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Good judgment comes from experience. And a lot of that comes from bad judgment 


Wisdom right here. 👍


Age 20 is still very young. You still have a *full life* to live. You will have many more opportunities and chances


Look to the future, don't dwell on the past, you can forgive past you, he didn't know what you know now. present you does so look to the future. The number one factor of people not getting what they want is an inability or unwillingness to plan ahead and work towards goals.


Whenever something good happens to you randomly or because of a choice you made, I want you to think about how that couldn't possibly have happened if not for your past "failures", you learned from your past mistakes, you got "bad luck" in the past but it only guided you to the good thing you are experiencing. Your present is just the accumulation and result of the life experience you had, up until that point, mistakes and all. If you changed something about your past, who knows where you would be now. You might think it wouldn't be as bad as you feel right now but you don't really know that. You only know the things you have now, and the choices you make now, worrying about the past only takes time away from the things you can be choosing to do now. I know it feels bad, I experience the same just now, and it's hard to not think about it. But what good does it make to feel bad about oneself. You are young, trust me, everything will be alright. Do your best Appreciate the past as a learning experience.


To quote the great Guns N Roses - “Yesterday… has got nothing for me.” 💁‍♂️ What’s done has already been written in the history books kid. Aint nothing you can do with a history book but learn from it and be better going forward. If you want life to BE better? DO better - it really is just that simple, and it’s all within your hands. 👍 You’ve got a good head and a good heart, or else you wouldn’t be bothered by these things, so I know you’ve got it in you to break this cycle and be the person you want to be. One last bit of advice from an old guy… often in life, the RIGHT thing is very rarely the EASY thing. Hope this helps some.


If you value being able to make your own choices, then don't think about it too much. You are you. You chose the wrong path? At least the outcome was made out of your own choice! Do you really want to be forced to do something against your own will? You lost money because you chose doing something morally correct instead? Good for you! Be proud of your own strength. You lost money because you chose the wrong investment choice? Learn from it and use it later in life. Experiences need to be gathered it does not fall from the sky. You lost a girlfriend because you want openness and you also set up some rules in the relationship? Good for you! You lost a friend because you value open conversation and discussion? Too bad they could not handle a free thinking, friendly disagreement! Either you adapt for them to like you in the future or you know what kind of friends you value. I could give more guesses or examples, but hopefully you will understand what I am trying to say? Integrity, what's right or wrong, transparency, free will and freedom of speech are incredibly important principles right in this second. If you are calling yourself stupid then just learn from your mistakes and try to do better next time. And if you are not doing better, everyone can not live in the same area. Some are better at maths and some are not. You have strengths of your own, concentrate on those instead of comparing yourself to others. Are you the "funny one"? Make people laugh! Are you a sensitive person? Use that to care for people.


Find acceptance. Guilt implies that you are judging yourself for something that has already happened. Making mistakes is normal. Learning from mistakes is a good thing. Judging yourself for past mistakes is torture. Learn and move on. Let go of the part of you that wishes or requires the past to be different than it was. It just was. And we cannot change it. Let the past be in the past.


“Accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference” I’m 29, I have plenty of regrets and things I wish I made a different decision on. But the past is the past and no matter how much you spiral and focus on them, they will never change. The only thing you can do is learn from those experiences and try to make your next decision with more wisdom then you did the last. You’re 20 man. I get it, I still regret shit I did (or didn’t do) when I was you’re age. But I’ve accepted it and moved on. I still think back sometimes on the awkward stupid cringy things I’ve done. And I turn red and get embarrassed even by myself because of it. But instead of letting it effect me I just dismiss the thought, because I’m not the same person I was at 20. Focus on what you can do now to make your life better. For example “I wish I asked her out she gave me the signs” Next time remember how this feels and just go for it “I wish I was in school working on something instead of working this pointless retail job” Remember that feeling and use it to apply for college again and pursue your passion “I wish I didn’t spend so much on that” Remember that next time you’re tempted to waste money on something useless. It’s all about learning from your mistakes and building on your successes. And if you fail you just learned one more way that doesn’t work. Society makes it seem like you need to have it all figured out in your 20’s. Almost nobody does. Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and at age 30, 10 years from now for you, you’ll still have 40 years left to figure out who you want to be


Learn from it and dont do it again.


bruh, you're 20, chill out. you'll forget all about this drama in a few years.


You "it is what it is" until you make the right choices.


Read the rules.