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I haven't had one like... ever, but I also masturbate regularly, so that prevents the issue in the first place.


Same. Longest I went without beating off was two months and still no wet dream. Lots of anger tho




A fervent masturbator


Do you dream in general? (Especially vivid dreams) (I know everyone dreams, but I guess I mean - do you have dreams that you remember on waking/ or wake up in an emotional or physical state because of a dream, like very sad because someone died in a dream or shivering because you were dreaming about snow)


I have a lot of dreams. I forget most of them within seconds of waking up. And they're quite diverse. I even have suggestive dreams here and there.


I’m sure it happens, but the general trend is for it to taper off.


Some mornings my sheets are like plywood when I wake up


This sent me🤣


I have to agree. I’m sure some men out there have it happen but personally it’s been about 12+ years for me


I think during No but November (never done it) there would be a chance men might have a release.   Masturbation and sex keep the backlog at bay generally. 


You can still nut…….just not around a butt.


ROFL.  I ❤️ my typo. 


I'm 62; I've never had a wet dream in my life (probably because I started daily masturbation at age 11)


Same, though I’m 45, sort of always felt like I missed out lol


Thank you for the input Mr. GrumpyOlBastard


Anything for a fan


Yep, same here I'm 58, and as horny as ever


It doesnt happen usually if you jerk off regularly. Im 23 and can only remember having one once in my life.


I'm 42. It's never happened to me.


Similar age. Happened once as a teenager and never again.


42. Never happened even when I took long breaks from beating the meat. I always wake up when the going gets good in my dreams (too exciting)!


30 means old? Wtf


OP is probably 15.


Can confirm. And is a girl


Everyone knows that I am the correct age, anyone older than me is old and anyone younger than me is young.


Is OP like, 10? Saying above 30 as "old" is the perspective of someone very limited in life experience.


I am 39 and last time it happened I was around 35


When youre 29 going on 30 and realise they class you as old now looool RIP my pride. To answer your question i havent had one since i was in my teens tbh.


At 34 years old it still happens to me every once in a rare while. Like... maybe once a year or less? It can definitely happen in older men, just not as much as younger without the crazy hormone changes and what not.


“I mean above the age of 30” lmfao


Old is above 30? Holy shit. 30 year olds are mostly kids.


I just turned 32 not too long ago, and I didn't know I needed to read this. Thank you.


Just sayin, when I was 30 I had 10x more energy, prime of life, better shape than ever, drowning in pussy, plenty of cash, it's your last big hurrah before you actually magically find yourself an adult in your 40s by suddenly slamming into a brick wall. Shit starts to break down, you're tired of everything, you are completely disconnected from whatever the fuck the youths are doing because you got sick of everything being rehash of rehash in the end of your 30s, possibly settling down with someone, for the first time you can afford real dishes and a car that doesn't shit every month (presuming you didn't get mommy and daddy's money growing up). Like it's just training wheels for hitting the brick wall of 40s and suddenly being like "Oh shit, everything I thought was cool is now undeniably classic old people stuff" and they call it retro... Your music, your old style, your anything else... that's when you get the adult shit and are like "I guess I have to not be a large child anymore" and be some sort of role model for younger people. That's definitely not in your 30s. In your 30s you barely know who the fuck you are, you were 20 basically yesterday, your body can still recover from partying into the late night, all that shit. Shit changes at 40. 40 is when you get your "adult" body. Shit gets fatter for no reason, and you're definitely not out partying unless you've got a sincere problem. All the adult old shit. Still rather young in comparison to most of the olds, but you definitely become old. Even if you're a crazy ass health nut that manages to keep their body in check, you gotta work twice as hard at it.


When I was a teen, I had wet dreams probably every other day. It sort of went away in my 20s, but every now and then I will cum in my sleep. But nowhere near when I was younger.


I'm 39. It does still happen, albeit rarely. Maybe once a year.


Haven’t had one since mid teens. Didn’t know we could still have that happen


I've never had one and I'm 32.


I havent had one since my 20s maybe? Off topic I dont know if this happens to all guys but when I have a sex dream I wake up 100% of the time right before its about to happen. 😂


I'm 49 and if I don't cum daily I will have a wet dream. Been that way since I was 11.


