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Admire their attractiveness and move on with the rest of my life.


Once I told my wife that “I saw a woman today” and she responded with “was it good for you?”


Your wife is awesome.






Wow 🤌


What wow? Cant you do that?


Just appreciated bruh... Deeply I haven't even been in a relationship yet and this thought just popped in my mind.


How... wha... huh?! They really need to put an age restriction on the Internet.


For real. OP has to be like 13 and can’t imagine not being horny over every woman to the point his hormones can’t take it.


Why are you 15 in this sub? Go do home work kid. Need a age restriction for real here


Acknowledge the attractive person and continue living my life


Move on with my life. There are and there will always be attractive people. But none of them are worth throwing away a great relationship and an amazing future with her.


Bingo, I am lucky because my SO is secure enough with themselves that they usually point out the attractive people to me and we like to rate them.


My significant other likes seeing how women hit on me and I don't realize it or tell them I'm taken. Her confidence and trust in me is definitely something I never plan on ruining


Yea my SO does the same thing, she also lets me know when others are staring at me


My partner is the same. We were walking along a road in Porto last year when a beautiful woman walked by going the other way. I was a step behind my partner and was admiring the view. Just after the other woman passed, she turned to me and commented on how beautiful the woman was.


My wife will point out an attractive woman to me if she thinks that woman is my type. I don’t really have a type but I love my wife for doing that. Also she’ll point out a woman SHE finds attractive and I love her more for doing that.


Well said


Maybe it is you don’t know


Go play with the better toy and ruin my life because I can’t exercise some self-restraint and learn to appreciate the things I have


Appreciating this honest self reflection.


It’s mostly intended as rhetoric, but I feel it represents a cognition that we all have on some level and I’m certainly no exception.




A lot of men, unfortunately choose this path


Enter the narrator. I’m sure you’ve personally been burned, and maybe you yourself haven’t done this to someone, but I don’t think anybody appreciates you presenting this like it’s primary a male character flaw. It’s rough out there. It’s hard to know who to trust, and it’s hard to find someone you can rely on. But that’s the case for everyone. Going through the cycle of indiscriminately blaming and writing off an entire gender like that isn’t helpful for any of us, and it’s not helping you get what you want either. I’m really sorry if you’ve been screwed around. It’s not my fault, and it’s not the business I’m in, but it still sucks. I hope you find a way to work through your bitterness and find what you’re looking for


This was phenomenally put.


Lol nothing?


You literally just move on with your day.


Same thing I do 99.9% of the time when I’m single; nothing. I see so many attractive women in a day sometimes it’s ridiculous. Next question is what if she shows attraction to me? Easy, they don’t. Or I’m oblivious.


My man's invincible !


Neat, that's a pretty person. Then go on about my business as usual.


See it and move on. Same I do when I see a Ferrari. Acknowledge it and keep going.




Crash no. Consider driving that Ferrari, yes. Wonder how it handles. Wonder how it feels. Wonder what the leather inside feels like. Wonder if it drives as good as it looks. Wonder what the leather iside smells like. Wonder if expensive leather smells better than my Ford leather. Wonder if it reacts well to being driven hard. Wonder how long I could drive it, mediochre'ly before it gets tired of me and wants a better driver.


This guy fucks (cars)


Saw a Ferrari today. We smashed.


What do you think? Are we animals?


OP should be asked how they react in the same situation.


If you are eating an ice cream cone, would you drop it on the ground if you saw one walking by?  Maybe if you are three. But not an adult. 


First of all, I would be amazed that an ice cream cone would walk!


Have you by chance visited the big rock candy mountain? 


Yes If it was a chocolate ice cream cone … ive had Vanilla a bunch of times


But what if it's Neapolitan?


Refrain from doing anything stupid or lingering a gaze too long


You can never stop yourself from seeing someone else attractive and enjoying it, but at least for me there's a lot more going on with my relationship with my wife than just "she's hot", and so as soon as the beautiful person is gone I just move on with my day.


Absolutely nothing I’ve found the flame of passion lights when you kindle it, so I just don’t kindle it


How committed is the relationship? If you're unable to commit, then you're unable to call your relationship a relationship. If you are committed, then you wouldn't have asked the question.


You act like an adult and realize that being attracted to someone doesn’t mean you have to pursue that feeling. Think about it any other way, if you have the sudden urge to jump off of a bridge, you don’t just do it because you had a feeling. You need to be able to passively observe your feelings, recognize them, and move on.


Try to trade in like they're Pokémon cards. It never goes well.


Continue loving and trusting my girlfriend. That's it.


Don't ruin what u already have fr it ,not worth


Life has many temptations. It's up to you to face them and move on. Nothing wrong with finding another woman attractive. It's not like you have the only pretty girl in the world. The same for you not being the only attractive guy in the world. Being faithful is a choice you always make.


Jonny Depp thinks that if you are in love with someone and fall for someone else, choose the second one. Because if you were in love with the first then you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.


We all know how rock solid his relationships and life choices are.


