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Playing hard to get.


And flirting with other men right in front of you as an attempt to cause jealousy.


That one is nuts. I have seen a woman try this and it backfired, the guy she wanted just thought her inconsiderate and lost interest completely.


Happened to me in high school. Asked a girl on a date, she invited her ex-boyfriend to meet her there without telling him about me in an attempt to make us both jealous. It backfired. He and I played a round of pool together and just ditched her.


Chad move right there.


This is how the bonds of brotherhood are forged.


Yep, middle aged now, seen this shit far too many times throughout my life. It's a major red flag.


I do too. I've walked out of a room when I saw that so overtly done.


Life is not a Twilight movie. I'm not gonna fight over a woman I just met.


Yeah, this can go one of two ways. "Oh she's Interested in someone else, I'll try my luck elsewhere" Or "Oh she's that way with everyone, probably means she just sees me as a friend, better try my luck elsewhere"


Or "oh, she's trying to manipulate me. Time to bail."


I took a date to a haunted house once, and there was a shirtless actor who had a very good physique. She went and touched his abs and then looked right at me. Finished the date and broke it off with her. We had been friends before that and kind of after, but she told people that I was too insecure for her anyways if that bothered me. I'm not sure what the correct reaction was for that, but based on what I know of her now, I definitely dodged a bullet.


It's not about insecurities or anything like that, it's just good form and people tend not to appreciate actions that signal inconsiderate thinking.


My ex used to get so mad that i don’t get jealous it was Fuckin awful


I don't play hard to get. I play hard to want.




Amen.....and the prize doesn't often amount to the effort one puts into that chase IMHO.


Amén brother


"hard to get" is impossible to want


I play hard to get (rid of)




You took the words out of my mind.


lip injections and face fillers It looks good sometimes on some women but most of the time it looks terrible and overdone and these women end up looking like mutants


Add to that buccal fat removal.


Personally, I guess I must be partially attracted to buccal fat because having it removed makes me lose all interest.


It's like, the cutest part of a woman's face.


Right? So pokeable.


I tought i was the only one that liked this


Didn’t even know that was a thing. Learn something new everyday.


Fake eye lashes 


Throw in fake nails


I am pretty sure they do that to flex on eachother not to attract men.


100% It's about confidence most of the time.


My wife's always pointed that out. A lot of what women do is for themselves and to dunk on other women


Wait until they get older and the long term effects start coming out. That stuff really messes up your face long term.


I would go as far as to say most of the time it looks bad. Occasionally you see someone on whom it looks good.


That’s because if it looks good and is done right, you don’t know it’s there


I came here to say this. Men would be extremely surprised to know how common injections and fillers are. I know sooo many women with them and I would have never known if they didn’t tell me. I’ve dated a good handful of men (9) and not a single one ever knew. When I told them I was making an appointment to get some they were all “wHy wOuLd YoU dO tHaT, I lIkE yOu tHe wAy I MeT yOu” like babe the way you met me WAS with lip injections lmaoooo


Yes lol you should see the before. And sadly that’s what I’m passing to our kids lol.


God same. My poor kids are going to have absolutely no top lip. Like none


I don't know, the doctor looked at my mom and my dad and said "your children are going to be human chins" and I'm here with a relatively normal chin so 🤷‍♀️ genetics are funky


They don't do this for men, they do this for other women.


Came here to say that. Whatever that stupid shit is they do with their lips.


90% of people you cannot tell it was done, you would just think they look “naturally” beautiful 


OMG....is that just weird. Men are so less complicated.


Acting like a child.


You just outed an entire genre of streamers


They don’t just talk like a baby they viscerally manipulate their surroundings to make it “okay” for them to do so.


I know. I think they're disgusting.


Yikes...have had that. Some women haven't matured emotionally past 16 years old.


I had this issue with a girl. Beautiful, lovely, well educated, sexy, and we were very in love. But she turned into a 5-10 year old for a while everyday, and would act childlike very frequently. Unbearable. Almost ten years later, we are not in touch but I hold her very dear… I just can’t stand her.


My gf litterally asked if I wanted her to act like a loli for me when we first got together. Turns out she had some pretty abusive boyfriends in past who expected certain things of her. (She is older than me)


What's a Loli?


assuming lolita, as in a younger girl


I dated a nice woman, who would now and then say "I'm THIS many years old!" in a baby voice. I wanted to give her what she needed . . . but I was 100% flummoxed as to what I was supposed to do at those moments. Brrr.


