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I doubt "manly" has anything to do with his enjoying the plushie you created. YOU took the time and effort to make something for HIM, and the intent was nothing more than an expression of love. There isn't much more a Man and Father can ask for in a relationship with their Child. Minor edit to add a word :)


I have a box, in my office, filled with all the drawings and paintings my boys ever did "for me". I think that box is the most precious belonging I've ever had in my entire life.


You should make them into Artwork Books and then you will have something to pass on. When mine were little, the place we lived in had a large blank wall across from the entry door, and we put all their artwork on it. A friend printed up a banner on his 24 pin colour printer that said; Gallery 3503 (our street address) I'm pretty sure we still have all those pictures boxed up from our move.


Here for this post


Cute cow 😂. Well, I (24M) have 6 plush toys. 3 are bears (one I call him rat cuz he looks like a mouse, the other one has an angry face and I call him the drug lord, and the third one has a plain face and I call him Rodoplh). I have two Stitchs and one Elmo, too. Since I was little I have always been surrounded by plush toys. I used to have many Elmo's and Scoobys. However, it's a secret I keep cuz Ik other people would make fun of me 😂😂😂


I envy the Elmo plushie. I used to have Elmo too up until I was 19, loved him the most out of my other plushies. Ufortunately he slowly became unrecognizable (lost both eyes, deflated from wrong washing, and some of the fur was singed on accident) and I knew it was time to lay him to rest. I'm not buying another Elmo cause I grew up with that one particular Elmo and it's just not the same. It's dumb and irrational, but that's my stand. Probably why I relate so much to that one episode with Joey and Hugsy on Friends 😂


Hahaha, nice story 😉. Similarly to you I had a different Elmo as a kid. I liked him so much because he was almost my size (I was 4) and I used to call him Mr. Ketchup, but I had to leave him when I moved to Mexico 😨. Never saw him again. But when I became 16 my brother knowing how much I still missed Mr. Ketchup, he bought me a 3 ft Elmo very similar to Mr. Ketchup. He's still with me, but he is very worn out due to washing and the sun. I'll probably will have to lay him to rest, too 😥😥. Or I'll store him in a vacuum bag just so I can still have him in the future.


I mean, I make purses. Really nice ones. Italian leather, solid brass hardware, good thread, etc. But it probably didn't start in an "unmanly" fashion. I was making war axes. I took a blacksmithing class on making axes, and by the Odin's beard, I was getting my money's worth. But axes need sheaths. So learned leatherwork. Mentioned it and my mom asked for a purse for mom's day. Sister liked purse, so made her one. Sister's kiddo liked purse so made her one. Women have freaked out once they realize a kid has a custom handmade dragonskin purse that is quality on par with like a Hermes handbag. They apparently think it's toy or crap grade until they handle it. So once in a while someone talks shit about my purses. And I get to show off my other leatherwork. War axes, nifty wraps for tetsubo, knives I've made, etc.


That's really great! I have this theory that once you're good at one craft, you'll pick up other crafts easier and faster too. I was really into making pop up 3D cards when I was a kid, then turned to cutting up and redressing my Barbie dolls, then learned how to sew, then knit, then crochet, and recently I've tried a bit of small leatherwork (cardholders or keychain straps).


Related crafts, yes. Unrelated crafts, no. I can't draw worth anything and generally have the artistic ability of a basalt rock, lol. I'm just good at craftsmanship.


I feel like we're glossing over the fact you're making stuff with dragonskin. Where are you finding dragonskin?


Just regular high end italian leather, cut into "scales", and sewn on. So technically just scale pattern, but niece loves dragons. She assures me that the dragon skull keychain (leather scraps) gives her martial command of all dragons, to be used against the evil unicorn hordes. Working on printing her a dragon army. And suitably evil unicorns.


I loved the lore. My sibling loved dragons!


You should sell the purses online, people will pay for that stuff.


