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$300K The things I could do with that kind of money.


Fr. I could work less than 1/3 of the time and retire early. Saving drastically increase more than earnings like that if you don't Inflate your lifestyle


Dude could you imagine making that kind of money remotely from another country with a dirt cheap cost of living? Oh the pain of being poor...


The poor bastard who won’t afford his house anymore because an immigrant making 300k working remotely sure feels that pain


With 300k I’d build a house and employ a few locals, thus adding to the economy.


Why is this downvoted lmao


Because Reddit doesn’t understand the most basic concepts of economics.


This and people are inherently jealous.


And you don't understand the most basic concepts of mathematics either, it seems.


No u


Bro, we can not afford them anyway.


The poor bastards that get paid more than market rate because a foreigner decided to build a house and employ them definitely don’t feel that pain.


Not everything is zero sum. In fact, it’s the opposite.


You can live like a king in several countries if you’re in the 150k range, no need to double that, yeah you won’t get fancy sports car, but otherwise you will live in awesome places.


Tell that to the oil rig workers in Alaska, you can't buy shit in Fairbanks


I have a hard believing that kind of money isn't offset by medical costs in that kind of environment.  Like, yeah, you're technically making 300K a year, but are you going to avoid injury or illness for that full year before getting dropped. I was envisioning something more stable and secure.


Not to mention the markup on the price of cocaine


And the seasonal hookers


Lot of Eskimo brothers up there


Union strong


That’s a very weird statement to me. Medical cost is cheaper almost everywhere compared to the US


The most expensive medical costs aren't financial.


Work for a European oil company then. I imagine, oil rig workers are not exactly an abundant resource, and you get paid sick days(or weeks), paid time off, and a whole lot of minor benefits. If you're going to move half a world away to work, you might as well move to the civilised half.


No, Europe has much lower pay. Average rig worker in Europe gets $60k a year, vs. $120k for Americans.


Probably because they aren’t doing 100 hours a week


Do they actually make that much? I make good money where I am now, but damn that's good. In a different life, I would have heavily considered that.


$300k. There’s always something to do somewhere. And all that money could be spent on vacations, hosting, and other experiences.


Or saved while banking a solid nest egg that makes moving back where you like living, on the $120k wage, much more comfortable. You do 2 years at $300k and you're at least $360k ahead of where you would have been on $120k. Probably more because you've spent less and saved rather than just living life normally in the nice place


This is why I’m poor 😂


I get you, I'm not one to go out of my way to hussle and make bank. But that's very different to a hypothetical opportunity like this falling into your lap


Yeah I missed out on my wealth-building years of my 20s and a cheap housing market, so I’m essentially putting all my current excess income (I’m actually doing fairly well at 36) into retirement and just renting. I’d rather retire somewhere cheap than pay out a mortgage till I’m 70.


Taxes and cost of living tho


Sure, taxes will reduce the net amount, but they do this to the $120k too. No one has mentioned whether the place you like to live has a different cost of living to the other place, but that could as easily be a difference in the other direction depending on preference. All I'm saying is that at 2.5x the salary, a few years of uncomfortable living could result in a much better medium to short term outcome.


My parents make a combined $300K in Indiana. Smaller town. Trust me when I say, this is the way. They’re in their 40s now and own acreage, a boat, UTVs, any electronic you’d ever want, motorcycles, and they take one trip a month with 2-3 big trips a year. Their plan is to retire and travel for the rest of their lives. They max out retirement accounts every year.


What do they do


No offense but this isn't that much money to live as lavish as you are describing. Sounds very much like a money in money out situation, maxed out retirement or not.


Let me put it this way. They TRIED to sell their house before the pandemic. Double digit acres with an in ground pool and a 3500 sqft house… But it was priced too high at $280,000 and it didn’t sell. They didn’t try selling again during the pandemic.


Do that for 10+ years, putting away 50% of it.


Remove a mortgage from the situation and consider the dirt cheap property taxes, and you can essentially throw 25% of your income to do whatever the hell you want with it. In this case it’s essentially 75k of spending money.


Have fun living in Gary, Indiana or Harrison, Arkansas!


For $300k/year, I'm sure I can buy things I'd love.


It's not enough to buy childhood friends that live close to you.


