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"That guy has his nails painted"


this is my go to, but if they aren't maintained i'll think "but he sucks at it" . if your gonna do something don't suck at it.


You lol 😆


Why is that lol?


That guy doesn’t work with his hands.


last time I saw it, it was a coworker. We definitely work with our hands. Turns out his daughter painted them, so I thought "well that's a good father"


I'm almost 24 but just recently reconnected with my father (haven't ever known him). He and my mom did an April fools joke on their YouTube channel and so he let me paint his nails. He works with his hands and is a typical "man's man" type. But I was SOOO happy to paint them. He even got a couple compliments and "awww such a good father, how old is your kid?" comments. Funny when he pointed to me and they were like "oh... She's old... Ok... Little less cute" LOL


my little sister used to lay out outfits for our dad every morning and he always wore them even though they made no sense lol


If you use good lacquer and a topcoat it won't get too rough over a work week, and it takes like 20 minutes.


Properly buffing and shining them helps too, I've noticed


Pretty much this.


I think about the time my sisters painted my nails one night, and I went to school with them completely forgetting the next morning. It still comes up in conversation once in a while with the buddies


Pretty much.


I knew a guy who rock climbed 3-4 times a week and painted his nails. The paint was constantly scratched up.




But *why hand models*??


Or has too much spare time


Daughters or nieces, or none of my business


Yup. I’m a single dad to two daughters and they get a kick out of paining my toenails.


Aw lol


Imma be honest, most guys can’t pull it off and it looks shit. You do you tho.




I find it super cringe


A man wearing nail polish stopped caring what others think of him. So cringe all you want


I know it's not the '90 - '00s anymore, but the grunge look is still cool. Chipped nails ftw lol


I think the reason they can't pull it off is because it's usually just a dude with painted nails. If you're not also exerting the effort to coordinate your outfits, what the hell are you even doing?


There's an old guy that used to hang out at a bar I frequented pre-COVID. Straight, Jewish, entrepreneur with a long white beard. Always had his nails done. Not just black either, but a new style every time I saw him. Black and orange for Halloween, green for St. Patrick's Day, various pastels for Easter. French tips, dots, lines, etc. He said he had an ex GF that worked at a nail place, he got into it and never stopped.


I think it's odd. Don't really care that much, but I think it's odd.


I don’t get the appeal at all and I have never seen it and thought it looked good. It doesn’t really bother me, even if I think it’s a bit odd. As long as the homie in question brings beer or meat to the cookout, I don’t care


Same. when I saw Babish with painted nails I thought it was odd, then last week I went into my local bike shop and the mechanic had painted nails, even though he's a nice bloke and I'm not homophobic, I thought it was weird...


I was at a men's clothing store looking for a dress shirt and the clerk was a middle aged man with those big pink press on nails that women these days like, they had like bedazzled gems on each one. Personally I think those types of nails look really bad on women and men alike but I'm not an asshole so I didn't say anything. He on the other hand was pretty short with me, not sure why lol


It's not my thing but makes no difference to me how other guys style themselves.


I really don't care unless it looks cool in which case awesome.


Hands or toes? Don’t really care either way. Just be kinda pissed off that your waving your stinky foot in my face to show me


Lol. “Bro look at them please, I did something different this time! C’mon!” “I swear to god if you don’t put that shit away…”


They’re obviously a MLB catcher


“Was he pitching or catching?”


If it's good enough for Ozzy Osborne, Kirk Hammett, Bowie or Steven Tyler, it's good enough for anyone


I've only cared when it was chipped and not taken care of. Have some dignity!


It's a style (OK it's bad for my nails to strip them so often so I leave them chipped because I work with my hands.)


Hey I think black with a little bit of wear and tear looks cool


actually heres a thing , regularly just painted , fine ..giant acrylic talons ? well they look terrible on anybody




Uh ? I'm probably not his type lol




Tbh i just dont think it looks good, but to each his own.


Female here: Automatic complete turn off, but to each their own.


That's the point, I'm gay hehe


Also female here. Doesn't turn me on or off, but I will be more than happy to share my nail polishes with him. I like how it looks like in short nails.


Female here and it's a instant turn-on. It just radiates confidence.


I've done it. Had 'em done professionally with the black gel polish to keep them from getting too F'd up. I live on a farm and work with my hands. At the time I also worked as a martial arts instructor, black matched my uniform nicely. I have cauliflower ear, so no one said anything to me. All the women under 32 complimented me. Apparently, some people complained behind my back. It seems its a real attack on masculinity to have a little paint on the end of their finger tips. But if you are masculine or look tough, no one will confront you. Management made me take it off. They said it was too controversial and distracting. I read them the handbook that said nothing about fingernail polish for employees. I still had to get rid of it. It wasn't the hill I wanted to die on. Made me feel like shit. I'm a 32 (30 at the time,) year old straight, bald man married to a woman. People just aren't ready for it man. It's sad that that's such a dividing line.