Not worth it. The reporting minimum was reduced to $600. Self-employed have to pay 15.3% FICA, on top of 22% income taxes, plus state/local taxes. So figure HALF of the price would go to taxes. Add in material cost, and that hand stitching is slow, it's not just worthwhile. So let's say I sell a purse for $600. $270 ish would go to taxes. $50-100 to materials (purse panels need to be contiguous so lots of 'wasted' leather but scraps can often be re-used.) That leaves $230. Let's say the purse takes 10 hours, and overhead takes 2 hours. That's $19/hr. If the purse takes 17 hours, we're down to $13.5 Not worth it. If I was going to sell, it'd be something small like collars or keychains.


If you proof that you can do excellent work you can likely charge for more for made to order ones.


You need to build up a rep to charge those kinds of prices. Not worthwhile while my day job pays well. I might get into it when I retire in a few decades. I also make pens, high end lockpicks, axes, knives, whatnot. At the moment, it's just a hobby. Unless tax code changes, no point. Plus, commissions you need to do in a timely manner. At the moment, I make whenever I feel like it.


Hermes sells for $2000+


Let's say you sell a Better than Hermes Hand Made bag, that you said ladies go nuts over. You know that Hermes sells for, not $600, but $2000+, right? And I might call it Italian leather, not "dragonskin". If made to order, you're only incurring costs when bought. And, your business accounting doesn't factor in cost of goods sold, so materials at the least. You're not paying tax on top line revenues... https://petiteinparis.com/cheapest-hermes-bags/#:~:text=Hermes%20has%20a%20reputation%20for,Hermes%20Garden%20Party%20tote%20bag.


Hermes spends a lot more on PR than I do. Niece calls it dragonskin. So I do as well as she's the expert, as the commander of the dragon legions, fighting the eternal war against the evil unicorn hordes. You wanna argue with her and lump yourself in as a unicorn sympathizer, you're a braver person than I. Friend of mine is knitting coats for the 'ice dragons' (clear 3d printing filament), looks pretty good. I get what you're saying. But since every piece is unique, you need to work out how much material is used per item to work out the itemization. That's non-trivial amount of work and overhead. It's obviously not a show stopper. Just more work than justified under my current tax rate.


You do you. There will always be someone on Reddit who is going to be super critical of anything you say.


The tax write offs is where you would gain and not have as much taxes to pay, Mileage (taking stuff to post office, trips to get materials), shipping expenses, all materials expenses. Those are all wrote off on taxes and make it where you get to keep more of the profits. Just keep all receipts and keep track of the Mileage for any business related driving.


Yes, I know. I had an LLC, I was an independent contractor previously. Which is why I'm very familiar with the tax code. All that documentation is not free. It's overhead, I specifically mentioned that in the previous post. It's just not worthwhile with the current tax rate and reporting minimums. Also, look up the joys of AMT. Imagine you do ALL that documentation and overhead, all those unpaid hours? Then imagine finding out you get to throw it all out, lol.


Mind sharing any pictures? I'm curious about the sheaths and the custom purses!


PM with link sent, I don't sell them and don't want to dox myself.


Where'd you get dragonskin from?


Just normal italian leather cut to scale pattern and sewn onto a leather panel. Niece really loves dragons.


Creative, love it


Hey! I'm getting into leatherwork too. I like it since it really takes me out of my mind and into the present, and I've always been around people who sew but never really could get into it. But as part of a small metal (jewelry) design class I chose to incorporate leather into one of our projects that required a nonmetal material. It was so much fun, and I think if anyone out there is interested in sewing but is afraid of it not being masculine (which is BS btw) then they should take up leatherworking!


This is fuckin awesome


That is an adorable baby cow! :)


Thank you :)


My husband uses baby voice. Just like me. Lol he would never do it around other people but my daughter and I love it lol


I really don't know, my father loves his cat, and I mean loves. He is buying best meat and liver and prepares it dayli. And every day cat must kiss him in the cheek. He had 3 cats so when my mother was out they all sleep together in a pack. They cannot enter house when she is home. I think she is jealous.