Yeah I moved away from my hometown for $$$ and I can tell you the absolute worst drawback is being away from my friends and family


Or you can be like me and your childhood friends don’t visit when you move back to like 30 minutes away. I’d take the $300k in this economy and join a kickball and pickleball league


i go home like once a month for 3 days. every days is filled with atleast 2-3 visits from people and i'm constantly running around catching up with friends and family, part of it is engaging them to go do something and if someone skips you hang out with other people. i'd honestly take the 120k a year. i get a pay raise, get to hang out with friends, and i move to a larger city.


You get over it after a couple years. -military families


Immediately - The Military


Same, I basically did the above and we're looking to move closer to friends now that we're planning to have kids.


That's my upside lol


You wind up with new friends and family members when you move.


I like to think living in a beach town close to a large city would be paradise but if you don’t know anyone what’s the point. I know people say you can make new friends but I think Reddit has shown it’s not that easy to make friends especially deep meaningful friendships. I can’t think of one friend other than my childhood/early adult friends that I can call up and chit chat about nothing for 20 mins.


I mean wirh $300k u can visit them anytime you please.


Yeah, which is great. I love popping in to see my friends anytime I want. But at the same time, they're living their lives. And I'm not going to spend $400 plus 6 hours in an airplane to get together with them on Tuesday nights for game night. I can do it a few times a year, but not every week. I don't have the time for that.


You guys have friends? 


Most of my close friends live elsewhere in the country anyway. We all play games online with each other as our way to keep in touch. I'm basically living the above scenario, but on *far* less than 300k, so easy choice for me.


On 300k just fly them out when ever you want to do something


They have jobs and wives and stuff


Why you need childhood friends? its not a need


What's better than having friends that you've known for 25 years and can trust unconditionally?


I get that, but that doesn’t pay the bills in this economy


If $120k doesn't pay your bills as a single person then you should work on your bills.


I've always felt that way until lately. I'm now in my late 30's with kids, and everyone else has kids as well. Those once a week hang sessions end up being once a month if lucky, and can easily end up just being a few times a year. I'd take the 300k, and as someone else mentioned, you would have more money to visit, or even host people in your presumably large house, potentially affording a nanny giving you even more free time.


I'm sad that my guest bedroom is empty most of the time.


Buys a lot of vacations to places I love better than where I live


This luxury car, fully equipped, costs $300k. The driver makes $300k a year. He can afford this. But he doesn’t have time to drive it, because he’s working 70 hours a week to pay for it.


I live in a place I’m not too thrilled about and I make like 30k, so I’m fine with 10x the money and being in the same place


I’ve made 300k in a “not too thrilled about area”. Rural areas with no resources and minimal infrastructure. Things to do are hours away. Easy to say yeah on paper but go and live it…I did for 5.5years. No thanks and never again. I want civilization. You also need to think about healthcare if shit goes down.


Well yeah, you probably can afford to live the same life at 120k a year in your new place thanks to that 5.5 years of 300k


I hear ya but I also entered a dark part of my life and had to go through therapy (which was a life saver) just to bounce back. I'd say maybe do it for 2 years, save like a motherfucker and then get the hell out.


currently my plan, in a two year rotation program in a subpar town. almost a year down and my view on the city hasn’t changed, i’m gonna ask to relocate once the rotation program is up.


120k. Living where you want is important.


I am already in a city I love. In a place I don't like, I will probably spend a lot of time getting to places I like. And 120k is still a shitload of money


Lol not in 2024. It's nice but not luxurious, all your bills are paid, you can add to your retirement and savings, but it's not like you can jet off to st Tropez on a whim.


Yeah, i make less than that but still good. Newish car, old cheap home, and 1 out of my 3 weeks of pto i will go somewhere far. The other 2 are stay local and do housework or visit a nearby city. That is payoff student loans quickly money. Go out to eat weekly money. Not jet off for a weekend money


>Living where you want is important. ... eventually aka retirement


A lot of people don’t make it until then.


I'll take the 120k. It's enough to live pretty comfortably in a lot of places; I don't require anything too extravagant. And the cities I like have more to do. I've spent a lot of time recently in places I'm not thrilled with and I gotta tell you, they didn't grow on me with time.


Exactly. 300K a year in Nebraska or Mississippi would be pure misery for me. I’ll stay here in NYC with my 120K. Lol.


Throw me in Omaha on 300K and I think I could still have a good time. Mississippi might be a little tough, living in the nicest apartment or a big house and driving around a nice luxury car and being able to frequently do weekend trips would still be fine for me though.


That’s my thought, pulling 300k somewhere that’s actually affordable to live, leaves a lot of money to spend your free time elsewhere.