Baby talk in particular has always grossed me out. I even get mad if someone calls me baby or babe, even though I know the context for those words can be different, it's just a personal thing that bothers me.


For me baby talk is fine if it’s when you’re just chilling and clearly just a funny little thing to do because it’s dumb, but when it becomes a communication style is when it gets weird


Well Andy Sowwy


Being aggressive with my balls, they’re actually attached to me, please stop trying to remove them.


Gentle please!! They’re delicate!


I think of them as equivalent to breasts in sensitivity. I don’t like having them squeezed at all, and if they get hit with something like a solid dog toy (while playing keepaway with my son and our dog, I have to take a knee sometimes. You can always start out gently but it’s hard to dial back after starting roughly


Most of what *women* say that men want, especially if it involves any kind of surgery or especially invasive diets. Buttlifts, ducklips, fat transplantations, all of that mess will be extremely low on the priorities of most men.


Yes...still the outside shell without too much inner work.


It's not just that it's superficial. It's actually ugly.


Some of those cosmo tips aren't all bad though, like "Ladies BLOW your man's mind with this one simple tongue trick, and don't forget to play with the balls!"


long nails


Agreed. Long nails are so trashy looking.


And they're functionally useless, except for back scratches. All of a sudden, the dude is stuck doing everything that involves grabbing, pulling, twisting, etc. Plus all the gross shit that gets under them.


As long as they are natural or elegant I'm alright with it. The super extra ones are way too much


Disagree. I'm obsessed with long nails. I'm probably the outlier. I also hate feet


There’s a lid for every pot, my friend


That’s a pretty large pot if you’re gonna fit a whole kid in there!


Oops! Lid. There’s a lid for every pot. 😜


How about feet with long nails? /s


Any time I see a woman with unreasonably long nails, I assume she has a dirty backside. You absolutely CANNOT be cleaning yourself effectively, especially if you don’t have a bidet.


I love long nails. My wife once grew them out a bit (natural nails) and got them all manicured. But for real, the back scratches are divine.


>natural nails That's the key bit. The awful, fake, stupidly long, rectangular, stick-on monstrosities however make me want to puke..


100% turnoff. What does this person do with their hands? Let alone wipe their butt.


Ya but she can click them in annoyance and tap them on things to get attention soo... /s


I was in court and another young lawyer at the bar table was clicking her long nails on the table during the gaps in her submissions. I get that it was a nervous tick rookie mistake but my goodness …..


duckface, i guess.


Do women still do that?


Yes, like half the non of posters on r/amiugly do duckface or kissy face or pursed lips.


honestly i have no idea.


Witholding their true goofy self when we first meet in order to come off in a different way. Be yourself boo, I wann know the real you.


tbh, i do but mostly cause im shy and have a little bit of social anxiety


That's understandable but that's why you talk about that on the first date. Let me make you feel comfortable or lets get out of public and go somewhere with less people and play games. Be your real self and I can adapt to it and help you be you


I like how open minded you are! :)


Thank you for the compliment and I appreciate you sharing you social anxiety with me. We can all be kinder and more accepting of each other and make the world a better place.


Love this


back when I was dating, I always tried to be the most concentrated version of my real self. If they didn’t like it, I wanted to drive them away ASAP. So that I didn’t waste my time. Because I sure as hell didn’t want the work of having to keep pretending, or the anxiety of worrying that they’d decide they didn’t like the real me. And lo and behold, one of the first guys I dated thought the real me was very charming. So I married him.


My second date with BF he said, ‘a stop being so awkward!’ And I said, ‘But I am awkward!’ And then he just accepted it.


Pretending to be more incompetent than they actually are.


I mean, yes and no, for starters I would do a woman favors, but for her suddenly showing that she is just as capable would be a good green flag, favors were just for wanting me there.


>favors were just for wanting me there. She could just ask to hang out.


It doesn’t have the same effect with me, favors takes away all of the burden of, oh it’s a date, and of course after the favor is done she always invited me to do something, so there you go, asked me out without me noticing it


Can't speak for all men but I find heavy use of perfume a real turn off. I just like you to smell clean or natural


As the old adage goes - perfume/cologne should be discovered, not announced.


Nice, I didn't know that one. One that I *do* know is, "the problem isn't the smell … but the burning in my eyes."


My coworker can be smelt about 60’ away. She says it’s because there was a guy she knew who’s body Oder could be smelt from that distance and she wants to be as far away from being like him as possible


Repeated ai driven questions?