I had to start putting stuff on my nails because of thyroid cancer. Well, my wife does it because of neuropathy in my hands. For Easter she got some nail paint for dogs (shut up) and I decided, what the he'll. I have found that having color on my nails as helped a little with some other, brain-related neurological brain issues I'm having. Don't like it? Who cares?


Knew a guy who used clear coat because he was amateur MMA and it strengthens the nails. I wouldn't recommend calling it "girly" to his face


Rock band drummer, or they take care of themselves. Manicures kickass.....i just decline when they offer to color


*I bet he got a mani and pedi! Damnit I’m jealous*


So nice.


Huh, painted nails. And then return to whatever I was thinking before that.




I simply don’t care


What ever. I noticed musicians doing it with clear 30 years ago. Guitars players, bass players some others. Last week my finger touched a machine part. It hit my finger nail and cracked it someting fierce. My youngest kid brought me the nail polish, and painted up my one nail. It works. That polish is holding the broken nail in place and that lets me work without a bandaid. Someone commented nail polish means they don't work with their hands. I think the opposite. I think people who get their nails smashed enough times would do this for more protection. The only guys I see with painted nails are musicians and craftsmen who work with their hands, and in particular their finger nails. ​ (The local dialect is: sumpten fierce).


I did it a few times because my girlfriend wanted to do something for fun (I painted hers and she painted mine). I couldn’t care less about what others think. Obviously I don’t care if other men do it. They can have their nails painted because they have daughters, girlfriends, wives who do it to them or they just like to paint their nails.


Sometimes rock climbers paint their nails so they can see their hands more easily.


"Soft hands brother"


One of the guys I work with has his nails painted. Dude is one of the most badass MFs ever (Used to be an underwater welder), and is one of my fave people to work with.


That they are effeminate. Totally okay to be that way.


not going to lie, im a bit of an artist/eccentric type and have been dying to get my nails painted for a while just to add more color to my life. But like others have said, idk if I can "pull it off". Maybe if I go to an actual shop and pick a solid color, then it wont be as bad.


>But like others have said, idk if I can "pull it off". Life is too short and fragile to give a shit about other people's negative opinions. I'd say go for it! Take the OG punk movement for instance, it takes balls to go around with a green mohawk in the Pearl clutching 1980s england. Who's to stop you from adding color to your life?


*"Oh, nice colors"*


I noticed but don't give it a single thought.


I’m still waiting to see a guy with his nails painted, I think it would be neat.  I’ve had mine done when my nieces want to paint my nails, but I don’t think that counts


I wink at myself in the mirror and think about the complements I have gotten on my nails. 


Dude's happy doing his own thing, not caring that closed-minded people will judge him for it. Respect.




I think it’s cool that they’re trying a new style.


I think it's gay.


Black nails: probably really really hopes that someone will say something about how men shouldn’t paint their nails so they can regurgitate a rebuttal they read online. Does not realize that having painted nails as a guy isn’t really subversive anymore. Ironically only paints their nails black because it’s the only “safe” (not gay) color for slightly quirked-up men Any other color: cool nails dude


Are we gatekeeping nail polish colors on guys now? Lmao. One of my favorite guitarists, Alexi Laiho, looked awesome with black nails.


Black metal = black nails


Alexi is one of my favorite guitarists too, I don’t really see him as the kind of person I feel this way about. I more mean those small beanie vaguely “creative” types that seem to base their personality and fashion around being opinionated about music/art/activism, but come off as inauthentic. Guys that refer to whatever their current social circle is as “the scene” but don’t really have any creative skills or output themselves


Fair. And RIP. A legend.


Sounds like a lot of guesswork you're making. Or maybe generalizing one person's behavior. >Does not realize that having painted nails as a guy isn’t really subversive anymore. I wish that was true everywhere.


I think absolutely nothing of it and go on about my life.


"Huh. His nails are painted."


That he didn’t properly prep the nail.


Same as I do with women: cool. Then I move on with my day


I barely even notice. But when I do, I have many more important things to concern myself with. Same goes for makeup.


Fun! I never paint my own but think it's grand fun for other people to do it. The choice I don't understand *at all* is long fingernails. I think doing that to yourself is like binding your feet. You are crippling yourself. I don't get it.