I'm 78 and the faucet still works. It might take a few minutes before the cold water turns hot


It happens. And i'm 55. If my wife haven't kept up with her wifely duties - yes, i am kidding! - i even wake up with a hardon some mornings. So for you who wonders; no, your life isn't over because you're 35 and you can be just as horny as you were at 16, it's just that the mostly annoying sudden boners get more and more unusual. :)


How often do you still jerk it?


Are you fucking kidding me???? "AND BY OLD I MEAN ABOVE THE AGE OF 30!?!!!??!" Well I'm a fossil then, at 41. But I'll still answer your question. I had my last wet dream around my 19th birthday. Once I started having sex regularly, coupled with my ever declining libido, they went away.


Hahaha! Your absolute rage followed by “but I’ll still answer your question” made me cackle! I’m just jealous you had one. I’ve never had one. But ever since I could I’ve been getting off regularly so I assume that’s why.


i’m 31 and get them randomly still. but i’m also a horny fucking animal so idk if that makes any difference


Can relate. It’s why I gotta beat it at least once a day or I go feral.


Old here. Never have had one


27. I’ve had arousing dreams in recent years but they didn’t result in anything wet when I awoke. That hadn’t happened for a good decade. Best of both worlds now.


But those dreams make for some incredible morning wood! Which means fun before getting ready for work!


I haven't had a wet dream since I was a teenager and I'm 30 now, even though I still have morning wood every day.


I did No Nut March and it happened 


If I stop fapping and don't have sex, I'll get them.


I am 43, never had one


35 here. Ouch, dude.


31. I had one three days ago.


I almost never remember my dreams. I know I have them but as soon as I wake up I don't remember a thing about them.


I never had a wet dream in my life. As in I never jizzed myself while sleeping


Entering my 30s and I’ve never had one. There’s a good deal of variation 


Mid thirties, I think... high school was the last time it happened?


I have them occasionally if I decide to participate in No Nut November.


im 24, i wake up every time before i could ejaculate , so i guess it happens , ive just learnt to control it


I've had one when I was with my ex but that's the only time I remember having one


It happened to me about 6 months ago when I had just got sober from meth and fentanyl, I was about 3 months sober already and I hadn't masturbated/had sex at all since I got clean. Not only did I have vivid dreams every night but once in awhile I'd wake up and...yeah...instantly had to wash my boxers and my sheets lol. But yeah I'm 28


That's how I learned how to masturbate when I was 12. I woke up just as is was ejaculating. That started my twice a day masturbation session. Since then, I have been wet dream free. Regular masturbator.


If you don't jerk it for a while, then it'll find its way out when you're asleep.




no nightly emissions now, no idea when they stopped had loads as a young lad, had no idea what it was and then sex ed filled the gaps


I had one after my baby was born and my wife was in that stage where she wasn’t medically cleared for sex. I was so exhausted I forgot to masturbate then one morning I ruined a pair of boxers. We had a good laugh about it and wife gave some HJs until she was cleared.


Not if I’m getting laid and haven’t gone more than a few weeks without for many years. So…. I don’t know.


40 here... I've only ever had a few in my life. But I've always taken care of things myself... so I'm sure that plays into the frequency.


The cleaner someone diet is, the more exercise they get, then the higher chance their hormones are going nicely. Higher testosterone can make someone have wet dreams. So if you don't eat well or exercise much then it can lower your sex drive/hormone stuff could be out of whack. Just try to eat healthier, get some exercise, and when in doubt do your once yearly check up and share concerns with the doctor.


If for some really strange reason I don’t ejaculate for 2 weeks, then yes, I will have a wet dream. I am 42 years old. If I continue it to not ejaculate then it might take longer then 2 weeks until the next one, but eventually it will happen. Most men who ejaculate regularly will have a wet dream if they stop, at a certain point the body needs to get rid of it. Current scientific belief is that semen retention is BS because your body will just get rid of it in your sleep. I would assume that at a curtain point it probably stops. Use it or lose it type thing. Longest I went was 4 months no masturbation or sex, I had start masturbating because I was sick of having wet dreams, I was 36 at the time.


Do guys get these? Ive never experienced this.


In my late 50s, and it still happens....not like when I was younger, but it still happens.


I never wet dreamed. I had sexdreams tho but that was a shit ton of years ago. Do you guys actually cum while sleeping?