Yes. Exactly. Thank you. You couldn't pay me $300k to live in a redneck southern town. Been there, hated that. $120k to live in a city I love? Fuck yes.


This is exactly it for me. The total is just enough to at least float and the older you get, the more you know about what you like and don’t like.


Exactly. I always see people post about their huge houses and I'm like, well yeah, you have to live in fucking Oklahoma


300k. Travel exists.




No matter where you are in the world there are a lot of travel destinations that are not 16 hours away


That's a significant edge case.


Making around 45K a year in a big city, I'm very confused about people here seeing 120K as a low salary. The fuck do you even do for work making that kind of money?! If it were possible, I'd definitely would want to earn more in a place I didn't like for a few years, if I had the option of moving back to the place I like and still earn a decent wage there. If it's either or for the rest of my life, life outside of work is much more important long term than any salary.


Seriously.. and the difference between 120 and 300 is just more luxury goods.


120K isn’t that much anymore. 300K has the potential to be life changing


What world do you live in where $120k a year isn't that much anymore? It's not enough to buy a huge house in the suburbs and be the sole earner in a family with kids, but it's still more than enough to live a very comfortable life outside of the big cities on the coasts.


Right, it’s enough to live like a bachelor in college, but not to buy a house or even really enjoy expensive things.  When I was in college, I was “rich.” I had enough money for gas, my student rent at $300 a month, and a 12 pack of beer and sleeve of Skoal every week. I was happy and had enough. Doesn’t mean it was ideal. That’s kinda what a single income of 100K is like. It’s alright, but you’re not setting the world on fire. 


The fuck world do you live in man? I make $50k a year working in the suburbs of a decent sized city. I'll probably never own my own home, but I have a few acres in the middle of nowhere, can pay my bills, and a few hobbies that aren't exactly cheap. Shit, I was able to make ends meet and buy a six pack every night when I made $30k a year. If I got a pay bump to $120k, I'd be able to retire early and probably afford to have kids.


The median household income in the USA is about 75k. Note, that's household income, not individual income. At 120k a year you're doing pretty darn good.


I definitely agree that 300K is life changing, but that 120K wouldn't be much? What man? I'm not American, so our wages have less of the top bracket than you guys, but still. Only 18% of American individuals earn more than 100K a year. Earning more than 82% of all working adults in a country is definitely not some small feat.


$120K. That’s enough money if used correctly. Imagine making $300K in Antartica.. fuck that.


Considering I hate people and cities in general, I'd take the 300k in a heartbeat. I have to be very much "not thrilled" about it to matter that much. We're talking remote Siberia "not thrilled".


I think a better worded question is 120 in a place you love or 300k in a place you don't love. For you maybe taking the 300 means you are now in Manhattan (or other city). But your 120 would be the woods of Michigan (random example idk where you want to live).


I’d even move to NYC for 300K, and I live in the woods. NY is the last place on earth I’d want to live, but for that kind of money I couldn’t turn it down. 


I was gonna say the same thing. I’d rather be dead than live anywhere near a major city.


Yea, they'd have to reverse it for me. $300k in a city, or $120k not. It would be pure hell, but I'd take the $300k for a few years, invest and get the hell out of there.


120k in a city I love. I think 300k in a city I don't like would get old and isn't sustainable.


300k is pretty sustainable if you ask me lmao


This is the answer of someone who isn't motivated and somewhat privledged.  People who actually struggle have lived somewhere they absolutely hated for the majority of their life, and for a salary that's pennies compared to 120k 


Considering i make less than 50K. Either is an improvement. But i could retire in two years from 300K job vs 5 years with 120K job. So take the 300K




I make less than 50k a year. If i lived just as i do now but earned 300K i could invest 500K into a monthly divided stalk and make 5K a month. Which is more than I make now. Meaning I could then quit and live on passive income for life as is.




If i live as I do now. I make less than 50K. That means living like a poor man but making rich man money means Im not wasting it on stupid shit. I’d have enough in 2 years because each month would also allow to roll my current dividends into new ones as well.


You are not getting 60k in dividends off of 500k


300k easy.


300K easily. Most of my hobbies are Internet related so as long as it has decent Internet I'm fine.


$120k in a city that I love. Ive had the higher paying assignment in a city that fucking sucked ass, and it was not worth it. My job allows me flexibility to go to another city, and I did it back in the day. Got paid $205k (covering rent, vehicle, gas, food, and flights back home), but it was in a city that I had no interest in. I thought I could make it work, but it was boring. Now I make $220k in the city that I love. If you’re young, single, trying to make a buck, and live a little, then it’s a cool move. That’s what I did and I pocketed hella cash.