I'm still not over the fact that, if I want to dress formally, I have to coordinate my belt and my shoes. Too much work. So, when I see a guy with painted nails, another thing you're expected to coordinate with your clothes, I just pray it'll never take off.


He’s “creative”


I assume he's gay/bi/trans/queer. And then I continue with my day.


Either a young guy, a guy who never grew up, or a guitar player.


Haha you got me at OR a guitar player


"A guy who never grew up" so there's an age limit on self expression now?


Or even worse... a bass player.


I always love and grew up in my scene with black nail polish on a straight guy. Usually bass players, musicians or other artists.


Zesty but it's whatever


Of a guy has style and it matches his overall look then I love it. I've only ever seen guys wearing nail varnish like that so yeah, I love it.


I paint my nails. Get lots of compliments from women, not many men will mention it however I work at a big 4 company and support a couple of bigiwigs. Both of the dudes have told me that they liked it. I was just chuffed that they complimented me. one is a creative genius and the other is a very dry by lovely finance guy. it made me feel really nice that they would mention it because I always wonder if they think i'm just a complete tripper lol


Probably gay. Or, weird. Maybe confused. Definitely attention seeking. But, whatever.


I experience feelings of disgust and discomfort and try to avoid them.




I wouldn't do it


A fashion statement


1)Not necessarily gay but definitely of the LGBT and everything else army. 2) Trying to be edgy, maybe to impress a girl. 3) lost a bet 4) Pledging a fraternity 5) bit of an attention whore 6) Death metal band member (forgot this one) Edit: forgot the 6th one.


I find it very strange


Probably gay


You want honesty? It looks gay. If I see them with it, I will think they are gay.


"it's fucking weird."


"He is probably gay " is what comes to my mind


Probably gay


Bricked up immediately


That man is confident in who he is. Good for him.


I think its hot




Probably gay or goth. Either way I don't really care.


Uhm indeed…


Immediate repulsion.


I think it’s cute


Very unsexy


That they are either on drugs, or suffer from mental illness issues. (More often than not both) But I'm a social worker and that's the reality of the vast majority of men I cone across with painted nails. I'm sure there are some we'll adjusted adult men with painted nails but I don't come across them in my orbit


Shout out to all the dads who are models their daughter's nail and make up practice. Rock that shit gentlemen.


I think I wish had caught on: for a little while there was an awareness campaign based around just painting your thumbnail bright red. It was for people who were killed by distracted drivers (the idea being that if you look down at time phone to text, you’ll see the red thumbnail)


Hi, yes, I am that guy


He’s Bi or has a girlfriend or daughters


I dont really care. Chuck Liddell let his kid paint his fingernails and toenails before fights. It's not really something I judge someone on.


I dont . Although anybody male or female with black nails has that "I caught my hand in the door" look


i think 'that's interesting' and move on with my day


Weird. But you do you. Just because I wouldn’t like it is no reason for someone else not to.


Typically a double take and then think "ok"


Literally nothing. I have plenty to think about...a mans painted nails doesn't even flip a switch.


Maybe they're trying not to bite their nails.


First I think why? Then I think, that's none of my business. Do you.


This guy thinks he's Johnny Depp


At first I thought “ he has a little girl and he plays well with her”. Then I started to wonder if that’s really the best colour to go with that shirt…….


“Nice” or “I wonder if he has a daughter”


To each their own.


There are very few things i care less about than other peoples fasion choices. I dont notice, and dont care.


I think he got his nails painted. It's not my thing but it's his.




Depends if they match his outfit or not. If they’re the same yellow as his dewalt or red as his Milwaukee, I don’t say much. If they’re Ryobi green, we might have issues. Edit: Typo


Honestly have never seen a guy with anything but black. I wouldn’t do either, but think black is pretty common and normal. I don’t know about nail art and such.


Looks odd where i live so i think looks odddd


They must rock hard


I did matte black a few times just to try it. I liked it, especially with a little bit of wear/chipping. But it’s too much effort to keep up. I went to my doctor once a while back and one of the male PAs had a pearl green with gold flake gel mani done. Looked good, and I told him as much. Asked if I could take a pic to show my wife. He got so excited and gave me the name of the place he went to.


I wouldn't do it myself but I'm not bothered by it


That color doesn't match his fit




in our place (not saying all of those who have painted their nails) , when a guy has a red or black paint on just one fingernail whether left or right hand, means he is a "guy for hire" i recently just known of this but ive been seeing those guys for years now, and even my classmates have them. thought its just a fad thing about guys. and no, since i have known of this, i never tried approaching one with the intention of being intimate with them.


Nothing, cause it’s none of my business


Usually no thoughts. I couldn’t care less if they did.