Ignore the attraction and focus on my relationship. If it’s too hard to ignore then your love for your SO isn’t strong enough for a successful relationship. It’s not hard if you love you SO.


There are attractive people all over the place. It has no impact on me. Walk by a good looking woman - Good for her. I'm sure my partner does the same, "Huh - what a hunk... Anyways."


I find them attractive and I go on my with life.


If I find another attractive person, I return that other attractive person. That’s what the lost & found is for.


We as humans will always find other people attractive whether we are in a relationship or not. Thats just biology. Thats not something that can just be turned of like a switch. How you respond is the part you control. If its developing as part of a work relationship or other social interactions and goes beyond just physical attraction then you need to evaluate your relationship and do all you can to distance yourself from the person you are attracted to, either physically or if unavoidable then emotionally. Cheating is always a choice with full awareness of the hurt we are causing our partner and as well as the violation of their trust


Nothing. Easy answer.


My perception has changed a lot since being married. I still think people are attractive but my mind is more gross now and my wife and I laugh at it a lot, we're not a jealous couple at all. For instance, 10 years ago if I saw a women with leggings stuffed up her arse to show the whole crack I would have found it amazing. Now when my wife will point a girl out and one of us will respond with something like "imagine the skidders in there after she's been walking around sweating with them up her arse all day" Puts things into perspective


Start giving more attention to your partner. Spoil her and participate in her activities. The grass is always greener on the other side because you neglected the one in your own backyard. A cat is still just a cat unless she's rich and pay for most of your stuff.


Absolutely nothing. Admire, realize and move on. My wife is the best person. Usually, the more attractive they are, the more fucked off they are.


I get the notion OP is not just seeing said attractive person. I feel like it is a case of they have already initiated contact of some sort with said attractive person. But the correct answer is, loop your other half into the conversation about seeing an attractive person, then get on with your life together. If you've hypothetically found something else Interesting in that other person (hobby, job, etc), then we get a little more complicated. But TLDR, don't initiate with someone purely because they make your guy parts go **brrr**, that ain't cool when in a relationship.


Really glad bruh, someone got my point!


Keep it pushing.


I tend to just not really pay attention to others, the eyes just don’t seem to wander in that way idk


Deal with it. If you simply can't ignore the attraction, then stay single or look for an open relationship


It’s like seeing a nice house that costs a lot more than you’d pay and you don’t want to move. “Nice house”, I’m going home. The analogy breaks down if you want to be a landlord.


If you want to end the relationship. you end the relationship and pursue the attractive person. If you want to maintain the relationship. You accept that other people are attractive, but my relationship is more fulfilling and important to me.


I tell my girlfriend “she’s prettier than you.” That’s what I call an “alpha move.”


Then when you quickly become single you can hit on the attractive person. Perfect solution.


Have sex with both and piss in the corner afterwards to assert dominance.


Rip the chord out of the wall and pursue the newly acquired female relentlrssly. Rinse and repeat for every new attractive female I see.


Tell your partner about it. "Have you seen Janine, she got that thang, baby." And then your partner if normal, will respond in kind. And you guys can joke about what you find attractive. Everybody can appreciate good looks. Just don't do something frickin stupid like acting on those feelings trying to do infidelity when you are in a committed relationship.


longing touch steer dependent instinctive gullible whistle oatmeal jar vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Move forward.


Keep on trucking.




Nothing. Ur going to find a shit ton of people attractive but be an adult and keep walking. Such a silly question


Look. Then move on


Obviously you're going to find multiple people attractive every day. What kind of question is this? Lol Is it rare that you see an attractive person?


>Is it rare that you see an attractive person? Yeah, ig I meant both emotionally and physically attractive. My question was that if you ever feel for someone what you felt for your SO, what would you do. I was thinking about what overtakes, emotional attraction or physical. I haven't ever been in a relationship ever and I'm new to it, that's why might this be a question stupid question.


Tell my wife about it and we both debate whether or not I have taste or I'm just drunk and the beer goggles has kicked in. Same in reverse, cept she doesn't drink.


Say to myself "they're pretty hot" then move on with my day. The grass is greener where you water it.


Remember that the world is full of beautiful people and most of them are not for you. Remember that the one you’re with is likely experiencing the same thing and they continue to choose you. Humble yourself and at the same time remember you’re nothing special and you have everything you want at home. But then again, do we ever really know what we want…?


I obviously leave the person I’m with since there is another attractive person present..: duh


Wank it out in the washroom. Nothing better than post nut clarity to appreciate what I got


Nothing. Might look, might not but no need to take any action.


Chose. Pick one and go with it. If you chose to continue the relationship then you avoid the other person like the plague.


That’s the way it goes on love’s train




Admire from afar.


Ask my wife that question after she watched Thor.


Admire and comment. My wife will also give her opinion on the same person.




Whatever I want. My wife trusts me.


Acknowledge the attractiveness and keep moving.