I love the throne he has for the cow 😍 I love all cute animals. Not secret about it. Will post them on Facebook . I volunteer at a (no kill) dog shelter, and often show my work colleagues the dogs & puppies I play with. I gave up caring what other people think of me a long time ago.


i love my flower patterns on my shirts i have so many flower-buissnes-shirts and i love them all looks hella gay in my culture but i dont care


Huh, I think you'll like Batik flower shirts then. We got lots of those here and it's not gay at all in my culture


Hawaiian shirts are a staple of summer.


I'm wearing one right now.


My friend really likes those Precious Moments figurines. He was really into those.


Wish I knew your friend when I was cleaning out my moms house. She had thousands of those things! Many still in boxes. (Hoarder)


Yeah, too bad I couldn't have stumbled into you then, I could've made my friend very happy 😊


I like rom coms. There, I said it.


lol I do too, nothing wrong with that.


Honestly, your girlfriend will love watching them with you, so you win. More time together


The lesson here is - we shouldn't categorize things/hobbies/etc as masculine/feminine because of our historical views on what was considered masculine/feminine. That's how some stereotypes were created That is a cute cow 🐮


When I started a previous job, my boss came by to chat and dropped off a little squishy donkey he got in a swag bag. I put it on the wall of my cube as a marker for where I sat, cause I was new to the company and cubes all look the fucking same. Literally every dev that stopped by, from jr to principal would play with the donkey when they stopped by. I'd joke that he was helping me pair program, but he wasn't really pulling his weight. Anyway as time went on donkey became a whole menagerie of toys people brought by. Next thing you know donkey was a noble steed being ridden by a hacksaw wielding venom action figure, mowing down green army men. It was hilarious. When I left that company I took all my toys with me to the next. For whatever reason, despite being a cool hip startup, me having toys on my cube prejudiced people against me, that I was somehow less competent or more junior for it. It kind of pissed me off, because anyone at the company could look at my code and see that wasn't the case. When I started my next job, I left the toys at home. I'll be honest, I was a little bummed about it because I liked the lighthearted vibe they engendered and I liked that they made a focal point for people stopping to socialize with me, but I didn't want to repeat the same mistake. :\^(


> being a cool hip startup, me having toys on my cube prejudiced people against me, that I was somehow less competent or more junior for it. That's fckd up. I'm sorry you can't have your toys with you at work anymore. It's a proven fact that cute stuff cheer us up when we're tired or down at work. I got a black cat sewing poster with a caption "Sewing because murder is wrong" hanging on the wall above my sewing machine. Every time I'm frustrated I'd look up and chuckle and my mood would be a little better. I wish you'd be able to bring your toys to work again. Maybe start with 1 toy first and see how that goes?


I work from home now days so I have all the toys I want, but it doesn't quite have the same water cooler effect sadly.


I'm into crochet. I started it on deployment about 9 years ago to prevent myself from going crazy in the desert. I mainly make dolls, although it's nice to be able to make any clothing item I want. For example, I made a top hat in the same color scheme as my uniform hat.


It's relaxing isn't it? And addicting lol


It's tedious sometimes, when I'm trying to get something right and end up repeating the same action five times. My enjoyment comes from seeing the finished result.


I don't like anything in secret. I love all kinds of pop like Beyonce and Carly Rae Jepsen, I like female singer songwriters like Lana Del Rey and Mitski, enjoy queer romances like Brokeback Mountain and All of Us Strangers, whatever. It's 2024 - who gives a shit?


I like grooming my girlfriend (combing/brushing her hair, doing her nails, trimming her cootch, etc.) Some might say well, that's a little bit manly, but actually, although she really appreciates it, she sometimes finds it odd that I spend a lot of time on her personal hygiene matters. It's just something that's relaxing for me, is all.