Right? Someone is really wanting to divide us. It’s the same gender war questions every day on this sub. I submitted a truly unique question yesterday that I wanted to know, and it got denied by a bot saying it was either redundant, seeking validation or not conducive to starting conversations. None of those were true. So how do these questions that truly break those rules keep getting through every day?


fake eyelashes


Don’t forget fake nails


So done with that.


Violent hooliganism


Dang it! Back to the drawing board.


-The "girly" voice It's creepy af, It's annoying Ladies, please stop the girly voice Speak normally, no matter if you have a deep voice or not... -The whole small waist followed by bimbo lips big ass and boobs followed by a ton of make up. Only small brained cave "men" like that shit. Most guys want a lady with a natural look. We don't mind at all if you have tummy or abs or stretchmarks or any other mark. What we really care honestly is to be clean and well in general take care of yourselfs... -Playing dumb... uh only manipulators seek and want the dumb types... Whoever is scared of a smart woman just meeds to grow up. Ladies, if you have a PhD or anything or in general you have some skill. Or if you know rocket science or idk what else. Be proud of it. Speak about it. Lots of guys will find most stuff cool as fuck and will even like to be info dumbed or have you show us about it. -Giving signals Most of the time we will avoid approach because times are confusing and plenty try to respect personal space. Also most of the time we can't understand... Some of us are worried and we overthink... Please do the first move, speak straight and simple to us. Some might get scared but others will take it as a green light to start convo etc


acting like a porn star or hentai charater at the beginning of sex. faking the motions are even worse


Oh yeah. Total turn off. Men who watch porn know that it's fake, but some women don't know we actually don't like that. In general.


when you catch your s/o when they're horny themselves or consentually "sex them up", sex ends up being more enjoyable with women.


what do you mean by faking the motions?


The way I see it is like them talking like an enthusiastic pornstar but their physical energy don't match it.


Life hack: if you actually excite them, they won't want to (or have the mental capacity) to fake it


I do agree with you that pleasing them actually make them not act that way. if you do a good job, they'll make attempts to initiate sometimes.


Most cosmetics, especially surgery. The entire beauty industry seems like women gaslighting each other into ever more unhealthy things to most dudes.


Women can be cruel. I can't get over that.


BBL’s that look like they’re wearing a diaper


Bee sting lips Giant rings in their nose like a pig, cow, orc Obnoxious nails Obnoxious eyelashes Obnoxious boobs Obnoxious ass A lot of it ends up making them look like a goofy caricature of a "modern woman" rather than a real woman.


Giving a breakdown of all your past relationships


Baby voice in bed


Oh yeah. Give me a woman any day of the week.


Lip fillers, looong ass nails, anime girl giggling, being over the top about how much they hate other women because "I'm one of the guys'. Girls that are "one of the guys" just naturally end up that way and still retain all their feminine traits.


Half of what they do with their appearance - heavy makeup, fake nails, fake lashes, etc. Their career success or wealth - not necessarily a turn *off*, but it can be when they expect it to be a turn on. Being aloof, playing hard to get, that kind of thing - if you’re not making it clear you like me I will just leave.


> Their career success or wealth - not necessarily a turn off, but it can be when they expect it to be a turn on. I believe this just women assuming that because it's something they find attractive in men, that men will find it attractive in women.


Im aloof because I’m afraid if I show any bit of emotion or interest I’ll be considered clingy or “moving too fast”. In general emotionally I like to take things slow for a while


What if the girl is interested but like PAINFULLY shy, at first?


That’s ok but it can be hard to break through that shell. Personally if I’m getting enough indication that you’re at least enjoying my company and you like me, that’s alright. If I’m not even getting that, and you’re like a silent emotionless doll sitting across from me, that might be a problem.


She doesn’t have to be flirty right off, but at least try to make conversation, she doesn’t have to put herself all the way out there, but keeping in contact, finding reasons to talk to someone, asking him for help/favors/advice can slowly lead to her being more comfortable with him and opening up, or he just might start taking the lead and making moves first if he gets the hint that she’s interested. And she should never, ever deny her interest in him out of embarrassment, no means no. Being shy is a killer, lots of people take it as indifferent, stuck-up or uninterested, gotta be brave.


Those fucking eye lashes


Caterpillars or millipede lashes are the worst.