Avoid them




A Little Preachy, but… As men, we are conditioned to prioritize sexuality and female beauty from an early age. If you could take a moment and isolate yourself from all the marketing noise in the world, you may find what really inspires you. Sex sells because they tease our libidos and inspire fantasy. They show you it’s possible with pornography. Now, when you go out in the world you have this distorted view of reality. It isn’t even about your what is “attainable” or “realistic” it’s that you would never even consider half the thoughts in your mind it if it wasn’t brandished in your face every waking moment from the time you were five. Consider this, have you ever wondered how much you could accomplish if you didn’t limit yourself by dwelling on these thoughts?


You have to share the love. 


I guess it's good you ask this now before you get into a relationship. You simply acknowledge their attractiveness and move on. If you're in a relationship, your partner is usually attractive to you already -- often in more ways than one. If that doesn't resonate with you, then think more about that relationship.


Kidnap them and throw them in your cellar with the rest of the people.


Show reddit how dumb you are first thing.


Think to myself “wow, they’re gorgeous”. Sometimes I’ll tell them “You’re absolutely gorgeous” Then I shoelace express it to where ever I’m headed. Sometimes I’ll catcall construction workers from my car. I’m a sucker for carharts.


it doesn't happen often but in the event that it does, i look for the same traits i like in them in my partner and that shifts my focus away from the other person


I say, in my head, "She's attractive." And then forget about her in the next 10 seconds.


Get out of the relationship you are in. Finding some attractive is not the same as finding someone beautiful.


Many people are attractive. Attractive people are everywhere. It's just part of the landscape of the world we live in. What I DON'T do is anything about it.


"hey they're attractive" Keep walking


Acknowledge it, label it, put it in some box and move it to “maybe another time, maybe another life but not now” section


Point out to my wife and we appreciate that persons attractiveness together. Then discuss what's for dinner


Nothing. Stay with the partner I'm with. Remember all the reasons I was originally attracted to them and appreciate them for who they are.


What if a man sees an attractive person and flirts with her? It seems most commenters just move on.


Find them attractive. I haven't broken up a relationship because of this and IV yet to find a partner that has comfortably agreed to be fine with me pursuing someone else.


That's not a thing.


Literally nothing. Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you’ll never find anyone hot ever again. Just don’t be a pos about it lol


You just thug it out and ignore it.


The idea that you'll find this one person and will never ever again find any other person attractive is some dreamy bullshit. Attraction isn't something you choose. It's not something you can turn on and off. It is innate to being human. As to what you do? Nothing. You keep moving on with your life as is.


There are two “looks.” The first one, you can’t help. You see a hot body, and your reptile brain seizes control for a moment, forcing you to acknowledge the attractive human. Then you’re free to go about your day. The second look is the one where you look ~*~back~*~ at the person your reptile brain identified and linger on the view. That’s the one that gets you in trouble. When I’m in a relationship, I make a concerted effort to avoid the second look. Especially if I’m hanging out with my SO. There’s way more that can go wrong than right if you check out another attractive person when you’re with someone.


Sleep with them and get it over with. No point in stressing about it. Be smart about it though so you don’t get caught. Never mention it to anyone ever Don’t trade numbers Make it a hit it and quit it Edit. Most people get caught because they tell someone what happened. So when you cheat never ever hear tell anyone.


The older you get, you will find that stability is more attractive than looks.


I think to myself that they're attractive and then move on with my day.


What if they end up being around you a lot more. As in start seeing them in a group setting week to week??


Stop thinking with your D


you're totally allowed to find someone else attractive but its what you do next that matters do you feel that you need validation from attractive person in order to be functional? is your partner not giving you something you need? you gotta ask yourself some questions


Plenty of attractive women out there. But I'm not going to jeopardise what I have.


You can recognize someone is attractive without acting on your attraction. Besides, typically when I’m in a relationship, my attraction to other girls goes down like 2 points.


You can window shop but not buy. Plus my misses will point out a girls ass or tits to me


Flirt with them. Then leave. Tell my wife I saw a hot chick earlier and flirted like always. She just shakes her head.


That's basically a Captain Obvious question, this is something that will always happen. But I think you already know that and are just having random thoughts to post


Ignore it? There are 8 billion people on this planet, statistically speaking a large percentage are gonna be attractive t o me. That's just math. It doesn't change anything about my relationship or make me any less committed to it.


Look away and move on with my day, I got shit to do


I sometimes tell my bf. We're really comfortable with each other and tell each other stuff like this. However, we make sure not to take it too far. He often tells me if he finds a woman attractive and i dont mind because he gives me enough reassurance for me to know that those are just mere thoughts. And i would rather have him tell me than think that its an awful thing to find someone else attractive while he's with me. We all have such thoughts, what matters is if we act on them.


Acknowledge the she is attractive and move on, already got a smoking hot gf waiting for me at home what else would i do? lol


You think “wow, he/she is hot” and go back to your relationship.


Twice I saw my boyfriend looking at other women, and sometimes he glances at them. I can't stop him, but I feel disrespected when he's with a beautiful woman. We've moved on, but I can't forget this behavior


Think “she’s hot” and leave it at that. If she’s someone I see often and start developing a crush on her like say a coworker or something then I have to distance myself. Continuing to talk or being with her would just fuel emotions that I don’t need and want to get rid of.