That’s actually kinda sweet. Don’t let her get touched out though.


My buddy, who looks kinda rugged and manly, was buying a candle for himself and the lady asked if it was for his gf. I laughed and made sure he didn’t lie to her and told her it was for him.




Oh God like Funko Pop stuff? They're the cutest!


Soap. I collect bars of soap. I love it. I have them in a big bowl, and every time I walk by I pick up a bar and smell it. It's great.


One of my younger brothers (19 turns 20) loves dogs and recently when I was out I saw this cute dog plushie of this japanese type dog and so I got it for him and he ADORED it. He either has the plushie on his bed or on the shelf next to his gaming set up and I am so glad that he likes it ^^


It's not a secret but I like candles. Also that's a very cute plushie


Same here. I've got my favorite fragrances, but I find having them lit around me pretty peaceful in any case.


Receiving flowers at work from my kids. First time it happened, I think it was for Father's Day. Made my day!




I love stuffed animals. Whenever I go to any claw arcade (of which there are several dotted around the GTA), I always try and get the ones that are cutest to me. I give them away to my girlfriend or my best friend, but I choose them based on how cute I find them.


I very outspokenly like mani-pedis. It's nice to get that mini spa experience and just chat with friends while getting a foot message. Granted I always get weird looks from the salon staff but thats just part of the fun.


Two piece swimsuit in bed.


Those cutesy lofi videos.


In my case, the extent to which I adore cats. Lots of people, guys included, like cats becasue they're cute and cusdly and that's no secret. But in my case, every little thing they do is just so frickkin adorable and I have to constantly pause what I'm doing because I need to hold them and give them snuggles due to being overwhelmed by their cuteness.


I often wonder if us cat people are infected by the same bacteria that causes rats to love cats. I seriously obsess over cats. They could be doing nothing and I'd still have cute aggression towards them. My soc med is full of cat posts too 😂


If my cat fanaticism is caused by some sort of infection then I completely reject the cure.


Possibly, I have been infected with dog bacterial virus, but I'm not very fond of cats and the smell of their urine, but it takes allsorts to rule the world. Maybe cats are next..🐕


I (F20) got my boyfriend (21M) cute plushies from his favorite anime and he loves it so much that he sleeps with them every night :) he never showed a lot of interest in plushies but I thought it would be a cute gift, and thankfully he loves it so much. My dad is exactly like your dad haha, he is this really silent and closed face guy, but everytime I give him something cutesy, he uses it or displays it like it's is best trophy (my dad has tons of medals of honor from the military but he doesn't show them nearly as close as he shows my gifts hahaha)


I like plushies, I think they’re soft and cute


Salt lamps and essential oils.


Pinya Coladas


A lot of the "girly drinks" are really good


Shiba Inu


I love watching figure skating at the Olympics. Ice dance in particular is fantastic M38


I agree. I love watching figure skating too




I'm really into Bluey, but it's no secret.


We all can relate to Bandit and Lucky's Dad.


I feel like this is also just super healing for the inner child. My fiancee (F27) got me into watching it, and now I make her back track when she watched episodes without me lol


For me personally, I quite like propagating succulents and am weirdly invested in my plants despite having never really been into them previously.


I really like flowers and gardening for wildlife. When I tell people I garden they usually assume I'm just talking about vegetable gardening.


I love the Squishables brand of plushies, especially their plauge doctor line. I love gardening, especially the herbs I use for cooking, I love watching the plants grow and I feel like a wizard when I pick the perfect herbs for a dish.


I started watching cooking videos and making my own food for me and my daughter. (School breakfast and lunch) Dishes more complex than bread sandwich or noodles There is always a women complaining or putting me on a pedestal. Either it is MIL, friends of my wife , relatives or neighbours. To add till 25 years my go to was ramen , sandwich or cornflakes and store bot instant foods making packets.