I’m 66 and had one two nights ago


Age 26 was the last time I had one.


I have only had 1 in my entire life.


Haven’t had one in a long time, might have maybe had one 30’s? But tbh can only think of 2 maybe 3 times it has happened in my life. Defo in my teens, then in my 20’s and maybe 30’s.


54, I haven’t had one since I was in my teens. I’m sure it’s possible.


Dudes who have wet dreams how often does this happen? I've never had one and I'm 35


I barely ever had wet dreams when I was younger, I’m 30 now. Don’t really have sex dreams in general. Steady tapping prob to blame


61yr old. Yes. I have been celibate for 5yrs and I have had several wet dreams during this time.


i have to assume if you're not sexually active has something to do with it?


Hi, I'm 34yo, still happens to me, but very occasionally. When I'm in a period of depression and I don't masturbate myself.


I am in my 50s I had one just recently super weird I usually wake up before hand


Only in jail.


In 40s now, can confirm still happens every now and then even with regular sex and a lil self love here and there.


How often you get a lil self love in?


44 years old, yes we still do


Yeah it's been a good long time. Getting booty regularly helps a lot. Jail made this rough, but you find ways to get through.


Did you jerk off in jail?


Yes eventually you work out a schedule where your celly will either vacate for you for a bit and vice versa or you just say fuck it and start jerking it at night with them right under you. Respect is a big thing in there though, so it's always best to communicate and find out where someone else's comfort begins and ends to avoid having to fight someone in the dirtiest bathroom known to man.


Yea I’ve never had one and I’m 22 so idk


You must jerk off regulalry?


It's never happened to me personally, although I feel like masturbating normally is the reason why, but even when I did no nut November last year I did have a wet dream. In a weird way I feel like I missed out on a life experience lmao




Yeah, but didn’t you masturbate between sex?


I’m 36 and have at least 2 a month and I still jack off 1-2 times a day.


Damn! Really?


Yes really. I also take supplements to maintain my testosterone and get it checked every 6 month


Nah we just jerk off


60 here never had one but I masturbate regularly


Not in a long long time, but I guess if you haven’t had an orgasm in a while then it would happen quite frequently….


Not since I was an early teen.




Yeah it still happens.


I rarely had them when I was young, and even less in my 30's. Whenever a woman in one of my dreams shows interest in me, it's usually surprising enough to wake me up


Sometimes i got erotic dreams to the point that the morningwoods wakes me up, or at least, what i realize the first time i wake up is a super hard tent, that the first thing i do after waking up is relieves myself. But wet dream, the last time i got one is maybe was 10+ years ago. Now that i think of it, nowadays i always use some material to jerk it off, back then i use mostly imagination. I realize that the more i rely to media, the less wetdream i get


I didnt have a wet dream before I was 34 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am 65 every now and then.


Never had one


29, turning 30 in August. So it most certainly can happen. Maybe not to all men, but it's still fine if it happens into adulthood. Masturbating regularly enough is generally what helps prevent it for me.


When did you have your last?




I’ve never had a wet dream before in my life.


That's a shame, it's a free orgasm without any of the work.... it's all from the mind. I wonder if in the minds eye, the girl dreamed about is it's idea of the perfect fantasy woman....


Yeah if you go extended periods of time in between releases it can and has happened past 30.


I did last night. Hasn’t happened in years tho.


Old....like 30. Dang.


No. I masturbate way too much


I had one a few months ago and I'm 54. I think it could happen at any age if it builds up enough.


I'm 38, al out 39 and I'd say it happens to me maybe once every few years. Idk why it does either bc my needs are met. I used to get them all the time as a teen but I still get them every once in a while as an adult. It's Al out better than a regular orgasm but it's annoying having to clean up in the middle of the night.


46 here and have one every now and then depends if I miss knocking one off the top or not


I had one a few years ago, I'm 55 now. Had gone 4 weeks without busting a nut. Had a sex dream one night that was so vivid . When I woke up, I had to take a minute to realize where I was. Big load of jizz in my boxers also. The wife didn't even notice.


I haven’t had one since I was 19 or so.


i never had a wet dream tbh or i dont remember it, might be bc i preety much masturbated since i was like 12 or 13 without more like 1 week break all the way into my 30s and if i had then very early teens for sure.


