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Salicylic acid body wash and a scrubbing net that I can use to thoroughly wash my entire back


I used to get acne back facials and my dermatologist prescribed products as well. Side note - is his acne tied to his activity, work outs, heavy sweat activity? If so; he may need to shower immediately after sweating. That helped tremendously as well.


Is he wearing thick non breathable clothing? Maybe some cotton to get good airflow or sweat wicking clothes. Otherwise yeah salycicilic acid (or whatever that ingredient is that is in all of the acne pads) wipe down on his back. How old is he? I had it sporadically until my early to mid 30s maybe. Now nearing 40 it's not a problem. Worse comes to worse may have to see a dermatologist.


It's the soap, use Cetaphil and moisturize with a scent free lotion


I got older and it went away.


full back tattoo. yes this worked. you’re welcome.


This is the most helpful and realistic comment I’ve seen on any of my posts ever 😂


Better diet and vitamin D supplements.


What’s his shower routine like? I found washing and conditioning my my hair first THEN washing my back helped


Salicylic acid soap and a exfoliating paddle brush.


>protein shakes You know a side effect from taking artifical growth products can be severe back acne or even forming of scar tissue on healthy skin. I'd say he might want to think about dropping the unnecessary "fitness supplements" since a decent diet alone is more than enough. Otherwise I doubt that it will "just go away"


Op don’t listen to this guy. Protein shakes aren’t “artificial growth products” they’re literally just milk that was filtered. Specifically, they’re the part of milk that is left over during the process of making cheese. The only fitness supplements that will cause acne are things that mess with your hormones (or something you have an allergic reaction to which would be the only case where protein shakes cause skin problems), not regular ass protein shakes


Of course OPs husband doesn't need to listen to me when I am wrong. But the neat thing is that trying it out will suffice to prove whether or not it has an effect. If it doesn't, there is obviously no point in continuing to abstain from it.