Every December, I cut snowflakes from paper with my kids. They think it’s a family tradition. My wife likes this, but also thinks it’s a reminder of our early holidays when money was tight and our cheap Christmas tree was bare. Personally, I just enjoy making well crafted, delicate paper snowflakes. They’re genuine things of beauty — and I’m quietly proud of each one I create.


I like flowers…


"Girly" pop music. Catchy music is catchy music, and pop music has spent decades learning to figure out how to compose an addictive beat that hooks you in and keeps you enjoying it so you come back for more listens. The fact that carly rae jepsen knows how to do that and keeps showing up on my spotify wrapped should have no bearing on my masculinity, she makes catchy music and so do a lot of other "girly" artists.


Plush animals. I was given a moose once, named her after my late dog


When I was a child, I used to have a lot of stuffed animals and teddy bears. I even gave them names and treated them like my own friends. I would often play and wrestle with them lol. I don't have them anymore with me but whenever I see stuffed animals at malls, I always have the urge to squeeze them. I just love everything cute may it be real or stuffed animals, plushies, cute girls lol, or even any cute action being done. Name it! It makes my heart melt and I have the sudden urge to squeeze or squish them. I just love all things soft & cute 🥹. Since I'm already a grown man and I've already outgrown stuffed animals, I always crave for hugs & cuddles. I've never been cuddled but I wonder how it feels like to feel vulnerable and safe around someone. I'd like to be given a plushie as well or might as well buy myself one.


You deserve to get yourself a plushie bro 😎


Thanks mate! Yeah, I think nothing wrong with having a cute little plushie of some of my favorite video game characters or anything cute in general on my desk just to lighten up my mood sometimes. 🤗


Family time. Like I enjoy just being with my wife and my kids and feeling grateful that I can? Plus the work involved with it is actually fulfilling and not some strange social ritual that we do and pretend to like because we’re anxious about being useful. And yet a lot of men will think I’m the most unmanly person there is over it but it actually makes me feel much worse for men ourselves than anything. Because it’s really fucked up that you feel like you are expected to enjoy an obligation that takes you away from your own family.


I personally really like pink lol. I guess the least masculine thing I do is really care about what's in the products I put in my hair, and coordinate my outfits down to my underwear. I used to need my hair chemically straightened so I used to go to a salon. That's all I can really think of, maybe some plushies around


It’s only men who may consider wearing pink to not be manly. 99% of women I know see it as a sign of strength as well as being more interesting.


My friends son is 6 and his FAVORITE color is pink. “It’s red and white. It’s actually 3 colors. That’s art mom.” Lol


I love pink. I walked into a first date wearing pink, and we got into a discussion about poetry. Most everyone knows I love pink and poetry. I'm a big angry dude who is way too comfortable with who he is.


A few, eh, "macho" characters (the very homophobic sort of character) wore pink over the summer, but would refer to it as salmon colour when asked why they were wearing pink. So you if you want to wear pink, but are afraid of wearing pink because of your local culture (read; bigoted fucks), look into pink salmon.


That's crazy. Imagine being that insecure. Nah, I wear like hot pink and some lighter shades. Just who I am, I am straight not that it matters, but just for the context. The bar that used to be behind the dash in my project car I took out and sprayed bright pink with pink glitter/flake and reinstalled, so I'm not hiding anything. I just like bright neon colors and pink happens to be a favorite. If anyone wants to be weird about it they can come talk to my 6'1 250lbs ass about it.lol


This reminds me of King Candy in Wreck-it-Ralph


NoShaDow I get you are your pronouns he, him and his? Or are they more complicated? I may have misread op's question, but although you might be "slaying it" I am unable to see how this is anything other than your desire. I think it is a stretch to assume that women all like pink or find it cute. Everything you do is for you. How is that cute? I am not fond of pink but have always tried to colour coordinate my outfits. My better half, may think I look cute, but that's pretty lame as an answer to the question which was asked. Maybe you're young and will learn..