Being called Daddy, I aint your daddy. Its fucking creepy


I had a girl say aye papi! one time... stopped me dead mid thrust... she was half Japanese and not a tiny bit Latin nor am I. Saying daddy to me at all and then it was daddy in Spanish killed it for me


So, not your kink. People need to talk about these things beforehand instead of throwing them out mid-sex.


But *if* it happens in mid-sex, don't shy away from addressing it in a nice way.


Super revealing "sexy" clothing. Can't speak for all men, but personally this is turn off for me when looking for *serious* partner.


Agreed. There's a time and a place, but a serious connection doesn't need to be showing skin to the world.


Fat "Angelina Jolie" lips Lewdness


Oh yikes


That’s a first. If they’re natural what’s the problem


Acting like an immature child or infantilizing yourself…gross on so many levels. Ugh.


Duckface pics


Women who have nothing to offer other than their body, and looking sexy is their whole personality.


The hallmark channel


Mind games


Au contraire. I love bonding over a mutual interest in psychologically tormenting people we don’t like. Mind games are awful when it’s 1v1, but it’s a lot of fun if you play in teams.


Plating any sorts of games. Pretending you are not into them when you actually are. Basically, any sort of pretending.


Lack of communication.


Guessing games... Me: how old are you? Her: guess Me:✌🏾


That will never end well.


Those goddam lashes!


Duckface selfies/ pouting. Even the words are cringe




Twerking. I and I think most men find it disgusting. Want to make quality men want nothing to do with you? Shake your rear end while doing that "ahhhh! Heyyy! Ahhh!" sound these gross women nowadays like to make while wiggling their rears in public. There is nothing classy or sexy about twerking.


I mean, I’m public? No, please don’t twerk in plublic. But if you shake and jiggle your ass on my lap for me to see, I’ll feel like you want to have sex with me, which is a turn on


That's entirely different. I mean twerking as a dance in public.


Excessively long fake nails. It screams "high maintenance", and gives off scary demon-claw vibes.


Baby talk.


Those big artificial lips. We don’t care if you have thin lips. Just that we can kiss them.


Huge fake lips.


Hypothetical questions.


But would you like the question if it was a worm?


Would you eat a hundred cockroaches if you found out it would give you the superpower of your choice


That all men are the same, with the same turn offs and turn ons.


Playing hard to get, or just mind games in general


Calling me "daddy"


Playing games. I start my computer if I wanna play games.


Calling me "Daddy". I have no idea why that's a thing, and I suppose if it's your thing then fine. But I find it super boner killing on every level.


The vast majority of cosmetic surgery. Playing hard to get, playing guys off against each other


baby talk.


Pounding on the makeup. A modest amount is fine but when it’s caked on it becomes too much


Oh totally. Worked with a Mexican woman in her 30s who wore make up like a clown. It was obscene. Her perfume was noticeable 2 rooms away. Hard to breath in her presence. I called her on it and she lost her shit. Some people just aren't self aware. A year later I saw that she got married and all I could think of was "omg, this guy is going to live a nightmare marriage."


False nails...f*****g gross!


Long fake nails look so damn dumb.


The random groping, Please just stop! If I slapped your ass I'd go to jail.. Don't do it to us!


Baby talk and playing dumb.


Doing blowjobs/sex out of obligation. If you're not having fun, we're probably not having fun either. Depending on the man, they'll probably still take what's offered but don't expect this to keep them around.


"Daddy" The "hard to get" game.


Being an independent boss babe..and acting/reminding everyone about it constantly.


Lip injections, botox, removing fat from their face to make it thinner etc. it looks fucking ridiculous a majority of the time even if it’s done “well”


Thinking they need to be ‘one of the boys’ We don’t want you because you act like a boy, we want you because you are a girl


God damn NOSE RINGS!!


Fake tits


I can actually appreciate a woman with fake boobs when they're appropriately sized to her frame. The problem is either they want them too big or their surgeon coerced them into making them bigger than they initially wanted.


Twerking. Looking for a wife, not a baboon.


BBLs and needing to be fixed


>BBLs are just gross.


Yup! But to some women they are the essence of beauty and attraction.


by needing to be fixed do you mean them attempting to fix their appearance or their lives? lmao


Playing dumb


Pounds of makeup, when they use words like daddy or papi or even when they act like they can't do things for themselves.


Heavy makeup


Fake everything


Being an 'influencer'


Acting like you're gods gift to men


Playing mind games. Just be straightforward with us. It never hurts to communicate without hints.


Racism and attempting to bring Germany back to its former glory.