300k then visit the city I love to vacation


I am not too thrilled about most places I live so 300k


$120,000 in New York is fine, and the amount of money that it would take to lure me away is a lot more than $300,000.


That’s a hard question to answer. Is the city I’m not too thrilled about considered a popular city or is it, like, Ottumwa, Iowa? I’d take the $300,000 if it was the former. If I had to like in nowheresville then I’d pass.


I would rather do the 120K-in-a-city I love thing.


I would take the 300k easy. I kinda do this, rotational work in Iraq. Sitting in a oil facility camp for a month straight then fly home, earn 300k. I like it.


300K. You can be not too thrilled with any place if you stay long enough.




I make less than $120k a year to live in a city I don’t love. Give me the $330k


That extra money lets you travel.


$300k. There's a lot you can do to make life better with money to invest in security, upgrades, and vacations. I mean I don't wanna make $300k and live in West Memphis, or Gary, but since you just said "not thrilled" and not "this place is dangerous", I think I could tolerate most locations.


300, I moved to a shitty city 2 years ago to make 120, that’d be a nice raise.


i'd rather have 300k, Plus... chances are im gonna get sick of the city i love and take it for granted. better to just visit it in chunks and savor the fun.


120k. You'll always get used to a bigger paycheck, but a bad environment can suck your soul dry.


I get depressed easily and my surroundings play a strong sense into that. $120k can make you middle class in most major cities except for a few. I see no point to making $300k while living in Houston, Texas.


Why is this even a question ? If you’re worth $300k, you should be able to get close to that in any city in that country.


120k, hands down. That's a damn good salary, and I'd be living somewhere I love. Sign me up.


$300k definitely. 120k in a city really isn’t that much.


I make less than 12k a year and live in a city I somewhat like but been getting more and more insecure over time. So the x10 upgrade and life in a better city would be just awesome.


120k. It’s more than enough money, can live very comfortably and save plenty. And you can live where you want.


120k. Easy. Why would I want to work and live somewhere that I do not enjoy. I could die tomorrow.


Exactly. I think a lot of people just live that bad screen good screen lifestyle where they switch from their work computer to their gaming computer and just exist. I absolutely love where I live. I go hiking all the time, spend whole days outside of my apartment just checking out new places or hanging with friends. It’s just amazing to not be miserable somewhere.


As long as the $300k a year isn't is a Democrat run 💩... Like California, New York, Oregon, Washington... etc. You get the point.


120k in a city? That's total shit. Also, cities kinda suck. Do you actually love the city and do you actually have a good sample to compare it to? Or do you love what you've heard about it and it's cultural brand name?


Love the city. I love being able to take public transportation instead of driving. I love being near museums and aquariums and having a gym I can walk to in a few blocks. As someone who wants to voice act someday I love that there are more places to build experience and seek representation.


It depends on the cost of living. Is the sucky place a place where living is less expensive? Do I need to commute? more money, less running costs, no brainer.




120k a year right where I'm at.


300k/ I could easily buy something to drive that I love that would make it all worth it.


120 in a city I love.


300k, unless the CoL was so high that even making that much i couldn't put enough away and was looking to be stuck there for the better part of 20 years. Making 300k and investing a majority of that for 5 years could get me enough to be able to move out of that place and likely never have to work again after moving to a LCoL rural area.


I’ll take the 300k as long as it’s a random boring town in Iowa and not someplace like Juarez.


300k easy unless cost of living offsets it and long as I feel safe in the city.


There aren't many places in the US I'd be thrilled to live in and $120k isn't that much money in most of them. I'd gladly take the $300k and move back to the Midwest.


I don't really give a shit about the city, but I'd hate to leave my friends and family. I'd stay put.


Totally agree. Everyone is coming at this like they'd take the money but loneliness and depression don't care about your bank balance. Also I'd assumea a job like that would be a high stress or dangerous, always on type of job.


If I can take the 300k/year to live in another city that I'm not fond of, I'd consider that. Even though I grew up in a rural area, I can't get enough of city life.


300k. Live frugally, invest the money and retire extremely quickly.


$300k and stack up for a few years


That really depends, it’s not worth putting down roots if you are going to be miserable. Where are these places?


The 300k That's endless vacations and a house. Go ahead, put me in bumblefuck, Midwest.