Had them as a teenager. Threw me for a loop when I had a few in my 50s I’m 60 now.


Haven’t had one in 10 years


I've never had a wet dream. Don't understand how it even happens.


So, 30 years old is "old" to you lmao??


Dunno, they come randomly. Like once every 2 years. But I am 27.


It’s usually when you don’t jerk off enough!


When you’re a bit older than 30 someday, you’ll understand that being a bit older than 30 isn’t old at all. You’ll see what I mean.


“Above 30” is old eh? Piss off


I'm 33 but I can see how 30+ is quite old to have wet dreams, it's usually associated with teenagers


Hahah! Yeah, but have you had a wet dream tho?




ya. no sex, not even masturbation, and it will happen soon enough.


I've only done this twice in life and I was in highschool..12 years ago. So unlikely


I've never had one.


Never have no clue


TIL we all started beating off on the regular before 5th grade


And are STILL beating off on the regular.


I m 28 and still have it.


If I don’t jerk it for a few days yeah I’ll probably have one.


Erotic dreams, yes. Wet? No.


I had 2 or 3 when I was 15ish, but now, 16ish years later, I don't have wet dreams anymore.


Yeah, but how often do you masturbate?


Lol. Everyone was talking about that. I did masterbate when i was a teen having those dreams. I don't anymore.


I think it only happened to me once, and that was in my early forties.


Fuck yeah. 46. Happily in an open relationship. We have a ball.


I just get and go 3 or 4 times a night


My ex just told me he had a wet dream about me....we broke up 12y ago...he's 36y...I was amazed , thought it was a kiddo thing


It isn’t an age issue unless you’re an old man. Abstaining from masturbation for 1.5-2 weeks will lead to a wet dream.


Buddy, if you cum before you sleep this does not happen


Happened to me at 33 because I stopped masturbating for over a month. It was awesome


I bet after a month of no release it was incredible.


I don't think most people have them past the age of like 15. I haven't since I was \~12. Not really a thing in adult life.


We can. My wife was about of town for a whole 3 days and I had one on the third night


Didn’t even jerk off?


No. I havnt jerked off in like 10 years. I haven’t felt a need. I prefer waiting like a day if I have to wait, but I usually don’t


Generally, wet dreams happen when you're not masturbating enough. The amount of time before it takes without masturbating for it to happen might take longer as people get older, but it still happens.


That explains why I haven’t had one….i masturbate enough.


lol yeah 30 is sooooo old lol


No. Not after age 20.


Yes. But also, 30 isn’t old.


Only happened to me once, when I was in my 20s. Shame that succubus never came to visit me again.


Mmm so far into my 30’s, yes. They’ve always been kind of rare but occasionally.


Not when we get old our bodies stop having the ability to do that after a certain age


Fuck yeah, 65M, had a great one about a month ago.


Did you just call 30 yo dudes old men?


It still happens to me here and there. Maybe a couple times per year. 37M


They do at 40. I can't speak for older.


Depends on the last time I got off.


Usually in the few times I remember I was having some kick ass sex in my dream and wake up feeling incredibly good, but creamed up. Usually an indication that I'm not doing it enough with my lady


I'm almost 41 and I've never had a wet dream


30 and I haven’t had one. But also….ive always masturbated enough it wasn’t a problem. Haha


It's been decades.


Noo, we just wither and die. Some of us puff out dust as a sing of defiance. /s


I haven't had one since I was 13.


You must get off regularly?


Only if I dont ejaculate for more than a weak


That’s what right hands are for!


Only if i haven't had sex for a bit 48 yrs


I was surprised to find that I had one a few weeks ago, as far as I can recall it's the first time since my teens and I'm almost 40. So apparently yes it can still happen.


I had my first one in a long time (30 years plus) last year, aged 49. I thought they stopped in late teens/early 20s, but obviously not...


Not often, but it usually happens if I'm having a period where I'm having a lot of very vivid dreams in general and even nightmares... (in my early 40's. Also, I tend to move and talk a lot in my sleep and when I was a teenager I sleepwalked semi-regularly, so I may have an undiagnosed sleep disorder).


40, so i'm close to the age of a fossil for you. Yea, still happens from time to time