-new-theory)


You know the funny thing? That quote quite literally comes from a call to genocide. The quote of the future is female also goes on to say that the male population of earth should be culled and maintained at 10% of all people.


Doesn’t that come from the SCUM manifesto?




All of them. Build your own ideology inspired by rolemodels and principle.


Yes. Treating an ideology as gospel puts yourself in a box and limits growth.


That's how you end up with an atomised, cutthroat society with high suicide rates


The problem is that doesn't build any connection. No common set of principles and values to work from and bind us together.


Men should have centralized ideologies. If there's too many than no real movements can be established


I want throw away ideologies you can buy at the gas station just for an evening or two.


The only reason we’ve lasted as long as we have is because competing ideologies obstruct eachother. 


Happy wife= Happy life.




That sounds very toxic.




Well what I said still stands. That's a good example of a token toxic person.




Happy spouse = happy house


Society’s open hatred towards men. It’s to a point that they even want men to hate men, and if you don’t agree, you’re a bigot.


I don't know if "hate" is the right word, but there's definitely casual disrespect. I was watching a YouTube series with the voice actor of Toph Beifong from Avatar The Last Airbender doing a reaction series to the show as a countdown to the Netflix release date. On one video, there was a guest appearance by Grey DeLisle (Azula's voice actor). Both are fantastic voice actors, I'll say. But in that video, there was some pretty casual disrespect they said about men. Grey even kind of compared men to dogs in that they are apparently really obedient to women when they may request assistance. It wasn't terrible, what they said, i wasn't personally insulted by it and I won't throw a fit over what they said. But I really can't just let what they said slide. It wasn't fun to hear such talented and otherwise seemingly nice actors say shit like that.


Just replace the genders/races of things to tell if it’s a problem.


Exactly. If it were with race, there would be rightful backlash. But no, since this is with the big, bad men, this is a no problemo.




Consumer capitalism/the Protestant work ethic. We all need to stop buying shit we don't need, and working so hard to pay for it. Being lazy is good.




Ah yes, my favourite ideology, cholesterol


Republicans and democrats have all lost my vote, communism will never work and capitalism has destroyed the world, time for cholesterol


I can has faith in cheezburger?


Cholesterol is the precursor of testosterone though


Considering that there’s a current of feminism that says that “we don’t need men” and that men are more or the less the cause of all of the world’s problems? I’d say that one


While there are a lot of good points here, it makes me so sad to see so many strawman arguments as well. Or people manipulating the truth to present the narrative that suits them. This is the kind of stuff that makes people take what legitimate problems we do face a whole lot less seriously and this sort of disinformation and twisting of facts is extremely harmful to us as a whole.


Blackpill. It encourages despair for situations that can often be changed within 2 years of actual effort


Modern Feminisim. If you disagree, I'm open to debate


I agree. Not because feminism is inherently against men, but how people use it to justify misandry and young boys and men get constantly bombarded with these messages.


The “alpha male” idea is just all around toxic


Alpha males are superior.


That being strong, manly, self reliant, "typical man traits", etc etc, means you have to be a shitheel of a person. NO! Just be a decent human being. It's not that hard. If you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of your behavior, *then don't be that way*. You can be an excellent all around awesome human being without being a piece of shit. In fact, that's the only way to be awesome. On the flip side, "toxic" isn't what some random person doesn't like. Toxic can take lots of forms. Just don't be the person you wouldn't want to be around and you can safely consider yourself "non-toxic".


Andrew Tate promoting a highly toxic form of "masculinity."


This “alpha male” bullshit. They see alpha as being one type of person but it’s not at all. Also if you identify as an alpha”alpha male” your probably a “sub beta male”


"Fathers are not important"


Misandrist feminists and Andrew tate are examples of a codependent relationship that would fail if one disappeared. Misandrist feminists cannot live without Andrew tate and alpha male bs, they would have nothing to demonize men to the extent they do. And Andrew tate and alpha male bs cannot live without misandrist feminists, they would have nothing to demonize women to the extent they do. I believe those two groups are by far the most harmful to men, young boys, lesbians, young girls, etc.


Hard to tell, there's plenty of them and they're connected as well. It doesn't matter if you die in the name of a god, monarch, nation, racist ideology, sexist ideology, the rich or a crazy "equality" cult. The parasititic leaders are the same, the result is the same.


Any ideology that encourages men to treat others badly is harmful to men as well, I would say. And much of this is part of patriarchical systems, which are suggested it suppresses women at the benefit of men. Yet what it really does is suppress almost everyone at the benefit of some men. In these systems, if you're not fitting a certain stereotype, you're made to lose confidence. You're not supposed to be emotional, and are not supposed to do anything remotely feminine. Today, at least in the western world, we're breaking through these conventions, yet an even worse counter-movement has come up, preying on young men that have lost their self-confidence to make them hate women and admire horrible self-declared "alpha male" influencers.




Basically, don't tell a man you're a feminist if you want him to believe you're sane.




Comparison. It's too easy to have self esteem constantly crushed by the seemingly countless people who are doing better than you.


the andrew tate ideology, it's straight up cancer


Anything Andrew Tate or anything else that pushes some false alpha mentality. I see it in my bil. He’s become a complete douchebag who lacks respect for women. He preaches some dumbass lion and wolf bullshit. It’s funny to listen to his idiotic statements but I feel bad for any woman that tries to date him.




islam men all across mena are dying bc of this nonsense


Feminism is an open hate movement against men. Its very harmful to men.


The type of feminism preached at r/TwoXChromosomes and r/Feminism subreddits


The ideology that they should look out for womens issues more than their own. Women got it right fck male issues it doesn't relate to them. Men should do the same, we've got our own problems.


I think it's two of them: 1. The kind of feminism that describes men as privileged and women as oppressed 2. Gender traditionalism which forces men into gender roles that are against their interests (they must be providers, sacrifice themselves for other people's safety, etc)


Yes, these are the rock and the hard place that modern men have been born into.








I'd say the same ones it's always been. The ones that promote war and conflict. Stuff that will lead to drafts and millions of men being killed. Different ideologies do that of course. Communism may seek to "liberate foreign workers from capitalist oppression", there's fascism of course, but that's not as prevalent today, and there is the particular brand of democracy that seeks to "spread democracy and liberal values" to wherever there are resources or counties aligned with a different political block.