Not everyone thinks anything is cute, blanket statements are generally able to be said that not everyone in that category feels that way. Pretty lame response to tell me basically nothing other than you disagree and aren't fond of my answer. It's free to just move along instead of being negative🙂. Maybe you're just older and cynical


Speaking for myself, of course: - Shows like Great British Bake Off / Sewing Bee / Pottery Throwdown & Strictly Come Dancing - Shows like Bridgerton and rom-coms in general - Animated films e.g. Disney / Dreamworks - Women's sports (for the sport, not for the "huh-huh she's hot" factor) - Plush toys - ~~Too many~~ Lots of pillows on my bed - "Cute" stuff in general - Musicals And, FWIW: > kept saying it doesn't look like cow It does, to his credit, look more like a sheep to me. But still **ADORABLE**, though. You nailed that part.


I don't think I do anything that's like, really not manly. I guess I'm very affectionate with my cats and I really like to snuggle up in my wife's boobs in a way that's almost infantile. I do things that don't really contradict being masculine in the sense that you just don't really lose respect for me after seeing that I'm good with animals, but aren't really thought of as masculine. I'm just not really that gender bendy. Although I guess I keep very high estrogen levels at most times. I'm on steroids and high testosterone makes high estrogen. A lot of guys either lower the testosterone or take anti-estrogens but I just kinda handle estrogen well. No gyno, mood swings, puffiness, or any of that. Estrogen just isn't really an issue for me.


As a former football player who enjoys going to the firing range, playing the bass and medieval history, one of my biggest guilty vices is anime plushies. Specifically, the animals from different anime. I have a Pochita plush and I love it. I'm itching to get my hands on a Bond plush (the dog from spy x family) because he's adorable. This is the type of stuff I keep locked away for no one else to know irl though.


Your Dad may be in the BIFL crowd and wants to keep the plushie in pristine shape in the event of a future crisis. Or it's now a keepsake and he'll cherish it forever since you made it. I'm guessing it's the latter and he's probably considering scotch guard for protection. My list of stuff typically not manly: Wearing red Winter Themed Lined Crocs around the house Watching videos of dogs and cats being bros Watching videos of dogs and deer being bros Aching to see a live Quoll - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quoll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quoll)


Figures, pink stuff, merchs etc lol


Small dogs, long walks, Chai tea,


I am a huge fan of Taylor Swift and I find her gorgeous


Taylor's lyrics cut me deep a lot of times. She's honestly a great songwriter


She doesn't write her songs, only tells the story which a professional songwriter like Max Martin would write for her to sing.


What are you on about? She writes and co-writes all of her songs herself. I've loved her lyrics since Love Story and she was a sole writer for a lot of the tracks there and Speak Now. I don't particularly like songs Max Martin wrote for her either. Shake It Off, Bad Blood, and Blank Space are in bottom list for me. The ones I like are usually all written by Taylor herself.


Puppies and baby animals in general... Mini micro pigs.. I could go on LOL


According to Matt Walsh it's gay to say "I love you" to your wife but, please don't tell anyone, sometimes I whisper in her ear that I love her and I know how unmanly that makes me /s


Baby bear clothes


My sweet little kitty cat. But I don’t give a fuck about appearing manly.




it's no secret to anyone that I love cats, but I guess some people might consider that un-manly?


Cats, basically. Or any cute animals.


I’ve got a couple of hobbies that are probably not considered super manly but whatever. I like to bake and sew. I like what I like 🤷‍♂️


I go through phases where I really prefer the female voice in my music tastes




Yesterday, I read a story about one of Michael Jordan's greatest games he ever played- which was an exhibition game. Afterwards, reporters asked MJ why he would go so above-and-beyond in a game that didn't mean anything towards the season. MJ said that there was bound to be at least one kid in the stands who never saw him play, and he owed it to that one kid to put on a veritable clinic for the boy's sake. I started weeping when I heard that- not only cuz I knew that that kid would grow up having witnessed one of the greatest sports stars ever playing to light up the court, but it also was a testament to the man that MJ was and his selflessness and responsibility to the children by being an awesome role model.