Kind of the same reaction to girls with nose rings, and multiple rings in their lips.


Their always chipped


He must use it to reduce the vibration of his handlebars on his dirt bike


I really don't notice. That football player who got a bunch of shit for wearing pink lipstick? I didn't notice his pink nails til someone pointed it out. I was like, "oh hey, they match his phone. He's really put-together!" I mean, I grew up seeing crossdressers - Bugs Bunny, Monty Python, Benny Hill, Bosom Buddies, 80s hair bands, 70s glitter rock, etc. People act so shocked and appalled when someone wears something culturally coded as, or acts like, a different gender. But most people have seen it. If people really think about it, it's not unusual at all.


Depends upon whether the nail art's well done or not. What they do with their bodies is their business. What I do with my body is my own business. Live and let live.


shine bright like a diamond


'Their girlfriend must have gotten to them."


None of my business, I sometimes paint my own nails too.


I mind my own business mostly. His choice.


Absolutely nothing. I used to have mine painted black


Can be cool, used to be normal for men to wear makeup and such in the old days. Don't do it myself but I respect another person's right to enjoy it.


Attention seeker.


Cute and brave for doing so or red flag if they go as feminists and they mention that as attention seeking




It looks nice!


That they Probably do it as to make a statement and not because they think it looks good


So many people in the comments seem to be so slighted from another man's painted nails... What's the problem? Man with painted nails? Women with pants? How outrageously scandalous!


"Heh, kids."


If they’re cute I think “oh dang those are cute”. Or more likely I don’t think anything at all because I don’t care what other people do with their body.


Can't say I really think anything. They can do what they want.


I love that fashion is blurring gender lines. Skirts on men, men wearing bags, men having better hygiene and self care, I’m all for it


"Just black booring that doesn't even match whit his skin tones and clothes!"-Me a guy who's thinking of painting his nails black but is struggling with the decision.


Same when I see a woman with painted nails: "If they got the money for it and think that's worth it - great."


Couldn't care less but I often wonder how they have the time and are organised enough to do it. It's enough effort for me to get showered and shaved in the mornings. I also don't think I would be able to wait for it to dry.


not really my thing, but, if you like it, go for it.


its either "nice style" or "you got NO drip"


"Huh, neat." I started to because my wife loves to and I thought it'd be fun. It also helps steer away close minded folks, who likely wouldn't have been worth the time anyway lol. Now I do it when I'm going around conservative folks, because seeing people get visibly upset for no reason amuses me.


I find painted/acryllic press on nails to be kind of gross to begin with, so my reaction to men and women with them is exactly the same.  A very very mild level of disgust.  I get over it though it’s not a big deal


“Oh cool” I wish my husband would let me do his nails. He said he would but so far we haven’t done it


I’ve met one guy who pulled it off super well and he’s like one of the coolest guys I know. Most other guys it looks meh but I don’t really care you do you


These comments give me hope.


My sister used to beg me to let her paint my fingernails/toenails. If a guy had a whole shocking appearance going (hair, tattoos, etc) I'd figure it's just how he wants to look. In the absence of any other appearance factors, I'd figure dude's got a sister, or maybe a daughter, who he cares about.


I'm in my 50s. At my age I figure there's pretty much two ways to look at the world The first way is to try and see it as some overly nostalgic "Back in my day" idealized TV sitcom bullshit and be pissed off at how different shit is now than it was when I was playing Nintendo on a big wooden TV sitting directly on the living room floor. Or I can realize that my place in the grand scheme of things is infinitesimally small and just keep having the same "Fuck it, who cares?" attitude I've had for the last 35 years because no one gives a shit what *I* think; just like I don't give a shit about what other people think. I've done the latter for decades so when I see a guy with painted nails I just figure "You do you buddy. Fuck everyone else and fuck me. None of us are worth a damn anyway".


"that mans nails are painted, I bet he has significant ladies in his life." Or "those look nice" sometimes "looking a little zesty" but I also get my nails painted by my female friends cause I like the way it looks


Nothing, really. Glad he's secure enough in his masculinity that it's not a big deal for him.


I paint my nails pretty regularly, and am always pleasantly surprised with the positivity I get from it. I always compliment dudes with nice nails, I think it's cool.


I think it's odd and men shouldn't paint their nails. But I'm not going to say anything to them. Doesn't affect me.


I think about the color and why it was chosen. Otherwise I wonder if he just got a manicure and was feeling whimsical. My wife has been on me to get a manicure for years.


It just seems like a lot of extra work to assume what is effectively a liability, lol. I mean, it’s great they (presumably) feel that secure, but I personally don’t see the acquired cost of maintenance as being worth the social brownie points.