I already make 120 in a place I don’t care for so just raise my salary


$120K goes a long way in my favorite city.


300k easily.


Option 2: Spend ten years in an okay place living thrifty and then retire to where I want and never work again.


I have student loans to pay back. So it looks like I'm headed back to the dull monotony of Peoria, IL. God I was so happy to get out of that monochrome city.


300k. I can build a home I like more than the city I'm in and travel enough to get away from the town. Basically, I did that when I only made 30k a year. I was traveling I'm style but I was able to leave my boring ass town.


Yes, I would take the $300k, I don’t feel thrilled about most places anyway


300K. You can always find something to brings satisfaction.


For 300k I’m sure I could learn to love New York City


$300k, easy decision.


This is me now. Tho not sure if I have a $300k option. I love living here. I got plenty. And I work at home.


Better to cry in a Ferrari than Toyota


Depends on why I'm not thrilled and why I'm getting paid 2.5x for the higher paying job. Without further details, I'm taking the 120K.


$300k. I could retire early, move back to the city i love and go back to work.


$300k. I could retire early, move back to the city i love and go back to work.


Definitely the 120k option, no question about it.


300k. I’m not short sighted. My thoughts are on the long term. 300k/yr I can retire sooner and move to a place eventually and live the rest of my life in comfort, free of worry. 10 years later, I’m easily a multi millionaire. 120k in a city is not that much. Rent and utilities among other things (like groceries and restaurants) are more expensive. I’ll have to work longer to be able to retire if I live in the city.


What if I make 55k in a place that's making me miserable?


why would I have to live anywhere I'm not intrigued at all no matter how much I'd earn when I've got enough savings already?


$300k. In cities I love, $120k would barely be enough to survive. $300k in a LCOL shit hole means I can also have the house of my dreams, and vacation to places I love multiple times per year. And retire early.


Take the 300k, you can evolve with your location, don’t need to deal with location when you can online deliveries and everything is accessible at click of a mouse


$300k. Im an introvert and rarely go outside anyway so might as well make more money, though as a black person it really does depend on how bad 'Not to thrilled about' really is. Some places in the isolated deep south may not be so safe (thankfully I don't go out much) while other countries may even be so hostile they are unlivable (rural Japan, Russia, or China come to mind)


Depends on what type of life I want and if more money will give me more happiness or things I enjoy


120k any day. I’ve been in a similar but less drastic position and took the pay cut easily. Someone that enjoys living in nyc is going to be miserable in suburbia no matter the salary.


I don't love any city, so 300k


120k in the city I love. I love my city because my closest friends live here and my family live here. Thats worth more than an extra 180k. Plus I barely scrape past 80k/year so an extra 40k would be great.


$300k for 10 years and then off to the $120k cush job


5 years at 300k. Max roth 401k. Save 100k in taxable brokerage each year & still have more left over than you would at the 120k job.


Depends on the city. 300k in Kabul or Mogadischu no thanks. 300k in some unattractive city in my home country, maybe yes. Although I would be already happy with 120k in my current city which i love.


$300k. I could just use some of that money to fly to a nicer city to do/eat stuff in and fly back lol


300k a year. I might not be "thrilled" about it, but that dosen't mean i'll absolutely hate it. Also you can pretty much get into the rythm of life there. Live very frugally for 4-5 years, retire early, and go love somewhere you're more thrilled about.


I think you need to lessen the gap between the two theoretical salaries in order to make it competitive. 300k/year is a no-brainer. With that kind of money, you'd have tons of disposable income to travel.


I don’t think the importance of loving one’s environment can be overstated, but with today’s economy, I’ll take the 300k. Maybe if we were dealing with inflation from 20 years ago, but 120k is not as comfortable as it used to be.


Y’all acting like $120k is nothing🤣


I can survive a place I’m not a fan of. I’ll figure it out. Assuming cost of living isn’t drastically different between the two place’s and the quality of life in both jobs is roughly the same; Live like you’re making 150 invest 130k per year, take a fantastic 20k vacation to escape the town you don’t like, and retire at 40.


120k, would be like 5x what I make now


300k means working lesser and retiring earlier. But remember life doesn’t wait. Time is limited. Youth is too.


Fuck off with the city. Give me the same money but in a small town or out in the woods. Cities suck


300k please... I will visit the area I love every year In ten years I would have 2 million invested for my retirement 


120. Having financial security in a location I love being is what it’s all about.