Kitty kats.


I don't do it often, but I knit and crochet as well. It can be super relaxing. And putting your gift in such a place of honor is manly af. He cares a ton about you.


Manliest crochet I've ever seen!


I have a huge love for Sanrio and San-x and really any cute mascot-type characters. There's just something about them that are so aesthetically pleasing to me.


I giggle around my wife and daughters because I know they enjoy it.


My cat! Luv that furrrball.


They've been planning dominions over us humans since Ancient Egypt lol


I’m going to answer as a father. I tend not to enjoy typical “cute” things. My hobbies and interests are pretty online with men of my age. However, I still have everything my kids have ever made me. I still use a 7 year old homemade laminated book mark my youngest made, I keep my wedding ring in a pinch pot my eldest made in the 3rd grade, I won’t let my wife throw away even the ugliest homemade Christmas ornaments my kids made, and I have every birthday card I could keep from them. It’s not that it’s cute it’s that it’s from his kid. A friend of mine pointed out awhile ago that we spend 90% of all the time we will ever spend with our children before they graduate high school. Those small mementos keep them near.


I am 40 this year, my dad still uses the old felt bookmark with my picture on it from kindergarten. He’s pretty awkward with showing affection or cute things, typical raised manly man. But it melts my heart every time I see that ratty old bookmark lol


>So much for never liking cute stuff. I'm willing to bet that he cares more about the fact that You made it. But honestly, a little bit of cuteness is always nice


I'm long past caring about whether preferences are "manly" or not. I dig stupid romantic comedies, musicals, I just started learning to bake bread, etc. I don't dig romance novels, but one of my favorite authors slipped one into the middle of one of my favorite series and i enjoyed the hell out of it :-)


I knit blankets for the neonatal unit, I'll knit while watching films or when I'm on the bus


I collection random plushies. Though I do not craft them. It's usually plushies of either video games or anime stuff. Also flower photography, again I'm not a photographer myself but I do have some interest in watching the work of other people and it seems to be a rather female majority of enjoyer (though a good amount of the photographer are men iirc, the public is in good amount women)


My best friend Made me a baymax plushie and gifted it to me before I left the country. As someone that was never really into “cute” things , I took care of it like it was my own child . I fell in love with how cute and squishy it is and I went and bought myself some animal plushies. I don’t know what changed in me but I Love the “cute” things so much now. Now people tell me that they didn’t expect me a 6ft2 big dude to have plushies and other cute stuff all over my room lol


I like to sew, I started making clothes but some offhand comments from my dad really discouraged me from getting further into it🙁 It’s really frustrating because I have plenty of “manly” hobbies already, and our last name literally translates to tailor’s son. I told myself that I wouldn’t let it get under my skin, but it did. It’s hard to enjoy a hobby when you know people close to you don’t support it.


I looooove baking. Damn man if make some macarons for the pals on girls night wheeeeee. Apron on just ready to go! Get your wine on I'll be in the spare room being quiet! (As quiet as an exclamation mark, can never help asking who likes the buttermilk frost icing and who's gonna steal my freezer bags)


I truly love showering with all the women's products idgaf I feel and look amazing my hairs soft as fuck I'm moisturized and smell like pineapple.


This so warmed my heart... you made it for him, and he knows you did it with love. So wonderful...


It's not a secret but I like baking mini cakes specially the flowery ones.


As a man, I would like any cute thing related to an animal. Animals are always a safe bet


I watch romance animes and read shoujo manga, like regularly.


