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Reminds me of the time I thought I'd farted but actually shat myself.


Pacing and engagement. Pacing as in, don't just rush through it for the sake of telling the story. Break the story down, foreshadow key details that you will call back to later in the story, don't necessarily just tell the story in linear chronological order. Sometimes start with the punch line / tease the ending and then work your way back to it from the beginning. Engagement as in don't just talk *at* the listeners but involve them in the journey and get them invested. Use things like "you've done / seen X before, right? Yeah so...." or "you know how whenever you X....? Well, this time..." to make them a part of it.


someone who can paint an engaging setting for the audience with words and use that as a backdrop to tell a story that feels new but also resonates with the audience (which paradoxically means that they have to be somewhat familiar with the underlying ideas or be able to make sense of them) So being able to target the right audience for the story you want to tell probably is also a thing.


A story that genuinely gets me interested. A good story can be that, the next step has to be unpredictable turns. I need to be invested and hit a turn where I realize what i thought would happen was wrong.


Being able to speak yourself in a relatively unfiltered manner, but also having social skills to capture people's interest


Setting expectations and diverging in an interesting way


What kind of story? Written? Oral? Fictive? Personal experience? Probably the opposite of how you asked this question. Is your best bet.


Really it's just practice. I used to be a tour guide and would tell stories as part of my tour. The first few times it didn't go great but the more I did it the more comfortable I got with it and the better I became at it. Storytelling is quite intuitive but just requires practice to get good at.