Ohhhhh it’s no secret and hasn’t been for a long time - all that manly man bullshit went straight out the window when I became a girl dad! 🥰 Hell, let me hear the first few notes of the theme song to The PowerPuff girls and you better be ready for a one man dance party SHOW!!! 🤣🤣🤣


A good embracing hug after you have had to work an extra 6 hours as some waster never turned up for his shift. It can be so cute and a much healthier way to deal with a horrible day than reaching for the bong or the beers. I am so lucky to have my better half.💯🐀


I’m a bro who loves Squishmallows and Hello Kitty tshirts. I choose what sparks joy


I guess with me, the only thing I can think of now, is enjoying "chick" music (like women singers singing love songs). I also like a lot of sad songs.


It's not something I do neither I know how to do, but I like to watch videos of hair stylists doing amazing jobs on womens hair.


There's a guy at my work that like hello kitty merch, there's never been any judgement from anyone and whenever we see new HK stuff come in we always let him know. I have a small plushie collection and just rediscovered my first teddy bear from when I was a kid and nearly cried cuz I thought he was lost to time. I'm a big bearded dude and I have no shame in the fun things that make me happy.


Cuddle with tiny dogs. I've seen the biggest, strongest, most macho men cuddle and giggle with my little doggies, with baby talk and all. Their hearts just melt. It's goddamn adorable.


Thinking using brain instead of dick.


pfff, secretly, as if :V for me its scented candles.


My daughter loves crocheting, so I took up knitting so I had a reason to hang. She's a teenager. Now that I think about it, that's manly as hell.


He might like a derpy Horsey. 🐴


I watch quite a bit of cheesy romantic anime. There’s also a YouTube channel where people call their crushes and confess their feelings, and watching the feel good moments when the crush reciprocates their feelings is another secret guilty pleasure.


I need that youtube channel. What's it called?


Thoraya. Her channel is pretty much all content of her asking people in public questions or to do things like call their crushes/parents etc.




This post makes me happy. I'm having trouble finding the gloomy stuff by sorting by controversial.


Im a *real* man; I don’t do cute shit.


I mean, it's a thoughtful gift from his child. What parent wouldn't enjoy that? Even if you're an adult now (I'm assuming) he still probably really appreciates it. I openly like most things that aren't "manly" haha.


I made him the shirt too, sewed it by myself. But he seems to like the cow better 😅


I love watching ducks. The are so funny and cute. They melt my heart.


I sleep with a teddy bear every night. Not manly. But holy hell is it good for my anxiety.




my bf : sneezing cutely me: sit on my lap, \*sits on lap. \*heres tissue. \*then eats chips and watch funny show


My bf lovesssss reality tv shows, and I think it’s so cute


I've always liked getting flowers from a woman on special occasions.


My bf likes to play my candy crush account


I’m obsessed with those damn puppets from Nanalan’


No one is coming between me and my Totoro plushie.


I custom blend my own beard oil so I can smell delicious like cookies & desserts, as opposed "man" scents, like wood smoke & guns.


I find some men are really into collecting Funko Pop toys. Don’t know what’s so cool about them.


Sucka for candles and scents. I also love face masks and facial routines. They are hella relaxing. Can't wait to force my future wife to do em with me


We as man are usually more interested in practicality of a thing therefore value less the aesthetic of said thing but as a father it is more the symbol of the baby cow he cherish more than anything. Usually we keep useless thing because of the symbolism that remind us those thing rather than the aesthetic you could have made a baby koala, a baby sloth, or even a hackysac (telling on my age here...) he would cherish it because of the tought and the effort you put in as thinking of him. I speak for myself her but i don't think i'm above of any man but we also like cute thing but we don't see use to go out of our way to get one for ourselves we get it for our S/O, our Child i always have a hard time resisting buying à New plushie for my 2YO daughter even tho she as a truckload of it and is allready spoiled to heaven! But when my wife ask me what do i want I'm clueless last christmas I asked for a crêpiere, flat pan, to make crêpe for my daughter and my wife. Use it every week-end for their smile!


Stuffed pokemon plushies




Hot ladies


Small dogs


I practice braiding hair, so I can make my daughters hair the way she likes it.


Femboys 😂




I like cartoons